DISCLOSURE: Swiss Govt is Target of the US Led Global Covert Defence War Military Operation STORM 2024!
Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at https://t.me/AMGNEWS2022 and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!
On the 27th of January 2024 I have duly reported to the Secretary of Defence of the United States, who only and exclusively reports to the current Wartime President & Commander-in-Chief of the United States, Donald J. Trump the former and current Swiss Government, the WHO, the UN, WEF, Gavi, Swissmedic and all Institutions, including but not limited to, all rogue Civil Persons as perpetrators of serious Crimes against Humanity and Corruption that they have actively carried out against the Population on Swiss Territory through the 2020-2023 criminal Covid19 PsyOp and lethal, harmful Covid Injections.
The legal basis and my duty of my reporting action is pertaining to the ongoing US led covert Defense War Military Operation #STORM. The target definition is described in the 18th December 2023 continued Presidential Executive Order 13818 enacted originally on the 20th December 2017 by the current, since December 20th 2019 Wartime, President & CIC of the United States, Donald J. Trump.
And here is the active FAA US Military No Fly Zone over the current White House, the residence and Highest Executive office of the United States of the current Wartime President & Commander-in-Chief of the United States, Donald J. Trump and it ends on June 1st 2024.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the fact that I can disclose this FFA No Fly Zone link that is now workign for you to click is a clear indiaction that the Klaeidoscope of the largest Central Casting operation in History of Film making soon comes to an end. Otherwise, my Disclosure would not be able to publish a clickable FFA .gov website link confirming my disclosures. You need to learn to read and analyse our Disclosures, Use your brain again.
Former Swiss Air Force Officer Pascal Najadi announces the imminent surfacing of the covert US led Defense War Operation STORM in Public Address at the Tomb of Napoleon Bonaparte in Paris in January 2024
Pascal Najadi, a former Swiss Air Force commander and investment banker, began with his disclosures, which include verified proof gathered from official United States Government and Military websites. These revelations are an essential component of Operation STORM. The current clandestine US Military War Operation STORM, which began on December 20th, 2019, will be disclosed internationally simultaneously in 2024. The actual date of its discovery remains a closely guarded military secret.
President Donald J. Trump sent an unprompted, cryptic remark Thursday, October 5, 2017, after meeting with top military chiefs at the White House, stating, “Maybe it is the quiet before the storm. “We have the world’s great military leaders in this room,” Trump told reporters after commenting on a photo opportunity in the White House’s Cabinet Room. When pressed by a news reporter on what he meant, the President said, “You will find out.”
On Wednesday, December 20th, 2017, President Donald J. Trump issued, signed, and executed the startling Presidential Executive Order 13818, which was extended only a few days ago on December 18th, 2023, for another year till the end of 2024. This document is a military directive issued by the United States for national defense. It can be considered the first recorded occurrence of the current covert military operation known as #STORM, which is being directed by the United States Military under the command of Commander-in-Chief and Wartime President Donald J. Trump. It plainly states:
“The prevalence and severity of human rights abuse and corruption that have their source, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States, continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States.”
The proof of the US-led clandestine military action known as #STORM may be found in Presidential Executive Order 13818, which was issued by President Trump on December 20, 2017. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2023/12/18/press-release-notice-on-the-continuation-of-the-national-emergency-with-respect-to-serious-human-rights-abuse-and-corruption/
President Donald J. Trump’s Executive Order 13818, which was prepared, signed, and executed on December 20th, 2017, has been renewed and sustained for another year. It was formally announced on December 18th, 2023, on the White House website, which is presently housed at the Mar-a-Lago Estate in Palm Beach, Florida.Mar-a-Lago order to shoot down No Fly Zone : https://tfr.faa.gov/save_pages/detail_3_9602.html

This particular Executive Order refers to a national emergency, primarily connected to concerns of national defense and a declaration of war, which was proclaimed on December 20th, 2019. On December 20th, 2019, he invoked the use of military force and ordered assistance with allied troops under the War Powers Resolution Act 50 Ch. 33 Sec. 1550, which included over twenty partner military forces and organizations from outside the United States, free of their rogue political leaders.
On December 20th, he officially launched the US Space Force (USSF), which will serve as the worldwide operational control and communications central Military Hub for all US military services beginning in August 2022. The US Coast Guard has been operating under the US Navy since December 20th, 2019, and is generally operated by Homeland Security.
The present covert military operation, which began on December 20th, 2019, is a fight against the globalist Deep State, rogue government groups, and state courts. It especially targets Switzerland, including pedophiles and their networks, as well as media owners, editors, and journalists who actively participated in crimes against humanity, democide, and genocide in connection with the WHO WEF Covid-19 PsyOp. This operation views the deployment of a bioweapon injection on innocent persons as a direct act of war and an attack on the human species.
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It is worth noting that the US Law of War Manual 2015, last updated in July 2023, is enforceable worldwide and applies, including on Swiss territory. It also includes people who have committed crimes against humanity and corruption, as well as any actions that assisted such crimes, such as knowing about them but neglecting to prosecute the offenders. https://media.defense.gov/2023/Jul/31/2003271432/-1/-1/0/DOD-LAW-OF-WAR-MANUAL-JUNE-2015-UPDATED-JULY%202023.PDF
The former Vice-President under Traitor Obama, Joe Biden, has already been executed by the US Military Justice for Treason and Crimes against Humanity (COVID-19 PsyOp) and has been buried at the Arlington Cemetery with a 3 Cannon Salute shots protocol with a 9 seconds firing interval comprising of 21 shots on January 20th, 2021, the same day and at the same time as the invalid, purposely faked, so-called Inauguration of the fake Joe Biden, who is a Central Casting actor They have created a great kaleidoscope of stratagems to entangle the adversary by drawing the public domain into the stratagems of a real-life phony administration. Up to this moment, the whole Biden administration has functioned as a giant casting operation.
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The well-known American Military Veteran Derek Johnson, who is also a trusted ally of the current President and Commander-in-Chief, Donald J. Trump, as well as General Michael Flynn and other prominent US Military Commanders, has established an unhackable Disclosure www.thedocuments.info enabling the public the world over to check and verify that Donald J. Trump is not only the current Wartime President and Commander-in-Chief of the United States, These are the unmistakable components of Disclosure that will provide you with the clarity you deserve. https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title50/chapter33&edition=prelim
50 USC Chapter 33: War Powers Resolution.
- 1541. Purpose and Policy
(c) President’s executive authority as Commander-in-Chief; limitations
The President’s constitutional authority as Commander-in-Chief to send United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is indicated by the circumstances, is exercised only in response to (1) a declaration of war, (2) specific statutory authorization, or (3) a national emergency caused by an attack on the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.
- 1701: Unusual and extraordinary threat; proclamation of national emergency; use of presidential authority.
(a) If the President declares a national emergency, any authority granted to him by section 1702 of this title may be used to deal with any unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, or economy of the United States that originated entirely or substantially outside the United States.
Section 1550 requires reports and briefings on the use of military force and assistance for partner forces. In general.
Not later than 180 days after December 20, 2019, and every 180 days thereafter, the President shall submit to the congressional defense committees, the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, and the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, a report on actions taken under the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107-40) against those countries or organizations described in such law, as well as any actions taken to command,
Najadi states that they found and apprehended everyone linked with corruption and crimes against humanity using a complex array of Stratagems, including his planned and executed Stratagem in Swiss territory. His filing of criminal charges as a terminally ill Pfizer Covid Injection victim against former Swiss President and Health Minister Alain Berset, as well as two doctors who administered the harmful and potentially fatal Pfizer mRNA bioweapon injections, prompted the corrupt Swiss Federal and State Judiciary to reject those fully evidenced criminal charges that the Swiss Constitution required to be investigated.
In January 2024, he publicly stated:
“Attempting to assassinate me, my mother or the 5.7 billion people on Earth will not go unpunished. You have forcefully and intentionally crossed the red line by implementing the COVID-19 PsyOp, an incredibly damaging and harmful assault on mankind. I disclose that our punishment is the fury of Military Power of the US-led Military Operation #STORM, which is eradicating all evil.”
According to him, there will be no pandemonium, and everything will go in an organized manner. Furthermore, any media outlets and journalists that acted unethically and rogue during the unlawful COVID-19 PsyOp will be closed down to prevent them from swaying public opinion via frightened propaganda, perhaps causing harm to the public. The military forces and operations operate professionally and tirelessly to guarantee public safety and preserve the constitutional rights and obligations of the people in their respective domains at all times.
Executive Order 13818 of current Wartime President & Commander-in-Chief Donald J. Trump makes it quite plain that US military action will focus on Switzerland, EU Member States, and the EU Commission. During his infamous March 2023 address in Washington, DC, he declared, “I will obliterate the Deep State!”
According to Najadi, all rogue democracies will be abolished as a form of government and replaced with Military Administration and Justice, as well as the Uniform Codes of the United States Military Justice System. The United States has been under military occupation since December 2019, and a Supreme Court decision in November 2016 emphasized that military personnel in the United States vary from their civilian colleagues.
This implies that the Swiss Democracy, which he defines as “treacherous” to justice, Swiss citizens, and those living on Swiss territory, will be eliminated to restore the Swiss Constitution and return sovereignty to the people.
According to Pascal Najadi, the STORM is surfacing imminently, beginning in 2024.
On Friday, January 19th, 2024, Pascal Najadi made a public announcement out of the world-famous Tomb of Napoleon Bonaparte hinting the arrest of French President Emmanuel Macron, former Swiss President & Health Minister Alain Berset and his colleague, sitting Foreign Minister Cassis, as well as KLaus Schwab, President of the World Economic Forum (WEF), alongside Tedros of the WHO will be arrested soon by Military Forces for Crimes against Humanity and Treason under the Last but not least, the unlawful compulsion of the Swiss State Sponsored Covid19 PSyOp and Injections Democide impacted American citizens and military personnel who resided or were present on Swiss territory.
Viral VIDEO DISCLOSURES January 28th 2024:
DISCLOSURE: Swiss Govt is Target of the US Led Global covert Defence War Military Operation – STORM
ARTICLE SOURCE: https://rumble.com/v4b0oj9-disclosure-switzerland-as-also-a-target-of-the-us-led-global-covert-defence.html
RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/user/neutralswiss
Good story. If only it were true. Too many bullcrap stories to think this was true. That’s what the little boy who cries wolf gets
l’espoir fait vivre, dit-on, d’y croire me fera passer une bonne journée ! c’est déjà pas si mal ……
It is very true and I believe with in the next 2 weeks you will see.