BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: US Inc. No Longer Exists. The new American Restored Republic Doesn’t Yet Exist. Martial Law Does Exist But No One Knows It. Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 10 Jan. 2025
Ready to uncover the truth? Sick of the lies? Join our Telegram Channel now. It’s time for the real story! My gratitude to all my readers!
Compiled Fri. 10 Jan. 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities.”
US Inc. No Longer Exists
The new American Restored Republic Doesn’t Yet Exist
Martial Law Does Exist
But No One Knows It
“America The Beautiful” – United States Patriotic Song – YouTube Music
O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!
O beautiful for pilgrim feet
Whose stern impassioned stress
A thoroughfare for freedom beat
Across the wilderness.
America! America!
God mend thine ev’ry flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law.
O beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife,
Who more than self their country loved,
And mercy more than life.
America! America!
May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness,
And ev’ry gain divine.
O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears.
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea.
Judy Note: What we think we know and what we defiantly don’t know we know as of Fri. 10 Jan. 2025:
· Does anyone know what the Trump Inauguration would be about, or what they’re thinking of doing on Mon. 20 Jan. 2025?
· We DO know that the Presidential Inauguration on the 20th will NOT install Trump as the US Inc. President because US Inc. was bankrupt, broke and defunct as of Wed. 1 Jan. 2025.
· Thus, we also DO know that if Trump was installed as President of US Inc. on the 20th, it would just be another false Presidential Inauguration – just like Biden’s was in 2020.
· We DO know that the new American Restored Republic (is that the name? We don’t even know that) now collects and disperses all US Taxpayer monies.
· We DO know that no one, not even Trump, has been elected to be president or vice president of the new American Restored Republic (name?) because that Republic hasn’t even been fully formed yet. I mean, they’re thinking to add Canada, Panama, Greenland, Mexico, Pacific Islands, Australia, New Zealand and I don’t know what all else. So, how can you install a president of a country, or an alliance of countries, when you haven’t even formed that alliance or officially added the country, let alone held an election for president of that unformed country alliance? It’s getting all so confusing.
· We DO know that we have to have an election to elect that president and vice president of something like a country alliance and we haven’t done that yet.
· We DO know that it was likely that it wouldn’t be safe for Trump, or anyone else for that matter, to be at whatever inauguration was scheduled for Jan. 20. That’s because the Cabal doesn’t want the inauguration of Trump to happen and was doing whatever they could to take back their power – including burning down the great city of Los Angeles.
· Now if they DID deliberately burn down Los Angeles just because they didn’t like Trump, just think about what they might have planned for him in Washington DC on the 20th. I personally won’t, think about it, that is. I hate the thought of even trying to think about it.
The only thing we think we really know was what the Restored Republic Vice President JFK Jr. put out as a schedule – that included some big celebration on July 4th for Independence Day
After all, our new found Freedom is something to celebrate.
Wed. 15 Jan. 2025: 48 hour Wealth Redistribution Blackout Event begins.
Mon. 20 Jan. 2025: Inauguration Day Mon. 20th Jan, Ten Days of Communication Darkness begins.
Sat. 25 Jan. 2025: Worldwide Wealth Redistribution to the general public commences with release of GESARA/NESARA and gold/asset-backed currencies of various nations including the new US Treasury Note.
Mon. 27 Jan. 2025: Med Beds introduced to the public.
End of March 2025: the Cabal’s fiat US Dollar will cease to exist.
Mon. 26 May 2025 Memorial Day to July 4th: Celebration of the 250th Anniversary of US 1776 Independence Day.
· Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025: White Hats Arrest Joe Biden’s FBI Director, Christopher Wray in Georgia.
· Get Ready For Three Days and Ten Days of Communication Darkness. The power to the entire World will switch off briefly to install our new Starlink Satellite Internet. Shutdowns will occur, but only in certain areas. Banks will close. ATMs and Credit Cards will stop working. Have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency. If you’re unprepared, don’t worry. The Military will supply what you need. Nonstop education will be broadcast, teaching everyone about the true principles of Freedom and Justice.
· Fight To Save Our Constitution. Sign Your Own Petition To The Supreme Court: Loy Brunson – Petition The Supreme Court…
· Help Save Tortured Kaitlynn and Let Her Go Home!!! GiveSendGo | Kaitlynn Marie Hunter wants to go HOME!
· Give a Little, Help a Lot: A Family In Desperate Need of Help:
· Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of January 9, 2025 – The US Military News
· Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: From Maui to North Carolina to Malibu: Disaster for Profit. The Same Script, Same Villains, Same FEMA. . . – – American Media Group
· Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025 Situation Update: Byington Bombshell Report: From Maui to North Carolina to Malibu: Disaster for Profit | Politics | Before It’s News
Judy Note: I am writing a book about Near Death Experiences of extreme abuse survivors. If you are an extreme abuse survivor, or know of one who has had such an experience, I would appreciate hearing from you. Write Judy Byington at:
If you were reading this Update on, or from the Operation Disclosure Official Website, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of operationdisclosureofficial.
A. Possible Timing:
· Wed. 15 Jan. 2025 48 hour Wealth Redistribution Blackout Event begins. Starlink’s Q-Grid is now fully operational, capable of broadcasting emergency information directly to devices globally. This will be vital during the 48-hour blackout starting January 15, 2025, ensuring a seamless flow of critical updates.
· Fri. 17 Jan. Banks Zero out personal debt: President Trump told banks to begin zeroing out mortgage, credit cards and other forms of personal debt starting Fri. 17 Jan. 2025 with the national debt already taken care of by switching to the QFS, all other debt would begin to be fully paid off by the end of Jan 2025. …Gesara DurPreusse on Twitter Sun. 12 Jan. 2025.
· Mon. 20 Jan. 2025 Inauguration Day Ten Days of Communication Darkness begins. Project Odin, controlled by the military, will run a major broadcast revealing governmental, banking, and military corruption across ten countries, potentially making this one of the most pivotal days in history.
· Mon. 20 Jan. 2025 is also the beginning of the Deep State Tribunals that promise to expose and hold accountable high-profile figures involved in human trafficking, bio-weapons, and election fraud. The evidence amassed is poised to dismantle the elites’ power structures globally.
· On Sat. 25 Jan. 2025 the first phase of the Worldwide Wealth Redistribution to the general public will officially commence, directly benefiting millions and marking the start of real community rebuilding efforts.
· Mon. 27 Jan. 2025: Med Beds will be introduced to the public, bringing hope and healing to millions. These advanced technologies will begin their initial rollout, prioritizing those in critical need and children suffering from long term illnesses.
· Wed. 29 Jan. 2025: Global Healing Centers equipped with Med Beds begin operations in strategic locations worldwide. Training programs will be launched to educate specialists in this life-changing technology.
· Fri. 31 Jan. 2025: Public demonstrations of Med Bed capabilities will be broadcast globally, showcasing their potential to restore health, reverse aging and eradicate disease. A new standard of well being will be established, redefining humanity’s relationship with Healthcare.
· Mon. 3 Feb. 2025: An international Med Bed Access Program will be announced, ensuring equitable distribution and usage. Leaders affirm that every individual, regardless of status or location, will have the right to healing and restoration.
· Wed. 5 Feb. 2025: Global tribunals begin, holding Big Pharma Executives and their collaborators accountable for Crimes Against Humanity. Reparations are announced, including the funding of new Health care programs and access to innovative treatments for all.
· Fri. 7 Feb. 2025: Health Freedom is declared. Countries around the World announce plans to dismantle corrupt medical systems, ensuring that profits will never again take priority over human well being.
· Mon. 10 Feb. 2025: People begin to learn about natural healing methods, suppressed alternatives and the science of true wellness. Humanity begins to reclaim it’s health and power.
· The fall of Big Pharma: marks the end of decades of manipulation and suffering. A new path forward is being forged, one built on truth, transparency and care for every individual. The future of healthcare has arrived.
· End of March 2025: The outdated US Fiat Dollar will cease to exist, replaced by a new standard rooted in transparency and equity.
· Mon. 26 May 2025 Memorial Day: President Trump announced that he will organize a massive celebration commemorating the 250th anniversary of the U.S. Independence of 1776 that will start on Memorial Day and continue into July 4th.
B. Global Currency Reset:
Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025 Bruce:
· On Tues. 7 Jan. Redemption Centers and banks were pinging each other on the Starlink System around the world – that ended Thurs. morning 9 Jan. The new currency rates were supposed to be live after that.
· The exchanges and redemptions are a non taxable event. The interest earned is taxable.
· Everyone with Dinar will be offered the higher Contract Rate. If it is not offered to you, ask for it.
· It is possible to receive the toll free numbers in emails from Wells Fargo early tomorrow morning Fri. 10 Jan.
· It is possible to start exchange appointments Sat. 11 Jan.
· R&R will be paid out after Inauguration Day Mon. 20 Jan.
· SS increases could still occur in January.
· Nesara/Gesara funds were moving globally and should be paid out between Jan. 20 and the end of the month.
· Wed. 8 Jan. 2025 MarkZ: Four banker contacts said they expect something to happen on Fri. 10 Jan. 2025. One banker heard Iraq was supposed to have the new Dinar rate on the Forex on Sat. 11 Jan. 2025.
· Tues. 7 2025 TNT: The RV will be on Forex this Friday 10 Jan. for the general public.
· Wed. 1 Jan. 2025: Iraq’s foreign minister was in DC to settle with the new US Treasury using the new Dinar Rate. The US, having been paid in full, lifted the remaining sanctions on the Iraqi Banks. … Frank26 and WalkingStick
· Mon. 6 Jan. 2025: The Quantum Financial System (QFS) activated Worldwide – (meaning the new gold-backed US Treasury Note replaced the fiat Federal Reserve Dollar). US Treasury sent out schedule for immediate payout of Bonds. “This secure, transparent and decentralized system will replace the old banking structure, ensuring fairness and equality for all.” With the new Iraqi Dinar Rate stabilized, the CBI has stopped their auctions on the fiat US Dollar: Iraqi Dinar Iraqi Dinar Rate Stability and RV Done Now Iraqi Dinar Latest News Iraqi Dinar Today …Nesara/Gesara on Telegram 5 Dec. 2024
C. Judy Note on EXCHANGING CURRENCY AND REDEEMING ZIM BONDS: I am not an authority on currency exchanges or ZIM Bond redemption, but I am frequently approached for guidance. The below reflects my personal opinion only and is intended to provide general understanding of the process.
Based on my understanding and personal opinion, here is an outline of the possible process:
· WHITE HAT MILITARY OVERSIGHT: The White Hat Military oversees all exchanges and redemptions. Their advanced Quantum Computer system has complete access to personal data, including changes in addresses, contact details, and the purchase history of currencies and ZIM Bonds.
– Only you can exchange your currency or redeem your ZIM Bonds.
– The Quantum Financial System links transactions to your unique DNA and body rhythms, ensuring secure identification.
– Currency rates are uniform for everyone, though you may request the Dinar Contract Rate.
– The redemption rate for ZIM Bonds is contingent upon your personal Humanitarian Project.
– If you don’t have a personal Humanitarian Project, you will receive a set default rate on your ZIM.
– No one can negotiate or exchange on your behalf.
– If you’ve entrusted your currency or ZIM Bonds to someone else, retrieve them immediately. Failure to do so will result in the loss of your ability to exchange or redeem.
– If you were gifted currency or ZIM Bonds, you must present a notarized and dated statement from the gifter, including names, addresses.
– Anyone refusing to return your assets or attempting to exchange on your behalf could face legal repercussions.
– The only exception to involving another person is if they accompany you to your appointment and co-sign the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).
– Bringing others to your exchange is risky. If they breach your NDA, you will forfeit all funds.
– If you cannot retrieve your currency or ZIM Bonds, schedule a redemption appointment and explain your situation to the representative for further instructions.
D. Global Financial Crisis:
E. Restored Republic:
Judy Note on the Brunson Case: I mistakenly published that the Brunson Case had been decided by the Supreme Court and was just awaiting announcement. I found that not to be true as discussed in the below video interview with Loy Brunson. I apologize. Evidently the case was sitting on the shelf at the Supreme Court awaiting a change of the US Solicitor General. That will happen on Wed. 20 Jan. 2025
Update on Brunson Case, Loy Brunson with Meri Crowley:
· Loy has not signed an NDA. He is not aware that SCOTUS has reached any decision
· 17:00 + mark: “At the present time, the case is sitting on a shelf. The 385 defendants were being represented by US Attys General, but, they were removed from the case. So presently, it is the US Solicitor General representing them, and this person is a Biden person, doing nothing with the matter.
· On Jan 20th, that all changes. There will be a new Solicitor General – Sauer – one of DJT’s top attys, who has represented him in front of SCOTUS. As soon as he is sworn in, he can ask for a meeting with Brunson, review the matter, and strategize how to get this matter in front of SCOTUS.
· The 6 points of “relief” Brunson is seeking will still be valid, even after the inauguration.
· There are financial, punitive damages, but more importantly, Brunson is seeking the reversal of the 2020 election, and the removal of all of the 385 defendants from office, and barred from any future political office.
· Brunson will have the ability to remove any of the defendants from the lawsuit – some ignorant people, unable to see the forest because of the trees, made the choice to ignore the request for a delay of certification. Brunson will decide who these people are. The rest will be expelled from office, if recently re-elected and barred for the future.
· All of the legislative and executive action taken over the past 4 years will become null and void, and no further effect. ALL OF IT.
F. Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025: Revolution Disclosed: The Military Occupation Set in Motion by Trump’s Executive Orders – The Reality Since November 5, 2016! …Ben Fulford on Telegram
· Disclose: the explosive truth behind Trump’s inauguration—a military occupation that began in 2016 and continues today. Dive deep into the secret power of the Judge Advocate General, military tribunals, and the war for America’s future. The old government is gone—it’s time to wake up!
· Military Occupation: The Reality Since November 5, 2016 Let’s be clear: the military occupation of the United States didn’t begin on January 20, 2017. It started earlier, on November 5, 2016, when the new military-driven regime’s wheels were set in motion. Since that day, the country has been under the control of forces far beyond conventional government’s reach. And it’s still happening, right under our noses.
· Donald J. Trump didn’t just inherit the presidency; he inherited the authority of a War Powers President, a Commander-in-Chief backed fully by the military. Most Americans are oblivious to this fact, thanks to media complicity in keeping this truth hidden. But the signs are there for those who dare to look.
· Emergency Executive Orders: The Blueprint for Control Under Trump, 11 Emergency Executive Orders were enacted, each a step towards consolidating power and extending military control over the government. These EOs, still in effect today, were not mere policies but a blueprint for maintaining order in a nation on the brink. The Biden administration, nothing more than a puppet, has only extended these orders, ensuring the military’s firm grip remains.
· The Puppet Government: A Nation Under Siege The current administration is a facade, a puppet government designed to maintain the illusion of democracy while real power lies with the military. The extension of Trump’s Emergency Executive Orders is proof. The old system is dismantled, those in power arrested for treason.
· The Wake-Up Call: Accepting the New Reality The old system is dead, replaced by military control. The sooner Americans accept this, the better they’ll be prepared for the challenges ahead. The government you thought you knew is gone, replaced by a system prioritizing national security and military oversight. Trump’s inauguration marked this new era’s beginning, and every day since has been a further step into this reality. The old system is gone, and it’s never coming back. The military is in charge now.
· The Future Under Military Rule The U.S. is no longer the nation it once was; it’s now governed by a military regime, operating behind scenes, pulling the strings of the puppet government the public sees. It’s time to accept the truth and prepare for what’s to come. In this new world, the military reigns supreme.
· The Hidden Reality of Trump’s Inauguration: A Moment of Military Occupation January 20, 2017, wasn’t just a peaceful transition of power. It was the formal start of a military occupation, a day when Donald J. Trump took command of a nation under siege. This was more than an inauguration; it was a clear signal that the military was now in control. The presence of military figures at the inauguration wasn’t just ceremonial; it was a declaration of the new era of military justice and power.
G. Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025 from an Anon in Canada: “I find the attitude of Canadians wanting to become part of the US is 50 for/50 against at this point in time, until exposure of the truth is revealed. The Woke are typically against its reality. Just hours ago I told my neighbor that most Woke Canadians do not realize we are lame sitting ducks for the Cabal WEF, WHO, NATO, UN, NWO, etc., to annihilate.
“If wasn’t for the likes of Trump, Canada would be used as a guinea pig for the rest of humanity to conform to the global NOW, or else face extinction. Keep in mind what Cas Trudeau once said, “Canadians are ten more times complacent than Americans, but, don’t fuck with our families, nor our freedom.”
“Ultimately, Canadians will accept/want to become part of USA upon the exposure to the truth about evil’s intentions against humanity. Also realize that documentation in the Canadian National Archive contains proof that the US actually acquired Canada during the Confederation Era. That means Canada is ALREADY legally part of the US.”
H. Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025: Can you see what’s happening friends? Are your eyes wide open? Trump isn’t kidding about buying Greenland, taking the Panama Canal back and making Canada the 51 state. Why is he doing this? …Charlie Ward and friends on Telegram
· For our entire history, a Cabal of elite puppet masters have created and destroyed nations using war on the battlefield and war economically. These puppet masters have been the ones deciding where the boundaries were for each country. They have “set” the world the way they want it. Always to benefit themselves, not the people.
· Trump is telling us that he has ALREADY conquered them. Trump is ABOVE the puppet masters now. He gets to decide where the boundaries are and which countries exist or not. Trump is in control and is going to strip away ALL puppet masters control worldwide.
· He’s “showing” the world that he’s now in control. (You have to show the people) Trump is showing the world that he is the most powerful man in the world and he’s going to exercise that power in a way that will be historical.
· Trump isn’t just giving the power back to the people in the US. He’s going to give the power back to the people worldwide.
· And what’s interesting to me is that the leaders of these countries that Trump is saying he’s going to buy or take, are in no way standing up and threatening war to prevent it.
· It’s as if the entire world has changed and the people worldwide know that Trump isn’t the threat, he’s the liberator.
· Everything is about to change. Think much bigger! What have we been trying to tell you for years now? Trump is literally King of the World.
· Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: PM Justin Trudeau DID NOT Resign & Does Not Plan To Leave Office, Warns Respected Canadian Journalist Ezra Levant. Days Before His Own Party Was Set To Remove Him By A Vote In Parliament, Trudeau Implemented An Emergency Clause Which Authorized The Governor General Of The Commonwealth Of Canada To Dissolve Parliament, Allowing Trudeau To Rule By Executive Order & Effectively Making Him A WEF-Controlled Dictator. …Alex Jones on Telegram
· The Re-inhabited Republic for These United States of America, Dr. Miarecki: (7/12/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ USAF Lt Col (Ret) Dr. Sandy Miarecki to Discuss the Reinhabited Republic For These United States (
How To Save America | Republic for USA (republicfortheunitedstatesofa
Want to hold a seat in the United States of America Republic? https://members.
I. Mon. 6 Jan. 2025 Med Beds: BREAKING! Trump and Military Operations Strike Elite Facilities to Seize Hundreds of Med Beds and Bring Them to the Masses – Quantum Healing Centers to Open to the Public Soon! …Wikileak Secrets on Telegram
· The fight to release Med Beds into the hands of the people has taken a dramatic turn. Insiders reveal that President Donald Trump, working closely with a covert faction of the U.S. military, is orchestrating a bold plan to wrestle this revolutionary technology away from elite control. This alliance, operating under the radar, has vowed to expose and dismantle the cabal that has suppressed Med Bed technology for decades.
· Trump’s Military Operation: Securing Med Bed Facilities New leaks suggest that Trump, in collaboration with a group of patriotic military generals, has initiated “Operation Quantum Dawn,” a mission to secure hidden Med Bed facilities across the globe. These facilities, buried deep within military bases and elite compounds, have been operating in secret for decades, serving only the wealthiest and most powerful individuals.
· Sources within the Pentagon claim that specialized military units have already raided multiple underground bunkers, seizing advanced Med Bed prototypes and related quantum technologies. These operations, carried out with surgical precision, aim to transfer these devices to newly established Quantum Healing Centers under the control of Trump’s team.
· Trump’s Executive Order: Fast-Tracking Med Bed Deployment Insiders report that Trump has been working behind the scenes to prepare for the public release of Med Beds. One of his most significant moves was issuing a classified executive order during his presidency, which allocated military resources to research, secure, and eventually deploy Med Bed technology for civilian use.
· The Elite’s Counteroffensive: Sabotaging Trump’s Med Bed Mission The elites are fully aware of Trump’s efforts to liberate Med Beds, and they are deploying every weapon in their arsenal to stop him. New reports indicate that several Med Bed facilities targeted by Trump’s military allies have been sabotaged.
· Trump’s Vision: Med Beds for All, Not Just the Elite Unlike the elites, Trump’s vision for Med Beds is rooted in accessibility and equality. Leaks from Trump’s inner circle reveal plans to establish hundreds of Quantum Healing Centers across the United States within the next year, prioritizing those who have suffered the most under the current healthcare system.
· The Final Countdown: A Race Against Time Trump’s work with the military has turned Med Beds into the battleground for humanity’s future. The elite’s efforts to suppress, sabotage, and corrupt the technology are intensifying, but so is the resistance.
· Every secured facility, every recovered device, and every exposed secret brings us closer to a world where Med Beds are freely available to all. The fight for Med Beds is no longer just about health—it’s about freedom, justice, and reclaiming humanity’s destiny.
· Trump’s unwavering determination and alliance with the military offer a glimmer of hope in this dark battle. The question is, will we rise to support this mission, or will we let the elites continue to control our lives?
· The clock is ticking, and the time for action is now. Med Beds are the key to humanity’s liberation, and Trump’s mission to unleash their power is the revolution we’ve all been waiting for.
J. The Real News for Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025:
· Wed. 8 Jan. 2025 EXCLUSIVE: Pentagon Approved DIRECTED-ENERGY WEAPONS on American Citizens: EXCLUSIVE: Pentagon Approved DIRECTED-ENERGY WEAPONS on American Citizens | 1/8/25
· Wed. 8 Jan. 2025: BOOM! A 1942 Map of the New World Order: The Map Shows Greenland, Mexico, and Canada as Part of the United States of America! – – American Media Group
· Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025: BIBLICAL BOMBSHELL! “I Caught Them All!” The Explosive Truth Behind SAM 239 and Pence’s Shocking Betrayal! – – American Media Group
· Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025: Secrets, Snubs, and Power Plays: The Explosive Drama Unfolding at Jimmy Carter’s Funeral That Will Shake America! – – American Media Group
· Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025: The U.S. Space Force Reveals ‘Rods of God’: Inside the Cheyenne Mountain Arsenal Reshaping Space Warfare! VIDEO – – American Media Group
· The Media claims that Jan 6th was the worst attack on our Capitol. That’s not true. The worst attack on our Capitol was the 1983 BOMBING of the US Capitol by left wing extremists. Their leader was Susan Rosenberg. Bill Clinton commuted her sentence & she now sits on the board of BLM. They don’t want you to know this.
· Planet Farms, Italy: Planet Farms is the largest Agricultural vertically integrated production facility in Europe – it supports farmers grow Pesticide free crops, increase growth yields & reducing water consumption through technology. A few weeks ago, it caught fire. …Steve Bannon on Telegram
K. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and housed in China’s Three Gorges Dam in a tunnel that eventually connects to a 1,500 mile long tunnel that runs between the Vatican and Jerusalem:
· Wed. 8 Jan. 2025: EXPOSED! Prosecutors Preparing to Arrest Trudeau on ‘Sickening Array of Child Sex Charges’! Watch The People’s Voice Video – – American Media Group
L. Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025: EXPOSED: Justin Trudeau’s $2.25 Million Hush Money Scandal – The Dark Truth They Don’t Want You to Know! …Nesara Gesara on Telegram
· Justin Trudeau’s Scandal: Allegations have surfaced of a $2.25 million settlement with a young woman who accused him of sexual misconduct, a close friendship with a convicted pedophile, and disturbing symbols linked to his foundation. The mainstream media’s silence raises serious questions.
· $2.25 Million Gag Order: In 2019, Trudeau allegedly paid a substantial hush money to silence a sexual assault accuser reportedly “much younger than 17”. This stark revelation casts a long shadow over his public persona as a champion of women’s rights and equality.
· The Pedophile Connection: Trudeau’s long-time acquaintance, Christopher Charles Ingvaldson, was convicted of possessing child pornography. This relationship brings Trudeau’s judgment and character into question, yet the media coverage remains minimal.
· Disturbing Symbols: The Trudeau Foundation’s logo disturbingly resembles a symbol associated with pedophile networks. Critics argue this is either a grave oversight or an indication of darker truths, yet official responses dismiss these claims as coincidental.
· Media Complicity: The lack of investigative vigor by mainstream Canadian media into these serious allegations suggests a protective bias towards Trudeau, potentially at the cost of journalistic integrity.
· Conclusion: Demand Answers: The accumulating evidence against Justin Trudeau paints a troubling picture. It’s time for Canadians to demand transparency and hold their leader accountable for actions that, if true, betray public trust and moral integrity. The silence must end, and the truth must be pursued.
M. Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025 FEMA IS PURE EVIL. …Benjamin Fulford on Telegram
· The truth is that FEMA is actually the real government, while the federal officials we see are merely puppets.
· The idea that FEMA exists to help during disasters is a facade. You know that pathetic $750 payment that citizens affected by Hurricane Helene are supposed to receive? Well, first, they have to sign an agreement, and buried in the fine print, it says that if that $750 loan— yes, loan — isn’t paid back within a year, the federal government can seize all of that individual’s property.
· FEMA is actively blocking Americans from helping their neighbors who have been severely affected by Hurricane Helene. They are also stopping people who have tried to offer aid, seizing funds and supplies intended for victims, and even worse, purposely reallocating those resources to bring illegal immigrants into the U.S. to replace us.
· There are tens of thousands of people in the mountains of North Carolina who desperately need assistance and are being left for dead. Countless others have sadly already lost their lives due to the intentional malfeasance, incompetence, and inaction of the Biden-Harris administration.
· FEMA should be designated a terrorist organization for its handling of these situations.
· Look up REX 84, a classified exercise where the government could detain large numbers of American citizens deemed a “national security threat.” This is why FEMA operates under the Department of Homeland Security, which was created by George W. Bush after 9/11, alongside the Patriot Act and the massive Fourth Amendment violations by the TSA.
· Since its creation in 1979, FEMA has been operating in the shadows, involved in massive land seizures. OG truth-seekers will remember the “FEMA camps” rumored to have been built during the Obama administration. Many of these facilities are said to be repurposed Walmarts. FEMA’s purpose is to set up a nationwide prison-state control grid to imprison and detain dissidents as we approach the New World Order takeover of the United States.
· All of the above is designed to illegally surveil, censor, and subjugate American citizens.
· Notice that FEMA hasn’t done anything to actually help Americans in times of great need, like in Maui, Texas, and now, with Hurricane Helene. It’s part of the largest human trafficking operation through the wide-open border.
· TRUMP DECLARES FULL PARDONS FOR JANUARY 6 PATRIOTS—THEY MUST GO FREE! In a thunderous declaration that has electrified the nation, President-elect Donald J. Trump has vowed to deliver FULL PARDONS to every single American detained, prosecuted, or convicted for their involvement in the January 6, 2021, Capitol protest. Trump isn’t just making promises. He’s taking a stand against what he calls the political persecution of true patriots.
· A TRUMPTASTIC TIME FOR AMERICA: THE PATRIOTS WILL BE FREED! “They paid a HARD PRICE FOR FREEDOM!” shouted one Trump supporter. These brave men and women weren’t criminals. They were patriots, fighting for the soul of this nation, standing up against a stolen election.Trump’s words were clear: “They must all go free!” He called them “hostages” of the Biden administration, victims of a system that has weaponized the justice system against them.
· JANUARY 6: THE DAY AMERICANS TOOK A STAND: January 6 wasn’t an “insurrection.” It was a protest against a corrupt system. These weren’t criminals; they were freedom fighters.The media calls it a “riot” and paints these Americans as “violent extremists.” But who are they to talk about violence? The same media that ignored the burning of cities in 2020 suddenly wants to lecture us about “law and order”? Spare us.
· TRUMP: A CHAMPION FOR THE PEOPLE: This is Donald J. Trump fighting for the forgotten men and women of America. He’s not just a president-elect; he’s a warrior, leading the charge for justice.
· THE BIDEN REGIME’S CRUELTY EXPOSED: Under Biden’s leadership, we’ve seen the Constitution trampled, and innocent lives destroyed. Let’s call it what it is: TYRANNY. These patriots were arrested, thrown into cells, and treated like terrorists. Why? Because they loved their country. Trump’s announcement is a direct challenge to the Biden regime’s oppressive tactics. It’s a message to the deep state: Your time is up.
· WE PRAYED FOR THIS—AND GOD DELIVERED TRUMP! “God is good!” For years, we prayed for a leader who would stand up to the corrupt establishment. Trump’s decision to pardon January 6 patriots is proof that God’s hand is guiding this nation.
· CRITICS PANIC AS TRUMP RISES: The usual crowd of haters and leftists are losing their minds, calling Trump’s promise “reckless.” They’re scared. They know Trump is back, and they know he’s unstoppable.
· THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT: TRUMP WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN—AGAIN! Trump’s promise to pardon January 6 patriots is just the beginning of his plan to restore justice, freedom, and the rule of law in America. The swamp is trembling, the elites are panicking, and the deep state is on notice. Trump is back. America is back. And the best is yet to come.
O. Covid/Vax/Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride, Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:
· Mon. 6 Jan. 2025 ALERT!!! High-Security U.S. Bio-Labs Breached: Deadly Viruses Vanish, Military Deployed in Desperate Search for Missing Pathogens Amid Biosecurity Fallout! …Tucker Carlson on Telegram
· Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025 GLOBAL BOMBSHELL: Respected Attorney Mike Yoder lays out this Smoking Gun information: NIH Documents Prove COVID-19 Was Weaponized In a Lab & released on the World to establish a planetary Medical Dictatorship run by the UN/WHO. …Alex Jones
P. Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025 Bombshell Report: The House COVID Committee Exposes a Pandemic of Lies and Incompetence Buckle up, America. …
· The House COVID Committee has released its final report after two years of investigation, and it’s a devastating indictment of the pandemic response. From taxpayer-funded lab experiments to unconstitutional lockdowns, catastrophic mismanagement, and outright fraud, this report exposes the truth they didn’t want you to see.
· Your Tax Dollars Funded Wuhan’s Gain-of-Function Research The NIH, under Dr. Anthony Fauci, funded dangerous gain-of-function experiments at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. This wasn’t a conspiracy theory—it’s fact. U.S. taxpayer money helped supercharge viruses through shady grants funneled to Wuhan by EcoHealth Alliance, led by Dr. Peter Daszak.
· The report makes it clear: this negligence cannot go unpunished. The Committee calls for permanent bans on EcoHealth Alliance and Daszak from receiving taxpayer funds.
· Heads must roll. Constitution Shredded: Lockdowns and Mandates Crossed the Line During the pandemic, governors and bureaucrats used fear to impose unconstitutional lockdowns and mandates. Americans were stripped of their freedoms, churches were closed, and livelihoods destroyed—all in the name of “safety.”
· The report is blunt: this was an authoritarian power grab. The Constitution doesn’t vanish in a crisis. These actions were a betrayal of American values, and we must ensure it never happens again.
· COVID’s Origin: Lab Leak No Longer a Theory After years of lies and suppression, the report confirms what many suspected: COVID-19 likely leaked from the Wuhan lab.
· The media, Big Tech, and public health officials worked together to smear anyone who questioned the narrative. The truth is out, and it demands justice.
· Lockdowns: A Catastrophic Failure The report eviscerates the decision to impose lockdowns, calling them a disaster. Small businesses were destroyed, mental health crises exploded, and children’s education suffered irreparable damage.
· The cure was worse than the disease. Never again should such draconian measures be used.
· Fraud and Abuse: COVID Relief Stolen Billions intended for struggling Americans were siphoned off by criminals. The report exposes widespread fraud in relief programs, from unemployment scams to fraudulent business loans.
· Where’s the accountability? The American people demand justice.
· Final Judgment: Never Again
· The report sends a clear message: this was a pandemic of lies, incompetence, and corruption. The American people suffered while bureaucrats and grifters thrived.
Q. In December 2024, the United States was in the grip of a bio-security crisis of unimaginable proportions.
· Multiple high-security bio-labs across the country have reported missing samples of some of the deadliest viruses known to humanity, including genetically engineered anthrax, hemorrhagic viruses, and modified Corona Viruses.
· This is not a simple breach; it’s a catastrophic failure. Military forces have been deployed to secure compromised facilities and track down these missing pathogens, which could redefine global security.
· Insiders reveal that the breaches may involve rogue scientists or external actors connected to bio-terror networks. Military task forces, including biohazard containment units, have been deployed to recover the pathogens, but the scenes are chaotic.
R. Thurs. 9 Jan. ALERT! Mass Medical Fraud Exposed: Doctors and Hospitals Get Paid More If They Make You Sicker – Big Pharma’s Deadly Agenda Is Killing Millions and Turning Healthcare Into Death Camps! …Wikileaks Secrets on Telegram
· The corruption in America’s healthcare system is far deeper than mere inefficiency—it’s a calculated assault on our well-being, designed by a shadowy cabal of elites to profit from our suffering. Hospitals and doctors, swayed by massive payouts, are turning into agents of harm rather than healing. The Global Elites’ Plan: Turning Health Into a Commodity reveals that these “care” providers are mere cogs in a vast machine, churning out sickness for profit.
· The true menace lies in the vaccines and drugs pushed by these institutions—purposely engineered to debilitate us. The Hidden Hand of Population Control shows that these interventions are part of a broader scheme to manipulate life spans and fertility, with tech giants amplifying the threat by harvesting our data to tighten their grip over our health decisions.
· The Insurance Cartel: Funding the Fraud underscores that insurers are not guardians of health but facilitators of this fraud, rewarding those who toe the line with bonuses while penalizing the advocates of natural, holistic treatments. Hospitals as Death Camps are stark representations of this reality, where experimental drugs and wrongful practices transform spaces of healing into zones of horror, all demonstrated vividly during the COVID-19 crisis.
· Government agencies like the FDA and CDC have abandoned their watchdog roles, becoming enablers of Big Pharma by sidelining effective, inexpensive treatments in favor of costly, harmful alternatives. The Education Scam: Indoctrinating Future Doctors points to a chilling future where doctors are molded into profit-driven operatives, schooled in symptom management rather than true healing.
· Media Silence: The Complicity of the Fourth Estate reveals the media’s role in this corruption, muzzling truth-tellers and whistleblowers to maintain the status quo, while the looming threat of Digital Health IDs and Total Control envisages a future where our health, and indeed our very identities, are held hostage in a digital stranglehold.
· The time for action is now. We must dismantle this corrupt system, embrace alternative treatments, and reclaim our health sovereignty. The war on our health is a war on our freedom, and it is a war we cannot afford to lose.
S. Wed. 8 Jan. 2025 CONFIRMED! Trump Ready to ‘Load Up GITMO’ on January 20: Military Alliance Waits for Him, Deep State Using Anything in Their Power to Release Elite Prisoners, Even Targeting Military Alliance Families! …Gitmo TV
· Joe Biden’s release of 11 Islamist terrorists from Guantanamo Bay unveils a sinister plot by the Deep State to undermine the military alliance that transformed GITMO into a fortress of justice.
· GITMO: A Fortress of Justice Guantanamo Bay is now the battleground against elites who have manipulated global events and committed crimes against humanity. Managed by a military alliance, GITMO stands as a beacon of accountability, holding corrupt politicians and corporate moguls.
· The Deep State’s Desperation The Deep State, in panic, is resorting to extraordinary measures to free their globalist assets locked away in GITMO. Their tactics have escalated to threatening military alliance members’ families, showing their readiness to sacrifice innocence to protect their elite puppeteers.
· Outrageous Tactics: Targeting Families Reports have emerged of the Deep State targeting the families of alliance members, attempting abductions to force the release of their high-value assets. These despicable acts are strategic, aimed at breaking the will of those guarding the gateway to justice.
· GITMO Under Military Alliance: The Elite’s Nightmare Under the alliance’s control, GITMO has evolved into the central hub for dismantling the globalist agenda. Here, the most sinister figures face interrogation and await their inevitable prosecution, as the facility gears up to expand under Trump’s expected leadership.
· Waiting for Trump: GITMO’s Full Potential Trump’s return is seen as the key to unleashing GITMO’s full potential, aiming to expose and eradicate the corrupt power structures of the globalist elites. With plans to broaden GITMO’s capacity, the military alliance anticipates a significant round-up of elites upon his reinstatement.
· The Deep State’s Fear: Exposure and Collapse Inside GITMO’s walls lie secrets that could demolish the Deep State — evidence of worldwide human trafficking networks and financial schemes designed to empower the globalist elite at the expense of nations. Each day brings the alliance closer to laying bare these truths.
· The Deep State’s Strategy: Sabotage and Misdirection The Deep State’s release of terrorists is a calculated move to undermine GITMO’s stability and shift focus from their crumbling empire. They aim to discredit the military alliance’s effectiveness and dismantle the last stand of resistance against their freedom.
· The Final Stand: America’s Fight for Justice GITMO stands as America’s frontline in the fight for the future, embodying the struggle against the globalist agenda. The military alliance holds firm, ready to defend justice and truth, with the public’s awakening serving as a beacon of hope.
· The elites’ time is dwindling, and with Trump’s looming return, their desperate plots only hasten their downfall. The battle for America’s soul is far from over, but the tide is turning, ensuring that justice will prevail.
T. Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025 Leaked Bombshell: Soros Behind 40% of Murders in the U.S., Global Trafficking Rings, and Total Takeover of America’s Justice System! …Melania Trump on Telegram
· The Soros Agenda Unveiled: Forty percent of murders in America now occur under Soros-backed prosecutors. This devastating statistic is just the surface of a deep, dark plan to dismantle the United States from within. Soros is not just influencing justice; he’s orchestrating a full-scale revolution against American sovereignty.
· Soros and the Shadow Courts: Inside the justice system, “shadow courts” operate outside constitutional bounds, making decisions that cement the elites’ control, not uphold justice. These courts, supported by Soros’s funds, target political dissidents and enforce a globalist agenda under the guise of legal proceedings.
· The Financial Web of Global Trafficking: Links between Soros-funded prosecutors and global trafficking networks are now undeniable. Investigations reveal that these networks, under the guise of legal entities, facilitate crimes ranging from human trafficking to drug trade, thriving under the protection of Soros’s judicial puppets.
· Weaponizing Urban Decay: Soros-controlled districts are sinking into chaos, with rising murder rates and unchecked drug epidemics. This chaos is strategic, fostering dependency on state-controlled resources in “smart cities,” where traditional freedoms are replaced by digital surveillance and centralized control.
· The Deep State Alliance: Soros’s operations align with deep-state actors across government agencies and the media, forming a tight-knit alliance that suppresses dissent and manipulates public perception. Leaks from intelligence operatives reveal regular coordination to protect Soros’s agenda and maintain his untouchable status.
· Soros’ Role in the Global Reset: Beyond national destruction, Soros aims to redesign the global order—erasing borders, abolishing private property, and sacrificing individual freedoms for a collectivist, controlled world. His network of prosecutors and political influencers is crucial to this dystopian vision.
· Media Complicity and Information Warfare: The mainstream media, funded and manipulated by Soros, acts as a propaganda machine while social media platforms censor any dissenting views. This coordinated effort ensures that the public remains unaware of the true scale and implications of Soros’s actions.
· Undermining Sovereignty via International Law: Soros exploits international law to diminish American sovereignty, pushing the U.S. under the governance of global entities like the UN, which override constitutional protections.
· A Call to Action: This is a critical moment for America. The extensive evidence of Soros’s influence demands a unified response to preserve national sovereignty and individual freedoms. Exposing the truth and demanding accountability is not just necessary—it’s imperative for the survival of American principles.
U. Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025 BREAKING: Worldwide Raids Uncover DUMBs’ Horrors—Thousands Rescued from Elite’s Underground Atrocities as Global Alliance Closes In! …Mr. Pool Official on Telegram
· A seismic shift is underway as the Global Military Alliance intensifies its assault on Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs), dismantling these elite strongholds and exposing unspeakable crimes hidden beneath the surface. Since January 7, 2025, the world has been witnessing a coordinated effort to liberate victims and bring perpetrators to justice.
· Rescue Missions Unfold Worldwide: Across continents, over 3,000 victims have been freed from these concealed bases, thanks to operations spanning North America, Europe, and Asia. Advanced technologies like Elon Musk’s Starlink network are being employed for pinpoint precision in locating these facilities and ensuring rapid rescue responses.
· Unimaginable Discoveries:
– Berlin, Germany: A sprawling DUMB beneath the Reichstag was revealed to house over 500 children subjected to gruesome medical experiments.
– São Paulo, Brazil: A trafficking hub concealed within the city held over 700 victims in conditions designed for breeding and experimentation.
– Denver, USA: Beneath Denver International Airport, a massive underground complex held over 1,200 individuals subjected to trafficking and horrifying “AI-human integration experiments.”
· The Role of AI in DUMB Operations: Advanced AI systems are shockingly being used to manage trafficking operations, monitor victims, and enforce compliance through biometric punishments. These technological horrors underscore the lengths to which the deep state has gone to maintain control over its clandestine empire.
· Starlink’s Crucial Role: Starlink’s real-time surveillance capabilities have been a game-changer in these operations, allowing precise targeting of DUMBs and uninterrupted communication despite attempts by the deep state to disrupt efforts with EMPs. The satellite network ensures a level of transparency and efficiency that has left the perpetrators vulnerable.
· Emerging Evidence of Ritual Sites and Cloning Labs:
– Washington D.C.: Ritual abuse sites uncovered beneath the Capitol have linked prominent officials to chilling acts of inhumanity.
– Zurich, Switzerland: A clandestine cloning facility designed to replace world leaders with controllable replicas was exposed, revealing horrific experiments on unwilling victims.
· Global Military Alliance Steps Up:
· Specialized forces equipped for underground combat are leading these efforts, not only rescuing victims but also providing humanitarian aid and apprehending high-profile individuals tied to these crimes. Former officials and corporate executives are among those facing imminent justice.
· Imminent Global Broadcast: The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), powered by Starlink, is preparing to release undeniable evidence of these atrocities. Live testimonies, footage from inside the DUMBs, and comprehensive accounts of the crimes will soon reach every corner of the globe, breaking through media suppression and unveiling the full truth.
· A New Dawn Approaches: The battle against these underground horrors is nearing its apex. With each raid, the reign of terror orchestrated by the deep state crumbles further. The world stands on the brink of a new era—one of justice, transparency, and freedom from the shadows of elite control. The reckoning is here, and humanity’s liberation is within reach.
V. Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025 Ritual Killing of Kings: The Ancient Practice That May Explain the Tragic Fate of the Kennedys and Why Modern Elites Fear It! …Melania Trump on Telegram
· Behind the scenes, lurking in the forgotten corners of history, tales of power and manipulation lay entangled in society’s roots. They resonate with distant memories that echo throughout time, from an era that shuns oblivion to a future not yet scripted.
· President John F. Kennedy once boldly stood before the American Newspaper Publishers Association, affirming that secrecy was the enemy of an open society. He cautioned against the insidious nature of covert organizations and the peril of undisclosed actions. And as if fate were listening closely, Dallas, 1963, became the setting for a tragic play that still puzzles and agitates minds.
· With evidence hinting at a sinister collaboration involving the CIA, organized crime, and even the echelons of the U.S. government, many believe President Kennedy’s end wasn’t the act of just one man.
· In an eerily familiar twist, Robert Kennedy too found himself in the crosshairs. The younger Kennedy, burdened with the legacy of his elder brother, felt the ominous threat even before the shots rang out in the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. Again, eyes turned, and fingers pointed to another solitary actor.
· Yet, isn’t it peculiar how two leaders, akin to legendary kings of yore, met their tragic ends in such similar circumstances? With few daring to probe into the depths of the CIA’s actions, one can’t help but ponder the role of a broader, darker game at play.
· Adding another layer of intrigue is John F. Kennedy Jr.’s untimely demise in a plane crash mere months before he could potentially challenge Hillary Clinton for a Senate seat. With declassified files now suggesting Lee Harvey Oswald’s ties to the CIA, one can only wonder at the intricate webs woven behind closed doors.
· But the shadows didn’t just play with political strings. In 2003, a classified CIA document titled “Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process” made its way to the public. Describing a method to synchronize the brain’s hemispheres through audio frequencies, it painted a scientific roadmap to humanity’s spiritual zenith—a capability that could hold the key to breaking chains of division.
· If one delves deeper, this interconnected world we live in is nothing but a sophisticated mesh of frequencies, a holographic illusion. The assertion that our very consciousness crafts our bodily existence, rather than the other way around, implies an intrinsic power within us. A power that, some might say, certain forces would prefer remained dormant.
· For if we truly grasped the notion that the tangible world is mere energy, and that time simply marks shifts within this energy, would we not view our very existence differently? And herein lies the crux. By suppressing this wisdom, puppeteers can tamper with our subconscious, directing our perception of reality.
· Yet, hope isn’t lost. As we teeter on the brink of tomorrow, the Kennedy legacy, the covert dealings of the CIA, and the profound knowledge of our being intertwine in a narrative that holds lessons for humanity. The passion of John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy’s audacity, and the latent power within us all beckons.
· A clarion call emerges from the annals of history, urging us to challenge the darkness with the luminescence of truth. As Robert Kennedy beautifully articulated, every act against injustice, however small, sends out waves of hope.
· Now, more than ever, the time is ripe for illumination. For the hidden to be exposed. For power to be restored to its rightful owners. Indeed, one chapter has ended, but a grander saga beckons. The onus is upon us. The journey, intense and revelatory, has only just commenced.
W. Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025 California Homeless Money Laundering. …Wall Street Apes on Telegram
This is BIG: California money being spent to fight homelessness is being sent to a shell company headquartered in the Cayman Islands. “I just discovered a massive money laundering scheme in California, and it has to do with this, homelessness”
– Multiple Large San Diego public housing projects tracked back to one company
– Property values that are being paid make no sense. They’re purchasing properties that just a few years ago were valued at $3 million, buying them today for $68 million+
– The investment group doing the buying is Chelsea Investment Group, an investment fund that is based in the Cayman Islands
– Their HQ in California is a shell company created by Chelsea Investment Group
– They’re buying these ASTRONOMICALLY overpriced properties from ‘The Housing Authority of San Diego’
– ‘The Housing Authority of San Diego’ is not a bank but its acting as one, inflating prices by $60 million+ and running the money to the Cayman Islands
“Tell me this doesn’t look like money laundering”
. The Old Real News That Never Made The Fake News:
X. Native Hawaiian DEW Victims of Maui Hawaii
- The Deep State Cabal wanted to make the Native Hawaiian Capitol of Lahaina into a SMART city, so on August 8, 2023 at 6:37 a.m Chinese Communist Party NORAD 555836 Direct Energy Weapon Lazers burned Lahaina Maui to the ground.
- The resulting fires were the most devastating mass casualty events in the Hawaii State history: 2,700+ Structures destroyed; 97 confirmed dead; 1,000+ still missing/ unconfirmed deceased; 4,000+ people originally dislocated, 3,100 still displaced over a year later.
- Every day since the Kingdom of AKUA Foundation Native Hawaiian Volunteers have been supplying three meals a day and support to their now 3,100 still-displaced fellow victims. The Deep State Cabal Red Cross has cut funding for those victims.
- Donations were still needed, but the AKUA Foundation Website has been compromised and cannot accept monies until things are straightened out.
Y. Tim Ballard has worked undercover in the US and multiple foreign countries to infiltrate child trafficking organizations. In this effort, he has successfully dismantled dozens of these organizations and rescued countless children from sex slavery. Today in Sept 2024 Tim continues to dismantle child trafficking rings and save children in South America. With his own organization embedded in governments all over the world, he is literally saving the World’s Children. Just as a film about Ballard’s work, “Sound of Freedom,” was released, Tim suddenly became embroiled in a number of law suits. Powerful entities within the government appeared to be working to discredit and take him down, perhaps to silence his anti-trafficking work. Tim is a true hero and his wife and nine children continually support and pray for him. If you would like to support Ballard’s unjust persecution, contribute here: Ballard Family Defense Fund on GiveSendGo Here;
Z. “Ken and Barbie vs. Goliath IRS”: Ken Cromar presently sits in jail having been found guilty of living in his own fully owned home and after proving in a Federal Tax Court that he owed no monies to the IRS. Despite the ruling in Cromar’s favor, the IRS sold his home at auction and threw away all his possessions including expensive camera equipment he used to make a living. He was arrested almost a year ago and has been sitting in jail without the ability to file an appeal because he won’t be sentenced until 20 Dec. 2024.
· Ken really appreciates receiving encouraging messages in postcards. White, pre-stamped postcards with your name and complete return address hand-written is the only thing accepted at the jail. Paul Cromar #567164 Davis County Jail P.O. Box 130 Farmington, UT 84025-0130 Donations for commissary and other needs can be made at: https://www.
ZZ. All Tom Fairbanks did was to spend much of his life gathering evidence on the Ritual Abuse of children in Utah. In early March 2024 he was arrested and placed in the Utah Weber County Jail. For what? The real reason for attacks on Tom appeared to be that the Powers That Be couldn’t afford to have someone with Tom’s very valid evidence of SRA cases to be running around unchecked. Fairbanks’ problems began when he decided to take his evidence of Satanic Ritual Abuse of children to share with Utah governmental powers. No sooner had he done so when a tsunami of problems began to plague his life including being poisoned and suffering years of court battles on made up cases.
ZZZ. Judy Note: HOME | Judy Byington (
Jenny Hill and I spent 20 years writing her biography, “22 Faces” to expose our own CIA’s horrendous Mind Control Programming based in torture, rape and child sacrifice that was so rampant in our Global Society.
v=F626Lsrdwg4 “22 Faces” explains how childhood torture separates a young developing brain’s thinking patterns into multiple personalities that then allowed perpetrators to control their victims throughout their lives.
When the first edition of “22 Faces” was released the biography was immediately brutally attacked by the very pedophiles who, in their worship of Satan, regularly raped, tortured and killed children in exchange for their own sick definition of power and glory.
Through these Satanist’s negative comments and one star reviews of “22 Faces” on Amazon, the pedophiles were effective in plunging book ratings.
“22 Faces” was now re-published and it wouldn’t be a surprise to find those same perpetrators organizing another attack on the book – all designed to cover up their own crimes and make people believe that the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children does not exist among us – in our own neighborhoods – right next door.
It would be most appreciated if you could go into Amazon and give the biography a review and rating, plus ask your friends and family to do likewise.
The more we can expose those Satan worshipping perpetrators who perform Satanic Ritual Abuse on our children, the more innocents can be saved from what Jenny and so many others had to endure.
If you would like more information or order “22 Faces” please visit our website: HOME | Judy Byington (
ZZZZ. ***SCAM Alerts:
Watch out for: Anyone advertising they will reimburse you for the TRB Trump Products, or set you up on a Quantum Account asking for money to do it. (They use fake accounts and AI to make you think you are dealing with Trump, Tucker Carlson, etc.) Also watch out for the HSBC Quantum Token/Bitcoin Scam, the TRB Trump Products Scam, the Dave XRPLion Impersonator Scam, the Ezra A. Cohen-Watnick Impersonator Fake QFS Accounts Scam and any other website that asks that you give them your personal identification to register for a QFS Account and/or receive a pay out on TRB products.
DO NOT exchange currency or Zim Bonds anywhere but at a licensed Redemption Center where you will get the highest rates possible.
Upon implementation of the Global Currency Reset the Cabal will be losing their money supply and they are hot and heavy to SCAM anyone in any way they can.
The HSBC Quantum Scam: They claim they’ve successfully applied “quantum technology” to buy and sell tokenized physical gold. The trick is when you buy the tokens or Bitcoin they keep the gold and have complete control over your bank account.
Report your Scam experience to:
Victims of the TRB Scam, Ezra A. Cohen-Watnick Impersonator Fake QFS Accounts Scam and/or the Dave XRPLion Impersonator Scam are urged to type up their experiences including products bought and monies paid out, plus your contact information. Sign four notarize copies of your complaint, keep one, and give the other three notarized copies to:
1. Present a notarized copy of your TRB complaint to your local law enforcement and ask they open an investigation. Write down your complaint number and include it in your information sent to Alan Garten and the US Inspector General of the Air Force.
2. Alan Garten, General Counsel to the Trump Organization so they can refer such on to their FBI, Secret Service and New York PD investigations. The Trump Organization 725 Fifth Avenue, 26th Fl. New York NY 10022-2519 United States.
3. Inspector General of the Air Force’s Office, so our Spec Ops people can pay a call on such criminals. Email:
Victims of International Crime: Trial International is a non-governmental organization fighting impunity for international crimes and supporting victims in their quest for justice. Who We Are – TRIAL International Contact TRIAL International Email: General Questions: https://trialinternational.
Phone: Call +41 22 321 61 10 Postal Address: Rue de Lyon 95, 1203, Geneva, Switzerland.
Online Contact Form: Fill out the contact form on their website to address specific queries directly at TRIAL International Contact Form. Social Media: Connect with them on social platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
ZZZZZ. Must Watch Videos:
· Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of January 9, 2025 – The US Military News
· Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: From Maui to North Carolina to Malibu: Disaster for Profit. The Same Script, Same Villains, Same FEMA. . . – – American Media Group
· Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025 Situation Update: Byington Bombshell Report: From Maui to North Carolina to Malibu: Disaster for Profit | Politics | Before It’s News
Updates For the Week Prior:
Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: From Maui to North Carolina to Malibu: Disaster for Profit. The Same Script, Same Villains, Same FEMA. . . – – American Media Group
Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of January 9, 2025 – The US Military News
Thurs. 9 Jan. 2025 Situation Update: Byington Bombshell Report: From Maui to North Carolina to Malibu: Disaster for Profit | Politics | Before It’s News
Restored Republic via a GCR as of January 9, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official (NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF THURSDAY 9 JANUARY 2025 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION)
Wed. 8 Jan. 2025 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: Trump Set To Liberate Canada, Greenland. Just As He’s Liberating America. Canadian PM Trudeau Has Resigned… – – American Media Group
Wed. 8 Jan. 2025 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 8, 2025 – The US Military News
Wed. 8 Jan. 2025 Situation Update: Byington Bombshell Report: Trump to Liberate Canada, Buy Greenland, Take Down International Pedo Ring, Pedo Hollywood on Fire | Politics | Before It’s News
Restored Republic via a GCR as of January 8, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official
Tues. 7 Jan. 2025 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP: Gitmo detainees, Bird Flu psyop, Greenland, Poison fog, drones, Gates.
Tues. 7 Jan. 2025 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: Notice To Patriots…Donald J. Trump on Sat. 4 Jan. 2025!Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 7 Jan. 2025 – – American Media Group
Tues. 7 Jan. 2025 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of January 7, 2025 – The US Military News
Tues. 7 Jan. 2025 Situation Update: Byington Bombshell Report: US Inc. Dissolved, Constitutional Law in Effect, Global Currency Reset Activated | Politics | Before It’s News
Restored Republic via a GCR as of January 7, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official
Mon. 6 Jan. 2025 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP Trump certified, Trudeau resigns, DC lockdown, bomb threats, thousands of troops.
Mon. 6 Jan. 2025 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: Washington D.C. On Lockdown with Fences, 11, 800 National Guard. General Flynn Recommending a Private Inauguration For Trump’s Safety… – – American Media Group
Mon. 6 Jan. 2025 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of January 6, 2025 – The US Military News
Mon. 6 Jan. 2025 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Washington D.C. On Lockdown with Fences, 11, 800 National Guard. Gen. Flynn Recommending a Private Inauguration For Trump’s Safety. Special Intel Report 1/6/25 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News
Restored Republic via a GCR as of January 6, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official (NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF MONDAY 6 JANUARY 2025 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION)
Sun. 5 Jan. 2025 Situation Report (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of January 5, 2025 – The US Military News
Sun. 5 Jan. 2025 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: Global Currency Reset. Mon. 6 Jan. 2025 – Largest Transfer of Wealth in Human History… – – American Media Group
Sun. 5 Jan. 2024 Situation Report: Byington Bombshell Report: Update Sun. 5 Jan. GCR Mon. 6 Jan. means Trump Inaugurated To President of American Restored Republic? | Politics | Before It’s News
Restored Republic via a GCR as of January 5, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official (NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF SUNDAY 5 JANUARY 2025 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION)
Sat. 4 Jan. 2025 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: Commander-in-Chief Trump Leads. US Corporation Dissolved. Maritime Law Dead. Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 4 Jan. 2025 – – American Media Group
Sat. 4 Jan. 2025 Situation Update: Byington Bombshell Report: Update Sat. 4 Jan Trump Leads, US Corp. Dissolved, Maritime Law Dead, GCR Activates | Politics | Before It’s News
Sat. 4 Jan. 2025 Situation Update: Restored Republic via a GCR as of January 4, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official
Fri. 3 Jan. 2025 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of January 3, 2025 – The US Military News
Fri. 3 Jan. 2025 Situation Update: Byington Bombshell Report: Update as of Fri. 3 Jan. 2025 It’s BQQQM Time! Prepare for Blackouts and War Games | Politics | Before It’s News
Thurs. 2 Jan. 2025 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: On New Year’s Eve, lightning struck the Empire State Building, US Capitol, One World Trade Center & Washington Monument. . . – – American Media Group
Thurs. 2 Jan. 2025 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 2, 2025 – The US Military News
Thurs. 2 Jan. 2025 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Over 200,000 Military Troops Mobilized for 10 Days of Truth, Global Arrests, Deep State Exposure & Global Currency Reset’s Wealth Transfer. Special Intel Report 1/2/25 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News
Thurs. 2 Jan. 2025 Situation Update: Byington Bombshell Report: Update as of Thurs. 2 Jan. 2025 Deep State Goes Down as GCR, GESARA Implimented | Politics | Before It’s News
Restored Republic via a GCR as of January 2, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official (NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF THURSDAY 2 JANUARY 2025 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION)
Wed. 1 Jan. 2025 Situation Update: Special Edition Judy Byington: Happy New Year!!! God Is About To Open Your Door To A Marvelous Future. The Waiting Wasn’t a Delay, It Was a Preparation. . . – – American Media Group
Wed. 1 Jan. 2025 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 1, 2025 – The US Military News
Wed. 1 Jan. 2025 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of January 1, 2025 | Blogging/Citizen Journalism | Before It’s News
Wed. 1 Jan. 2024: Restored Republic via a GCR as of January 1, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official
Wed. 1 Jan. 2024: Byington Bombshell Report: Restored Republic via a GCR: Biden & Congress Fraudulently Elected – Prepare For Global Shutdown | Politics | Before It’s News
Microsoft is blocking access to Dinar Chronicals
De cabal is dus niet te verslaan begrijp ik.
En de rest van al die voorspellingen zullen ook wel langzaam uitdoven./
WEF is dus machtiger en niet te verslaan door trump
Het Neurenberg tribunaal hoor je ook niets meer over.
Het blijft gewoon bij het oude en zal nog wel erger worden ben ik bang
Jammer die geweldige verhalen die langzaam uitdoven.
En Claus is dus nog steeds onder de levenden
Trust that this is going the right way.
The turningpoint happened in 2010, we avoided total annihilation of planet Earth, we were enough starseeds.
Claus is dead, probably has a clone.
Nethanyahu, Zelenskyj were both executed in 2023, they have clones.
Even Christ is here now overseeing the whole transition as He prepared us for in His Letters to Humanity 2001-2014: