Era of High-Tech Espionage! Cryptic Wealth and the Shadows of the NSA: Currency Revaluation and Redemption in a Surveillance State
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A stealthy wind of change is sweeping across the world of wealth accumulation, and with it, the very essence of financial safety is being redefined. As you navigate this enigmatic landscape of currency revaluation, armed with invaluable insider knowledge and potent currency names like Dinar, Dong, Rupee, ZIM, and Rial, a lurking presence casts its long shadow – the NSA. But why the surveillance, and what does it mean for the brave new breed of currency holders?
The Gravity of the Situation. In this intense panorama, we have a peculiar breed of financial adventurers – the currency holders. These pioneers are the holders of the future, individuals who can sense the imminent financial shift and stand prepared to seize the golden opportunity. The US Treasury’s prophecies are cryptic yet crucial. Many of these audacious souls are predicted to go broke in the upcoming four to five years.
Such a prediction is not merely a gamble on probability. It stems from a rigorous understanding of the human psyche and its relation to wealth. The mantra here is crystal clear – “Don’t Break in 4-5 years.” The cure to this ominous fate lies in prudent personal finance management. Whether you’re a currency holder dealing with millions or barely surviving with just enough, the solution is simple yet often neglected – discipline, budgeting, and planning.
Beware the Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs). Another looming danger on this path of potential wealth is the Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs). The US Treasury harbors another alarming expectation: many currency holders will breach these NDAs and lose not just their accumulated wealth but their entire accounts.
The NDAs aren’t sinister documents spun in the web of bureaucracy; they are shields. Measuring just 2-4 pages and with a lifespan of approximately 90 days, they are set to outline the rules of this novel game of wealth. They detail what you must not disclose to anyone, even other fellow currency traders. The NDAs must be perused and understood, not just glanced over – they are your guide in this tricky terrain.
The Unseen Watchers: NSA. In this era of hyper-connectivity, your every move is under the watchful eye of a constellation of intelligence agencies, led by the omnipresent NSA. Your phone calls, emails, text messages, and every flicker of activity on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google, Youtube are monitored, scrutinized, and evaluated. As you traverse this path, it’s best to cloak yourself in anonymity. Opt out of social networks. Remember, familiar tools and platforms like FB, Google, Amazon Alexa have often served as DARPA programs to collect data on people – an unsettling thought, isn’t it?
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Decoding the Language of Discretion. Following your appointment in this realm, certain words and phrases must be struck off your lexicon. Words like “RV”, “Revaluation”, “GCR”, “global currency reset”, “currency reset”, “Dinar, Dong, Rupee, ZIM, Rial”, “exchange”, “rates” – these are the triggers that set the NSA into high alert. You may ask, why so? These words are what the intelligence agencies use to flag potential NDA breakers.
In the aftermath of your appointment and the ensuing currency reset, a wall of silence must be erected. Even casual mentions of your “recently received funds”, “windfall”, or “financial blessing” on any communication medium can lead to breaches. Your investment plans, use of funds in projects – none of these should be discussed, especially not the RV/GCR source of your newfound wealth. The NDA will clear this up, remember to read it carefully.
Preventing Digital Intrusion. Your digital devices are potential gateways for intrusion. It’s strongly advised to have all electronic devices encrypted. Install a Virtual Private Network (VPN) that cloaks your Internet Protocol address, thus hiding your geographical position. It may sound like an unnecessary hassle, but it is your armor in this increasingly connected world.
In the heart of this labyrinthine landscape, one thing stands out – vigilance. You are a potential target of scams, and your security should never be taken for granted. You are chosen, tasked with making the most of this magnificent opportunity, but with great power comes greater responsibility. It’s a thrilling journey, fraught with unexpected twists, intriguing shadows, and the exhilarating prospect of newfound wealth. Buckle up, stay alert, and make the most of this incredible opportunity.
As we delve deeper into this fascinating world of currency revaluation, we begin to see the complexity of the matter. It’s a world where the mighty forces of wealth – technology, and intelligence intertwine, creating a panorama as exciting as it is intimidating. Armed with knowledge, discretion, and vigilance, you are now ready to navigate this brave new world. Remember, the NSA may be watching, but you’re the one calling the shots.
In the end, it’s a grand chess game, and you, my friend, are the player, not a pawn. Play wisely, and the spoils of this financial revolution can be yours. Stay alert, stay safe, and may fortune favor the brave. Welcome to the new world of currency revaluation – a world where dreams are forged in the crucibles of discipline, planning, and prudence.
NESARA: The Revolution in American Economic System Unraveled
Imagine a world where all your credit card, mortgage, and bank debt simply vanished. Picture an economic landscape where the Federal Reserve, a linchpin of modern capitalism, becomes nothing more than a specter of the past. Sound impossible? Hold on to your seat. This reality, one that could very well trigger the ultimate financial revolution, is inching its way into the fabric of our society under the moniker of NESARA, the National Economic Security and Recovery Act.
The Rising Shadow of NESARA
Every now and then, society witnesses dramatic, seismic shifts, events that rewrite the very fabric of our existence. Right now, we are on the precipice of another such transformative period, one with the potential to irrevocably alter the global economic landscape. NESARA is the storm that has been brewing on the horizon, its imminent arrival whispered about in hushed tones by those ‘in the know’. What does this sweeping legislation promise? It is, in essence, a “jubilee” or a grand forgiveness of debt. A concept that is, quite frankly, the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare.
The name alone, NESARA, has the power to make even the most stoic Wall Street suits break into a cold sweat. Why? The answer lies in its implications. If fully implemented, NESARA will zero out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debts, striking a crippling blow to the entrenched banking systems and their profit-making mechanisms built around these debts. Yes, the very pillars of our capitalistic society are under threat, and the tremors are only just beginning.
Abolishment of Income Tax and the IRS
Under the provisions of NESARA, the United States will bid adieu to income tax, a cornerstone of the federal revenue system. Instead, the IRS, a behemoth entity viewed with trepidation by many, will be abolished. The employees, those used to the rigmarole of tax codes and audits, will find themselves transitioned into the US Treasury’s national sales tax department.
The Promise of a Flat Sales Tax
NESARA proposes the introduction of a 14% flat rate sales tax, applied only to new, non-essential items. This revolutionary approach would mean food and medicine – those basic necessities of life – would be tax-free. And so will used items like old homes, safeguarding the needs of the common man.
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Under the NESARA regime, the government’s revenue will come from luxury consumption, a bold and aggressive move away from the current income-based taxation model.
Enhanced Senior Citizen Benefits
At the heart of this sweeping change is a sense of justice and fairness, a desire to reorient society’s focus towards its most vulnerable. NESARA promises increased benefits to senior citizens, a move that stands to dramatically improve the quality of life for our elders.
A Return to Constitutional Law
NESARA also aims to return constitutional law to all courts and legal matters. The essence of this provision is to restore the checks and balances that are the backbone of our democracy, realigning our legal framework with the founding principles of our nation.
The Original Title of Nobility Amendment
NESARA will reinstate the original Title of Nobility amendment. Under this, hundreds of thousands of Americans under foreign influences will lose their citizenship, be deported, and barred from re-entry for life. An alarming number of people will also find their hard-earned college degrees reduced to worthless pieces of paper overnight.
Political Ramifications
The political landscape will not be spared either. NESARA calls for new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days of its announcement, marking a seismic shift in our political system. The interim government will cancel all “National Emergencies” and return us to constitutional law, a stark departure from current norms.
Election Monitoring
NESARA doesn’t stop at just implementing new elections. It goes a step further, intending to monitor elections and prevent illegal activities by special interest groups. This provision is a direct challenge to the behind-the-scenes power plays that have long influenced our democracy.
The Birth of a New U.S. Treasury Currency
With NESARA, the U.S. Treasury will roll out a ‘rainbow currency,’ backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals. This move will end the U.S. bankruptcy initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933, replacing it with a solid, tangible financial foundation.
Birth Certificate Sales and the U.S. Department of Transportation
NESARA will forbid the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation. This measure aims to restore individual autonomy and protect the rights of every American citizen from the moment of birth.
This video contains Top Secret information leaked from Genetic Research at the Pentagon
The Rise of the U.S. Treasury Bank System
NESARA will lead to the genesis of a new U.S. Treasury Bank System, a financial institution designed to align with Constitutional Law. This will mark a watershed moment, with the current Federal Reserve System being phased out over a year-long transition period, eventually rendering it obsolete.
Restoration of Financial Privacy and Retraining in Constitutional Law
NESARA will restore financial privacy, a fundamental right that has been eroded in the age of digital transactions. It also calls for the retraining of all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law, ensuring that the judiciary remains the ultimate guardian of the constitution.
Ceasing U.S. Military Actions Worldwide
NESARA carries global implications too. It will cease all aggressive U.S. military actions worldwide, acting as a beacon of peace and setting a precedent for other nations.
Humanitarian Efforts and Suppressed Technology Release
In an unprecedented move, NESARA will release enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes and unveil over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies. These include innovations like free energy devices, antigravity, and sonic healing machines that have been hidden under the cloak of national security.
NESARA’s Forced Inception
NESARA’s story is as dramatic as its proposed changes. Legend has it that President Clinton’s clone, under orders from U.S. military generals, was forced at gunpoint to sign NESARA into law on October 10, 2000. During this tense standoff, the Secret Service and White House security personnel were ordered to stand down and witness this momentous event under a gag order.
NESARA is more than just a policy overhaul; it’s a paradigm shift. It aims to topple the existing socio-economic structure, replacing it with a system that prioritizes individual freedom, financial security, and global peace.
Whether you view NESARA as the dawn of a new era or the herald of anarchy, one thing is clear: it has the potential to rewrite the world as we know it. But as with all things powerful and transformative, the question remains – is society ready for NESARA?
The Final Stages of Military Operations is Taking Place. There is NO Coincidence!
There are no coincidences in life, just like there’s no room for indifference in the face of reality. The most intense storm of the century is brewing, a metaphoric tempest that’s set to shake the bedrock of our society, to reveal the lurid shadows that have long held sway in the hidden echelons of power. The covert labyrinth of the deep state, the perfidious cabal and their abhorrent deeds, is being unearthed, and we are at the precipice of a cataclysmic revelation.
This is not an article you come across casually while scrolling through the internet. This is a call to arms, a rallying cry for all free-thinking individuals, a demand for truth and transparency. We are at the cusp of the final stages of an unparalleled military operation that promises to reshape our world and its conventional narratives. . .
Read the full article HERE:
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