BOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: Happening Now Devolution Plan, Martial Law Already in Effect For Continuity of Government, White Hat Military Arrest Wars, JAG, GITMO and World Court Tribunals – Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 4, 2024
Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!
Compiled Mon. 4 March 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities”
Trust The Plan
Black Swan Events
Massive Cyber Attack Pending
Global Financial Collapse Happening Now:
China, Germany Have Experienced Financial Collapses
Banks Closures, Markets Down, Bitcoin Stopped TradingHappening Now
Devolution Plan Martial Law Already in Effect For Continuity of Government
White Hat Military Arrest Wars
JAG, GITMO and World Court Tribunals
Quantum Financial System ActiveExpected Soon
EBS Activation
It’s only wise to have at least a three week supply of food, water, cash, fuel, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself and to help others.
“Give Said the Little Stream”
Music & the Spoken Word (
Give said the little stream,
Give, oh give; Give, oh give.
Give said the little stream,
As it hurried down the hill.
I’m small, I know, but wherever I go,
The grass grow greener still.
Singing, singing all the day,
Give away, oh give away;
Singing, singing all the day,
Give, oh, give away.
Judy Note: It was my opinion, and I could be wrong, that on Thurs. 22 Feb the Cabal Financial System imploded and Trump gave the Green Light to begin the rest of the Mass Arrests. Now there was no turning back and they hoped to have those arrests completed by Fri. 15 March.
In order to arrest the estimated around five million members of the Cabal worldwide named on over 800,000 sealed court indictments, they eventually would have to activate the Emergency Broadcast System.
If they turned on that EBS by next Tues. 5 March it would give them 10 days to air the exposure documentaries over the new Starlink Satellites for the general public.
That way everything would be done by Fri. 15 March when it was expected they would announce to the General Public, the Global Currency Reset and return to a gold/asset-backed currencies across the Globe.
Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) could very likely go during that ten days of Exposure. So, doing some deductions on the above information, I expect Tier4b to have notification to set exchange/ redemption appointments at least by next Tues. 5 March.
On Thurs. 22 Feb. 2024 Trump gave the Green Light for the Mass Arrests of five million Cabal members. That same day the Cabal had capitulated on their control of the Global Financial System, China and Germany experienced a Financial Collapse, plus Bitcoin stopped trading on the Stock Market and their owners were suspected to have taken the money and ran.
On Sun. 3 March Trump said goodbye to the Mainstream Media.
On Mon. 11 March the Federal Reserve will quit giving loans to the banks, which would close any bank across the Globe not Basel 3 compliant and in the BRICS new Financial System.
“They wanted the 10 days of darkness and RV/GCR done by Fr. 15 March. Agreements have been made. All electronics, WiFi, ATMs will go down. Businesses will be closed. Planes, Trains, Buses will be grounded. We had all better stock up on food and supplies, especially people in New York as truck drivers will NOT be making deliveries in New York in support of President Trump.” …777 Time Traveler on X and Telegram Sun. 3 March 2024
The White Hats hoped to have Mass Arrests completed and the Ukraine War ended by Fri. 15 March 2024.
- On Christmas Eve 2015 as US President Elect Donald Trump was awaiting his inauguration, there was a raid in Italy on the 13 Illuminati Bloodline families, where they were all taken out except for Jacob Rothschild, who escaped.
- With the 1 Jan. 2016 dissolution of the trading company US Inc. in Washington DC, it took 650 airplanes to remove gold from tunnels beneath the Vatican and return it to it’s rightful owners in various countries, mainly the new US Treasury located on a Sovereign Indian Reservation near Reno Nevada.
- On 18 Nov. 2017 Q Drop 156 indicated that on 17 Nov. 2017 head of the Cabal Central Banking System, Jacob Rothschild, died while he was being rounded up.
- On 23 Sept. 2023 President Trump announced, “In less than five months from now we will be taking back our country.”
- On Thurs. 22 Feb. 2024 the Cabal capitulated on their control of the Global Financial System when Bitcoin stopped trading and the owners were suspected to have taken the money and ran.
- On that same Thurs. 22 Feb. 2024 Trump released the final phase of The Plan – which was the Green Light for Mass Arrests (an estimated five million Cabal members have been or will be arrested who were named in over 800,000 worldwide court sealed indictments).
- On Sat. 29 Feb. China’s financial system collapsed with their Evergrande Bankruptcy.
- On Fri. 1 March a Source from Space Force said they were told that there was an imminent Event pending (possible Cyber Attack?) and they were to go home and keep their families indoors.
- On Sat. 2 March Germany’s financial system collapsed.
- Sun. 3 March: “Patriots be prepared for a fake Trump assassination. The Black Hats have a Trump clone that they are going to assassinate. The media will go wild. Don’t believe a word of it. Trump already knows about this. Trump is safe.” …Real Chief on Tweet Sun. 3 March.
- WARNING: “Crime of the Century”: Big Pharma Doesn’t Want You to Know About Alternative: Sugar Defender emerges as a beacon of hope for individuals struggling to manage their blood sugar levels and combat Type 2 diabetes
- Election Interference: “We’re in the middle of an Election. We have Super Tuesday coming up very shortly. According to Justice Department guidelines, they shouldn’t be prosecuting me: “Federal prosecutors and agents may never select the timing of any action, including investigative steps, criminal charges, or statements, for the purpose of affecting any election, or for the purpose of giving an advantage or disadvantage to any candidate or political party.” THIS IS ELECTION INTERFERENCE, AND SHOULD BE STOPPED IN THE COURTS!” …President Trump on Telegram Sun. 3 March.
- On Mon. 4 March the Supreme Court is scheduled to make an announcement about President Trump’s eligibility to run in the election.
- On Mon. 11 March the Federal Reserve will quit giving loans to the banks, which would close any bank not Basel 3 compliant and in the BRICS System.
If you were reading this Update on, or from Operation Disclosure Official, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of the Update on Operation Disclosure Official, or read an un-redacted version on the Rumor Mill Website.
Situation Update:
- Sun. 3 March Benjamin Fulford Situation Update:
- Sat. 2 March the CIA admitted to trying to instigate War With Russia.
- Sat. 2 March US Tax Payers don’t fund the US government. The government is funded by US Treasury Bonds that was only paper backed by fiat US dollars. Meanwhile US Tax monies were paid to the Cabal in Washington DC, and then given to the Crown of England in London, then the Vatican Bank, where it goes out to Rothschild owned Central Banks across the Globe. When everyone is through making monies off the US Taxpayers, the monies were returned to a New York Bank that then charges the US Government interest to use it’s own monies to pay employees – thus running up the national debt.
- Sat. 2 March Situation Update: Situation Update: Government Corruption Nightmare! Dying Economy Collapsing! Increased Nuclear War Rhetoric! Satanic CIA, JFK Assassination CIA Connected? The UN System Of Pedophilia!! – WTPN | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (
- On Sat. 2 March Iraq was trading on the Forex and China shut down their economy. MikeCristo8 reported China will have Gold RV this weekend – which would make us in Tier4b (the Internet Group) next.
- Many were saying that WW3 has already begun (a Movie Scare event): British troops are directing air strikes in Ukraine (a Movie Scare Event). Germany intends to bomb Crimea (a Movie Scare Event)
Project Looking Glass – the control of US Nuclear Forces – or EMPs, Ellis Washington Report: Archive | Ellis Washington Report Real News for Real Patriots from the Judy Byington Report—Part 42 | Ellis Washington Report
- According to an article in Wikipedia, “Project Looking Glass (or Operation Looking Glass) is the historic code name for an airborne command and control center operated by the United States.
- It provides command and control of U.S. nuclear forces in the event that ground-based command centers have been destroyed or otherwise rendered inoperable.”
- The military project is designed to function even after some catastrophic level event or natural disaster or man-caused calamity like an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse). An EMP “is a brief outburst of energy.”
- The electromagnetic interference caused by an EMP can disrupt communications and damage electronic equipment. An EMP such as a lightning strike can physically damage objects such as buildings and aircraft.”
- For example, according to a recent comment by the Air Force secretary says China preparing for war against the U.S. and will likely attack us launching concurrent and targeted EMP attacks in big cities across America.
- In the meantime, because the Biden administration has sold out to Chinese CCP interests they (through the Democrat Socialist Party) have infiltrated America from within to destroy this country, therefore as we speak New York City is defunding the police to pay for the housing of illegal immigrants.
- Why won’t Democrats just work with us to secure the border? Because they worship a different “god” called Satan whose tactic is “Ordo ab Chao” = “Order out of Chaos.”
- The U.S. experienced 23 separate billion-dollar weather and climate disasters in the first eight months of 2023 — the largest number since records began.
- Many experts see these record-level increases in natural disasters like the flooding in China and the fires in Maui, Hawaii related to man-made intervention High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) which can cause any conceivable weather event, anywhere on the planet with pinpoint accuracy and intensity all controlled by mankind. Let that sink in!
Global Currency Reset:
- On Thurs. 22 Feb. the Cabal capitulated, followed byTrump releasing the final phase of The Plan – which was Mass Arrests. Those arrests were hoped to be completed by Fri. 15 March.
- On Sat. 23 Feb. 2024 the World Trade Organization announced that Iraq had completed all requirements to be accepted as a member including having set their new Iraqi Dinar Rate, which the next day Wed. 28 Feb. the Central Bank of Iraq announced as $3.47. Frank26 said the Dinar went live on Forex for $2.70 and should fluctuate.
- On Thurs. 29 Feb. at around 7 pm EST Iraqi PM Al Suddani formally announced that the Dinar was asset-backed and Iraq had officially joined BRICS.
- On Fri. 1 March, with the various countries new currency rates having been agreed upon, Iraq officially joined other BRICS nations for the Global Currency Reset – exactly one year (March 2023) after the new Quantum Financial System went live on the Star Link Satellite Network.
- Around Mon. 4 March through Thurs. 14 March 2024, the Ten Days of Darkness/ Exposure appeared slated to occur.
- By Mon. 4 March Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) notification to set redemption/exchange appointments could occur.
- Tier4b will have 14-15 days to exchange at Redemption Centers at the special rates, after which you would have to exchange at a bank at the lower rates.
- On Fri. 15 March the new gold/asset-backed US Note will be available to the General Public and will replace the old Federal Reserve fiat US Dollar in ATM machines.
- It was also likely that on that same Fri. 15 March Restitution and Rebate monies will begin to be paid out and Social Security increases will begin.
GCR Update Judy Note: What We Think We Know as of Mon. 4 March:
- Sun. 3 March TNT RayRen98: “I’m not supposed to tell you what a great weekend you’re having.”
- Sat. 2 March Wolverine: Hope you guys are excited! Things are happening. Please do not listen to those saying it will be April of 2025, etc. People are trying to cause you to panic and give up. All I can say is we are really rolling and about to cross that finish line. Many have waited for this for nearly 40 years, and I have been in this for about 5 years. I take my hat off to all those who stayed on and believed in this incredible opportunity. I want you to enjoy your weekend. Coming on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, we will be having an awesome week. This is no rumor. You all have seen the news. The Dinar is in the Forex and soon to be tradeable and lighting up the screens. When it does, we will get our Green Light! Notifications should be today Sat. 2 March or tomorrow Sun. 3 March. In just a few days more it will finally be happening. I am excited, and it will be difficult to sleep! This is all I have to say at this time, as it has been draining on me for a long time, but we are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully, by Monday I will wake up with a Rainbow next to my window and there will be an Opera. Thank you for supporting me and staying with me. Love you guys, Wolverine
- Sat. 2 March MarkZ: There is a tremendous amount of group chatter with great expectations of funds moving. Many rumors have started over the last 24 hours. A number of group contacts are expecting liquidity the first of the week….Monday 4 March or Tuesday 5 March.
- Fri. 1 March QUANTUM GESARA aka TRUMPSARA: MOAB = Global Currency Reset (1955) + Precious Metal Standard + Quantum Gesara + DECLAS of Everything on Earth – Blockchain Elections – TRUMPSARA! – American Media Group (
Sat. 2 March Bomb! Trump’s secret meeting unleashes a global shockwave: Wells Fargo adopts the dinar, the quantum financial system is activated and the launch of NESARA begins!
- Let’s get straight to the point: the world is not what it seems, and the recent clandestine meeting between the Iraqi Prime Minister and President Trump is the hard evidence we were looking for. This is not an everyday diplomatic appointment. This was a covert operation, shrouded in secrecy, with implications that could shake the very foundations of our economic system. The undisclosed location, lack of media coverage and high-level discussions point towards something monumental.
- The crux of the issue is the announcement of Iraq’s sovereignty and the revaluation of its currency, the dinar. It’s not just about Iraq; It is a sign of a global economic reset, a shift that could redefine wealth and power around the world. The fact that this news is being strictly controlled, and that rumors only reach those who are listening closely, tells you everything you need to know about the forces at play.
- The Great Awakening! The Power of Your Pineal Gland: How AWAKEN XT Targets the Pineal Gland to Enhance Physical Health and Elevate Spiritual Experiences
- Let’s make something clear: When currencies like the dinar appear on the front screens of major banks, flashing with anticipation, it’s not a glitch. It is the prelude to something big. Banks like Chase and Wells Fargo are not just financial institutions; They are the guardians, the ones who know the pulse of the global economy. Flashing rates are a beacon, a sign that the financial tides are about to turn, but they are waiting for the green light.
- And where does that green light come from? Everything is orchestrated from the shadows. The Treasury, the corporate giant Wells Fargo in New York, the bailout centers: all of these entities are pieces of a larger puzzle, waiting to reveal the grand design. The Wells Fargo email, that’s the key. It is the signal for financial elites to act and start the engines of what will be the most significant redistribution of wealth in modern history.
- But let’s go deeper. The launch of NESARA, scheduled between February 22 and 29, is not just a policy: it is a revolution. It promises restitution and recovery for people over 62, an unprecedented gesture of financial liberation. But why the secrecy? What accounts for the cryptic nature of these movements? Because the full extent of NESARA’s impact is something the powers that be want to control. It’s a narrative they want to develop on their own terms.
- This is where the essence of our current situation lies. The meeting between the Iraqi Prime Minister and President Trump, the secret discussions, the impending currency revaluation and the launch of NESARA, everything is interconnected. It is a meticulously planned sequence of events designed to transform the global economy, shift power, and create a new financial reality.
- Skeptics and naysayers will call this speculation. They will dismiss the importance of interest rates, undisclosed meetings, and the strategic timing of these announcements. But the evidence is hidden in plain sight, for those brave enough to look at it. All the signs are there, pointing towards a seismic shift that will soon be felt by all citizens, all governments and all nations.
Fri. 8 Dec. 2023 RV Update Ariel:
- Michael J. Ruben oversees all of Columbia’s GCR implementation and is based in the US from the New York office. Salvage told me that “The GO” comes from this office, from a bank in New York.
- Michael Ruben has been in contact with Mauricio Castaño in Columbia and has given the gentleman THE LONG EXPECTED GREEN LIGHT to pay all 28 Paymasters in Columbia, which will result in them receiving FULL LIQUIDITY; In other words, MONEY TO SPEND to those in their groups, whom they are responsible for funding.
- On Wed. 6 Dec. the end of the fiat USD happened when President Putin met with Saudi Arabia UAE.
- European, Ukraine, Russia, China and US Currency will go down in value, which will help emerging markets like Iraq reinstate their currency so they can trade with 1:1 parity with 1st world economics.
- Vladimir Putin took the Russian chief of the Central Bank documents that were signed in behalf of all Opec nations that had to do with a currency peg.
- The US Treasury, Federal Reserve, SOFT Bank, Japan Bank, China Bank, US Banks will all go to zero value between 15 Dec. and 15 Jan. This is the panic window where everything goes into implosion mode. The fiat US Dollar will not be used after 1 Jan. 2024.
- The US was functioning on fiat dollar derivatives, or mortgage backed securities and could not pay off the one hundred trillion plus dollars due on Fri. 15 Dec.
- That’s why the bankers on Capitol Hill were crying about Basel 3 – they know they are sitting on debt that they can’t pay off so they can’t implement Basel 3 or ISO 20022 to be able to join the new gold-backed financial system. The banks were about to go extinct December 09, 2023
Global Financial Crisis:
- Sun. 3 March: Bitcoin, Binance, Theta, Etherium – all unregulated Cabal created Crypto Currency used for Child Trafficking are going down:…/status/1764114413991440454
- Thurs. 29 Feb. Putin: “The West is discrediting its own currencies and banking system, while established monopolies in the global economy are crumbling,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said in his annual address to the Federal Assembly on Thursday.
- Sat. 2 March: Fitch Ratings cut NYCB’s credit rating to junk, marking its second downgrade of the bank over the past month. The firm said NYCB’s recent disclosures “prompted a reconsideration” around how adequately it has prepared for potential commercial real-estate losses.
- Sat. 2 March ALERT: The dollar reserve was created via oil to run Narco money through shadow banks say in Panama. When the dollar loses reserve status, the CIA can’t run Narco money, This has been the entire operation since 1980 This is why Jamie Dimon flipped (at Davos), JPM was being used to launder Narco money through the shadow banks from Panama through NGO’s The White Hats got to Jamie Dimon and threatened him with prosecution. Jamie Dimon and the Fed have turned on Davos (Rockefellers – Rothschilds). This is why the Fed is not going to bail out the Treasury bond market. A Treasury bond default looms. But in order to create Narco money the CIA had to convince OPEC to run oil prices 4 times higher. For the U.S. Treasury to export more off-book dollars in foreign currency reserves. By the U.S. Treasury manipulating foreign currency exchange rates. The central bank off-shore dollar reserves are being repatriated back to the U.S. Treasury where the ESF pays out, leading Blackrock and Vanguard towards insolvency. So with a China gold standard, China deflate the oil price in dollar terms and the CIA is not able to use the ESF to run Narco money through Blackrock Having a high oil price allowed the U.S. Treasury to float off-shore dollar reserves (in the $100’s of Trillions) and Narco money through NGO’s which funded the stock market. Why do you think the U.S. was in Afghanistan for so long? Poppy fields! The end of the gold standard and subsequent U.S. Dollar reserve via Saudi oil was created to run Trillion(s) dollar U.S. Treasury bonds to fund Narco money laundering (USD’s) around the world. Why is the Ukraine and Israeli – Gaza war so important to the Rockefellers and Rothschilds?
- Fri. 1 March New York Community Bancorp’s stock plunges nearly 30% as CEO exits, bank admits “material weaknesses” in loan oversight.
- Who holds US financial assets? While the U.S. national debt becomes increasingly domestic (with the main holders being the Federal Reserve, pension funds, and private American investors), the American stock market is becoming more internationalized. Foreigners hold 57% of the shares. This redirection of foreign money is very convenient for the U.S. authorities – in the event of a stock market crash, all risks will be borne not by the American government but by the investors themselves.
- Sat. 2 March: The US commercial real estate crisis just got worse with a pension fund selling its Manhattan building for one dollar! As interest rates continue to hammer on commercial property, more banks and funds are at huge financial risk. The commercial real estate market collapse isn’t over and banks might be taking a brutal hit soon.
- Sat. 2 March: Americans now owe $1.13 trillion on their credit cards, according to a new report from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on household debt. Serious credit card delinquencies, or payments 90 days or more late, rose more than 50% in 2023. This is the highest level since 2009. (NBC News)
- Sat. 2 March It’s Happening – Operation Storm:
Restored Republic:
- Mexico and Texas were applying to Join BRICS and be free from the bankrupt D.C. Corporation.
- Thurs. 29 Feb. BQQM! The Devolution Plan and Continuity of Government: Military Coup Charges Against Biden – The Whistleblower’s Call to Arms – Game Theory Operations – Trust the Plan! – American Media Group (
- Fri. 1 March Judy Byington Bombshell Report: Welcome To The Great Awakening. Two US Constitutions. Two US Governments. Two US Presidents. Have Led To Martial Law Across the Globe – Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 1, 2024 – American Media Group (
- Fri. 1 March Decoding the Cryptic Messages of 11.3, 11.4, and 11.6: Q Delta, APACHE, LOG4J, Cyber Shutdown, Article 5 NATO Cyber, Justice, EBS, Law of War Manual, Trump Presidency, Protocol 20, Quantum Systems, Black Swan Event, ISO20022 Regulation and More! – American Media Group (
- Fri. 1 March Arrest Wars & White Hats Military: 450,000 Sealed Indictments = 1000s of JAG Tribunals: Trials, Sentencing and [some] Executions – Justice Behind the Scenes – Q Army: The Final Battle Video! – American Media Group (
The Real News for Sun. 3 March 2024:
- Sat. 2 March The first states that will go down in a financial collapse:
- Fri. 1 March Vladimir Putin has ordered the blocking of all websites that promote pedophilia, LGBTI propaganda and sex changes in Russia.
- Sun. 3 March: Russian JournalistAlexander Dugin comments on his interaction with Tucker Carlson, “Tucker Carlson is pro-American, an American patriot. And I’m a Russian patriot. But, in spite of all these serious, serious differences, the main core of our world vision is the same, because we are fighting for Christianity, for the faith, for the roots, for the tradition, for the eternity, and for the human dignity,”
- Sat. 2 March From Tribunals to Clones: Clones, Doubles, Actors, Transvestites Hiding in Plain Sight, Holographic or CGI – The Illusions are SO REAL Now.. They Have Become Normal! – American Media Group (
- Sat. 2 March: Q has released a huge set of files that it calls “Year Zero” and which mark the biggest exposure of CIA spying secrets ever. The massive set of documents – over 8,000 pages in all – include a host of hacking secrets that could embarrass intelligence agencies and the US government, as well as undermining spying efforts across the world. Here are six of the biggest secrets and pieces of information yet to emerge from the huge dump.
- Sun. 3 March: Why was Texas targeted for DEW Attack fires that were still burning out of control? Not only was the Texas Panhandle the center of beef production and not only did Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s government seriously challenge the treasonous Biden administration over the fastidiously orchestrated border crisis at Eagle Pass, but the Texas state government is clearly setting itself up for secession when the US Corporation goes belly up. Texas has already opened the nation’s first state-run gold depository, which will eventually serve as the foundation for a future state-chartered bank designed to carry out the functions of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas when that institution goes bankrupt.
- Sun. 3 March: Farmers chant “Macron resign” at the international Agricultural Salon in Porte de Versailles, Paris.
- Sat. 2 March: Deep State Admiral Convicted of Treason:
- Fri. 1 March New York: Cops stumbled on two severed heads in a Long Island park hours after other body parts were found nearby — and are now probing whether the ruthless MS-13 gang is responsible, police and sources said Friday. One of the heads, as well as a right arm and leg, are believed to belong to the same female victim, while the other head and two arms appear to be from the same man, law-enforcement sources said of the grisly finds in and around Southards Park in Babylon, Suffolk County.
- Sat. 2 March: This is Huge, Charlie Ward:
- Wed. 28 Feb. New Trump Assassination Plan is Terrifying, Roseanne Barr:
- Sat. 2 March Spain: Farmers have expelled riot police from Zaragoza Castle, Spain.
- Thurs. 29 Feb. ‘American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders’: Why a Chilling Scene About JFK’s Assassination Is Key to Docuseries – American Media Group (
- Fri. 1 March The Book of Enoch Banned from The Bible Tells the True Story of Humanity – American Media Group (
- Sat. 2 March: The DOJ & FBI raided Mar a Lago so they could steal back evidence of their spying on President Trump in the Crossfire Hurricane documents. Then they indicted him for process crimes under the Espionage Act to cover their tracks & keep America distracted. It’s all a coverup.
- Three days after the high-profile disaster, on April 15, 1912, The World daily would write: “The Titanic sank… no one died… all safe.” Journalist error, misreporting, or the Mandela effect? But The World was not alone, several other newspapers confidently informed the world that the Titanic sank without casualties.
- Dutch MEP, Rob Roos, exposes the globalist war on farmers in the EU parliament,” The ruling class wants our farmers to disappear, one regulation at a time. All in the name of the climate, of course. Stop forcing people to live differently, and stop making it impossible for farmers to do their jobs. We absolutely need our farmers. Food security is also a matter of national security.”
Biden Crime Family:
- Sat. 2 March After years of denials, Hunter Biden FINALLY acknowledged Joe was ‘the big guy’ in $5M China deal.
Wars and Rumors of Wars:
- Sat. 2 March U.S. forces place in Taiwan Update: Along with Marines stationed on the island, US Special Forces are now reportedly permanently based in Taiwan to deter Chinese aggression on the disputed territory! US has now also established a Joint Command Center to coordinate the defense of the Island from Chinese invasion!
- Sat. 2 March Red Alert Germany:
- Sat. 2 March War Alert Europe
- Sat. 2 March Emergency Alert, US Nuclear Force:
Must Watch Videos:
- Sat. 2 March New Patriot Underground: “Bombshell: Something Big Is Coming” Update Today March 2nd via Maestro | Prophecy | Before It’s News (
- Sat. 2 March Situation Update: WTPN SITUATION UPDATE 2/2/24 (
- Sat. 2 March Situation Update: Judy Byington Bombshell Report: Now Active Operation Storm 2024, Worldwide Martial Law, Mass Arrests of Global Elites US, Europe Economic Collapse Accelerating At A Nightmare Speed – Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 2, 2024 – American Media Group (
- Sat. 2 March Situation Update: Judy Byington: Military Tribunals, Mass Elite Arrests, NESARA/GESARA- The Storm is HERE! #OperationStorm2024 -Special Intel Report 3/3/24 (Videos) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Sat. 2 March Situation Update: Situation Update: Government Corruption Nightmare! Dying Economy Collapsing! Increased Nuclear War Rhetoric! Satanic CIA, JFK Assassination CIA Connected? The UN System Of Pedophilia!! – WTPN | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (
- Fri. 1 March Situation Update: Situation Update: Dueling Presidents On The Border! DEW Attacks Suspected In Texas Wildfires! FEMA Agents Swarming The Scene To Take Advantage Of Victims Caught By White Hats! – WTPN | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (
- Fri. 1 March Situation Update: WTPN SITUATION UPDATE 3/1/24 (
- Sat. 2 March Situation Update: Judy Byington: Now Active Operation Storm 2024, Worldwide Martial Law, Mass Arrests of Global Elites, Global Currency Reset. Special Intel Report 3/2/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
[Note: Sensitive content in this report has been redacted. See redacted content in the full report attached below.]
Updates for the Week Prior:
Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 2, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 1, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 28, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 27, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 26, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 24, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
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