GITMO Update | Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp Arrests, Indictments and Executions for Thousands of New Ex-Elite Prisoners – Official Documents
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Update: Wed. 5 Feb. 2025
GITMO EXPLODES WITH NEW PRISONERS! Trump confirms: “A lot of space, and we’re going to use it!” MASS ARRESTS, INDICTMENTS & EXECUTIONS of ex-elite criminals at Guantanamo Bay! LEAKED OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS REVEAL ALL! Get the shocking details NOW!
REPORTER: "On Guantanamo Bay, is there enough space there to accommodate people?"
PRESIDENT TRUMP: "There's a lot of space to accommodate a lot of people and we're going to use it."
— Jack Straw (@JackStr42679640) February 5, 2025
BREAKING: Massive GITMO Expansions Signal the Fall of the Global Cabal
So before we get started, let us first understand that before Trump was POTUS GITMO (Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp) was a fraction of the size it now is. This can be clearly confirmed by the following visuals, identifying a significant amount of expansion for what is expected to be tens of thousands of new ex-elite prisoners. Well, those who are not executed via military tribunal at least. Even though Joe Biden campaigned to have GITMO shutdown.
Even though Joe Biden campaigned to have GITMO shutdown why has his military installed crisis actor double not followed through? Maybe because Donald J. Trump is still the rightful Commander-In-Chief (CIC) of the United States, throughout the Joe Biden shadow presidency?
The White Hat Military Alliance Is In Control!
As of July 13, 2019 The Washington Times confirmed that the House voted in favor of broadcasting Guantánamo Bay proceedings online. Shockingly, this was delivered by treasonous Representative Adam Schiff as an amendment to the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) as noted in the July 11, 2019 Congressional Record Daily Digest Vol. 165, No. 116 where he stated:
(No. 340) that authorizes military judges in any proceeding of a military commission at United States Naval Station, Guantánamo Bay, Cuba to order arrangements for remote public viewing of the proceedings via internet.
Now, if you are not aware of these indictments I am referring to, that makes perfect sense because they are still sealed and not yet public knowledge. Please allow me to enlighten you. These equate to roughly 356,000 sealed indictments 356,000 sealed indictments plus about 50,000 that have been unsealed (last updated April 2023) which pertain to the most disturbing and corrupt crimes against humanity.
These range from human trafficking, organ trafficking, child sex trafficking, slavery, treason, terrorism, fraud, misuse of AI, genocide, brainwashing, defamation, 5G endangerment, religious discrimination, misrepresentation, censorship, privacy infringement, and prevention of saving humanity from biotech endangerment. Below you will find the related and confirmed ongoing lawsuit filed by Cyprus A. Parsa, The AI Organization vs. Google et al. on February 26, 2020.
[1] Full Lawsuit – Cyprus A. Parsa, The AI Organization vs. Google et al.
Relatedly, another notable court case has been brought forward by the Latham family versus Epstein’s “The 1953 Trust” and was updated as recently as February 1, 2021. This lawsuit showcases how a child was bought, sold, and used as a commodity by multiple high level Luciferian pedophile elites and their respectively associated media corporations and record labels.
The full lawsuit shown below highlights the charges relating to spying, stalking, drugging, abducting, hostage taking and kidnapping for the purposes of criminally organized sociopathic conduct including sexual assault, sexual harassment, abuse, rape, torment, torture, exploitation, extortion, and human trafficking.
Equally, there has been numerous documents published on the Human Rights Tribunal International website relating to violations of all 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) including war crimes to commit mass genocide involving ANTIFA, CDC, Fauci, Gates Foundation, National Lawyers Guild, National Governors Association, The Rothschild Family, and WHO.
[2] Full Document – Human Rights Tribunal International vs. Gates et al.
[3] Full Document – Human Rights Tribunal International vs. The Rothschild Family
[4] Full Document – Human Rights Tribunal International vs. ANTIFA et al.
By March 18, 2021 the Natural & Common Law Tribunal For Public Health & Justice (a.k.a. had issued its final order including a judgement enforcement and compliance order regarding ceasing and desisting distribution of all COVID vaccinations as they are considered to be genetic biowarfare thus constituting as geocide and crimes against humanity. Both the judgement enforcement and compliance order documents are linked within this cease and desist order.
Many of these deep state elites were given warning of their looming arrests via secret envelopes handed out at George H. W. Bush’s funeral. The following video and image will show you a few of those who were the served the letter and what exactly the letter said.
Essentially, George H.W. Bush confessed everything in his human rights tribunal (filmed on analog) which severely implicated many deep state puppets.
Many of these involved elites have been using COVID-19 as a guise for their crimes against humanity, using coded communications to let each other know their legal situations. The images below give us a great breakdown of their comms.
It was reported that all of the adrenochrome production facilities have been shutdown as part of the White Hat Military Alliance draining the deep state satanic swamp. However, before they were shutdown the last supply was purposefully tainted with a HIV version of COVID-19 to act as a marker for those elites involved in crimes against humanity. We are witnessing many of these elites suffer from adrenochrome withdrawal during the COVID-19 scandemic.
We can identify they are suffering from adrenochrome withdrawal as the symptoms include reversing positive effects, schizophrenia, sever physical / mental / emotional damage, and accelerated aging. The following image differentiates the SARS versus HIV strain of COIVD-19 and the possible outcomes for either scenario.
Many of these involved elites are/were suited with an ankle monitor or microchip tracker while on house arrest and prior to their sentencing hearings. They often fake a leg injury to get a large cast, boot or brace over their monitor to conceal it easily. There are also award winning multi-patented consumer grade GPS Smart Sole hidden trackers available online utilizing T-Mobile’s 4G cellular network, so imagine the type of military grade GPS tracking equipment that exists secretively?
It is highly speculated that these elites are in fact equipped with a state-of-the-art modernized military GPS tracking rechargeable leg brace with lethal actuator technology know as a “#QBoot” or “#KillBoot” as drawn below by John Biggs (ex-military RAF helicopter engineer).

Justin Trudeau for example had the ankle monitor himself for some time, until he supposedly had himself micro-chipped as explained below in the following note by Annie, a Canadian Government official.
Whereas the clone/double Joe Biden so flagrantly shows off how not broken his foot is, just mere days after he allegedly fractured it. He is so obviously concealing an ankle monitor and this just makes it undeniable. Clearly he has entirely capitulated to the plan and is merely playing his role out, possibly even a white hat actor.
As of June 11, 2020 images of lists with elites’ names began surfacing on social media and circulating around in groups and group chats. They seem to identify who is currently on house arrest, in prison, awaiting tribunal, at GITMO, or already executed.
There are many versions of the lists and there appears to be quite some overlap in names, which helps to confirm the validity of them:
WARNING! Viral Content: Scientiste from Fukushima University of Japan just proved this Silent Clog is the real cause of BPH in millions of men…
Furthermore, there has been numerous additions and updates to these lists thanks to Brian Robert Hyland from Conspiracy Daily Update. I have taken the most updated version of the list and alphabetized it for your pleasure and ease of use if you’d like an excel copy of the names listed below.

The following 50 politically involved elites have been charged with any combination of the following Title 18 U.S. Code felony violations including:
18 U.S. Code § 2381 – Treason
18 U.S. Code § 2382 – Misprision of Treason
18 U.S. Code § 2383 – Rebellion Or Insurrection
18 U.S. Code § 2384 – Seditious Conspiracy
18 U.S. Code § 2385 – Advocating Overthrow of Government
Attention: The Biggest Scandal in Human History:
These arrests, executions, and tribunals began as far back as 2017 during Trumps presidency and are still ongoing as of today as many indictments have yet to be unsealed. The following diagrams seek to make sense of the “plan” or “show” or “movie” or “script” the entire world is watching as the deep state cabal is being brought down behind the scenes.
WARNING: Discover The Secret Used By A Former CIA Scientist To Open Your ‘3rd EYE’
Many of the elites that have already been arrested or executed along with those who have not yet had their military tribunal will continue to commit suicide or die mysterious deaths. This is also how the white hat clones/doubles filling in for the indicted elites will exit the movie we are all watching.
The fake news media may even label many of these Rommel deaths as COVID-19 to push their narrative on the sleeping masses in order to keep as many fear-mongered as possible. These elites are attempting to keep their public image and legacy intact and have taken deals behind the scenes. The crimes they have committed are either treasonous or crimes against humanity which all equate to the death sentence regardless.
Operation Warp Speed, a military vaccine delivery operation is believed to secretly be these indictments unsealing for mass arrests via the military for crimes against humanity, treason, and other high crimes (the military is the cure). We have seen numerous live broadcasted vaccine injections (many of which appear to be using prop needles to fake injections) to some well known treasonous or pedophilic persons.
Now the key point that needs to be overserved in the following image is that all the flags are wrinkled, which is a com for traitor/treason. Is it possible that these vaccines are actually lethal injections? Have we just witnessed actors/clones/doubles being phased out of the movie?
As of December 29, 2021 it became evident that vindication was just around the corner, come mid-2023 the mainstream media New York Times has confirmed there will be military judges having military tribunals in two brand new courtrooms at Guantánamo Bay.
The following videos will help you understand how Trump was able to use evidence of adrenochrome and child trafficking on all countries around the world to get them to capitulate to the plan. This includes royalty, prime ministers, presidents, the Vatican, and all Rothschild controlled central banks.
Essentially, this explains how Trump is currently the richest man in the world with the largest military in the world as all countries that agreed to capitulate to Trump and the White Hat Alliances demands are now following his every command.
BREAKING! Trump and GITMO Tribunals: Massive GITMO Expansions Signal the Fall of the Global Cabal – Military Tribunals to Expose Crimes Against Humanity, Child Exploitation and Trafficking (VIDEO)
Explosive Revelations: GITMO’s massive expansions prepare for a flood of elite Cabal prisoners facing military tribunals for crimes against humanity. The truth is coming, and their time is up.
The Truth Release: GITMO Expansions and the Fall of the Cabal- The Unfolding Reality at Guantanamo Bay
BOMBSHELL! Make GITMO Great Again! A Military Tribunal In GITMO: List of Those Believed Named in Over 700,000 Sealed Indictments –
The Q Team’s Takedown of the Cabal A to Z
As mentioned in the above videos human cloning has been confirmed and many of the elites you are now seeing are in fact clones or doubles standing in for themselves. The reason for these clones is because humanity has not yet awakened enough to handle knowing all the crimes these sick disgusting Deep State Freemasonic Illuminati Jesuit Khazarian Cabal Globalist Satanists are truly involved in.
The majority of society would literally go mentally insane if they learned all of this information at once. This is why we must help everyone we know raise their vibrational frequency, overcome cognitive dissonance, take the Red Pill, and defeat indoctrination. Once we collectively see the light we shall see the truth, we are in it together.
At the Out Of Babylon Conference (segment 3 of 8) hosted at Church of Glad Tidings between June 4-6, 2021, David Lester Straight (former County Sherriff Deputy, Intelligence Officer & Presidential Task Force Agent) confirmed the use of Guantánamo Bay (GITMO), Guam and Tierra Del Fuego (Naval Base Ushuaia) for military tribunals.
From 2:06:38 in the full clip, David explains these tribunals began September 30, 2020 and only 30 news reporters got a lottery ticket to go down to GITMO and watch the trials. He goes on to specify that Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, John Brennan and John Podesta have all had their trials already. Lastly, he explained he had the pleasure to meet Vice Admiral Darse E. “Del” Crandall Jr. (Navy Judge Advocate General, JAG) who is the chief judge at GITMO that had the privilege of trialing Hillary.
Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp Arrests (Part 1)
Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp Arrests (Part 2)
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article may not represent the official views of Medeea Greere or the American Media Group. Stories filed under Opinion contain information from various sources that may be both, verified and unverified. Medeea Greere and the American Media Group do not make any claims as to the validity of the information expressed in the opinion section, however we do encourage the reader to do further research on their own and we hope that you will share your findings with us. The mission for the truth requires a collective effort. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
[1] Full Lawsuit – Cyprus A. Parsa, The AI Organization vs. Google et al.
[2] Full Document – Human Rights Tribunal International vs. Gates et al.
[3] Full Document – Human Rights Tribunal International vs. The Rothschild Family
[4] Full Document – Human Rights Tribunal International vs. ANTIFA et al.
簡素な新しい世界、万歳! // check #29 appears to show benjamin Netanyahu as “arrested an Executed” found 1st on listings at “bellringers corner” hidden truth series. 1st learned site w/Listings by since start of 2020 or later 2019. Yet there did list original as too same name. With this link shown spreadsheet was at a time also on the site. Yet now lists appear to be changed this same 4 list update spreadsheet was there now gone. Even though appears the site is less to none managed. Kind of Odd. Latest another find on a new post with Trump opting 1 billion bucks to Israel with another 8 billion in war toys to forwards as well to support one clone or rubber mask of pure down right evil. This do not understand a farce or a plan of plans within plans beyond depths of plans
Thanks for all you do!!!! God bless!
God bless you as well, Daisy!!!
Hey: Dec1st 2024: date, Q fall o cabal a-z: done 2017 by mr T. Consider the game is all still the same different players, Take the Regal carved wood chess pc, Row 1, replace with plastic. even bfr a fake monarch queen draconian swings, shares the king he has balls, have I two balls I’d be king. So 1st row of chess replace wood with plastic. Even queen. Clone Elon new queen lgbtq player dressed as queen player ‘name listed on arrest executed’. Same power. World still run, like a casino. Still an always Rigged. House always wins. Anyone waking up see chess board see same play list and game, nothing changes. 2021 Jab come, Cull/Murder Seniors, with long term cruelty, 2023 onward! now kids die off, along eugenics no more sperm, many and others nice way to play Georgia guide stones #1: “Rule the world Less of 500 million” So Jab go out still kill many end result maybe 5.1 billion. Reduced same w/o nuke fall out. Button bombs do same apparently or they get help from space. Orion grp Chimera Lurker. P.Earth still reduced. Same game, same BS same sleepers N.O.G.A.Shit. Same Gated World. Borders Limits infiltration,PassPorts, Game Cards. Same same,Rob our monies Taxes galore. Even Phony Carbon taxes rob more why not they call!!? pawns bend over get it back side up the ….s and game still the same. Even say Jesus didn’t walk the planet all BS 2x believe what to want. were is justice were is truth where is peace on earth. Even Janet OsseBaard said same in more elegant fashion yet she got a bullet in bk of head for giving all detail same same. WTF is going on here. World casino still raping killing robbing ruining/starving lives and the planet set to waste land. Chem trails still acid washing killing all thing. When is this matrix game going to flip to the Upside new Game Board. ??? Big Question. Who really is in control. When to what is really next, hum ho hum de hum. Tic Toc
Hey: Dec1st 2024: date, Q fall o cabal a-z: done 2017 by mr T. Consider the game is all still the same different players, Take the Regal carved wood chess pc, Row 1, replace with plastic. even bfr a fake monarch queen draconian swings, shares the king he has balls, have I two balls I’d be king. So 1st row of chess replace wood with plastic. Even queen. Clone Elon new queen lgbtq player dressed as queen player ‘name listed on arrest executed’. Same power. Now world run like a casino. Still an always Rigged. House always wins. Anyone waking up see chess board see same play list and game, nothing changes. 2021 Jab come, Cull/Murder Seniors, with long term cruelty, 2023 onward! now kids die off, along eugenics no more sperm, many and others nice way to play Georgia guide stones #1: “Rule the world Less of 500 million” So Jab go out still kill many end result maybe 5.1 billion Plus!. Reduced same w/o nuke fall out. Orion grp Chimera Lurker. P.Earth still reduced. Same game Smarter Long Term Plan, same BS same sleepers N.O.G.A.Shit. Same Gated World. Borders Limits infiltration, PassPorts, Game Cards. Same same,Rob our monies Taxes galore. Even Phony Carbon taxes rob more why not they call it new tax !!? pawns bend over get it back side up the ….s and game still the same. Even say Jesus didn’t walk the planet all BS 2x believe what 2want. were is justice were is truth where is peace on earth. Even Janet OsseBaard said same in more elegant fashion yet she got a bullet in bk of head for giving all detail same same. WTF is going on here. World run like a casino house is still raping killing robbing ruining lives and the planet. Chem trails still acid washing killing all thing. When is this Mental Matrix Game going to flip to the Upside new Game Board. ??? Big Question. Who really is in control. Even they like to see suffering shame all around. What is to happen Next? Buggy software. tic toc
This is the best news since sliced bread! I knew all of it or most of it because I’m a fan! I’ve been a fan since 2016 when Trump came down the elevator! May God bless y’all! I can’t wait for the day that it’s all on TV and the woke people hear the news! I love President Trump because I really think he was chosen by God for this time! May God bless him and his family and everyone working with him to accomplish this task!
Looks like Gitmo Is Cutting Down On The Worlds Population, I’m So Thankful,Amen
I recently got ripped off by the supposed infallible QFS system a man named the Lion assisted me in creating an account after I put 1000 in there and was told my humanitarian projects were accepted all my money was stolen they held the supposed humanitarian funds hostage demanding 15000 to access them. The County I live in is completely corrupt Judge Chryssa Hartnett the Sheriff’s Office the Heritage Union and Title Company paid by Rocket Mortgage have used the local Mason’s ad thugs to steal my home and personal property. I am feed up with the mental stress of being treated as a vessel for their crimes and there are no consequences to be had!
wow I was smart enough to not fall for it.. Thank God I listened to my gut!
@JoJean Jodlowski — Send POTUS Trump a message on Truth Social or White House or other accounts to notify you of the procedure to get your stolen property returned. Military tracked criminals and corporations, so Military will have the coordinates for the thieves’ and location of your stolen property.
“BREAKING NEWS ALERT: Canada To Begin Euthanizing Millions of COVID Vaccine Injured Citizens! The People’s Voice Video” –“Moron-imbecile” these bandits from Canada are no longer bound by Guantanamo!!!,so what’s the point of this nonsense about mass arrests!!!
@Stani — Oh, you don’t know, perhaps by BRAIN-RAPE? EVERY SOUL ON EARTH that “committed crimes against humanity,” is hunted down, and then, executed, whether at Military outposts or snipers. MULTI-MILLIONS of “evil beings” were executed in Europe; however, GITMO is the closest outpost to America and Canada. So, yes, CANADA is bound to GITMO. By the way, the point of this “non-sense of mass arrests” is for the deaths of 8.5 MILLION children per year for decades, and 1 BILLION “deaths” by COVID19 GENOCIDE. Are you now awake?
This is the same tired old stuff from 3 or 4 years ago. This is nothing more than click-bate to generate revenue!
@JAMES — Your sound like a whiny baby needing to be fed information like a newborn bird chirps for food. You are nothing more than BRAIN-RAPED by the inability to search for data.
Real Raw News (U.S. military-sourced news)
MILITARY DETENTIONS IN 2021–2025: 5 FBI supervisors’ raid on Mar-a-Lago estate; 25 ANTIFA insurrectionists at US Capitol (January 6, 2020); 97 main-stream news media personnel (ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, NY Times, NBC, and Washington Post); Jim Acosta, Carolyn Ainslie, Samira Asma, Bill Ayers (life imprisonment), James Baker, Jarbas Barbosa, Amy Coney Barrett, Maria Barret, Antony Blinken (shot and hanged, 2 clones), John Boehner, Albert Bourla, Charles Brown, Warren Buffett, Miguel Cardona (20 years), Jayden Carter, Kimberly Cheatle, Kacper Chlebak, Matthew Colangelo, Patricia Conrad, Ronald Dahl, Timothy Joseph Daniels (attempted homicide), Ellen DeGeneres, Portia de Rosi, Chester Dominguez, Jack Dorsey, Julie Edelstein, Amy Eshleman, Robert Fenton, Phyllis Fong, Craig Fugate, Evan Gershkovich, Isabella Guzman, Karen Hacker (15 years), David Harbach, Kamala Harris, Mehdi Hasan, Daniel Hoadley, Susan Hoffinger, William Hood, Robert Hur, Letitia James, Ashish Kumar Jha, Carole Johnson, Robert Kagen. Brian Keels, John Kelly, Ron Klain (20 years), Kevin Kline, Harald Kraus, Dmytro Kuleba, Jack Lew, Monica Marquez, Juan Merchan, Kevin O’Connor, Paul Pelosi (life imprisonment), Michael Pence ,Samantha Power, Penny Pritzker (20 years), Brad Raffensperger, Tony Robinson, David Rody, Mitt Romney, Ellen Rosenblum, Eli Roth, Chance Saltzman, Ian Sams, Wendy Sherman, Tom Shimabukuro, Anne Small, George Soros, Kevin Spacey, Dakota Sternberg, Eli Strausman, Mark Suzman, Rex Tillerson, Bryan Vorndran +8 other FBI Dept. Heads, Danny Werfel, Rita Wilson, Elijah Wood, Christopher Wray, Shalanda Young, Jeff Zients, Howard Zucker (20 years).
MILITARY EXECUTIONS IN 2024: Jeffrey Afman (shot), Kiva Allgood (shot), Lloyd Austin (missile strike), Shenna Bellows (hanged), Jared Bernstein (shot), Monica Bertagnolli (hanged), Alvin Bragg (hanged), Stephen Colbert (hanged), Deanne Criswell (hanged), Arthur Engoron (hanged), Adrian Fontes (hanged), Richard Gabriel (hanged), Merrick Garland (hanged), Matthew Graves (hanged), Linda Thomas-Greenfield (hanged), Melissa Hart (hanged), William Hood (hanged), Chikwe Ihekweazu (hanged), Rui Paulo de Jesus and six accomplice scientists (shot), Alfred Johnson (hanged), Alejandro Mayorkas (hanged), Monica Marquez (hanged), Scott McAfee (hanged), Juan Merchan (hanged), David Morens (homicide), Victoria Nuland (hanged), Michael Platt (hanged), Arati Prabhakar (hanged), William Rothschild (fire), Klaus Schwab (adrenochrome withdrawal), Tanya Skeen (hanged), Jack Smith (hanged), Yulia Svyrydenko (hanged), Oprah Winfrey (hanged), Susan Wojcicki (suicide), Andriy Yermak (hanged).
MILITARY EXECUTIONS IN 2023: 250 Covid-genociding doctors (hanged), 34 NIH scientists (shot), Jerome Adams (hanged), Aaron Aranas (shot), David Axelrod (drown), Liz Cheney (hanged), David Cohen (drown), Brian Deese (hanged), David Dunbar (hanged), Stephen Hahn (hanged), Katie Hobbs (hanged), Eric Holder (hanged), Erik Hooks (homicide), Debra Houry (homicide), Ivan Kovalenko (sniper-shot), Eric Lander (1 chest-shot), Lori Lightfoot (hanged), Simu Liu (drown), Brock Long (hanged), Mark Milley (hanged), Nema Mobarakzadeh (hanged), Melissa Moore (hanged), Charles Rettig (hanged), Moncef Slaoui (hanged), Richard Tillyer (hanged), Rochelle Walensky (hanged), Gretchen Whitmer (hanged), Janet Yellen (hanged).
MILITARY EXECUTIONS IN 2022: Alec Baldwin (hanged), Stéphane Bancel (hanged), Bridget Brink (hanged), Dick Cheney (suicide), Francis Collins (hanged), Jennifer Brigid O’Malley Dillon (1 chest-shot), Michael Donilon (hanged), Anita Dunn (hanged), Anthony Fauci (hanged), Avril Haines (2 head-shots), Valerie Jarrett (hanged), Loretta Lynch (hanged), Denis McDonough (2 head-shots), Gavin Newsom (hanged), Nancy Pelosi (hanged), Sonia Sotomayor (hanged), Brian Stelter (hanged), Michael Sussman (1 chest-shot), Thomas Vilsack (hanged).
MILITARY EXECUTIONS IN 2021: Huma Abedin (hanged), Bill Barr (hanged), Hunter Biden (hanged), Joe Biden (1 chest-shot), Deborah Birx (1 chest-shot), John Brennan (hanged), George Bush, Sr. (euthanized [“Abel Danger” reported]), George Bush, Jr. (hanged), Bill Clinton (homicide), Hillary Clinton (hanged), Chelsea Clinton (hanged), James Comey (guillotine), Andrew Cuomo (hanged), Bill Gates (hanged), Tom Hanks (euthanized), John McCain (2 head-shots [“Abel Danger” reported]), Marc Mezvinsky (hanged), John Podesta (1 chest-shot), Colin Powell (suicide), Susan Rice (hanged), Donald Rumsfeld (suicide), Adam Schiff (3 chest-shots), Peter Scolari (hanged).
I am wondering why Elon Musk’s name appears along with the names of Bill Gates, George Soros, Hillary Clinton, etc on the Plaintiff list in the US District Court Southern District of California Full lawsuit – Cypress A Parsa, the AI Organization vs Google et al. Case No. 19CV2407 CAB AHG? I am not used to seeing someone’s name who is helping Trump next to cabal members.
Unistage edasi,kook on ulme.Reaalsus on see,et USA kabal rahastab sõdu úle maailma ja keegi neile vastu ei saa.Kohe võetakse vastu uue maailmakorra seadus ja ongi kõik.
@Surnud Mees — You read the news article in ENGLISH, but responded by ESTONIAN language … YOU are a typical coward COMMUNIST … never ever step foot on America’s land.
For ENGLISH speaking people, SURNUD MEES said, “Keep dreaming, the cake is science fiction. The reality is that the US cabal is funding wars all over the world and no one can stop them. The new world order law will be passed immediately and that’s it.”
@Dennis — The reason this site “keeps putting the same things up all the time,” is the fact that MULTI-MILLIONS of people are awakening from BRAIN-RAPE and desire an education that mainstream news media refuse to provide. At this stage, MILITARY’s 12 documentaries are ready to release to the world’s populations on all time zones, simultaneously.
When you no longer have mainstream media news by TEL-LIE-VISION, then you can expect “something new” and not the “same shit all the time.”
The question has always been, what is old age, projected decay forecasted as current life expectancy or short life spans ( as considered normal ) is ludicrous in origin & obviously absurd …
With the inclusion of all that is being dismanttled ( wether executions, jesuiit/satanic policies or landmarks ), I have fallen to my knees in thanks in prayer for ultimately releasing us all from the tyranny of an artifical/man made Cancer laiden enviroment purposely infused and perpetrated for control and profit … All that can be said ‘ It’s about time ‘ …. We , as a people – deserve more and not somothing less … Praise God for rightling the rain and bringing the wind of peaceful continuity … jwalker
Pingback: BQQM! Another Boeing at GITMO. . . Special Forces Rollin’ in the GITMO SPA – This Time From Washington DC! (video) - American Media Group
Pingback: MILITARY INTEL: White Hats, Military Doomsday Plane, Canadian Intelligence, Government Secrets, COG, False Flag, GITMO and Military Tribunals - American Media Group
The beginning of the end for the unrighteous “left” happened the night of Donald J Trump’s first Presidential Debate.
Who would ever guessed the seemingly innocent Paul Ryan and “good guy” Mike Pence would hatch a plan to have Donald Trump assassinated the night of his first Presidential Debate! The had the plan and the gun.
Those two dreamers were no match for our superior MILITARY.
I can imagine DJT at the venue sitting behind the curtain hunkered down laughing his ass off.
This was part of “The Plan.”
Who the hell would ever use a typewriter to announce their intentions to kill the President elect?
Like Trump said, he had to give them enough rope to hang themselves in order to uncover their evil intent!
All the vulgarity, hate speak and verbal attacks in this comment section doesn’t belong here guys, that’s for sure a “LIBERAL ELITE” thing.
While our country, Military and Patriots are out there doing their best, we could at least be civil and respectful of each other’s opinions.
Right now this minute our country is fighting a heinous and monstrous evil that dares us to stand up and fight for our country, the world and our grandchildren.
Today our very future demands our strength, perseverance and ability to stay calm… NO MATTER WHAT.
When I think about all the atrocities and filth that was, and is, facing our children it takes my breath away…. and it sickens me.
Try to remember ANY PRESIDENT worth their salt would have Built the “corridor of evil” that was entering our homeland.
Also remember the first man in the history of our country, and the WORLD, willing to stand up and speak out against crimes against humanity was indeed President Donald J Trump… for me that’s EVERYTHING.
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Persian please
Real Raw News is even funnier.
Those Crazies over there are beyond help.
@CallMeQwazy — Yup, YOU are BRAIN-RAPED … a true BLUE COMMIE PUKER. I wager YOU HATE JESUS, too. I will belly laugh as YOU primal scream into your death as YOU tumble into HELL to be SODOMIZED and SLAVED by SATAN and his offspring of serpent seeds as they promise, AND “to die daily for an eternity” as Father GOD promised.
Have a nice day, puke!
I am an (estranged) cousin of Helen Scorsese, married to Martin Scorsese. He has not been executed and is alive and well.
Some things never change, but TRUTH will stand when the world is on fire!
Its interesting to see how most folks are holding to their original thoughts about President Donald Trump, he brought the fight to DC and did what he promised.
It seems like ten years since we were all were posting their opinions.
I wonder who has changed their minds about President Trump and his promises.
@Carol — Well, it’s reported more than 80% support Trump, and less than 20% do not support Trump. It appears many more Democrats woke up since 2020. Nothing better than unemployment, homelessness, and starvation to wake up millions of people that they’re “political party” and “corporate democracy” is crooked.
Finally! We can exhale and take comfort in the certain and swift Winds of Justice.
One afternoon as I was pondering the deep and crushing expanse of the lefts criminality.
I could better understand the time frame in which it takes to apprehend these despots and administer real justice Trump style.
If not for the unending strength, spirit and determination of Donald Trump where would we be now.
He didn’t mind the explosive hatred and vitriol…. he knew this was the only way the masses would wake up and see the light much less the truth. Clever!
Over these months and years I’ve been amused at all the repetitive nay sayers, they’re like spoiled children throwing a hissy fit because they didn’t get their way!
Adversity like we’ve seen causes us to grow stronger and develop a better sense of insight. It also challenges us to look deeper into the equation when making life long decisions.
Have a blessed day!
Pingback: GITMO: Which Presidents Are Going? Deep State, Treason, Military Tribunals, Official Documents, List of Indictments - American Media Group
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Pingback: Disclosure: Classified Documents Expose the Unseen Chess Game, Obama, FISA, FISC, and the Military Coup Against Trump - American Media Group
Fucking hilarious bullshit.
Meanwhile Trump has to turn himself in a couple days to be arrested.
Pingback: Brace Yourselves…The Storm Has Arrived! The Republic of The United States of America is Being Restored! Trust The Plan! - American Media Group
Pingback: UPDATE: Corruption of the Year - The Public Servants - 200,000 Federal Indictments of the Swamp – The List is Astounding! - American Media Group
It is all good for us freedom fighters and all the Q drops from 2016 -2021 but we the freedom fighters need current updates of information, how about some great inspiration from 2023 ???? give us more hope than old re plaid information !!!!! We all want to believe that all this information is true from previous years and we keep hearing we are close to the EBS but NOTHING new coming out to give us a reason NOT to have a violent REVOLUTION to take our counties back. There is NO way we can afford to wait until a 2024 election to give us change, WHAT we are going to wait until 2024 and let the democrats cheat again ???? Makes no sense whatsoever to wait as people are suffering financially, physically & mentally . We have all the evidence for election fraud , we know who all the world satanic criminals are SO LET’S GO NOW and free the world, we do not care if stupid people have not woken up yet !!! THEY DON’T MATTER !!!
Nurem Berg Trudeau
I have 175,000 Biden votes already filled out, waiting for 2024, in the garage, next to my croquet set.
Trump going down !
@NuremBergTrudea — Ignore the “serpent seeds” at AMG-News — they’re all guilty and bound to Hell for “imitating” the seven (7) evil behaviors (Proverbs 6:16-19). The only execution list that is current is REAL RAW NEWS. Visit RRN often for updates.
Real Raw News
MILITARY EXECUTIONS IN 2023: 250 Covid-genociding doctors (hanged), Jerome Adams (hanged), Aaron Aranas (shot), Lloyd Austin (Ukraine tunnel collapse), David Axelrod (drown), Liz Cheney (hanged), David Cohen (drown), Brian Deese (hanged), David Dunbar (hanged), Stephen Hahn (hanged), Katie Hobbs (hanged), Eric Holder (hanged), Erik Hooks (homicide), Ivan Kovalenko (sniper-shot), Eric Lander (1 chest-shot), Lori Lightfoot (hanged), Simu Liu (drown), Brock Long (hanged), Mark Milley (hanged), Nema Mobarakzadeh (hanged), Melissa Moore (hanged), Charles Rettig (hanged), Moncef Slaoui (hanged), Yulia Svyrydenko (hanged), Richard Tillyer (hanged), Rochelle Walensky (hanged), Gretchen Whitmer (hanged), Janet Yellen (hanged), Andriy Yermak (hanged).
MILITARY EXECUTIONS IN 2022. Alec Baldwin (hanged), Stéphane Bancel (hanged), Bridget Brink (hanged), Dick Cheney (homicide), Francis Collins (hanged), Jennifer Brigid O’Malley Dillon (1 chest-shot), Michael Donilon (hanged), Anita Dunn (hanged), Anthony Fauci (hanged), Avril Haines (2 head-shots), Valerie Jarrett (hanged), Loretta Lynch (hanged), Denis McDonough (2 head-shots), Gavin Newsom (hanged), Nancy Pelosi (hanged), Sonia Sotomayor (hanged), Brian Stelter (hanged), Michael Sussman (1 chest-shot), Thomas Vilsack (hanged).
MILITARY EXECUTIONS IN 2021. Huma Abedin (hanged), Bill Barr (hanged), Hunter Biden (hanged), Joe Biden (1 chest-shot), Deborah Birx (1 chest-shot), John Brennan (hanged), George Bush Sr. (euthanized [“Abel Danger”]), George Bush Jr. (hanged), Bill Clinton (homicide), Hillary Clinton (hanged), Chelsea Clinton (hanged), James Comey (guillotine), Andrew Cuomo (hanged), Bill Gates (hanged), Tom Hanks (euthanized), John McCain (2 head-shots [“Abel Danger”]), Marc Mezvinsky (hanged), John Podesta (1 chest-shot), Colin Powell (suicide), Susan Rice (hanged), Donald Rumsfeld (suicide), Adam Schiff (3 chest-shots), Peter Scolari (hanged).
MILITARY DETENTIONS IN 2021–2024. Carolyn Ainslie, Bill Ayers (life in prison), James Baker, Amy Coney Barrett, Maria Barret, John Boehner, Albert Bourla, Warren Buffett, Miguel Cardona (20 years), Jayden Carter, Stephen Colbert, Patricia Conrad, Ronald Dahl, Captain Timothy Joseph Daniels (attempted homicide), Chester Dominguez, Jack Dorsey, Amy Eshleman, Craig Fugate, Isabella Guzman, Karen Hacker (15 years), Mehdi Hasan, Daniel Hoadley, William Hood, Debra Houry, Chikwe Ihekweazu, Letitia James, Alfred Johnson, Ashish Kumar Jha, Alfred Johnson, Carole Johnson, Brian Keels, Ron Klain (20 years), Kevin Kline, Harald Kraus, Jack Lew, Monica Marquez, Paul Pelosi (life in prison), Samantha Power, Arati Prabhakar, Penny Pritzker (20 years at Camp Delta), Brad Raffensperger, Mitt Romney, Eli Roth, Chance Saltzman, Tom Shimabukuro, Tanya Skeen, George Soros, Kevin Spacey, Mark Suzman, Rex Tillerson, Rita Wilson, Elijah Wood, Shalanda Young, Jeff Zients, Howard Zucker (20 years).
hung at gitmo sep 2018 after been found guilty on all counts after tribunal SHE DID HAVE KURU but the rope around her neck killed her THIS IS WHAT KURU DOES TO YOU YOU HAVE TWITCHING MOMENTS
Pingback: GESARA NESARA – Eitthundrað seðlabankar þegar búnir eru að skrifa undir að innleiða QFS kerfið - Þar á meðal Seðlabanki Íslands -
Pingback: Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 28, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
Pingback: "The Best Is Yet To Come", "Enjoy The Show", and "You'll Love How This Movie Ends!" - American Media Group
Pingback: Remember This? Remember The Three Homosexual Members of Obama’s Church Murdered Within 40 Days? - American Media Group
Next week it will be revealed.
Next week i mean.
Nah, not this week, but next week.
Any moment now.
Maybe later this week.
Seems like its not till next week
Just wait till next week
It could have been this week, bu Trump wanted ice cream
So Next week
If you dont think it will happen next week youre dumb
It happened last week, it will be announced next week
How retarded do you have to be to buy this sheeet for the 3rd year going?
And how come their “clones” are allowed to run the exact same politics as the presumable dead politicians ?
i guess we’ll find out next week
Maybe the week after.
But 3 weeks tops!
exactly.. this is no better than realrawnews.
its truly pathetic how many people STILL buy into this nonsense.
oh yeah they just landed on the moon again too..
but oh wait, the thing tipped over so never mind.
Pingback: UPDATE | Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp Arrests, Indictments and Executions for Thousands of New Ex-Elite Prisoners – Official Documents - DNB
Pingback: UPDATE | Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp Arrests, Indictments and Executions for Thousands of New Ex-Elite Prisoners – Official Documents - best news here
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