BOOOM!!! Will The REAL Joe Biden Impersonators Please Stand Up? As A ‘Grand Delusion’ Is Played On Americans, When ‘Biden Body Doubles’ Speak, Barack Obama Is Telling Them What To Say
Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!
Over the past decade+, we’ve all learned that whenever the mainstream media ‘piles on’ a certain ‘crazy conspiracy theory’ in attempts to ‘debunk it,’ that ‘conspiracy theory’ is generally eventually proven to be ‘true,’ such as the ‘crazy conspiracy theory’ that COVID-19 had ‘leaked from a lab in Wuhan,’ labeled by the MSM a ‘conspiracy theory’ up until days ago when they finally admitted that was the most likely probability.
ANP had reported that all the way back in February of 2020 after interviewing bioweapons expert Dr. Francis Boyle, who drafted the legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention, known as the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 that was approved unanimously by both Houses of the US Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush, and who warned us back then what we’d been witnessing was nothing less than ‘Nazi Death Science Biological Warfare Work’ going on, payed for by the American taxpayer. So why’d it take the MSM so long to admit what the independent news knew years ago?
So considering that, and all of the other ‘conspiracy theories’ being proven true, we’ve absolutely got to take a look at another such ‘conspiracy theory’ considering the alarming implications of what it means to America and the world of it possibly being true, especially considering the fact that the MSM has been going ‘all in’ attempting to ‘debunk it’ for nearly 2+ years now, despite the fact that very few people have even been bringing up the possibility.
While Steve Rotter over at Rotter News brought up this ‘theory’ back on March 2nd of 2021 in this story titled “Biden Clones – Actor With A Mask,” a story within which it was reported that many people have reported the skin on Biden’s face and forehead are sometimes ‘too tight,’ at times, along with other ‘oddities,’ are we now witnessing a ‘grand charade’ being pulled upon the American people, a series of ‘fake’ Joe Biden’s PRETENDING to be America’s ‘Commander in Chief,’ pulling the ultimate wool over the American people’s eyes?
Before you write such an alarming possibility off, check out all of these MSM stories attempting to ‘debunk’ that theory from over the past two+ years alone, dating back to Snopes in 2020.
From Snopes, originally published on December 17th of 2020 and updated on January 9th of 2023: “Does Joe Biden Have a Body Double? The answer is supposedly in the earlobes.”
From Politifact, published September 7th of 2022: “No, this video doesn’t prove Biden has a body double.”
From CNN, published August 14th of 2022: “The same Joe Biden suddenly looks different.”
From Vice, published July 29th of 2022: “Is Joe Biden Dead, Replaced by 10 Different Deepfake Body Doubles? An Investigation.”
From Newsweek, published July 28th of 2022: “Joe Biden’s Eyes in Video Spark Wild Conspiracy Theories.”
From BBC, also published July 28th of 2022: “False claims of ‘deepfake’ President Biden go viral.”
From Reuters, published on March 22nd of 2021: “Fact Check-Misleading meme features a digitally flipped image of Biden and a pixelated still grab.”
From The Independent, published on March 1st of 2021: “QAnon believers apparently think Joe Biden is a robot with a malfunctioning mouth.”
So why so many different stories from the MSM attempting to debunk what many would call a ‘crazy conspiracy theory,’ that there are NUMEROUS ‘Joe Biden’s’ floating around America? It’s long been warned, “Where there is smoke, there is fire,” and in 2023 there is definitely a lot of ‘smoke’ to be seen!
With America and the world now going through a time of great deceit and ‘grand delusion,’ with warnings of an even greater ‘delusion’ on the way as reported in this recent story over at Skywatch TV warning of ‘Project Bluebeam’ and even the MSM and ‘new agers’ talking about ‘aliens’ and ‘UFOs,’ while Zero Hedge warned in this story just a week ago that according to the inventor of ChatGPT, ‘scarily humanlike AI’ is dead ahead, is it really out of the realm of possibility that the ‘Joe Biden’ that America is witnessing from one day to the next may be ‘deep state actors,’ or even ‘AI?’
With ‘one’ Joe Biden making it a habit of falling up the stairs, or toppling off of his bicycle, or mumbling and bumbling his words and sentences so badly, one would need an interpreter to understand what he is saying, while ‘other’ Joe Biden’s not only look differently but act and behave differently, too, we’ll be taking a pictorial journey through the rest of this story, taking a look at what some people believe to be a ‘series’ of ‘different’ Joe Biden’s, as if the globalists are running the ‘grandest delusion’ upon the American people.
As Steve Quayle had mentioned in an SQnote while linking to this Daily Mail story from a few days ago titled “Biden arrives in Warsaw where Poland has a message for Americans with doubts: Back Ukraine or risk a new Russian global conflict as China weighs sending support to Moscow,” that particular Biden is ‘the dupe,’ not the real one, with this dupe being too young and having different facial features.
What is Ear Biometrics
One thing that will never change on a person are the ears, as they are used as identification purposes, much like fingerprints.
Ears are remarkably consistent. Unlike faces, ears do not change shape with different expressions or age.
Ears remain fixed in the middle of the side of the head against a predictable background that never changes.
We won’t get into the details of ear biometrics; what I’m going to show you is far easier to see.
Biden Clones – Look at Biden’s Ears
ALSO: Bet You Can’t Tell Which Is the REAL Joe Biden!
In the following images you will see one Biden clone having hanging ear lobes, while another Biden clone has attached ear lobes.
People don’t go from having hanging ear lobes to attached ear lobes.
Interestingly, photos with the Biden clone having attached ear lobes were found after the Presidential Election of 2020.
Young Biden and older Biden have hanging ear lobes, but Biden clones or someone playing Biden has attached ear lobes.

More of the ‘confused’ Joe Biden seen above. Note the earlobes!
And with this previously mentioned Vice Motherboard story from July 20th of 2022 actually taking this bizarre ‘conspiracy theory’ to the extreme, not only asking if the ‘real’ Joe Biden was dead but if he was being replaced by up to 10 different ‘body doubles,’ the mere fact alone that SO MANY different ‘controlled’ media outlets are attempting to ‘debunk’ this ‘theory,’ and going to such extremes, speaks volumes.
With an actor named Kevin Dalton actually PLAYING Joe Biden at various parties and public events as seen in the image of Dalton below, just imagine what ‘Hollywood’ make up people, or the CIA for that matter, could do to someone they REALLY needed to make ‘pass’ for Biden, to fool the American people!
So IF the person the American people see to be ‘Joe Biden’ REALLY IS being ‘played’ by numerous actors, or even AI, then the big question has to be, who is REALLY ‘pulling the strings’ here in America?
And as we’ve reported several different times over the years on ANP, as this December 28th of 2020 story at the pro-Democrat website EHS Today had reported, “Welcome to Barack Obama’s Third Term.” Reporting within it that Joe Biden’s administration would be bringing back many of the workplace policies of Barack Obama, we’d long warned that Obama wanted a ‘3rd term,’ and Joe Biden body doubles, to go along with 2020’s stolen election, absolutely allows them to accomplish that.
So with 2023 allowing the globalists to continue carrying out their ‘grand delusion’ upon a largely ‘dumbed down’ American population who fell for the never-ending lies and propaganda, and Ukraine apparently having a ‘body double’ for Zelensky as well as seen in the 4th video below, in the first video below we’re warned of the ‘scary AI’ that is being unveiled, allowing the globalists to carry out more and more ‘delusions’ upon the American people. While our videographers in both the 2nd and 3rd videos below take a look at the possibility of there being way more than just one ‘Joe Biden.’
So what do you think? Is there more than just one Joe Biden or is all of the mainstream media ‘piling on’ attempting to ‘debunk’ this ‘conspiracy theory’ just them wasting time? There are a lot more photographs of ‘people’ supposed to be ‘Joe Biden’ at the very bottom of this story.
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As for the very gay Kamal Aroush born in Libya, now aka, Kamala Harris, “she” is a man who adores pants suits and is married to another man, is the raw truth. There is nothing “feminine” about Kamal., whatsoever.
Dear Medeea,
You rock! Finally someone has the courage to write the deep down and very dirty TRUTH. That truth being…. that the real Joe is brain dead from natural causes @ Walter Reed Hospital for going on 3 yrs. now. His myriad of body doubles have taken over the US Presidency. I believe it is a major sin the way the US and international media are forbidden to even suggest that Joe may have a body double. God should forbid that the truth ever reach the American People and you are his TRUMPET call, who is making sure this info reaches us. God Bless you & your helpers, for all your tireless research and work.
Thank you for the words of encouragement! Your support is gratifying. May God always bless you, your family and your loved ones, Joanna!