Agents of the Pentagon and the Italian Army Arrest Dozens of Cardinals in the Vatican to Take Them to GITMO | Pedo-Hunter Biden Video With Very Underage Girls | WARNING – EXTREMELY GRAPHIC
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Update as of Sat. 7 Dec. 2024
Wow. These Hunter Biden photos are beyond shocking. I think he might be the first official Cabal member/mainstream celebrity to have photographic evidence of his deranged pedophilia escapades released publicly like this. I have a feeling this post is going to get me booted off Twitter. Luckily, I just don’t give a f**k.
The following was translated from Italian. They especially love my blog over in Italy. More so than anywhere else for whatever reason. I have a bunch of Italian subs who send me great stuff like this on the reg. I very much appreciate it.
I know we went over a lot of this info in the post I did on this from a few days back, but this is much more comprehensive and includes these harrowing Hunter Biden photos that unapologetically outs him(in graphic detail) as the raging drug addicted pedophile(dead pedophile by now hopefully) we’ve known he was.
Don’t Miss This:
Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: Vatican Pedophile Network Closed as Gold Repatriated to US Treasury
Agents of the Pentagon and the Italian army arrest dozens of cardinals in the Vatican to take them to GITMO, the military base of Guantanamo Bay where they will be tried and could be executed by a court martial.
Donald Trump shows his cardinals red card with information from the operation. The Pope could be one of those arrested. Pizzagato pedophile disconnected with Biden Jr. Reports on the source of the acid ”.
Blackout in Vatican: Pope Francis arrested 80 leaders accusation of child trafficking and fraud .

TRUMP’S RED FOLDER: A sign of Pope Francis’ arrest?
Minutes before his January 6 speech, Trump met with his family to observe everything that was happening on Capitol Hill. A camera recorded that moment and the video went viral.
But what caught the most attention was when Trump purposely showed a red folder he was holding in one of his hands. What message did TITAN want to give?
In acid relationships we do not want to take this news for granted but it is interesting to analyze it a bit since this is what it is about.
1- Video where the red folder TRUMP.
2- Translation of the theme that was playing at the time of the video.
3- Parler de Lin Wood (The image of the pope and a red folder are appreciated)
4- Biography of the author of the theme that is heard in the background (coincidentally Italian)
* Moment of the 3.07 minute folder
As I said, we don’t want to create fake news or confirm something we don’t trust. But the analysis is interesting.
PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP 2021 – 2024 VP JOHN F KENNEDY JR 2021 – 2024 When the world sees:
JOHN F KENNEDY AND JOHN F KENNEDY JR there will be a sea of ENDLESS TEARS OF LOVE AND LIGHT and they will finally understand that all of this has been a MAIN PLAN since the Kennedy era and has intertwined and classified sensitive intelligence information around the world for decades. Multiplying Information for Humanity and the New Age of Aquarius!
Son learned from his father
” Leaked laptop images Hunter Biden, son of PEDOPHILE Joe Biden, 50, married with three children, cocaine addict, having sex with children and sex workers. The reason for the global silence and censorship of the Biden family’s filth is that the PEDOCRATS and the Depp state want to use him for at least four years as a “puppet”.
But it will be impossible for them to cover the sun with a finger because the EVIDENCE is so many, in the computers that have captured the alcoholic, drug addict and pedophile Pelosi, there is a lot of evidence.
This is difficult to see and change, but we need to know who wants to rule the West. Pedophiles of the Pizzagati Democrats.
Here is the tip of the Biden iceberg that will definitely sink the Biden Ship when it’s all made public in the very near future:
Warning: This video may be sensitive to some viewers.
Hunter in a video with a prostitute tells her he thinks Russians stole his third laptop. How the heck do you “lose” three laptops?
How do you film yourself having sex with a prostitute and happen to tell her all of these juicy details?
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article may not represent the official views of Medeea Greere or the American Media Group. Stories filed under Opinion contain information from various sources that may be both, verified and unverified. Medeea Greere and the American Media Group do not make any claims as to the validity of the information expressed in the opinion section, however we do encourage the reader to do further research on their own and we hope that you will share your findings with us. The mission for the truth requires a collective effort.
“Pizzagati pedophiles” would be an oxymoron if that had actually been in the article. Oddly, I think it is quite appropriate for child rapists, child torturers, and pedovores.
The world will be absolutely shocked when this all bursts into the open though it is being dripped out now. Slow drip > Flood
Madeea i know you have connection w/Judy and/or the person that keeps reffering to the WHALES getting paid, Well how bout the SHARKS are they getting paid also! I am an 80 yr old man w/a 3rd grade edu. and i know the diff. in a person from Wales and a damn fish in the ocean what is a WHALE!!!!!!!!!
Pray for our country!!
I would suggest expanding that to pray for the entire world– that the satanic evil in this world will be extinguished, at least for now.
Who are the Cardinals . Name them .
Why? Don’t you trust Medeea that she is getting good information? I believe her when she says that. If they were still there then the 63 plane loads of gold under the vatican wouldn’t have been seized, for a start. There would have been an uproar from the cardinals to the press of the white hats had moved in and taken their precious cargo stolen from all the countries in the world. No, they are gone. Who cares what their names were. They were all pieces of shit.
@Sandra — There were 650 plane loads of gold collected from Jews / Catholics / Muslims, the worshipers of the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN, not 63! The heathens are ONE, not separate. The heathens HATE Father Jesus, and they shall be fed to the carnivores just as Father Jesus said of them.
I hate to tell you this but YOU are exactly what the cabal wanted to happen when the created religion. Division and strife. So good job. You’re a cabal puppet.
Correction, That was 650 plane loads of gold from under the vatican! And the 1500 mile tunnels!!
This is 4 year old news. Why not put efffective March 2020