Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: Stay Off All Airlines – All Flights Cancelled. Internet Shut Off. Mass Media Gone. Stock Market Crash. Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 9 Sept. 2024
Ready to uncover the truth? Sick of the lies? Join our Telegram Channel now. It’s time for the real story! My gratitude to all my readers!
Compiled Mon. 9 Sept. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities”
God Is In Charge
Trust His Plan
The Greatest Transfer of Wealth in History is Underway
Prepare For A Worldwide Blackout
There has been a massive deployment of the National Guard in cities across the nation. Prepare for Martial Law and The Final Battle
Mon. 9 Sept, 2024 After Midnight Travel Restrictions Go Into Effect
(There has been absolutely no time frame given for the EBS release)
Stay Off All Airlines – All Flights Cancelled
Internet Shut Off
Mass Media Gone
Stock Market Crash
…The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Sun. 8 Sept. 2024
It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency.
How Great Thou Art | The Tabernacle Choir (
O Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder,
Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made;
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy power throughout the universe displayed.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art!
When through the woods, and forest glades I wander,
And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees.
When I look down, from lofty mountain grandeur
And see the brook, and feel the gentle breeze.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art!
When Christ shall come,
With shouts of acclamation
And take me home
What joy shall fill my heart
Then I shall bow, in humble adoration
And there proclaim,
“My God, how great Thou art!”
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art!
A lie doesn’t become truth, wrong doesn’t become right and evil doesn’t become good just because it’s accepted by the majority.
Judy Note: The 2019-2021 arrests of the Washington DC Deep State Politicians into Child Sex Trafficking including Presidents Obama, Clinton, Bushes and Biden, was just the beginning. Now we await activation of the Emergency Broadcast System for mass arrests of Satan worshippers who torture, rape and kill innocent children; Green Light for the Star-Link Satellite System to take down the Cabal’s Mass Media Mind Control Satellites and activation of the birth of various nation’s gold/ asset-backed currencies that frees The People from debt bondage in the new International Quantum Financial System.
“The White Hats have shown us the way, but the battle requires all of us. Stand ready, stay informed, and be prepared to do whatever it takes to protect our freedom and our future. The war is not won yet, but with courage and unity, we will prevail. This is our moment. The reckoning has begun. Will you answer the call?” …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram
· Sun. 8 Sept. 2024: Over the last 24 hours there has been a massive deployment of the National Guard in cities across the nation, with military personnel dressed in hazardous material suits. Prepare for Martial Law.
· Project Odin is an orchestrated takedown of Mossad-controlled satellites that will strike down the enemy’s communications, triggering a global media blackout. Sun. 8 Sept. 2024: PROJECT ODIN = EBS: Disclosing the Quantum Revolution, NESARA GESARA, and the Biblical Fall of Global Control with Rods of God – – American Media Group
· “JFK Jr.’s big announcement is coming tomorrow.” …Trump Advice on Telegram Sun. 8 Sept. 2024
· Sun. 8 Sept. 2024 “The real World War III will come in late 2024. This mega massive Scare Event and full Nuclear standoff will lead to the exposure of the US Military Industrial Complex System (CIA, Obama, Bush, Clintons, Rockefellers).” …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram
· Tues. 17 June 2014: European Royals were killing naked children for fun at Human Hunting Parties. Teens and young children were said drugged, stripped naked, raped, hunted down in the woods and killed by European Royals. Dutch therapist and Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor Toos Nijenhuis claimed that as a four year-old she was forced to witness murders of children that involved former Pope Ratzinger, a Dutch Catholic Cardinal, plus the father of Netherlands Belgium Queen Beatrix and Bilderberger Founder, Dutch Crown Prince Alfrink Bernhard. Child Sacrifice and Trafficking in Holland An Eyewitness speaks out Introduction) (
· The Global Elite have planned for Digital ID to be embedded in every child by 2025. Sat. 7 Sept. 2024: BREAKING! Gates Insider: Digital ID Will Be Embedded Under the Skin of Every Child by 2025 – The People’s Voice Video – – American Media Group
· “We were not sick until we allowed deadly jabs …the real pandemic is in the needles.” …excerpt from Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter’s Fall of the Cabal series.
· General Flynn says the AIDS virus was likely manufactured by the US Government. “What it really comes down to is our government involved in manufacturing diseases and then drugs that are supposed to help when in fact they don’t help, just like the vaccines that we have now.” He also says Fauci created the HIV drug AZT which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of men.
· The Deep State Cabal’s HAARP facility in Alaska is a weapon of mass manipulation, targeting people’s brains, causing what seem like natural deaths—strokes, heart attacks. Their goal? Silencing dissenters, using these frequency waves to make their opposition crumble from within. Think about it—the world leaders, media moguls, and CEOs you see on TV are just puppets, controlled through advanced technology. Ever wonder why some of the most powerful voices for truth go silent overnight?
· Sun. 8 Sept. 2024 635,000 jobs created for illegals while 1.5 million Americans lose jobs:
· The once-World’s Reserve Currency of the fiat US Petro Dollar defaults with activation of the gold/asset-backed currencies of the BRICS Global Currency Reset Nations.
· Sun. 8 Sept. 2024: EXPOSED: TRIAL INTERNATIONAL UNCOVERS DEEP STATE – Global Crimes Against Humanity Revealed! – – American Media Group
· In the highly organized and massive 2020 Election Fraud, the Democrats had Mass Media and Big Tech control over the flow of information; over 1,000 lawyers making covid-election law changes across 37 states; the CIA in Germany controlling the vote through rigged Dominion voting machines; 35 million more mail-in ballots than 2016, plus $400 million from Zuckerberg for drop boxes and Facebook ballot-counting arenas. And yet, Biden was still so far behind on election night that they ordered a stop to counting ballots in Swing States; kicked out observers and snuck pallets full of fake Biden-marked ballots through the back door. To top it off, Deep State Congress people made sure these allegations of Election Fraud weren’t investigated before certifying the 2020 Election.
· Sun. 8 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: The Beginning of The End Game. Dark To Light “2024 Is The Final Battle”…President Trump Sat. 7 Sept. 2024. “It’s Time”… – – American Media Group
· Sun. 8 Sept. Situation Update (video): Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: The Beginning of the End Game. Dark to Light! “2024 Is the Final Battle” …President Trump SAT. 7 Sept. 2024. Special Intel Report 9/8/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
· Sun. 8 Sept. Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of September 8, 2024 – The US Military News
· Sat. 7 Sept. Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP 9/7/24 “NYC NG ON HIGH ALERT, PREPARING FOR CIVIL UNREST, PLANDEMIC 2.0, VT INTEL” (
A.Possible Timing
· On Sun. 8 Sept. 2024 the iconic White House, a symbol of American leadership, was lit up glowing in orange. Could this be a sign of something much bigger? Analysts are scrambling for answers, but for Trump supporters, the message seems clear: Trump, often dubbed the “Orange Man,” could be sending a signal that his comeback is imminent. The timing is far too perfect for this to be a coincidence.This sudden shift in color has reignited the “Trust the Plan” mantra among patriots. The phrase, which has long echoed in Q circles, reassures the faithful that everything is unfolding as planned, and nothing will stop it—NCSWIC.
· “JFK Jr.’s big announcement is coming tomorrow (Mon. 9 Sept.)” …Trump Advice on Telegram Sun. 8 Sept. 2024
· 10:10 Global Changes. It’s Time! …Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy on Telegram Sun. 8 Sept. 2024
· Reuters has announced that Iraq and the US have come to a preliminary troop withdrawal agreement starting November 2025.
B. Sun 8 Sept. 2024 E.B.S. Alert …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram
· There have been absolutely no time frames given for the EBS release. There have been many suspicions on time limits. Absolutely nothing is set in stone about any of it. Do not spread mis/disinformation. Absolutely no one knows and it is designed this way for a reason. So and so’s friend, neighbor, x boyfriend, etc, has information. Yada, yada, yada. Great. Guess What. It’s hearsay. We don’t deal in hearsay.
· We deal with what we know. All we have been told is that everyone will be home and it will be at the top of the hour.
· It will happen when it is time. When it happens you are to follow it to the letter.
· General consensus in Decoder Groups is to be ready for 36 weeks.
· Follow all EBS direction.
· Everything has already been factored. You will be fine. Do not panic.
C. The EBS …Michael Jackson on Telegram:
· Alerts Via the US Military: All militaries across the Globe would shut down all Media, Internet, Phones and TV programming. (Emergency services would remain active).
· During that time the Internet and ATMs would not work and phones would only work for calling 911.
· This Global Martial Law would include a ten day Communication Darkness where the Emergency Broadcast System would be activated worldwide to play eight-hour documentaries three times a day (24/7) on the subjects of fraud, corruption, pedophilia, arrests and tribunals of Global Elites.
· The Militaries would remove governments worldwide which were under control of the Cabal, while making arrests on 500,000 sealed indictments across the Globe.
· After the 10 days of Communication Darkness, we would then connect to a new Quantum Internet.
· Old systems of Government, Education, Finance, Health, Trade and Commerce etc., would be dismantled and replaced.
· GESARA/NESARA would be activated.
D. Global Currency Reset:
Sun. 8 Sept. 2024 Wolverine:
· Looks like things are ready to kick off. I am getting news that Iraq is ready to put the Dinar on Forex. If that happens, the RV will start. I have been told they will kick off after midnight today Sun. 8 Sept. And, when this happens, it will be real, and it will be emotional for all of us.
· The first things to go are the German Bonds and the Yellow Dragon Bonds this week! It will take a few days for them to come, and then the rest of the bonds will come in the next few days.
· Orders have now come for ALL THE BANKS IN THE WORLD to activate the QFS in all bank accounts. Get ready for that!
· There will be some funds in that QFS from Nesara Gesara so check your bank for those funds! I think it is all coming at one time.
· The Precatorias has a geopolitical problem in Brazil with the ruler – IMO I think it I all BS – just a delay tactic. IMO they are just waiting to get started with the rest of us as a shotgun release. The Precatorias is a F&P and are not an actual part of the redemption process. It is considered a blessing so they technically in the RV.
· Not much more to say. Orders have been given. We will see tomorrow, your Monday 9 Sept. So, you may receive your Notifications maybe after midnight.
· It has been a huge hard challenge for me, a very difficult rollercoaster ride. No sleep – as I have been trying to get a lot of info for you. I wish Peace to all of you and blessings. Let’s hope that tomorrow will happen with a rainbow next to my window!
· In Summary: They have given orders for the QFS to be activated IN EVERY BANK IN THE WORLD!! We are waiting for IQD to go live on Forex. Notifications should come after midnight so keep an eye on your emails. The Precatorias – IMO is waiting to be released with all the others as a shotgun release. Have a beautiful day. Take care, Wolverine. (Transcribed by Carpathia)
· Sat. 7 Sept. 2024: BOOOM!!! Golden Redemption: The Birth of USN US Note Backed by QFS Gold-Backed Digital Currency (VIDEO) – – American Media Group
· Sun. 8 Sept. 2024 huge fire in Reno Nevada. People are being evacuated and it’s in the city where the airport is. Started just below Mt. Rose down the foothills into the city. Sparks is 10 minutes out of Reno East, on sovereign territory Pyramid Lake. Out where the Treasury is located. Chaos for people trying to fly in and out of Reno! No coincidence.
E. Global Financial Crisis:
· Sat. 7 Sept. 2024: US Debt Clock: WHY WON’T THEY TELL YOU THE TRUTH? VIDEO – – American Media Group
· Fractional Reserve Banking is like lending your buddy $100, and he says, ‘Chill, I’ve only got $10, but I’ll loan out the rest to five other people who definitely don’t have it either—don’t worry, it’ll all work out!’ Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve is in the background printing money faster than a kid with a broken copy machine, saying, ‘If this blows up, no big deal—we’ll just give everyone more monopoly money!’ And what does this mean for you? Well, while they’re playing hot potato with fake cash, you’re stuck wondering why your $5 coffee now costs $10 and your paycheck stretches like a rubber band—only to snap at the end of the month!
· Sun. 8 Sept. 2024 Breaking News: Trump’s Secret Plan with the Military, Collapse of the U.S. Corporation, and Launch of New Gold-Backed Economy! As the old world order crumbles, the pieces of corruption and deceit are finally falling apart. Central Banks? Bankrupted. The financial systems we once thought unshakeable? Obsolete. And what about Congress, the White House, the IRS, and the Federal Reserve? All exposed—these are no longer the institutions they once claimed to be but are revealed as components of a bankrupt U.S. Corporation that has been running America into the ground. …NESARA GESARA on Telegram
F. Restored Republic:
Sun. 8 Sept. 2024 The White Hats’ Reckoning: The Battle for Freedom in Washington D.C. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram
· Patriots, the time of reckoning has arrived: In 2021, a war unlike any other erupted in Washington D.C. a war fought not on the streets but in the shadows, where the White Hats, a coalition of patriotic insiders and military operatives, launched a devastating strike against the heart of the Deep State. This wasn’t just another political drama-it was an all-out battle for the soul of our nation, a fight to the death against a globalist elite that had embedded itself deep within the highest levels of power.
· The Unseen War: For years, whispers of the Deep State were dismissed as conspiracy theories. But in 2021, those whispers became a roar as over ten thousand globalist operatives were taken down in a series of precision strikes. These weren’t just bureaucrats-they were the architects of a sinister global plan to enslave humanity, using every tool at their disposal to consolidate power and control. The White Hats, armed with years of intelligence and unyielding resolve, brought their house of cards crashing down.
· The Deep State Exposed: The arrests in 2021 shattered the illusion that the Deep State was a figment of paranoid minds. These globalists were predators, manipulating world events to serve their twisted agenda-wars, economic collapses, and crimes against humanity were their weapons. But the White Hats knew their game, and they were ready. This was not just a cleanup operation; this was a calculated strike to cut off the head of the snake, a decisive move to rid the world of its greatest threat.
· Justice with a Vengeance: At the core of this purge was the mighty 18 U.S. Code § 2384, a law designed to crush those who conspire against the nation. The White Hats wielded this legal sledgehammer with brutal efficiency, ensuring that these traitors faced the full wrath of justice. This was more than just arrests; it was a declaration of war against those who had betrayed their country and humanity itself. Their crimes weren’t just treason-they were crimes against every innocent soul on this planet.
· The End of the Deep State: The takedown of the Deep State in 2021 wasn’t just a victory-it was a turning point. With their leaders behind bars and their networks dismantled, the once-powerful globalists were left scrambling. This wasn’t just the end of their reign; it was the beginning of a new era where the people, not the elites, hold the power.
· The White Hats: Unsung Heroes of the Revolution: The White Hats are the true patriots, the unseen warriors who risked everything to take down the most dangerous network in history. They are not politicians-they are soldiers of freedom who have struck a blow that will be felt for generations. Their actions have not only saved a nation but have sparked a global awakening.
· The Fight Continues: But let’s be clear-this war is far from over. The Deep State may be wounded, but it’s not dead yet. The forces of evil are regrouping, and the battle for the soul of the world is still raging. We must remain vigilant, united, and prepared to continue this fight until the Deep State is obliterated once and for all.
· The Call to Action: Patriots, the time for complacency is over. The White Hats have shown us the way, but the battle requires all of us. Stand ready, stay informed, and be prepared to do whatever it takes to protect our freedom and our future. The war is not won yet, but with courage and unity, we will prevail. This is our moment. The reckoning has begun. Will you answer the call?
· The Re-inhabited Republic for These United States of America, Dr. Miarecki: (7/12/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ USAF Lt Col (Ret) Dr. Sandy Miarecki to Discuss the Reinhabited Republic For These United States (
How To Save America | Republic for USA (
Want to hold a seat in the United States of America Republic?
G. The Real News for Sun. 8 Sept. 2024:
· Sun. 8 Sept. 2024: Massive protests break out in Brazil in support of free speech after the government banned X (Twitter).
· Sat. 7 Sept. 2024: BQQQM! MILITARY INTEL: Decoding the Imminent EBS, DEFCON ONE ALERT, Trump Commander-in-Chief, Star-Link Satellites Awaiting the Green Light! – – American Media Group
· Milton William Cooper in his famous CNN interview in the late 90’s: Cooper was convinced he was being personally targeted by the Clintons after what many deemed ‘conspiracy’ talk. He died from a fatal bullet by the police ……say no more!
· In the 1912 fateful Terra Nova Antarctica expedition Captain Robert Falcon Scott found evidence of an advanced civilization and ordered his crew to document it. The once missing photographic evidence has been uncovered.
· Sun. 8 Sept. 2024 Honduras: Thousands of Hondurans demanded the resignation of President Xiomara Castro after the release of a video related to drug trafficking involving her government.
H. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and housed in China’s Three Gorges Dam in a 1500 mile tunnel that also runs between the Vatican and Jerusalem:
· Annually, over 800,000 children go missing in the United States and 8,000,000 globally due to child trafficking. Why is there no media hysteria on this issue? …Michael Jackson on Telegram
· In Ukraine Russian soldiers are describing finding children with fragile, emaciated bodies hooked up to intravenous drips while their bodies were expertly drained of blood and adrenal fluid for the global adrenochrome trade. The adrenochrome industry in Ukraine is larger than previously expected and Putin is determined to use the leads generated to destroy the global adrenochrome supply chain and punish those committing crimes against children – including the politicians and celebrities who are hooked on the drug he calls “the devil’s work.” According to a member of the Adrenochrome Task Force, these factory farms are the sites of ritual sexual abuse, physical degradation and psychological torture. “You know, I thought I’d seen it all. I’ve been in combat for years, seen comrades fall, dealt with the worst humanity has to offer. But nothing, nothing, could prepare me for what we found in Donetsk. “We were told we’d be liberating children… I didn’t understand the scale of what that meant until we got there. We were clearing out this complex, a grim place… like a gulag or a Nazi death camp, but worse. Much worse. The walls were gray, cold, and damp. The air… it stank of decay and something nauseating… something I can’t describe. And then we found them. The children.“They were… like ghosts. Skin and bones. Their bodies, they looked so fragile, almost transparent. I could see the outlines of their ribs, every bone in their tiny hands. They had tubes coming out of them, tubes that drained their blood, their adrenal fluids… for what? For some sick trade, some twisted demand from the West. “There were hundreds of them, just lying there in these rows of metal cots. No blankets, no warmth. They didn’t even flinch when we burst in, no fear, no hope… Just emptiness in their eyes. Some were too weak to even look at us. They were so used to the pain, the torment, they didn’t even react. “And the worst part? The youngest… some of them couldn’t have been more than 2 years old. Babies, really. We found out later that they were bred for this… Raised in captivity, like livestock, just to be drained of everything that made them human.“The ones they couldn’t sell, the ones who weren’t ‘pretty’ enough or ‘obedient’ enough, were sent to these farms. Farms… as if that’s what you could call those hellholes.”
I. Tues. 17 June 2014: European Royals Killing Naked Children for Fun at Human Hunting Parties? | Celebrities | Before It’s News (
This is one in a series of articles taken from eyewitness testimony before the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. Five international judges are examining evidence of child rape, torture, murder and kidnapping allegedly done by global elite members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult network. Regular Ninth Circle child sacrifices were said to take place in the catacombs of Catholic Cathedrals, the Vatican, on private estates and groves and government military bases in Belgium, Holland, Spain, Australia, Ireland, France, England and the US. At least 34 child mass grave sites were identified in Ireland, Spain and Canada – and refused excavation by the respective governments, Crown of England and Catholic Church. Named as present in Ninth Circle activities were Pope Francis, former Pope Ratzinger;Anglican, United Church of Canada and Catholic Church officials including Cardinals; members of European royalty including Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip; officials of the Canadian, Australian, UK and US military and governments including the USA’s CIA, plus prominent government ministers, judges, politicians and businessmen from the US, Belgium, Holland, Canada, Australia, France, Ireland and the UK.
· Teens were drugged, stripped naked, raped, hunted down in the woods and killed by European royals according to this week’s latest eyewitness to testify before the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels.
Kevin Annett: Witnesses to 800 Irish children slaughtered; Dutch Prince, PM, Soros hunting children (
· The woman was the fourth eyewitness to give accounts about these human hunting parties of the global elite Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult network. A former member of the Netherlands criminal drug syndicate known as Octopus testified that victims were obtained for these human hunting parties from juvenile detention centers in Belgium and Holland.
· “In 2004 I was an involuntary witness to torture, rape and murder sessions of drugged children performed for a group of high ranked people of the Netherlands” stated a woman. “I was taken to a hunting party in Belgium close to Brussels where I saw two boys and a girl ages 14 to 16, hunted and killed by global elites. The human hunting party was heavily guarded by the Netherlands Royal Guards. I was told that King Albert of Belgium was present.”
· Four eyewitnesses confirmed that as children and youths they were forced to attend human hunting parties where they and other children were raped, with some killed, and deceased boy’s penises were cut off. Allegedly there was a Dutch countryside palace where boys’ penises were displayed like trophies on a wall. Some hunting parties were hosted on the grounds of Belgium Queen Beatrix’s Palace.
· Dutch therapist and Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor Toos Nijenhuis claimed that as a four year-old she was forced to witness murders of children that involved former Pope Ratzinger, a Dutch Catholic Cardinal, plus the father of Netherlands Belgium Queen Beatrix and Bilderberger Founder, Dutch Crown Prince Alfrink Bernhard. “I saw the former Pope Joseph Ratzinger murder a little girl″ another witness confirmed. “It was at a French chateau in the fall of 1987. It was ugly, horrible and didn’t happen just once. Ratzinger and Bernhard were some of the more prominent men who took part.”
Child Sacrifice and Trafficking in Holland An Eyewitness speaks out Introduction) (
· In Ireland, Spain and Canada 34 child mass grave sites were discovered and appeared linked to Ninth Circle activities. The largest was the Mohawk Indian Residential School in Brantford Ontario where child remains were identified in 2008 before the Catholic Church, Canadian government and English Crown shut down the dig by professional archeologists. The 2013 ICLCJ Court had found Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip guilty for the Oct. 10 1964 disappearance of ten native children from the Catholic residential school in Kamloops British Columbia. In the first two weeks of the 2014 court witnesses identified Dutch and Belgian royal participants in the rape and killing of Mohawk children and newborns. Named were Bernhard and King Hendrick, consort to Queen Wilhelmina of Holland.
· Alleged to be present during the human hunting parties were the late Prince Johan Friso and his wife Mabel Wisse Smit, former ministers, the top man of the Dutch army, the under secretary of the Raad Van State in the Netherlands, the Vice-Roy next to Queen Beatrix and other global business and political leaders including some from the US. “Surely the present King Willem Alexander and King Filip and their wives know about this abuse and murder of children” said one eyewitness.”They do nothing about it and likely are the ones to stop investigations and prosecutions.”
· In January 2014 the brother of the king of Holland Prince Johan Friso passed away in a coma after these three Dutch-language websites reached the internet. The websites revealed that Friso was at the human hunting and killing parties.”The story came on the internet after years of trying to move the policy and justice department in the Netherlands to act against the criminals,” an eyewitness said. “Nobody did anything to stop these criminals, probably because Queen Beatrix and King Albert likely interfered with the investigations.”
· Human hunting parties were said to take place on the grounds of Belgium Queen Beatrix’s Palace in the Netherlands. Two witnesses have named former Pope Joseph Ratzinger and Queen Beatrix’s father the deceased Prince Alfrink Bernhard, as being present at child sacrifices. Both were said to be Nazi sympathizers.
· The ICLCJ Court received a collection of Jesuit archival records about a child sacrificial cult known as the Knights of Darkness. In 1933 the Knights were established by the Catholic Jesuits and Nazi Waffen S.S. Division. The records showed Ratzinger was identified as a member of the Knights while working as an S.S. Chaplain’s assistant at the Ravensbruck Concentration Camp in Germany. The records also stated that Ratzinger participated in child sacrificial rites using kidnapped children from the camps or political prisoners.
· Another court document called the Magisterial Privilege indicated child sacrifice was a regular occurrence at the Vatican. At the tender age of 12 “Svali” of San Diego County California claimed she was brought to catacombs beneath the Vatican to witness the sacrifice of a three year-old drugged boy. Her interviewer said that 24 years prior a “Maria” told him she witnessed another satanic child sacrifice rite in the same Vatican Catacombs.
· Last week an Irish police investigator reported to the ICLCJ Court that the close to 800 babies buried in a Catholic Nun’s septic tank were dismembered, decapitated and in bits and pieces – signs that they could have been murdered in Satanic child sacrifice rites. In the last two months the ICLCJ Court has heard these heart-wrenching testimonies about the rape, torture and murder of children as recently as 2010 by Catholic leaders, European royal family members and other global elites. Murder sites of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult were said to be in the catacombs of Catholic Cathedrals including the Vatican and on private estates, military establishments and groves in Belgium, Holland, Spain, Australia, France, England and the US.
· The ICLCJ Court has been overwhelmed with newly discovered evidence and a number of new witnesses coming forward to testify about Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult activities. They have uncovered Ninth Circle Satanic Cult member possible involvement in international child sacrifice, kidnapping, exploitation and drug rings. The five international judges and 27 jury members were expected to remain in session for at least a year due to the complexity of the cases.
· Amnesty has been offered to citizens or employees of the Vatican, Crown of England, churches or governments willing to give sworn testimony or evidence that leads to the prosecution of these global elites suspected of committing crimes. Rewards up to 10,000 euros or around 13,660 dollars was available through the ICLCJ court.
· The ICLCJ Court had over 450 Common Law Peace Officers in 13 countries, with 51 local chartered groups operating.
J. Covid/Vax/Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride, Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:
· Sun. 8 Sept. 2024 White Hat Intel: General Flynn says if you dig into the AIDS virus, you’ll find that it was likely manufactured by the US Government. “What it really comes down to is our government involved in manufacturing diseases and then manufacturing drugs that are supposed to help when in fact they don’t help, just like the vaccines that we have now.” He also says Fauci created the HIV drug AZT which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of men.
· Sun. 8 Sept. 2024 the most comprehensive medical report linking autopsy’s & sudden deaths to the COVID Vaccines is about to be released. The Lancet published this & Big Pharma buried it. People will be going to jail.
K. Sun. 8 Sept. 2024 Satan’s Vatican
· The Roman/Christian Wars created the first banking System, Military intelligence and massive human trafficking networks. They stole most of Europe and large parts of Middle East gold, silver, arts resources and historical documents and hid them under the Vatican vault’s and caves.
· Until raided by the Global Military Alliance in 2016, the Vatican museum and open vaults housed over a trillion in arts, sculptures, jewelry and precious metals stones. There were hundreds of trillions of artifacts hidden in the Vatican underground caves, bunker’s and vaults that stretched over 50 miles under ground.
· The Satanic power that infiltrated the Vatican and pedophile world networks is connected to the Khazarian Mafia, Mossad, CIA, Rockerfellers and Rothschild’s who helped the Mossad and CIA finance (with US Taxpayer dollars), Robert Maxwell the father of Ghislaine Maxwell and her partner Jeffrey Epstein who were head of an international Child Sex Trafficking network used to blackmail politicians and Global Elites.
L. Sun. 8 Sept. 2024 MILITARY INTEL: Quantum Financial Systems, Project Odin, and the Emergency Broadcast Revolution
· The World is standing on the edge of a monumental shift. The rise of the Quantum Financial System (QFS) and the covert Project Odin are not just technical upgrades; they are the keys to dismantling the Deep State’s control and freeing humanity.
· QFS is not just a new financial system—it is a weapon of transparency. Through the power of quantum mechanics, it offers an incorruptible platform where every transaction is tracked and protected. The days of backdoor deals and hidden transactions are over. The elites can no longer hide behind their money. The old banking system, built on manipulation and secrecy, is being obliterated as we speak.
· But QFS isn’t alone in this fight. Project Odin is the sword that will strike down the enemy’s communications, triggering a global media blackout. This isn’t some glitch—it’s an orchestrated takedown of Mossad-controlled satellites, a vital step in removing the tools of the Deep State’s mind control. In the silence that follows, the truth will finally emerge.
· Odin’s strike will pave the way for the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS). This is the moment we’ve been waiting for—the EBS will activate and bring the real story directly to the people. We’ve heard the lies of the mainstream media for too long. When the EBS takes over, it’s the final step in taking down the Deep State. The military has prepared for this moment for years, and when the blackout hits, they will move swiftly to arrest traitors and restore the Republic.
· The war for humanity’s future is not fought with guns, but with information, technology, and truth. We are in the final stages of the battle. The Deep State is losing control, and their panic is palpable. They’ve underestimated the power of the Patriots. Where we go one, we go all, and this revolution is already underway.
· QFS and Project Odin are not mere conspiracy theories—they are the tools of liberation, and the Great Awakening is happening right now. The elites thought they could keep us enslaved, but they were wrong. This is our time to rise. The Emergency Broadcast Revolution will soon reveal all. Be ready, Patriots. Victory is near.
M. Sun. 8 Sept. 2024 ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! National Guard Deployments Surge Nationwide – Hazmat Troops Spotted! Is Martial Law Imminent? …Ben Fulford
· Reports are flooding in from across the country of a massive deployment of National Guard troops over the past 24 hours. From coast to coast, major cities are seeing an unusual presence of armed military personnel patrolling streets, government buildings, and critical infrastructure. The sudden influx of these troops has ignited a frenzy of speculation: Is martial law on the horizon?
· Residents from New York to Los Angeles, Houston to Chicago, are on edge as these highly visible deployments raise red flags. There’s no clear reason for this surge—no major disaster, no widespread protests, no external threats. Yet, the troops are here. Why now? The coordination, the scale, and the timing suggest something bigger is brewing. Something they don’t want us to know about.
· MARTIAL LAW RUMORS EXPLODE ACROSS SOCIAL MEDIA! As more footage of troops floods social media, one word is on everyone’s lips: Martial Law. This isn’t just a paranoid fantasy. Martial law means the suspension of our rights, where the military takes control of civilian life. Curfews, checkpoints, property seizures, and arrests without trial are all on the table. And now, it feels like we’re just one step away from that terrifying reality.
· HAZMAT TROOPS? WHY NOW? The situation becomes even more alarming with reports of HAZMAT teams—military personnel in hazardous material suits—being spotted alongside these National Guard units. What are they preparing for? Is there an imminent bio-terrorism threat? Or is something more insidious at play? The government is silent, offering only vague statements about “preparedness exercises,” leaving the public in the dark.
· UNPRECEDENTED MILITARY ACTIVITY, ZERO EXPLANATIONS Despite the overwhelming presence of military units in our streets, officials aren’t talking. The Department of Defense and local authorities have given the public no clear answers, only further stoking suspicion. If everything was under control, why the secrecy?
· The lack of transparency is only fueling more speculation. Could this be preparation for mass arrests? A response to an unseen threat? Or is it the final push toward a totalitarian regime where our freedoms vanish overnight?
· PANIC AND PREPARE You need to be ready. With the looming possibility of martial law, it’s time to stock up on essentials—food, water, medical supplies. Create a plan to communicate with loved ones. Stay alert and question everything you hear.
· This isn’t just a drill. Something big is coming, and they’re not telling us the whole story.
N. Sun. 8 Sept. 2024 Petro Dollar Down as World Reserve Currency: NESARA/GESARA
· Without the release of Tesla tech and other means, zero oil=zero economy. The leveraged deal was this: Kissinger essentially said “Hey, we have this worthless paper not backed by anything so we’ll offer you guys our military protection (most advanced at the time) in exchange for you making every nation pay for your oil in US dollars.”
· Thus, the petro-dollar was born and becomes the “World Reserve Currency.” But now, Saudi is gearing towards backing their oil instead with a gold-backed currency, the Chinese Yuan.
· China and Russia made a deal a while back, Russia’s oil for the Chinese Yuan. Remember what the Rothscilds did to the Romanov’s and Ras-Putin for rejecting their central bank? See why they want us to fear Putin?
· Don’t just follow the money, follow the gold specifically. 9/11 was a gold heist (WORLD TRADE center, lots of gold in there). Biden is now calling for Sanctions on Russian gold.
· The two biggest suppliers of oil (Saudi and Russia) are both looking gold backed, meaning if any nation wants an economy they’ll need to use a gold-backed currency to get it oil to run their economy, at least until zero-point/clean energy tech is fully disclosed. Therefore, a global gold-standard is imminent and no matter where you go, gold is gold is gold implying a full currency reset back to a 1:1 exchange rate globally. Meaning those Zimbabwe notes that have been hyperinflated (say the trillion dollar Zim note that barely covers their monthly food bill) will be worth, a lot….. An unfathomable amount, along with the Iraqi dinar, Russian ruble and other currencies. The meek shall inherent the earth at that point. Third world countries are only poor because they have the most riches and have been oppressed, pillaged, plundered and stripped of them by the Khazarian-Roman-British empire’s dominance that has created a system of usury which in modern times hinges on the US dollar existing.
· There are humanitarian trusts that have been hoarded for longer than we’d ever guess with Birth Bonds backing them (Strawman Bonds): Lucis Trust, Saint Germain Trust and Cestui Que Vie Trust all compiled, pending to be redistributed back to the World’s population after the global currency reset takes place.
· Right out of the gate I saw the Zimbabwe movement after CERN flipped back on. That’s what inspired me to post this and synthesis all of these points. Took it as a sign. Even if you haven’t invested in one of the “hot currencies” all will be covered and cleared. The trusts belong to the people; citizens have just been siphoned off of and have largely forgotten their true worth, which is far beyond a price tag.
· I’m not here to tell you what to think about CERN, for it’s up to us to choose our own timeline. If you’d rather perceive it as “bad” then that’s up to you and fine by me. Beyond it being good or bad (duality) it’s incredibly powerful. We can all agree on that.
O. Sun. 8 Sept. 2020 Election Fraud:
· Funded by $350 Million from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, CTCL created a two-tiered election system that treated voters differently depending on whether they lived in Democrat or Republican areas.
· 25 of the 26 cities and counties that received at least $1 million from CTCL went to Biden in 2020.
· If you follow the Zuckerbuck’s money that poured into the 2020 election, it reveals a massive Dem influence operation.
· CTCL initiated the use of drop boxes for ballot collection, significantly breaching the chain of custody & failing to maintain proper logs to ensure all improperly cast ballots were not counted.
· CTCL paid election judges, ordered the consolidation of the counting facilities, paid election officials, dictated the policies that undermined state law, and gave direct access of state voter files to “leftist” groups like ‘Rock The Vote’.
· In Georgia, 19,000 ballots were counted from a single Zuckerberg dropbox over one weekend, but surveillance shows only 24 people dropping off ballots.
· Corrupt voting rolls, universal mail-in voting, and Zuckerberg dropboxes are a permanent recipe for ELECTION FRAUD.
· Imagine having all of this on your side: the media and big tech controlling the flow of information, 1,000 lawyers making covid-election law changes across 37 states, 35 million more mail-in ballots than 2016, $400 million from Zuckerberg for drop boxes and Facebook ballot-counting arenas. And yet… you were still so far behind on election night… that you had to stop counting ballots in swing states, kick out observers, and sneak pallets full of ballots through the back door.
· Mark Zuckerberg belongs in JAIL.
P. Sun. 8 Sept. 2024 Med Beds: No more doctors, dentists, fraudsters – Med Beds in hospitals nationwide by year’s end.
· Get ready, patriots—Trump has dropped a bombshell announcement: Hospitals across the nation are set to be replaced with Med Beds by the end of the year! This isn’t just another advancement; it’s a revolution that will change everything we know about health and life itself.
· For years, we’ve been kept in the dark, but the truth is finally coming out. These Med Beds aren’t just about healing—they’re about reclaiming what’s been stolen from us by those who seek to control and suppress. Trump’s bold plan is not just a technological upgrade; it’s a massive shift that will change how we live, age, and even perceive reality.
· Here’s the kicker: this technology can reverse aging, and it’s already happening. Imagine seeing grandparents looking younger than their own children—this is the future that’s coming. But be warned, not everyone will embrace this change. Some will refuse, creating a world where age and appearance no longer match, flipping our understanding of relationships and society on its head.
· This is about more than just Med Beds. Trump’s push for these technologies ties into a broader plan: GESARA, the return to the gold standard, free energy, and more. These are all pieces of a puzzle that will restore what’s been stolen from us for generations. The deep state has been using fiat currency, fake history, and media lies to keep us enslaved, but their time is running out.
· People are waking up. All around the world, even in places like Japan, people are rising up against government tyranny. The media may try to hide it, but the truth is breaking through. The question now is: Will you stand with Trump, with truth, and reclaim your rightful heritage? Or will you stay trapped in the lies of a corrupt system?
· This isn’t just about new technology—it’s about a new era. The choice is clear: Prepare yourself, embrace the future, and take back what’s ours. The time is now. Med Beds are coming, and with them, the power to change everything. Are you ready?
Q. Sun. 8 Sept. 2024 Project COLDFEET: The Cold Shadows of Antarctica – What They Don’t Want You to Know …Gitmo TV on Telegram
· Have you ever wondered why planes don’t fly over Antarctica? Why this frozen continent, seemingly insignificant, is off-limits to the world? What are they hiding beneath the ice? This is more than just about “safety.” There’s a reason we’re kept in the dark, and it’s time to peel back the layers of secrecy.
· The government says it’s about safety—but that’s a lie. With today’s advanced technology, why would it still be “unsafe” to fly over the South Pole when planes have done it before, like the German Polar 3 in 1984 and Qantas’ sightseeing flights for decades? So, what changed? Why the sudden lockdown on Antarctic airspace?
· What if Antarctica is hiding clandestine operations, underground bases, or something even more sinister? This is no coincidence. The timing of these restrictions corresponds with the height of the Cold War—a time when global powers were scrambling to secure every inch of strategic ground.
· Underground Bases: A Chilling Reality: Reports of strange activities beneath the ice—unexplainable seismic events, shadowy figures, and satellite images revealing unnatural structures—paint a picture of a secret operation that goes far beyond scientific research. Admiral Byrd’s Operation Highjump, which some claim led to encounters with an underground civilization, is just one piece of the puzzle. Could the Nazi’s rumored Base 211, or even something extraterrestrial, be hidden beneath the Antarctic ice?
· The Deep State operates in the shadows, and Antarctica, with its isolated and uninhabited landscape, makes the perfect cover for their global manipulations. The FBI and CIA—those seasoned players in global deception—have left a trail of evidence suggesting they know more than they’re letting on. Leaked FBI documents refer to UFO sightings near the poles, and the CIA’s Project COLDFEET? Officially, it was about retrieving Soviet equipment, but could it have been about something far more top secret in Antarctica?
· Antarctica: The Deep State’s Fortress: It’s time to face the truth: Antarctica is no barren wasteland. It’s a fortress of secrets, hidden in plain sight. The ban on flights isn’t about safety; it’s about keeping us out, away from their secret underground operations and the puppeteers pulling the strings from the icy shadows.
· Antarctica’s isolation in an age where we can reach the moon but not the South Pole should set off alarm bells. It’s not just frozen ground—it’s the foundation of the Deep State’s grip on power. And as we dig deeper into this frosty labyrinth of lies, the truth begins to emerge: we’re being deceived, and the clock is ticking.
· So, ask yourself, why is Antarctica still off-limits? What’s really happening beneath the ice, and why do they want to keep it hidden from us?
R. Sun. 8 Sept. 2024 Exposed: JFK Assassination Military Coup on Collision Course with Military Coup of Trump—NOTHING IS COINCIDENCE. …Steve Bannon on Telegram
· As history unravels, startling truths begin to surface. The shadows that once veiled the JFK assassination seem to intertwine with the allegations surrounding Trump’s military coup. In a world where hidden connections are everywhere, let’s be clear—nothing is a coincidence.
· History doesn’t just repeat—it echoes with a rhythm that’s unmistakable to those who look closely. JFK’s assassination wasn’t just a lone gunman. The whispers of a military coup have lingered in the halls of power for decades. From CIA vaults to the hidden chambers of the Pentagon, the speculation is unavoidable. Did JFK fall victim to a covert operation, a silent coup, for daring to stand against the establishment?
· Fast forward to the present—Donald Trump, an outsider to the political game, enters the White House. His presidency was rocked by controversies and power struggles. The rumors of a military coup during Trump’s era can no longer be ignored. Is it history’s way of repeating a dark chapter? The connections are too glaring to dismiss.
· Coincidence or Conspiracy? JFK’s assassination and the whispers surrounding Trump—are these just events in isolation? Or is there a shadowy elite pulling the strings behind the scenes, orchestrating chaos for their own gain?
· We’re living in a time when narratives are dictated by search engines, where algorithms steer public opinion, and where truth is buried beneath layers of deception. Look around—are the Bay of Pigs debacle and the Russian election interference allegations so different? No. They are part of the same game—a game of power, manipulation, and control.
· The elites who benefit from chaos have always existed. Their fingerprints are all over the events that shape our world. And as we connect the dots between the past and the present, one thing becomes unmistakably clear: we are mere pawns in a grand game.
· JFK’s assassination and Trump’s coup allegations aren’t isolated incidents. They are part of a larger conspiracy—a struggle for dominance that’s been going on for decades. And if we don’t pay attention, we’ll be caught in the crossfire.
S. Sun. 8 Sept. 2024 Top-Secret HAARP Facilities Exposed – Edward Snowden Unveils HAARP’s Sinister Global Agenda! …Edward Snowden on Telegram
· NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has just blown the lid off a terrifying agenda hidden deep in Alaska. Documents reveal that HAARP, which they claimed was about “scientific research,” is in reality a weapon designed to control and manipulate humanity on a global scale.
· HAARP’s Dark Purpose: For years, the military has disguised HAARP as a research station, keeping its true mission hidden from the public. According to Snowden’s leaks, HAARP is no innocent experiment—it’s a weapon of mass manipulation, targeting people’s brains, causing what seem like natural deaths—strokes, heart attacks. Their goal? Silencing dissenters, using these frequency waves to make their opposition crumble from within. Think about it—the world leaders, media moguls, and CEOs you see on TV are just puppets, controlled through advanced technology. Ever wonder why some of the most powerful voices for truth go silent overnight?
· Faraday Cage Defense: Snowden has taken refuge in a Faraday cage, cutting off external radio waves, shielding himself from this global mind-control weapon. Why? Because once you know the truth, you’re a target. This technology can destroy lives, discrediting those who dare speak up, reducing them to nothing but “conspiracy theorists.” It’s already happening.
· The Smoking Gun – Proof of HAARP’s Control: These documents aren’t just hearsay. Snowden shared secret emails from top military officials confirming the horrific truth behind HAARP’s operations. This is no longer speculation—it’s fact. You’re either awake or you’re being played. They want you docile, blind, and submissive, all while the elite pull the strings behind the scenes.
· HAARP’s Reach – More Than Just Alaska: It’s not just Alaska. There are multiple HAARP facilities worldwide. In Sweden, Russia, even beneath the cover of cell towers right here at home. They’ve built a global network to keep their control tight. It’s not just a weapon. It’s a system of domination, creating chaos, fear, and confusion across the world. Just look at the strange weather patterns, natural disasters, and public figures dropping dead out of nowhere.
· The Time To Rise Is Now: Snowden’s revelations have shown us that the storm is already here. The truth is far darker than we could ever imagine. But now you know—what will you do with this knowledge? Will you sit back and let the global elites tighten their grip, or will you fight back? Your country, your freedom, your very life could depend on it.
· Wake Up, Patriots! This is the moment. The truth is out, and they can’t silence us all. Together, we can expose the shadow government and the military machine that’s been pulling the strings for far too long. The time has come for action—before it’s too late.
T. Ben Fulford What We Know as of Sat. 7 Sept. 2024:
· On 29 Sept. 2019, Barack Obama was executed by firing squad at GITMO. You won’t hear this from the mainstream media, but the truth always comes out. Donald Trump just leaked undeniable evidence exposing Obama practicing Satanic Sacrificing Rituals alongside other powerful figures—GAY men and PEDOPHILES like Oprah, Clinton, and more! This is no longer a conspiracy; it’s reality unfolding before our eyes.
· Clinton’s Evergreen Inc. has been revealed to be a CIA Front for Child Sex Trafficking. The corruption runs deeper than anyone could have imagined. Mel Gibson tried to warn us all. He’s released footage showing Satanic Blood Rituals and Child Sacrifices beneath the very White House. Names like Epstein, Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, Joe Biden, and Barack Obama are in the heart of this demonic ring. They thought they could hide forever, but their dark deeds are finally being exposed.
· Meanwhile, the World is on the brink of a monumental shift. The Quantum Financial System is coming, and all banks will transition—along with eight billion people. This is the biggest public awakening ever. The mRNA COVID vaccine scandal is blowing up: Four deadly parasites have been found inside, and Moderna admitted the vaccine causes cancer due to billions of DNA fragments found in the vials. The elites pushed this poison on the masses, but the truth is now shining through.
· As we speak, something massive is brewing. The FBI has seized the NYPD Commissioner’s cell phones, and the homes of Eric Adams’ top aides were just raided. The National Guard is flooding the streets in New York and major cities across the country. This is just the beginning. The storm is upon us—stay vigilant and keep your eyes wide open. Nothing can stop what’s coming.
U. Sat. 8 Sept. 2024 Ukraine War Over for Cabal Deep State….The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram
· The Ukraine War is basically over for the Cabal Deep State and they have lost their objective (as Generals and others like U.S. military Colonial Douglas Macgregor has stated several times) to use Ukraine to fight Russia, capture Moscow and the Russian Federation and all their resources, GDP, 75 Trillion $ natural resources including their 175 million tons of lithium reserve that Blackrock, CIA, M16, Mossad Deep State wanted. Their operations have failed.
· NOW the Deep State Operations to cause a World War will fail. You will see mainstream media push WW3 and fear mongering – this for 1.2 trillion $ the Cabal is trying to steal from tax payers the next year for Israel support.
· Military assessment, war games and top world Generals know the United States is inside economic collapse, broke and cannot fight three wars with Russia, China and the Middle East.
· The Ukraine War is practically done ( even though Biden is publicly lying is his speech saying Russia failed and didn’t capture Kiev.
· The real truth Russia has captured Karkiv Ukraine second biggest city and Russia is currently heading west and Russia could capture Odessa by mid Winter. Europeans are tired of The U S. And Ukraine war Support. Ukraine is done, this is Military public assessment and words of Commanders and several colonials and European. U.S. intelligence. This is why the Deep State started another war imminently in the Middle East to cause chaos and try to get funding and laundering money and try desperately to avoid the U.S. Military STORM Arrests.
· Currently in the Middle East Turkey has turned on U.S. NATO ALLIES and are moving troops and doing Naval exercises, and Turkey is practicing mobilizing 2,000,000 million soldiers in emergency combat situations.
· Pakistan is supporting Turkey, while China is supporting both countries and Russia is supporting several Middle East countries including Syria and Palestine. Putin just announced he will defend Palestine.
· The U.S. cannot fight a ground war in the Middle East and has no missiles and weapons.. But Iran, Syria, Lebanon and Turkey (backed by China and Russia) has the most stockpiles of weapons across the World combined. The US will not fight Iran in a ground war as Iran missiles can take out U.S. naval fleets 16 to 1 odds (combined that with Turkey as Erdogan is the unspoken leader of the Muslim and recently stated his first loyalty is to the Muslims.
· There is no way the U.S. can win any wars in Russia, China and the Middle East. All military assessment, outcomes and war games says U.S. is the weakest it has ever been in a century.
· The real World War III will come in late 2024. This mega massive Scare Event and full Nuclear standoff will lead to the exposure of the US Military Industrial Complex System (CIA, Obama, Bush, Clintons, Rockefellers).
V. A list of 88 Executives who endorsed Kamala Harris for President – It’s a list to consider boycotting for their wish to destroy the World and America. HTTPS://T.ME/FCB_D3CODE
W. Donations Badly Needed For Native Hawaiian DEW Victims of Maui Hawaii
- The Deep State Cabal wanted to make the Native Hawaiian Capitol of Lahaina into a SMART city, so on August 8, 2023 at 6:37 a.m Chinese Communist Party NORAD 555836 Direct Energy Weapon Lazers burned Lahaina Maui to the ground.
- The resulting fires were the most devastating mass casualty events in the Hawaii State history: 2,700+ Structures destroyed; 97 confirmed dead; 1,000+ still missing/ unconfirmed deceased; 4,000+ people originally dislocated, 3,100 still displaced over a year later.
- Every day since Kingdom of AKUA Foundation Native Hawaiian Volunteers have been supplying three meals a day and support to their now 3,100 still-displaced fellow victims. The Deep State Cabal Red Cross has cut funding for those victims.
- Any amount you could give would be greatly appreciated. The Deep State not only took the Native Hawaiian homes and livelihood away, now they were going to starve them out of the land of their inheritance.
- Please send your donation in behalf of the Kingdom of Akua Foundation to the Hawaii National Bank Kahului Branch office located at 53 S Puunene Ave, Kahului Maui Hawaii. You can also contact the bank by calling the branch phone number at 808-877-7575, or call Customer Service 877-829-5500.
X. “Ken and Barbie vs. Goliath IRS” Update – The IRS: the biggest most dangerous hoax in the history of the world?
· Ken Cromar presently sits in jail having been found guilty of living in his own fully owned home and after proving in a Federal Tax Court that he owed no monies to the IRS. Despite the ruling in Cromar’s favor, the IRS sold his home at auction and threw away all his possessions including expensive camera equipment he used to make a living.
· Ken really appreciates receiving encouraging messages in postcards. White, pre-stamped postcards with your name and complete return address hand-written is the only thing accepted at the jail. Paul Cromar #567164 Davis County Jail P.O. Box 130 Farmington, UT 84025-0130 Donations for commissary and other needs can be made at: Venmo to: @Talmage-Cromar OR mail to: The Cromar’s PO Box 942 Pleasant Grove, Utah 84062 (you will receive a gift for your contribution)
Y. All Tom Fairbanks did was to spend much of his life gathering evidence on the Ritual Abuse of children in Utah. In early March 2024 he was arrested and placed in the Utah Weber County Jail. For what? The real reason for attacks on Tom appeared to be that the Powers That Be couldn’t afford to have someone with Tom’s very valid evidence of SRA cases to be running around unchecked. Fairbanks’ problems began when he decided to take his evidence of Satanic Ritual Abuse of children to share with Utah governmental powers. No sooner had he done so when a tsunami of problems began to plague his life including being poisoned and suffering years of court battles on made up cases.
· If you wish to help Tom with funds so he can have phone access, go to and register. A box will show up where can put in Tom Fairbank’s name (Weber County Jail ID # 671274) Then hit “send money now” and follow the instructions. Tom would greatly appreciate your show of support. Postcards can be sent to: Community Support Foundation P.O. Box 939 Logan, Utah 84323
Z. WARNING: At least three major scams are being perpetrated on Patriots right now: The TRB Trump Products Scam, the Dave XRPLion Scam and the Ezra A. Cohen-Watnick Impersonator Fake QFS Accounts Scam.
Dave XRPLion Scam: On Thurs. 5 Sept. 2024 I received the below from a reader. Evidently she had been scammed by Dave XRPLion, or someone impersonating him on Telegram. The situation appeared to be another scam run by the Cabal. Her email: “Apparently, Dave XRPLion in Telegram is fake, impersonation. They lured me into opening a QFS crypto wallet by convincing me about crypto wallets being accessible by fraudsters. They work as a group and several people commented how safe and secure QFSLEDGERONLINE.COM is to store my crypto. So I transferred my crypto after opening an account. So the scheme is to get people into the comments, they were very sophisticated. I was conned into DM the fake Dave where he lured, conned me into giving my cryptos to the fake safe & secure QFS account. When I needed to use some of my XRP, I was told that I need to put in more money. When they refused my withdrawal, I told them that I will contact the authorities. I was promptly locked out of my account. The channel is still in Telegram. They get you to DM Dave XRP Lion, he contacts you there and get people to transfer their cryptos to them, then locks them out. We lost everything after the 2008 Economic Disaster, now this, my Life savings. I am 63 years old a part time school bus driver.”
Ezra A. Cohen-Watnick Impersonator Fake QFS Accounts Scam (Facebook): Evidently an Ezra A. Cohen-Watnick impersonator is “helping” set up fake QFS accounts. He has a Facebook page touting the Quantum Financial System (QFS), Med Beds and the like. A reader sent me the following, “I was foolish enough to purchase $1005.00 worth of Bitcoin today, and have a legitimate receipt for same from the kiosk I purchased it from, BUT I went on Messenger with “Ezra” as he helped me set-up and deposit the Bitcoin into “ . I do not believe this is the legitimate website for the Quantum Financial System.”
The TRB Trump Products being falsely advertised under the Trump name with a promise of a sizeable payoff is actually a giant SCAM being perpetrated on Patriots. It is under investigation by the FBI, Secret Service and New York PD.
· Since the beginning of June 2024 I have received over 400 emails from TRB victims who purchased Trump products with a promise of a sizeable payoff. Not one has received their promised payout. All appear to have been scammed out of thousands of dollars – some their life savings.
· The so-called Trump Coins, Badges and Stickers were NOT, as the advertising claimed, endorsed by Trump, Tucker Carlson, Trump family members, the Trump Organization, or its affiliates.
· Alan Garten, General Counsel to the Trump Organization, stated: “The Trump Organization has no affiliation or association whatsoever with TRB products.”
***Victims of the TRB Scam, Ezra A. Cohen-Watnick Impersonator Fake QFS Accounts Scam and/or the Dave XRPLion Scam are urged to type up their experiences including products bought and monies paid out, plus your contact information. Sign four notarize copies of your complaint, keep one, and give the other three notarized copies to:
1. Present a notarized copy of your complaint to your local law enforcement and ask they open an investigation. Write down your complaint number and include it in your information sent to Alan Garten and the US Inspector General of the Air Force.
2. Alan Garten, General Counsel to the Trump Organization so they can refer such on to their FBI, Secret Service and New York PD investigations. The Trump Organization 725 Fifth Avenue, 26th Fl. New York NY 10022-2519 United States.
3. Inspector General of the Air Force’s Office, so our Spec Ops people can pay a call on such criminals. Email:
4. Judy Note: I would also appreciate receiving a simple sentence of your Scam experience by email that I will file for the ongoing investigations. Please be general in your remarks and do not send me any evidence or personal information as I don’t wish to be responsible for it and will erase it if sent. My email:
ZZ. Judy Note:Jenny Hill and I spent 18 years writing her biography “22 Faces” to expose our own CIA’s horrendous Mind Control Programming based in torture, rape and child sacrifice that was so rampant in our Global Society.
“22 Faces” explains how childhood torture separates a young developing brain’s thinking patterns into multiple personalities that then allowed perpetrators to control their victims throughout their lives.
When the first edition of “22 Faces” was released the biography was immediately brutally attacked by the very pedophiles who, in their worship of Satan, regularly raped, tortured and killed children in exchange for their own sick definition of power and glory.
Through these Satanist’s negative comments and one star reviews of “22 Faces” on Amazon, the pedophiles were effective in plunging book ratings to four.
“22 Faces” was soon to be re-published and it wouldn’t be a surprise to find those same perpetrators organizing another attack on the book – all designed to cover up their own crimes and make people believe that the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children does not exist among us – in our own neighborhoods – right next door.
Upon the soon to be re-publication of “22 Faces,” it would be most appreciated if you could go into Amazon and give the biography a review and rating, plus ask your friends and family to do likewise.
The more we can expose those Satan worshipping perpetrators who perform Satanic Ritual Abuse on our children, the more innocents can be saved from what Jenny and so many others had to endure.
If you would like notification of the “22 Faces” re-publication release, please email me
If you were reading this Update on, or from the Operation Disclosure Official Website, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of, or read un-redacted versions on the The Rumor Mill News Reading Room – Breaking Stories and American Media Group ( Websites, or watch videos of the Update done by We The People NEWS ( and
ZZZ. Must Watch Videos:
· Sun. 8 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: The Beginning of The End Game. Dark To Light “2024 Is The Final Battle”…President Trump Sat. 7 Sept. 2024. “It’s Time”… – – American Media Group
· Sun. 8 Sept. Situation Update (video): Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: The Beginning of the End Game. Dark to Light! “2024 Is the Final Battle” …President Trump SAT. 7 Sept. 2024. Special Intel Report 9/8/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
· Sat. 7 Sept. Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP 9/7/24 “NYC NG ON HIGH ALERT, PREPARING FOR CIVIL UNREST, PLANDEMIC 2.0, VT INTEL” (
Updates For the Week Prior:
- Sun. 8 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: The Beginning of The End Game. Dark To Light “2024 Is The Final Battle”…President Trump Sat. 7 Sept. 2024. “It’s Time”… – – American Media Group
- Sun. 8 Sept. Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of September 8, 2024 – The US Military News
- Sun. 8 Sept. Situation Update (video): Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: The Beginning of the End Game. Dark to Light! “2024 Is the Final Battle” …President Trump SAT. 7 Sept. 2024. Special Intel Report 9/8/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Sat. 7 Sept. Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP 9/7/24 “NYC NG ON HIGH ALERT, PREPARING FOR CIVIL UNREST, PLANDEMIC 2.0, VT INTEL” (
- Sat. 7 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: It all Began on Fri. 6 Sept. 2024. Trump Gave The Green Light! The Stock Market Tanked – Will Take A Global Currency Reset To Recover… – – American Media Group
- Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: It All Began on Fri. 6 Sept 2024. Trump Gave the Green Light. Stock Market Tanked – Blackout Necessary! Special Intel Report 9/7/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Sat. 7 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of September 7, 2024 – The US Military News
- Restored Republic via a GCR as of September 7, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
- Fri. 6 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): New York City under Martial Law: WTPN SIT/UPDATE “NYC MARTIAL LAW, BLACKOUT WARNING, FULFORD INTEL, VT INTEL” (
- Fri. 6 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: The Storm is Upon Us. Imminent Worldwide EBS Alert. Worldwide Martial Law. Worldwide Financial Collapse. Global Currency Reset Release… – – American Media Group
- Fri. 6 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: The Storm Is Upon Us. Imminent. Worldwide EBS Alert! Worldwide Martial Law! Worldwide Financial Collapse! Special Intel Report 9/6/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Fri. 6 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of September 6, 2024 – The US Military News Restored Republic via a GCR as of September 6, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
- Thurs. 5 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: God Is In Control. National Security Alert Issued. We are In a Silent War – the Final Battle of the Planet. Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 5 Sept. 2024 – – American Media Group
- Thurs. 5 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: National Security Alert Issued. Biden Impeached. Trump Q Rules. Don’t Be Afraid. All Assets Are in Place. Special Intel Report 9/5/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Thurs. 5 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video)
- Thurs. 5 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Restored Republic via a GCR as of September 5, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
- Wed. 4 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP 9/4/24 “MIGRANT GANGS 11 CITIES, RUSSIA WARNING, GARLAND BLAMES RUSSIA, VT INTEL” (
- Wed. 4 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: THE SIGNAL HAS BEEN SENT. GREEN LIGHT ACTIVATED! PATRIOTS DAY. HAVE FAITH. YOU WERE CHOSEN FOR A REASON… – – American Media Group
- Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: The Signal Has Been Sent! Green Light Activated! …Carolyn Bessette Kennedy.. Special Intel Report 9/4/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Wed. 4 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of September 4, 2024 – The US Military News
- Restored Republic via a GCR as of September 4, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
- Situation Update: US on Brink of Collapse, Russia Targets NATO in Ukraine, Migrant Gangs Being Staged For Civil War Event (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Tues. 3 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: Prepare For Phase I. Blackout. Financial System Activated. Global Military Alliance Mass Arrests of Deep State Elite… – – American Media Group
- Tues. 3 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): We The People NEWS (
- Tues. 3 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video) Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of September 3, 2024 – The US Military News
- Tues. 3 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Prepare for Phase II, Blackout: White House Offline, Largest Sting Operation in History. Special Intel Report 9/3/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Restored Republic via a GCR as of September 3, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
- Mon. 2 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: This Night Will Be Biblical. After Midnight Sun. 1 Sept, 2024 New Travel Restrictions Go Into Effect. Stay off All Airlines – All Flights Cancelled… – – American Media Group
- Mon. 2 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: After Midnight 9/1/2024, Travel Restrictions Go into Effect. Stay off All Airlines – All Flights Cancelled. Internet Shut Off! Special Intel Report 9/2/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Mon. 2 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of September 2, 2024 – The US Military News
- Sun. 1 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: BQQQM!!! A Week To Remember. Dark To Light. Blackout Necessary…Q. Welcome To Disclosure Day. Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 1 Sept. 2024 – – American Media Group
- Sun. 1 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of September 1, 2024 – The US Military News
- Sun. 1 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: BQQQM! A Week to Remember! Dark to Light Blackout Necessary~Q. Welcome to Disclosure Day! Special Intel Report 9/1/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Sun. 1 Sept. Situation Update (video): Situation Update: Operation Castle-Rock Final Phase, Attempted Attack on Trump, US Ships Amass Around Middle East (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Restored Republic via a GCR as of September 1, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
That’s nice, dear.
Enough of this BS, Trump is apart of the Cabal. He is MADE to look like a SAVOIR! Then the CIA puts out these PSY OPs, called Q, Qanon, and say OH don’t worrie The White Hats are in charge, TRUST THE PLAN, WWG1WGA, Blah BS, Then they stage events to make it all look real like something is happening which is an illusion, then show truths and lies, to the public to manipulate you even more. Then they start using the religious brainwashing program from the religious indoctrination camps called Churches, To manipulate you even more, which in turn Creates zealots. How did Christianity get spread around the world? Oh yeah FORCED WORSHIPING! if people didn’t convert they were killed and tortured. That’s a fact. The Bibles has been re-written multiple times, over the ages that shows contradictions, that if people actually researched they’ll find out that it’s narrative driven and was plagiarized from the sumerian tablets and other ancient texts that pre date the existence of the bible, and people are fed with only 1 percent of the information since so much was left out on purpose, and then spread all that BS around the world. My God is better than your God, No my God is right your going to burn in hell, If you don’t accept Jesus you won’t be saved. Sounds like more Divide and Conquer, Then the government uses the Bible as a playbook to manipulate the masses even more after all the PROGRAMING and BRAINWASHING. Trump puts his hand on the whaling wall, JD Vance puts his hand on the whaling wall, Benjamin Netanyahu puts his hand on the whaling wall, All signifying they all SERVE the same Master! It’s a big Club we ain’t in it. Birds of a feather will flock together. Politics=PolyTricks. Now all you see is nothing but a circle jerk illusion made to manipulate the masses into getting them to participate in the system.
All Flights Cancelled. Internet Shut Off. Mass Media Gone. Stock Market Crash
Oh really. Hmmmm. Planes are still flying, Banks are open and hey guess what ? Internet is up.
I also am sick of hearing EBS Imminent, Tier 4 ( Us, Internet ) should be in a few days. BS BS BS BS
Anyone get the impression that Judy is the person with the 22 identities and each Judy is giving us BS info ?
Hmmmmmm, interesting.
This really is more lies than CNN.
Iam so tired of being tired. I ran out of everything popcorn, soda, and other foods last YEAR. yes 2023. I lost MY home to the bank and and have been very fortunate to keep the family car. SO where Do I go when The TIme comes to watch this glorius movie when Im lucky to find a dumpster to relieve myself. I know a few others who are even less than myself and ask where do they go?? How they gonna connect with us when the time comes.. I know three who don’t even have phones. Im getting kinda tired of the lack of information clarity, you have been referring to. I understand that changes are coming but there are some of us who have no means of finding shelter for ten days?? or communicating with a 800 number off a TV when its presented. point us towards a place and we can begin to migrate there for info or contact.. also this window of time your not gonna be able to get all those who know, Stop smoking us up. and get some real truth please.
And another thing, if the internet was off, we could read or reply to this lie.
My ex-girlfriend’s daughter is on a plane right now. Got lies?