BOOM! Defence War Operation STORM: The Musical to our Multiple Beyond Biblical Retribution – Surfaced STORM – 50 USC 1550 – WWG1WGA – Pascal Najadi Epic Video
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The Storm Rages On: Unveiling the Epic Symphony of Defence War Operation STORM
In the thunderous symphony of Defence War Operation STORM, a saga unfolds, transcending mere mortal conflicts. From the corridors of power to the depths of clandestine operations, the resonance of justice echoes amidst the chaos. Join us as we delve into the epic narrative of courage, betrayal, and redemption, where heroes emerge and villains tremble.
In the annals of history, certain chapters stand as monuments to the resilience of the human spirit. Defence War Operation STORM is one such epic, a tapestry woven with threads of valor and sacrifice, where the fate of nations hangs in the balance. Yet, behind the scenes of this grand spectacle, a shadowy web of intrigue and treachery lurks, threatening to unravel the very fabric of civilization itself.
At the heart of this labyrinthine saga lies the enigmatic figure of President Trump, a wartime commander navigating the treacherous waters of global conflict with steely resolve. As the world teeters on the brink of chaos, his leadership stands as a beacon of hope in a sea of uncertainty.

But in the corridors of power, whispers of dissent and betrayal abound. Forces unseen conspire to undermine the very foundations of democracy, wielding their influence like a dagger poised at the heart of the nation. Yet, amidst the darkness, a glimmer of light emerges – the indomitable spirit of the US Military, resolute in their commitment to justice and truth.
Guided by the immutable principles enshrined in 50 USC 1550 and 13818, they stand as guardians of liberty, ready to confront the forces of tyranny wherever they may lurk. From the hallowed halls of military intelligence to the front lines of battle, they wage a relentless war against the enemies of freedom.
Don’t Miss This:
But even as the flames of conflict rage across the globe, another battle looms on the horizon – the covert war against Covid PsyOp. In the midst of a pandemic ravaging the world, dark forces conspire to exploit fear and uncertainty for their own nefarious ends. Yet, in the face of this insidious threat, the truth will prevail.
Enter the Space Force, the vanguard of humanity’s struggle against the unknown. Led by visionary pioneers like Pascal Najadi, they boldly venture into the uncharted depths of space, forging a new frontier of discovery and enlightenment. But even as they reach for the stars, they remain ever vigilant against the specter of betrayal and deceit.
For lurking in the shadows of neutrality lies the specter of Swiss Treason, a betrayal of trust that cuts to the very heart of the alliance between nations. In the crucible of wartime, such acts cannot go unpunished – for justice demands retribution, and retribution shall be swift.
And so, the stage is set for the grand finale of Defence War Operation STORM, a symphony of defiance and triumph in the face of adversity. From the ashes of conflict, a new world shall emerge – forged in the fires of righteous fury and tempered by the resolve of those who dare to defy fate itself.
In the end, only one truth remains immutable – that in the crucible of war, heroes will rise, villains will fall, and the echoes of their deeds will resound throughout eternity. For in the words of the ancients, “Where We Go One, We Go All” – united in purpose, unyielding in resolve, and unstoppable in the face of darkness.
Pascal Najadi Report:
I was a Producer of the Swiss Cinema Blockbuster “Grounding, the last Days of Swissair” and now, well, dear Ladies and Gentlemen, I share with you our Directors cut of our Musical Disclosure about the now surfacing STORM.
Swiss NAZI Mainstream is being taken down, our US MilitaryOps already have full control over the Swiss 🇨🇭Territory with our legitimate current and ongoing Global Defence War Military and Special Operations 50 USC 1550. The surfacing has begun, the cleansing under EO 13818 is in full swing and not only NAZI Klaus Schwab has been captured in at his WEF Fortress on 91 Rue de la Capite in Cologny, Geneva (NB: We used to reside long before this NAZI infiltrated into Cologny on the same road but at number 19, Karma).
If you are still waiting for the Swiss NAZI Media Houses and Swiss Gestapo Journalists to spoon feed you with their lies, you can wait until hell freezes over because we are also taking them down. For now they all are under our wartime Cencorship or they fear the masses tearing them apart in the air if they would admit what really is Fact on Swiss Territory. In any event, they are at their Dead-End Situation and will all soon see the darkness from another dimension, banned forever far away and off earth.
During the current and ongoing wartime, we, the commanding Military Power at war and WeThePeople bring you the Disclosures and remember, they are all and only referenced through now accessible United States Government (.go and .mil) resources. Thanks to my United States Military Veteran Comrade, Derek Johnson. We encourage you to visit his website, free of charge,
Still choose to ignore official .gov legislation and Military Orders that are in force, not only in the United States?
Repost and enjoy the moment of the lifetime of our divine Human Species. We never die. God wants us to enjoy Life. Stay focused and remain open minded for the unstoppable surfacing of a decades long Global US led Covert Defence War to liberate all of our fellow divine Human Species from the Zionist NAZI Khazarian Oppression (Cabal) going back thousands of years. We totally Obliterated them and. now we hunt, torch and execute the last remaining NAZIs, their collaborators, all Freemasons and all bad and sick people who touched and touch Children. The US Law of War Manual 2015 (updated July 2023) is indeed in force, also in Swiss Territory.
God Bless America – God Save America
Read first, understand then Check and Verify the now visible United States Government owned and operated .gov webpages.
See the links and medical advisory of Dr. Robert Young after the Disclosure Statements and United States .gov check and verification Links.
– Important Formal Statement as a matter of Disclosure –
I have directly and without lawyers communicated on January 27th, 2024, with the Office of the Secretary of Defense of the United States, who exclusively and only reports to the current Wartime President and Commander-in-Chief of the United States, Donald J. Trump.
I have previously reported and provided substantial evidence to the JAG officers at the USSF and USAF, presenting further material evidence of serious crimes against humanity and corruption.
These crimes have been committed by renegade factions within the former and current Swiss Government, Swissmedic, and other organizations, including but not limited to WHO, WEF, Gavi, civil and legal persons, et al. (the list is detailed and extensive.)
These crimes are directly linked to the severe terminal injuries and sufferings that I suffer from due to the unlawful COVID-19 PsyOp and the administration of injections without my legally mandated informed consent. These actions were carried out through the illegal use of force, enabled by the state-sponsored coercion of my own government, in gross violations of my constitutional protection and rights.
The timing of my dispatching of this report to the office of the is not by random choice but rather by dedicated design as per plan. I have and am perpetually exercising my duty and my rights as a former Swiss Air Force officer who took an oath to uphold, defend, and protect the Swiss Constitution at all times as stipulated in the Swiss Constitution pertaining to all Swiss citizens, be they military or their civil counterparts.
The basis of my reporting action is:
And here is the active FAA US Military No Fly Zone over the current White House, the residence and highest executive office of the United States of the current Wartime President & Commander-in-Chief of the United States, Donald J. Trump, and it ends on June 1, 2024.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the fact that I can disclose this FFA No Fly Zone link that is now working for you to click is a clear indication that the kaleidoscope of the largest Central Casting operation in History of filmmaking soon comes to an end. Otherwise, my Disclosure would not be able to publish a clickable FFA .gov website link confirming my disclosures. You need to learn to read and analyse our Disclosures, Learn how to think and use your state and media-fake news-washed brain again. It belongs to you!
The United States are since December 20th 2019 in a global covert Defence War. Consequently, the United States Law of War Manual 2015 (updated July 2023) is in force and applicable at any time and wherever you are on our planet Earth, naturally, of course, also on Swiss territory, which includes Berne and Geneva as well.
Go Figure!
Pascal Najadi
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