Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: Five Separate Assassination Teams Trying To Kill President Trump! Obama, Biden, Clinton, CIA Master Minded Seal Team Six & Benghazi Massacres? Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 20 Sept. 2024
Ready to uncover the truth? Sick of the lies? Join our Telegram Channel now. It’s time for the real story! My gratitude to all my readers!
Compiled Fri. 20 Sept. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities”
Trust The Plan To Save The World
Five Separate Assassination Teams Trying To Kill President Trump!
Congressman Tim Burchett Exposes Biden’s CIA MK ULTRA Plot to Assassinate Trump!
FBI Caught Iran Spying on Trump Campaign, Giving Info to Harris!
Obama, Biden, Clinton, CIA Master Minded Seal Team Six & Benghazi Massacres?
Former Bishop of Guatemala, Gerard Bouffard who spent years at the Vatican, exposed that the Jesuits infiltrate religions and governments worldwide with the ultimate goal of creating a one-world religion rooted in Luciferian principles.
Of Course, Mainstream Media Is Silent On It All
On Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 US Inc. Corp. Dissolves – Ends Fiat Monetary System Experiment
Gold/Asset-Backed Quantum Financial System Locked, Loaded & Taking Over
We Are In The Ultimate Battle Between Good and Evil
Now Is The Time To Pray
It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency.
Andrea Bocelli – The Lord’s Prayer – Live From The Kodak Theatre, USA / 2009 (
Judy Note: “Standing on the edge of a profound transformation, we face a battle for America’s Soul. Deep State crimes run deeper than anyone realizes. Their reign of terror has lasted for decades filled with corruption, treason and outright destruction of the Republic. The corruption is too vast for anything less than Martial Law and Military Tribunals.” … Restored Republic Vice President First Lady Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy on Sat. 14 Sept. 2024
The Cabal UN’s “Pact for the Future” strips Nations of their Sovereignty and individuals of their Freedom. This Pact for the Future was another name for the Cabal’s fiat non-asset backed digital currency of their Great Reset – where they plan to have complete control over our bank accounts, and lives.
The Cabal’s Great Reset had failed to gain momentum in popularity after word got out of the Global Alliance’s BRICS nation’s gold/asset-backed Global Currency Reset that gave back to The People, banker’s control of our own monies – eliminating the Deep State Cabal Banker privately owned Federal Reserve and IRS in the process.
On Mon. 16 Sept. the BRICS nations lead by President Trump, began transformation of the Global Financial System into Decentralized Finance (DeFi) through launch of a system called World Liberty Finance. DeFi will give The People true freedom and financial empowerment where banks across the Globe will no longer have control over people of the World’s financial affairs.
By Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 all banks must be Basel III Compliant, meaning because of the fiat US Dollar, they could no longer use US Treasury Bonds as collateral to print money and must close unless they had enough gold behind them to make loans.
It also meant that the already bankrupt US Inc. Corporation and their privately owned by Cabal Bankers Federal Reserve and IRS, would no longer be artificially funded by the fiat US dollar, forcing all to shut down by Tues. 1 Oct. 2024.
The new gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System was locked, loaded and already in the process of taking over.
The Brunson Brothers Voter Fraud Case before the Supreme Court asked a simple question: Did Congress investigate 50 formally filed allegations of voter fraud before certifying the 2020 Election? Obviously no, and rumor was that the Supreme Court had already ruled such on the case. We awaited an announcement likely in favor of Brunson that would dissolve the Biden Administration and all of Congress, plus bring in Martial Law until a new election was held.
The Global Currency Reset Has Been Activated, Worldwide EBS Activation Soon, Blackout, Martial Law, Mass Arrests, CIA, Mossad Mainstream Media Gone, Trump Back, Quantum Financial & Voting Systems, Med Beds Across the Globe.
· Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 Trump at NY Rally: “I’m going to Springfield and then I’m going to Aurora. You may never see me again, but that’s ok.” He talking Blackout Necessary?
“You may never see me again but that’s OK” said Trump
— Qmum (@Nancy023922191) September 19, 2024
· Five separate assassination teams actively targeting President Trump. Three are foreign, two domestic. Three Assassination Attempts in last few weeks. President Trump is insulated. …WH Grandpa on Telegram Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024
· Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024: Explosive Bombshell: Congressman Tim Burchett Exposes the CIA’s Sinister MK ULTRA Plot to Assassinate Trump! VIDEO – – American Media Group
· Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024: The Former Bishop of Guatemala, Gerard Bouffard has exposed that the Jesuits infiltrate religions and governments worldwide, with the ultimate goal of creating a one-world religion rooted in Luciferian principles. Bouffard spent years in the Vatican, close to Pope John Paul II, witnessing the Jesuits’ iron grip over everything, from policy decisions to the manipulation of world events. And their agenda isn’t just limited to the Church. It’s about bringing total destruction to the Middle East, America, and Israel, using every tool at their disposal.
· Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024: ALERT: 23andMe, DARPA, and Ethnically Targeted Bioweapons! Must See Video – – American Media Group
· Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024: Exposed! Treason in Benghazi: The Real Story of Benghazi! How Obama and Hillary’s Treason Endangered America and Cost Lives! VIDEO – – American Media Group
· Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024: Obama Exposed: Obama Kill List! Arrest and Criminal Prosecution of Barack Obama For War Crimes, Misdeeds, Scandals and Blunders – The Murdering of SEAL Team 6 (video) – – American Media Group
· Obama, Biden, Clinton and the CIA appeared to have master minded the Seal Team Six and Benghazi Massacres. On May 1 of 2011 Bin Laden or a body double, was taken down by Seal Team Six, while a massacre of that same Seal Team Six took place about three months later, said to be compliments of President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and their CIA. By July 9, 2015 VP Biden knew that the Defense Department had conclusively found that Iran had directly murdered a minimum 500 US soldiers with Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) in Iraq over the past seven years. Yet a few days later on July 14, 2015, VP Biden cheer led the Iran Nuclear deal that handed Iran $150 Billion dollars in cash.
· US VP Kamala Harris was born a boy in Benghazi. His parents, Donald Harris from Jamaica and Shyamala Gopalan from India, named him Kamal Aroush. He is not black, but half Indian and half Jamaican. At the time of his birth the parents were British citizens, not US citizens, and thus He/She is not even eligible to hold the office of US President. He/She later worked as a prostitute in the US, slept His/Her way into California politics as a card carrying Marxist and as a chief prosecutor in San Francisco California not only refused to prosecute Pedophile Sex Offenders, but demanded His/Her Office cover up and hide Sex Offender evidence. He/She was awarded for that by illegally being elected US Vice President through 2020 Election Fraud. He/She was arrested, tried and executed at GITMO for that Election Fraud and has been played by an actor ever since. Without receiving one vote His/Her actor was now running as the Democrat Party ineligible nominee for US President of a bankrupt and defunct Vatican/ UK Royalty/ Rothschild Banker-privately owned and corrupt US Inc. Corporation. Confusing, isn’t it?
· Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024: Breaking News: Dirty Bomb Discovered at Trump Rally—Massive Cover-Up by Deep State and Global Elites Exposed! The People’s Voice Video – – American Media Group
· Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: 3rd Trump Assassination Attempt. Operation Stormbreaker Activated. National Guard Deployed Coast to Coast… – – American Media Group
· Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: On Sept.18th 2024 3rd Trump Assassination Attempt. Operation Stormbreaker Activated. National Guard Deployed Coast to Coast. Special Intel Report 9/19/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
· Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of September 19, 2024 – The US Military News
· Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SITUATION UPDATE 9/18/24 RUSSIA & ISRAEL ON THE BRINK OF WW3, DIDDY FALLOUT (
If you were reading this Update on, or from the Operation Disclosure Official Website, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of operationdisclosureofficial
.com, or read un-redacted versions on the The Rumor Mill News Reading Room – Breaking Stories and American Media Group ( Websites, or watch videos of the Update done by We The People NEWS ( and
A. Possible Timing:
· On Mon. 16 Sept. 2024 Trump unveiled a new crypto venture World Liberty Financial – suspected to be a precursor to the Global Currency Reset.
· “In one week (by Tues. 24 Sept. 2024) everything will change. The channels everyone has been waiting for will publish devastating information that is kept secret from the public. A big scandal happened this week, so we have it all. Donald Trump has promised.” … John F. Kennedy Jr. on Telegram Tues. 17 Sept. 2024
· By Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 all banks must be Basel III Compliant, meaning because of the fiat US Dollar, they could no longer use US Treasury Bonds as collateral to print money and must shut down, and also meaning that the US Inc. Corporation had no money and would be shut down by Tues. 1 Oct. 2024.
· Absolutely no time frame has been given for EBS Activation. No one knows when it will happen, other than it will occur at the top of the hour. It was designed this way for a reason.
· When it happens you are to follow EBS instructions to the letter.
· Be ready for 3-6 weeks where everyone will be home.
· There is no reason to panic as everything has been factored in.
· U.S. Military Alert: All military forces worldwide are preparing to suspend all media, internet, phone, and TV services. Emergency services will stay active, but everything else is about to go dark.
· During this time, no internet, no ATMs, and phones only working for 911 calls. This is the Global Martial Law we’ve been talking about, and it comes with a 10-day communication blackout.
· But here’s the kicker: the Emergency Broadcast System will be activated worldwide. Nonstop, 24/7, 8-hour documentaries exposing the darkest secrets of the elite—fraud, corruption, pedophilia, and their arrests—will play three times a day. The truth will be unleashed.
· The military is taking down Cabal-controlled governments worldwide, executing mass arrests based on 500,000 sealed indictments. This is the moment we’ve been fighting for.
· After the 10 days of darkness, we will reconnect to a new Quantum Internet. The old systems of government, education, finance, health, and commerce? Gone. A new age is coming.
· GESARA/NESARA activated.
B. Global Currency Reset:
Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024 Bruce:
· NESARA will be out in the next seven days.
· R&R should be in your Quantum Account when you exchange, or will be direct deposited into your bank account.
· You will be given a Q phone so you can access your Quantum Account.
· To set up your Quantum Account you will need a Biometric finger or thumb print, user name and password, 5 digit pin number and the name of a new email account and password.
· You have 3-5 min. to do a quick presentation on your Humanitarian Project
· If you are in need for a Med Bed appointment tell them. Most Zim Holders will get a Med Bed appointment within 5-6 days of your exchange.
· A source said that we get toll free numbers notification email from Wells Fargo in 24-46 hours or between 4 am to 4 pm on Friday 20 Sept. Other sources said we would get notified on Fri. 20 Sept. and start exchanges on Sat. 21 Sept. or Sun. 22 Sept.
· We will be finishing up everything by the end of Sept. NESARA to come out, R&R payments, SS increases in your bank account, and exchanges started by the last day of Sept.
· Restored Republic Fiscal Year started 1 Sept. 2024.
· Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024 Wolverine: Invitations to the P Group have gone out. They are starting this weekend. It is happening. …September is called the Golden Month by Bond Holders because they have been told everything is happening in September. Bond Holders are presently in Reno and other parts of the World awaiting release of liquidity for the Global Currency Reset. We are defiantly close. Redemption Center staff have been trained. The QFS is fully integrated. … Rubem Baz said, “At 15:30 Brazilian time on Tues. 17 Sept. was the last procedure between Brazil and Reno (USA). Tomorrow Wed. 18 Sept, after 11:00am invitations to go to the bank will be sent. In 48 hours (Fri. 20 Sept.) we will go liquid. This portion is 1%. Finally there is nothing left to do. Payments will now begin.” …“Things are defiantly happening behind the scenes. We are going to be celebrating this week. There are things that I can’t say, but I wanted you to know that things are defiantly moving.” … “I agree with Mr Salvage report on German Bastidas who is one of the leaders of the Pentecostal Group. They have now finished all the contracts with the Call Centers which are located in Brazil. On Mon. 16 Sept. 2024 notifications began to be delivered. On Tues. 17 Sept. 2024 they closed the platforms and were ready to begin start the blessing. They will begin sending the transactions from the 1st to the 2nd of October to each member.”
· Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 TNT Update: “Banks got memos yesterday Tues. 17 Sept. telling them to get ready and be there this morning because it was scheduled between now and Fri. 20 Sept. The RV announcement should be by tomorrow Thurs. 19 Sept. There is a scheduled time but no one wanted to put it out. We are now waiting for the big announcement on the Fed rate. The Market will change with the Fed announcement. They want things to settle down and then will let the RV go. The rates are out. The Banks are ready. This should be our final call.”
· Judy Note: The Federal Reserve announcement was that they cut interest rates by 50bps for the first time in 4 years.
· Tues. 17 Sept. 2024 Bruce: Bond Holders are getting funds into their accounts right now and will have access to those funds Thurs. or Friday. Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) will be notified at the same time as Tier 3.
· Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024: BRICS Makes Bold Move to Reshape Global Financial System: New Payment System Challenges US Dollar Dominance – – American Media Group
C. Global Financial Crisis:
· Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 Fed action today marks the beginning of the end of the fiat monetary system experiment, JustDario
D. Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024 Bank Shut Downs …Cosmic Light Force on Telegram
1. Fed lowers interest rates.
2. Banks must be Basel III compliant by Oct 1st.
3. After Oct 1st, U.S. Treasury Bond are not collateral under Basel III.
4. Government shut down by Oct 1st?
· Major US banks closed 55 branches in just two weeks:
· Basel III Endgame: Will Banks Have To Increase Their Capital Requirements?
· Basel Endgame for Banks
· Basel 3 is tearing the banks up
E. Restored Republic:
· Breaking: The White Hats’ Military Devolution Plan is live! Global blackout, Project Odin, Tesla energy revolution, and the Deep State takedown—this is the moment we’ve been waiting for! The storm has arrived and it’s going to shake the world to its core. The Plan is in motion, and the takedown of the Deep State is in full swing! #TheStorm #TrustThePlan
· This isn’t just a theory anymore—the White Hats, alongside Trump, have set their Devolution Plan in place, and it’s already underway. The dismantling of the Deep State is happening now, and with it comes the liberation we’ve all been fighting for. The revolution has begun—and we are on the frontlines.
· What’s Devolution? It’s about power being returned to the people, a full collapse of the corrupt systems that have enslaved us for decades. The Deep State’s control is crumbling as the military and patriots work to expose their crimes, one step at a time. This isn’t a fight we see on TV, but it’s happening right before our eyes—indictments, arrests, even executions are taking place as these criminals are brought to justice.
· The blackout is not just a metaphor. We’ve been hearing “blackout necessary,” and now you know why. It’s part of the master plan to cut off the Deep State’s control of the media. The media’s lies, their manipulation, it’s all going down. This is about severing their grip on the narrative and unleashing the truth on a global scale.
· Project Odin is the strike that will take out the Mossad-controlled media satellites, cutting off their propaganda. And once those satellites go dark, it’s the beginning of the end for the Deep State’s reign of terror. The Tesla energy revolution will follow, bringing free energy to the world—something the elites have hidden from us for far too long.
· The arrest wars have begun. From political puppets to corporate elites, no one is safe. This is about cleaning house. These criminals thought they could evade justice forever, but their time has run out. The White Hats have all the evidence, and justice is coming.
· The Deep State’s empire is collapsing—trust the plan. The revolution is already here, and the best is yet to come. Stay vigilant, because the world is about to change forever.
· Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024 Free Republic Canada: New Rumble platform is launched by Kevin Annett and the Republic of Kanata: First posting – “Don’t vote in Canada – Establish a Free Republic!” Why voting is treason:
· The Re-inhabited Republic for These United States of America, Dr. Miarecki: (7/12/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ USAF Lt Col (Ret) Dr. Sandy Miarecki to Discuss the Reinhabited Republic For These United States (
How To Save America | Republic for USA (
Want to hold a seat in the United States of America Republic? https://members.
F. The Real News for Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024:
· Three months prior to 9/11 the US Military Industrial Complex released the “Dark Winter” simulation. This simulation was the prequel to the “Event 201” covid simulation. What this shows us is that global events are phased out according to a plan.
· Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024 Trump Third Attempted Assassination Attempt Shocking Video Released! The identity of the man responsible for parking a vehicle filled with explosives near the site where President Trump was scheduled to hold a NY rally has finally been revealed. This dangerous plot, aimed at causing mass chaos and putting lives at risk, was thankfully thwarted in time—but the question remains: Who is behind this sinister plan? Authorities have been tight-lipped about the details… until now. This explosive video reveals the face and name of the suspect who was planning to carry out this devastating act. What’s even more disturbing is his connection to high-level political figures.
· Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024: BQQQQQM! How to Make The Swamp Believe They Killed You! What a Time to Be Alive! VIDEO – – American Media Group
· Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024: Former CIA officer sentenced to 30 years for sexually assaulting scores of women. Brian Jeffrey Raymond of California was found guilty of drugging and raping women in his government apartments.
· Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024: FBI disrupts botnet run by Chinese hackers who hijacked over 200,000 devices in U.S. “The botnet malware infected numerous types of consumer devices, including small-office/home-office (SOHO) routers, internet protocol (IP) cameras, digital video recorders (DVRs), and network-attached storage (NAS) devices,” the DOJ said. The botnet was shutdown by a “court-authorized law enforcement operation.”
· Thurs. 18 Sept. 2024: A Kentucky judge was fatally shot in his own chambers on Thursday, Gov. Andy Beshear, R-Ky., announced. “Sadly, I have been informed that a district judge in Letcher County was shot and killed in his chambers this afternoon,” he posted on X. “There is far too much violence in this world, and I pray there is a path to a better tomorrow.”
G. Tues. 21 Sept. 2021: Biden’s, Obama’s, Clinton’s and the CIA’s Seal Team Six and Benghazi Massacres | Politics | Before It’s News (
· Obama, Biden, Clinton and the CIA appeared to have master minded the Seal Team Six and Benghazi Massacres, a presumed fake killing of Bin Laden, plus laundered through Iran $1.5 Billion US taxpayer dollars that went to terrorists.
· It was all said to have started some time in 2011 when the then US President Barak Obama ordered his CIA Director John Brennan to ask Iran, which had been harboring Bin Laden, to set him up in Pakistan in order for Obama to get a photo trophy to help with his re-election.
· On May 1 of 2011 Bin Laden or a body double, was taken down by Seal Team Six, while a massacre of that same Seal Team Six took place about three months later, said to be compliments of President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and their CIA.
· On May 24th, 2011 Obama was said to have Biden and the CIA leak operational details of Seal Team Six take out of Bin Laden. Less than three months later by August 6th, 2011, 33 individuals, including 22 Seals who had knowledge of the Bin Laden scandal, were sent on a slow, heavy Chinook helicopter to a village in Afghanistan – where they were shot down like sitting ducks. A stinger missile found in wreckage was traced back to the CIA.
· Then less than four months later on Sept. 11 2012, the Benghazi Massacre happened. Benghazi was found to be a cover for running guns and missiles to various terrorist groups.
· By July 9, 2015 VP Biden knew that the Defense Department had conclusively found that Iran had directly murdered a minimum 500 US soldiers with Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) in Iraq over the past seven years. Yet a few days later on July 14, 2015, VP Biden cheer led the Iran Nuclear deal that handed Iran $150 Billion dollars in cash.
· When Obama shipped $1.7 billion in cash to Iran he claimed it was part of his Iran Nuclear Deal. In reality Iran had extorted the Obama Administration for the $1.52 Billion in exchange for them keeping the Ben Laden, Seal Team Six and Benghazi Massacres secret.
· Bill Gertz’s Pentagon sources reported that much of the actual $1.7 Billion cash bills sent to Iran made their way to Hezb’allah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen, and to the hardline Quds forces of Iran. Within two years of the cash transfer to Iran the U.S. government had traced some of the $1.7 Billion to Iranian-backed terrorists.
· Inside the Ring: Obama-era cash traced to Iran-backed terrorists – Washington Times
· Yet, in the thirteen years since the Seal Team Six and Benghazi Massacres, the fake killing of Bin Laden and $1.5 Billion of taxpayer dollars that went to terrorists, the Mainstream Media has continued to cover up these breaking stories. Why?
H. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and housed in China’s Three Gorges Dam in a 1500 mile tunnel that also runs between the Vatican and Jerusalem:
· On Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 P Diddy was arrested and held without bail. Diddy was running a honeypot/blackmail operation, just like Epstein. The only question is, who was above Diddy? Who was he feeding the intelligence to? Given the CIA are neck deep in all these kinds of operations, it’s pretty safe to assume they knew. And given Diddy has been an extremely vocal and influential asset for the Democrat Party, it’s safe to say where his loyalty lies. Diddy was an intelligence asset, and his mission was to obtain blackmail for the Deep State, in exchange for fame and riches. Literally sold his soul to the devil. Don’t let the Democrats disassociate from Diddy. He is one of theirs. They have been using him to try and influence Hollywood and the music industry since at least the early 2000’s. He is a Democrat operative.
I. Covid/Vax/Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride, Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:
· The PCR tests for Covid have been confirmed to be laced with the poisonous chemical Sodium Azide.
· New reports reveal that NYC’s former COVID Czar Dr. Jay Varma hosted secret, drug-fueled sex parties during the height of the global pandemic.
J. Satan Worshipping Illuminati Zionist Deep State Cabal Globalist Depopulation Agenda 2030:
· 25 Feb. 2009 Kissinger’s quote from a speech to the WHO Eugenics Council: “Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it’s game over. They will accept anything – forced blood or organ donation – ‘for the common good.’ We can genetically modify children and sterilize them – ‘for the common good’….” Vaccine manufacturers will make billions. And many of you in this room are future investors. It’s a big win-win. We exterminate the herd, and the herd pays us for our extermination services.”
K. Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024 RV, QFS & NESARA/GESARA The End of Global Poverty ~ Trust the Plan! …QFS Updates on Telegram
· At 9 am on Sept. 11, 2001, we had 9-11 and the destruction of the Twin Towers and Tower #7. Humanity then realized the Deep State’s ruthless determination to maintain control, showing they would destroy anything or anyone in their path. At 10 am, Alan Greenspan was scheduled to publicly announce NESARA-the law meant to address the illegal activities of the banking industry, in collaboration with the government. This announcement would have met the requirements to bring NESARA into effect as Positive Law.
· But NESARA was delayed for the next 20 years. To correct the illegal actions of the Central Bank system that plunged America into debt slavery, a meticulously crafted Plan, with military precision, had to be implemented. This Plan, aligned with the Earth Alliance, seeks to right the wrongs of an unjust system.
· The banks and government illegally foreclosed on family farms in the Midwest that were protected by Allodial Title, granting Land Patents to the owners. A Land Patent legally protects against unlawful land seizures, making it illegal to foreclose on properties owned under such titles. USA Inc. assumed ownership of these lands, ignoring the property rights guaranteed by the Allodial Title. These properties could only be transferred voluntarily by the rightful owners, but the banks, along with county clerks, facilitated fraudulent title transfers without the legal owner’s voluntary signature.
· This fraud resulted in an unlawful foreclosure of America by USA Inc., and NESARA aims to reclaim these lands, while also compensating the victims of these illegal foreclosures. NESARA also calls for the return of Indigenous American land and reparations for years of mistreatment, freeing Native Americans from the limitations of reservations and the predatory casino system.
· There are many questions surrounding RV, QFS, and GESARA that become clearer if one understands the Earth Alliance’s (EA) composition. The Earth Alliance, formed in response to these historical injustices, is now spearheading the movement to implement NESARA, break free from debt slavery, and restore financial sovereignty to the people.
· Consequently, the NESARA Law was postponed, and the Deep State’s stranglehold on America through the Central Bank system persisted. The Federal Reserve Bank, a private entity owned by 13 banking families, is responsible for loaning money to the USA, money created out of thin air. This debt, coupled with interest, is paid for by American taxpayers. All income taxes go toward paying the interest on Federal Reserve loans, not the principal, ensuring the debt is never fully repaid.
· The Federal Reserve doesn’t want the loans repaid; it only wants interest payments, siphoning 20% to 30% of American citizens’ income directly into the hands of these 13 families. This is the greatest government-sponsored travesty ever committed against humanity. No politician has publicly addressed who the national debt is owed to or who truly benefits from this system-certainly not the people. JFK attempted to stand against the Federal Reserve, and for that, he was assassinated (his clone was the target), signaling the beginning of the Q Movement and the global Earth Alliance.
· The Central Bank’s control extends to every corner of the US Republic and into every country around the world. Their influence is so pervasive that it seems impossible to escape their grasp. For centuries, millions have prayed for divine intervention. Yet, Divine Timing is everything, and the Plan to restore justice is now unfolding.
L. Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024 Obama Exposed: The Kill List and SEAL Team 6 Betrayal! …Gitmo TV on Telegram
· Barack Hussein Obama must be held accountable for his crimes against humanity. His administration’s reckless policies led to the deaths of American heroes and innocent civilians alike. The SEAL Team 6 tragedy, the assassination of Muammar Gaddafi, and the drone strikes targeting American citizens all point to a leader who used his power as judge, jury, and executioner.
· Obama’s kill list wasn’t just a tactic against terrorists—it was a cold-blooded method to silence political enemies and anyone who stood in his way. He ordered drone strikes on Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, a 16-year-old U.S. citizen, without due process. This isn’t justice; it’s murder! The father, Anwar al-Awlaki, was killed two weeks earlier in a similar illegal strike. Does a president have the right to target his own citizens without a trial?
· Let’s not forget the disastrous consequences of the Libya intervention. The bombing of Libya, a nation that posed no direct threat to the U.S., toppled Gaddafi and turned the country into a war zone, destabilizing the entire region. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton laughed, saying, “We came, we saw, he died.”
· Obama’s reckless use of drone warfare violated international law and targeted innocent civilians. His secretive operations bypassed Congress and the courts. With $6 trillion in new debt, skyrocketing unemployment, and an intentional refusal to enforce immigration laws, Obama weakened America. He betrayed our military by ordering SEAL Team 6 into dangerous situations, leading to their deaths.
· Under Obama, Operation Fast & Furious armed Mexican drug cartels, costing American lives. His administration’s mishandling of the economy led to the highest food stamp dependency in history. And all the while, Obama apologized to terrorists, isolated our allies, and gave the green light to chaos.
· It’s time for justice. Barack Obama should be tried for his war crimes and the reckless policies that put America in danger. We must hold him accountable before more innocent lives are lost!
M. Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024 Ukraine, Ben Fulford Report:
· According to Nathaniel Rothschild, heir to the Rothschild family fortune…“Without Ukraine, the global order may not survive.”
· This is a RED ALERT PANIC CALL to fellow globalists saying that if the Ukraine were to fall, then so would the NEW WORLD ORDER. [They] are literally BEGGING for military reinforcements from other globalist nation states to aid in “saving” Ukraine for the NWO agenda…This is incredibly telling, especially knowing about the US funded BioLabs there. Preventing next Plandemic, perhaps?
· He also said that Xi was a “close second” to being the “World’s most dangerous man” next to Putin. That confirms my belief regarding Xi…George Soros said the same thing. That is NOT coincidental.
· There should be NO more questions. It should be ABUNDANTLY CLEAR by now that Putin, and Xi are single handedly DESTROYING the NWO, and [they] are ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED about it!
N. Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024 EXPLOSIVE REVEAL! Trump’s Sovereign Wealth Fund Strikes: Demolishing $3 Trillion Federal Reserve Scam, Exposing Rothschild’s CIA Dirty Money, and Unleashing Seized Hidden Technologies Nationwide! …Michael Jackson on Telegram
· The walls are closing in on the shadow elite. The shift in power is monumental, the likes of which the world has never seen. This isn’t just another news story—it’s a total war against the darkest forces that have manipulated humanity for millennia.
· The White Hat Alliance is taking down the Deep State, dismantling their entire operation. The Vatican fell in 2016—an event kept hidden, but the truth is now exploding into the light. The families who thought they could rule with impunity, the Payseurs, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and others, are no longer untouchable. They’ve orchestrated wars, manipulated economies, and trafficked in human lives. But their reign is ending.
· That 2016 operation seized trillions in gold, along with evidence of satanic rituals, human trafficking, and off-the-books financial schemes. It wasn’t just another raid. The Vatican’s immunity was stripped. Trump’s follow-up visit wasn’t diplomacy—it was the moment the Pope surrendered. The evidence was undeniable: files, data, everything documenting the darkest crimes of the cabal.
· Fast forward to September 8, 2024. The pace is accelerating. Switzerland—long a safe haven for the cabal’s dirty money—is under siege. The Swiss National Bank has been exposed as a laundering operation for the Rothschilds, CIA, and Mossad. Billions have flowed through these accounts, funding bioweapons research and secret space operations.
· The Great Awakening is in full swing. Leaks are flooding the internet, exposing Swiss banks as the heartbeat of the devil’s operation. They’ve manipulated currencies, hoarded gold, and funded wars they claimed to mediate. But the reckoning is here. The White Hats and Q Ops, with the Space Force, have intercepted more than just financial transactions. They have the blackmail archives—the files that kept politicians, CEOs, and Hollywood stars in line. These are the secrets that have protected the cabal’s sick agenda for too long.
· Epstein was only the beginning. His island was the hub for trafficking and abuse, but now, Trump’s knowledge of these operations is a weapon against the elite. The mainstream media won’t tell you this, but Trump’s Sovereign Wealth Fund is the declaration of war against the Rothschild’s debt-slavery system.
· The Federal Reserve is crumbling. $3 trillion in hidden reserves have been uncovered. These funds, stolen from the American people, were used to fund global chaos—from fake pandemics to weather manipulation. Yes, they’ve been playing God with storms, controlling droughts and earthquakes to instill fear and control.
· Elon Musk is a player in this too, even if unknowingly. His Universal High Income proposal is just the beginning of the financial reset. His satellites, his tech—everything is part of a bigger game to dismantle the cabal’s grip.
· We’re on the brink of a Golden Age, the moment where humanity will finally be free. The cabal is running out of moves. Their wars, economic collapses, and false flags are failing. The military is in control, tribunals are underway, and there will be no mercy for those who’ve perpetuated this global nightmare.
· This isn’t chaos. It’s a controlled demolition of the cabal’s empire. The truth is pouring out, the dam has broken, and the Great Awakening is unstoppable. Humanity will no longer be shackled by invisible chains. The fall of the Cabal is here. Prepare, because the world is about to change in ways that few can even imagine. The Storm is upon us, and nothing can stop what is coming.
O. Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024 Prepare for the Final Act: The Deep State’s Desperation Won’t Save Them …NESARA/GESARA on Telegram
· The clock is ticking, and the Deep State is trembling. They’ve lost control of the narrative, and their financial empires are crumbling faster than they can hide it. They’re scrambling, but it’s too late.
· The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is locked, loaded, and ready to replace their corrupt structures. GESARA is about to reshape the entire world, and Trump is already in place to take back his rightful position in this historic awakening. The Deep State never saw this coming, but their time is almost up.
· Their final desperate acts – false flags, media blackouts, staged financial meltdowns – won’t save them. They’ve been exposed. They’re vulnerable, and they’re running out of time. Every move they make only quickens their collapse.
· Remember this: Nothing can stop what’s coming. The power is shifting, and millions are waking up to the truth. We are on the edge of a new era – one where debt slavery, disease, and deceit will be shattered for good.
· This isn’t just an awakening – it’s the resurrection of humanity’s true potential. Hold the line, stay sharp, and be ready for the final push.
· The future belongs to those who are willing to fight, and the battle is upon us. The Great Awakening is here. Stand tall, because the final storm is just beginning.
P. Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024 EXPOSED: Jesuits Control the Vatican and Are the Real Religious Controllers of the New World Order! …Forbidden History on Telegram
· The time has come to uncover the truth: the Jesuits are at the very core of Vatican power! For centuries, they’ve operated in secret, controlling the religious agenda of the New World Order and manipulating global events from the shadows.
· Former Bishop of Guatemala, Gerard Bouffard, blows the lid off the dark underbelly of the Vatican. According to Bouffard, the Black Pope—the Jesuit General, Fr. Peter Hans Kolvenbach—pulls the strings. The Pope himself is just a puppet, taking orders from the Jesuits as they secretly direct the Illuminati’s global agenda.
· Bouffard reveals the terrifying truth: the Jesuits infiltrate religions and governments worldwide, with the ultimate goal of creating a one-world religion rooted in Luciferian principles. This isn’t just a church issue—Bouffard exposes that the Jesuits’ influence stretches across the globe, including the U.S. government and organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
· These Jesuits don’t just hide behind robes—they infiltrate every corner of society, disguising themselves as Protestants, Baptists, Jews, and other religious figures, all while working towards the destruction of America and the establishment of a global Luciferian empire. Their sinister plot seeks to infiltrate and destroy from within, laying the groundwork for global chaos.
· The Jesuits’ reach is vast, and Bouffard’s firsthand experience proves it. He spent years in the Vatican, close to Pope John Paul II, witnessing the Jesuits’ iron grip over everything, from policy decisions to the manipulation of world events. And their agenda isn’t just limited to the Church. It’s about bringing total destruction to the Middle East, America, and Israel, using every tool at their disposal.
· Bouffard’s shocking revelations are backed by other researchers like Bill Hughes and Eric Jon Phelps, who have long warned of the Jesuit Order’s true intentions. It’s not just about control—it’s about domination, war, and genocide.
· For too long, these men in black have hidden behind a veil of holiness, pretending to serve God while pushing forward a Luciferian agenda. They want to bring the world to its knees, and America is at the top of their hit list. Are we going to sit back and let them get away with it?
· The truth is out. We must expose these architects of evil and fight back before it’s too late. The storm is here, and the battle for the soul of the world has already begun.
Q. Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024 In a World Full of Lies, the Truth is the Conspiracy …Gitmo TV on Telegram
· In a realm dominated by deceit, the truth is often dismissed as mere conspiracy. This distortion has been perfected by the CIA Cabal Deep State Globalists, who manipulate mass media to control the masses’ perception and maintain their grip on global power.
· The power of the Patriots who dare to speak out is precisely what these globalists fear. President Trump, a beacon for these truth-seekers, once declared, “Together We Are Unstoppable!” This is a rallying cry for those ready to expose the truth and break the chains of control.
· A seismic event unfolded on Wed. 17 Sept., when NATO allegedly struck a Russian ammunition depot. This act, rumored to be near catastrophic, hints at the possible ignition of a Nuclear World War III. However, the underlying truth could be even more explosive. This might be a countermove in what’s dubbed Operation Stormbreaker, President Trump’s most ambitious sting operation against the Cabal, involving a global military alliance aimed at dismantling these malevolent forces.
· President Trump’s covert operations don’t stop there. Over 50,000 Federal Marshals have reportedly been deployed across 360 US cities to tackle the chaos brewed by illegal immigration and foreign criminal activities. This massive deployment is a prelude to a critical Supreme Court announcement that could potentially dissolve the current Congress and Biden Administration, setting the stage for nationwide upheaval.
· The scope of Trump’s command is monumental. Under his directive, military tribunals have detained over half a million of the Cabal’s cronies, ranging from political figures to global elites notorious for their heinous activities, including child exploitation and sacrifice.
· This ties into the alarming issue of child trafficking. Reports suggest that numerous children crossing the US border are being thrust into a dark world of sexual slavery, demanded by high-ranking officials. Trump’s administration, even before officially taking office, declared war on this vile trade, showcasing his commitment to eradicating this scourge.
· Beneath the layers of government, a sinister operation involving Child Sex Trafficking, Organ, and Adrenochrome Harvesting has been unearthed, reportedly linked to top officials in the CIA, FBI, and Homeland Security, not to mention the dubious activities of Biden/Harris and key Democratic figures.
· The machinations extend beyond American borders. The Zionist bankers, through control mechanisms like the Federal Reserve and the IRS, have perpetuated a legacy of centralized control. However, a new dawn is approaching with the Global Currency Reset (GCR), aiming to dismantle this financial monopoly.
· “Draining the Swamp” is not just rhetoric; it’s a living, breathing military strategy that’s unfolding in real-time. As we stand on the brink of a global reset, the anticipation of a worldwide blackout and the activation of the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) grows. This will mark the beginning of a new era, one of truth, justice, and unyielding freedom.
· Be Prepared.
R. Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024 Trojan Horse – McAfee Military Operations: CHEYENNE Mountain, Military Intelligence, CIA, Deep State, Military Coups, International Money Laundering …John F. Kennedy Jr. on Telegram
· McAfee Software has emerged as a Trojan Horse, penetrating the heart of government institutions, elites, and military networks worldwide. Beneath the surface lies an intricate web of corruption, human trafficking, planned military coups, and international money laundering. What was once a tool for cybersecurity has become a key to unlocking the darkest secrets of the Deep State.
· The McAfee Data, now securely held by the United States Space Force, exposes a labyrinth of deception involving the Democratic National Committee, CIA, and the shadowy Deep State. Brace yourself, because this revelation is set to upend the entire global power structure. Epstein’s secrets, Hunter Biden’s laptop, and Julian Assange’s mystery are just the tip of the iceberg.
· McAfee Software was never just about protecting systems. Hidden within its code, it was gathering critical information, revealing the sinister moves of the world’s most powerful figures. What they never saw coming was McAfee’s real mission—to expose the global elite’s darkest dealings. The revelations of human trafficking and secret agendas tied to the DNC, CIA, and Deep State are nothing short of explosive.
· The United States Space Force, particularly Cheyenne Mountain, now safeguards this data, becoming an unlikely keeper of the truth. The shocking extent of global political intrigue is coming to light. Congress is preparing for the storm, as McAfee’s digital treasure trove contains details that could rock the foundations of global power. Epstein’s web of corruption, the Biden laptop secrets, and Assange’s truth-telling efforts will no longer be hidden.
· The Alliance’s Bold Infiltration. McAfee played both sides, gaining the trust of the Deep State while secretly infiltrating their networks. 32 terabytes of evidence now sit in the hands of Military Intelligence, exposing everything from human trafficking to cryptocurrency-funded operations. This is no ordinary takedown—it’s a dismantling of the very systems that have controlled the world for decades.
· As leaks drip out, Trump, Musk, and even the Supreme Court are at the center of this unraveling conspiracy. The Deep State’s grip is slipping, and their desperate attempts to suppress these truths are failing. The Alliance’s military operations are unrelenting, the truth cannot be stopped.
· McAfee’s Trojan Horse was the weapon the Deep State never expected, and now, everything is collapsing. The Deep State’s operations—human trafficking, military coups, and financial manipulations—are crumbling as the military’s evidence is leaked to the public.
· Conclusion: Trust the Plan. John McAfee turned the tables on the Deep State, risking his life to reveal their corruption. With every leak, the world moves closer to justice, as the Alliance’s strategic plan dismantles the empire of deceit. “You have more than you know -Q.” The end of the Deep State is near, and the light of truth is unstoppable.
· The Plan is unfolding. Trust the Alliance. Trust the Patriots. Victory is ours.
S. Judy Note: The below definitions were in my opinion only:
Trust The Plan: Back in the time of the Lincoln assassination a group of generals got together to form a plan to take down the Deep State Cabal who ran the planet and killed Lincoln because he was trying to take over their control of the US taxpayer system and give it back to The People. That Plan was more formally organized around the time of the Kennedy assassination when Kennedy was trying to take down the Cabal’s privately owned Federal Reserve and IRS. Eventually the Global White Hat Alliance and Q Team was formed to enforce The Plan. They selected Donald Trump as their leader and helped him to win the 2016 Election.
The Global White Hat Alliance and Q Team originally included 17 countries of Australia, France, Hungary, Germany, Poland, Romania, Spain, Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Croatia, Canada, North Korea and the USA. Their Military included Stellar and QFS, Space Force, plus military intelligence in Arizona. The Supreme Commander of the Alliance was President Donald Trump who worked with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, India Prime Minister Narendra Modi, White Hats in the Department of Defense headed by Secty of Defense Chris Miller, Undersecty of Defense Intel Ezra Cohen Watnick and Gen. Michael T Flynn; the Q Force (composed of around 800 special ops who advise President Trump including Pentagon Generals Vice Chief John Hyten, US Marine Gen. David Berger, Chief of the Army Gen. James C. McConville, Chief of the Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Chief of Naval Operations Gen. Michael M. Gilday, Gen. James McConville, Gen. Paul Nakasone and Gen. Jay Raymond), QAnons (volunteer Patriots headed by Ezra Cohen-Watnick, General Flynn and JF Kennedy Jr. the National Security Agency headed by our present Acting US President Richard Grenell who, with the US under Martial Law, was running military operations in Washington DC and various militaries across the globe, including the international force authorized to make arrests in any country, Interpol.
The Storm is Here: This clandestine operation has been in place since Trump’s presidency, though much of it has remained hidden-until now. The Plan is now unfolding, and we are witnessing the pieces falling into place. This revolution will not be televised, but the arrest wars have begun, and the dawn of a new era is upon us.
White Hat Global Military Alliance: Militaries, police and law enforcement across the World have united in a Global Military Alliance directed by President Trump. Since 2016 they have taken back trillions in stolen gold stored in a 150 mile long tunnel beneath the Vatican, plus been investigating, held Federal Grand Juries, issued indictments, arrested, held Military Tribunals and carried out sentences on over half a million Cabal Deep State Political & Globalist Elites including the Pope.
Cabal Deep State Political & Globalist Elites including members of the US Congress, political and religious leaders in foreign nations and Hollywood stars were said to have regularly participated in pedophile parties and Satanic Child Sacrifice rites. The Elites were recorded and filmed raping and killing children – the recordings used by the Cabal to blackmail these people of power into doing their bidding. The rites that honored Satan, were said done in return for promises of riches, power and glory.
Those Elites including Bankers and top CIA, FBI and Homeland Security officials, along with Biden/Harris and Democratic Party heads, were suspected connected to a massive and very lucrative Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring. The ring was international in scope, dark activities enforced by various Mafias, run by the Vatican and financed through US Taxpayer monies funneled through the CIA unlimited Black Budget of which there was no accounting.
Save the Children. End Human Trafficking: 21 million people worldwide were victims of Human Sex, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Trafficking, at least 50% of whom were estimated to be children.
“We Have It All” The Deep State has been involved in a range of criminal activities, from global corruption to human trafficking. Now, the White Hats have gathered irrefutable evidence to expose these atrocities. As Trump once declared, “We have it all.” Soon, the public will witness the scale of the Deep State’s betrayal.
Operation Stormbreaker has mobilized military units Worldwide to obliterate the Cabal Deep State Globalists in the greatest Sting Operation in History.
DUMB Underground Tunnels: Illegal US Inc. Bio weapon labs and the Child Sex Trafficking Ring was housed in DUMB Underground Tunnels that were connected for thousands of miles across the nation and World including Cabal Headquarters beneath the White House, Vatican, Switzerland, China, Ukraine and Israel.
Devolution Plan: Power returned to The People, a full collapse of the corrupt systems that have enslaved us for decades. A systematic dismantling of corrupt institutions set up by the Deep State. The military has enacted measures to strip these powers, decentralizing control and paving the way for a new era of transparency and justice.
“Global Blackout Necessary” is a phrase used by the White Hats to help educate the public that there is a need to take down phones, internet, TV, radio and other forms of regular communication for a period of ten days so they can safely make Mass Arrests of the over half a million criminals who have been running the planet.
Project Odin: The Takedown of Mossad-controlled Mass Media Satellites, cutting off their propaganda.
Tesla Free Energy: In the early 1880s the inventor Tesla found a way to capture the earth’s energy. He believed that the Earth had “fluid electrical charges” running beneath its surface, that when interrupted by a series of electrical discharges at repeated set intervals, would generate a limitless power supply by generating immense low-frequency electrical waves.
Deep State Takedown: indictments, arrests, executions taking place as criminals are brought to justice.
Arrest Wars refers to the covert efforts to hold criminals accountable-those who have participated in corruption, exploitation, and crimes against humanity. Behind the scenes, high-profile figures are being rounded up, indicted, and stripped of their influence. No one, from political leaders to corporate elites, is beyond the reach of justice.
The Brunson Brothers Voter Fraud Case before the Supreme Court asked a simple question: Did Congress investigate 50 formally filed allegations of voter fraud before certifying the 2020 Election? Obviously no, and rumor was that the Supreme Court had already ruled so on the case. We awaited an announcement likely in favor of Brunson that would dissolve the Biden Administration and all of Congress, plus bring in Martial Law until a new election was held.
Big Pharma has taken over our government, health, media & education system for their own monetary gain. Even Covid Vaccine Fact-Checkers on Facebook are funded by vaccine companies.
Project Ice Nine: The Cabal’s BlackRock & Central Bank’s non asset-backed digital monies Financial Reset to facilitate the New World Order Agenda & have complete control over Peoples of the World by controlling their bank accounts, including where they can live, travel, eat and function.
Ukraine: a providence of Russia that was taken over by Pedophile German Nazis several years ago. The country was then made into Cabal Headquarters for their international Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring as well as became the home of US Inc. illegal bio-weapon labs. The labs were creating bio-weapons specifically to wipe out the Russian people, so Putin invaded and has been destroying the labs and rescuing children. Nathaniel Rothschild said, “If Ukraine falls to Russia, then so would the New World Order.”
The Real Border Crisis: Under the Biden/Harris Administration 325,000 children who crossed the border were unaccounted for and suspected to have been sold into Child Sex Slavery to fulfill high ranking Pedo Congress & State official’s requests.
HAARP: A US funded research facility in Alaska that has the technology to change the weather, can cause thunderstorms, earthquakes and directly target for total destruction, the Sun’s solar rays so strong they could start fires and melt rocks – such as happened in Maui’s Liahona – the Kingdom of Hawaii’s capitol city that the Cabal was attempting to take over and make into a Smart City.
BRICS was an alliance of the nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa formed in 2008 after the so-called US “Mortgage Crisis.” In reality the crisis happened when the Cabal continued to print fiat US Dollars while bankrupt and unable to even pay interest on gold borrowed from the Chinese Elders which backed that US Dollar, the basis for international trade. In the ensuing years since BRICS formed, they evaluated gold and resources of 209 nations in preparation for a Global Currency Reset. After the GCR all countries currencies would be at a 1:1 with each other instead of relying on the fiat US Dollar for international trade.
The Chinese Elders were composed of different multigenerational Chinese families living in the Philippines who over centuries, owned and held responsibility for around 90% of the world’s gold, lending it out to countries for establishment of their financial systems. There were five top Chinese Elders who were responsible for the Global Currency Reset and RV release of funds.
In 1914 the Illuminati Bloodline Families signed a 99 year lease on the Chinese Elder’s gold and then proceeded to illegally launder all of the US taxpayer monies through their privately owned Federal Reserve, IRS, Central Banks and corporations through Washington DC, City of London and the Holy See in Vatican City. That system was being taken down with the Global Currency Reset.
The Illuminati, Cabal, Deep State or Black Hats gained their power over peoples of the globe by worshipping Satan through pedophilia and child sacrifice. The Cabal was composed of 13 Illuminati Bloodline Families including the Habsburg family. Below them were the Black Jesuit Pope Adolfo Nicolas and his six generals, Pope Francis and 350 personnel in the Vatican including former Jesuit Secretary General Peter Hans Kolvenbach. In turn the Jesuits were part of most governments and in cooperation with the Freemasons have infiltrated every intelligence agency in the world with Masonic leaders, making them puppets that carried out Jesuit orders. Other Cabal leaders were Mafia heads including Khazarian mob leaders, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Fascists, royal families of Europe headed by Queen Elizabeth, the Netherlands and Spanish Royals. The Cabal extended to Benjamin Netanyahu and the Zionists, Globalist and Political Elites, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberger Group, Council of 300, UN, Council of Trent, Knights Templar, Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, CIA, FBI, NSA, ASIO, M15, M16, NCIS, FSB, DGSF and the Mossad. The Five Eyes Deep State Alliance: Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United Kingdom, United States
T. Native Hawaiian DEW Victims of Maui Hawaii
- The Deep State Cabal wanted to make the Native Hawaiian Capitol of Lahaina into a SMART city, so on August 8, 2023 at 6:37 a.m Chinese Communist Party NORAD 555836 Direct Energy Weapon Lazers burned Lahaina Maui to the ground.
- The resulting fires were the most devastating mass casualty events in the Hawaii State history: 2,700+ Structures destroyed; 97 confirmed dead; 1,000+ still missing/ unconfirmed deceased; 4,000+ people originally dislocated, 3,100 still displaced over a year later.
- Every day since the Kingdom of AKUA Foundation Native Hawaiian Volunteers have been supplying three meals a day and support to their now 3,100 still-displaced fellow victims. The Deep State Cabal Red Cross has cut funding for those victims.
- Donations were still needed, but the AKUA Foundation Website has been compromised and cannot accept monies until things are straightened out.
U. Tim Ballard has worked undercover in the US and multiple foreign countries to infiltrate child trafficking organizations. In this effort, he has successfully dismantled dozens of these organizations and rescued countless children from sex slavery. Today in Sept 2024 Tim continues to dismantle child trafficking rings and save children in South America. With his own organization embedded in governments all over the world, he is literally saving the World’s Children. Just as a film about Ballard’s work, “Sound of Freedom,” was released, Tim suddenly became embroiled in a number of law suits. Powerful entities within the government appeared to be working to discredit and take him down, perhaps to silence his anti-trafficking work. Tim is a true hero and his wife and nine children continually support and pray for him. If you would like to support Ballard’s unjust persecution, contribute here: Ballard Family Defense Fund on GiveSendGo Here;
V. “Ken and Barbie vs. Goliath IRS”: Ken Cromar presently sits in jail having been found guilty of living in his own fully owned home and after proving in a Federal Tax Court that he owed no monies to the IRS. Despite the ruling in Cromar’s favor, the IRS sold his home at auction and threw away all his possessions including expensive camera equipment he used to make a living. He was arrested almost a year ago and has been sitting in jail without the ability to file an appeal because he won’t be sentenced until next Feb. 2025.
· Ken really appreciates receiving encouraging messages in postcards. White, pre-stamped postcards with your name and complete return address hand-written is the only thing accepted at the jail. Paul Cromar #567164 Davis County Jail P.O. Box 130 Farmington, UT 84025-0130 Donations for commissary and other needs can be made at: https://www.
W. All Tom Fairbanks did was to spend much of his life gathering evidence on the Ritual Abuse of children in Utah. In early March 2024 he was arrested and placed in the Utah Weber County Jail. For what? The real reason for attacks on Tom appeared to be that the Powers That Be couldn’t afford to have someone with Tom’s very valid evidence of SRA cases to be running around unchecked. Fairbanks’ problems began when he decided to take his evidence of Satanic Ritual Abuse of children to share with Utah governmental powers. No sooner had he done so when a tsunami of problems began to plague his life including being poisoned and suffering years of court battles on made up cases.
· If you wish to help Tom with funds so he can have phone access, go to and register. A box will show up where can put in Tom Fairbank’s name (Weber County Jail ID # 671274) Then hit “send money now” and follow the instructions. Tom would greatly appreciate your show of support. Postcards can be sent to: Community Support Foundation P.O. Box 939 Logan, Utah 84323
X. Judy Note:Jenny Hill and I spent 18 years writing her biography “22 Faces” to expose our own CIA’s horrendous Mind Control Programming based in torture, rape and child sacrifice that was so rampant in our Global Society.
“22 Faces” explains how childhood torture separates a young developing brain’s thinking patterns into multiple personalities that then allowed perpetrators to control their victims throughout their lives.
When the first edition of “22 Faces” was released the biography was immediately brutally attacked by the very pedophiles who, in their worship of Satan, regularly raped, tortured and killed children in exchange for their own sick definition of power and glory.
Through these Satanist’s negative comments and one star reviews of “22 Faces” on Amazon, the pedophiles were effective in plunging book ratings to four.
“22 Faces” was soon to be re-published and it wouldn’t be a surprise to find those same perpetrators organizing another attack on the book – all designed to cover up their own crimes and make people believe that the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children does not exist among us – in our own neighborhoods – right next door.
Upon the soon to be re-publication of “22 Faces,” it would be most appreciated if you could go into Amazon and give the biography a review and rating, plus ask your friends and family to do likewise.
The more we can expose those Satan worshipping perpetrators who perform Satanic Ritual Abuse on our children, the more innocents can be saved from what Jenny and so many others had to endure.
If you would like notification of the “22 Faces” re-publication release, please email me
Y. ***Alert: Victims of International Crime: Trial International is a non-governmental organization fighting impunity for international crimes and supporting victims in their quest for justice. Who We Are – TRIAL International
Contact TRIAL International Email: info@
General Questions: https://trialinternational.
Phone: Call +41 22 321 61 10 Postal Address: Rue de Lyon 95, 1203, Geneva, Switzerland.
Online Contact Form: Fill out the contact form on their website to address specific queries directly at TRIAL International Contact Form. https://
Social Media: Connect with them on social platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Z. WARNING: At least three major scams are being perpetrated on Patriots right now: The TRB Trump Products Scam, the Dave XRPLion Scam and the Ezra A. Cohen-Watnick Impersonator Fake QFS Accounts Scam.
Fake Dave XRPLion Scam: On Thurs. 5 Sept. 2024 I received the below from a reader. Evidently she had been scammed by someone impersonating Dave XRPLion on Telegram. The situation appeared to be another scam run by the Cabal, and NOT Dave XRPLion. Her email: “Apparently, Dave XRPLion in Telegram is fake, impersonation. They lured me into opening a QFS crypto wallet by convincing me about crypto wallets being accessible by fraudsters. They work as a group and several people commented how safe and secure QFSLEDGERONLINE.COM is to store my crypto. So I transferred my crypto after opening an account. So the scheme is to get people into the comments, they were very sophisticated. I was conned into DM the fake Dave where he lured, conned me into giving my cryptos to the fake safe & secure QFS account. When I needed to use some of my XRP, I was told that I need to put in more money. When they refused my withdrawal, I told them that I will contact the authorities. I was promptly locked out of my account. The channel is still in Telegram. They get you to DM Dave XRP Lion, he contacts you there and get people to transfer their cryptos to them, then locks them out. We lost everything after the 2008 Economic Disaster, now this, my Life savings. I am 63 years old a part time school bus driver.”
Ezra A. Cohen-Watnick Impersonator Fake QFS Accounts Scam (Facebook): Evidently an Ezra A. Cohen-Watnick impersonator is “helping” set up fake QFS accounts. He has a Facebook page touting the Quantum Financial System (QFS), Med Beds and the like. A reader sent me the following, “I was foolish enough to purchase $1005.00 worth of Bitcoin today, and have a legitimate receipt for same from the kiosk I purchased it from, BUT I went on Messenger with “Ezra” as he helped me set-up and deposit the Bitcoin into “ . I do not believe this is the legitimate website for the Quantum Financial System.” The reader contacted CDR Pascal Najadi, USSF, who said to report things like this to the Inspector General of the Air Force’s office, so our Spec Ops people can pay a call on such criminals:
The TRB Trump Products being falsely advertised under the Trump name with a promise of a sizeable payoff is actually a giant SCAM being perpetrated on Patriots. It is under investigation by the FBI, Secret Service and New York PD.
· Since the beginning of June 2024 I have received over 400 emails from TRB victims who purchased Trump products with a promise of a sizeable payoff. Not one has received their promised payout. All appear to have been scammed out of thousands of dollars – some their life savings.
· The so-called Trump Coins, Badges and Stickers were NOT, as the advertising claimed, endorsed by Trump, Tucker Carlson, Trump family members, the Trump Organization, or its affiliates.
· Alan Garten, General Counsel to the Trump Organization, stated: “The Trump Organization has no affiliation or association whatsoever with TRB products.”
***Victims of the TRB Scam, Ezra A. Cohen-Watnick Impersonator Fake QFS Accounts Scam and/or the Dave XRPLion Scam are urged to type up their experiences including products bought and monies paid out, plus your contact information. Sign four notarize copies of your complaint, keep one, and give the other three notarized copies to:
1. Present a notarized copy of your complaint to your local law enforcement and ask they open an investigation. Write down your complaint number and include it in your information sent to Alan Garten and the US Inspector General of the Air Force.
2. Alan Garten, General Counsel to the Trump Organization so they can refer such on to their FBI, Secret Service and New York PD investigations. The Trump Organization 725 Fifth Avenue, 26th Fl. New York NY 10022-2519 United States.
3. Inspector General of the Air Force’s Office, so our Spec Ops people can pay a call on such criminals. Email:
I would also appreciate receiving a simple sentence of your experience by email that I will file for the ongoing investigations. Please be general in your remarks and do not send me any evidence or personal information as I don’t wish to be responsible for it. I will erase it if sent. My email:
***Important: TRB/AMF Holders – We won’t stop until we get answers: If you’ve put your trust in TRB/AMF products and still can’t access the promised value, you’re not alone. We understand your frustration, and we’re taking action. We’re gathering all holders to send a letter directly to President Trump’s office, demanding clarity and answers. Is this ever going to happen? Will we see the returns we were promised? Together, we will ask the tough questions and fight for the truth. Provide your name, email, and details in the form, and join us in this crucial mission. We will not rest until we know the truth. Stand with us today!
ZZ. ***Beware of the Brushing Scam! Albito Lopez, Sergeant Akron Police Department
A recent scam has been showing up in many states. A “brushing” scam is when someone receives an unexpected gift or item not ordered in the mail from a place like Amazon or other company.
Examples of gifts include, rings, bracelets, necklaces, Bluetooth speaker, etc. The gift will have the recipients address, but not include the sender’s information or be from a known retailer. When the recipient opens the package to see what it is and possibly who sent it, there is a QR code to scan to find out who sent the gift.
Once the code is scanned, all the information from that phone will be sent to scammers. They receive all access to the phone. All personal and financial information is accessible to the scammers and often the victim’s bank accounts are drained. The gift can be kept or thrown away, but the QR code should NOT be scanned for any reason.
QR code scams are nothing new. These scams show up in all places, including parking meters. Please inform your family members about the scam and avoid scanning any unknown QR codes included in the package.
ZZZ. Must Watch Videos:
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· Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of September 19, 2024 – The US Military News
· Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SITUATION UPDATE 9/18/24 RUSSIA & ISRAEL ON THE BRINK OF WW3, DIDDY FALLOUT (
Updates For the Week Prior:
Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: 3rd Trump Assassination Attempt. Operation Stormbreaker Activated. National Guard Deployed Coast to Coast… – – American Media Group
Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: On Sept.18th 2024 3rd Trump Assassination Attempt. Operation Stormbreaker Activated. National Guard Deployed Coast to Coast. Special Intel Report 9/19/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
Thurs. 19 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of September 19, 2024 – The US Military News Restored Republic via a GCR as of September 19, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SITUATION UPDATE 9/18/24 RUSSIA & ISRAEL ON THE BRINK OF WW3, DIDDY FALLOUT (
Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington:Watch Out For, Protect & Save the Children. Satanic Worshippers & Their Secretive Covens Exist Across the Globe… – – American Media Group
Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of September 18, 2024 – The US Military News
Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Global Military Strike Designed to Obliterate the Globalist Power Structure Underway! Special Intel Report 9/18/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
Restored Republic via a GCR as of September 18, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
Tues. 17 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SITUATION UPDATE 9/17/24 “ARMAGEDDON AVERTED” (
Tues. 17 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: Now Is The Time. Trust The Plan. Pray. “The Enormity Of What Is Coming Will Shock The World” President Donald Trump! Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 17 Sept. 2024 – – American Media Group
Tues. 17 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of September 17, 2024 – The US Military News
Tues. 17 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Warning!!! “The Enormity of What Is Coming Will Shock the World” ~President Donald Trump, Q+ Special Intel Report 9/17/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
Restored Republic via a GCR as of September 17, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
Mon. 16 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: Sunday’s Second Trump Assassination Attempt Believed To Be A Homeland Security-FBI Inside Job! Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 16 Sept. 2024 – – American Media Group
Mon. 16 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of September 16, 2024 – The US Military News
Mon. 16 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Sunday’s 2nd Trump Assassination Attempt Believed to Be a Homeland Security-FBI Inside Job. Impending Big Bang 3 Day Event. Special Intel Report 9/16/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
Restored Republic via a GCR as of September 16, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
Sun. 15 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: Earth Shattering Events On The Horizon. President Trump Was Set To Announce The Launch of World Liberty Finance and … – – American Media Group
Sun. 15 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of September 15, 2024 – The US Military News
Sun. 15 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Earth Shattering Events on the Horizon. Mon.16 Sept. Pres. Trump to Make HUGE Announcement. Special Intel Report 9/15/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
Restored Republic via a GCR as of September 15, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
Sat. 14 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP 9/14/24 “DEFCON 1 ALERT FOR WW3” (
Sat. 14 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: “Checkmate” …Trump on Truth Social Fri. 13 Sept. 2024! Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 14 Sept. 2024 – – American Media Group
Sat. 14 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of September 14, 2024 – The US Military News
Restored Republic via a GCR as of September 14, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
Fri. 13 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP 9/13/24 “WW3 ALERT, RUSSIAN VESSELS IN UK WATERS, MIGRANT GAMGS IN TX, VT INTEL” (
Fri. 13 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: We Are In The Ultimate Battle Between Good and Evil. Now Is The Time To Pray. The Global Currency Reset Has Been Activated… – – American Media Group
Fri. 13 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of September 13, 2024 – The US Military News
Thurs. 12 Sept. Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP: “US/UK TRYING TO TRIGGER WW3, S. CA ON FIRE, EARTHQUAKES, VT INTEL” (
Thurs. 12 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: “Soon, at any moment, a turn of events will trigger the unbelievable. Our entire Government will be invalidated… – – American Media Group
Thurs. 12 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of September 12, 2024 – The US Military News
Restored Republic via a GCR as of September 12, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
Thank you for taking the time to read this report. God Bless You, Patriots!
1 Comment
Dear Madeea and Judy Byington.
Thank you so much for your time, research and dedication to the website daily and other videos, reads, and information. I am writing to inform you that for some time, a month or so, that my ability to watch the small rectangular videos, within the daily news and updates, have given me inabilities to open or hear via computer or cellphone. Finally my frustrations in not being able to access these items forced me to take other options. I went to T-Mobile for my cell phone. I got a young man, who searched my phone while I jabbered on about my search to fix the issues. He could find no reason. Then I said about the updates that i have no control over as they are automatic. Then he kept looking. He said wait wait I think I found it. He found a hidden new thing. It ha a list of websites that allowed or disallowed the ability to use. He said in 12 years of working for TMobile he had never seen this. Each website that I had accessed had and off or on Button. was in there. He turned it on. BQQM. I now could open and hear the videos. He repeated that he had NEVER seen this. He said this was something new to him. He said this quite obviously came, with the update. I use Google as my search engine. PTL I can catch up on this information . I am now registered for The New Republic. I think others may have experienced this . Thanks for listening.