Elite Gender Inversion | Trannies ~ Trannies EVERYWHERE!
Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at https://t.me/AMGNEWS2022 and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!
I found this new source of research on EGI and it was so comprehensive that I figured it deserved its own post. This person has put together some very detailed video that outline all the anatomical specifics of the science of Transvestigating and why it’s absolutely undeniable that ALL celebrities are in fact inverts and just how easy it is to identify these physical skeletal and muscular traits in your own.
Elite Gender Inversion
This video is a cursory look at the “Transpocolypse”, which is appears to be at least a partial cause of the collapse of civilization through intentional, psychological deterioration of the human family, or humanity in general. Before casting judgement on the topic, please LOOK INTO THIS, as you will be shocked to learn the truth, thinly veiled right before our eyes. We’ll focus on the jaw-dropping FTM transition using potent testosterone, mutilation and plastic surgery.
View discresion is ADVISED!
We should all pray for, and have sympothy for the people ~ (often unwillingly) spearheading this transgender movement, often without their knowledge or consent, as multi-generational satanic families are apparently transgendering their children before they are old enough to make such decisions.

Angelina Jolie is a MAN! Like Sailors This One Has Multitudes of Tattoos too!
Comment: Ab, you appear to be open to the idea that EGI is prevalent in our world. You’ve shared MrE videos, so I’m making an educated guess. Anyway I’ve compiled a lot of information that you might find interesting so in the spirit of sharing see the links below. Most of this is not my original work, but I am the archivist. I enjoy your blog and daily emails, so this is me just giving back somewhat.
Everything in this world is inverted, the opposite of what we are told it is, including the genders of the people we see on our screens. This is the missing link.
It’s now clear to people familiar with EGI (elite gender inversion) that most, if not all, major celebrities (actors, musicians, singers, dancers, comedians, elite athletes), politicians (presidents, governors, judges, legislators etc) CEOs (and other high-level business executives) and even the people who deliver the news are covertly transgender.

Through their influence, these people desire to transform and invert our world morally, spiritually, and biologically – all into something akin to their own image and they do it through deception. It’s a multi-generational practice going back centuries.
Learn anatomy. Study the skeletal markers, and the differences between male & female skeletons. Skeletons don’t lie. Once you see you can’t unsee.
The tools used to deceive us include: HRT (hormone replacement therapy), hormone blockers, puberty blockers, HGH (human growth hormone), surgeries, makeup, clothing.

The Obamas – Venus and Serena Williams – Tranny’s Exposed (Video)
Clones, Doubles, Actors, Transvestites Hiding in Plain Sight, Holographic or CGI – The Illusions are SO REAL Now.. They Have Become Normal!
It’s being reported that many public figures have been replaced by stand in clones/doubles these days. According to ZetaTalk these Military Tribunals have been running in the US since the start of 2019, authorized by President Trump’s Executive Order. Issues such as treason and crimes against humanity fall under the military purview and allow for a speedy trial in secrecy, commonly resulting in executions or lengthy stays at GITMO.
Types of Clones Used By The Illuminati:
Actual Clones: This is a person grown from test tubes, known as “in vitro” or implanted in a womb, having identical genetic makeup to another person.
Synthetic People: These persons look every bit as real as a real person although are made of certain tissues extracted from cattle for example.
Organic Robotoids: This is an artificial life created totally different than clones or synthetics. Organic robotoid technology is being used to make exact as possible copies of important people.
Doubles (Look-alikes): An ongoing program to find look-alikes for prominent people, as well as a program to create secret identical twins (which are separated at birth and never see each other)….
Read more here: https://amg-news.com/clones-doubles-actors-transvestites-hiding-in-plain-sight-holographic/
Also: Gitmo News: Deep State Clones End After Three Years, Cloning Researchers Tell Military – Doppelgangers/Clones Revealed; Liz Cheney Hanged – https://amg-news.com/gitmo-news-deep-state-clones-end-after-three-years-cloning-researchers-tell-military-doppelgangers-clones-revealed-liz-cheney-hanged/
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