Conspiracy Theories Abound as U.S. Military Closes HAARP – The U.S. Air Force has Told Congress it Intends to Shut Down HAARP
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The U.S. Air Force has notified Congress that it intends to shut down HAARP, a controversial Alaska-based research facility that studies an energetic and active region of the upper atmosphere.
Conspiracy theorists are abuzz about the news, given that HAARP (short for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) has long been the center of wild speculation that the program is designed to control the weather — or worse. In 2010, Venezuelan leader Huge Chavez claimed that HAARP or a program like it triggered the Haiti earthquake.
For the record, the Haitian quake of 2010 was caused by the slippage of a previously unmapped fault along the border of the Caribbean and North American tectonic plates.
HAARP is a research program designed to analyze the ionosphere, a portion of the upper atmosphere that stretches from about 53 miles (85 kilometers) above the surface of the Earth to 370 miles (600 kilometers) up. The program has been funded by the Air Force, the Navy, the University of Alaska and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA.
Why HAARP exists
The U.S. military is interested in the ionosphere because this portion of the atmosphere plays a role in transmitting radio signals. HAARP sends radio beams into the ionosphere to study the responses from it — one of the few ways to accurately measure this inaccessible part of the atmosphere.
HAARP operates out of the HAARP Research Station in Gakona, Alaska, where it has a high-power radio frequency transmitter that can perturb a small portion of the ionosphere. Other instruments are then used to measure the perturbations.
The goal of the program is to understand the physics of the ionosphere, which is constantly responding to influences from the sun. Solar flares can send solar particles racing toward Earth, occasionally disrupting communications and the electrical grid. If scientists could better understand what happens in the ionosphere, they might be able to mitigate some of these problems.
Don’t Miss This
- EXPOSED: HAARP Being Used For Mass Mind Control! Nikola Tesla’s Technology Explained In Depth (video)
- Global Thunder: The HAARP Project’s Power to Unleash Energy Rivaling Nuclear Bombs Anywhere on Earth
- Revealed: Top-Secret HAARP Facilities and Military Bases Around the Globe Uncovered! (photo gallery)
But the Air Force is no longer interested in maintaining HAARP, according to David Walker, the Air Force deputy assistant secretary for science, technology and engineering.At a Senate hearing on May 14, Walker said the Air Force has no interest in maintaining the site, and is moving in another direction in ionospheric research.
The Air Force’s plan to destroy HAARP has detractors.
“While the Air Force neither wants nor appreciates the unique value of HAARP, users from several federal agencies, laboratories and universities, and friendly nations such as Canada, Britain, Taiwan, South Korea, Sweden and Norway, are eager to use its unique resources, which would further spread American influence and leadership,” Dennis Papadopoulos, a professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Maryland, wrote in an opinion piece in the Alaska Dispatch.
HAARP cost more than $290 million to build, much of it earmarked by late Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, who had great influence over the U.S. defense budget during his time in Congress. The site was host to numerous projects over the years, including the creation of the first artificially produced aurora in 2005. The site’s generators now require remediation to meet the environmental standards set in the Clean Air Act, an expense no one seems keen to take on.
Name a natural phenomenon, and someone probably suspects HAARP of being behind it. Online, conspiracy theorists suggest that HAARP was to blame for the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan; the Moore, Oklahoma, tornado of 2013; a landslide in 2006 in the Philippines; and many more natural disasters. Other conspiracy theories hold that HAARP controls people’s minds or is capable of altering the very fabric of reality.
These theories have yet to subside, even though very little has been going on at HAARP over the past year. In May 2013, the site shut down during a change in operations contractors. At the time, the HAARP program manager told reporters that the site was “temporarily closed” and locked, with only one DARPA project left to wrap up by early 2014.
NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden Exposes HAARP’s Sinister Global Agenda: Assassination and Mind Control
MOSCOW, Russia – NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has exposed a sinister agenda hidden in the Alaskan wilderness. Documents leaked by Snowden to Internet Chronicle reporters confirm that HAARP, long thought to be a facility dedicated to studying natural phenomena, is, in fact, a weapon of mass manipulation and global assassination.
Unveiling HAARP’s True Purpose: For years, the military prison industrial complex has concealed HAARP’s true objectives from the world. They have portrayed it as a benign research station located in the remote Gakona, Alaska, away from prying eyes. However, Edward Snowden’s revelations cast a terrifying light on the facility’s activities.
Why waste time telling Congress whom you know is already crooked to the core, what you intend on doing to one of their demonic toys?
Sadly, more and more articles are appearing more feed for the ignorant than sharing anything of truth; your sources, or yourself perhaps, for we could never know, are leading you on, or part of the overall scheme; all I know … is that I and all Christians are on the WINNING TEAM and will always end up on the RIGHT SIDE OF THE CHASM.
https:// bible/116/ LUK.16. NLT (no spaces)
It looks like your article makes those of us that really know what HAARP does look like “conspiracy theorists”. Are you afraid to tell it like it really is for fear of backlash?
Chemtrails every day where I live! All you gotta do is wait 3 days after they spray and boom, here comes the weather event of their choice, snow, rain, hail, high heat, high winds… you name it. I pray everyone involved with HAARP, NOAA, DARPA, US Air Force and Commercial Airlines… and who ever is responsible for flipping a chemtrail switch in a cockpit, filled a chemtrail tank, or serviced a chemtrail jet, THAT THEY ALL BURN IN HELL!!!
Fing TRAITORS!!! And they are all paid huge dollars annually by the Deep State to deny all of it and keep their mouths shut… and demonize anyone speaking up about chemtrails…. “You’re a conspiracy theorist”… IDIOT TRAITORS SHOULD ALL HANG!
Good story. It’s not gonna happen. Geoengineering the weather through Chem trails is a daily event. I’ll need to see arrests of high ranking military before I believe it. Not gonna happen. DEW will intensify. Don’t be fooled by the antichrist lies. Put your faith in the one true living God Jesus Christ. Repent your sins and ask Jesus Christ to be the Lord of your life before its too late.
Amen, @Dwayne. Americans are learning the GI generation (1901-1924 births), and Silent generation (1925-1945) were the first brain-buggered Americans beginning in 1919 when the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN commandeered the education system. THE SYNAGOGUE continued to bugger the WHITE nation while fleecing it to death by FAKE wars and FAKE Pandemics, and later FAKE medicines, FAKE household cleaners, FAKE body soaps, FAKE pesticides, and so forth. Therefore, SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN is accountable for brain-buggering America’s GI, Silent, Boom (1946-1960), and generations X, Y, Z.
Furthermore, the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN is 100% accountable for installing FAKE families in America since 1777. NONE were voted into the nation by the SINGULAR Immigration law by the Founders of America that DISALLOWS “NON-WHITE humans [blood type-A/B, B, O, Rh],” and DISALLOWS all JEWS, CATHOLICS, and MUSLIMS because ALL groups are known ANARCHISTS since ANTIQUITY.” The LAW is plainly written that only certain VOTED-upon families by the colonists and Founders’ progeny can vote from WHITE PROTESTANT nations of Europe. The SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN “installed” ALL “disallowed humans” in America.
Hence, brain-buggering ANARCHISTS from all directions of the compass have FLEECED WEALTH of WHITE humans, GENOCIDE WHITE humans, DESTROYED LAND of WHITE humans, PUNISH PROTESTANT WHITE humans for their FAITH in FATHER GOD JESUS.
My faith and trust centers on Father God Jesus who shall eradicate the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN and return all “disallowed humans” in America to their Fatherlands where He placed them.
Daily prayer and repentance is requisite of all WHITE American Protestants to call upon Father God Jesus to cause EXODUS of ALL DISALLOWED humans on America’s land, simultaneously, to return to their Fatherlands because they came to America for UNWORTHY INTENTIONS, and against the American colonists and Founders IMMIGRATION LAW.
Here you go Dwayne…
Hanged at GITMO (Per, you can go there and find the article for each person, they are interesting reads)
Merrick Garland, Attorney General, 3/28/24
Matthew Graves, DC District Attorney, Execution on 3/26/24
Michael Platt, Rear Admiral, 3/15/24
Victoria Nuland & Husband, Top Admin. Official, Arrested 3/4/24
Arati Prabhakar, Director Science/Technology, 2/27/24
Richard Gabriel, 3/4 Colorado Supreme Court Justices, Arrested 2/23/24
Oprah Winfrey, TV Icon, 2/19/24
Dr. Chikwe Ihekweazu, WHO Assistant Director, 2/3/24
Tanya Skeen, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, 1/31/24
Alfred Johnson, NIH Deputy Director, 1/24/24
John Kelly, Form. W.H. Chief of Staff, ARRESTED 1/22/24
Andriy Yermak, Ukraine Presidential Aide, 1/9/24
Yulia Svyrydenko, Ukraine Economy Minister, 1/9/24
Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Defense, by missile 1/3/24 in Kyiv
William Hood, 2/4 Colorado Supreme Court Justices, ARRESTED 12/31/23
Katie Hobbs, AZ SoS and Gov., 12/22/23
Karen Hacker, CDC Official, Sentanced 12/21/23, 15 years
Monica Marquez, 1/4 Colorado Supreme Court Justices, ARRESTED 12/20/23
Brad Raffensberger, GA Secretay of State, ARRESTED, 12/15/23
Stephen Colbert, Talk Show Host, ARRESTED 11/25/23
Daniel Hoadley, Air Force Base Commander, ARRESTED 11/18/23
Jenna Ellis, Former Trump Attorney, ARRESTED 11/16/23?
Penny Pritzker, US Special Rep for Ukraine, 11/7/23 20-Years Prison
Letitia James, NY Attorney General, ARRESTED 10/31/23
250+ DEEP STATE FELONS (100 Covid Physicians, 160 soldiers), 10/5-27/23
Erik Hooks, FEMA Deputy Administer, Beaten to death 9/13/23
Janet Yellen, Secretary of Treasury, 10/18/23
Mark Milley, General, 10/13/2023
Barack Obama, President, 10/06/23 (unalived his clone)
Major David Dunbar, US Army, 9/23/23
Major Nema Mobarakzadeh, US Army, 9/21/23
Melissa J. Moore, Moderna MRNA vax creator, 9/18/23
10 (5 at once), practicing physicians pushing vax shots, 9/5/23
Charles Rettig, IRS Head, 8/15/23
Eric Holder, AG, 7/21/23
Howard Zucker, CDC Deputy Director, 7/17/2023 20 Year gitmo sentence
Stephen Hahn, FDA Commissioner, 7/16/23
Brock Long, FEMA Director, 7/11/23
Gretchen Whitmer, Mich Gov, 6/22/23
Rochelle Walensky, CDC Head, 5/31/23
Liz Chaney, 4/24/23
Richard Tillyer, Vax Scientist, 3/10/23
Dianne Feinstein, Senator, 3/4/23 Pulmonary Embolism
John Fetterman, PA Senator, 2/25/23 Heart Attack
Lori Lightfoot, chicago mayor, 2/14/23
Jerome Adams, Surgeon General, 2/13/23
Brian Deese, NEC Director, 1/25/23
Nancy Pelosi, 12/20/22
Stephane Bancel, Moderna CEO, 11/11 or 11/18/22
Bridget Brink, US Ukraine Embassador, 10/14/22
Brian Stelter, CNN Host, 9/23/22
Alec Baldwin, actor, 6/1/22
Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture, 5/16/22
Fauchi, 4/25/22
Loretta Lynch, Clinton Advisor, 4/25/22
Sonia Sotomayor, Supreme Court Justice, 3/28/22?
Dr. Francis Collins, Head of NIH, 2/21/22
Anita Dunn, Biden Handler, 2/14/22
Gavin Newsom, Mayor/Governor, 1/24/22
Dick Cheney, politician, 1/22/22
George W. Bush, President, 1/4/22
Chelsea Clinton, 11/5/21
Andrew Cuomo, Governor, 11/2/2021
Hunter Biden, Presidents son, 10/15/21
Bill Clinton, President, 9/25/2021 (poisoned after life sentance)
Bill Gates, 9/24 or 10/1/21 (actually, ORIGINAL Bill & Melinda were both hanged by India in 2013)
Adam Schiff, House Intelligence Committee, 8/13/21
Susan Rice, National Security Advisor, 8/4/21
Deborah Birx, Medical Expert?, 7/6/21
Peter Scolari, co-actor with Hanks, 10/19/21
Tom Hanks, Actor, 6/25 or 7/25/21
James Comey, FBI Director, 6/28/21 Guillotine
John Brennan, CIA Director, 6/7/21
Hillary Clinton, 4/26/21
Yes, yes, we know you still see them around… If you aren’t aware of face masks, clones and CGI, do your research…