BOOM! BANKRUPT U.S. CORPORATION: Trump Restores the Republic, Jan Halper-Hayes, the Vatican, and “We Have the Gold!”
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Breaking: The U.S. Corporation is Bankrupt! Trump and Jan Halper-Hayes expose America’s century-old ties to the Vatican and British Crown. Discover how Trump is reclaiming America’s gold, dismantling foreign control, and restoring the Republic.
A historic moment is upon us. For over a century, Americans have unknowingly been under the financial dominance of foreign powers. Today, it’s no longer a hidden reality — the United States has been operating as a corporation, controlled by a powerful alliance of the Vatican, the British Crown, and those in power since 1871.
President Donald J. Trump is tearing down the curtain on this covert corporate empire, taking a stand to restore America as a sovereign republic. With voices like Jan Halper-Hayes revealing the full scope of Trump’s work behind the scenes, the story is breaking wide open. This is about reclaiming America’s gold, its freedoms, and the end of the ties that have bound it to foreign interests for too long.
1. The True History: 1871 and America’s Secret Transformation
The shocking reality of 1871 is no longer a hidden truth. At that moment, America was strategically woven into a financial alliance with the Vatican and the British Crown. This act transformed the United States from a sovereign republic into a corporate entity, an act kept in the shadows of history. Americans have paid taxes, built their communities, and defended their country under the illusion of independence. However, Jan Halper-Hayes and insiders reveal a different story — that U.S. tax dollars were funneled back to the Vatican, as America was never truly free from the British Crown’s influence.
This 1871 alliance meant that American citizens, while celebrating freedom and democracy, were actually funding a corporate scheme. Trump’s unwavering stand is the key to finally severing these hidden ties. This isn’t about patriotism on paper; it’s about taking real action to end a cycle of financial manipulation that has secretly shaped the course of America for generations.
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2. Trump’s Stand Against the British Crown and Vatican Power
It’s been reported that in a historic meeting with Queen Elizabeth, Trump declared the end of the corporation, signaling a return to the republic. Halper-Hayes recounts Trump’s exact words, effectively breaking the power the Crown held over the United States. This wasn’t a gesture — it was a monumental act of reclaiming national sovereignty. Trump, in one bold move, told the world America would no longer be bound by the financial chains set in 1871. This declaration marks a fundamental shift in American power.
Trump’s act is more than political theater. By reclaiming America’s status as a republic, he is taking steps to dismantle the structures and relationships that kept American interests subservient to foreign powers. This is a battle for America’s very soul, and Trump is standing at the helm, backed by allies who know what’s at stake.
3. The Massive Gold Transfer from the Vatican — America’s Wealth Restored
According to Halper-Hayes, a transfer operation involving 650 planes brought back American gold from the Vatican’s control. This gold — the very foundation of America’s wealth and power — had been siphoned away, controlled not by the United States, but by foreign hands. With this gold back on American soil, Trump signals a new era of financial independence and a chance to rebuild a sovereign economy.
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This transfer is more than symbolic; it’s the start of economic liberation. Trump’s repatriation of America’s wealth demonstrates his commitment to returning power to the people and finally liberating the country from the Vatican’s influence. Gold, held for decades in the hands of those who sought to control America, has finally returned home. This is the foundation for breaking the Federal Reserve’s grip, restoring financial power to the republic, and making way for a new American economy.
4. The Role of Gold in Dismantling the Federal Reserve
The Federal Reserve, with its opaque policies and control over American currency, has been a tool of the so-called corporate America. Halper-Hayes reveals that gold — America’s original currency backing — is crucial in Trump’s mission to dismantle the Federal Reserve’s control. In a message from Q, “Gold shall destroy FED,” the path forward becomes clear: by securing gold, Trump is positioning America to end the Federal Reserve’s manipulations.
The impact of this cannot be overstated. Replacing the current fiat currency system with a gold-backed dollar would restore stability, integrity, and independence to America’s finances. Trump’s pursuit of this goal demonstrates his intent to return to an economic foundation that serves the people, not international banks or foreign powers.
5. Unleashing the Power of Subpoena — Trump’s Key to Exposing Corruption
With the ongoing legal battles, Trump’s ability to subpoena individuals and documents opens a new front in the war against the entrenched establishment. Halper-Hayes highlights that Trump’s legal standing allows him to call key figures to testify and provide evidence, peeling back layers of secrets kept from the American public. The 2020 election and its aftermath are at the center of this revelation process, as Trump uses his position to uncover the truth behind election processes and foreign meddling.
This is about more than a single election. Trump’s strategic use of subpoena power is pulling back the curtain on a system of corruption and interference that has permeated every aspect of American governance. His opponents are on notice: the truth is coming, and the American people are about to see the full extent of the betrayals hidden from them.
6. Executive Order 13848: Trump’s Preemptive Strike
Executive Order 13848, signed on September 12, 2018, stands as one of Trump’s most prescient moves. Targeting foreign interference in U.S. elections, this order now looks less like a precaution and more like a deliberate setup to catch foreign and domestic players in the act. Halper-Hayes emphasizes that Trump foresaw the threats looming over American elections, putting this order in place as a safeguard.
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This executive order is far from passive. It grants Trump the authority to investigate and act upon any attempts to interfere with U.S. sovereignty. This order is the foundation for Trump’s relentless pursuit of truth regarding the 2020 election. His foresight set a trap, and now, those who sought to undermine the American vote will be held accountable.
7. Military Intelligence and Space Force: Guarding America’s Truth
Edward Snowden’s revelations, coupled with Space Force’s role in cybersecurity, underscore the U.S. government’s immense intelligence capabilities. According to Halper-Hayes, Trump’s administration has leveraged these tools, ensuring that no tampering with election results or national security goes unnoticed. Space Force, often dismissed by the uninformed, now stands as a crucial element in guarding American democracy.
Military intelligence and Space Force are Trump’s ultimate assets, gathering evidence and securing data that cannot be ignored. Those who believed they could manipulate American democracy underestimated the power of these forces. Trump’s foresight in establishing Space Force solidified an impenetrable layer of defense, one that will play a pivotal role in the legal proceedings to come.
8. Legal Standing and the Battle to Be Heard
The courts often dismissed cases challenging the 2020 election due to “lack of standing,” a tactic that blocked evidence from being seen. But Trump, undeterred, has continued to maneuver within the legal system, allowing the chaos to unfold while strategically positioning himself to present his case.
Trump’s patience shows a masterful understanding of the law and a commitment to allowing the legal process to reveal the truth. Halper-Hayes points out that by choosing his battles, Trump ensured that when the time came, the evidence would be undeniable. The courts can no longer sidestep the truth; Trump is prepared, and the legal system must now confront the evidence head-on.
9. Department of Defense: Trump Has the Goods
Halper-Hayes, who serves on a Department of Defense task force, confirms that Trump has critical evidence secured and ready to be presented. “They have the goods,” she asserts, indicating that the Department of Defense is aligned with Trump’s efforts to expose the truth and dismantle corrupt systems within American governance.
The Department of Defense’s involvement is a clear sign of the gravity of this fight. Trump’s pursuit is not merely personal; it is a full-scale endeavor to restore America’s integrity. With support from the Department of Defense, Trump’s stand against corruption is reinforced by the strength and resources of the U.S. military, ensuring that those who sought to undermine America are held accountable.
10. Trump’s Final Stand: Exposing the System from Within
Halper-Hayes reveals that Trump’s strategy isn’t about subversion; it’s about transparency. He has set the stage to expose what insiders call the “Deep State” — a network of corrupt elites who have held America captive for decades. Trump’s actions are sparking a national awakening, one that calls Americans to confront and dismantle the influence of foreign and corrupt interests in their own government.
This isn’t a revolution born out of chaos but a deliberate, calculated plan to return power to the people. Trump has revealed America’s hidden history, and now he’s leading the charge to reshape its future. With each step, he peels back the layers, exposing the corruption, and paving the way for a truly independent America.
Conclusion: America’s Reclamation Has Begun
Jan Halper-Hayes’ revelations serve as a rallying cry for all who believe in America’s sovereignty and freedom. Trump is not simply fighting for his own legacy; he is reclaiming America’s identity. This moment is monumental. By severing ties with foreign powers, repatriating America’s wealth, and exposing corruption at every level, Trump has awakened a sleeping nation.
This is the dawn of a new era. The end of the U.S. Corporation signals the rebirth of a true republic. No longer will foreign interests dictate America’s destiny. Trump has thrown down the gauntlet, and now the American people are witnessing a transformation decades in the making. This is our moment, and with Trump at the forefront, America will stand as a sovereign republic, stronger and freer than ever before.
Hello everyone,
The Republic of the USA can only be restored when peace is with Germany.
At the moment, the United States is still in war with Germany.
Germany is still occupied by the USA!
Nice greetings from Germany
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. The topic you bring up is certainly complex and rooted in historical and geopolitical contexts. Open discussions and mutual understanding are always important in addressing such matters.
Wishing you all the best and sending kind regards.
Seit meiner Kindheit liebe ich Deutschland. Skifahren habe ich am Feldberg im Schwarzwald gelernt. Ich dachte sogar, dass ich eines Tages eine junge Deutsche heiraten würde. Aber als ich in Stuttgart in den Mercedes-Benz-Werken arbeitete, sah ich viele Hakenkreuze an den Wänden in den Toiletten. Die Fabrikleiter taten ihr Bestes, um regelmäßig alles zu löschen, aber die Hakenkreuze kamen immer wieder zurück. Deshalb sage ich, dass der Frieden wiederhergestellt sein wird, wenn der Nazi-Geist Deutschlands, der sogar das Land der Vereinigten Staaten (Deep State) verschmutzt, endlich verschwindet.
I have loved Germany since my childhood. I learned to ski on Feldberg in the Black Forest. I even thought that one day I would marry a young German woman. But when I worked in the Mercedes-Benz factories in Stuttgart, I saw a lot of swastikas on the walls in the toilets. The factory managers did their best to delete everything regularly, but the swastikas kept coming back. That’s why I say that peace will be restored when the Nazi spirit of Germany, which is polluting even the country of the United States (deep state), finally disappears.
Mais j’ai suffisamment confiance dans le peuple allemand qui garde toute mon affection, pour que prochainement la paix s’établisse définitivement sur toute l’Allemagne.