ALERT: Pfizer Insider Reveals “Bleeding From Every Orifice” and the Dangers of 5G Activation in the Vaccinated Population! The People’s Voice Video
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WARNING: A Pfizer insider reveals a shocking truth about dormant nanopathogens in COVID-19 vaccines, claiming 5G will trigger catastrophic health effects like heart explosions and bleeding from every orifice. Are we witnessing a planned global epidemic? Discover the dark secrets behind the vaccine and 5G conspiracy!
Could the cure be more deadly than the disease? A recent leak from a supposed Pfizer insider suggests that the COVID-19 vaccine harbors dormant nanopathogens, a ticking time bomb that could soon be triggered by 5G networks, resulting in catastrophic health events like sudden heart explosions and bleeding from every orifice.
As alarming as this sounds, evidence is emerging that this horrifying scenario may already be playing out. If these claims are true, then we may be witnessing the start of a planned, global epidemic, brought to life by technological manipulation.
The Dark Reality of the COVID Vaccine: Dormant Nanopathogens
Vaccination has been hailed as the answer to the global pandemic. However, what if the vaccine itself harbors a secret danger far more insidious than COVID-19? According to a Pfizer whistleblower, every individual who has been vaccinated against COVID-19 may now be carrying dormant nanopathogens within their body.
These microscopic entities, inactive for now, are allegedly designed to react to a specific trigger: a signal from the 5G network operating at 18 gigahertz. Once activated, these pathogens could wreak havoc on the body, leading to a range of terrifying and potentially fatal symptoms.
What Are Nanopathogens?
Nanopathogens are artificially created, minute agents that can mimic the behavior of viruses or bacteria. Unlike traditional pathogens, which rely on transmission through the environment, nanopathogens are theorized to be introduced directly into the body. They may remain dormant until activated by a specific signal, making them stealthy weapons that evade traditional detection and immune system responses. In the case of the COVID-19 vaccine, it’s alleged that these nanopathogens are in a dormant state, waiting for a 5G signal to awaken them.
This raises the haunting question: Is this technology-enhanced form of bioterrorism already in place? And if so, what are the potential implications for the vaccinated population?
The Alleged Link Between 5G Networks and Vaccine Activation
There has long been speculation about the relationship between 5G technology and human health. However, the Pfizer insider’s claims take these fears to a new level by connecting the 5G network to the vaccine itself. According to the whistleblower, once a certain 5G frequency, specifically at 18 gigahertz, is broadcast, it could act as a switch, triggering the nanopathogens within the vaccinated individuals. This could unleash a range of violent and deadly health effects.
How Could 5G Activate Nanopathogens?
5G operates at various frequencies, but the focus here is on the high-band frequencies that range from 24 to 100 gigahertz. The insider alleges that an 18-gigahertz signal could specifically interact with the nanopathogens present in the bodies of the vaccinated, activating them. Once triggered, these pathogens may begin multiplying or altering the body’s natural functions, potentially leading to catastrophic health crises.
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For those already skeptical of 5G and its potential health impacts, this adds fuel to the fire. Could it be that the vaccine and 5G technology are two parts of a larger, sinister plan? If the nanopathogens are designed to respond to certain frequencies, then the implications could be disastrous on a global scale.
Catastrophic Symptoms: Heart Explosions and Bleeding from Every Orifice
Once activated, the dormant nanopathogens could allegedly cause a slew of horrifying symptoms. The insider warns that people could experience sudden, explosive health issues that seem to defy conventional medical explanations. The most chilling aspect of this claim is the prediction that people will begin bleeding uncontrollably from every orifice of their bodies.
Heart and Brain Explosions. The insider claims that once the 5G signal activates the nanopathogens, they will rapidly multiply and attack vital organs, most notably the heart and brain. This could result in what is described as “sudden heart explosions” and “brain explosions,” where the organs are overwhelmed and effectively ruptured from within. The suddenness and severity of these events would make them nearly impossible to treat or prevent, leading to immediate death in many cases.
Bleeding From Every Orifice. Even more terrifying is the potential for uncontrollable bleeding from every bodily opening. The insider’s account describes how the nanopathogens could cause rapid internal bleeding, resulting in blood seeping from the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and more. Such a phenomenon would be shocking and traumatizing, both for the victims and those witnessing it. The speed and severity of the bleeding could lead to death within minutes, leaving little time for medical intervention.
If these claims are valid, then a global health crisis may be brewing that would dwarf the devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic itself.
Are We Seeing the Early Signs? Symptoms Already Emerging
The insider warns that symptoms are already starting to appear in vaccinated individuals across the globe. Reports of people experiencing unexplained health issues, such as nosebleeds, seizures, and sudden cardiac events, have begun to surface. Could these be the initial indicators of an unfolding catastrophe? While mainstream media has largely dismissed such symptoms as unrelated or coincidental, growing anecdotal evidence suggests that there may be a link.
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Is This a Planned Marburg Epidemic? One particularly disturbing aspect of the insider’s claims is the suggestion that this health crisis is a prelude to a planned Marburg epidemic. Marburg virus disease is a highly infectious and often fatal illness characterized by hemorrhagic fever, a condition where victims bleed uncontrollably. According to the insider, the symptoms that the vaccinated will experience – like uncontrollable bleeding from every orifice – mirror those of Marburg virus disease.
Adding to this speculation, the U.S. government’s PREP Act, enacted last year, has allocated funds specifically for a Marburg response. This raises alarming questions about whether this “response” is actually preparation for a planned outbreak.
The PREP Act and Government Complicity
What exactly is the PREP Act, and how does it tie into the claims being made by the Pfizer insider? The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act was initially designed to provide legal protections for pharmaceutical companies and healthcare workers during public health emergencies. However, in this context, it raises suspicions of complicity, suggesting that the government may be aware of – and preparing for – a planned epidemic involving the vaccinated population.
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A Funded “Response”. According to the insider, significant funding has already been funneled into Marburg virus “preparation.” Why would such a highly specific and rare disease receive such a significant focus unless there was an expectation that it could become a major public health concern? This preparation allegedly includes the stockpiling of vaccines, treatments, and other emergency supplies, all under the guise of being ready for a future outbreak. The insider alleges that this is not preparation for a natural outbreak but rather for one triggered through technological means and premeditated planning.
The Elite’s Alleged Role in Activating the Pathogens
Who benefits from such a horrifying scenario? The Pfizer insider claims that an elite group is orchestrating this event, planning to use the 5G activation of the nanopathogens to achieve widespread population control and depopulation. The belief is that by triggering these catastrophic health events, a significant portion of the global population could be wiped out, allowing for more control over remaining resources and population.
Why Target the Vaccinated? It may seem counterintuitive to target individuals who have been vaccinated, especially when the vaccines have been promoted as a protective measure against COVID-19. However, the insider suggests that the vaccine campaign was a guise to introduce the dormant nanopathogens into as many people as possible. By making the vaccine mandatory or highly encouraged, they ensured that a significant portion of the population would be primed for activation once the time came.
How to Protect Yourself: Steps to Mitigate Risk
While these claims are unverified and highly alarming, it’s understandable to feel the need to take precautions. If there is any truth to the idea that nanopathogens could be activated by 5G signals, then being aware of ways to potentially reduce exposure or mitigate risks is crucial.
Reduce 5G Exposure
One suggested strategy is to limit exposure to 5G signals, although this can be difficult given the ubiquity of 5G-enabled devices and towers. Steps to take include:
Turning off Wi-Fi and 5G devices when not in use: Minimize exposure by reducing the amount of time you’re surrounded by active signals.
Use shielding materials: Some advocate for the use of protective fabrics or paints that can reduce electromagnetic exposure in homes and workplaces.
Avoid high-density areas: Whenever possible, avoid areas with a high density of 5G towers, as these locations would have the strongest signals.
Detox Protocols
Some alternative health experts have suggested that detoxification protocols, such as chelation therapy or herbal cleanses, may help remove potential toxins or heavy metals that could interact with nanopathogens. While these approaches are not scientifically proven, they may provide peace of mind for those concerned about potential risks.
As sensational and terrifying as these claims are, it’s important to approach them critically. While the idea of dormant nanopathogens being triggered by 5G technology sounds like the plot of a sci-fi horror film, there are genuine concerns about the relationship between technology, pharmaceuticals, and public health that warrant further exploration.
If there’s even a shred of truth to the insider’s warning, then the world is on the brink of an unprecedented crisis. The question remains: is this the next phase of a controlled depopulation event, or is it the result of misinformation and fear? Only time will reveal the truth, but for now, the need for awareness and vigilance has never been more pressing.