Bombshell! Hunter Biden’s Infamous Laptop Enters Court as Evidence for Gun Charges Trial — FBI Agent Confirms its Authenticity – The Gateway Pundit
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The Gateway Pundit reported: Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop, long dismissed by the liberal media as a product of Russian disinformation, has resurfaced as a key piece of evidence in a high-profile gun charges trial. The laptop, which contains a trove of incriminating emails and images, is now confirmed to be authentic by an FBI agent involved in the case.
The trial centers around Hunter Biden’s acquisition of a $5,000 firearm in October 2018, during which he allegedly falsified federal forms by denying any drug addiction.

The Gateway Pundit reported earlier that prosecutors told the court that Hunter Biden bought the firearm while he was smoking crack every 15 minutes.
Earlier, Melissa Cohen Biden, Hunter’s wife, fiercely confronted Garrett Ziegler, a former aide to President Trump, during a court recess. An NBC reporter quoted her explosive rebuke as she blocked his entry into the courtroom, calling him a “Nazi piece of shit.” This altercation stems from a previous lawsuit Hunter filed against Ziegler, who is accused of disseminating private emails from Biden’s laptop.
Now, what many in the media and deep state once dismissed as “Russian disinformation” is at the forefront of American justice. Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop has surfaced as a pivotal piece of evidence in his ongoing gun charges trial.
The laptop in question, a MacBook Pro 13, became notorious when its contents were disclosed shortly before the 2020 presidential election. According to reports, Hunter Biden left it at a Delaware repair shop in 2019, forgetting to retrieve it. This laptop became one of the first exhibits presented by the prosecution.
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The FBI and intelligence community knew in November 2019 that Hunter Biden’s laptop was authentic and contained evidence of hundreds of international crimes that included his father, Joe Biden.
Then, during the second presidential debate in 2020, Joe Biden and hack reporter Kristen Welker teamed up against President Donald Trump.
At one point, Joe Biden interrupted Welker for his planned response to the Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell scandal. Joe Biden told the audience that 50 intelligence leaders signed a letter saying the laptop was “Russian propaganda.”

FBI Special Agent Erika Jensen, who testified in court today, confirmed that the laptop belonged to Hunter Biden and that its contents were genuine.
“When asked how she was able to confirm the laptop’s authenticity, Ms. Jensen said the serial number on the back of the laptop matches the serial number provided in Apple Inc.’s response to a subpoena for records,” according to Washington Times.
More from Daily Beast:
FBI agent Erika Jensen testified that a series of messages recovered from the laptop, dated between April 2018 and July 2018, described Biden’s drug use around the time he bought the gun.
One message showed a photo of white power on a scale, Jensen said. “You want 10 grams?” another message to Hunter Biden allegedly read.
NBC reported that as the laptop was introduced as evidence, Cohen Biden shook her head and whispered to a lawyer next to her.
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More from York Post’s Miranda Devine:
COURTROOM REPORT: It’s official. Hunter Biden’s #LaptopFromHell is government exhibit 16 at the First Son’s gun trial in Delaware.
The silver MacBook Pro, covered in a plastic wrapper, was first publicly sighted today at 2:10 p.m. when it was carried across the court by prosecutor Derek Hines to his first witness, FBI Special Agent Erika Jensen.
She confirmed it was Hunter’s laptop from the serial number on the back that corresponds to his iCloud identity. She said the laptop was obtained by the FBI with a subpoena from The Mac Shop in Wilmington, where it had been “abandoned” by Hunter.
She said that investigators corroborated content on the laptop with content in Hunter’s iCloud that they obtained from Apple with a subpoena. Hines then proceeded to go through WhatsApp and text messages, images, and documents from the laptop and iCloud with Jensen to make his case that Hunter was using drugs before, during, and after the period that he bought and possessed the handgun after allegedly signing a background check form on October 12, 2018, saying he was not a drug user. His then-lover, Hallie Biden, later threw the gun in a trash can.
The jury kept an unsmiling focus throughout the evidence, which showed Hunter spending $50,000 a month in ATM withdrawals during that period and organizing alleged purchases of crack cocaine.
Hunter’s disembodied voice filled the courtroom periodically as prosecutors played audiobook extracts from his memoir, and he remained impassive behind a pair of salmon pink reading glasses.
Hallie Biden will be a witness by the end of this week or next week, after Hunter’s ex-wife Kathleen Buhle and ex-lover Zoe Kestan. It is three years and eight months since @nypost broke the story of #LaptopFromHell that was censored by Big Tech.
A few days later in October 2020, the #Dirty51 ex-intelligence officials, mostly CIA, lied that it was Russian disinformation and then-presidential candidate Joe Biden lied that it was a “Russian plant.”
COURTROOM REPORT: It’s official. Hunter Biden’s #LaptopFromHell is government exhibit 16 at the First Son’s gun trial in Delaware. The silver MacBook Pro covered in a plastic wrapper was first publicly sighted today at 2.10pm when it was carried across the court by prosecutor…
— Miranda Devine (@mirandadevine) June 4, 2024
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Humanity is hunting EVIL BEINGS on Earth. Humanity wants DEATH to those who exhibit haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, false witnesses who breath out lies, and those who sow discord among moral, ethical people of all age cohorts. WHY specifically target these seven (7) behaviors? They are an abomination to Father God Jesus and the majority of humanity (Proverbs 6:16-19).
Therefore, EVIL BEINGS shall depart from Earth, not live out their lives. What is the method of DEATH? Father God Jesus proclaimed FEED EVIL BEINGS TO CARNIVORES. He does not specify either DEAD or ALIVE, just FEED EVIL BEINGS TO CARNIVORES. Most of humanity agree, because the punishment will stop the majority of repetitive EVIL BEHAVIORS!