Dulce Underground Base: Doubles and Clones – Human Cloning, DNA, Cattle Mutilation
Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at https://t.me/AMGNEWS2022 and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!
The importance of human doubles was realized very early as politics became more complicated amongst the ruling elites [old wealthy families – Rothschild, Rockefeller, British Royal Family, Fondi Family, secret societies, etc.]. With either side wishing that if they could just replace certain persons in their way to bring about changes in political circles to create situations and environments more favorable to their agendas.
After World War II facial plastic surgery was practiced by skilled surgeons and perfected in secret. The Soviets were using this method to create high-ranking doubles and these doubles had to undergo hypnosis sessions and voice training and also devote many years mimicking mannerisms, behaviors and traits of the person they would eventually replace.
And the United States, England, etc. were also involved in the facial surgery sleight of hand to fool the public and members of the aristocrats. But the process of bringing about the change had its limitations, and over the many decades to follow all science institutions funded by the elites were searching for new ways to create replicas. In the United States, England and Europe the research was especially compartmentalized to ensure secrecy.
Dulce Underground Base
Photos and drawings provided by Thomas Castello before he mysteriously disappeared, where he later died of cancer, after revealing the Dulce Base information publicly.
Dulce Base – Google Map Images:
The photos below are not related to the Thomas Castello Dulce Base story, but they are shown only to demonstrate that similar experiments and ambitions are being pursued.
The Vatican Demanded this Be Kept Under Lock and Key: “The Divine Prayer – One Minute Prayer From Biblical Times”:
Lab-Clones And Lab-Doubles
In 1967 Lord Rothschild a physiologist and international authority on the structure and action of spermatozoa, told scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel that he regarded cloning people as a near possibility, and that the hurdle he foresees is ethical. Rothschild was not specific about the type of cloning – in womb baby or current age (teen or adult) biological automaton, but most likely he was referring to regular human cloning by tinkering with the DNA in the sperm and egg.
The first to mention lab-cloning (i.e. in-vitro humans) at the adult stage as fact was Dr. Peter Beter, informed through his intelligence sources and recorded into his audio letter series and radio interviews. And Dr. Beter was shown actual photos of human clones deployed in Washington DC. Many years after disclosing the discovery, a source who Beter was getting some of his secret information from, confirmed what Beter had said, and revealed more.
Beter was later warned to stop producing his audio letter series and a few years after he suffered a heart attack and died. The source said that he took Beter to see one of the U.S. presidents, Jimmy Carter, in cloned form in Washington DC at a morgue after fulfilling its political stand-in and died due to body function deterioration.
The source said that the clone had a doll-looking appearance, and that adult cloning was pushed aside because the process was time consuming and the end product had a limited lifespan. Adult clones are still being used today, yes, but not as widespread like when their deployment first began in the late 1970s.
Lab-clones (i.e. in-vitro humans) were somewhat retired in the political sphere four years after their deployment started in 1979 where the secret group that was behind these futuristic biological automatons resorted to using another form of human product that was more durable, referred in this article as “lab-double (i.e. transgenic humans),” which requires genuine human host bodies. And these host bodies are collected through clandestine means to avoid public outrage and ethical scandal.
Lab-clones (i.e. in-vitro humans) can be created from scratch using the donor’s genetics starting from the egg cell stage using recombinant DNA technique; while the other method of human lab-cloning grows the host bodies and stores them for eventual DNA transformation that changes the host body to that of the person being copied over several days.
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While lab-doubles require genuine human host bodies that are snatched from among the general public. When this is done, people will go missing or framed/initiated in brutal murders, found guilty, sentenced or taken away for fake death; and those who are sentenced commit suicide or die is some strange way.
Lab-doubles (i.e. transgenic humans) are generated using DNA transplantation, where the genes of the person, the blueprint of the body form, features and voice pattern, to be copied, is collected from blood, skin, etc. processed and prepared for the transfer procedure into a different host body. The targeted host body DNA is suppressed as the foreign DNA is transferred, which completely overrides the body’s original DNA and physically starts to transform it in hours. The use of Lab-Doubles and Lab-Clones in the political and corporate spheres is widespread worldwide.
Cattle Mutilation
As the 1960s dawned reports of mutilated cattle began to surface in the United States confined to the states of Pennsylvania and Kansas and was seen as isolated incidents. By the mid-1970s the bizarre phenomenon of cattle mutilation became widespread in the Americas.
The public had no idea what was behind these mysterious cattle killings. The same phenomenon was also being reported in England between 1983 and 1993, and in Germany between 1992 and 1998. Rumors were being spread throughout the UFO community that extraterrestrials and their spacecrafts were involved; and still today the made-up blame as to who is behind it remains the same.
Predatory animals are also involved in some killings of cattle, and their methods (jagged and ripped wounds, battered bodies, etc.) of slaughter can be deduced by knowledgeable investigators. Cattle mutilation done by human predators the wounds are more precise along with certain logical patterns regarding the harvesting of organ parts.
The Rothschilds’ subordinate, the U.S. Bolsheviks, were behind the wave of cattle mutilations that struck the Americas in the mid-1970s. The U.S. Bolsheviks were using the Rothschilds’ method for generating adult clones, developed in France, which requires the collection of certain organs while the donor (animal or human) is still conscious. Biologists in the know, especially those working on secret government projects, are very aware of this practice.
I was informed about one such incident involving the British that happened in the 1960s to harvest animal kidneys to assist in creating nutrient rich tissue cultures. The animals were captured and held in cages, then after their organs were harvested while conscious. Years later information about the project surfaced into the public causing scandal and repercussions, and the entire procedure about how the organs were collected was denied to have ever happened.
Not to repeat their mistake, the secret group behind the harvesters was now using advanced technologies and chosen locations to collect cattle organs, tissues and blood; and then blame the cruelty on extraterrestrials. This was part of the alien invasion agenda scare tactics campaign to perpetuate fear among the public about extraterrestrials.
On June 30, 2003, Israeli scientist Dr. Tal Biron-Shental at the annual conference of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, said that they were successful in growing egg-producing follicles taken from aborted human fetuses, where 70 baby mice were born using the technique.
Vaguely detailing the process he said that researchers removed ovary samples and froze them; later thawed and cut into thin slices and placed in a dish with growth-enhancing chemicals (e.g. hormones extracted from glands and other organs) and “calf blood” for four weeks. At the symposium some experts were skeptical that aborted fetuses could ever be a practical source for human eggs, while others said it was technically possible, but that ethical concerns make it a bad idea.
The biological tissue cell culture, nutrients, etc. extracted or grown from the cattle or human organs are used as a starting point in the cloning process. Thomas Castello, the security administrator for the Dulce Underground Base corroborated the cattle mutilation phenomenon as terrestrial related as mentioned by Dr. Beter over thirty years ago. The Dulce Base project was similar to the Plum Island project in New York and the fictional Island of Doctor Moreau. However, the Dulce Base project…was more advanced because it brought together accidental discoveries for in-depth exploration in secret.
The project was grandiose because it had ulterior motives in mind. And some of them was to try and solve the problems of human cloning, create off-world looking species, create human-like caste of species, mind-programming, anti-gravity propulsion (Area-51…), etc. And the project was to get ready the master plan for a fake alien invasion of Earth.
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