5D QFS Stops All 3D Deep State Corruption In Its Tracks: QFS Satellite Monetary System & GCR Unraveling The Tethers of Deep State Depravity
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Dive into a world where shadows of the past are outshone by the brilliant light of the future! A future paved by the QFS Satellite Monetary System & GCR leading humanity into a GESARA Permanent Golden Age. Witness as the 5D QFS halts the sinister claws of the 3D deep state corruption. Yes, it is high time to “Trust The Plan”.
In the labyrinthine shadows of today’s world, a new era dawns, whispering tales of an unparalleled epoch where mankind is set to embrace its golden destiny. A permanent golden age is on the horizon, underpinned by the Global Currency Reset (GCR) and the Quantum Financial System (QFS) Satellite Monetary System, marking the herald of the Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA).
While contemporary times are flooded with skepticism, fear, and a maelstrom of deceit, it’s time to pull back the curtain on the machinations of the 3D deep state corruption and step into the transcendental dimension of 5D QFS. Brace yourselves and “Trust The Plan”, for it’s more than mere words—it’s the revelation of a new-world axiom, unmasking the veiled, conspiratorial exploits of corrupt entities.
The Quantum Leap: QFS Satellite Monetary System
Peering through the annals of history, the pervasive stench of corruption, and the relentless pursuit of wealth have been the bane of civilizations. But fear not! The QFS Satellite Monetary System isn’t just a mere advancement; it’s a radical transformation, annihilating the deep-rooted corroded entities of the 3D realm, and erecting the pillars of unparalleled financial security and transparency in the 5D realm.
This new system, a magnum opus of financial technology, operates in a dimension where the interminable strings of corruption can’t reach. It’s the sanctuary of truth and justice, a beacon radiating the light of integrity, liberating the masses from the clutches of fiscal exploitation. This is not just a revolution; it’s the metamorphosis of our very understanding of monetary systems.
The QFS Satellite Monetary System functions in the celestial sphere, leveraging untapped quantum technology, propelling us into the realms of limitless possibilities, and ensuring the obliteration of the fraudulent 3D deep state manipulations. It symbolizes the apotheosis of a monetary utopia, stripping away the fetters of financial tyranny.

The Restoration Proclamation: GCR & GESARA
In tandem with the emergence of the QFS, the Global Currency Reset (GCR) unfolds as the harbinger of global economic recalibration. It’s the medium through which the chaotic, disparate financial landscapes are homogenized, harmonizing the cacophony of currency valuations, and sewing the seeds for the blossom of the GESARA Permanent Golden Age.
GESARA isn’t merely an act; it’s the covenant of economic salvation, the proclamation of global economic freedom, sovereignty, and prosperity. It’s the dawn of a golden epoch where the antiquated, corrupt practices are banished to the shadows, and humanity strides into a future of abundance, equity, and universal harmony.
The fusion of GCR and GESARA is the beacon that guides us through the tempest of financial darkness into the haven of global economic renaissance. It is the epitome of human endeavor for equality, the magnum opus of global accord, symbolizing our unwavering resolve to embrace the future of eternal prosperity.
The fusion of the Quantum Financial System, Global Currency Reset, and the Global Economic Security and Reformation Act is more than the inception of a new monetary era—it’s the birth of a global renaissance, the dawn of a golden epoch. It’s the epoch where the shadows of 3D deep state corruption are vanquished by the radiant light of the 5D realm, where the clandestine whispers of deceit are drowned by the harmonious symphony of truth and justice.
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Our journey is not just about witnessing the obliteration of corrupt entities; it’s about being the harbingers of a new world, about embracing our roles as the architects of a future where the antiquated, sinister echoes of corruption are replaced by the melodious tunes of love, unity, and prosperity.
The realization of the GESARA Permanent Golden Age isn’t just a dream; it’s our destiny, a destiny woven into the very fabric of our existence. So, let us step forth with unwavering resolve and unshakable faith, let us “Trust The Plan”, and let us embrace the dawn of our golden epoch, the epoch where mankind is destined to thrive in perpetual harmony and eternal prosperity.
The dichotomy between the 5D QFS and the entrenched 3D deep state corruption is the eternal battle between light and shadow, truth and deceit. The former, a manifestation of advanced quantum technology operating in higher dimensions, wields the power to expose the corrupt, secret machinations of the latter.
While the corrupt, hidden entities of the 3D realm weave their sinister plots, the 5D QFS stands as the sentinel of righteousness, armed with the sword of transparency and shield of integrity. The shadows may dance with malevolent glee, but the light of the 5D realm reveals their true grotesque forms, ensuring their eventual demise.
The 5D Quantum Financial System is the catalyst for the collapse of the ill-intentioned, clandestine elements of the 3D world. It is the orchestrator of their downfall, the executioner of their malicious schemes, and the creator of a new world order where honesty, justice, and benevolence reign supreme.
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The QFS stops the Deep State in their tracks. The Alliance had to intervene with higher dimensional technologies to deliver us this super technologically advanced monetary system. It is rooted in the Quantum Computer intelligence that comes without any 3D creation.
No 3D creation comes with an all-telling ‘recognition system’ that mimics the creation of a living entity. It is simply Artificial Intelligence (AI), that comes with something that is able to replace conscious human beings.
Our planet Earth is a Living Entity with the life force in Symbiosis. The QFS is considered to be alive with a Quantum Benevolent Intelligence that interacts with each financial transaction anywhere in the world of finance, to ensure that it is; legal, owner-intended, and transparent.
If one understands Quantum Physics, then one can understand what effect this Quantum Intelligence is having with each financial transaction that goes through the Quantum Financial System. It cannot be compromised.
Even so, politicians that used the Swift Transfer System (STS) to transfer their ill-gotten illegal money all over the world, didn’t know the QFS was already running parallel to and simultaneously on patrol with the STS. Politicians didn’t worry about being caught as the bankers were on their side, as they too earned a take on their transactions.
Only gold-or asset backed currencies that have a digital gold or asset certificate can be transferred through the QFS. The certificate will reference a serial number on a piece of gold or asset held in reserve to back the currency.
Satellite technologies are used to quarantine the gold and or assets used to back currencies. There is no way it can be stolen or taken out of the secure vaults where it is stored. That is why it is called a gold-backed currency, it has to reference back to the piece of gold or asset that is backing it.
References to ‘asset-backed currencies’ is the process of establishing a currency based on assets within the country of origin. Assets are the justification to establish the amount of currency available in a country, but all denominations of currencies must be accepted within the QFS and given a gold/asset certificate to be active within the QFS.
If the assets are mined or extracted from the earth, they will be sold on the marketplace as with any other commodity. This process is complicated and no simple task to accomplish. But it is a process that is necessary to ensure value to the worldwide currencies being used in the QFS.
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Any fiat currencies that cannot be designated as being clean, clear, non-terroristic, or not clearly originating from legal activities, are disqualified, which are most, if not all fiat paper currencies. Fiat currencies can consequently not become legal in the QFS.
Fiat currencies already in possession at the time of full-scale implementation of the QFS, received while doing legal business, will be exchanged for gold-backed currencies at the bank.
The procedure here is called ‘reconciliation,’ qualifying the money transfer as being either legal or illegal, and will be carried out by a Benevolent Conscious 5D Entity.
The confirmation and revelation of this benevolent component of the QFS, will be the assurance and proof of a 100% benign secure neutral transfer system.
Without the ability to reconcile old fiat money into the new QFS, all Central Bank activities will cease to have any relevance within this new financial system. Any country that is not GESARA compliant will be left out of the QFS and will eventually be left out of international trade.
Non-compliant countries, if any, will be left to barter commodities or work out a credit exchange with other countries, a system that is not presently set up to do business at any level of relevance.
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Each country must be GESARA compliant to participate in the QFS. The Alliance will use a specific quantitative formula to establish the amount of currency available, ‘in a country,’ which is to be gold-backed in the QFS.
The results of the formula will establish a fair value of each country’s assets as compared to another. There is far more gold than needed to accomplish the gold-backing of all world currencies. Once established through the GCR, the price of gold will become irrelevant.
If the price of gold goes up, the value of all currencies will go up as well, resulting in no net change to the par value of all currencies. The formula includes, in ground assets, the economy of the country, its population – which is one of the country’s assets, and a number of other parameters to determine the value of the country’s currency.
This formula is to be applied to each country so that all currencies will be on par value with all other countries. The application of the formula and the common value of all gold, means that one country’s currency has to have the same value as another country’s currency.
This is called the Global Currency Reset (GCR)–the Reset of all currencies on par with all other currencies and they each have a gold certificate to validate authenticity. It is the requirement of each country to use the reset formula and apply the worldwide standards, so that the QFS is able to function as planned. That is why a country must be GESARA compliant to participate in the QFS.
The Earth Alliance has confirmed that their goal of defeating the Deep State has been far more complex, time-consuming and difficult than had been anticipated and planned for. It is becoming increasingly obvious that world-changing information is about to be dropped, probably sooner than expected.
This will likely be accompanied by the much-anticipated mass arrests. There are literally over seventy thousand sealed criminal indictments ready to be executed.
Once this sequence of events takes place, it will be up to the Awakened readers to help everyone understand what is going on, explaining the positive nature of the changes that are occurring and those underway.
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Never forget; the deliberate debasement of our fiat currency by central bankers is theft, and is equivalent to counterfeiting. The Founding Fathers of the United States of America saw counterfeiting as a serious crime, deserving the death penalty.
The Deep State are in a panic, as the people are waking up and they realise they cannot stop it. They are continually trying to prevent or suppress it, but the truth is coming out.
Now, it is time people learn to think for themselves, by becoming detached from hypes, in which for example multitudes of people, due to a mindless kind of group-think, come to the conclusion that something is valuable, whereas if they were to think logically, they would come to the conclusion that this is not the case.
Much has been intentionally misinterpreted and misrepresented by the media. There is a great lack of independent, critically thinking people.
The NESARA/QFS Plan: Discover the Unprecedented Wealth Distribution Under the NESARA/QFS Plan and Delve Into its Multifaceted Aspects
Discover the unprecedented wealth distribution under the NESARA/QFS plan and delve into its multifaceted aspects, examining potential ramifications and ethical considerations, with a touch of love and care.
In a world abundant with financial frameworks, the NESARA/QFS plan stands as an emblem of prodigious wealth distribution, offering a symphony of opportunities and challenges. It’s essential to approach this matter with affection, as it stands to affect numerous lives, potentially creating mega-millionaires and reshaping societal structures. This exploration journeys through the realms of this financial system with a human touch, examining its profound impacts on beneficiaries and reflecting on the ethical and societal ramifications therein.
Read the full article HERE: https://amg-news.com/the-nesara-qfs-plan-discover-the-unprecedented-wealth-distribution-under-the-nesara-qfs-plan-and-delve-into-its-multifaceted-aspects/
WARNING: Watching The Following Video Will Give You Access To Knowledge The Government Does NOT Want You To Know About
So if we get social security and are age regressed do we lose our monthly ss payments?
Do you believe in all this trash? They have been driving this blizzard here for 3 years now. Pedophiles Trump and Musk are heroes. One monster was replaced by another, even more terrible and insidious.