BREAKING: Gates Virologist Admits Elite Designing Deadly New Viruses to Cripple Trump Presidency! Watch The People’s Voice Video
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The global elite’s sinister plan exposed: deadly engineered viruses designed to sabotage President-Elect Trump, cripple America, and enforce a one-world government. Discover the shocking truth they don’t want you to know! Patriots, it’s time to rise and fight for freedom.
The War Against Trump and America
The truth is out, and it’s far more horrifying than anyone could have imagined. A high-ranking virologist tied to the Gates Foundation has dropped a bombshell: the global elite are actively engineering deadly new viruses. These biological weapons are not random acts of science gone awry—they are cold, calculated tools of warfare designed to obliterate President-Elect Donald J. Trump’s administration, decimate global populations, and tighten their iron grip on the world.
This isn’t speculation. It’s a deliberate, orchestrated act of treason against humanity. Their timing couldn’t be clearer—they’re waiting for Trump’s triumphant return to the White House to unleash this wave of death and chaos. Their goal? Total global domination under the guise of managing an “unprecedented crisis.” If this doesn’t terrify you, it should.
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Trump: The Last Bastion of Freedom
Let’s not mince words—Donald J. Trump is the elite’s worst nightmare. He’s a wrecking ball to their decades-long schemes of consolidating power and erasing national sovereignty. His America-first policies are a direct attack on the globalists’ agenda to enslave the masses under a one-world government.
This is why they hate him. This is why they fear him. And this is why they’re now allegedly turning to biological warfare to stop him. The media and deep state couldn’t take him down. False accusations and impeachment sham trials couldn’t break him. So now, they’re taking the gloves off. They’re weaponizing science to sow chaos, crush dissent, and obliterate Trump’s chance to lead America back to greatness.
A Pandemic Playbook Built for Tyranny
Do you remember how the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded? It wasn’t just a health crisis—it was a test run. The lockdowns, the fearmongering, the forced mandates—they were all tools to see how much control could be exerted over the population. Small businesses were annihilated. Families were torn apart. The middle class was crushed. And while millions suffered, the elite feasted on power and profits.
Now, they’re preparing to go further. Reports indicate that these new viruses are being engineered to target specific populations, leaving devastation in their wake. The objective? Collapse national economies, overwhelm healthcare systems, and create an atmosphere so desperate that citizens will beg for a savior—a savior conveniently wearing the mask of a one-world government.
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This is the game. This is their endgame. They want you scared. They want you broken. And most of all, they want you compliant.
The Smoking Gun: Whistleblowers Expose the Truth
This isn’t some far-fetched conspiracy. Brave whistleblowers, including a virologist tied to Gates-funded labs, have confirmed what many of us already suspected. Secret research programs are developing viruses with the explicit intent of creating global chaos.
The virologist revealed that these deadly pathogens are being fine-tuned to wreak maximum havoc at a time that aligns with Trump’s presidency. Think about that. They’re not just experimenting with nature—they’re weaponizing it to destroy America’s last hope for freedom.
Ask yourself: Why isn’t the media screaming about this? Why aren’t there investigations? Because they’re complicit. The media are lapdogs for the elite, silencing dissent and shielding the architects of this dystopian nightmare. They don’t report the truth—they suppress it.
Trump’s Return Terrifies the Globalists
Here’s what the elites can’t stand: Donald Trump isn’t just a leader—he’s a movement. Millions of patriots across the nation and the world have rallied behind his vision of freedom, sovereignty, and strength. They know that with Trump in the White House, their plans for domination face annihilation.
They’re scared, and they should be. Trump has already proven he can take their punches and keep fighting. Now, as he gears up for his second term, he’s even stronger, more prepared, and ready to dismantle their corrupt systems.
Trump’s America-first policies are the antidote to the globalist poison. While they push for open borders, mass surveillance, and economic enslavement, Trump champions independence, personal liberty, and economic prosperity. He’s a force they cannot control, and they know it.
The Media’s Betrayal: Silent Partners in Tyranny
Where is the so-called “free press” in all of this? Nowhere to be found. The media, bought and paid for by the very elites engineering these viruses, are doing what they do best: lying, distracting, and gaslighting the public.
Instead of reporting on these shocking revelations, they’re running interference. They label whistleblowers as “conspiracy theorists” and bury their testimonies under a mountain of trivial stories. This isn’t journalism—it’s propaganda. The media aren’t watchdogs; they’re guard dogs protecting their masters.
But here’s the good news: the American people aren’t buying it anymore. Alternative media and independent journalists are stepping up to expose the truth. The elite can’t silence everyone, and the tide is turning.
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The Globalist Endgame: Enslavement Through Crisis
Make no mistake, the ultimate goal of this scheme is a one-world government. They want to destroy national sovereignty, eliminate personal freedoms, and create a system where every aspect of your life is controlled. Health, travel, finance—it will all be under their thumb.
This next wave of viruses is their silver bullet. By creating a crisis so massive, they can justify draconian measures that would otherwise be unthinkable. Vaccine passports? Surveillance? Digital IDs? All of it becomes “necessary” in the face of a global pandemic.
But here’s the kicker: this isn’t about safety. It’s about control. The elite don’t care about saving lives—they care about consolidating power. They’ll sacrifice millions if it means they get to sit on the throne of a global empire.
America Must Fight Back
This is a battle for the soul of America, and it’s a battle we cannot afford to lose. President-Elect Trump is our greatest weapon in this fight. His courage, leadership, and relentless determination have inspired millions to stand up against the tyranny of the elite.
Now is the time to act. We must demand accountability. We must expose these schemes. And most importantly, we must rally behind Trump as he prepares to take on the greatest fight of his life.
The elites think they can crush us. They think they can break us. But they’ve underestimated the spirit of the American people. We will not bow. We will not break. And we will not let them steal our freedom.
1 Comment
Avian flu: The “Next pandemic” is coming right on schedule. You don’t want to repeat the script of the 2013 film virus produced in Korea. I can defeat any mutation of avian flu. I have the strongest t-cell immunity proven by 7 immunograms.