BOMBSHELL FIRST TIME EXPOSÉ: The Hidden War Between the Khazarian Cabal and JFK – A Fight to the Death!
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Every once in a great while a highly radioactive truth bomb gets dropped that changes everything—EVERYTHING! Well, a JFK truth bomb just exploded and the Internet is now experiencing the massive fallout.
Here’s the critical truth that the Khazarian Mafia has spent nearly 60 years assiduously suppressing with every single major organ of propaganda and prevarication belonging to their wholly owned mainstream media.
Remember, the CIA’s Mockingbird Media was set up by the Khazarian Cabal in the first place. So was The Company, as the Central Intelligence Agency is known in global intel circles.
Actually, what really happened here is that the Khazarians always allow the industry, the business, the enterprise, the corporation, the non-profit, etc, to first be established by the hard-working founders; then they take the commercial entity over via so many financial and economic, political and legal means of effectuating an outright takeover.
JFK truth bomb
The subtitle of a featured article published by SOTN on the 59th anniversary of JFK’s assassination reads as follows:
The back story is this: For more reasons than can be listed in this short exposé, the Khazarian Mafia had no choice (in their utterly warped collective minds) but to assassinate President John F. Kennedy. And, because of his extremely serious transgressions against the Khazarian Klan, his brutal murder was used as a shocking example to all future heads of state who even thought about leaving the Khazarian-created global reservation.
What that subtitle refers to is the now proven fact that President Kennedy quite stealthily employed a number of high-integrity female agents, who could be trusted with highly classified matters. Each of these ‘glamor woman’, some of whom posed as paramours, were assigned missions and/or tasks of the greatest significance during JFK’s curtailed term as POTUS.
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As a matter of historical fact, Marilyn Monroe was such a trusted confidante of JFK’s, who played a major part in covertly assisting in the resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis in her role as “Masha”. President Kennedy enlisted Monroe to back-channel highly sensitive information to Russian President Nikita Khrushchev in order to prevent that international crisis from exploding later in October of 1962.
Her primary assignment was to establish a secret line of communication with Khrushchev, which she accomplished. Monroe was then killed by the C.I.A. on August 4, 1962 to quickly terminate her vital mission, as well as her clandestine relationship with JFK.
Another valiant Washingtonian woman on a JFK mission was Mary Pinchot Meyer.
On a perfect October day in 1964, Mary Pinchot Meyer—mistress of John Kennedy, friend of Jackie Kennedy and ex-wife of a top CIA man, Cord Meyer—was murdered in the rarefied Washington precinct of Georgetown.[1]
Constantly and wrongly labelled ‘JFK’s mistress’, Mary Meyer was deeply involved as an unofficial intel agent relaying top secret information to President Kennedy about CIA black ops especially with respect to the agency’s illicit mind-control drug testing programs.
As any reader of the ever-deceitful mainstream media knows, the fictional list of JFK’s mistresses is seemingly endless. Each and every year another so-called JFK secret love affair is strategically released by the CIA’s Mockingbird Media to further assassinate his character.
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The critical point here is that the Khazarian Cabal was determined to assassinate Kennedy twice: once with highly premeditated brutality as his motorcade passed by Dealey Plaza in Dallas; and a second time by way of non-stop character assassination carried out via the Khazarian-controlled corporate media.
Not only does JFK’s exceedingly violent murder in Texas provide a perfect threat to any world leader or influential VIP who is not strictly following Khazarian orders, the annual character assassinations of Kennedy keep vivid that horrifying memory for those same targeted individuals. For the greatest warning issued by the Khazarian Mafia that any President or Prime Minister, King or Queen, CEO or Chairman, etc. could ever receive is:
“Surely you saw what happened to JFK?!”
Or, more bluntly:
“You don’t want to be JFKed, do you?”
KEY POINTS: There are two main types of Khazarian-coordinated psyops where it concerns the purposeful dissemination of false salacious stories about JFK’s faked affairs. The first prong of their unrelenting “defamation of character” strategy was to quickly out (or kill) any woman who was surreptitiously working in cahoots with Kennedy. This highly calculated pre-emptive measure was taken to preclude any harmful truth-dropping by those brave female Patriots in the future.
The second prong was to fabricate lurid stories — out of thin air — about sexual dalliances to further damage JFK’s stellar reputation as an authentic Patriot. It’s fairly easy to discern between these two vastly different contexts by examining if there was any proven relationship between Kennedy and the alleged ‘mistress’ DURING HIS PRESIDENCY. In the case of Judith Exner shown above, it’s well-known that President Kennedy and his brother Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy had declared war on the Mafia, which then required a trustworthy liaison to negotiate an enduring truce.
JFK’s only interest in this regard was to forever break the back of the Khazarian Mafia, and especially its overwhelming stranglehold on the American Republic. In other words, when President Kennedy gave what was the most courageous speech in U.S. history, he was issuing a direct challenge to the hidden tyranny of the Khazarian Cabal. Surely, as “King Khazarian” Karl Marx was the first matter addressed by Kennedy in that presidential exhortation, the wheels were set in motion for his ruthless assassination.
The Khazarian Cabal has obviously been compelled to continuously character assassinate President John F. Kennedy for several reasons, most of them related to maintaining the unfailing efficacy of their all-powerful Global Power Structure & Control Matrix.
By posting false articles every year about JFK’s fictitious ‘sexcapades’, they serve as a very stark warning to any other leader thinking of using the same subversive tactics/strategies that Kennedy did in the fulfillment of his solemn responsibilities to the American people.
In this manner, Khazarian blackmailers like Jeffery Epstein are routinely used to coerce/blackmail anyone in power, anywhere, anytime. Then, the Sword of Damocles precariously hangs over any high-profile victim’s reputation for all time.
Lastly, it’s crucial for those who doubt this studied analysis to consider the following self-evident realities concerning President Kennedy’s entire term in high office.
JFK knew that he was the most closely monitored president in U.S. history up to that point in time. He was not unaware of the massive and extremely sophisticated spying and surveillance capabilities of the CIA, NSA, FBI, and DIA (which was inaugurated during his presidency). Clueless about the USA’s national security and espionage apparatus, JFK was not!
JFK’s father, Joseph P. Kennedy, served as the U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain and was well schooled in the ways of Anglo-American espionage, state of the art surveillance, latest spying technologies as well as the use of “honeypots”. JFK was particularly aware of the Khazarian’s use of honey traps to advance the interests of the Zionist state of Israel. Therefore, JFK thoroughly understood that his EVERY move was being watched — 24/7 — throughout every single hour of his presidency.
Being the most watched person in America (as well as the whole world), does anyone really think he would even attempt to so wantonly “stray from the Catholic reservation” for the purpose of having whimsical affairs and sexual liaisons? Why would such a fearlessly righteous leader, heaven-sent to save the Republic, ever engage in such risky and scandalous activity.[2]
Revisionist Historians for World Peace
It’s entirely true that the Chicago-based Mafia clans were directly responsible for JFK winning the Illinois ballot, which was necessary for him to win the 1960 POTUS election. However, even the initiated are unaware of the HUGE territory wars going on all over Cook County at that time. While the internecine feuds among the Sicilian Mafia families were raging, the Irish Mafia was also flexing its muscles.
Neither of these organized crime syndicates knew that it was the well concealed “Chicago Supermob” (also known as the original American version of the Khazarian Mafia) that really controlled every square inch of turf throughout the Windy City.
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Needless to say, it was the Khazarian Cabal that really put John F. Kennedy in the White House, so they expected absolute allegiance to their various causes. The Khazarians especially anticipated full support of the rogue nation of Israel from President Kennedy. When the primary national founder and first prime minster of the State of Israel — David Ben Gurion — was rebuffed by JFK where it concerned the Zionist’s zealous nuclear ambitions, Ben Gurion became disconsolately apoplectic and proceeded to immediately resign in an epic hissy fit.
“Kennedy pressured the government of Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion to prevent a military nuclear program, particularly after stage-managed tours of the Dimona facility for U.S. government scientists in 1961 and 1962 raised suspicions within U.S. intelligence that Israel might be concealing its underlying nuclear aims.”
What’s the salient point?
Yes, the warmongering Zionist mafiosos in Tel Aviv surely had several reasons to take out Kennedy (click on the following link) given the HUGE obstacle(s) he posed to the implementation of their New World Order agenda that culminates with the establishment of Jerusalem as the capital of their long-planned totalitarian One World Government.

However, it was the unimpeded development of nuclear weaponry that Israel wanted the most from JFK, which he resolutely deprived them of even though the Manhattan Project was a thoroughly Khazarian enterprise. After all, Israel knew that it must possess a full complement of nuclear weapons if Tel Aviv was to effectively blackmail heads of state the world over with their sinister Samson Option.
Because of this major backroom brawl, the Khazarian Cabal came to hate Jack Kennedy with a passion, even more than Adolf Hitler. In their twisted minds, JFK profoundly deceived them despite his presidency have been made possible only by their extraordinary political largesse. Therefore, the entire Khazarian Klan has, ever since, made it an eternal endeavor to smear President Kennedy’s name like there’s no tomorrow.
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And, by the way, in light of the many other ways that the supremely courageous JFK tore up the Khazarian playbook, it should come as no surprise that they had the C.I.A. set up no fewer than 8 (eight) sniper nests surrounding Dealey Plaza on that exceedingly fateful November 22nd. After all, no one — EVER — contravenes the “Khazarian Code of Covert Criminality”.
The 8 sniper’s nests (see sniper icons above) strategically located around Dealey Plaza in Dallas on November 22, 1963
Every American ought to be deeply grateful to President John F. Kennedy; for it was his awesome and heroic sacrifice that blew the lid off — ONCE AND FOR ALL — the nefarious and multifarious NWO schemes to transform the entire planetary civilization into one giant Khazarian-controlled concentration camp.
# BOOM! Most Controversial Document in Internet History: The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia (Must-See Video)
The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia:
# JFK’S Historic Speech (April 27, 1961) Expose: Obama, Hillary, Bush, Pope Francis, Military Tribunals, Crimes Against Humanity & NWO
Kennedy’s speech (April 27, 1961) was given just a few months after his inauguration, and just a few months before the birth of Barack Obama. The speech has puzzled historians, speechwriters, and politicians for decades. Perhaps Kennedy didn’t mean his speech for the time when he was living, but for a later time, for the final generation.
Kennedy clearly knew something and attempted to convey it to the public in 1961, shortly after his inauguration. His speech wasn’t just about “secret societies,” but about a “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy.”
Read the full article HERE:
Yes, dear.
POTUS Trump declares he is Christian but dresses as JEW … is this Father God Jesus’ plan?
Two words that are not interchangeable:
MURDERER – plans to kill a human
KILLER – self-defends life against murderer
Father God Jesus authored the Holy Bible that men scribed on paper to educate future generations. In the Book of JOHN, Chapter 8, Jesus said the JEWS are “not humans,” are “offspring of their daddy Satan” and are “worshipers of the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN (Baal, Lucifer, Moloch, et al).”
Father God Jesus said, I GAVE the JEWS as SLAVES to My HEBREWS. Therefore, JEWS (not humans) and HEBREWS (humans) are not interchangeable beings! The discovery of blood typing evolved into a science in 1901. WHITE people, blood type-A, BROWN people (light, medium, dark), blood type-B, and BLACK people, blood type-O, and JEWS “not humans,” blood type-Rh that abbreviates Rhesus monkey blood strain. Blood types: A/B/O are not interchangeable with blood type-Rh. JEWS attached the suffix “ISH” to their namesake that means APPROXIMATE; therefore, “not humans” are rightly named, APPROXIMATE JEWS, galactic beings that were judged twice (body and spirit) for inciting an insurrection and murdering celestial beings, then cast out of the Heavens to roam Earth until humans are judged twice. APPROXIMATE JEWS / renegade angels publish for the past 100 years that they came to “genocide humanity and destroy Earth” toward their 6,000-year agenda that concludes in the coming 79 years or sooner by ongoing division, fake news, fake wars, fake vaccines, fake humans, and etcetera.
The 2nd Creation was NOAH’s 1st son SEM, the SEMITE descendants are WHITE people, blood type-A, NOAH’s 2nd son JAPHETH’s descendants, light BROWN people, blood type-B, and NOAH’s 3rd son HAM’s descendants, medium and dark BROWN people, blood type-B, and BLACK descendants, blood type-O … humanity are 8 billion human COUSINS! The lineage of SEM’s notable descendants is ABRAHAM, offspring son ISAAC-HEBREW, offspring son JACOB-ISRAEL, and eight (8) WHITE offspring sons, blood type-A, that founded/settled ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, IRELAND, DENMARK, NORWAY, SWEDEN, FINLAND, RUSSIA. Father Jesus described ISAAC-HEBREW as “WHITE as cotton with rosy cheeks,” and described JACOB-ISRAEL as “WHITE as milk” … blood type-A humans.
Whereas, ABRAHAM, ISAAC, and JACOB-ISRAEL’s half-breed sons (blood type-AB) by CONCUBINE SLAVES from Egypt and Arabia did not inherit the Patriarch’s name and wealth (except Ishmael), rather, they inherit their Matriarch’s namesake since antiquity, especially APPROXIMATE JEWS who are blood type-Rh usurping imposters for more than 2,000 years and edited the Holy Bible to hide themselves / renegade angels among humans … JEW-JEWs are LIARS, CHEATERS, THIEVES, and MURDERERS who HATE with vengeance all of Father God Jesus’ “beloved offspring humans” White, Brown, Black COUSINS. Therefore, COUSINS must stop allowing APPROXIMATE JEWS to divide and genocide humanity! JEW-JEW couldn’t reverse the servitude order in heaven, so JEW-JEW reversed the servitude / slave order on Earth. COME OUT OF YOUR NIGHTMARES, COUSINS!
Father God Jesus commands His “beloved offspring humans” in multiple Books of the Holy Bible to FEED EVIL BEINGS TO CARNIVORES. READ your USER MANUAL, the Holy Bible, a study bible such as ENGLISH STANDARD VERSION (ESV). Fight back harder against the evil beings who are DEMOCIDING and GENOCIDING humanity, worldwide, simultaneously toward their 6,000-year agenda that ends in 79 years or sooner!
I am a MAGA supporter. However, I don’t like to hear the language “As King Trump reclaims his throne”. That is abhorrent language in a free republic. I will fight anyone who sets themselves up as a “king”. It may just be made in jest; but I find it denigrating to the freedoms which we hold dear. I would have preferred to hear: “As President Trump reclaims his office of president”. Please, let’s not use the adversary’s language to describe an office in a free republic. The word “king” was used several times in this article; I find that both disrespectful and inappropriate for the reestablishment of our free republic.
Point well made. However, as long as the nation is functioning under Martial Law, he will be a sort of king.
Commander in Chief would be a better expression. Occupying a throne is, indeed, another matter, and not suited for the U.S.A. For as long as the U.S.A. exists.
I’m a big Trump fan too. If anyone is crowned King, it might as well be someone who is responsible for ending world corruption. No one else can deserve that position.