Bombshell! 9000 Sealed Indictments – The World’s Most Wanted People Have Been Taken to GITMO by US Special Forces – Full Disclosure of the Implications – Official Documents
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There have been rumors circulating online that high-profile members of the Deep State (also known as the Cabal, the Illuminati, or the Global Elite, are being detained for human rights abuses and corruption, and that they are being taken by U.S. Special Forces to the military prison at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base (Gitmo) as a result of thousands of sealed indictments. These rumors have caused the internet to buzz with activity. There have been several sources reporting on some of the most important VIP persons that have been transported there.
Even if they are simply rumors at this moment, recent occurrences lend credence to the possibility that they are true. These covert investigations, arrests, and transportations to Gitmo, where the detainees face extended detention and military justice, have enormous political ramifications if they are accurate, and they make it possible for previously suppressed information to be released. The Deep State has been withholding this information for a long time.
David Todeschini, a former member of the United States Air Force who served during the Vietnam War and produced an exposé on covert activities during that conflict, is cited as the origin of such allegations. In a video that he posted on YouTube, he discusses what he discovered regarding the goings-on at Guantanamo Bay via a credible FBI source. He summed up his findings as follows:
This writer has been informed by high-level confidential sources that the United States Military jail at Guantanamo Bay has been notified to prepare for the arrival of high-profile convicts in the near future. This may be the consequence of over 10,000 sealed federal indictments. General Mattis was escorted by 1,000 Marines when he was on his mission to provide protection for “special inmates” at Gitmo.…
A well-known journalist by the name of Dr. Jerome Corsi, who tweets as follows: “Another source for covert extractions to GITMO via sealed indictments.”
Something strange is going on in GITMO, as evidenced by the flight logs being posted on the Subreddit thread located HERE: In connection with the executive order issued by @realDonaldTrump addressing the seizure of assets belonging to those responsible for the violation of human rights.
A third source is a radio personality who is running for Congress in the United States named Brenden Dilley. Dilley acquired his information from an additional anonymous whistleblower who has a proven track record of trustworthiness. The material provided by the whistleblower was published in a post on December 27 that was incorrectly ascribed to QAnon [see the correction that follows for an explanation of the misattribution to QAnon]. The topic in this post alludes to recent high-profile visitors to Gitmo:
It is important to highlight the fact that new residents began arriving at Gitmo on December 26, and that further arrivals were anticipated at that time. This information can be found in the previous post. It was after President Trump had issued his Executive Order on December 21 proclaiming a “national emergency” in reaction to human rights violations and corruption all throughout the world. This was the case after President Trump had declared a “national emergency.”
According to sources within the Pentagon, the majority of the top U.S.-based offenders of the bogus “war on terror” have now been themselves sent to the U.S. Navy camp in Guantanamo Bay, which is located in Cuba. This marks a historic moment of poetic justice.
“The Rothschild assets George Soros, Peter Munk, Peter Sutherland, the Bushes, the Podestas, and many others may have been airlifted to Gitmo for military tribunals,” the sources say. This comes as the Department of Defense spends $500 million to upgrade the prison and send more military police and Marines. “The Rothschild assets George Soros, Peter Munk, Peter Sutherland, the Bushes, the Podestas, and many others.
The information that can be gleaned from these independent sources is that high-level members of the Deep State, many of whom are a part of a global network of pedophile Satanists, are being apprehended by United States Special Forces and transported to Gitmo, where they are to be held indefinitely while military justice is applied to their respective cases. As part of this procedure, the detention facilities at Gitmo are undergoing a massive renovation consisting of additions and additional guards in order to handle an influx of VIP inmates.

Corey Goode, a whistleblower for the Secret Space Program, was one of the first people to mention that the United States Special Forces were being utilized to investigate and jail personalities from the Deep State under the authority of sealed indictments. On August 9, he made reference to these types of military investigations after receiving a briefing from a person who he claimed as being retired from the FBI and career military:
[T]here were teams of United States Special Forces that were conducting “domestic surveillance and investigations of a Satanic group that had penetrated all elements of government agencies and the armed forces,” according to the article. Since the middle of the election season, these Special Forces units have been stationed at these locations…. I was told that an unpublished assessment on how widespread these infiltrations are is even more frightening than what was anticipated to be the case. Strangely, this report also included notes from a number of private grand juries that are now sitting in session in Washington D.C.
According to the research, the majority of influential persons inside the UN, EU, US, State, and local (City) power structures are involved in the conspiracy. These government organizations are totally involved in what is going on and are complicit in it. all the way down to the post offices and police offices in the individual communities.
More recently, Goode claims that his sources have informed him that Gitmo is undergoing renovations in order to accommodate VIP inmates, and that these renovations include wheelchair access for some of the detainees who are being held by Special Forces personnel who are deployed all over the world. He stated it in a discussion he had with best-selling author David Wilcock on November 5 as follows:
When everything started to shift, the investigations that were being conducted by secret grand juries were nearly finished. They were in the process of preparing sealed indictments when they came into possession of a wealth of fresh information that enabled them to cast a broader net.
Since then, a significant amount of new information has been uncovered. Because the Cabal is aware of such a vast amount of information on the plans for a coup, I’m not sure how much longer the Alliance can wait before taking action to stop the Cabal from escaping the country and carrying out the coup.
Some of the truly awful people have already departed the group. Our SF [Special Forces] teams have a plan to forcibly take these Cabal members from the nations in which they are hiding, and they aim to carry out this plan in the near future.
Are such assertions true?
According to an examination of the available public documents, it is a well-established fact that James Mattis, the Secretary of Defense, traveled to Gitmo on December 21. He was the first Secretary of Defense to do so since the year 2002. On the same day, President Trump released his “Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption,” in which he declared: “The United States of America will not tolerate the violation of human rights in any form.”
As a result of this, I have come to the conclusion that serious violations of human rights and corruption in other parts of the world pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a state of national emergency in order to address this threat.
The sequence of events raises the possibility that there is a connection between Mattis’ visit and the Executive Order, suggesting that it was not only a coincidence. A connection of this kind is bolstered by the fact that Attorney General Jeff Sessions previously visited Gitmo in July 2017, during which he referred to Gitmo as:
a location that is “completely appropriate” for the detention of newly apprehended terrorism suspects, as opposed to keeping them in the United States and allowing the Justice Department to trial them in civilian courts.
Under the terms of Trump’s executive order, it is not out of the question to assume that prisoners will be held at Gitmo. They could be treated in a manner analogous to that of terrorists under the “national emergency” provision of the Executive Order, which delegated authority to any US agency that was capable of carrying out the primary function of the Order, which was to cut off the financial assets of the following individuals and groups:
Section 8…. In accordance with the laws that are now in effect, the Secretary of the Treasury may delegate any of these tasks to other officials and agencies of the United States government. In order to put this order into effect, every agency is required to take any and all relevant actions that fall within its purview.
As a consequence of this, Trump’s Executive Order established a rock-solid legal basis for U.S. Special Forces to physically hold selected persons on the mainland of the United States and anyplace else on the earth, and to have them transferred to Gitmo when it was deemed essential to do so.
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Those who were detained by U.S. Special Forces working under the authority of Sealed Indictments and the December 21, Executive Order would be held in accordance with military law rather than the domestic laws of the United States. This would be an extremely significant piece of leverage that could be used to obtain confessions and cooperation from lower level agents of the Deep State against their bosses who are being sent to Gitmo.
Todeschini’s statements that 1,000 marines followed Mattis and would continue to offer heightened protection for VIP detainees are an additional relevant fact. Todeschini also asserts that these marines will remain. In a similar vein, Fulford mentions the transfer of Marines and National Guard military police to Gitmo.
In relation to the United States Marine Corps Marines that would be sent to Gitmo, a news article from the Miami Herald mentions a potential renovation at Gitmo that would involve the construction of barracks for 848 prison guards during the next four years. This is extremely near to the supposed number of one thousand marines that have been dispatched there to protect the VIP captives, which Todeschini (and Fulford) claim have been sent there.
The accusation that members of the National Guard military police were sent to Gitmo is supported by other evidence. It was announced on the 29th of December, that the Arizona National Guard will be sending around forty military police officers to Gitmo for a sentence that would last for nine months.
According to a report from the Department of Defense that was quoted in a statement made by the United States Congress on May 24, 2016, the maximum number of inmates held at Gitmo was 684 in June of 2003, but this number has been decreased to about 80 by 2016. According to most recent estimates, the population of the Gitmo jail is around forty Islamic militants.
According to a report published by the Miami Herald on August 21, 2017, the government of President Trump intended to spend up to 500 million dollars on the renovation of facilities at Gitmo. This included a proposal by the Navy to construct a hospital with five beds and an overall cost of $250 million.
The fact that a hospital with five beds will be erected at such a substantial expense gives rise to the suspicion that President Trump intends to dramatically increase the number of inmates housed in Gitmo. However, these would not be suspected Islamic terrorists but rather VIP inmates who are responsible for worldwide human rights violations and corruption and who would not be permitted to receive medical treatment on the mainland of the United States.
Lastly, we have arrived at the most important assertion, which is that thousands of secret indictments have been drafted and utilized to allow the arrest and removal of Deep State individuals. According to information provided by a former FBI agent Hal Turner, the Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) system was investigated in order to verify the existence of 4289 federal indictments that were kept secret until November 22.
As of the 24th of December, it has been reported by some sources that this number has increased to almost 9000 sealed indictments. Although this statistic has not yet been verified, it is plausible to assume that during the month of December, it may have been much higher than in November.
There is compelling evidence to support claims that leading figures from a Deep State international network of VIPs who are involved in child trafficking, human rights abuses, corruption, and Satanic rituals are being investigated, detained, and extracted to Gitmo via sealed indictments enforced by U.S. Special Forces. In conclusion, there is compelling evidence to support claims that Deep State VIPs who are involved in child trafficking, human rights abuses, corruption, and Satanic rituals are being investigated, detained.
The Deep State has long kept classified information about secret space programs, Antarctic bases hidden under the ice sheets, and extraterrestrial life hidden from the public. The implications of these unfolding events for the disclosure of such information are significant and could have far-reaching consequences.
As more corrupt officials from the Deep State are sent to Gitmo, there are reasons to be cautiously optimistic about the possibilities of “full disclosure,” which are expected to significantly grow as a result. It will be much easier to put a stop to their decades-long policy of depriving the rest of mankind the advantages of modern technology that will transform living all across the world if they are removed from prominent global leadership positions.
The Road to Guantanamo Bay for Global Elite | To the Global Elite, I Say: Welcome to Guantanamo Bay, Home, Not So Sweet, Home!
The hallowed grounds of Guantanamo Bay, also known as GITMO, have stirred waves yet again. As evidence points towards an imminent, large-scale “swamp draining”, it’s time to delve deeper into the undercurrents of global politics.
Let’s take a magnifying glass to the series of happenings, the movements of the elite, and the repercussions they could have on the world’s socio-political stage.
The Tale of Guantanamo: Home, Not So Sweet, Home!
Read the full article HERE:
Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp Arrests, Indictments and Executions for Thousands of New Ex-Elite Prisoners – Official Documents
At the Out Of Babylon Conference (segment 3 of 8) hosted at Church of Glad Tidings between June 4-6, 2021, David Lester Straight (former County Sherriff Deputy, Intelligence Officer & Presidential Task Force Agent) confirmed the use of Guantánamo Bay (GITMO), Guam and Tierra Del Fuego (Naval Base Ushuaia) for military tribunals.
From 2:06:38 in the full clip, David explains these tribunals began September 30, 2020 and only 30 news reporters got a lottery ticket to go down to GITMO and watch the trials. He goes on to specify that Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, John Brennan and John Podesta have all had their trials already. Lastly, he explained he had the pleasure to meet Vice Admiral Darse E. “Del” Crandall Jr. (Navy Judge Advocate General, JAG) who is the chief judge at GITMO that had the privilege of trialing Hillary.
Read the full article here:
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article may not represent the official views of Medeea Greere or the American Media Group. Stories filed under Opinion contain information from various sources that may be both, verified and unverified. Medeea Greere and the American Media Group do not make any claims as to the validity of the information expressed in the opinion section, however we do encourage the reader to do further research on their own and we hope that you will share your findings with us. The mission for the truth requires a collective effort. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
If you are an ace poker player, you never, ever let anyone at the table know whether you even have a hand in your hand.
If you don’t see things happening, you would be a fool to believe it. A fool & his money soon part. Part of the magic is the slight of the hand!
Many have wondered who is playing Biden. I read Arthur Roberts played Joe at inauguration but I believe now it is Struan Roger is playing him. Some hinted Steve Martin also but I guess we have to wait for the credits of the movie to be shown.
everything in the article makes it appear very old… what gives?
The White Hats constantly update the pages so that no one sees the date of the page’s appearance. And this is how they remove critical comments.
All lies. I don’t believe anyone has been arrested or was executed. Too many stories and disinformation out there and I see no proof of truth. Keeping the people divided is their main game