GCR – GESARA – QFS Intel ☆ No More Corrupt System ~ Trust The Plan!
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It’s changing!
The Deep State does not want small businesses in America. Big companies want the new system to compete. The system they are developing is the same system that Mussolini developed in Italy, called Fascism.
Inflation is a way to end the old corrupt system and introduce the press system. This is what we are witnessing now.
The Quantum Financial System is coming, XRP and XLM – digital assets are here to stay, like it or not.
The XRPQFS manual is intended for new users who know nothing about Nesara (Gesara, XRP and digital assets).
The game is always cheating. Most people invest their money/savings in the stock market using financial institutions that offer investment packages for purchase on the market.
Most people can’t buy or sell on the market. So when the market goes down and is in a downtrend, 95% of normal people lose everything because they can’t short or sell in the market.
Banks are fooling everyone because they know there’s a big short at the end. They also use people’s money to sell short in the market to make money for the people. It’s a complete scam.
The best investments in times of war and depression are physical metals gold and silver. People are releasing metal and making prices skyrocket.

Banks won’t be able to sell short at some point, so people will sell banks, banks will go bankrupt, insurance companies will go bankrupt.
Crypt also drops like crazy. Therefore, it is a good time to buy dips and accumulate more cryptocurrencies.
ISO20022 regulated cryptos like XRP, XLM, XDC, ALGO, IOTA are recommended to be used for the new QFS quantum financial system as they will be at least 100 times faster.
Bitcoin and Ethereum are not used for QFS It is not recommended because it has been corrupted by globalists using Tether stablecoins.
It’s old technologies like Napster and Myspace that didn’t survive. too late too expensive, too bad for the environment. It’s not good for our future.
Stop losing in the corrupt stock market, get out of it and go back to investing in metals and cryptocurrencies that will bring you more profits in the near future.
95% of Wall Street corporations are corrupt and accused of crimes against humanity for following the globalist agenda.
Most are irreversible. Wall Street is gone. Injunctions will be issued against these companies, they will be suspended or modified, and their assets seized and returned to We The People under GESARA NESARA.
We are in a global reset. People have to see the “Bad Great Reset” to believe it, but we reset for GESARA, not the New World Order Globalist New World Order. » The History of NESARA and the Deep State
This will bring about the collapse of corporations controlled by the Matrix, BlackRock, Vanguard, Banks, etc.
We don’t need them anymore. Everyone who invests in Wall Street is encouraging and funding these corrupt criminal corporations that have an evil globalist agenda of killing people and genocide. , most never turn back.

Prosperity Program
The latest developments are the first to be announced as soon as they arrive, so after the final warning, big changes are happening.
After more than 50 years of the existing debt-based financial system, it will finally fail. The QFS quantum host switching system comes online. The public is informed of what is happening here. The global implementation of GESARA/NESARA is a fact.
GESARA means Global Economic Security and Reform Act signed by all 209 sovereign nations in the world, the most innovative reform law on the planet. » GESARA NESARA QFS Global Financial Reset – Everything is Changing – Trust The Plan!
President Donald Trump of Iowa announced the start of NESARA/GESARA after watching a video of the Rumble.
Corrupt banks, stock exchanges and all former corrupt corporations belonging to the Vatican Deep State are going bankrupt along with all Lucifer-Satanists. » NESARA/GESARA: Corrupted Banks are Going Under Along With the Stock Market and all of the Old Corrupted Corporations Belonging to the Deep State Located in the Vatican
These changes will allow monthly payments of $100,000 to citizens 21+ for 11 years, totaling $13.2 million in new satellite-based QFS accounts.
The stolen value of these funds totals QUATTUORDECILLIONS (1 to 50 Seros).
Citizens born in the US or EU will receive funds as follows:
Group #1 60+,
Group #2 40-60 years,
Group #3 ages 21-40.
People from other countries who become legal citizens can receive resources here with their birth certificate, driver’s license and proof of employment.
Others must return to their country of origin and provide proof of birth in that country to receive these generous worldwide payments.
The goal is to transfer vast wealth to the poor and middle class and keep it away from the evil reptilian crooks and their henchmen, blood drinkers, crooks including former presidents and corporate elitists.
Social Security will be raised to a higher level, reaching $ / € 5,000 per month, doubling or tripling the amount depending on what you are currently receiving.
EBS-Emergency Broadcast System will operate 72 hours (3 days) to inform the world about these changes.
In a few months, prices will revert to the low inflation era of the 1950s.
Global Currency Reset: April 6
Intel from Hiup sources, including Paymaster Global Funding Recovery Group:
“We are hearing from all sources that the process has started and cannot be undone. No one knows exactly when.”
Judy Note: Notifications to schedule appointments from Tier4b (we, the Internet Group) can arrive at any time.
On Saturday, March 25th, the global currency reset of the 209 nations officially began. March 20th to 31st: Bond payment process begins. The pilot survey and payment test were successful. » GESARA / NESARA Build Up Towards The Great Finale: Black Swan Even, Stock Market, False Flags, Deep State, Med Beds, QFS & Brunson Case
Phase 1:
German bonds since 1924. Zimbabwean gold loan. 100 Billion Argos, 100 Yellow Dragons of Quintillion and Phoenix;Level 2:
Boxes and containers full of 100 trillion Zimbabwe blue dollar. Caixas Tov – The Mother Money of the Treaty of Versailles reached 3 billion. Federal Reserve; Chinese Red Dragon 100,000,000; Hong Kong Dollar Blue Lion Head;Phase 3:
1913 Super Bond Chinese Petri. Chinese farmers’ duty and other high-value Zimbabwean currencies.
Other Federal Reserve Money and Mini Cash. Despite some Fed-approved purchases and refunds to continue the product rollout, all purchases were terminated.
See you Wednesday. On March 29, the Iraqi Dinar was revalued domestically and traded internationally in foreign currency as a gold/asset-backed currency.
New gold/asset backed US Treasuries officially launched on Saturday, April 1st.
From the day. April 2 Securities financing completed.
Monday, April 3, bond payments begin.
Monday, April 3 Tuesday, April 4: Release of fines and fines fund.
April 5: Gold/Asset Backed Global Currency Announcement.
April 6: Activation and liquidation of the Dubai 1 Working Capital Fund under the QFS ISO2002020 operating system. Funds will be transferred to specific sovereign buyer accounts and non-disclosure documents and agreements will be issued to sellers of 23 mega packages.
Monday, April 10:
The Dubai 2 Group of Sovereign Buyers enters into agreements with several trusts and large archival sellers.
The Paymasters fundraising process begins with the submission of an official 1% payment notice. The first payment is 1% and 9% is paid in 8 days. The remainder will be paid in advance after confirmation of payment for the registered operation.
Full martial law is possible worldwide from April 9th to 10th.
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