Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: Ukraine Just Attacked A Russian Nuclear Plant. Was It A Nuclear World War III False Flag? Global Financial Crash Incoming. The Real War: Good vs. Evil! Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 23Aug. 2024
Ready to uncover the truth? Sick of the lies? Join our Telegram Channel now. It’s time for the real story! My gratitude to all my readers!
Compiled Fri. 23Aug. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities”
Ukraine Just Attacked A Russian Nuclear Plant
Was It A Nuclear World War III False Flag?
Global Financial Crash Incoming
The Real War: Good vs. Evil
Do you feel the pressure?
They can’t stop it.
It’s moving too fast.
“Should the lights go out, please know we are in control. Do not panic. We are prepared, and assets are in place. God bless.”…Q
It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency.
Have I Done Any Good? | The Tabernacle Choir (
Love One Another (2012) | The Tabernacle Choir (
Teach Me to Walk in the Light (Music Video) – The Tabernacle Choir (
Judy Note: About 1,200 AD an incredibly evil society emerged in Khazaria who claimed to be descendants of Cain. The Khazarian Mafia King and his inner circle of oligarchs practiced ancient Babylonian black-magic Baal Worship involving Child Sacrifice. In return their God Satan was said to promise them power over the World and all its riches.
This Secret Satanism worship was based on torturing and raping children (the younger and more innocent, the better), drinking their Adrenochromed blood and then sacrificing them in honor of their God Lucifer.
The leaders of the surrounding nations, especially Russia, were disturbed by Khazarian crimes against their people, which included kidnapping of their young children and infants for their blood sacrifice ceremonies.
By 800 AD the Russians led a group of nations surrounding Khazaria, invaded and conquered it. They then delivered an ultimatum to the Khazarian King that he must choose one of the three Abrahamic religions for his people: Islam, Christianity, or Judaism.
The Khazarian King chose Judaism, but only pretended to practice it while continuing to sacrifice children to Satan so the Khazarian Mafia could rule the World.
The Jewish nationalist movement of Zionism originated in eastern and central Europe in the latter part of the 19th century was in reality organized by the Globalist Cartel and Khazarian Mafia. Zionism had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine. In reality the Globalist Cartel formed the Zionist movement in Israel in order to create continual wars and take over the Israeli people.
By 1913 the Globalist Cartel run by the Rothschilds and Khazarian Mafia owned the Federal Reserve and Central Banking system. During World War II the modern fake Jew Khazarian Mafia retook their headquarters in Ukraine and had plans on how they would take over Palestine to make it another World Headquarters. They eventually falsely convinced the Jewish people that they had a right to claim Israel for themselves. The promised “Land of Zion” was destined to be used as the headquarters for their International Child Sex Trafficking, Adrenochrome and Organ Harvesting, money laundering, gun and weapons trafficking Ring.
Netanyahu and the Khazarians hired Hamas to attack Israeli citizens then blamed it on Palestine. The Khazarians were behind the Irgun Bombing, 9/11, Covid-19, Las Vegas Attacks and more.
Since April 2019 in secret military operations, millions of tortured, mutilated babies, children and teens have been rescued or found deceased by the US and Global Military Alliance headed by President Trump and the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force. The purpose of the Task Force was to take down the Deep State Khazarian Mafia, especially their Child Sex Trafficking rings headquartered in Palestine and Ukraine.
US Special Operations teams in cooperation with various country’s Militaries, especially Russian forces in Cabal Headquarters of Ukraine have been clearing out the children, corpses, gold, cash and documents from a massive labyrinthine of DUMBS tunnels (Deep Underground Military Bases) that ran beneath the US, Canada, Mexico, South America, the Vatican, Europe, Mid East, Australia – essentially around the World.
Evidently over centuries the tunnels had been built and used by members of the Illuminati, better known as the Cabal, or Deep State, to rape, torture and traumatize children in Satanic rites and then perform Child Sacrifice in honor of Satan in return for “power, money and glory.”
Global, political and Hollywood elites into Satan worship were known to pay big bucks to drink the blood of a traumatized child (known as Adrenachrome) – reported to create a “high,” along with a supposed reverse of aging.
Back in April 2019 the US Military, Interpol and different countries’ local military forces began a concentrated and coordinated effort to rescue children from a huge tunnel network built by the Global Elite headed by the Khazarian Mafia and Vatican.
The five mile under-the-ground tunnels financed by US Taxpayer monies ran throughout the US from California to New York, to Canada, Mexico, Europe, Italy (the Vatican and Venice), the Hague, New Zealand, South America and the Middle East (Lebanon). Some of the tunnels lay beneath the Vatican, with many reported to be several stories deep – like the one beneath the Denver Airport.
By April 2020 a total of over 50,000 malnourished, caged and tortured children had been reported as rescued or found deceased in the tunnels beneath large US cities including one under New York Central Park and beneath Capitol Hill and the White House. Another tunnel was said to run from the Clinton Foundation building to the New York Harbor.
A horror was uncovered around August 20, 2020 beneath Reno Nevada where thousands of mangled recently deceased corpses of children were discovered. The child captives were believed to have been kidnapped or bred for purposes of sexual abuse, human experimentation and human sacrifice in Satanic rites.
On Wed. Oct. 16 2019 an unbelievable 2,100 children being held in cages in underground tunnels at the California China Lake Military facility were rescued by Navy Seals and US Marines. The children and teens were said to have been sexually abused, tortured and killed to collect their blood.
Marines carried out of the tunnels traumatized children, some of whom have never seen the light of day, pregnant preteens, deformed babies, piles of little corpses whose bodies were apparently used for organ harvesting, children locked in cages, electro-shocked and traumatized in order to harvest their blood – Adrenachrome for the elites to drink.
“In Nevada the child rescue operations moved in earnest the bulk of the children found in the tunnels under Reno were dead… not only dead folks, they were mangled… they’re trying to do DNA testing to get the pieces back in order
A trooper involved in rescue operations said, “On 4 July 2019 at 2 am PDT we surprised personnel at the China Lake Naval Research Base in California. We took over the base and rescued approximately 3,000 children being tortured in ways beyond comprehension. . .The count now of traumatized children (found dead or alive) was more like in the hundreds of thousands – generations who had never seen sunlight.”
Another trooper in rescue efforts reported, “Underground bases trafficking children were destroyed back in 2019. That included a base that was under the Getty Museum. The more recent Utah March 18 2020 earthquake was actually destruction of child trafficking tunnels (under the old Dugway Utah Germ Warfare base also referred to as another Area 51 UFO Base). There was a major battle under the Denver airport. The Illuminati had planned to make Denver the capital of the US after they took over and killed most of us.”
There was a tunnel system that circled Australia and centered in Melbourne. The military made a massive raid in tunnels beneath the Black Forest in Germany. In Barcelona Spain they rescued over 2,000 women and children, while arresting 13 of their pedophile leaders. There were 30,000 pedophiles arrested out of Germany, and “lots” were arrested in Spain and England.
Charlie Freak from Australia said that the troops went into Melbourne and found a second layer of tunnels beneath an enormous tunnel system.
US Military, Marines, Navy Seals and Special Ops trained for over a year for the special missions under direction of President Trump and the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force.
Evidently monies to fund the tunnels came from US Taxpayers through the Cabal-owned IRS/Federal Reserve System. An inside source said, “They spent trillions of dollars on these tunnels
People that we trusted, organizations that we trusted during times of tragedy were involved, such as Hurricane Katrina where lots of people went missing. They were basically stolen by organizations that we trust to look after us in a time of trouble. Those kids were trafficked.”
- Real News for Real Patriots from the Judy Byington Report—Part 30 | Ellis Washington Report
- Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024: Breaking! Trump Just Announced He is Q+ This Shocking Trump Post Just Broke The Internet! | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024: BREAKING NEWS! PUTIN: “Ukraine Has Just Attacked Russia’s Kursk Nuclear Power Plant!” – – American Media Group
- Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024: Military Training for Implementation of EBS | Mr. Pool | Sunny’s Journal (
- “Yes, the CIA Killed President John F. Kennedy. Your Government is a Lie: JFK Was Killed by the CIA, With Help From the Pentagon, and State Department. What really happened to JFK?” …Steve Bannon on Telegram Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024
- “What was discovered under the Lubavitch Lodge in Brooklyn, NY USA just months ago? The Jewish People of nearly all creeds are Friends of humanity, as are the true Patriots from every culture worldwide. But the Zionist Israeli government is not.” …SGAnon on Telegram Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024
- Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024 Chemtrails in Oregon: “Judy. I thought I’d drop you a note about the chemtails in Oregon. For six months it has been bad. My red Jetta has huge spots where the paint and top coat have peeled off. My son’s thirty thousand dollar Expedition has the hood and top eaten off. What is it doing to us? As if that wasn’t enough now we have Monkey pox being dumped on us. Those pilots know what they’re doing. They should be taken to GITMO along with everyone else who have committed Crimes Against Humanity.” …Bonni B
- Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024: Breaking! Trump Just Announced He is Q+ This Shocking Trump Post Just Broke The Internet! | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- UN Troops Tried To Enter US To Create Chaos, arrested by White Hats.
- Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024: Moscow Under Drone Attack
- Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024 Situation Update: Bombshell Report! The Final Stand is Now. No More Delays. The Clock Strikes Midnight. Worldwide EBS Imminent. Followed By Ten Days of Communication Darkness… – – American Media Group
- Wed. 21 Aug. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SITUATION UPDATE 8/21/24 “MOSCOW UNDER ATTACK, UN TROOPS, FF WARNING” (
Judy Note:Jenny Hill and I spent 18 years writing her biography “22 Faces” to expose our own CIA’s horrendous Mind Control Programming based in torture, rape and child sacrifice that was so rampant in our Global Society.
“22 Faces” explains how childhood torture separates a young developing brain’s thinking patterns into multiple personalities that then allowed perpetrators to control their victims throughout their lives.
When the first edition of “22 Faces” was released the biography was immediately brutally attacked by the very pedophiles who, in their worship of Satan, regularly raped, tortured and killed children in exchange for their own sick definition of power and glory.
Through these Satanist’s negative comments and one star reviews of “22 Faces” on Amazon, the pedophiles were effective in plunging book ratings to four.
“22 Faces” was soon to be re-published and it wouldn’t be a surprise to find those same perpetrators organizing another attack on the book – all designed to cover up their own crimes and make people believe that the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children does not exist among us – in our own neighborhoods – right next door.
Upon the soon to be re-publication of “22 Faces,” it would be most appreciated if you could go into Amazon and give the biography a review and rating, plus ask your friends and family to do likewise.
The more we can expose those Satan worshipping perpetrators who perform Satanic Ritual Abuse on our children, the more innocents can be saved from what Jenny and so many others had to endure.
If you would like notification of the “22 Faces” re-publication release, please email me
If you were reading this Update on, or from the Operation Disclosure Official Website, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of, or read un-redacted versions on the The Rumor Mill News Reading Room – Breaking Stories and American Media Group ( Websites, or watch videos of the Update done by We The People NEWS ( and
A. Global Currency Reset:
· Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024 Wolverine: “It looks like we have the green light. It looks like it’s on. Hold on. It’s not official, but it looks like it’s happening.”
· Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024 MarkZ: “We have good news on the Farm Claims, the original Pigford Black Minority Farm Claims. I am sure you all have seen the article over the last few weeks that the “Farmers who faced USDA discrimination received historic $2B payout.” My understanding is Pigford farm claims first…then the original 14 claims….of which 2 people have checked in telling me they do have money…not everything but a “chunk” ….So for me it is well underway and happening. The question is when will the “rank and file” of the bond world get paid? The bond market appears to be on hold right now, but still lots of expectations for this week.”
Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024 Bruce:
· There were 19 solid new currency rates showing up on Redemption Center screens. One was the USN.
· The screen rates at the Redemption Centers will be 3 x times higher on the Dinar and 2 x times higher on the Dong. The other currencies take the Bolivar are all between $4 and $7 so we’ll be fine.
· Emails to set redemption appointments were going out to the Redemption Center leaders. As of now they’ve not received the Green Light but they think after the markets close, or it could be by tomorrow through Sunday.
· Bond Holders are expecting their emails Sunday, Monday or Tuesday.
· So Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) could receive notification to make redemption appointments in conjunction with the EBS somewhere between the weekend to next Tuesday.
· We are hearing that over the weekend (or early next week) the EBS will alert us over our phones to turn on the TV for documentaries to be broadcast for eight hours three times a day for ten or twelve days of disclosure.
· The EBS and documentary showings were a cover for us to go in and do our exchanges and redemption of Zim.
· The Admiral will start either Saturday or Sunday and continue through Monday.
· All debt forgiveness will be done by the 31st August.
· Wed. 22 Aug. 2024: Breaking Alert: Protocol 19 Triggers Black Swan Event – NESARA and GESARA – Revolution – Trust the Plan! – – American Media Group
· Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024: BREAKING: Over 159 Countries Abandon SWIFT for the BRICS Payment System, Challenging U.S. Dollar Dominance! What’s Next? – – American Media Group
· Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024: MILITARY INTEL: Quantum Financial Systems, Project Odin, and the Emergency Broadcast Revolution – – American Media Group
B. Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024 SCAM Alert on people saying they will configure your QFS Account. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram
· The QFS is a system created by the Confederation of Earth and our Star Brothers, so no one truly knows what it means when they say THEY WILL CONFIGURE YOUR QFS ACCOUNT!!!
· Everyone already has their QFS account set up; it contains all your personal data and your DNA. THERE IS NOTHING TO CONFIGURE!!!
· The money from your birth certificate is already deposited in this account, as well as payments for loans you’ve taken out, student loans, mortgages, etc.
· WE ALL HAVE MONEY THAT IS OURS IN THESE ACCOUNTS; YOU DON’T NEED ZIM BONDS OR DINARS. It’s money you’ve earned throughout your life, and it’s in this account.
· After everyone has collected the bonuses, the general public will be called, they will be summoned to the redemption center, receive a QFS card, and be able to use their money.
· Keep this in mind because at some point, we will have to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and won’t be able to say anything about this topic.
C. Quantum Financial System QFS, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy on Telegram Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024
· This is the Great Financial Shift leading to a new Quantum Financial System that can only contain true asset-backed currency. An asset-backed digital currency qualifies as a “currency.”
· All currencies will be “Asset Backed” in each country. This could be gold, silver, platinum, oil, precious metals or any other major asset that the country has.
· Only two crypto currencies will be backed by gold – XRP and XLM!
· All others, not backed by assets, will disappear by the end of 2024.
· Quantum software and computers make the system the most secure on the planet and impossible to hack.
· All banking transactions will eventually be conducted in QFS.
· Banks as we know them will change dramatically.
· QFS will hold all money in “Digital Form”, although it will still be asset-backed.
· All money transfers (moves) will contain at least 50 movement records, which will be stored in milliseconds simultaneously on six main surface server farms.
· All cash movements are kept in permanent records. So there is NO fraud or criminal activity that cannot be traced.
· All people will have a “digital wallet” account with QFS rather than with a bank.
· This digital wallet is 100% secure.
· You can use your “Debit Card” directly from this account.
· You can transfer money with 100% security to any bank account, country, citizen anywhere in the world.
· We will receive “Q” phones (Quantum Phones) and “Q” computers to ensure 100% security worldwide.
D. Global Financial Crisis:
· Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024 Blockchain goes banking mainstream – Electronic Payments International:
E. Restored Republic:
· The Re-inhabited Republic for These United States of America, Dr. Miarecki: (7/12/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ USAF Lt Col (Ret) Dr. Sandy Miarecki to Discuss the Reinhabited Republic For These United States (
- How To Save America | Republic for USA (
- Want to hold a seat in the United States of America Republic?
F. EBS: The Military is in training for Implementation of the Emergency Broadcast System, Benjamin Fulford
· This will ensure everyone is safely placed in their home and able to witness the historical moment that reveals all of the truths, cover ups etc. through the E B S which is imminent.
· There must be a test and then a review of all occurrences and activities. The possible implications on a National and Global level can be quite complicated so things must be in alignment to the protocols. Yes there are many consequences if things aren’t done with precision and perfection. This is the practice run before the real one folks to see responses and accuracy to what is forthcoming which changes humanity.
· We hear the schedule is now finally firm, but again I’m just the messenger. Be ready to adjust if needed in regards to possible time changes. Only a select few know the moment of exact and precise timing of events. For security and other obvious reasons it must be properly kept private.
· The E B S is going to air playing an 8 hour video. It will be replaying 3 times a day for 10 days Communication Darkness. During those 10 Days of Communication Darkness the following things will happen.
· We will receive 7 “Trumpets “ aka E B S text messages on our phones alerting us to tune into our TV at this time.
· Our phones will only work for 911 and we are informed the Signal App, which is military encrypted will be available.
· Our internet will not work during that time. Our ATM’s will not work. After the 10 days of Communication Darkness, we will connect to a new quantum internet.
· People are urged to stock up on at least three weeks of food and water. Be prepared with food, water, toilet paper, generators etc. for this great awakening reveal.
· We are promised the new Star-link Internet System by the end of the month.
· As we speak the teams coordinating this important historic event are revamping the E.B.S to ensure the utmost security for all involved so remain patient as things get finalized. They want to make certain there are not any interferences of any sort at all. Those making the plan want no one to panic whatsoever because it’s simply the release of the truth.
· After the E B S and we’ve gone through the 10 days mainstream media blackout and sat through all the 24/7, (eight hours long movies), do we go back to normal like business as usual? Answer is: After E B S and the 8 hours long 24 7, movies all will change. The, life support, attached to the old and evil systems will be pulled. Humanity, and planet Earth simultaneously move to quantum reality consciousness system (Peace and Prosperity). End of Financial and Human consciousness enslavement. Old systems of Government, Education , Finance, Health, Trade and Commerce etc., will all be dismantled and replaced.
· We will have new currency called the USN US NOTE and gold backed.
· The time is now to alert as many who will listen. Do not have too much pride. Go warn those you love even though they think you’re crazy. Your goal for others is truly to help absorb the shock of what is coming.
G. Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024 EBS Has Already Happened, Patrick Kennedy on Telegram
· IT’S ACTUALLY ALREADY HAPPENED. THIS IS JUSTHE REPLAY [LIVE EVENT] The Storm Unleashed: EBS’ Televised Executions, World’s Largest Military Operation, Fall of Satanic Cabal on Military Courts in Real Time!
· Brace yourselves. The biggest behind-the-scenes military intelligence operation of all time is unfolding before your eyes. Every scenario carefully planned, every detail taken into account. The storm is upon us. We’re in the final stages of the plan. It’s happening now and you have a front row seat.
· THE BATTLE BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL. Attempted coup against President Trump will not go unpunished. Treason is just the tip of the iceberg, and nobody gets a free pass. President Trump and the Q team are draining the swamp, revealing filth lurking beneath the surface. Witness a screenplay movie with Trump as the hero.
· Corrupt players and their propaganda media partners are heading towards the exit of the grand finals. Soon they’ll disappear without a trace. This is the largest intelligence operation involving all the major countries on Earth.
H. Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024 The Alliance Plan, Charlie Ward
· Trump created a fake President Biden to expose globalist crimes and corruption.
· The Emergency Broadcast System will impose Martial Law until fair and transparent elections are held.
· Three days of darkness: planned cyberattacks against everything
· 10-day promotion: 1 website, 1 web channel, 8 hours of repeated broadcasting per day.
· Implementation of NESARA/GESARA debt relief.
· The military will provide the necessary food to the masses.
· QFS implementation.
· 95% reduction in government machinery.
· The Federal Reserve will be abolished, and the IRS will be placed under the new U.S. Treasury Department.
· A new tax system requiring only a 14% tax on new items and no tax on things like food, medicine, wages, used houses, and cars.
· Admiralty or Maritime Law will be revoked and replaced by Common Law.
I. Wars and Rumors of Wars:
· Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024 The US Embassy in Ukraine urges its citizens to leave the country as soon as possible.
· Wed. 21 Aug. 2024 Biden Secretly Orders US to Prepare for Nuclear Threats From China, Russia and North Korea.
· Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024 China warns its citizens not to travel to Ukraine, citing high risk of Russian airstrike attacks. Russia says there will be no more negotiations with Ukraine until the enemy is completely destroyed
J. The Real News for Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024:
· Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024 Tucker Carlson says people still wearing masks are “mentally ill” and says the men who are wearing masks are “emasculated and pathetic.” Judy Note: I wonder if Carlson is also referring to Barak and Michael Obama’s masks two people wore at the DNC?
· Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024: Donald J. Trump – – American Media Group
· Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024: Why Is There Plywood Going Up Around the US Capitol? (Video) | Politics | Before It’s News (
· Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024: Bombshell Exposé: The Dark Secrets of Washington D.C.: The Occult Symbols and Hidden Agendas Controlling America – Must See Video – – American Media Group
· Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024 60 Baby Foods at Supermarket Unhealthy:
· Wed. 21 Aug. 2024 Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes: Again Confirms Military Tribunals!! They Are Coming Soon, Folks! (Video)
· Wed. 21 Aug. 2024: BREAKING NEWS! Insider: Alex Soros Has Secret ‘Back Door’ Access To 23K Voting Machines – The People’s Voice Video – – American Media Group
· Wed. 21 Aug. 2024: Joe Rogan: Soviet Astronaut Breaks Silence Before Dying and Reveals Terrifying Secret | Paranormal | Before It’s News (
· Wed. 21 Aug. 2024: Bombshell – Exposed: Corruption of the Year – The Public Servants – 300,000 Federal Indictments of the Swamp – The List is Astounding! – – American Media Group
· Wed. 21 Aug. 2024: RichieFromBoston (8/21/2024): Klaus Schwab Says 4 Major Events Will Occur Before Elections! | Prophecy | Before It’s News (
· Wed. 21 Aug. 2024 Kamala Caught Faking Campaign Event:
· Wed. 21 Aug. 2024:
· Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024 On the Mexican-US Border, President Trump: “For nearly 4 years as Border Czar, Comrade Kamala has overseen a nation-wrecking border invasion. She has allowed at least 20 million illegal aliens into our country, including millions of un-vetted fighting-age men from 158 countries. Just recently, Kamala let in the head of a Peruvian gang who was wanted for 23 murders. On her orders, Border Patrol is being forced to free tens of thousands of illegal aliens from custody week after week. Every day brings another story about innocent Americans being tortured, raped, murdered and massacred by illegal aliens Kamala Harris has set free.”
· Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024: BREAKING NEWS! PUTIN: “Ukraine Has Just Attacked Russia’s Kursk Nuclear Power Plant!” – – American Media Group
· Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024: From Tribunals to Clones: Clones, Doubles, Actors, Transvestites Hiding in Plain Sight, Holographic or CGI – The Illusions are SO REAL Now.. They Have Become Normal! – – American Media Group
K. Dog Eat Dog Deep State Coup vs. Deep State Coup Storm is here!! Q Storm Rider
· Revelations begin as the COUP of Biden is taking place and Pelosi admits to helping remove him.
· Behind the scenes Obama is pulling the COUP and leaving the Biden family as scapegoats. In the next phase Obama is exposing the Biden family connection to Ukraine.
· The full power of Biden has been removed and the DOJ has turned on him and they are going after Joe, Hunter and family members
· The REAL Obama placed COUP is only unfolding as deep state plans are under way to REMOVE KAMALA HARRIS and her vice president pick Walz. Several operations and including investigations into Kamala Harris was already initiated by Pelosi ( Obama) in 2023 that will help force Kamala to be removed. (Coming in a surprise attack Kamala faces uncertain operations…. Including she could be killed in a public sphere MAGA set up)
· Whatever evil coup and wicked games that are unwinding inside the DNC (CIA operations GLOBALIST ops) it’s for certain now several Democrats are in panic.
· The real Obama is dead.
· A Venezuela-based transnational criminal organization reportedly has given “the green light” for gang members to attack or fire on law enforcement in the U.S.
· Police Department warns of the threat as TDA’s “green light” to gang members includes targeting Colorado Springs police officers.
· It’s been well known that Venezuela gangs often carry out Sinaloa Cartels operations.
· This all comes after secret U.S. Military training in Colorado is taking place where Mexican citizens are being trained in military operations to take down the Mexican cartels.
· There is major panic in the DNC as some cartels in Mexico are planning to flip on CIA and join U.S. military operations and give full operations of the CIA control system in Mexico + corrupt U.S. military operations with drug trade in Mexico. The cartels are offering sectors of Mexican military, militias and gorilla army to join U.S. coalition.
· At the same time in Rome Italy at the Vatican which has been controlled by the AshkeNaZi Jews their is massive MASSIVE infighting as the Jewish holiday GLOBALIST DAVOS want 100% control of Vatican banking system and endeavors<
· The Rothschild loans to the Holy See refers to a series of major financial loans arranged between the Rothschild family and the Holy See of the Catholic Church. The first loan which occurred in 1832 took place in the aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars during the Pontificate of Pope Gregory XVI (involving James Mayer de Rothschild and Carl Mayer von Rothschild). This loan agreed on was for a sum of £400,000 (equivalent to £4.7 billion in 2023). A second loan occurred during the Pontificate of Pope Pius IX (“Pio Nono”) in the early 1850s with the same members of the Rothschild family after the collapse of Giuseppe Mazzini’s short-lived revolutionary Roman Republic and the restoration of the Papal States.
· Most of the World don’t know the Vatican is infiltrated by several different Deep State societies, as Jesuit, Illuminati, Black Popes, White Popes, Secret Grey Pope family, Malta, 33rd Degree Freemasons, Skull & Bones , top secret The Solidarity Club, CIA, M16, Mossad, Cartels and Italian Mafia. There is much more corruption organizations that is connected to the Vatican.
· The Vatican is largest single stock holder in the World. They own the most property in the world that doesn’t pay taxes. The power of the Vatican corruption runs worldwide and since 1800s the Rothschild’s (Rockerfellers) have been running half of the Vatican global empire.
· NOW there is big infighting happening inside the Vatican and this is connecting to the cartels who supply drugs to Europe from South American into Spain into northern Europe and this is connected to the mafia that’s connected to New York money Las Vegas and all the gambling systems through the United States.
L. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and housed in China’s Three Gorges Dam in a 1500 mile tunnel that also runs between the Vatican and Jerusalem:
· Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024 Tucker Carlson Into the abyss: Colonel Douglas Macgregor tells us why the Ukraine war must end now: “This war is a catastrophe, the people bathing in blood are in Kiev and Washington. Children have been kidnapped and thrown into prostitution. Where are the 60,000 missing children in Ukraine? Zelensky & Biden WAR in Ukraine operates the largest child sex trafficking/ organ/ adrenochrome harvesting operation all thru Europe. Where are the 1000 missing Maui children? Biden openly trafficks children at US Border.”
· Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024 President Trump: “Kamala Harris lost 300,000+ migrant children, many forced into sex and labor trafficking — or worse. These children are GONE — and Kamala hasn’t said a word about it.”
· Gene Decode: Game Qver Aug 19 – This is the End (Video):
· Many years ago conspiracy researcher David Icke hosted an interview with Arizona Wilder, formerly Jennifer Greene, who was programmed and trained to conduct satanic rituals by Joseph Mengele a.k.a. the Angel of Death from the Nazi death camps of World War II. Arizona Wilder described how she conducted rituals in which the Queen, the Queen Mother and other members of the British Royal Family sacrificed children in satanic ceremonies. She talked of the same experiences with Henry Kissinger, George Bush, Bill Clinton and members of the Rockefeller and Rothschild families.
· 24 July 2004 The Press Democrat: “Eclectic Crowd for Annual Bohemian Gathering.” Secretary of State Colin Powell, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, CEO of Bechtel Corp, former Grateful Dead band mates and Robert Mondavi were scheduled to attend the Midsummer Encampment of the Bohemian Club of San Francisco. So, too, was conservative author William F. Buckley Jr., liberal TV personality Chris Matthews and gay porn star Chad Savage. Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, a perennial camper, arrived Thursday by private plane at the Charles M. Schulz-Sonoma County Airport. Fifty to 100 private jets have landed at the airport daily in the past two weeks. This year the guest list included George Schultz, David O’Reilly, chairman of ChevronTexaco; H.B. Atwater Jr., chief executive officer of General Mills and Edgar Kaiser Jr., founder of the Kaiser Foundation. Rumsfeld and former President George Bush were members of the Hill Billies camp.
M. Fri. 28 Aug. 2020 Trump Heads Rescue of Thousands of Tortured Children from Underground Tunnels | Politics | Before It’s News (
· Since April 2019 in secret military operations, thousands of tortured, mutilated babies, children and teens have been rescued or found deceased by the US Military. US Special Operations teams directed by President Trump and his Pentagon Pedophile Task Force have been clearing out the children, corpses, gold, cash and documents from a massive labyrinthine of DUMBS tunnels (Deep Underground Military Bases) that ran beneath the US, Canada, Mexico, South America, the Vatican, Europe, Mid East, Australia – essentially around the World.
· Evidently over centuries the tunnels had been built and used by members of the Illuminati, better known as the Cabal, or Deep State, to rape, torture and traumatize children in Satanic rites and then perform Child Sacrifice in honor of Satan.
· Global, political and Hollywood elites into Satan worship were known to pay big bucks to drink the blood of a traumatized child (known as Adrenachrome) – reported to create a “high,” along with a supposed reverse of aging. Although, if their “supply” was cut off, the partaker suffered greatly and could even die.
· Certain Pentagon Generals were making sure that supply was never harvested as evidently it had been for centuries. Back in April 2019 the US Military, Interpol and different countries’ local military forces began a concentrated and coordinated effort to rescue children from a huge tunnel network that ran throughout the US from California to New York, to Canada, Mexico, Europe, Italy (the Vatican and Venice), the Hague, New Zealand, South America and the Middle East (Lebanon). Some of the tunnels lay beneath the Vatican, with many reported to be several stories deep – like the one beneath the Denver Airport.
· By April 2020 a total of over 50,000 malnourished, caged and tortured children had been reported as rescued or found deceased in the tunnels beneath large US cities including one under New York Central Park. Another tunnel was said to run from the Clinton Foundation building to the New York Harbor as seen in a Military Intel video on the underground tunnels that has since been erased from the Internet.
· A horror was uncovered around August 20, 2020 beneath Reno Nevada where thousands of mangled recently deceased corpses of children were discovered. The child captives were believed to have been kidnapped or bred for purposes of sexual abuse, human experimentation and human sacrifice in Satanic rites.
· On Wed. Oct. 16 2019 an unbelievable 2,100 children being held in cages in underground tunnels at the California China Lake Military facility were rescued by Navy Seals and US Marines. The children and teens were said to have been sexually abused, tortured and killed to collect their blood.
· Marines carried out of the tunnels traumatized children, some of whom have never seen the light of day, pregnant preteens, deformed babies, piles of little corpses whose bodies were apparently used for organ harvesting, children locked in cages, electro-shocked and traumatized in order to harvest their blood – Adrenachrome for the elites to drink.
· “In Nevada the child rescue operations moved in earnest… what was amazing is that everyone was thinking Las Vegas would be the horror show of horror shows… there was a horror show but it was Reno… underneath Reno they could not believe the tunnels underneath the ground… the DUMBs… the bulk of the children found in the tunnels under Reno were dead… not only dead folks, they were mangled… they’re trying to do DNA testing to get the pieces back in order… which piece belongs to which other torso… it’s horrific” commented Dr. Charles Ward, who has been in a couple of the tunnels.
· A trooper involved in rescue operations said, “On 4 July 2019 at 2 am PDT we surprised personnel at the China Lake Naval Research Base in California. We took over the base and rescued approximately 3,000 children being tortured in ways beyond comprehension. . .The count now of traumatized children (found dead or alive) was more like in the hundreds of thousands – generations who had never seen sunlight.”
· Another trooper in rescue efforts reported, “Underground bases trafficking children were destroyed back in 2019. That included a base that was under the Getty Museum. The more recent Utah March 18 2020 earthquake was actually destruction of child trafficking tunnels (under the old Dugway Utah Germ Warfare base also referred to as another Area 51 UFO Base). There was a major battle under the Denver airport. The Illuminati had planned to make Denver the capital of the US after they took over and killed most of us.”
· There was a tunnel system that circled Australia and centered in Melbourne. The military made a massive raid in tunnels beneath the Black Forest in Germany. In Barcelona Spain they rescued over 2,000 women and children, while arresting 13 of their pedophile leaders. There were 30,000 pedophiles arrested out of Germany, and “lots” were arrested in Spain and England.
· Charlie Freak from Australia said that the troops went into Melbourne and found a second layer of tunnels beneath an enormous tunnel system. “It started in Sydney… they described it to us… think arachnid… it’s a web… and it was below… so this second tunnel system goes in a ring around Australia, with a big central line running towards Ayers Rock…One night – 9 p.m. to 6 or 7 a.m. – there were explosions every 2 or 3 seconds that entire time. That’s why there were police out there (destroying the tunnel).”
· US Military, Marines, Navy Seals and Special Ops trained for over a year for the special missions under direction of President Trump and the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force. These US Special Forces were working with Interpol and various countries’ militaries to clear out the underground tunnels filled with trafficked children and women. They then blew the tunnels up so they can never be used again for any purpose. The small nuclear explosives used caused small earthquakes in the region.
· Evidently monies to fund the tunnels came from US Taxpayers through the Cabal-owned IRS/Federal Reserve System. An inside source said, “They spent trillions of dollars on these tunnels… that’s where the trillions of dollars that have been missing from the 9-11 building that they took down.”
· The operation was ongoing as they discovered even more tunnels deeply buried beneath the earth. Dr. Charles Ward said: “The rescue operations were taking longer than The Alliance thought because the massive labyrinthine illuminati tunnel systems were more vast than anyone had any idea of.
· “They collapsed tunnels in Lebanon,” Ward said. “There was a considerable amount of tunnels under a building there that exploded. I’ve learned an awful lot about these tunnels and I have actually been inside some of these tunnels in my work because they store a huge amount of gold and cash in these tunnels. The ones I’ve been in were 200 Meters below ground level. .. the width of the tunnels would be 30/40 feet, the height would be 15/20 feet, there was electric golf buggies riding around down there like it was a main road; 40 km, 30 km of roads down there, shops down there, living quarters down there, storage facilities, safes, everything down there, and this was in just the two that I’ve visited. . . I think the process has been, from what I understand, once they’ve removed the women and children that were stored down there, they were removing the tunnels so nothing can be ever done there again.”
· Ward has personally has been inside two DUMBs that were crammed with cash, gold and valuables. He was part of a team that was moving gold, cash and valuables around the world for the United States Government to back a revaluation of currencies in a Global Currency reset about to take place.
· Dr. Ward related that in March 2020 during the child rescue mission at the Vatican they arrested the Pope. Some of Ward’s Security Team watched the arrest. He said that 650 plane loads of gold, cash and documents were flown out of the Vatican to Fort Knox. He regularly used specially trained teams to move money and his teams had been hired to clear out the Vatican of its stolen treasure.
· “I don’t think normal people have any idea or any concept as to how many children disappear every single year…And I’m going to sicken you right now. People that we trusted, organizations that we trusted during times of tragedy were involved, such as Hurricane Katrina where lots of people went missing. They were basically stolen by organizations that we trust to look after us in a time of trouble. Those kids were trafficked.”
· “That’s pretty damn disgusting… In times of war… the wars in Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, the amount of children that were stolen from those countries is unbelievable. So that the families think that they’ve died and they haven’t. They’ve been stolen… and this is a world that, don’t take my word for it, go and do some homework, because it’s absolutely disgusting
· “And you’ll start to wake-up to what Donald Trump is actually doing when he’s draining the swamp…I don’t think… a lot of people have any idea how dirty that swamp is…how contaminated it is…and when you wake up to what he’s actually doing…It doesn’t matter if he has funny hair, it doesn’t matter if he does funny tweets. If he gets rid of one pedophile gang, saves one woman and a child from being trafficked, he’s doing a good job. He’s saved thousands and thousands of children and families, yet there’s NOTHING, NOTHING in the mainstream media. They should be ashamed of themselves, totally ashamed. It’s disgusting.”
Oct. 19 2019: Marines, Navy Seals Rescue 2,100 Caged Children, Teens | Politics | Before It’s News (
Oct. 31 2019: Thousands of Children Rescued From Torture by Global Elite Pedophiles | Politics | Before It’s News (
N. Covid/Vax/Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride, Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:
· Tucker Carlson: Autism Rates in America “What the Hell is that?” Nationally, 1 in 36 Children today, have autism. In California, 1 in 22 children have autism. In 1970, autism diagnosis rates were approximately 1-2 out of 10,000 Children. In the 90s, that number jumped to one in 2,500. By the year 2030, if this trend continues, we might see a dramatic increase, potentially reaching 1 in 2 for boys by 2030. The Autism medical industry generates close to $1 Trillion Dollars Annually, today. One single autism child is estimated to have a lifetime social cost approximately $3.6 million. How many children do you know that suffer from autism?
· Gates and Facebook’s Dustin Moskovitz Plandemic Monkeypox/Covid mRNA Mass Genocide Program Exposed – Dr. David Martin Reveals Truths about this New “Monkeypox” SCAMdemic…
· Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024 MonkeyPox: Burundi records 171 mpox cases, health ministry says. Thailand confirms mpox case is from new deadlier strain. Cases of deadly new variant spread across the globe as Asia ramps up border controls in airports.
· Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024: The CDC was claiming that there were ‘Very High’ COVID-19 Levels Reported in 31 States. Now, why shouldn’t we believe them?
O. Satan Worshipping Illuminati Zionist Deep State Cabal Globalist Depopulation Agenda 2030:
· Part 1: Khazarian Mafia Satanist Cannibals Adrenochrome and the God Eaters:
P. Criminals Own The Banks
· The worst criminals of humanity own the banks. They have a draconian monopoly of money through centuries of force and violence, destroying or killing anyone who threatens their power over money.
· Take for example John F. Kennedy’s Executive Order 11110 who attempted to back American currency by silver. He was assassinated.
· Or Colonel Muammar Gaddafi who tried to establish the Gold Dinar for the African Union. He was assassinated.
· Or how the Titanic was sunk to rid powerful men who opposed the formation of the Federal Reserve. They were assassinated.
· Or how non-complying nations were decimated through economic and world wars. Nobody was spared.
Q. Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024 Illuminati Bloodline Families and the Great Awakening, David Wilcock
· Thirteen Illuminati Bloodline Families, headquartered in Venice, Italy, once ruled the world through their control of the global monetary system, all while practicing dark rituals and Satanic worship. This cabal, now often referred to as the Deep State, orchestrated a global network of child sacrifice, sex orgies, and mind control experiments on kidnapped and produced victims.
· These families, who claim descent from Cain, include infamous names like Poseur, Kennedy, Rockefeller, Onassis, Carnage, Bush, and Rothschild. By 1832, they had seized control of the Vatican Bank and established dominance over major central banks worldwide, such as JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Barclays, HSBC, and Chase.
· In 1871, they enacted the Act that created the Corporation of the US of America, effectively erasing the original Constitution.
· By 1914, they had signed a 99-year lease on the Chinese Elder’s gold, using the Federal Reserve, IRS, and other financial institutions to launder US taxpayer money, while their operations extended through the Vatican Bank, notorious for its role in child trafficking, drug, and gun running.
· The turning point came in 1903 when Nikola Tesla and Van de Graaf began unraveling the Deep State’s secrets.
· By 1993, their lease on the Chinese gold expired.
· By the early 2000s, the Alliance was formed to dismantle the Cabal. This Alliance, as of 2020, included President Trump, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, Narendra Modi, influential figures of Q, QAnon (headed by JFK Jr?), Pentagon Generals, NSA, and Interpol.
· By 2008, the Cabal’s reliance on a fiat US dollar led to a manufactured mortgage crisis, which further drained US taxpayers. This prompted the formation of the BRICS Alliance, aiming to restore a gold/asset-backed financial system.
· On March 21, 2013, the Gold Treaty was signed by 209 nations.
· In 2018, President Trump enacted the National Quantum Initiative Act, establishing a new Quantum Financial System and a transparent voting system.
· On October 16, 2019, US Marines and Special Forces rescued over 2,100 children from beneath the China Lake Navy facility in California, uncovering a network of deep underground bases funded by the Cabal.
· The Vatican was raided in October 2019, revealing the global elite’s money laundering operations. Over 650 plane loads of gold and cash were seized and repatriated to the US Treasury.
· By March 2020, the Alliance had eliminated the heads of the thirteen Illuminati families in Venice, initiating arrests and military tribunals for US political elites.
· Expect further developments, with significant disclosures and arrests anticipated in the coming months. By late 2024, global changes will unfold as the remnants of the Cabal are dismantled and justice is served.
R. Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024 Fall of The Banks, or I Guess This Is The End: The Fall of Baal
· Info came out via Militia-Man & Crew that confirm what I shared with you all about Texas when redeeming currency for precious metals that once the Iraqi Dinar is on the Forex anyone will be able to convert into Gold & Silver.
· Do you all know how monumental this is? Remember the 43 states that pass bills to make metals legal tender? This means your money will be 100% tax-free. This means that if you purchase property with gold mortgage, taxes, liens, etc, it will not be a factor in any capacity.
· Why do you think bankers fear Basel 3. Remember what the MBA stated a few days ago? That the entire model of real estate will change because of B-3.
· “The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) has voiced strong opposition to the Basel capital rule changes, pointing out seven key areas that could affect major banks and regional banks, lenders, servicers, and borrowers within the housing finance ecosystem. Here’s a closer look at these crucial concerns”. End quote.
· Basel 3 empowers the citizens. Not the banking industry. This is why they are now trying to double down on the Dodd Frank Act. Which allows the bank to legally confiscate your money making them impervious to lawsuits. You all have to understand. In the 1970s boomers bought houses for 10k-20k.
· Now do you all see why bankers were crying to Congress about Basel 3 on Capitol Hill a couple of months ago?
· The days of writing up mortgages with interest rates that only exist on a computer screen with nothing in the bank vaults to support the contract written out home buyers that agree to honor that over decades on a monthly basis.
· Not knowing they financially entrapped themselves by signing off on a document that allows the bank to seize or confiscate your property due to delinquency in payments for money they never physically possessed themselves to underwrite a contract based on nothing but a promise and not assets are over.
S. Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024 Those Who Control Information Control the World, Julian Assange, Q) The Storm Rider on Telegram
· The people who control the internet archives have been deleting & changing information including our history. the information is only in one place & the wrong people are in charge of it
· “Archives of information have been centralized on computers. The Guardian’s archives are only in one place. They’re not in libraries all across the nation that people look for. They’re only looked for on the Internet. And because of copyright legislation, they’re not copied elsewhere to other places on the Internet.
· So when something disappears from the archives, the electronic archives for the West to which all information is moving into, it is gone forever. It has not only ceased to have existed, it has ceased to have ever have existed. And when you go to those web pages that have been removed from Western papers, you won’t see the taillines, you will just see page not found, you won’t see anything in the index at all. We are now approaching the state of Orwell’s dictum, perfect dictum that he who controls the present controls the past. He who controls Internet servers controls the intellectual record of mankind, and by controlling that, controls our perceptions of who we are and by controlling that, controls what laws and regulations we make in society.”
T. Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024 Israel is Last On Borrowed Time: The Countdown, Nesara/Gesara on Telegram
· Ask yourselves why would the Israeli citizens want Bibi Netanyahu out of office? What do you think they know about his connections to the terrorist attacks? What have I revealed to you over the past week that implicates B. Netanyahu into certain events? Because if you have been paying attention and understanding the questionable actions by the Israeli government leading up to Hamas attacks the answers should be easy.
· Why Did Bibi Netanyahu turn off the Iron Dome? Why did Bibi Ignore intelligence that warned of possible encroachment of Hamas potential attacks 3 days in advance? Why would you turn off your own security system while in a hostile political environment?
· Do you see how critical the situation is? Bibi Netanyahu knows he has only so much time left on the clock. If he doesn’t pull off what his Khazarians cronies want they all face exile, expulsion, and execution.
· Thanks to an interview that Mike Harris had with VT Senior Editor and Director Gordon Duff on his talk show “The Short End of the Stick” on 3-10-15. Gordon Duff disclosed that Netanyahu was a KGB spy like Jonathan Pollard. And we know now that Israel was started as a satellite of Bolshevik Russia and was quite unhappy when the Soviet Union fell.
· Benjamin Netanyahu was meeting at Finks bar in Jerusalem, a well-known Mossad watering-hole. Here is what he said as taken directly from the transcript of the recording which was witnessed and has been 100% fully authenticated. Quote: “If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it doesn’t matter what you do, America is a Golden Calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the World’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control.” End quote. ~Benjamin Netanyahu.
· This is who was behind Covid-19 Lockdowns/Quarantine. Now do you see why they wanted to have you in those restrictions all the way until 2030? Who do you think Bibi Netanyahu wanted to win in 2016? Hillary Clinton. How were they going to turn you into a welfare state?
· Think about how many businesses were lost during Lockdowns. Think about all the stores that lost their license because they didn’t want to implement those Covid-19 policies. Think about all the businesses that required mask to enter. Think about all the places that required vaccination status to access: Airports, Concerts, School, Jobs, Malls, Restaurants
· The Khazarians were behind the Irgun Bombing, 9/11, Covid-19, Las Vegas Attacks, Hamas, Etc.There is a lot more I can list.
· These Khazarians had plans going all the way back to the 40s on how they would take over Palestine. This is why Hamas was hired. Use them (Hamas) to attack Israeli citizens then blame Palestine. Get it? All the while being the mastermind behind the attacks on both Israel & Palestine. People have woken up to this all over the world. Why do you think so many celebrities are coming out to defend Palestine?
U. Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024 Washington DC Streets of Power: Alignments and Sacred Geometry
· The significance of Washington D.C.’s street layout goes beyond mere practicality; it’s an intricate map of power, rooted in sacred geometry and designed to channel specific energies. Sacred geometry, a concept revered in both Freemasonry and other esoteric traditions, involves the use of specific shapes and alignments believed to reflect the fundamental principles of the universe.
· Many researchers and conspiracy theorists have pointed out that Washington D.C.’s street plan contains a series of alignments that seem too deliberate to be coincidental. For example, if you draw lines connecting the White House, the Capitol, the Washington Monument, and the Jefferson Memorial, you can form a large pentagram, albeit incomplete. The presence of this pentagram, a symbol with both protective and malevolent connotations in occult traditions, is interpreted by some as a sign of the city’s connection to dark forces.
· Moreover, the grid-like pattern of the city, intersected by diagonals, forms numerous triangles and squares—shapes that have deep significance in Masonic rituals. Triangles, especially, are symbolic of the trinity in many esoteric beliefs, representing the connection between the material and spiritual worlds. The Capitol itself is positioned at the center of a triangle formed by Maryland Avenue, Pennsylvania Avenue, and the National Mall, symbolizing its role as the spiritual and legislative heart of the nation.
· The alignment of these landmarks and their connections via avenues like Pennsylvania Avenue is believed to create a flow of energy, channeling power between the different branches of government. This is not just about physical power but spiritual and symbolic power, reinforcing the belief that those who designed the city intended to harness these forces for their own purposes.
V. Donations Badly Needed For Native Hawaiian DEW Victims of Maui Hawaii
- The Deep State Cabal wanted to make the Native Hawaiian Capitol of Lahaina into a SMART city, so on August 8, 2023 at 6:37 a.m Chinese Communist Party NORAD 555836 Direct Energy Weapon Lazers burned Lahaina Maui to the ground.
- The resulting fires were the most devastating mass casualty events in the Hawaii State history: 2,700+ Structures destroyed; 97 confirmed dead; 1,000+ still missing/ unconfirmed deceased; 4,000+ people originally dislocated.
- Every day since Kingdom of AKUA Foundation Native Hawaiian Volunteers have been supplying three meals a day to their now 2,369 still-displaced fellow victims. However, the Deep State Cabal Red Cross has recently cut funding down to one meal a day for those victims.
- Any amount you could give would be greatly appreciated. There was $500K needed right away to continue the three meals a day. The Deep State not only took the Native Hawaiian homes and livelihood away, now they were going to starve them out of the land of their inheritance.
- Please send your donation to the Akua Foundation’s Malama Lahaina Website – the only site dedicated to and run by the Hawaiian Native Peoples: Malama Lahaina – Pūpūkahi i Holomua Donations (
W. “Ken and Barbie vs. Goliath IRS” Update – The IRS: the biggest most dangerous hoax in the history of the world?
· Ken Cromar presently sits in jail having been found guilty of living in his own fully owned home and after proving in a Federal Tax Court that he owed no monies to the IRS. Despite the ruling in Cromar’s favor, the IRS sold his home at auction and threw away all his possessions including expensive camera equipment he used to make a living.
· Ken really appreciates receiving encouraging messages in postcards. White, pre-stamped postcards with your name and complete return address hand-written is the only thing accepted at the jail. Paul Cromar #567164 Davis County Jail P.O. Box 130 Farmington, UT 84025-0130 Donations for commissary and other needs can be made at: Venmo to: @Talmage-Cromar OR mail to: The Cromar’s PO Box 942 Pleasant Grove, Utah 84062 (you will receive a gift for your contribution)
X. WARNING: The TRB Trump Products being falsely advertised under the Trump name with a promise of a sizeable payoff is actually a giant SCAM being perpetrated on Patriots. It is under investigation by the FBI, Secret Service and New York PD.
· Since the beginning of June I have received well over 350 emails from TRB victims who purchased Trump products with a promise of a sizeable payoff. Not one has received their promised payout. All appear to have been scammed out of thousands of dollars – some their life savings.
· The so-called Trump Coins, Badges and Stickers were NOT, as the advertising claimed, endorsed by Trump, Tucker Carlson, Trump family members, the Trump Organization, or its affiliates.
· Alan Garten, General Counsel to the Trump Organization, stated: “The Trump Organization has no affiliation or association whatsoever with TRB products.”
· Victims of the TRB Scam are urged to type up their TRB experience including products bought and monies paid out, plus your contact information. Sign two notarize copies, keep one and send the second notarized copy of your TRB write up to: Alan Garten, General Counsel to the Trump Organization. The Trump Organization 725 Fifth Avenue, 26th Fl. New York NY 10022-2519 United States.
· I would also appreciate receiving a copy of your TRB experience that I will file for the ongoing investigations. (Please be general in your remarks and do not send me personal information as I don’t wish to be responsible for it. I will erase it if sent). My email:
Y. Must Watch Videos:
· Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024 Situation Update: Bombshell Report! The Final Stand is Now. No More Delays. The Clock Strikes Midnight. Worldwide EBS Imminent. Followed By Ten Days of Communication Darkness… – – American Media Group
· Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024 Situation Update (video): Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: The Final Stand Is Now! The Clock Strikes Midnight! Worldwide EBS Followed by 10 Days of Darkness. Special Intel Report 8/22/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
· Wed. 21 Aug. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SITUATION UPDATE 8/21/24 “MOSCOW UNDER ATTACK, UN TROOPS, FF WARNING” (
Updates For the Week Prior:
- Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024 Situation Update: Bombshell Report! The Final Stand is Now. No More Delays. The Clock Strikes Midnight. Worldwide EBS Imminent. Followed By Ten Days of Communication Darkness… – – American Media Group
- Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024 Situation Update (video): Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: The Final Stand Is Now! The Clock Strikes Midnight! Worldwide EBS Followed by 10 Days of Darkness. Special Intel Report 8/22/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Thurs. 22 Aug. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of August 22, 2024 – The US Military News Restored Republic via a GCR as of August 22, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
- Wed. 21 Aug. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SITUATION UPDATE 8/21/24 “MOSCOW UNDER ATTACK, UN TROOPS, FF WARNING” (
- Wed. 21 Aug. 2024: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: “President Donald Trump Has Given the Green Light Global Alliance to Take Over Major Fake News Media and Make Mass Arrests”… – – American Media Group
- Wed. 21 Aug. 2024 Situation Update (video): Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Pres. Trump Has Given the Green Light, Global Alliance to Take Over Major Fake News Media & Make Mass Arrests. Special Intel Report 8/21/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Wed. 21 Aug. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of August 21, 2024 – The US Military News
- Restored Republic via a GCR as of August 21, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
- Wed. 21 Aug. 2024: Situation Update: DNC Madness, Biden’s Nuclear Plans, Chemtrails With Monkeypox, Election Chaos (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Tues. 20 Aug. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SITUATION UPDATE 8/20/24 “MONKEYPOX CHEM-TRAILS, DNC CHAOS, WW3” (
- Tues. 20 Aug. 2024 Situation Update (video): Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming! Worldwide EBS Imminent!!! BQMBS Incoming! Special Intel Report 8/20/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Tues. 20 Aug 2024 Situation Update: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: A Worldwide Call To Prayer To Save The Tortured Children To Bless Trump and The Q Movement – To Give Strength To Patriots… – – American Media Group
- Restored Republic via a GCR as of August 20, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
- Tues. 20 Aug. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of August 20, 2024 – The US Military News
- Mon. 19 Aug. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SITUATION UPDATE 8/19/24 “DNC CHAOS, WW3, TRUMP ARREST & MORE” (
- Mon. 19 Aug. 2024: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: “My Fellow Americans, The Storm is Upon Us.” “God Bless.” President Donald Trump Sun. 18 Aug. 2024. A Worldwide Call For Prayer To Save Freedom For… – – American Media Group
- Mon. 19 Aug. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of August 19, 2024 – The US Military News
- Mon. 19 Aug. 2024 Situation Update (video): Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: My Fellow Americans, the Storm Is Upon Us. Save Freedom for All! From the Satanic Clutches of the Cabal. Special Intel Report 8/19/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Restored Republic via a GCR as of August 19, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
- Sat. 17 Aug. 2024 Situation Update: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: Let Us Pray To Save Our Society From the Satan Worshipping Deep State Cabal. Soon, At Any Moment, a Turn of Events Will Trigger the Unbelievable… – – American Media Group
- Sat. 17 Aug. 2024 Situation Update (video) Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of August 16, 2024 – The US Military News
- Sat. 17 Aug. 2024 Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: At Any Moment, a Turn of Events Will Trigger the Unbelievable. Entire Government Will Be Invalidated. The Storm Has Arrived! Special Intel 8/17/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Restored Republic via a GCR as of August 17, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
- Fri. 16 Aug. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SITUATION UPDATE 8/16/24 ( Situation Update: Emergency Worldwide Alert! US Under Martial Law, Deep State Minions Are Being Hunted Down (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Fri. 16 Aug. 2024 Situation Update (video) Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Worldwide Emergency Alert! Tues. 20 Aug. 2024, US Military & DC Police Preparing to Evacuate Washington DC! Special Intel Report 8/16/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Fri. 16 Aug. 2024 Situation Update: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: The Global Military Alliance Arresting & Holding Military Tribunals on Over Half a Million Deep State Cabal Political & Global Elites… – – American Media Group
- Fri. 16 Aug. 2024 Situation Update (video) Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of August 16, 2024 – The US Military News
- Restored Republic via a GCR as of August 16, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
- Thurs. 15 Aug. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SITUATION UPDATE 8/15/24 WORLDWIDE EVENTS REACHING A CLIMAX (
- Thurs. 15 Aug. 2024 Situation Update: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: Global Financial Armageddon: Collapse of Nine Nation’s Currencies Including the US Fiat Dollar – EBS, Martial Law, Mass Arrests, Blackout… – – American Media Group
- Thurs. 15 Aug. 2024 Situation Update (video): Situation Update: Zero Hour! Massive Cyber Attacks, Russian Retaliation, Migrant Prison Gangs, Brink of WW3! (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Thurs. 15 Aug. 2024 Situation Update (video) Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of August 15, 2024 – The US Military News
- Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: WWIII, Sky Event, EBS, Martial Law, Mass Arrests, Blackouts! 34 Satanic Structures Will Be Destroyed! Special Intel Report 8/15/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Restored Republic via a GCR as of August 15, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
- Wed. 14 Aug. 2024 Situation Update (video) WTPN SITUATION UPDATE 8/14/24 MIGRANT PRISON GANGS, BRINK OF WW3, CYBERATTACKS (
- Wed. 14 Aug. 2024: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: Trust The Plan. Project Odin. Worldwide Blackout. Worldwide Global Currency Reset. Worldwide Freedom From… – – American Media Group
- Wed. 14 Aug. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of August 14, 2024 – The US Military News
- Wed. 14 Aug. 2024 Situation Update (video): Situation Update: Trump Interview Triggers Lefties, WWIII Breaks Out in Middle East, Green Light, It’s SHOWTIME! (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Restored Republic via a GCR as of August 14, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
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