BREAKING REPORT! Greg Reese: The British Royals and the Reptilians – One of the Most Monstrous Families on Earth is Fading Away (video)
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One of the most monstrous families on Earth is fading away!
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Editor’s Note: On the scale of feasibility regarding the “Reptilian Rulers” theory, I do not consider it to be likely. But it’s not impossible, especially when we consider that it does not explicitly contradict Bible prophecy. If we assume that what Reptilian theorists claim to be “extraterrestrials” are actually demonic, then their theory is possible. Unlikely, but possible.
Some may consider this video by Greg Reese from Infowars to be disinformation and others will say it’s spot on, but I prefer to classify it as something to not completely discount. We know the Powers and Principalities are demonic in nature. We know that they can take on many forms. Do I buy it all? No. Do I think it’s impossible? No. With that said, here’s Reese’s report…
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(Greg Reese)—The British Royal family, who own over sixteen percent of the entire planet, seems to be falling apart. Which is nothing to mourn, for they are one of the most monstrous families on Earth.
In 1964, the Queen and Prince Philip visited a school in British Columbia. Former resident William Coombes claims that ten of his classmates were taken by the Queen and Prince Philip, never to be seen again.
The notorious pedophile and necrophiliac, Jimmy Savile, was close friends with the Royal family. Charles wanted him to be Prince Harry’s godfather. He was awarded the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire in 1971, and Knighted by the Queen in 1990.
WARNING: The Vatican Demanded this Be Kept Under Lock and Key: “The Divine Prayer – One Minute Prayer From Biblical Times”
Prince Andrew has been a regular at Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophile island. King Charles was close friends with a bishop who was convicted of raping over a dozen boys.
A former student of Aldenham school claims that students were routinely raped and tortured by members of the Worshipful Company of Brewers, which was frequented by Jimmy Savile, King Charles, and Lord Mountbatten, who has been accused of raping an 11 year old boy.
Jeanette Archer says she was abused by the Royals as a young child, and says that they are Reptilians. According to Princess Diana’s friend, Christine Fitzgerald, Diana’s nickname for the Windsors was “the reptiles” and used to say that “they are not human.”
While this may sound strange, most Royal blood lines in history were said to be the offspring of Reptilians. Often described as dragon or serpent people.
In an interview with David Icke, Arizona Wilder, told her story of being bred for the express purpose of conducting rituals for the Royal family.
I was bred for this role that I fulfill. I was being abused and traumatized and, on purpose, for the mind control that, that they need someone to go through to, to do whatever they say. ~ Arizona Wilder
She explained the importance of blood rituals.
What it’s all about is that the blood, and the menstrual blood, contains something that is important for the propagation of this race that is controlling things on this planet. ~ Arizona Wilder
She explained the infamous Adrenochrome.
For it to be secreted in the blood, is they need terrorization of, of their victims. They are killed at that moment as they are staring into their eyes. ~ Arizona Wilder
She said when the Royals and others smelled blood, they would shapeshift into Reptilians.
When the victims are starting to be sacrificed it’s the scent of the blood. They start shapeshifting at that point in time. They can’t hold their shape when, when this happens, they… ~ Arizona Wilder
The human shape? ~ David Icke
The human shape they cannot hold. They go back into reptilian shape as this is happening, because it’s a type of, of excitement of the kill. I have seen at rituals, I have seen George Bush. I have seen the two sons when they were young. ~ Arizona Wilder

These are the sons that have become governors since? ~ David Icke
Yes. One is in Florida and one is in Texas. Madeleine Albright. I have seen Henry Kissinger. I’ve seen the Queen Mother there, and I have seen Princess Margaret there. I’ve seen Charles there. And they shapeshift. ~ Arizona Wilder
What have you seen the queen or any of the royal family do in relation to that? You’ve seen them, have you seen them sacrifice and, and consume human flesh? ~ David Icke
I’ve seen all of them drink human blood and consume human flesh. There are certain times when there will have been someone doing a sacrifice and it’s not happening fast enough for them. So they will step in and finish it themselves. These reptilians live hundreds of years and so they have to have taken more than one human body to live in.
~ Arizona Wilder
David Icke predicted years ago that the Royal family would be removed to make way for a one world government. And Dr. Michael Salla, who has been researching exopolitics for twenty years, has a different theory which could explain the fading of the Royal family.
The ousting of the Sakara Reptilians in 2021 and how the Deep State is panicking with or without their overlords. What about these reptilian extraterrestrials and what do you know about this? ~ Clayton Morris
What we have is a lot of evidence going back thousands of years that there are these reptilian species that have played a big role in controlling the Earth. And the name of this kind of apex reptilian is Sakaa. So these are kind of like dragon like creatures, you know, eight foot to twelve foot tall. And they apparently have been forced to leave our solar system recently with the arrival of these kind of more senior species.
They’re here to watch our emergence into a planetary, into a galactic culture. They’re here to watch that. But once that has happened, over a period of maybe a dozen years or so, they’re going to leave and then we’re going to have to fend for ourselves. So it’s almost like, you know, we’re, we’re breaking out of the shell. But once we’ve broken out of the shell, like, like any little animal that’s just broken out of a shell, you know, the parent has protected you, but you’re on your own now. You know, good luck! ~ Dr. Michael Salla
NEWS ALERT: Rumors are Circulating that Kate Middleton has Been Replaced by a Clone or Body Double After she Was Just Spotted in Public with Prince William – Kate Middleton Body Double Video EXPOSED
Kate Middleton Body Double Video EXPOSED: Unveiling the Truth Behind the Royal Controversy
In a shocking turn of events, rumors are ablaze across the internet suggesting that the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, might have been replaced by a clone or body double. Speculations reached fever pitch after recent public appearances alongside Prince William, where keen observers noted striking differences in her appearance.
Could this be the plot twist of the century or merely the musings of conspiracy theorists? Let’s delve deeper into the perplexing saga of the purported “Kate Middleton Body Double.”
I simply cannot take this ‘reptilian’ explanation seriously. It seems that satan has deceived the whole world with this ridiculous thinking that royal families are reptiles. This is unreal, like a science fiction movie. This is just too farfetched. These people are just evil, using innocent children, people for their own evil purposes is horrible and satanic. They are satan worshippers and part of the NWO all talk about with what is happening around the world! The only demons are the fallen angels with satan because they are cast down to this earth and are behind all this evil in these sick humans. These people are possessed by satan himself and he is controlling them! May God have mercy on us all!
1. The FEMALE FEMUR bones curve at the synovial joint for child bearing. Therefore, the FEMALE walking “gait” is one foot over the other foot to sustain balance. However, the MALE FEMUR bones are STRAIGHT. Therefore, MALES place one leg/foot forward and alternate with the opposite leg/foot forward to sustain a walking gait. The Kate Middleton we see today exemplifies the MALE walking gait.
2. The FEMALE waistline is ABOVE her naval, close to her breast-line, whereas the MALE waistline is BELOW his naval, close to his hipline.
3. The FEMALE clothing CLOSURES (buttons, snaps, zippers) point to “her” LEFT, whereas MALE CLOSURES point to “his” RIGHT. The gender “rule” for clothing is the same gender “rule” for marriage ceremonies: FEMALES to the LEFT, MALES to the RIGHT facing a clergyman.
4. In the 20th Century, the clothing industry quit manufacturing clothes for AMERICAN FEMALES to exert communist “feminism.” In the 21st Century, FEMALES “conform” to either dressing as males to communicate lesbianism / trans-genders or pimping whores.
COMMUNISM in America has destroyed both males and females self-esteem, self-confidence, self-respect, and self-efficacy.
WHEN will Americans FIGHT BACK against radical mental illness by fierce mad dog anger against COMMUNISTS? If Americans do not quickly reverse the madness, they shall be held accountable to the wrathful judgment that Father God promises against FEMALES and MALES reversing their gender roles!
The synovial joints of FEMALE FEMUR bones are BOWED for child bearing. Therefore, FEMALES place one foot over the other foot to sustain balance. [Fashion models represent the female “gait” though somewhat exaggerated.]
However, the synovial joints of MALE FEMUR bones are STRAIGHT. Therefore, MALES place one leg/foot forward and alternate with the opposite leg/foot forward to sustain balance. [Wooden soldiers represent the male “gait.”]
Notice the “new” Kate Middleton’s “gait” is a MALE.