US Debt Clock Hits Zero: Glitch or Prelude to a Gesara Financial Revolution? Unveiling the Spiritual Origins of the Coming World System and the Emergence of the New Atlantis
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US Debt Clock Wiped to Zero: Foreshadowing or Glitch?
In a shocking turn of events, the US Debt Clock has been wiped to zero. Was this just a glitch, or a sign of something more sinister? The implications are staggering, and the internet is buzzing with speculation.
The difference between those who are aware of Gesara and those who are not is clear. For the uninitiated, Gesara (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act) is a set of proposed economic reforms said to bring about global financial reset and prosperity. Could this sudden reset of the debt clock be an early sign of Gesara’s implementation? Or is it simply a technical error in an increasingly digital world?
The US Debt Clock, a constant reminder of the nation’s spiraling debt, suddenly showing zero is more than a trivial error. It raises questions about the integrity of our financial reporting systems and the future of our economy. While some may dismiss it as a simple glitch, others see it as a foreshadowing of significant changes to come.
From Babylon to the Beast: A System in Transition. We are in the midst of a monumental transition. The shift from the old system to a new one is more than just financial; it’s a move from Babylon to the Beast, from darkness to false light. The current financial system, often likened to Babylon for its complexity and opacity, is on the brink of transformation. This change is not merely about numbers on a screen; it represents a profound shift in power and control.
For those who have been following Gesara, this event might be seen as a harbinger of the promised economic reset. Gesara is said to bring an end to economic tyranny, establishing a system where financial stability and prosperity are accessible to all. The zeroing of the US Debt Clock could be a symbolic first step towards this new dawn, a signal that the old ways are being dismantled to make way for the new.
Information is Power. The divide between those who are informed about Gesara and those who are not is stark. In a world where information is power, understanding the potential implications of such events can make all the difference. This knowledge equips individuals to prepare and position themselves for the changes that lie ahead.
The spiritual Origins of the Coming World system and the Emergence of the New Atlantis – NESARA/GESARA, the Golden Age Utopia of Peace, Prosperity and Safety – The True Biblical Beast Kingdom.
The idea of NESARA/GESARA has been heavily praised and promoted by the rising “Great Awakening” movement.
NESARA/GESARA is a set of economic, technological, and even spiritual reforms that would lead to significant changes in the financial, legal and social systems of countries worldwide.
The financial aspect of these reforms are often described as a way to eliminate debt, restore economic stability, and redistribute wealth.
Proponents of NESARA/GESARA believe that once these reforms are implemented, there will be benefits such as the forgiveness of all debts, the introduction of a new financial system backed by precious metals, the abolition of income taxes, and the release of advanced technologies for the betterment of humanity.
I believe that once the current economic systems of the world are dismantled, we will see NESARA/GESARA rise on a global scale to replace.
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This system will be seen as humanity’s greatest achievement and all those who do not participate in it will not be able to have their debts forgiven, buy or sell.
I believe there will also be some sort of mark associated with this coming system, which most people will see no reason to reject.
Many in the Great Awakening movement have referred to it as the “New Garden of Eden.”
Which is the Golden Age of mankind, the New Atlantis.
In occult literature, the New Atlantis is the idea of a utopian society or a spiritual civilization.
It is believed to represent a future state of humanity where knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual enlightenment reign.
They believe it to be the pinnacle of a higher consciousness or spiritual evolution that humanity is striving to achieve.
One of the most prominent occultists being Madame Helena Blavatsky, a Russian occultist and the co-founder of the Theosophical Society.
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In her highly influential work “The Secret Doctrine,” she explores the concept of a lost ancient civilization and the idea of a spiritual evolution towards a new golden age.
She suggests that the original garden of Eden was a real place, and humanity has the potential to regain that state of spiritual enlightenment.
Interestingly enough, Blavatsky received her information and teachings from spiritual entities through a process known as “channeling” or “mediumship.”
Blavatsky referred to these entities as “Masters” or “Mahatmas” and claimed they were highly evolved beings who possessed great wisdom and knowledge.
Blavatsky asserted that these Masters provided her with insights into esoteric teachings, occult philosophy, and spiritual wisdom.
She claimed that they communicated with her telepathically and that she was a vessel for their teachings and messages.
As believers of Christ, we must be aware of what the scriptures teach.
“The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.”
1 Timothy 4:1-2
Channeling is the practice of attempting to communicate with entities or spirits from the spiritual realm.
While many claim to receive wisdom and guidance through channeling, the Bible warns us about the existence of deceiving spirits and demonic influences.
The Bible explicitly warns us about engaging in practices that involve communication with spirits or entities outside of God’s divine order.
Lying spirits are entities that seek to deceive and lead people astray from the truth.
They often masquerade as benevolent beings, offering false promises and misleading guidance.
2 Corinthians 11:14 reminds us that Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.
As believers, we are called to test every spirit and teaching against the truth of God’s Word (1 John 4:1).
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From the article: Proponents of NESARA/GESARA believe that once these reforms are implemented, there will be benefits such as the forgiveness of all debts, the introduction of a new financial system backed by precious metals, the abolition of income taxes, and the release of advanced technologies for the betterment of humanity.
This sounds good but not enough details to evaluate.
Also from the article: This system will be seen as humanity’s greatest achievement and all those who do not participate in it will not be able to have their debts forgiven, buy or sell.
I believe there will also be some sort of mark associated with this coming system, which most people will see no reason to reject.
This sounds terrible. Mark of the beast? I realize that we do not want to refund evil but there must be a better way to do this.
False information. Went to the national debt clock and it showed debt per citizen.