BQQM! QAnon Is Running The House Of Representatives!
Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!
Dear Speaker of MAGA-QANON:
THE BLACK VAULT?!!! WHAT? Now wait, I thought it was just a CONSPIRACY THEORY!!

Won’t matter Schifty, you’ll be at GITMO! »»» United States of GITMO: Indictments, Arrests and Executions
He’s not the only one with one parked in his garage!
***I need one!!!
“America First”: $10,000 Trump Checks, a Handcrafted Golden Wallet, a Certificate of Authenticity, and the 24K Golden Trump Dollars. These golden notes are a powerful emblem of American freedom and patriotic pride!
The Q Team’s Takedown of the Cabal A to Z
The Q Team’s Takedown of the Cabal A to Z
This is your must-watch video for today. It will take time, but you’ll be glad you did. Thanks to the intel team for the share.
This takes the “MAGA Movie Fully Explained” that we recently shared, to new depths. See and hear exactly what President Trump and the Kew Team have been doing since inauguration behind the scenes.
See the symbolism, the clues we missed, and the miracles they have brought about. Learn what was done, how, and why it had to be done that way.
Read more HERE:
Born in 1959 quality of teachers are headed down so when I became ready to find a good job there really wasn’t much they were being shipped overseas. I did have an opportunity to go to work for south-central bell but both parents were already working there. I wanted to do something else, but we really didn’t know how bad the job situation was becoming I grew up a mile from United States steel, but you had to know someone to get on with US steel or the coal mines. The good paying jobs that you could raise a family and retire, with a pension, becoming far and few between I work mini jobs mostly manual labor, and I took a job cutting trees for Alabama power, a subcontractor and the pay was bottom of it the scale but I love the work, so I stayed in it and put 30 years and went to work on my cell lot of work I work for myself, so I can make some money but what I’m getting at these treasonous traitor’s. These politicians sold our country to China and other countries which let people like me out in the cold broke down at 50 so it will be my pleasure and I feel my duty to watch everyone of these treasonous traitor hung by the neck until they are dead. So remember, no mercy for these evil treasonous traitors to my country our country, and don’t forget to thank our President Donald, John Trump, and the men and women of our military that have removed the veil from the eyes of the American people and show us nearly all of our politicians and our law-enforcement agencies are traitors and we think our president and our military for standing up for the American people and standing up with United States of America. and may God continue to bless the United States of America. Please print come yet anyway thank you.
Born in 1959 quality of teachers are headed down so when I became ready to find a good job there really wasn’t much they were being shipped overseas. I did have an opportunity to go to work for south-central bell but both parents were already working there. I wanted to do something else, but we really didn’t know how bad the job situation was becoming I grew up a mile from United States steel, but you had to know someone to get on with US steel or the coal mines. The good paying jobs that you could raise a family and retire, with a pension, becoming far and few between I work mini jobs mostly manual labor, and I took a job cutting trees for Alabama power, a subcontractor and the pay was bottom of it the scale but I love the work, so I stayed in it and put 30 years and went to work on my cell lot of work I work for myself, so I can make some money but what I’m getting at these treasonous traitor’s. These politicians sold our country to China and other countries which let people like me out in the cold broke down at 50 so it will be my pleasure and I feel my duty to watch everyone of these treasonous traitor hung by the neck until they are dead. So remember, no mercy for these evil treasonous traitors to my country our country, and don’t forget to thank our President Donald, John Trump, and the men and women of our military that have removed the veil from the eyes of the American people and show us nearly all of our politicians and our law-enforcement agencies are traitors and we think our president and our military for standing up for the American people and standing up with United States of America. and may God continue to bless the United States of America.