BOOOM! Expect Fireworks: This Week is Set to Be Explosive!
Ready to uncover the truth? Sick of the lies? Join our Telegram Channel now. It’s time for the real story! My gratitude to all my readers!
BOOOM: Hold on to your seats, patriots! The week ahead is shaping up to be nothing short of a game-changer. The signs are all around us, and the momentum is building. We’re on the brink of something monumental. With the Supreme Court at the center of a swirling storm and the fake DNC in disarray, it’s clear that everything we’ve been preparing for is about to unfold. Buckle up because the truth bombs are about to drop, and the establishment won’t know what hit them!
This Week: Fireworks Are Guaranteed!
This coming week is going to be awesome! Expect fireworks, and not just the kind you see in the sky. We’re talking about explosive revelations, confirmations, and the unraveling of deep-rooted deceptions that have been plaguing our nation for far too long. The overnight confirmations we’ve received during the rally have solidified our understanding of the situation. We knew we might have missed a few things, but Rambo and others caught onto the details that slipped through the cracks. This is the kind of teamwork that will lead us to victory!

As we decode the messages and connect the dots, it’s becoming increasingly clear that we’re on the right track. The pieces of the puzzle are falling into place, and the picture that’s emerging is one of victory, truth, and justice. The deep state is crumbling, and their desperation is evident in their frantic attempts to discredit and dismantle the institutions that stand in the way of their agenda. But we see through their lies, and we’re ready to fight back with everything we’ve got.

The Supreme Court’s Role: A Battle for Credibility
I’ve told you before that SCOTUS already ruled on Brunson. The election was already overturned. This is a massive revelation that the mainstream media is desperately trying to bury. Why do you think [they] are so after the SCOTUS?
It’s because the Supreme Court represents the last bastion of true justice in our nation. The deep state’s strategy is clear: undermine the credibility of SCOTUS at all costs. Impeachment, removals, and relentless attacks on the Court are all part of their plan to destroy any remaining trust the American people have in this critical institution.
But we’re not fooled. We know the truth, and we’re spreading it far and wide. Notice how you haven’t seen much of the Supreme Court justices in public for nearly a year? The SCOTUS building, like so many other government buildings in [dc], is closed and boarded up. Why? Because the deep state is hiding something.
The activity you see around these buildings is minimal, a mere façade to keep up appearances. Trust me on this, and if you need more proof, Nancy Drew has been documenting this as well. What little you see is mostly for the tourists, a show to maintain the illusion that everything is normal.
Timing is Everything: The Strategic Importance of Brunson and Other Rulings
You have to remember that the timing on Brunson and many other rulings is as important as the rulings themselves. Timing is a weapon in this battle, and the deep state knows it. They are scrambling to keep control of the narrative, but they can’t stop what’s coming. Every ruling, every decision, is part of a larger plan that’s been in motion for years. And remember, you’re watching a movie. This isn’t just about legal battles; it’s about awakening the American people to the truth.
UPDATE: The Brunson Brothers Case Is BACK ON! Let Me Explain….
The deep state is terrified of what happens when the people wake up. They know that once the truth is out, their days are numbered. That’s why they’re pulling out all the stops to distract, deceive, and divide us. But we are stronger than their lies. We are united, and we are ready for what’s next.
The Fake DNC: A Stage Set for Chaos
Now we have the [fake] [dnc] starting tomorrow. LOL. Let’s go to the way-back machine to 2019-2020 and the “summer of love.” Remember those pallets of bricks conveniently staged everywhere? The same thing is happening again, but this time, they’re telling you it’s for Palestine protesters. It’s the same playbook, just with a different name. The deep state is using the same useful idiots, the same controlled opposition, all orchestrated by [cia/mossad/fbi] soybois. It’s all a distraction, a smokescreen to keep us from seeing the truth.
The real reason the FAKE [dnc] convention isn’t happening is that there is no one left. The deep state has been hollowed out, and their ranks are thinning. They can’t even muster the numbers to put on a convincing show anymore. So instead, they’re setting the stage for chaos. When the convention doesn’t happen, they will use the resulting riots as an excuse to push their narrative. But we see through their plans. We know the truth, and we won’t be fooled.
The Collapse of the Deep State: No One Left on Either Side
And as we’ve shown, there’s no one left applies to most repugnitans as well. The deep state’s influence extends across party lines, infecting both sides of the political spectrum. But their time is up. The American people are waking up to the fact that both parties have been complicit in the corruption that has plagued our nation. The swamp is being drained, and the creatures that have thrived in its murky waters are being exposed for all to see.
Everything is about to change. The old guard is being swept away, and a new era of truth, justice, and freedom is dawning. Donald Trump told you last night that the 2024 Elections (that I still say aren’t occurring) are safe…that it’ll not be allowed to be stolen again. This is a promise we can believe in because we’ve seen the lengths to which the deep state will go to maintain their grip on power. But their time is up. The American people have had enough, and we are taking our country back.
SEE ALSO: The Most Controversial Video of 2024: They Call it “THE MASTER KEY Of The Universe”
A Week to Remember: The Calm Before the Storm
Hope everyone has a wonderful day. This coming week is going to be awesome! Expect fireworks! The stage is set, the players are in place, and the final act is about to begin. The deep state is cornered, and they know it. Their desperation is palpable, but it won’t save them from the judgment that is coming. The American people are waking up, and the truth is spreading like wildfire.
As we move forward, remember to stay vigilant, stay informed, and stay united. The deep state will try to divide us, to distract us, and to deceive us. But we are stronger together, and we will not be swayed. This is our time, our moment to reclaim our nation and restore it to its former glory. The fireworks are just the beginning. The real show is yet to come, and it’s going to be spectacular.
As the week unfolds, keep your eyes open and your ears to the ground. The truth is out there, and it’s coming to light. The deep state is crumbling, and their desperate attempts to hold onto power are failing. The American people are awake, and we are ready to take back our country. The 2024 Elections are safe, but as I said before, I still don’t believe they will happen. The deep state’s plans are unraveling, and the future is ours for the taking.
This is the dawn of a new era, an era of truth, justice, and freedom. The deep state is on the run, and their time is up. The fireworks are just the beginning. The real battle is about to start, and we’re ready for it. So, hold on tight, patriots. The week ahead is going to be one for the history books.
Expect fireworks, and get ready for the truth to be revealed. The storm is coming, and nothing can stop it!
BQQQM!!! Brunson Brothers Case – Supreme Court Extended Session – Trump Returns as President – Non-disclosure Agreements Military!
BQQQM!!! Uncover the explosive Brunson Brothers Case that could catapult Trump back to the presidency without an election! Dive into the dramatic legal battle and the Supreme Court’s unprecedented summer session, shrouded in secrecy and poised to shake the political landscape to its core.
The Brunson Brothers Case! A Legal Time Bomb!
ALSO: BOOM! THE PENTAGON PEDOPHILES: OPERATION FLICKER! Over 5,000 Pentagon Department of Defense, U.S. Military, DARPA, NSA and NASA Employees Involved in Child Pornography (VIDEO) –
Bombshell! Big Pharma Exposed: How Big Pharma and Your Doctor Scam You to Death – The Truth About Chemo and Radiation Exposed by Dr. Glidden –
Yes, dear.
can you delete the poster? very difficullt to read articles.
I am beginning to think this is all a big psyop and Trump is doing nothing but leading the sheep to slaughter. Keeping Patriots from revolting while the deep state prepares. I sure hope I am wrong.
i think i’ve been reading this for about a year now, NOTHING is going to happen, they won’t even go after old bag of bones Bidon, they have so much on that a–h-le and they still won’t get him, THEY ARE ALL DIRTY ! all of congress except a handfull are. Remember what Trump said a while back, this is a big movie and a lot of people won’t be happy how it ends, i hope he’s talking about the black hats.
Ive been following this since 2020. Didnt you see the proof of his “fake inauguration? Cant you see the difference of all the current “Bidens”? They have different wrinkles in their foreheads for one. And his right earlobe is different in others! Compare older pictures to current pictures. You’ll see the differences. Theres even videos out there where you can see a mask line in his neck. The real ones gone. Some say he “left” in 2018.
The unhappy people will be all those who dont like Trump. But fuck them, hes out to do make our world a better place than we’ve ever had! Including his haters. Going back to the Republic that was taken away from us a long time ago! And for some reason these assholes dont want that?? This isnt about politics, which was created to just divide us. Its time to be united, without the claws of a corrupt , control happy govt! The best is yet to come, is almost here!
older pictures to current pictures – Really? Jesus – dude, jB is 82 yo, and in 2020 he was 78. At this age people are getting old much faster.
THE BIG QUESTION IS WHEN ???????????????