BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report! President Trump Has A 2nd Declaration of Independence – 1,000 Bank Branches Set to Shutter by End of 2024.Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 15 Nov. 2024
Ready to uncover the truth? Sick of the lies? Join our Telegram Channel now. It’s time for the real story! My gratitude to all my readers!
Compiled Fri. 15 Nov. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities.”
President Trump Has A 2nd Declaration of Independence
Over 5,000 Pentagon, U.S. Military, DARPA, NSA, NASA, Dept. of Defense Employees Found To Be Involved in Child Pornography
1,000 Bank Branches Set to Shutter by End of 2024
Ukraine Planning to Build a Nuclear Bomb If U.S. Aid Cut?
Pilot Testifies Bill Gates Spraying Chemtrails to Incite A Civil War
D.U.M.B.S Discovered To Be The Home Base of Deep State Underground Government
Fight To Save Our Constitution
Sign Your Own Petition To The Supreme Court:
Loy Brunson – Petition The Supreme Court…
It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency.
How Great Thou Art | The Tabernacle Choir (
When you are going through something hard and wonder where God is, remember that the teacher is always quiet during a test
Judy Note: A Cry For Help – Save The Ohio Children Of Foster Care Group Homes From The International Child Sex Trafficking Ring
Update: I am livid. Kaitlynn and other Foster Children and Youth are still being tortured by a state sponsored system and no one is stepping in to save them.
A week and a half after her last beating Ohio Foster Care victim sixteen year-old Kaitlynn Marie Hunter continues to suffer life threatening yet untreated injuries including a concussion from her repeated beatings while residing in Ohio Foster Care Dimensional Phases Group Home in Dayton Ohio, the latest beating on Wed. 6 Nov. 2024.
· As of Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024 Kaitlynn’s medical condition has worsened and she remains in critical condition without medical treatment.
· She has yet to be diagnosed, let alone treated, or to have a Cat Scan for a concussion received in her latest beating a week and a half ago at the Dimensional Phases Group Home in Dayton Ohio.
· It is my personal opinion that this is because she is being groomed to be in a Child Sex Trafficking Ring centered in the corrupt Ohio Child Protective Services and Court System and her perpetrators are covering up her injuries. …Judy Byington
· Kaitlynn is only one example of the abuse, torture and Mind Control Programming that appears to be going on in the Ohio Youth Foster Care Group Homes to prepare them to enter a Sex Trafficking Ring.
· You could be of help to Kaitlynn and all the children trapped in this corrupt system by presenting your concerns for her and other Foster Children’s safety.
· Please read the below and then call or email people in authority such as the Ohio Governor (614) 466-4986 Contact Us | Governor Mike DeWine and the Ohio Attorney General 800-282-0515 Tipster – Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost
· Other phone calls and/ or emails could be sent to those listed at the end of this summary.
SUMMARY of Ohio State Sponsored Abuse of Kaitlynn Hunter
· Since the Wed. 6 Nov. latest beating Kaitlynn has repeatedly been refused adequate medical treatment, nor even a Cat Scan to diagnosis her injuries, by the Administrator of her Group Home Ladona Herd and Social Work Supervisor Deirdre Grennan (Dimensional Phases Group Home 45 Oxford Avenue Dayton, OH 45402 937-469-2907).
· As of Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024 Kaitlynn remained in pain and had serious and life threatening health issues as a result of a Wed. 6 Nov. beating.
· The beating obviously caused her another concussion – none of which have been diagnosed or treated.
· Kaitlynn was in critical need of a Cat Scan to diagnosis her injuries. She also needs an X-ray of her damaged elbow.
· The beating took place on Wed. 6 Nov. She was taken to Children’s Hospital where a blood sample was taken, but she was not treated for her injuries and was refused a request for a Cat Scan.
· Pictures of Kaitlynn show severe bruising and injuries throughout Kaitlynn’s entire body, her neck, shoulders, arms, elbows, knees, fingers, hands, ears, and most concerning, to her eyes (which have turned brown) and head.
· At the hospital she was told by the nurses that Dimensional Phases Administration was considering putting her in Juvenile Detention even though she did not cause the fight with her perpetrator.
· Since being released from the emergency room on Wed. 6 Nov. she has undergone continuous pressure, pain and needle feelings in her skull and feels she has a possible skull fracture that has not been evaluated by a specialist.
· On Sat. 9 Nov. 2024 Kaitlynn wrote, “Today when I woke up my left eye was a different color than my eyes usually are, which appeared to be a sign of head trauma. Along with that my eyes have been dilating consistently for the past few years unaddressed which is why my mother was concerned about the possibility of prior unaddressed head trauma. Ohio Child Protection Services has done nothing to protect me.”
· She has had other untreated concussions from beatings during her stay in Foster Care.
· Kaitlynn’s overly dilated pupils from the prior beatings have gone untreated for several months prior to this most recent incident. Kaitlynn needs follow up eye surgery (past due) Kaitlynn cannot see well and has had no glasses since they went missing in September.
· On Tues. 12 Nov. 2024 she had a brain fluid leak. She was again taken to the Childrens Hospital, given a blood test, but was not treated and again her request for a Cat Scan was refused.
· As of Wed. 6 Nov. she has another knot appear on her skull. She has forgotten how to spell “tragedy.” She having trouble pronouncing some words and has some slurring of words. She is very agitated.
· She continues to suffer from dissociation that was believed caused by extreme trauma experienced during her six years in Foster Care.
· Kaitlynn has been in Ohio Foster Care system for six years at which time she has had elevated liver enzymes (fatty liver) which went unaddressed for over two years, plus documented malnutrition where she lost over 60 pounds in less than a year, yet she was refused the diagnosed nutrients needed.
· Kaitlynn has been refused contact with her mother who is trying to get her medical care. Her phone has been taken away from her even though her caseworker told her she could keep it for safety’s sake.
· More concerning, there is strong indication Kaitlynn and other teens in the Ohio Foster Care System are being groomed for Child Sex Trafficking.
· In the past Caldwell and Administrator Ladona Herd (937-469-2907) have refused Kaitlynn permission to file court documents about her abduction from her mother by police that landed her in foster care.
· In 2015 Kaitlynn Hunter was taken from her loving mother by Police with the excuse that she was being Home Schooled and not in regular school. As of November 2024 Kaitlynn has had little or no education for the almost six years she was made to reside in Ohio Foster Care. Since being taken out of school in September 2024 she has not even been allowed to take classes over the Internet and is behind over a year in credits.
· There is adequate proof that Kaitlynn’s abduction from her home was unwarranted and planned as retribution. Her mother Jeannine Jarrick eventually was able to take the matter to court and even though she could not afford a lawyer, she eventually won the case. However, Kaitlynn has never been released back to her home and has suffered severe abuse in the Ohio Foster Care System.
· During the six years she has been imprisoned in Ohio Foster Care Kaitlynn has been transferred from home to home while being sexually and physically abused, neglected, starved to a point she lost 90 pounds and presently lacks clothing and medical attention for severe physical injuries sustained while being beaten, similar to just about every Foster child in Ohio State custody.
· Kaitlynn is one of thousands of children in the US Foster Care/Protective Services System who are transferred to multiple Foster Homes throughout their lives. When they reach 18 and out of court custody with no one to help them, they are at high risk of being transferred into an international Child Sex Trafficking network (which they are groomed for) and/or have forced donation of their organs. Ohio State ID agents have forced Kaitlynn to sign up as organ donor.
· Kaitlynn said in a notarized statement, “In Ohio Foster Care I have been abused physically and mentally, starved, taunted, and pushed to the point of attempting taking my life not once, but multiple times by the pain and suffering I have endured and continue to endure in state custody.”
· Kaitlynn has begged to be returned to her mother multiple times; she is in desperate need of medical attention. She has been refused phone contact with her mother.
· Her mother Jeannine Jarrick has repeatedly asked, but been refused, requests to get Kaitlynn medical treatment, a Cat Scan and an X Ray of her damaged elbow.
Ms. Jarrick: “I’m asking everyone to present your concerns for Kaitlyn’s safety to”:
Ohio Guernsey County Child Protective Services Nicole Caldwell: 740-439-5555
Ohio Ombudsman: 1-877-649-6885
Guernsey County Sheriff Jeff Paden: 740-439-4455
Guernsey County Commissioners: 740-432-9200
Foster Care Advocacy: Contact Stand Together
Dimensional Phases Group Home Executive Director Nicole Caldwell, Ladona Herd, Administrator, Deirdre Grennan, Supervisor: 937-469-2907
Dimensional Phases Group Homes 45 Oxford Avenue Dayton, OH 45402 DIMENSIONAL PHASES in Dayton, OH | Company Info & Reviews
If you were reading this Update on, or from the Operation Disclosure Official Website, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of operationdisclosureofficial
A. Global Currency Reset:
· Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024 RV Highlights on Telegram: “We are almost there and it is always quiet before the storm. The levels above us will start on Fri. 15 Nov. 2024. There are over 7,000 regional call centers which will set your appointments. Those who do not get notified by email can find the information on the Web. It will be easily available. In Iraq their Victory Day is Dec. 10. We will go before the end of the month.”
· Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024 Wolverine: “I am overly excited. It will happen any day, any time. There are no delays. It is a 100% go. In that meeting the excitement was overwhelming.”
B. Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024: Economic Bombshell! Trump Drops a BOOM on Big Banks: 10% Cap on Credit Card Interest Rates! Record-High Interest Rates? NOT Anymore! Trump’s 10% Cap is Here to Rescue Americans! …JFK Jr. on Telegram:
· BOOM! President-elect Trump shakes up Wall Street with a bold 10% cap on credit card interest rates, slashing sky-high rates to save Americans from crippling debt and finally putting Main Street before Big Banks. Say goodbye to outrageous 30% interest—Trump’s got your back!
· For years, credit card companies have buried Americans under 25%, 30%, or even 35% interest rates, trapping people in endless debt while banks get richer. But Trump’s 10% cap? A hammer blow to Wall Street greed, giving Americans a fair shot to pay off debts and move forward.
· This isn’t just policy—it’s war on Big Banks’ greed. Trump’s cap is a financial explosion, taking on the very system that keeps everyday Americans struggling to stay afloat. For the first time, Main Street has a champion in the highest office, and his name is Donald J. Trump!
· The line is drawn—Main Street vs. Wall Street. Trump’s cap sends a message to banks and financial elites: ENOUGH. No more siphoning cash from struggling Americans with sky-high interest rates. This is a revolution, a fight for the American people’s financial freedom.
· This 10% cap isn’t just a number—it’s hope. Imagine a family drowning in $10,000 debt, paying $3,000 in interest alone every year. With Trump’s cap, that family saves thousands—money for their children, their dreams, their future.
· KA-BOOM, Wall Street! Banks are going to hate this, but Americans are cheering. Gone are the days of banks setting whatever rates they want, treating people like endless cash sources. This cap means real financial relief, more money in Americans’ pockets, and more power for Main Street.
· Trump’s move is more than policy—it’s a stand against exploitation. Trump calls these high rates what they are: criminal. It’s time to stop the madness, and Trump isn’t backing down.
· BOOM, BIG BANKS! This cap means families can finally build wealth, put money toward real goals—not just minimum payments. Trump’s 10% cap is a game-changer for the American Dream, shifting power from banks to the people.
· The days of crushing interest? Gone. Trump’s cap means freedom, dignity, and a fair shot at the American Dream.
· In Trump’s America, it’s people over profits. This cap isn’t just policy—it’s a financial revolution. And Trump’s here to put Main Street back on the map.
C. Global Financial Crisis:
· Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024: Breaking Financial News: Full List of US Banks Closing Amid Nationwide Shutdown – 1,000 Branches Set to Shutter by End of 2024 – – American Media Group
D. Restored Republic:
· Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024: MILITARY INTEL! Project ODIN and Military GESARA – What Is Project ODIN, and How Does It Connect to Military GESARA! – – American Media Group
· Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024: BQQQM!!! President Trump’s 2nd Declaration of Independence!!! – – American Media Group
· The Re-inhabited Republic for These United States of America, Dr. Miarecki: (7/12/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ USAF Lt Col (Ret) Dr. Sandy Miarecki to Discuss the Reinhabited Republic For These United States (
How To Save America | Republic for USA (republicfortheunitedstatesofa
Want to hold a seat in the United States of America Republic? https://members.
E. Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024: Brunson Bros Case at the Supreme Court
· Brunson Explains SCOTUS Rule 11
· Brunson Case Against 3 Supreme Court Judges: Kagan, Jackson, Sotomayor (follow links) – none contested the allegations..they lawyered up!
· Brunson Update: “More miracles are going to happen…at the right time, this is going to go mainstream and this is going to come to an end with America waking up and the court of public opinion is going to help the Supreme Court do the right thing.”
Brunson update:
“More miracles are going to happen…at the right time, this is going to go mainstream…
and this is going to come to an end with America waking up and the court of public opinion is going to help the Supreme Court do the right thing.”— Elaine Shtein (@ShteinMichael) November 11, 2024
F. Mon. 11 Nov. 2024 Mass Arrests …White Hat Intel on Telegram
· Indictments Begin: Epstein, JP Morgan, Les Wexner connections to UK Pedophile Ring.
· At the start of the summer military tribunals were happening in the Virgin Islands at the same time the JP Morgan Trial was happening that had connections to the Epstein & CIA Pedophile Ring.
· The military courts were using the public JP Morgan Trial to subpoena World Elites to the courts.
· Behind the scenes Military Tribunals and investigations were taking place. Elites such as Sergey Brin were being debriefed inside the Military Tribunals. And, Elites such as Brin were spilling all the secrets.
· Soon after courts across the World went after the Epstein/JP Morgan/ World Elite Pedophila Rings.
· More indictments began with a lawsuit against Abercrombie & Fitch over ex-CEO’s alleged sex abuse of models and sex trafficking.
· An Abercrombie & Fitch model said that he was forced to perform oral sex in order to land a modeling gig with the fashion brand. He is suing the mall-based teen retailer. David Bradberry filed suit in Manhattan federal court on Friday against Abercrombie, accusing it of enabling former CEO Mike Jeffries to run a sex trafficking operation that is said to have exploited and abused dozens of young men (boys).
· All this begins in the UK as White Hats Military intelligence are working behind the scenes to bring out the pedophile ring and corruption through the UK crime rings.
· It’s reported by several sources that the BBC is being forced by the Military Alliance to start reporting on the pedophile rings.
· The stories and evidence will drop more and more by 2024 and collide with U S. Congressional investigations into the Epstein saga.
· This new indictments and legal action comes in the wake of a damning BBC documentary in which several young men, including Bradberry, came forward with allegations against Jeffries and the company.
· “Abercrombie profited enormously from the over-sexualized exploitation of young men,” Brad Edwards, Bradberry’s attorney who also represented alleged victims of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, told The Journal.
· Mike Jeffries the CEO of Abercrombie & Fitch grew up in Los Angeles California and has his deep connections to Les WEXNER, Macy’s and JP Morgan subsidiary companies including Epstein.
· It’s been revealed that Macy’s was financing trips for Congress and the Senate to go down to Epstein island and have secret meetings.
· Now as we all know that Epstein was controlling a worldwide MASSIVE pedophile blackmail ring and the CIA Mossad financed him. Ghislaine Maxwell’s father was the billionaire superspy for the Mossad MI6 and CIA.
· Now there was major panic in the World as Elites know the Storm is coming closer and the Military Alliance is pushing World Governments for indictments against Epstein and JP Morgan Associates.
· This was all leading to a massive exposure of a Worldwide Pedophile Ring connected to Military Intelligence agencies and Elite government officials – a collision course on the way that will connect with Congress going after the Epstein files.
· Musk will drop the massive story direct to the World.
· A picture was being painted for the Story of the Century: a World Pedophile Ring connected to World Banks, Deep State Military Intelligence, World Elites, Presidents, Governments, Hollywood and the World’s Entertainment Industry.
G. The Real News for Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024:
· Wed. 13 Nov. 2024: CNN ‘will ax top stars in layoffs that’ll see hundreds fired as ratings continue to tank’ The rumblings, first reported by Puck News, come as high-paid personalities like Jake Tapper and Wolf Blitzer were reportedly recently denied raises. The two already boast salaries of $7million and $3million, while stars like Anderson Cooper take home an annual $20million. Kaitlan Collins and Erin Burnett also command huge earnings – $3million and $6million respectively.
· Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024: Insider Leaks: Trump’s Executive Orders Launch Operation Shield, Activate Military-Protected QFS at Johannesburg Hub, and Initiate Gold-Backed Currency for History’s Greatest Wealth Redistribution! With Trump’s victory confirmed, military forces across the globe have increased their operations to protect QFS infrastructure. New intelligence reveals that “Operation Shield,” initially confined to South Africa, has expanded into a global military initiative. Strategic QFS hubs in New York, London, Beijing, and Moscow are now under heightened military surveillance.
· Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024: Bombshell Report! The Hidden Power D.U.M.B.S: Mount Weather – The Home Base of the Deep State Underground Government – America’s Underground Government Exposed – VIDEO – – American Media Group
· Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024: Breaking News: Is Ukraine Planning to Build a Nuclear Bomb If U.S. Aid Is Cut? – – American Media Group
· Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024: BREAKING NEWS: China’s Hypersonic Missile Arsenal Poised to Obliterate US Military Might in East Asia by 2025 – – American Media Group
· Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024: EXPOSED: Pilot Testifies Bill Gates Spraying Chemtrails to Incite Civil War in America! Watch The People’s Voice Video – – American Media Group
H. FEMA Crime:
· FEMA official Marn’i Washington admits Trump voters were denied aid in NC, in addition to FL.
I. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and housed in China’s Three Gorges Dam in a tunnel that eventually connects to a 1,500 mile long tunnel that runs between the Vatican and Jerusalem:
J. Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024 Breaking News Alert: Explosive Investigation Names Jimmy Kimmel as ‘Diddy Co-Conspirator’ in Elite Pedophile Scandal!
· Child sex trafficking charges against Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs and Jimmy Kimmel could land them behind bars for life. Whistleblowers have exposed secrets that threaten to bring down Hollywood’s powerful elite. The shocking details have shattered the reputations of these public figures and sparked outrage across the entertainment world.
· Hollywood’s Dark Underbelly: The allegations are extensive and deeply disturbing. Sources allege both Kimmel and Combs were involved in an organized child sex trafficking network. Whistleblowers’ harrowing testimonies describe a hidden world of exploitation operating in plain sight.
· Kimmel, widely known for “Jimmy Kimmel Live!”, and Combs, famed as ‘Diddy’, have enjoyed longstanding success in entertainment. But with federal authorities reportedly in possession of damning evidence, this case could reveal a grim reality beneath their carefully crafted images. The decision to prosecute them jointly may point to an even broader conspiracy.
· Hollywood and Politics: The investigation is raising alarms beyond the entertainment industry. Suspicions swirl about the possible involvement of other high-profile figures, even members of Congress. If true, this could be the start of unmasking a much larger network that has remained hidden for far too long.
· Public Outrage: People are struggling to comprehend the gravity of these accusations. Social media is flooded with expressions of disbelief, anger, and demands for justice. The scandal is dominating the news, leaving the public to question just how deep this web of corruption extends.
· Whistleblowers and Insiders: Key to this case are the brave whistleblowers who have come forward despite immense risks. Their accounts are critical in bringing these dark truths to light and could catalyze a major reckoning in Hollywood and beyond.
· The Path Ahead: The world is now watching for the investigation to deliver justice. This case underscores that no one, no matter how influential, is immune from the law, and the hope remains that those responsible for these atrocities will be held to account.
· Jack Smith, known as a ruthless Trump enemy, met his fate at Guantanamo Bay, convicted of treason at a military tribunal on November 4. White Hats arrested Smith in July after Judge Aileen Canon dismissed the bogus charges against Trump, which led to Smith’s swift transport to GITMO. Despite his resistance and constant denials, calling his actions mere “orders,” Smith’s trial exposed his Trump Derangement Syndrome and deep-seated hatred, shown as he blamed his predicament on Trump, even in his cell.
· In September, JAG upgraded Smith’s charges to High Treason with a death penalty recommendation. Smith’s fury reached a boiling point as he spiraled into rage, and on November 4, he faced his fate in GITMO’s south courtroom. Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall presided over the tribunal, with three USMC officers. Smith, who had declared his counsel incompetent, had no real defense and repeatedly insulted the admiral, calling the tribunal a “kangaroo court.”
· Evidence presented was damning. Documents from Smith’s own devices revealed a chilling vendetta, along with a $4.2 million payout and an $86,000/day stipend from the DOJ. Smith’s dark digital diary showed him proclaiming himself as the sole qualified individual to “deal with Trump,” vowing to make him regret his existence.
· Crandall’s response was swift: “You played yourself, detainee Smith, and you must answer for your crimes.” The panel barely took five seconds to pronounce Smith guilty, sentencing him to hang for his betrayal. Although delayed initially, Smith’s execution was scheduled for Friday.
· On the morning of his execution, Smith learned that Trump had won the election, crushing Kamala Harris in a landslide. Shown news reports, Smith broke down, screaming, “No, this can’t be true. Trump cheated.” Hours later, he stood before the gallows as a Marine chaplain offered Last Rites. Smith refused, angrily saying, “If Trump is president, there is no God.”
· Admiral Crandall reminded him: the Deep State’s reign is ending, and all who aided it will face justice. Smith’s neck snapped soon after, marking a just end for a notorious Deep State operative.
· To all veterans and active-duty heroes, we owe this victory over tyranny to your sacrifice. God bless you all.
L. Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024 UPDATE: New List of 209 Countries That are Connected to The QFS System or are Being Connected – QFS + RTGS Trust The Plan! …Mr. Pool Secrets
· BOOOM!! Today, we uncover the intricate web of banks that are now aligning with the QFS system. The QFS, or Quantum Financial System, has been the subject of much speculation, whispers in dimly lit rooms, and late-night conspiracy theory forums. Some say it’s the future, while others claim it’s just another fanciful myth. But what if I told you that 97 of the top 100 central banks are being covertly connected to this system?
· The world’s central banks have long been seen as the puppeteers of the global economy, shaping the fate of nations with their decisions. Their influence is undeniable. But what happens when these behemoths of finance join forces with an emergent, arguably enigmatic, technological powerhouse like the QFS?
· Hold on to your hats folks, because here comes the bombshell!!! Our inside source, a brave individual deep within military intelligence circles (identity classified for obvious reasons), has dropped a piece of information that might just shake the very foundations of the global economy: 97 of the top 100 central banks are currently under transformation to become fully operational under the QFS + RTGS system. That’s not all, the remaining 82 smaller central banks are gearing up for this transition.
· But first, let’s roll back a bit. For those of you who’ve been living under a rock, or perhaps wisely distancing yourself from the maddening world of global finance and its shady undertakings, the QFS + RTGS is the new kid on the block. It stands for Quantum Financial System and Real-Time Gross Settlement. In layman terms, it’s a sophisticated financial network ensuring instantaneous money transfers without the usual delays.
· Why is this significant, you ask? Well, imagine the world where money flows without barriers, without time-lapses, without the invisible hands manipulating the scene behind thick velvet curtains. A world where every transaction is transparent (well, to those who know where to look). This is the promise of the QFS.
M. Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024 BOOOM!! There are a total of 179 central banks listed by the BIS with about 80 more when counting regional monetary authorities among the 209 countries—all these are being connected too. QUANTUM FINANCIAL SYSTEM
PARTI 1. QFS + RTGS! List of Banks that are Connected to the QFS System or are Being Connected:
Royal Bank of Zimbabwe: $835,000,082,302,000,000 (13 metric tons of in-ground gold estimated to yield $14 billion per annum by RBZ going forward) Central Bank Zimbabwe
Bank of Japan: $5,209,470,000,000 Central Bank Asia
People’s Bank of China: $5,144,760,000,000 Central Bank Asia
Deutsche Bundesbank: $2,014,010,000,000 Central Bank Europe
Bank of France: $1,244,730,000,000 Central Bank Europe
Bank of Italy: $1,135,605,542,549 Central Bank Europe
Swiss National Bank: $886,574,000,000 Central Bank Europe
Bank of Spain: $861,564,000,000 Central Bank Europe
Central Bank of Brazil: $856,248,000,000 Central Bank Latin America
Bank of England: $758,014,000,000 Central Bank Europe
Reserve Bank of India: View Total Assets Central Bank Asia
European Central Bank: View Total Assets Central Bank Europe
Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority: View Total Assets Central Bank Middle East
Central Bank of China: View Total Assets Central Bank Asia
Bank of Korea: View Total Assets Central Bank Asia
Central Bank of the Russian Federation: View Total Assets Central Bank Europe
Netherlands Bank: View Total Assets Central Bank Europe
Monetary Authority of Singapore: View Total Assets Central Bank Asia
N. Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024 TRUTH BOMB: The Banking Cartel’s Biggest Secret: Trillions in Stolen Wealth Hidden by the Elites – Trump’s Plan to Take It Back for Humanity! … Mr. Pool Secrets on Telegram
· Congress: A Theater of Puppets: Long heralded as the symbol of democracy, Congress has now been unmasked as a stage for the elite’s puppetry. With tens of thousands of bills introduced and only a handful passed—most being mere ceremonial gestures—it’s clear this is no case of gridlock but calculated sabotage. During his first term, Trump waged war against this corrupt establishment, exposing their incompetence and ties to the elite. With a new Republican-controlled legislature backing his vision, real change is finally on the horizon. Term limits, transparency laws, and a total overhaul of government spending are no longer distant dreams but imminent realities.
· The Debt Spiral: A Tool of Enslavement: The $36 trillion national debt isn’t just a number; it’s a mechanism of control. From the surpluses of the 1990s to the engineered deficits of the 2000s and 2010s, this debt has been a strategic tool used to keep America submissive. Every crisis, from the 2008 financial collapse to the COVID-19 pandemic, has been manipulated to funnel trillions to the elites, leaving the ordinary citizens crushed under an unsustainable burden. But Trump has a revolutionary plan. By shifting to a gold-backed Quantum Financial System (QFS), he aims to end the Federal Reserve’s endless money printing and free the nation from the chains of interest payments. The stolen trillions will be reclaimed and used to rebuild America from the ground up.
· The Illusion of Progress Shattered: Donald J. Trump’s decisive 2024 presidential victory has exposed the hollow facade upheld by the ruling elite. For decades, these shadowy figures have manipulated global crises, legislative actions, and financial systems under the guise of democracy and prosperity, enslaving humanity. But now, their grip is breaking. Insights from Poof and Susan echo louder than ever: the machine is falling apart, and the masses are waking up.
· The People’s Funds: Held Hostage for Decades: Trillions meant for humanity have been hidden for decades, tied up in ancient trusts and gold reserves. This wealth, which could have eradicated poverty and revitalized nations, has instead been siphoned into black budgets to finance secret projects and shadow governments. Trump is aware of this injustice, and with his return, he’s actively working with international allies, particularly Asian societies, to release these funds. The QFS, designed to bypass corrupt systems like SWIFT, is key to this mission. The elites are fighting back with sanctions, assassinations, and media blackouts, but their tactics are failing. The era of financial enslavement is ending, and this stolen wealth is finally being returned to its rightful owners—the people.
· The Banking Cartel: Rigged Against the People: The banking system, once celebrated as the engine of civilization, is in reality a weapon of control. Poof’s words, “nothing can happen until the smoke clears,” have never rung truer. The system has dangled false promises of relief while secretly funneling trillions to the elite, keeping ordinary citizens trapped in a cycle of financial dependency. Asian societies have tried to redistribute wealth, but the West’s corrupt banking institutions have deliberately blocked these efforts. This isn’t due to logistical challenges; it’s a calculated move to maintain control.
· Trump’s Quantum Financial System (QFS): The Ultimate Weapon: Trump’s QFS, based on blockchain and gold-backed assets, is a game-changer. It bypasses the Federal Reserve and corrupt banks, creating a decentralized financial system immune to manipulation. This isn’t just about draining the swamp; it’s about obliterating it. The QFS will empower the people, dismantle the elite’s stranglehold on wealth, and transform the global financial landscape.
O. Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024 White Hats INTEL: Putin’s Cryptic Drops and the Deep State’s Antarctic Agenda – Hidden Secrets Beneath the Ice!
· Dive into White Hats INTEL’s latest analysis on Putin’s cryptic remarks and the chilling mysteries surrounding Antarctica. Explore the rumors of deep underground bases, secrets buried in Cheyenne Mountain, and a hidden war raging in the frozen south!
· Putin’s words in his recent interview with Tucker Carlson peeled back the curtain on secrets beyond imagination—a conflict of power, technology, and hidden truths that have been buried from the public eye.
· What’s really lying beneath Antarctica’s icy depths? Could it hold the key to altering our entire understanding of reality? Imagine cutting-edge technology, ancient mysteries, and world-shaking power struggles colliding in one place. This isn’t science fiction; this is the fight for the future.
· The Agenda Exposed: Putin didn’t need to spell it out to reveal the horrifying scale of the deep state’s control. In just a few choice words, he exposed the true shadow forces lurking within the highest ranks of government worldwide. But why does he hold back names? Because these aren’t just politicians—they’re powerful military elites, globalists who play in the dark, pulling strings from hidden fortresses.
· Antarctica isn’t what they’ve told us. Below the ice lies technology—massive, unidentified aerial phenomena harnessing zero-point energy, something that defies everything we’ve been told. These tools could alter reality itself, and they’re not here for the benefit of humankind.
· This isn’t about power alone. What lies beneath the ice is supernatural. The technology there can transcend dimensions, bridging communication to realms beyond. Biblical and other ancient mysteries are tied to this force, guarded fiercely by those who have understood its power for centuries.
· The Deep State Cabal is hiding a lot more than a few military bases. Their intent? Domination, a thirst for control that dates back generations. Underground installations, a war for supremacy—they’ll stop at nothing to exploit these powers.
· While presidents and world elites tour Antarctica, searching for hidden knowledge, the white hats in the military are gearing up for an ultimate showdown. The elite cabal won’t go down easily, holding resources and powers that stretch beyond this world. But the white hats are closing in, armed with truth and resolve.
· The battle unfolding now is more than just a conflict—it’s a fight for humanity’s very essence. The revelations coming soon will change everything. We’re standing on the edge of a new era where everything we thought we knew is about to be turned upside down.
· The shadows are dark, but the light is rising. In Antarctica’s frozen silence, a power waits—not to be feared, but to be understood and liberated.
· This is a journey through hidden truths, a call for accountability. The forces of light and darkness are preparing for a final showdown. When the dust settles, the truth will emerge, and the world will never be the same.
P. Native Hawaiian DEW Victims of Maui Hawaii
- The Deep State Cabal wanted to make the Native Hawaiian Capitol of Lahaina into a SMART city, so on August 8, 2023 at 6:37 a.m Chinese Communist Party NORAD 555836 Direct Energy Weapon Lazers burned Lahaina Maui to the ground.
- The resulting fires were the most devastating mass casualty events in the Hawaii State history: 2,700+ Structures destroyed; 97 confirmed dead; 1,000+ still missing/ unconfirmed deceased; 4,000+ people originally dislocated, 3,100 still displaced over a year later.
- Every day since the Kingdom of AKUA Foundation Native Hawaiian Volunteers have been supplying three meals a day and support to their now 3,100 still-displaced fellow victims. The Deep State Cabal Red Cross has cut funding for those victims.
- Donations were still needed, but the AKUA Foundation Website has been compromised and cannot accept monies until things are straightened out.
Q. Tim Ballard has worked undercover in the US and multiple foreign countries to infiltrate child trafficking organizations. In this effort, he has successfully dismantled dozens of these organizations and rescued countless children from sex slavery. Today in Sept 2024 Tim continues to dismantle child trafficking rings and save children in South America. With his own organization embedded in governments all over the world, he is literally saving the World’s Children. Just as a film about Ballard’s work, “Sound of Freedom,” was released, Tim suddenly became embroiled in a number of law suits. Powerful entities within the government appeared to be working to discredit and take him down, perhaps to silence his anti-trafficking work. Tim is a true hero and his wife and nine children continually support and pray for him. If you would like to support Ballard’s unjust persecution, contribute here: Ballard Family Defense Fund on GiveSendGo Here;
R. “Ken and Barbie vs. Goliath IRS”: Ken Cromar presently sits in jail having been found guilty of living in his own fully owned home and after proving in a Federal Tax Court that he owed no monies to the IRS. Despite the ruling in Cromar’s favor, the IRS sold his home at auction and threw away all his possessions including expensive camera equipment he used to make a living. He was arrested almost a year ago and has been sitting in jail without the ability to file an appeal because he won’t be sentenced until next Feb. 2025.
· Ken really appreciates receiving encouraging messages in postcards. White, pre-stamped postcards with your name and complete return address hand-written is the only thing accepted at the jail. Paul Cromar #567164 Davis County Jail P.O. Box 130 Farmington, UT 84025-0130 Donations for commissary and other needs can be made at: https://www.
S. All Tom Fairbanks did was to spend much of his life gathering evidence on the Ritual Abuse of children in Utah. In early March 2024 he was arrested and placed in the Utah Weber County Jail. For what? The real reason for attacks on Tom appeared to be that the Powers That Be couldn’t afford to have someone with Tom’s very valid evidence of SRA cases to be running around unchecked. Fairbanks’ problems began when he decided to take his evidence of Satanic Ritual Abuse of children to share with Utah governmental powers. No sooner had he done so when a tsunami of problems began to plague his life including being poisoned and suffering years of court battles on made up cases.
T. Judy Note: HOME | Judy Byington (
Jenny Hill and I spent 20 years writing her biography, “22 Faces” to expose our own CIA’s horrendous Mind Control Programming based in torture, rape and child sacrifice that was so rampant in our Global Society.
v=F626Lsrdwg4 “22 Faces” explains how childhood torture separates a young developing brain’s thinking patterns into multiple personalities that then allowed perpetrators to control their victims throughout their lives.
When the first edition of “22 Faces” was released the biography was immediately brutally attacked by the very pedophiles who, in their worship of Satan, regularly raped, tortured and killed children in exchange for their own sick definition of power and glory.
Through these Satanist’s negative comments and one star reviews of “22 Faces” on Amazon, the pedophiles were effective in plunging book ratings.
“22 Faces” was now re-published and it wouldn’t be a surprise to find those same perpetrators organizing another attack on the book – all designed to cover up their own crimes and make people believe that the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children does not exist among us – in our own neighborhoods – right next door.
It would be most appreciated if you could go into Amazon and give the biography a review and rating, plus ask your friends and family to do likewise.
The more we can expose those Satan worshipping perpetrators who perform Satanic Ritual Abuse on our children, the more innocents can be saved from what Jenny and so many others had to endure.
If you would like more information or order “22 Faces” please visit our website: HOME | Judy Byington (
U. ***SCAM Alerts:
Watch out for: Anyone advertising they will reimburse you for the TRB Trump Products, or set you up on a Quantum Account asking for money to do it. (They use fake accounts and AI to make you think you are dealing with Trump, Tucker Carlson, etc.) Also watch out for the HSBC Quantum Token/Bitcoin Scam, the TRB Trump Products Scam, the Dave XRPLion Impersonator Scam, the Ezra A. Cohen-Watnick Impersonator Fake QFS Accounts Scam and any other website that asks that you give them your personal identification to register for a QFS Account and/or receive a pay out on TRB products.
DO NOT exchange currency or Zim Bonds anywhere but at a licensed Redemption Center where you will get the highest rates possible.
Upon implementation of the Global Currency Reset the Cabal will be losing their money supply and they are hot and heavy to SCAM anyone in any way they can.
The HSBC Quantum Scam: They claim they’ve successfully applied “quantum technology” to buy and sell tokenized physical gold. The trick is when you buy the tokens or Bitcoin they keep the gold and have complete control over your bank account.
Report your Scam experience to:
Victims of the TRB Scam, Ezra A. Cohen-Watnick Impersonator Fake QFS Accounts Scam and/or the Dave XRPLion Impersonator Scam are urged to type up their experiences including products bought and monies paid out, plus your contact information. Sign four notarize copies of your complaint, keep one, and give the other three notarized copies to:
1. Present a notarized copy of your TRB complaint to your local law enforcement and ask they open an investigation. Write down your complaint number and include it in your information sent to Alan Garten and the US Inspector General of the Air Force.
2. Alan Garten, General Counsel to the Trump Organization so they can refer such on to their FBI, Secret Service and New York PD investigations. The Trump Organization 725 Fifth Avenue, 26th Fl. New York NY 10022-2519 United States.
3. Inspector General of the Air Force’s Office, so our Spec Ops people can pay a call on such criminals. Email:
Victims of International Crime: Trial International is a non-governmental organization fighting impunity for international crimes and supporting victims in their quest for justice. Who We Are – TRIAL International Contact TRIAL International Email: info@ General Questions: https://trialinternational. org/contact-us
Phone: Call +41 22 321 61 10 Postal Address: Rue de Lyon 95, 1203, Geneva, Switzerland.
Online Contact Form: Fill out the contact form on their website to address specific queries directly at TRIAL International Contact Form. contact-us Social Media: Connect with them on social platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
V. Must Watch Videos:
· Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report! TICK TOCK TIME IS UP! Q CLOCK ENDED WED. 13 NOV. 2024. Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024 – – American Media Group
· Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Tick Tock Time Is Up! Q Clock Ended Wed.13 Nov. 2024. POTUS, EBS Alert Countdown Has Begun! Special Intel Report 11/14/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News
Updates For the Week Prior:
Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report! TICK TOCK TIME IS UP! Q CLOCK ENDED WED. 13 NOV. 2024. Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024 – – American Media Group Thurs. 14 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Tick Tock Time Is Up! Q Clock Ended Wed.13 Nov. 2024. POTUS, EBS Alert Countdown Has Begun! Special Intel Report 11/14/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF THURSDAY 14 NOVEMBER 2024 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION)
Wed. 13 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 13, 2024 – The US Military News Wed. 13 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report! IT’s TIME. Prepare For Emergency Broadcast System Activation. Ten Days of Communication Darkness During Mass Arrests… – – American Media Group Wed. 13 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: Restored Republic via a GCR as of November 13, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official (NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF WEDNESDAY 13 NOVEMBER 2024 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION)
Tues. 12 Nov. 2024: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report! Mon. 11 Nov. (11:11): A New Beginning. The Golden Age is Here. Public Awakening Well On It’s Way. Fed Dead… – – American Media Group Tues. 12 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP 11/12/24 “DEMOCRATS FORMING A COUP, FEMA IN MICHIGAN, GOP CONTROLS ALL 3 BRANCHES” Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of November 12, 2024 – The US Military News Tues. 12 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Public Awakening Well on It’s Way. Fed Dead. Game Over! Thank You for Playing! President Trump. Special Intel Report 11/12/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF TUESDAY 12 NOVEMBER 2024 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION)
Mon. 11 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP 11/11/24 “BIDEN SABOTAGE INTERNET, BRUNSON CASE, FEMA CAMPS” Mon. 11 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report! The Greatest Military Intelligence Operation in the History of the World in Progress. It’s Always Been About The Children… – – American Media Group Mon. 11 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of November 11, 2024 – The US Military News Mon. 11 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video):
Sun. 10 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP 11/10/24 “BLUE CITY RIOTS, POISONING MAGA, DS SUBVERSION, MASS ARRESTS” Sun. 10 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report! White House Covered in Gold Signifying Beginning of The Golden Age Where We Go One, We Go All… – – American Media Group Sun. 10 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of November 10, 2024 – The US Military News Sun. 10 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: White House Covered in Gold Signifying Beginning of the Golden Age! Where We Go One, We Go All! Special Intel Report 11/10/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News Restored Republic via a GCR as of November 10, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official (NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF SUNDAY 10 NOVEMBER 2024 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION)
Sat. 9 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video) WTPN SIT/UP 11/9/24 “BRUNSON CASE BOMBSHELL, WILDFIRES, ILLEGALS SELF-DEPORTING, VT INTEL” Restored Republic via a GCR Update November 9, 2024 – The US Military News Sat. 9 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report! All Is Now Active. Trump’s Global Military Alliance Sting Operation Is Going Full Force! Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 9 Nov. 2024 – – American Media Group Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: All Is Now Active! Trump’s Global Military Alliance Sting Operation Is Going Full Force! Special Intel Report 11/9/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF SATURDAY 9 NOVEMBER 2024 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION)
Fri. 8 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video) WTPN SIT/UP 11/8/24 “TRUMPS LITTLE SECRET, ALEX JONES, 40 MONKEYS, CELEBS PANIC” Fri. 8 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report! “The Future No Longer Belongs To The Globalists.The Future Belongs To The Patriots. We Will Bring Back Our Dream… – – American Media Group Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: “The Future No Longer Belongs to the Globalists. The Future Belongs to the Patriots.”..President Trump – Special Intel Report 11/8/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News Restored Republic via a GCR as of November 8, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official (NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF FRIDAY 8 NOVEMBER 2024 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION)
Thurs. 7 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP 11/7/24 “MONKEYS ESCAPE FROM LAB, OBAMA FLEES US, HOLLYWOOD PANIC” Thurs. 7 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 7, 2024 – The US Military News Thurs. 7 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report! Now That God Has Given Us Trump. To Save The World From The Satan Worshipper Elites. Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 7 Nov. 2024 – – American Media Group Thurs. 7 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Now That God Has Given Us Trump Be Prepared, Stay Prayed Up! We Are in the Eye of the Storm! Special Intel Report 11/7/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF THURSDAY 7 NOVEMBER 2024 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION) Restored Republic via a GCR as of November 7, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official
Wed. 6 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP 11/6/24 “TRUMP WINS PRESIDENCY, PHASE 2 TO BEGIN” Wed. 6 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of November 6, 2024 – The US Military News Wed. 6 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: As Trump Swept the Election, A Military Coup Was Underway, Washington DC Has Been Boarded Up! Special Intel Report 11/6/24 (VIdeo) | Alternative | Before It’s News Wed. 7 Nov. 2024 Situation Update: (NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF WEDNESDAY 6 NOVEMBER 2024 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION)