BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: McDonalds Chain Closing Globally: Human Meat, Body Parts Found in Food?
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About the Author:
Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, retired, author of “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities” is a retired therapist, Public Speaker, Activist and investigative journalist whose articles on international child exploitation rings have been cited on over 3,000 websites. The ex-Supervisor, Alberta Mental Health and Director Provo Family Counseling Center is the CEO of Child Abuse Recovery and Speakers Bureau ( You are invited to sign our petition to Congress for an investigation of the CIA mind control of children by clicking here.
Article posted on Before It’s News, Thursday, August 26, 2021
Since 2015 children’s teeth have been found in McDonald’s sausages, potatoes and pancakes in various Japanese cities. In 2020 a Rabbi reported that McDonald’s was using human parts in their “beef,” making one wonder if there was another reason besides Covid for the rash of McDonald’s closures in Walmart stores across the nation and globe.
McDonalds was owned by the Khazarian Mafia, which was known by Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors to be high rollers in the Illuminati – members of whom have been reported to practice Human Sacrifice to their God Satan, mainly of innocent children.
On the below video a Rabbi claimed human/child meat was sold to fast food outlets and McDonalds was the number one buyer. This has been verified by Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors I have personally spoken.
In 2015 Kusihro Hokkaido children’s teeth were found in McDonald’s hamburgers.
In 2015 Kawachi Nagano Osaka children’s teeth were found in hash potatoes.
In 2018 Kanazawa Ishikawa kids teeth were found in a sausage muffin.
At the time McDonald’s Japan held press conferences, though did not mention the causes of the human remains that were traced to children’s teeth. They said the meat came from their headquarters in the US and even tried to shift responsibility onto their customers.
Recently many McDonalds Restaurants across the world have been shutdown since Covid: New York City, Kuta Bali, Victoria, South Australia. Recently McDonald’s ran out of milkshakes in England, Scotland and Wales.
It was planned that the entire McDonalds network of franchises would be closed in the near future. CNBC has reported that McDonald’s will close hundreds of locations in Walmart stores “as the pandemic changed shopping habits.”
The FBI uncovers a shocking scandal involving human remains found at a Detroit business linked to McDonald’s meat supply. Dive into the chilling investigation exposing illegal body part trafficking, funeral industry corruption, and the dark truth that’s shaking the nation.
The FBI’s Gruesome Discovery: Human Remains Found!
Judy Byington Bombshell Report! European Royals Killing Naked Children for Fun at Human Hunting Parties | Child Sacrifice and Trafficking in Holland: An Eyewitness Speaks Out (Must See Videos)
This is one in a series of articles taken from eyewitness testimony before the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. Five international judges are examining evidence of child rape, torture, murder and kidnapping allegedly done by global elite members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult network. Regular Ninth Circle child sacrifices were said to take place in the catacombs of Catholic Cathedrals, the Vatican, on private estates and groves and government military bases in Belgium, Holland, Spain, Australia, Ireland, France, England and the US. At least 34 child mass grave sites were identified in Ireland, Spain and Canada – and refused excavation by the respective governments, Crown of England and Catholic Church. . .
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& it AIN’T just in McDonald’s meat that “body bits” have/are being found!! ALL so called “vaccines” contain both MRC-5’s (cellular tissue from the lungs of a 15 week old aborted male foetus) & HEK-2 (Human Embryonic Kidney cell lines from the tissue of an aborted female foetus), and research also the company called SENOMYX, whose “flavour enhancers” depend also on human kidney cells lines, and the BIG ole list of well known BIG (food) brands/companies that use it (Campbell’s soups, Coca Cola, etc….). “Natural” flavour(ings) & taste/flavour enhancers & ALL listed ingredients described as “natural” whatevers!! Tip of the iceberg I fear, tip of the iceberg…….. Other notable instances of concern include, for the vigilant Christian to note- NOT “eating food sacrificed to idols”? In the UK, at least, eg- ALL school dinners are now prepared in the tradition of “Halal” for muslims, so as not to “offend” THEIR religious dietary requirements, oh but it’s PERFECTLY “OK” to trick the children of Christians into eating it, and likewise with so called “kosher” foods, BOTH of which are prepared in such brutal fashion as to cause one to suspect that the unnecessary suffering of the animals is a REQUIREMENT??!! I would encourage EVERYBODY to do their OWN intensive, studious researches into these issues, but DO NOT use google as a browser/search engines, OR rely on Wikipedia if you hope for honest responses, use the likes of Yandex (honestly- eh: ask your iPad & safari/google browser and simultaneously an android device using Yandex the SAME damn question, & observe with horror the greatly throttled, singular “narrative” of google’s vomited links, compared to the more voluminous & balanced proffered links from Yandex, and observe how google unambiguously contrives to direct your perceptions via their conspicuously transparent attempts at social engineering and psychological conditioning!! It’s just deeply insulting to me. How DARE they lie to us and contrive to “herd” us all in the direction THEIR cannibalistic “corporate sponsors” want to think & go? What duplicitous & absolutely devious and dishonest scum!! When I search for/research an issue, I want ALL the available information and data, NOT frikkin’ google’s- “well WE think that ‘THIS’ is what YOU should think about it, and have therefore decided to vomit you up ONLY the links of a singular character that support OUR propagandist opinions on the matter!”. I’m big, old and ugly enough to make up my OWN mind about an issue, given ALL the available information ABOUT it!!). Also, although separate from the “human meat” concern, we MUST all now be aware of the fact that the public water supply, foodstuffs, over the counter “medicines” and even the likes of dental anaesthetics are ALL now being found to contain these odious graphene oxides (& often self assembling nano-technologies TOO!), SO highly conductive (& toxic!) as to more easily allow us to be covertly used as human BATTERIES/power sources, AND to connect US, anatomically, to the “internet of things”, via 6G/7G, the which- allows us to be covertly “programmed” and controlled, and our biometric readings to be remotely interfered with, and ALTERED!! We ARE being both toxified AND made unwitting cannibals by these satanic corporate “overlords” and “controllers” . Be NOT “eaters of blood”. We must (especially NOW) ALWAYS remain vigilant for these abhorrent and covert contaminations of, well…….. EVERYTHING now (food, water, medicines, etc…..). God damn these gloating, boastful satanic cannibals to HELL!!
since this is all theatrics now,its all played out by now. I would think they-the military,would have cut off their human meat supply to Mcdonalds. Now it makes me wonder why at least in our town here,they’ve done a complete cosmetic make over. They needed a new image I’d say. Maybe they will still go down and shutter the doors,only time will tell. At any rate hopefully the military blew up all the factories.
it cant be 100% beef with human meat ,, also your take out can now be called human traficing