BREAKING NEWS: President Trump Calls for Military Operation to Protect Americans – The Commander in Chief Speaks – ‘It’s Time for Action’ (video)
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Breaking News: President Trump calls for a powerful military operation to protect American citizens. “By now, it’s the only way.” A bold move to secure the nation and unite Americans under a strong and patriotic defense strategy. Read how Trump is ready to take action.
TRUMP CALLS FOR ACTION – ‘By now, it’s the only way.’ The Commander in Chief Speaks – ‘It’s Time for Action’
President Trump is calling for a Military Operation to safeguard American citizens …
By now it's the only way..
— Jack Straw (@JackStr42679640) October 7, 2024
President Donald J. Trump has made a clarion call for a robust military operation aimed at safeguarding American citizens. This urgent announcement comes amidst escalating tensions across the nation, with Americans seeking stronger protection and leadership. And as always, President Trump is ready to step up to the plate, rallying the nation in a way that only he can.
The 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, known for his steadfast determination and no-nonsense approach, has spoken out loud and clear: the country needs action, and it needs it now. “By now, it’s the only way,” Trump declared, calling on the military to mobilize for the protection of the American people.
In an atmosphere charged with uncertainty, Trump’s message stands out as a decisive call to arms. For months, the American public has faced a barrage of crises – from threats at home to international disputes – and the President has made it clear that the protection of American lives is his top priority.
A Strong and Patriotic Message. This announcement, true to Trump’s style, is not just another presidential statement. It is a passionate plea for the nation to rally together, armed with patriotism and the unyielding belief in American strength. With this move, Trump seeks not just to protect the American people, but to reignite the flame of pride that he believes every citizen holds dear.
Trump’s call for a military operation isn’t simply about deploying troops – it’s about restoring order, protecting communities, and above all, upholding the Constitution of the United States. “Our country comes first,” Trump emphasizes. “American lives matter, and it’s time to act before it’s too late.”
The Urgency of Now: ‘It’s the Only Way’
The former president’s words couldn’t have come at a more critical moment. America faces unparalleled challenges – from economic instability and political divides to the looming threats of foreign powers. Many Americans feel they are at a tipping point, and Trump’s supporters have long echoed the call for stronger measures to preserve American freedoms.
President Trump, known for his blunt honesty and undying love for the nation, has made it clear that traditional approaches are not enough. “We’ve tried negotiation. We’ve tried diplomacy. By now, it’s the only way,” Trump has proclaimed, signaling the necessity of decisive action.
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His call for a military response is one of protection, a response to the escalating issues that have left citizens feeling vulnerable. And this, more than anything, is what Trump aims to address – the need for every American to feel safe, secure, and proud of their nation.
The Plan for a Safer America. Trump’s proposal outlines a path to reinforcing America’s security, enhancing its defense mechanisms, and ensuring that every citizen feels protected. It’s a rallying cry for unity and strength, with the military playing a crucial role in restoring peace and order. While details of the proposed operation are still emerging, one thing is crystal clear: the safety of the American people comes first.
What Does This Mean for Americans? For many, Trump’s call is a breath of fresh air – a sign of leadership willing to confront the hard truths and take action where it is needed most. The country has faced its fair share of turmoil, and this announcement has brought hope to millions who believe that restoring order requires a show of strength.
The Trump administration’s stance has always been about putting Americans first – whether it’s economic policy, border security, or national defense. And now, with this new military operation in sight, the former president is ready to take every measure to protect the homeland.
Rallying the Nation – A Leader’s Call to Unity. Trump’s message isn’t just a political move; it’s a call to action for every American who believes in the values that make this country great. “We are one people,” Trump says, “united by our love for America and our commitment to its defense.”
It’s about reminding the nation that, despite challenges and divisions, America is strong, and its strength comes from its people. In times of crisis, it’s unity, not division, that leads to victory. And Trump’s rallying cry seeks to ignite that unity across all demographics, political backgrounds, and communities.
The Battle Between the Deep State and the White Hats – Unraveling Military GESARA, EBS, Martial Law, and Trump’s Role in the Fight for Freedom
In today’s chaotic world, there is a narrative that operates below the surface of global finance, mainstream media, and historical events. This hidden truth, according to a growing body of thought, revolves around the sinister workings of the “Deep State,” a shadowy group intent on enslaving humanity through economic and social control.
At the forefront of the fight to free the world from this grip is a coalition of patriots—referred to as the White Hats—led by former President Donald Trump. The recent introduction of Military GESARA, the Emergency Broadcasting System (EBS), and the potential implementation of martial law has sparked conversations about what may be an unprecedented revolution to dismantle the deep-rooted powers of the Cabal.
The Imminent Blackout: Military GESARA and the EBS Operation
We’re on the brink of an unprecedented global blackout. The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) will plunge the world into a complete ten-day communication shutdown. Phones? Dead. Internet? Gone. ATMs and credit cards? Useless. This isn’t some apocalyptic disaster. It’s the White Hats taking control of the airwaves, cutting off the Deep State’s power, and forcing the world to watch—WATCH—as the truth is revealed. For seven relentless days, across every channel, three documentaries will expose the horrific crimes and atrocities of the world’s elites. This is no conspiracy theory, no baseless rumor. This is war—and the truth will be the only victor.
For too long, the Deep State has hidden in plain sight, manipulating us like puppets. Their control spans the globe, from the fraudulent banks to the corrupt media outlets feeding you lies every single day. Their empire is built on deceit, and it’s time to burn it down.
The Deep State—a network of shadowy figures pulling the strings behind every major institution in the world. The same people who control your money, your news, your entire reality. Who are they? They are the owners of the Private Bank of the Central Bank of the United States, which was established on December 23, 1913. A date burned into history as the beginning of global enslavement. This private cabal controls a staggering 98% of central banks worldwide. Let that sink in for a second. They run the global economy and have their filthy hands in every government, every transaction, every move you make.
The media? They control that too. They own FOX, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, BBC, and all the so-called “trusted” news sources like the New York Times and Washington Post. Every day, they poison your mind with distractions—reality shows, mind-numbing cartoons, sensationalized murders—to keep you docile. They don’t want you to think, to question, to unite. Their greatest fear is an informed, unified population. And it’s time we give them exactly that.
The Accusations Against the Elites: The Real Enemy of the People
The Deep State stops at nothing to protect their empire. They’ve manipulated history, created crises, and orchestrated tragedies to secure their power. Take the Titanic disaster—did you really think it was an accident? Think again. That ship went down to eliminate three prominent bankers who opposed the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank, which today serves as the ultimate tool of human enslavement. Coincidence? Not a chance.
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Let’s talk about President John F. Kennedy—a man who saw through their lies and intended to return America’s banking system to the public, eradicating debt forever. But the Deep State had other plans. They silenced him before he could dismantle their control. The assassination of JFK wasn’t just a tragedy—it was a hit, carried out by the Deep State to protect their financial empire.
And then there’s 9/11. That day of horror wasn’t just a terrorist attack—it was the Deep State pulling the ultimate deception. Did you know that on that very day, the GESARA NESARA Human Equality Act was set to be announced? It would have dismantled the Deep State’s control. But instead, the Twin Towers fell, and all the evidence—the files that could have set us free—were destroyed.
This isn’t speculation. This is the truth they’ve been hiding. Every major event in modern history has been carefully engineered to protect their power. And enough is enough.

Donald Trump and the White Hats: The Army of Freedom Fighters
Enter Donald Trump, a man who the Deep State never anticipated. Trump wasn’t supposed to win in 2016. The election was rigged from the start, designed to place another puppet in power. But the American people saw through the lies and elected the one man willing to challenge the system. Backed by 200 generals and admirals, Trump and his military aides—the White Hats—launched an all-out assault on the Deep State’s operations.
Trump began to dismantle the Deep State’s grip on America’s institutions. But the job was too big to finish in just four years. They rigged the 2020 election to ensure he wouldn’t return. Why? Because they know Trump has the power to erase the Federal Reserve debt and liberate the world from their financial enslavement.
Yet the fight continues. The White Hats haven’t stopped. They are working tirelessly to restore Trump to power because they know he is the legitimate president. The Deep State’s resistance is fierce, but their days are numbered.
The Puppets of the Deep State: A Global Conspiracy
The Deep State controls more than just America. Their reach extends across the globe. 98% of the world’s presidents are in their pocket. Anyone who dares to oppose them is swiftly dealt with—whether by coup or assassination. The NSA, CIA, Pentagon, IMF, World Bank—these are all tools of the Deep State, used to bend nations to their will.
Who are the true power players behind this dark empire? They are the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Morgans, the Warburgs, and other elitist families that have ruled the world from the shadows for centuries. Their wealth is incalculable. Forget what Forbes tells you about the richest people in the world—it’s a lie to keep you looking in the wrong direction. The real wealth, the real power, belongs to the Deep State families, whose influence spans continents and generations.
The Final Battle: The Time to Act Is NOW
The Deep State thinks they’ve won. They think they can control us forever. They think they can rig elections, orchestrate pandemics, and distract us with bread and circuses while they tighten their grip on the world. But they’ve underestimated us. They’ve underestimated Trump, the White Hats, and the millions of patriots around the world who are waking up to their lies.
The time for talking is over. This is war. And we are on the frontlines.
Share this article with everyone you know. The world deserves to know the truth. We won’t be silenced any longer. We won’t sit idly by as the Deep State enslaves us all. This is our time. The fight for freedom is here, and WE WILL WIN. The Deep State’s empire is crumbling, and when the dust settles, the White Hats will emerge victorious.
Stay vigilant. Stay strong. And remember, only the truth will set us free.
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I can’t watch your Telegram channel, because the retards at Telegram banned my phone for no reason at all. You should consider dumping Telegram because they are not pro-free speech.
I understand this, Tony, and unfortunately, you’re not the only one in this situation. Other patriots like yourself have also brought this issue to my attention. I’m considering stepping away from Telegram as well, as soon as possible. It’s something I’m seriously thinking about.
Thank you for your messages, Tony, and let’s pray together for better times, for our people who are struggling with tornadoes, floods… May God keep them all safe, including you, Tony.
Yes, dear.
If we only had eyes to see and an trial brain……you’ll all be eating those doubts soon !!
lmao at soon. team drump retard and his band of q rtarders has been working on taking them out for over 60 years.
just stfu
May I ask why tha Alliance has not taken out the harp systems yet
bc there are no white hats…. didnt covid prove that.
this is bullshit, – he will be talking about it for the next 1000 years, he is not a president and can do nothing in the clash with the Deep State,..!!!
Seeing is believing.