Explosive Day One: Trump and Kennedy Executive Orders Shatter the Status Quo and Redefine America’s Health, Freedom, and Government!
Ready to uncover the truth? Sick of the lies? Join our Telegram Channel now. It’s time for the real story! My gratitude to all my readers!
Breaking: Trump and Kennedy unleash a storm of executive orders on day one! Vaccine mandates eliminated, FDA and CDC abolished, bans on toxic ingredients and GMOs, and formal recognition of vaccine injury. A new era of health, freedom, and reform rocks America!
Washington D.C., January 20, 2025—History is rewritten in red, white, and thunderous roars as Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. drop a bombshell on their first day in office. America, brace yourself. The old guard has fallen, and a new, unapologetically bold era has dawned. With pens blazing, they sign executive orders that rip through bureaucratic red tape and legacy complacency like a tornado through a paper house. The message? The time for talking is over; the time for radical action is now!
BOOM: Vaccine Mandates Annihilated!
First up, Trump and Kennedy obliterate vaccine mandates with one explosive order. This isn’t just a policy tweak; it’s an all-out assault on government overreach and the stronghold of Big Pharma. For years, vaccine mandates have divided families, sparked protests, and blurred the line between public safety and personal liberty. That line is now crystal clear: Americans reclaim the right to choose without fear of repercussions. The new mantra? Medical freedom is non-negotiable.
Gone are the days when mandates were passed under the guise of public safety while trampling on individual rights. This order is the sledgehammer of autonomy, championing personal choice over enforced conformity. The administration will back this up with educational campaigns promoting informed consent, making it clear that true health policy must empower, not enslave.
POW! 1986 Vaccine Immunity Law: HISTORY!
Hold on tight because the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act is getting pulverized. Gone are the golden days when pharmaceutical companies played their immunity card, dodging responsibility while reaping profits. With this repeal, Trump and Kennedy deliver a spine-tingling blow to Big Pharma’s fortress, ripping down the shield that kept them unaccountable.
Now, Americans can once again fight for justice in court. No more blanket immunity. No more silence. This isn’t just a policy shift; it’s a seismic event that resets the balance of power between citizens and corporate giants. It’s an open call for innovation that prioritizes safety, sparking a new age of vaccines that are safer, better tested, and more trusted.
BANG! Ban on Fluoridation Takes the Nation by Storm
Say goodbye to fluoride in your tap water! For years, the debate raged: protector of dental health or hidden menace? Trump and Kennedy end that debate with a decisive strike. With a sweeping ban on fluoridation, they signal that the days of mass medicating the public without consent are over. Kennedy’s environmental roots and staunch advocacy add weight to this monumental decision.
Critics are gasping, but supporters are cheering the liberation of water from the shadow of neurotoxins. This executive order screams, Let America drink free and pure! Expect rapid shifts toward more natural and advanced water treatment practices, ensuring every household has access to clean, chemical-free hydration.
BOOM! FDA, CDC, and FTC Reshuffled—No, Demolished!
If you thought shaking things up was enough, think again. Trump and Kennedy go for total obliteration: the FDA, CDC, and FTC are not just being restructured; they’re getting dismantled. Why? Because reforming isn’t enough when institutions are entrenched in deep-seated dysfunction. Out with the old, in with the new—a phoenix rising from the ashes, designed to operate with transparency, integrity, and public accountability.
This isn’t bureaucracy 2.0; this is bureaucracy zero. The move will empower smaller, specialized agencies to focus laser-sharp on their mandates without corporate interference. These new bodies will report to the people, not to profit. It’s the rebirth of governance that places American health and consumer protection front and center.
CRACK! Toxic Ingredients Banned in Food—A Health Revolution!
Say goodbye to the chemical soup that has become the American diet. With an order that cracks down on toxic food ingredients, Trump and Kennedy are turning every pantry into a sanctuary of health. From artificial dyes that mess with your mind to preservatives that stretch shelf life at the expense of yours, it’s all getting the axe. This isn’t just a food policy—it’s a battle cry for cleaner, safer eating.
Manufacturers now face a choice: adapt or fall behind. Trump and Kennedy’s order is clear: If it’s not fit for human consumption, it’s not going in our food. This sets the stage for a radical overhaul of food industry practices and signals to the world that America is serious about what it serves its citizens.
THUNDER! Vaccine Injury and Death Officially Recognized
Trump and Kennedy blast through the decades-long wall of silence with the recognition of vaccine injuries and deaths. No more dismissals. No more gaslighting. With this landmark order, victims and their families are acknowledged, their stories heard, and their battles supported. This is more than policy—it’s a reckoning.
Agencies will establish a comprehensive reporting system, making sure every case is documented, and compensation will be fast-tracked for those who have suffered. The order promises that never again will voices be drowned out by deafening corporate PR. The era of silencing dissenters is over; this administration stands with those who have been ignored for far too long.
ALSO: THE RED PILL! Discover The Secret Used By A Former CIA Scientist To Open Your ‘3rd EYE’
EXPLOSIVE! GMOs and Toxic Pesticides Banned—America Turns Organic!
Trump and Kennedy’s call for the ban on GMO foods and toxic pesticides thunders through the agricultural sector. No more pesticides that poison both food and the soil. No more GMOs with questionable safety profiles. This is an all-out declaration that America’s crops and food supply will prioritize health over profit.
The order will push farmers toward natural, sustainable practices, fortifying the land for future generations. This isn’t just an agricultural policy—it’s a bold reclaiming of America’s right to healthy, nutrient-rich, non-toxic food. The new landscape promises not only safety but the cultivation of a thriving, eco-friendly food economy.
FINAL STRIKE: Recognition of the Autism-Vaccine Link—A Truth Bomb
Hold onto your seats, because this might be the most explosive of all. Trump and Kennedy are putting the controversial link between vaccines and autism on the table, loud and clear. This acknowledgment sends shockwaves through every corner of the medical world. The administration isn’t bowing to conventional narratives; it’s taking the tough road, facing the data, and demanding answers.
This isn’t fear-mongering—it’s fact-finding. Expect a surge of independent studies and funding toward understanding the factors that contribute to autism. Support programs will expand, ensuring affected families are given the tools they need. Trump and Kennedy are staking their claim as champions of truth, transparency, and tireless advocacy for America’s most vulnerable.
What is the secret to a long healthy life?
This is it: the final, blistering strike that shatters the status quo. Trump and Kennedy’s decision to abolish the FDA, CDC, and FTC is the most radical act of governance in modern American history. By dismantling these agencies, they pave the way for an entirely new landscape where the power lies not with entrenched bureaucrats but with innovative, agile teams driven by the public interest.
Say goodbye to red tape, say goodbye to the deep-rooted influence of Big Pharma, and say hello to a government that’s willing to rewrite the book if it means serving the American people better. With this move, Trump and Kennedy are delivering on their promise of an uncompromising, transparent, and people-first administration. This isn’t just change; this is a tectonic shift.
Hold tight, America—change is here, and it’s louder, prouder, and bolder than ever before.
“It’s an open call for innovation that prioritizes safety, sparking a new age of vaccines that are safer, better tested, and more trusted.” Better yet (because vaccines are intrinsically dangerous, for their ingredients and MO):
a) prevention, esp. in the form of cleaner and healthier food and water, and nutrition in general; and b) natural treatments. Such as vitamin A for measles; large doses of vitamin C even for polio; colloidal silver for the DTaP triad; the list goes on.
And to include better training in our Med schools for a new breed of doctors. Long overdue.
Now right there are some really wise words of wisdom! You tell-um Kenny,
Yes, dear.
I say BRING IT! 🙂
For anyone who has not figured out amg-news yet [[yes, I am speaking to you Roy, your persistent snarkiness is tiring]], they put articles out that mix the past, present, and future. They do not adhere to a linear timeline. So it appears to the unawakened to be a jumbled hot mess. This, in my opinion, is by design. Why you say? Because this was / is the best, most humane way to wake up the people to the truth. Now, this will not go on forever because it can’t and won’t. Truth will prevail.
Key words: transparency, honesty, integrity, truth; and ending deception, ending manipulation, and ending gaslighting. This is true freedom and amg-news strongly advocates this.
Whither EBS?!
Gar nichts wird passieren, absolut gar nichts! Wir werden jeden Gott verdammten Tag belogen und betrogen! Sie fressen alle aus dem gleichen Trog, egal welcher Politiker das Land leitet. Hieß es nicht immer es wird keine Wahl geben 2024? Es hieß immer wenn das oberste Gericht das Urteil im Brunson Fall bekannt gibt, wird der Senat aufgelöst und Trump kommt vorzeitig ins Amt zurück, doch nichts ist passiert. Seit Wochen erzählt man den Menschen, das dass EBS gestartet wird, doch nichts passiert. NESARA/GESARA und der damit verbundene Weltfrieden sollte längst in Kraft gesetzt sein, aber nichts passiert! Statt dessen gibt es Krieg in Gaza, wo Israel wieder Kinder einsammeln kann. Und in Syrien hat man auch wieder das Schlachthaus eröffnet. Ich erinnere mich noch gut an das kleine Mädchen in Syrien, die weinend auf dem OP-Tisch gesessen hat, und hinterher in Plastikfolie gewickelt auf dutzenden von anderen Kinderleichen gelegen hat. Aber Trump sagt, das geht uns nichts an. Seht nach Ohio wo Kinder aus ihren Familien gerissen werden und in Pflegefamilien untergebracht werden, wo sie misshandelt und sexuell ausgebeutet werden. Oder was in Nord Carolina derzeit passiert!? Es hieß immer das Militär ist der einzige Weg, aber wo sind sie? Angeblich wird Trump von der Galaktischen Föderation unterstützt, glaubt das jemand? Warum wurden dann bisher nicht die Hochenergie Waffen im Weltraum zerstört, mit denen man Hawai angegriffen hat. Oder die HAAP Anlagen auf der Erde, welche zu den weltweiten Wetterkatastrophen führen, wie zum Beispiel in Nord Carolina oder Florida? Die Menschen auf dieser Erde werden verraten und verkauft, seit tausenden von Jahren! Niemand wird uns helfen, kein Trump der angeblich der oberste Militärbefehlshaber weltweit ist, und ohne dessen Einverständnis nichts auf dieser Welt passiert. Und auch keine galaktische Föderation ist hier um den Menschen zu helfen. Wir die Menschen werden jeden Tag ausgelacht und verhöhnt von unseren Peinigern! Es hieß immer vertraut dem Plan, es ist Gottes Plan. Das ist für mich pure Blasphemie, Gott kann nicht wollen, dass den Menschen und insbesondere den Kinder so viel Leid angetan wird.
Nothing on here has or ever will happen, yet I read it everyday. I must be delusional.
Do ya reckon maybe there are somethings happening that you/we are not privy to? I am of the opinion that things are said here to throw the cabal off, You don’t tell the enemy your on the way! I remember here in TN the sheriff sent word to a couple of young men that he was coming for them, I guess he thought he was Buford Pusser [walking tall] And he even took a friend as a ride-along gonna show him how bad-ass he is/was! Moral of this story is he wasn’t as bad ass as he thought he was!
Oh and it was not because those men were criminals it was because they knew the law and that the IRS are the criminals!!! BTW the irs is a private banking org. ran out of P.Rico by the Freemason Rothschilds, And JSUK there are no laws requiring you to donate your yenom to the cabal!!!
Another JSUK, My granddad Daniel Britton Daugherty was another proof that you can only push a good man so far! In those days there were a lot of people that made shine for a living because there was not much of anything else to do! There was this sheriff Byrd Daugherty BTW who also made shine before he became sheriff! He and his deputy son & other deputy’s would catch Pa & or his son’s out and take their whiskey & what they didn’t/could’nt sale they would drink it, They caught one of Pa’s boy’s my uncle and beat him almost to death, Pa said well that its time to put a stop to this BS, So Pa and one of his kin-folk met the sheriff and 2 deputy’s on top of Petros Tn mt, and there they put a stop to the the BS, And yes Pa spent a deal of his life in Brushy mt state prison but there were no more of the BS! You can do a search on Who was Daniel Britton Daugherty altho. the story there is not how it happened, They met on top of the Mt & had a shoot out, I have a pic of the sheriff in the pine box w/a bullet hole in his forhead! I don’t tel this story to boast or brag but only to prove you just don’t or should not push people around cauz it could return & bite you in the ass!!!
Nothing on here has or ever will happen, yet I read it everyday. I must be delusional.
So, these website lied a bout JFK Jr. being alive and our so-called vice president?! That’s what you were saying the last 4 years. Vance is our vice president. Is Trump going to come forward and tell that JFK Jr. is dead or that he lied about his being VP those 4 years. Yes, God protected him because He knew Trump was the only human helper speaking out about the cabal, the NWO. I didn’t VOTE this time at all. I knew God would put him back in office to help America and the people, but Trump is NOT OUR SAVIOR. That is Jesus Christ. When will Trump bring out JFK, Jr. for the people to see UNLESS JFK, Jr. is not alive. Trump is still a human being and not GOD. How long will the U.S. last under Trump? Only God knows. But, if people do not TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS and do not get on their KNEES and pray for the return of our nation and stop the homosexuality, the transgenderism, stop the child sex trafficking, the pedophilia of children, the EVIL of pornography and bring back the 10 commandments to our halls of congress and the Lord’s Prayer in ALL THE SCHOOLS, public and private and care for his neighbor, there will be Great Tribulation as Christ has said. We are in THE LATTER DAYS as Paul described. Will Trump stop the CRIME, VIOLENCE, LYING, DECEITFUL PEOPLE still in our country? Will Trump change the marriage act in churches all over to ONE MAN AND ONE WOMAN? He has the power to do this but will he? Will he bring back the true 7th day Sabbath and change it FROM the first day of week? Will He? Or will people around the country, including ministers and priests rebell against that? People don’t understand that Christ did not RISE the 1st day of the week but during the 7th day (Sabbath) very late afternoon. God raised Him late on the Sabbath and our priest and ministers have gotten in wrong from the beginning. Are evangelicals thinking Trump is our savior now? Let’s wait and see. This world has been deceived by the devil or satan! It still is! May God have mercy on our country and our families because ALL NEED TO REPENT ON OUR KNEES INCLUDING TRUMP, WHO IS NOT A GOD BUT A SIMPLE HUMAN BEING AS WE ALL ARE! All of us have many, many sins, those I mentioned above. Are we all going to ask forgiveness on our knees to the Lord God Almight?! Will Mr. Trump?! Time will tell. May God have mercy on us all! Tribulation will come upon the U.S. for our sins. God will chastise us for them! There will be another rising of the Holy Roman Empire and people need to know this. God wants all to turn to Him in forgiveness. Will all America do this?
Only God the Father knows.
Dear Sharon, I want to assure you that I have been entirely truthful. The information I shared was based solely on what I received from my sources, without any embellishment or misrepresentation. My intent has always been to communicate transparently and accurately.
Perhaps your sources lied to you. JFK jr is not the vp. Vance is. Enough of the lies. Let’s all move forward. If there is a great abundance for all, great. If not, please stop. Hopium can be draining.
Your are and have been doing a great job. Don’t listen to these lame people. They don’t know a dam thin about what is going on. They get all their off the lowlife lying tv news media. Keep up the great job you have been doing Medeea and I will end with saying your a very beautiful woman.
Thank You for your great service.
Great post, Dennis!
For anyone who has not figured out amg-news yet, they put articles out that mix the past, present, and future. They do not adhere to a linear timeline. So it appears to the unawakened to be a jumbled hot mess. This, in my opinion, is by design. Why you say? Because this was / is the best, most humane way to wake up the people to the truth. Now, this will not go on forever because it can’t and won’t. Truth will prevail.
Key words: transparency, honesty, integrity, truth; and ending deception, ending manipulation, and ending gaslighting. This is true freedom and amg-news strongly advocates this.
This is what Humanity need to follow now in preparation for the Dimensional Shift in 2030-32, this includes all religions:
Christ’s Letters to Humanity 2001-2014.
Let’s be:
1. thankful, that he won
2. trusting, in Trump’s superior brainpower and humble relationship with the Universe
3. patient, about Trump’s superior sense of timing
We are unburdened by what has been
And Cotton fyi, Kamala is Kamal Aroush born as a man child! As was Moochell [Michael Robinson!]
Finally, we are unburdened by what has been
THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO ! I have heard of some things in 2020. Glad they are being posted.
Just love it when they win .No more poisons in our food and water. Plus coming out with natural remedies to cure you.Stop thinking that your doctors are god.They don’t cure your illness, just cover it up with pills that create other problems.
How right you are Linda! My X-wife now my best friend has this wonderful Indian dr. who has the most wonderful bed-side manners & so dang sweet she puts sugar to shame! But if one pill don’t fix the problem we can make it stronger or replace it w/another form of pill! I am near 81 do not take any meds whatsoever, I went for a physical several yrs ago for an ins policy, The dr ask what do contribute my good health to & when i said staying away from ye’all he got up left the room & sent his assis. in to release me! hmmm well dam, & JSUK i can still stand flat footed a kick a six ft dude under the chin!!! lol