BOMBSHELL! JFK: The 60-Year Plan – Unveiling the Lee Harvey Oswald and Joseph Biden Connection! “Why did JFK Jr. call Joe Biden a traitor?”
Ready to uncover the truth? Sick of the lies? Join our Telegram Channel now. It’s time for the real story! My gratitude to all my readers!
In the annals of American history, few events have left an indelible mark on the collective consciousness quite like the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The official narrative has always painted Lee Harvey Oswald as the lone gunman, but what if there’s more to the story? What if, after six decades of secrecy, we finally unearth the shocking truth that connects JFK, JFK Jr., Lee Harvey Oswald, and Joseph Biden?
Chapter 1: The Startling Accusation
“Why did JFK Jr. call Joe Biden a traitor?” This enigmatic question has reverberated through the corridors of conspiracy theory for years. Could it be that JFK Jr. possessed evidence suggesting that Joe Biden was not only a traitor but that he and Lee Harvey Oswald were one and the same? The mere notion is as astonishing as it is perplexing.
In a world where the official narrative prevails, we’re left with a lingering doubt. Could there be any substance to JFK Jr.’s claim, or was it merely the musings of a man caught up in a web of intrigue and mistrust? To find the truth, we must first explore the tangled web of the Kennedy assassination and its enduring mysteries.
Chapter 2: The Enigma of Lee Harvey Oswald
Lee Harvey Oswald, the name synonymous with JFK’s murder, has long been portrayed as the lone assassin, a disturbed man who acted alone in the Texas Book Depository on that fateful day in Dallas. But what if this narrative was a well-crafted deception?
Many conspiracy theorists argue that Oswald was merely a patsy, a pawn in a larger conspiracy orchestrated by shadowy forces. The smoking gun, they claim, is found in the pages of Life Magazine, but even that crucial piece of evidence has come under scrutiny. Was it altered to hide the real truth?

Chapter 3: The Unseen Documents
One glaring question looms large after nearly six decades: why have over 2,000 documents related to the Kennedy assassination not been released to the public? What could be so incriminating, so earth-shattering, that it necessitates such secrecy?
As we delve into the shadows, it becomes apparent that there is more to the story than meets the eye. These concealed documents may hold the key to unraveling the mysteries of JFK’s assassination and the alleged connection between Lee Harvey Oswald and Joe Biden.
Chapter 4: The Deep State Revelation
To understand why it has taken a staggering 60 years to expose the deep state to society, we must first acknowledge the powerful interests at play. The tentacles of the deep state reach far and wide, controlling the narrative, and manipulating events behind the scenes.
SEE ALSO: DISCLOSED: President John F. Kennedy, The Fed and Executive Order 11110
From the Bay of Pigs to the Cuban Missile Crisis, from the Kennedy assassination to Watergate, the deep state’s influence has been pervasive. It is within this complex web of power that we find the alleged connection between Lee Harvey Oswald and Joe Biden, hidden in plain sight.
Chapter 5: Unveiling the Conspiracy
As we unravel the layers of deception and secrecy surrounding JFK’s assassination, the alleged connection between Lee Harvey Oswald and Joe Biden becomes increasingly intriguing. Could it be that these two seemingly unrelated figures share a common identity?
The shocking theory suggests that Lee Harvey Oswald, the supposed assassin, was none other than Joe Biden, a man who would later rise to become the 46th President of the United States. The evidence, though circumstantial, is startling, and the implications are staggering.
Chapter 6: The Smoking Gun
In the world of conspiracy theories, every piece of evidence is a potential smoking gun, and in this case, the Life Magazine photos are at the center of the storm. Skeptics argue that these images were manipulated to conceal the truth, leaving us to question the authenticity of the official narrative.
Were the photographs altered to hide the connection between Lee Harvey Oswald and Joe Biden? As we scrutinize these images, we uncover discrepancies that challenge the conventional wisdom surrounding JFK’s assassination.
Chapter 7: The Long Road to Truth
For 60 years, the American public has been fed a narrative carefully crafted by those in power. The JFK assassination remains a dark and enigmatic chapter in our nation’s history. It is a story of deceit, intrigue, and cover-ups, and it is time to shine a light on the shadows that have obscured the truth for far too long.
As we conclude our journey through the labyrinth of conspiracy theories and hidden truths, one thing becomes abundantly clear: the story of JFK’s assassination is far from settled. The alleged connection between Lee Harvey Oswald and Joe Biden is a revelation that challenges the very foundations of our understanding of history.
While we may never have all the answers, one thing remains certain – the pursuit of truth is a noble endeavor. As long as there are unanswered questions and concealed documents, there will always be those who dare to dig deeper, to question the official narrative, and to seek the elusive truth that lies beneath the surface.
In the end, whether or not JFK Jr. truly believed in the connection between Lee Harvey Oswald and Joe Biden, his words serve as a reminder that the quest for truth is a journey without end, a journey that will continue to captivate the hearts and minds of those who refuse to accept the official story at face value.
SOURCE: SERENDIPITY @snaptwiceontw
Yes dear
That video is quite something, only question I had is, why as it finishes with the overlay of both faces, do you see a huge discrepancy of the size of the ear/lobe on his right ear? Maybe Time Mag had altered the pic and extended his ear, knowing this was going to be looked at in present day eventually…
Nobody killed JFK. It was a theatrical performance so that the cabals would not kill or poison him first. JFK died in 2021 at the age of 103. All the elites are transgenders, all US presidents are transgenders, so I don’t understand the elevation of some transgender pedophile to the rank of hero. They are all members of the club of Baphomet, the bisexual goat who eats children. They all belong in Guantanamo, a quick military tribunal and hanging. All this transgenders evil must be wiped off the face of the earth forever. I hope that the Templars and the assassins planned all this in advance and no one will hide anywhere or run away anywhere. The executions of pedophile cannibals are probably filmed on video cameras and then they will all be shown to us. In the US, I think 20-30% of the population is transgenders or their associates. Therefore, purgatory will be huge throughout the world. Deagel’s forecast is not a forecast, it is a plan.
You mean, 20-30% of the population is transgenders (or transhuman/clones). Who knows, they can change the DNA of a clone, maybe they can change the sex of a person’s clone? Hmmm….
fake, jfk is alive in 2024
The only thing fake is that JFK knew that he was going to have an assasination attempt and he sent in his body double to be there instead. There was an assasination…
Wakey Wakey
Head shape and ears don’t match. Nice try though. And now they say JFK went dark and reappeared as Pascal Nadjadi (sp?). NASARA/GESARA trust monies ( St Germaine Trust Fund) vaporized? Folks this is getting interesting. Remember Agent Orange could be drunk like Tang back in the day. Amazing! May the Lord have mercy on all of us.
Remember now, Judyth Very Baker and Lee Harvey Oswald were both married when they had their affair in New Orleans. Best memory , she was Catholic… the book a long time ago. Apologies.
The book, Me and Lee by Judyth Vary Baker tells the story of the author’s love affair with Lee Harvey Oswald. He adored president Kennedy and had a picture of him in his living room. He spoke Russian and English at a very young age….she had the highest IQ in the state of Fl as a girl…probably school tests. Anyway, she was married and I think he was single when they were together…..they wanted to run away to Mexico & were planning it. He knew when he went to the book depository that he would be framed for Kennedy’s murder….his family was threatened mafia style if he did not comply. Great book.
I also read that book many years ago. I think it said Oswald was used as a patsy then conveniently killed.