BREAKING: Deadly Prion Diseases are Increasing and May be Transmissible Now, Thanks to COVID-19 Vaccines – Natural News
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Natural News: A rare, highly progressive neurodegenerative disease has become more prevalent after the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines. Prion diseases, which hollow out the brain and lead to rapid death, have increased over the last three years.
According to the medical literature, many new cases have occurred after the administration of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. Because prions rapidly destroy similar proteins types, the disease can be transmissible if an individual is exposed to organs or blood already affected by prions.
Cases of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease increase after COVID-19 vaccination
One of the main prion diseases is called Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). CJD was traditionally seen as an extremely rare neurological and degenerative disease, representing approximately 1 case per one million people. Traditionally, there are approximately 350 cases of sporadic CJD in the United States each year. CJD cases makeup 90 percent of all prion diseases.
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In April 2023, medical researchers documented a fatal case of CJD after the 68-year-old patient received a second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. Another case documented in September 2022 involved a 59-year-old man suspected of having CJD, who developed symptoms following multiple COVID-19 vaccinations. In a third researched case, a 68-year-old woman suffered rapid memory loss, behavior changes, headaches and gait disturbance a week after COVID-19 vaccination.
By June 7, 2022, the Vaccine Adverse Reporting System (VAERS) had captured 42 cases of CJD after vaccination. Sid Belzberg, an independent researcher, gathered an additional 60 reports of prion diseases after COVID vaccination on a website he’d set up to collect data on the neurological side effects of the jabs. These 60 cases came from a population of approximately 15,000 people who visited the site, suggesting an alarming trend.
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A 2021 paper by J. Bart Classen proposed that the spike protein in the mRNA vaccines could cause prion-like diseases, because it can bind to many known proteins and induce their misfolding into potential prions. The researchers found that the RNA sequence from the vaccine contains specific sequences that can induce TAR DNA binding protein (TDP-43) and Fused in Sarcoma (FUS) binding protein to tragically fold into their pathologic prion formations.
Further research concludes that the vaccine’s spike protein contains an S1 component that may function as an amyloid and eventually form toxic aggregates. This amyloid formation ultimately leads to neurodegeneration.
Researchers warn that COVID-19 vaccines cause prion formation and can essentially spread the disease
First defined in the 1920s, prion diseases were delineated into three categories: sporadic, inherited or acquired. Most cases (90 percent) are classified as sporadic. Initial symptoms include:
lack of coordination, problems with walking and balance; impaired thinking, memory and judgment; behavior changes; depression, mood swings and anxiety; confusion; insomnia, or changes in sleeping patterns; unusual sensations and changes in vision.
These symptoms ultimately lead to involuntary muscle jerks and severe mental deterioration and/or dementia.
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One of the faulty processes in the manufacture of the COVID-19 vaccine occurs during codon “optimization.” In the COVID-19 vaccines, when uracil is replaced with synthetic methylpseudouridine, a process called frameshifting occurs, leading to a glitch in the decoding. This glitch triggers the production of off-target aberrant proteins, or prions.
Researchers warn that these prion diseases may be transmissible now, through blood and organ transplants from individuals adversely affected by mRNA vaccines. These infectious prion conditions may go on to cause ALS, front temporal lobar degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological degenerative diseases.
A prion is essentially a “proteinaceous infectious particle.” These potentially infectious agents include a protein material that can fold in structurally distinct ways. One of the many ways it can fold actually enables it to transmit to other prion proteins – a method similar to a viral infection, but without the nucleic acids. Instead of replicating through DNA or RNA, prions have an uncanny ability to find and transfer their misfolded protein state to similar proteins.
This sets off a chain reaction that damages healthy proteins and causes rapid destruction of the individual’s nervous system. Because prions can survive extreme conditions, they cannot be sterilized or destroyed by immune cells, so they are difficult to treat.
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Sadly, Mike Adams has chosen to live in fear, while sharing his own fear mongering for others to join him; nice and brilliant guy, but the devil has him deceived enough to follow his path and understanding and not Gods (Proverbs 3:5-6).
The devils minions can throw anything they choose at a child of God, but they are invincible in Christ…protected by the blood of the lamb…the promised Messiah and Savior of the world…because the living word says we are.
Psalm 91 … invincible of any virus/plague (fake ones included)
1 Peter 2:24 … invincible because of the wounds Jesus endured/suffered for us at the cross during crucifixion
Matthew 8:17 … invincible from every sickness & disease to come against man that went to the cross with Jesus, died with Jesus, went to the grave with Jesus … and only Jesus came up out of that grave
Luke 10:19 … invincible of every snake and scorpion venom with ‘ALL POWER’ over whatever the devil can throw at us
The entire battle of VICTORY becomes easier and easier as we believe and do not doubt, for that is what the living word tells us throughout the inerrant and infallible Protestant Holy Bible of 66 books only, nothing and nothing taken away as faith meets faith such as the story found in Matthew 9:21 of the woman with a bleeding problem.
Matthew 9:21 (NLT)
for she thought, “If I can just touch his robe, I will be healed.”
Or no matter the mountains of challenges that come our way, we can speak against it … simply command it to remove itself and it is done:
Matthew 17:20 (NLT)
“You don’t have enough faith,” Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.
James 4:7 (NLT)
So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
And then we also have the likes of the following:
Mark 9:23 / 11:24 *** Matthew 21:22 *** John 14:13
So why have any worry, fear, or doubt?
And only God holds the power of death, not the devil or his minions; our first and last breath remain with God alone for only He knows all things – Isaiah 46:10
John 19:11 (NLT)
Then Jesus said, “You would have no power over me at all unless it were given to you from above.
Zeolite removes spike proteins, & other toxic nano-particles. Apparently blood tests show it has cleared after use of Zeolite.