GITMO: Which Presidents Are Going? Deep State, Treason, Military Tribunals, Official Documents, List of Indictments
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UPDATE: Fri. 21 Feb. 2025
Steeped in secrecy and wrapped in whispers, Guantanamo Military Federal Prison, infamously known as ‘Gitmo’, stands as a stark reminder of the sinister and the surreal. But, could it also be the final destination for a parade of prominent figures, the alleged worst criminals on Planet Earth? As the whispers morph into roars across the virtual expanse, we find ourselves teetering on the brink of an unsettling narrative that redefines the boundaries of reality and fiction.
No one could have foreseen it – the rumored downfall of the mighty, the dramatic unraveling of the influential, the unlikely linkage to the so-called ‘worst criminals’. Among those whispered to be detained, names as resonant as Hillary and Bill Clinton, Obama, Biden, Bush, Brennan, Strzok, Holder, and more, repeatedly echo through the digital grapevine. Yet, is there truth to this claim, or is it just another cog in the wheel of the great conspiracy machine?
Gitmo and the Elite
A number of sources – of varying reliability and anonymity – are feeding the rumor mill with a narrative that has the power to topple established norms. As they have it, key VIP figures from the shadowy corridors of power – the so-called ‘Deep State’, ‘Cabal’, ‘Illuminati’, or ‘Global Elite’ – are being detained and dispatched to Gitmo by U.S. Special Forces. The reason? Human rights abuses, corruption, and a mind-boggling array of crimes against humanity.
Guantanamo Military Federal Prison, over the years, has become the very epitome of the abyss into which the worst of the worst are cast away. The notorious detention facility, part of the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, has long been the subject of international debate and human rights concerns. Now, it is alleged to be the stage upon which this extraordinary drama of intrigue, corruption, and justice is unfolding.
These rumors, swirling amidst the cloak and dagger corners of the internet, assert an impending expose of the highest order. They hint at the possibility of suppressed information making its way into the public eye, information that has been tightly guarded by the enigmatic Deep State.
– How True Patriots Can Defend Their Family and Faith from This Latest Attack from The Deep State:
One source of such rumors comes from David Todeschini, a former USAF veteran who wrote an expose about covert operations during the Vietnam War.
He describes what he learned from a reliable FBI source about events at Guantanamo in a December 24, Youtube video, which he summarized as follows:
High-level confidential sources tell this reporter that the U.S. Military prison at Guantanamo Bay has been alerted to expect high-profile prisoners shortly – possibly as a result of over 10,000 Sealed FEDERAL indictments. 1,000 Marines accompanied General Mattis to Gitmo to provide security for “special prisoners”.…
Another source for secret extractions to GITMO via sealed indictments is veteran journalist Dr. Jerome Corsi who tweeted:
“Something is happening at GITMO — flight records being shared on Subreddit post CBTS_stream HERE: Related to @realDonaldTrump executive order regarding confiscation of assets for those involved with human rights abuses” — Jerome Corsi (@jerome_corsi)
A third source is Brenden Dilley, a radio host running for the US Congress, who received information from another anonymous whistleblower who has a track record for reliability. The whistleblower’s information appeared in a December 27 post that was mistakenly attributed to QAnon [see update below for discussion of misattribution to QAnon] The post refers to recent VIP arrivals at Gitmo discussion:
What is worth emphasizing in the above post is that new residents began arriving at Gitmo on December 26, 2017, and more were expected. This was after President Trump had issued his Executive Order on December 21 declaring a “national emergency” in response to human rights abuses and corruption anywhere around the world.
Finally, we have former Forbes Magazine correspondent, Benjamin Fulford, who wrote on January 1:
In a historic moment of poetic justice, most of the U.S.-based top perpetrators of the fake “war on terror” have now themselves been renditioned to the U.S. Navy camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Pentagon sources say.
“The Rothschild assets George Soros, Peter Munk, Peter Sutherland, the Bushes, the Podestas, and many others may have been airlifted to Gitmo for military tribunals, as the Department of Defense spends $500M to upgrade the prison and send more military police and Marines,” the sources say.
► Donald J. Trump: “If You Want Peace, Prepare For War. . .GOD BLESS AMERICA !!! GOD BLESS YOU ALL !!!”
What can be distilled from these independent sources is that high level Deep State members, many of whom are part of a Pedophile Satanic global network, are being detained by U.S. Special Forces and taken to Gitmo where they are to be held indefinitely, while military justice is applied to their cases. In the process, Gitmo’s holding facilities are being significantly upgraded with expansions and more guards to accommodate an infusion of VIP prisoners.
Among the first to refer to U.S. Special Forces being used to investigate and detain Deep State figures under the authority of sealed indictments was Secret Space Program whistleblower Corey Goode. He referred to such military investigations back on August 9, 2017 after being briefed by a source he described as retired FBI and career military:
There were teams of US Special Forces that were conducting “domestic surveillance and investigations of a Satanic group that had infiltrated all aspects of government agencies and the military. These Special Forces teams have been in place since the middle of the election cycle…. I was informed that a secret report on how pervasive these infiltrations are is more shocking than what was expected. Strangely, this report also had notes from several secret grand juries that are active right now in D.C.
The report states that the conspiracy involves the majority of powerful people in within the UN, EU, US, State and local (City) power structures. These government organization are completely complicit in what is going on. All the way down to local Post Offices and Police Offices.
More recently, Goode says that his sources have told him that Gitmo is being upgraded to host VIP detainees, and includes wheelchair access for some of them, who are being detained by Special Forces working around the globe He explained in a November 5 communication with best selling author David Wilcock:
Secret Grand Juries were almost totally complete with their investigations when everything changed. They had sealed indictments being prepared when they received a cache of new info that gave them a wider net to cast.
Their investigation has since expanded dramatically. So much about the plans of a coup is known about by the Cabal that I don’t know how much longer the Alliance can wait to act and prevent the Cabal from sneaking out of the country.
Some of the really bad ones have already left. Our SF [Special Forces] teams are planning on going in to some of these countries that are hiding these Cabal members and taking them by force.
Are such claims true?
In scrutinizing public records what is known fact is that James Mattis, Secretary of Defense, did visit Gitmo on December 21 becoming the first Secretary of Defense to do so since 2002. It was the same day that Trump issued his “Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption”, where he declared:
I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.
The timing suggests that this was more than coincidence, and raised a possible link between Mattis’ visit and the Executive Order. Such a link is strengthened by an earlier visit to Gitmo in July 2017 by Attorney General Jeff Sessions who called Gitmo:
a “perfectly acceptable” place to detain new terrorist suspects, as opposed to holding them in the US and having his own Justice Department try them in civilian courts.
It is quite feasible that Gitmo would be used to house detainees under Trump’s Executive Order. They could be treated similarly to terrorists under the Executive Order’s “national emergency” which delegated authority to any US agency capable of enforcing the Order’s primary function of cutting off the financial assets of targeted individuals and groups:
Sec. 8. … The Secretary of the Treasury may, consistent with applicable law, redelegate any of these functions to other officers and agencies of the United States. All agencies shall take all appropriate measures within their authority to implement this order.
Consequently, Trump’s Executive Order provided a firm legal foundation for U.S. Special Forces to physically detain targeted individuals in the U.S. mainland and anywhere around the planet, and have them relocated to Gitmo when necessary.
Military law rather than US domestic law would apply those detained by U.S. Special Forces acting under the authority of Sealed Indictments and the December 21, Executive Order. This would be powerful leverage that could be used to gain confessions and cooperation from lower level Deep State operatives against their superiors who are being taken to Gitmo.
Another pertinent fact is that Todeschini claims that 1000 marines accompanied Mattis and will remain to provide special security for the VIP prisoners. Similarly, Fulford refers to both Marines and National Guard military police being taken to Gitmo.
WARNING: Scientists from Fukushima University of Japan just proved this silent clog is the real cause of BPH in millions of men…
As far as USMC personnel being taken to Gitmo, a Miami Herald news story refers to a proposed upgrade at Gitmo that includes barracks for 848 prison troops to be ready in four years. This is very close to the alleged 1000 marines that Todeschini (and Fulford) claim have been sent there to guard the VIP prisoners.
There is also corroboration for the claim regarding National Guard military police being taken to Gitmo. On December 29, 2017, it was reported that the Arizona National Guard was deploying over four dozen military police to Gitmo for a nine month term.
A Department of Defense Report cited in a May 24, 2016 US Congressional statement, described the peak prison population at Gitmo was 684 prisoners in June of 2003, and this had been reduced to about 80 by 2016. More recent estimates of the Gitmo prison population is roughly 40 Islamic terrorists.
The Miami Herald story from August 21, 2017 revealed that the Trump administration was planning to spend up to $500 million on upgrading Gitmo facilities. This included a Navy proposal to build a five bed hospital at a total cost of $250 million.
The fact that a five bed hospital is to be built at such significant cost does suggest that Trump plans to significantly expand the number of prisoners at Gitmo. These would not be suspected Islamic terrorists, however, but VIP prisoners behind international human rights abuses and corruption who will not be allowed medical treatment on the U.S. mainland.
Finally, we arrive at the key claim that thousands of sealed indictments have been prepared which have been used to authorize the detention and extraction of Deep State personnel. The Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) system was scrutinized to confirm the existence of 4289 sealed Federal indictments by November 22, 2017, according to former FBI agent Hal Turner.
More recently, sources claim that this has risen to over 9000 sealed indictments as of December 24, 2017. This figure has not yet been substantiated, but it would be reasonable to conclude that the November figure may have significantly increased during December.
In conclusion, there is compelling evidence to support claims that leading figures from a Deep State international network of VIPs that are involved in child trafficking, human rights abuses, corruption and Satanic rituals are being investigated, detained and extracted to Gitmo via sealed indictments enforced by U.S. Special Forces.
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The implications of these unfolding events for disclosure of classified technologies related to secret space programs, Antarctic bases hidden under the ice sheets and extraterrestrial life, all previously suppressed by the Deep State, are profound.
There is grounds for cautious optimism that the prospects of “full disclosure” will substantially increase as more corrupt Deep State officials are taken to Gitmo. Their removal from powerful global leadership positions will help greatly in ending their decades-long policies of denying the rest of humanity the benefits of advanced technologies that will revolutionize life all over the planet.
Some global and political elites named in the indictments would be tried in federal courts, some faced Military Tribunals at GITMO, while others would go before international courts. A partial list of those believed named in over 71,000 federal indictments:
Senator John McCain – believed tried, confessed, convicted, executed
Former US President George Bush Jr. – believed tried, confessed, convicted, executed
Former US President H.W. Bush
Former US President Bill Clinton
Former First Lady and Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
Former US President Barack Obama
Former First Lady Michelle Obama
Former CIA Director John Brennan
Former FBI Director James Comey
Former FBI Director Robert Mueller
Former National Intelligence Director Robert Clapper
Vice President Mike Pence
Former US Vice President Joe Biden
Former US Vice President Dick Cheney
Former Secretary of State John Kerry
Assistant FBI Counterintelligence Director Edward “Bill” Priestap
Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
Businessman billionaire George Soros
California Democratic Congresswoman Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi
California Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein
California Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Watters
California Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer
Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
US Treasury Secretary Seven Mnuchin
Former US Attorney General Loretta Lynch
Former US Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates
Former Clinton Aide Huma Abedin
Former Clinton Campaign Director John Podesta
Robert Podesta
Nelli Ohr of Fusion GPS
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe
FBI agent Peter Strzok
FBI agent and Strzok’s mistress Lisa Page
GITMO Update | Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp Arrests, Indictments and Executions for Thousands of New Ex-Elite Prisoners – Official Documents
So, before we get started, let us first understand that before Trump was POTUS GITMO (Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp) was a fraction of the size it now is. This can be clearly confirmed by the following visuals, identifying a significant amount of expansion for what is expected to be tens of thousands of new ex-elite prisoners. Well, those who are not executed via military tribunal at least. Even though Joe Biden campaigned to have GITMO shutdown.
Even though Joe Biden campaigned to have GITMO shutdown why has his military installed crisis actor double not followed through? Maybe because Donald J. Trump is still the rightful Commander-In-Chief (CIC) of the United States, throughout the Joe Biden shadow presidency?
The White Hat Military Alliance Is In Control!
Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp Arrests, Indictments and Executions for Thousands of New Ex-Elite Prisoners – Official Documents
At the Out Of Babylon Conference (segment 3 of 8) hosted at Church of Glad Tidings between June 4-6, 2021, David Lester Straight (former County Sherriff Deputy, Intelligence Officer & Presidential Task Force Agent) confirmed the use of Guantánamo Bay (GITMO), Guam and Tierra Del Fuego (Naval Base Ushuaia) for military tribunals.
From 2:06:38 in the full clip, David explains these tribunals began September 30, 2020 and only 30 news reporters got a lottery ticket to go down to GITMO and watch the trials. He goes on to specify that Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, John Brennan and John Podesta have all had their trials already. Lastly, he explained he had the pleasure to meet Vice Admiral Darse E. “Del” Crandall Jr. (Navy Judge Advocate General, JAG) who is the chief judge at GITMO that had the privilege of trialing Hillary.
Read the full article here:
CNN is more truthful than this site.
This has got to be AI generated. It’s a lot of nothing new! No human would post such old news and call it new. Or would they?
She is sharp !!! A lot of old news that was before Trump term though… Good Refresher I guess…. I want to see heads rolling down a street though…. Like Bowling balls… My family came over on the three boats and imagine they are rolling over in grave.One died within a week of getting off the boat.. Sad… I wish Trump would invite me to Gitmo… It would be empty housing.. A lot of these people have been put to death already though…. I have videos of some of the first Tribunals somewhere…. Anyway MG Rocks !!!
Gitmo is a resort for them. We want them to hit the real prison facilities where they really belong!
Yes, dear.
You can follow realrawnews(dot)com if you’d like. They have a decent search engine, too. If you haven’t figured it out yet, these revelations are so disturbing that it needs to be dripped out lest most would need to be hospitalized. Either way, flood or slow drip, there will be casualties. We are in World War 3 now, so did you think there would be no casualties? White hats value human life and are trying hard to minimize the carnage. But this is a military operation and the mission is paramount.
oh stfu u drooling q retard.
you dont get to speak for 8 billion people.
your so called white hats are gutter trash and not any better than the satanists.
keep believing real raw news though even there is zero proof of any of it.
Yes she does, and when the event happens and your memerories resurface, you thank her abd all the “conspiracy theorists” uou paraphrase. Has they being truing to wake your sorrowful ass up
you sound retarded as fuck.
Hallo ,gibt es keine Übersetzung mehr? vielen lieben Dank !
We keep reading that these people have been tried /detained/ executed,
Time and time again, this one ,that one etc,,
I am having trouble believing anything has happened, as it seems to be a rehash over and over,
The world is getting darker by the day,
Global governments are upping their push for a new world order,
Dialy costs of living are increasing, forcing many to seek help from charities , who in themselves are struggling,
The push towards a cashless society has many in fear,
People are fearful of what is happening, suicide is on the increase in the young like never before,
The only hope for mankind is Jesus Christ the only Saviour of the world,
There are millions of people in muslim countries turns to Jesus
The women in these countries are lead the revival,
Some good news at last.
Thanks Medeea for keeping the news article open for people to comment. You have believers and non-believers. Too bad they haven’t returned to revise their former comments because so much has occurred worldwide since folks posted in 2020 through 2023.
From the multimillions of injured and dead people by Covid19, the mass miscommunications targeted WHITE family to genocide, worldwide. WHITE Family was chosen by Father Jesus as His ARMY to “eradicate evil on Earth.” The non-White Families (Brown and Black) were chosen to “nurture and protect Earth.” By destroying the ARMY, the plan was to remove defense for BROWN and BLACK Families … easy genocide … no humans remaining.
We know who was behind the murders. Father Jesus told us, millions of us, and instructed “The vaccines are genocidal, stay home.” So, we did. We went to numerous social channels and platforms spreading Father Jesus’ instructions, and too many people called us crazy and others verbally abused. I’ve not quit informing people and won’t stop until the vaccines are removed from use.
We’ve known since the 1950s our water and food were being poisoned and reporting the same as the drugs and vaccines; the same response since the 1950s as 2020-2024. The world’s populations were taught not to naturally think by reasoning and logic. Instead, the world’s people were taught not to think, and believe the wicked indoctrination of communism. Such demonic ploys are profiled in PROVERBS 6:16-19. Any living creature that defies those seven (7) evil behaviors already knows they are committed to Hell for an eternity. So, they persist to fulfill the Synagogue of Satan’s agenda.
The multimillions of children murdered has ended future life … we are the last generations. Dane Wigington of reports that in less than 10 years all living creatures and Earth is dead by toxins. There isn’t time to reverse the damage. We need Father Jesus to reverse the damage. He advanced the speed of time to end time, and remake Earth. He’s disheartened by the whole outcome of His efforts of humanity. He’ll judge us, and keep only the obedient, cleanup Earth for those He’ll keep, and then, live on Earth with them. I pray I’m among them. I’ve spent my youth from grade school to elder years trying to bring awareness of the evils that the world is facing right now, but too many humans refuse to see, refuse to listen, and refuse to arrest the evils. I am one person struggling to live in a dark world and just praying I make it to the end to live with Father Jesus. I keep Him in my sight, and don’t take my eyes off of Him. We all must do as He commands: Pray, repent daily in unity, invite Jesus to come into our lives, and fight back harder against evil! All humans worldwide need to come together by a loud voice. Father Jesus will come for us.
Good post. I learn something new and challenging
on sites I stumbleupon everyday. It will always be useful
to read articles from other writers and practice a little something from other websites.
My family members every time say that I am killing my time here at net, however I know
I am getting know-how everyday by reading thes good content.
I’m saddened that what I’ve considered to be a great website is quoting last December articles, as in this post. Heavens! The entire world, as well as GITMO, has drastically changed since December. Why use such old info which is hardly pertinent now (expecially since those who say are entering GITMO were long ago executived?
And why would you cheapen your great website by posting that junk report from Judy Byington? Many of us call it the “Copy-Paste Report.” And it almost always contains more inaccuracies and typos than one can imagine, and promotes State of Utah information more than US or world information (none of it really “news” with few if any sources.
Please keep your journalistic standards up. Your site has in the past been our favorite.
I wonder where is Henry Kissinger?, main promoter of the “vanccines” and “vaccinations”.
Is he still free?
I remember reading long ago Kissinger was taken out..
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Thank god!!!
Pingback: Corruption of the Year - The Public Servants - 200,000 Federal Indictments of the Swamp – The List is Astounding! - American Media Group
Thank you so much for the information. My husband Timothy always knew Trump was the man for the job and others. He like Trump attitude and way he did things and how straight forward he was to the American people how he show no fear in any of it and kept his promise to us all. My husband was a 10 year Veteran from 1982 to 1992 a Army SGT Neal. He wanted to retired from there but other thing got in the way of it and they started to get people out of the service back then. I know there a lot things he told me about being in and how he didn’t like taking the vaccines and they make in take oral medications,he would hind them in his mouth then later take them out and buried them. We meant Trump Son Donald Jr at The Lincoln dinner party July 24, 202, then Aug 31, 2021 I ask him to take me to the Hospital because I was so sick, They kept my husband and refused to let me see him. Lied to him, held him hostage, starved him, no water allowed, he had to call my sister to check on me because I was not answer my phone, I only remember parts and pieces that whole week because I was so sick. I did received any phone called from the hospital the hospital early morning that they was going to intubate him then they hung up. right that my husband called me told me we talk 30 mins crying tell each other how much we Love one another over and over.Then they made him hang up. they tortured him, he had 13 majors sore, then they murder Aug 31,2021 – Oct 7, 2021 age 58 and same thing happen to his bother 6 days died Sept 13, 2021 age 60 and 3 more of my family members. Just don’t understand why this had to happen to are Loved ones. A 10 year vet that served his country with honors and protecting us all and his own country could not protect him or others. I will be glad when they put a end to all the killing going on. Lot people is really having a hard with it all. In my life never seen so many police officer in a hospital day and night from when I was allowed to see day before the trach him Sept 21,2021 next day when called again to se I could come to see him, it was so horrible. I stared to call it the death floor that all I seen tried to get him transfer 3 times they refused. seen police officers taking dead body down to the morgue. I have pics and video what they did to him, I will not rest till I see justice for him and all the others. I even had those pics blow up put on my truck what they did to him, to make awareness. some public speaking and some interviews. Thank you much for getting the whole truth out. I do understand why it to be this way. just don.t understand why we could not put a stop these Hospitals. I Trust Trump, JFK Jr, Q, Military, white hats. God Bless you all. checkout of all the interviews of Loved ones or you doc. your story.
Everything on your blog, are suspect, at best.
Proof reading is critical, and will catch foolish mistakes, as follows:
“Former US President George Bush Jr. – believed tried, confessed, convicted, executed
Former US President H.W. Bush.”
Ya got em backwards.
One thing I can tell you is 100% truthful. In 2014, I met a guy in the Dominican Republic, who was on R & R, from his job as a guard at GITMO. This was 9 years ago, and long before we have learned or heard much about GITMO.
He told me, at the time, GITMO was spending millions, to upgrade the facilities, for a few, elite prisoners, yet to be identified.
When I can believe anything on your blog, as the truth, I will be delighted to help support your cause.
Connie Neal’s post, sounds like an illiterate. Even though, her story could be factual.
Until I see better, and factual reporting from you, I will not support, your, much of the same nonsense, on numerous, other blogs.
Same thing happened to my husband. He went in for basic surgery that went well.
After that he was held hostage, tortured, starved, strapped down, intubated over and over for 6 weeks, all this and not allowing the family to see him. He died Dec 26, 2021, Seattle Washington
Screw the deep state because they are not getting away with this!
Pingback: TRUMP COMMS: M.A.R.S.(Mil Aux Radio Sys); Pelosi - GITMO; A.M. "Quick Trial"/P.M. Execution & "Q" Flightpath - American Media Group
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Many of these questions will be answered, but not while on-going missions are unfinished. Keep an open mind. Realize that we were lied to all of our lives by these monsters in our Govt and Media and Schools.
Many new reveals from the White Hats will sound like total BS, because the Brainwashing has been so powerful for so long. It will be learning process. I’d rather learn the hard truths, than hear sweet nothings from the scumbag Politicians and Main Stream Media. And remember that our “Government”, the one that imprisoned and executed many Americans for next to nothing “crimes”, were involved in these treasonous attacks against the American People, going back well before 1871, all the way back to George Washington and his secret surrender to the British Crown ( to keep them from confiscating all his wealth and property in England). The treachery and treason have been established here for a very long time. President Trump and the US Military White Hats broke the mold on this one.
Excellent post! But I had not known about GW’s secret surrender to the British crown though I know we will most definitely need to rewrite our history once the dust settles. #MAGA!
Bonsoir , ça se voit de plus en plus que ce ne sont plus les personnes normalement constituées ,et à chaque apparition , on voit des différence sur pleins de détails comme les 13 sosies de MACRON ,que avant ce merdier COVID ,on n’y voyait rien .
I’m confused didn’t they just let that guy out of gitmo? Aren’t they trying to close gitmo? This article just doesn’t make sense. Why the clones, why not just arrest in public. Who is really running or pulling the strings. Because we are going down the rabbit hole at the speed of light. Only God can save us now.
i am not trying to be disrespectful. i love all AMERICANS born or not. have you considered the greater implications? such as the threat of WMD’s by the cabal. the alliance can not inact anything really great for the credit of such actions need to fall on the appropriate people not the current socialist regime. it is possible that the cabal has put out there own actors like maybe a fake trump. if so in order to not tip their hand the alliance cant always respond openly but rather covertly to avoid tipping off the enemy in the amount of intel is really held by the alliance/white hats. there really is a scad of reasons to with hold intel. i think one of the main reasons behind the actions and statements of the alliance is to force the cabal to use their resources such as false flags. if the alliance says they are doing such and such on such and such day the cabal has no choice but to counter act stated plans and in turn consuming up their ammunition such as false flags. if you really take a close look at current events the cabal has nearly exhausted their munitions. last but not least in some situations the alliance will allow the cabal to execute actions in that in the process of it the alliance would be able to utilize the potential outcome in their favor. example; the midterms. now the cabal does not want the midterms to take place as of yet for they are not sure how to manipulate the outcome in their favor sufficiently. but the white hats dont really want the midterms to take place if the voting fraud is not totally rectified or mitigated. this situation would be of benefit for both sides if delayed so let the cabal try some little trick /false flag to postpone the elections in order for the white hats to find an acceptable solution to the cheating we all know is going to happen.i could think of many more exam[ples but you get it right.
If the roughly 500,000 criminal indictments were served and people arrested publicly, there would be a battle in the streets like we’ve never seen before. So to prevent that kind of tragedy, they have to use masks, clones, body-doubles. As for G-mo, several hundred million dollars has been spent to ramp it up to hold thousands of people. I cannot prove it but am told there are several prison ships tied up at G-mo to allow for more beds for the criminals until their trials and thereafter should they be sentenced to prison. You do know the man who pretends to be in the pretend white house (he’s never been allowed in the real WH or the Pentagon since the 2020 election) is a masked actor, do you not? (I believe the original one was executed in 2021.)
The most important thing is The Constitution of the United States. Without it; we are no different than any other Socialist country. These people, the Left are making decisions to sell America to the highest bidder. We will become slaves to the New World Order LEADERS. Who the Fck are they to decide that for us? Joe Biden is going to make that decision? I don’t think so. His voters were fed propaganda every day and they fell for it. Finally some of the smarter JB voters are beginning to see the truth. We must save our Constitution. Without it America will cease to exist.
Our Government has lied to us for so long..
Back in the 60s nuclear energy, could of made us energy independent.
The media did what it does best, and fear mongered anything nuclear.
Our Government does not represent its people anymore, it has turned Americans into modern day slaves.
Pay attention, the good guys never completely give away strategy, until the war is won.
Agreed! Just think of all the people of the world who have died of cancer because the cure has been withheld from us since the 1940’s and all our military who have died in wars bought and paid for by the elites who supported both sides simply to pad their pocketbooks?
Nuclear energy was given to us from other worlds. To be used for the good. But it was used for the bad instead-being in the wrong hands,compromised hands. Once testing was done,and the dirty deeds accomplished,the other worlds held council and decided to put a squash to the evil plans. Thats why they flew over the White House,to let them and all of America know we are being watched and guided and protected. They were not about to let our evil ones here destroy all of us. Most of us knew nothing of that incident that transpired,and many future incidents. By then the news media was bought out with blackmailing and $$ hook line and sinker. Since other worlds have far better high technology,they could see how this was going to play out,but there were enough good people on earth to fight the good fight. They invested alot to see us come this far-they were already fighting it in the universe themselves and werent about to not fight it on Earth. “As above,so below”. They won their fight,and ours ensued. The Universe is peaceful as they banded together, as will ours also be,after all this is done and over…
Part of the Evil Cabal Conspiracy Theory is that the executed people are replaced by cyborgs, clones or actors in latex masks – so no-one realizes they are dead.
I agree with you 100%. Retired DOD; 39 Years 7 months looking down that Rabbit Hole.
Oui cella est éxacte ils sont provisoirement remplacer par des acteures masqué masqués de dernière technologie qui peut tromper n’importe qui juste à 1 mètre degoute individie portent ces masques dernièr crit de technologie les clones existe oui mes pour les plus grand cerveaux de seux qui gouverne le monde malhonnêtement et qu’ils appliquent des crimes de masse leur clons sont peuvent parfois même êtres à plusieur exemplaires leur lieu de fabrications deux sur quatre l’aboratoires ont déjà etait trouver ils y’a de cella à peines juste 1mois ces l’aboratoires de créations de clones était très bien dissimuler sous technologie de pointe cacher avec des hologrammes de dernier technologie des technologie mes qui a était démanteler d’après. Les dernière informations ils en aurait encore des laboratoires de fabrication de ces clons encore dissimuler ils sont a. Leur recherche depuit cette instant où ils ont trouver leur 2 premiers de leur clons 2 sur 4 ont etait trouver car ils sont très bien caché dissimuler avec de la technologie de pointe dernière crit més ils vont trouver eux aussi ont de la technologie pour detécté leur hologramme qu’ils ont eux pare l’alliance galactique des monde comme des détecteur d’holograme qui brouillés toute illusion d’images prochter holographyquement voilà les toute dernière nouvelle du février 2023 à SUIVRE
How many stages do we need to go through to get to the bottom of all this mess?? I know it’s world wide! Well a ware of all the royals, priests, the Vatican all the gold they found in the tunnels! The pedophire, Satanic worshippers, child trafficking the Hollyweirdo killing children getting their blood for AdrenaChrome.!! Cleaning all the liars, killers, murderer, Thieves embezzling bunch of evil pedophire and cabals out of our take over of our country!!
Please Provide Proof of these posts on your page .
Some strange reports on your site show many who have been arrested and executed, seems to have many hollyweirdos and politicians as well as ABC agency members something bewilders many who visit your site. How can these who have supposedly been executed be in recently produced movies and others show up at different meetings and gatherings that show them in person speaking to audiences, I pray all has happened to these evil doers, but very difficult to believe all that is told on your articles, please explain ?
Gracias por toda la información.
Yo la comparto y escribo a todos mis contactos.
Masks, CGI, some (like Oprah) are wearing ankle monitors. When you supposedly see someone in public take a screenshot & then find a photo of them at least two years old. Do a side by side comparison. By doing this I have found that 90% of the “people” newsworthy are not the originals. Some believe in clones, I cannot comment on that because I have no direct knowledge but I know how to look at before/after photos to know many originals are no longer residing with us as free people. For example, the Pelosi & Fauci’s that have been appearing over the past month are clearly completely different people. Yes they resemble the originals but doing a side by side easily proves they are not. What does all this mean?? It certainly means the rumors of arrests are true, we just don’t know to what level/degree.
Did you miss all the information on Hollywood masks and also how many of these people have clones? They’ve been making clones for over 30 years.
I didn’t miss anything, I’m just not going to mention clones because I cannot prove it. What I can prove is that many of the people currently in the public eye now have different facial features vs their pictures from a few years ago. What I believe & what I can argue as factual are not one in the same.
See the Disney video on tt clones
she is right
Have you heard of body doubles? Clones? They’re everywhere! Particularly in politics and Hollywood. Just compare old and current photos. Learn the general male/female characteristics. For example, did you know the acting VP Harris is a man, as was Michelle/Michael O’bama?
Rocky hi the reason you see those similar faces that have been executed is because of the doubles , clones . The technology have many confused . It will all be revealed in the near future . The clones will be removed . Trust this sight you will see . We had to take them down and a lot more to learn about globally . They are evil stealing our countries wealth and rapping and killing children for they’re blood . So many children have died after being stolen and abused .
Clones and CGI have been used. Doubles too. Biden has had 3 different people “playing” Biden. They needed more time to get them all arrested. This was much bigger than they had any idea about. They also wanted Americans to have more time to see what they were doing to our country do more would understand what was going on when it is all exposed. We are in stage 3 now so hang in to your hat!!
I don’t believe any of it. Musicians who are executed are on tour right now. Actors have new movies being released. It’s all a big lie to deceive and confuse the masses. It’s what Satan does! The Lord said it best. “There is no truth in him”. The Beast will use the Harlot for a little while! It’s evil vs evil. Don’t get caught up in the web of deceit. Focus on our Lord. Have no fear!
That’s not true. No new movies with any of these actors have been released since 2021. They are gone. None of these musicians are performing. Like people have said look at the before and after. Also they use cgi like on Brittany Spears Instagram. It’s clear it’s computers and not her.
How many stages do we need to go through to get to the bottom of all this mess?? I know it’s world wide! Well a ware of all the royals, priests, the Vatican all the gold they found in the tunnels! The pedophire, Satanic worshippers, child trafficking the Hollyweirdo killing children getting their blood for AdrenaChrome.!! Cleaning all the liars, killers, murderer, Thieves embezzling bunch of evil pedophire and cabals out of our take over of our country!!
Because they are putting out doubles and clones of that person. The deep state scumbags are doing this
They are clones or actors with masks on
All of these stories are fiction, that’s why.
Derp derp
Crazy fools that believe this junk need psychiatric help.
Site prints a lot of crap with little proof …. Especially arrested, detained and executed
yup.. you have to be a huge gutter trash q retard to still believe all this bullshit 8 years later
The REAL person (bad guy) is removed from life, and an Actor or doppelganger, wearing CIA/Hollywood masks takes over their ‘roles’ for a period of time, until their no longer needed. This way, humanity wakes up slowly and the shock won’t be as severe. We’re watching a movie.
Rocky-they are using clones-and many of them-using body doubles-actors,and very good masks. There is a Central Castings Movie business that hires thousands. There are movie businesses that do props,movie sets today,instead of the real things/people. Thats why we’re seeing these people out there doing speeches and going to events,they are not the real ones. They are long gone-executed,Pres.Trumps executive Order 13818 and a few more Executive Orders before he got done with his first term.. We watched a video of Biden speaking,and he went to scratch the back of his neck under his collar,and we could see the mask lift up. Then we started comparing his pictures from his life-and we could see he was as fake as pink snow on a beach..