Imminent Threat: Three Ominous Forces Merge to Ignite Violence Across the U.S. in 2024 – Every Household in America Faces the Risk of Burglaries, Assault, Riots, and the Ultimate Destruction of CIVIL WAR (VIDEO)
Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!
Fellow patriot,
The United States has been on the brink of civil war for a few years now as we have become more and more divided.
I fear that in the coming months, a series of events will unfold, pushing us past this tipping point and triggering a wave of destruction that will affect you, your family, your home, and many good Americans in this country.

The very fabric of our society is now fraying at an alarming rate, and as tensions escalate, crimes such as theft, robberies, and home invasions will surge.
The streets you once walked without a care will become full of danger, and your homes, your last bastion of safety, will no longer guarantee your protection.
Attacks, ranging from physical assaults to homicides, will become all too common, shifting from distant news to a harrowing reality.
This is just the beginning. These incidents will grow into widespread riots, setting your neighborhoods aflame.
And from this chaos, a dire threat emerges:
The Risk Of a Civil War, Fracturing Our Nation…
In the next few minutes, I will reveal the three ominous forces converging to form a perfect storm of violence and destruction that’s set to hit the United States imminently.
It’s as though these forces are intertwining into a dense net, each strand reinforcing the others, leading to a disastrous outcome that seems nearly unstoppable.
Luckily, There Is a Path to Salvation In These Trying Times
If you remain with me until the end of this presentation, I promise to unveil this lifeline, offering you a chance to navigate the impending storm.
If you want a glimpse of what’s coming, just look at the videos of violent riots that have unfolded in major American cities in the recent past.
With widespread looting and destruction, with the beating and murdering of innocent people defending their property, with protesters burning the American flag.

If you showed those videos to a stranger who is not up to date with American news, they would believe that the images are from some third-world country on the other side of the globe, where they hate us.
The tragic reality is that these images are from United States soil, the people doing these horrible things call themselves Americans, and this is merely a hint of what is about to happen on a far grander scale very soon.
This leads us to the first ominous force contributing to the brewing storm, which will bring suffering to many American families.
The year 2020 marked the beginning of a series of events that would forever change the landscape of our nation. Cities, once prosperous and bustling with life, became battlegrounds. Protests, riots, and civil unrest blanketed our streets with chaos.
Many have you believe that the catalyst for these events was a series of deeply unfortunate incidents.
While these incidents were indeed tragic and unjustifiable, at a closer inspection, it’s clear that these situations only provided the opportunity, and the true cause runs much deeper.
Though the riots seem to be separate incidents, each with unique causes, the reality is that they all stem from a deeply established progressive doctrine that has gradually become embedded in the core of American society over time.

This doctrine, which promotes radical change without regard for the foundational principles that have held our nation together, has seduced Americans from all walks of life, irrespective of race, economic background, or social standing.
Influenced by these ideas, some individuals believe their lack of success is due to an inbuilt injustice ingrained in American society.
For Them, America Is the Worst Place On Earth
Everything is racist, sexist, or oppressive, and they do everything they can to undermine it and to ultimately bring its destruction.
They don’t even think a lack of ambition or work ethic might cause their perceived or real hardships. If American society were as unfair as they try to paint it, we wouldn’t have to build border walls to keep out the thousands of immigrants from all over the world, of all races and beliefs, trying desperately to get into America daily.
While there are undoubtedly areas where our nation can, and should improve, this doctrine goes beyond constructive criticism.
It seeks to dismantle the very institutions and values that have made America a beacon of hope and opportunity for people all around the world.
If this progressist doctrine was not enough, something worse has poisoned the minds of the protestors and the American youth.
Recent years have witnessed an unsettling surge in support for socialist and even communist ideologies, previously deemed incompatible with America’s core values.

The Occupy Wall Street movement from 2011, with its calls for “systemic change,” and “wealth redistribution,” was but a precursor to the storm we now face.
Some may believe that socialism is about fairness and equality, however, history paints a chilling picture.
Every nation that has succumbed to the siren call of socialism has seen its freedoms eroded, its economy crumble, and its people suffer. The promise of equality often morphs into equal misery for all.
Socialism, wherever it has been tried, has proven to be ineffective and ultimately leads to moral, social, and economic ruin, culminating in the physical destruction of many people.
Those advocating it are blinded by propaganda, determined to dismantle our current system to build their flawed vision.
A telling statement from an activist advocating for defunding the Boston Police encapsulates their goal. “Brick by brick, wall by wall, the whole system has got to fall.” This mindset explains recent events and foreshadows what’s to come.
They don’t seek improvement but total destruction, aiming to drag everyone to their level rather than striving for success. This aligns with the Marxist call for radical change through violent revolution.

Some may believe the worst has passed as the riots have become less frequent. However, this lull might be deceiving.
Just as termites silently bore through a home’s structure, unnoticed until the damage nearly leads to collapse, so have these destructive ideologies quietly taken root in our society, threatening its foundation.
The quiet we experience now is not a sign of resolution or harmony; it’s the deceptive calm before a storm that will put your family and home in tremendous danger.
As the divide among us grows, a second ominous force becomes apparent:
It’s Our Critical Economic Situation…
In the last three years, we’ve unleashed a financial tsunami, spending more than we did during the entire six-year saga of World War II. And back then we fought the Nazis and the Japanese, and we supported our allies.
But today, our enemy is within. It’s our own financial recklessness.
The government had two options to get the incredible sum of money we’ve spent recently.
With the economy on life support, raising taxes was out of the question. It would be akin to flogging a dead horse.
So, what did we do? We borrowed and borrowed some more. Like a desperate gambler in a casino, hoping for that one big win.
And now, we’re shackled in chains of our own making.
Inflation is relentlessly eroding the savings and livelihoods of middle-class and poor Americans, pushing them towards despair.
More alarming than inflation is our national debt, which now exceeds our GDP and shows no signs of slowing down.

This places us in an infamous group of countries like Greece, Eritrea, Lebanon and Sudan which all have huge public debt, and their economies are in ruins.
Increasing national debt is a ticking time bomb, and its impending burst threatens to destabilize every American household.
Our enormous debt stems from cheap loans enabled by the US dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency. However, this advantage is under threat from the BRICS nations, who aim to dethrone the dollar with a gold-backed currency. Losing this edge could plunge us into a devastating debt spiral.
Also, I won’t delve into the fact that, over the past 40 years, we’ve essentially dismantled our manufacturing sector, cheerfully shifting it to China—a country we might soon be at war with.
Compounding these woes, indicators like the Leading Economic Index predict an imminent recession, with recent bank failures and a potential housing bubble worsening the crisis.
In an economic collapse, society’s foundations will falter. Essential services like electricity and clean water will become scarce, and homes could lose heating.
Welfare and Food Assistance Will Fail, Leaving the Vulnerable In Dire Straits
Public safety services, facing severe budget cuts, will be unable to effectively maintain order, leading to a spike in crime. Streets will become perilous, and homes, once sanctuaries, will be at risk of invasions.

This breakdown of social order will reignite riots and edge us closer to civil conflict, testing the very essence of human safety and survival.
So, no matter how things may look on the surface, or what the government may tell you, things are not good in reality. In fact, we are standing on the edge of a cliff, ready to fall into chaos. We just need a push.
And now we have come to the third ominous force that I believe will contribute to the perfect storm that will hit America soon. It’s our surging, uncontrolled immigration.
Since 2020, global food prices have soared by 60%, significantly impacting even basic staples like wheat, maize, and cooking oil. While in the United States we faced higher grocery bills, our food supply remained stable. However, in regions like South and Central America, Africa, and Asia, even minor price increases push millions toward extreme hunger.
The numbers are chilling. A colossal 345 million people, equivalent to the entire US population, now stand on the precipice of starvation.

What is striking is that this number is double what we had in 2020, and things are rapidly getting worse.
Closer to us, in Latin America and the Caribbean, 17.8 million people across several countries, including Colombia, Haiti, and Nicaragua, are in a situation of malnutrition or even starvation.
Venezuela’s crisis paints an even grimmer picture. Over half a million have sought refuge in the US, but they’re just a drop in the ocean compared to the 7 million fleeing their homeland, with their eyes set on the American dream.
Because of the increased inflation and food prices, other tens of millions of people from South and Central America see their means of living crumbling. At one point, they will be forced to leave their homes, with the only hope of reaching the United States.
The Problem Is That Immigration Is Happening At an Unprecedented Scale

In 2023, the southern border witnessed an unprecedented crisis with more than 2.8 million people apprehended while trying to cross, including 200,000 who risked their lives by crossing a deadly stretch of jungle called the Darién Gap.
As much as we want to help all these people, we must not overextend our resources. Just like an overloaded boat risks sinking and drowning everyone onboard, our nation also has its own limits when it comes to helping others.
Despite these constraints, the Biden administration has allowed a surge in both legal and illegal immigration, reaching levels not seen in over a century. This has effectively made the US a sanctuary for undocumented immigrants, as once inside, deportation becomes unlikely.
At this point, I can’t help but think if this situation isn’t part of a bigger plan designed to influence the outcome of this year’s presidential election.
Currently, about one in seven US residents were born outside the country, the highest proportion in 112 years, a trend that shows no signs of slowing, with significant consequences already emerging.
Migrants flood into our cities, transported by buses from the southern border. This forced integration, often against the wishes of many Americans, diverts funds meant for our own needy citizens.

The economic and social weight is crushing the working and middle-class backbone of our nation.
Many of these migrants, though young and physically capable, often lack the necessary skills or willingness to work, adding pressure to our already stretched resources.
I am not even going to delve into the fact that a significant number of migrants actually hate the United States and would try to destroy us from the inside if given the chance.
The critical concern is the sustainability of this situation.
What Would Happen to Our Social Balance When Our Resources Are Depleted?
With no better alternatives and little likelihood of returning to their home countries or being deported by our government, these individuals may resort to theft, robbery, rioting, and looting as their living conditions worsen.
Signs of unrest are emerging, with reports of bullying and intimidation by new arrivals causing fear among residents.
When the lifeline of government aid snaps, I fear that violence will surge like a tidal wave, casting a dark shadow over the sanctity and safety of American homes.
The storm’s harbingers are clear.
A corrosive progressist doctrine destroying us from within, an impending economic collapse, and an unrelenting immigration crisis.
Each element, in isolation, is enough to bring significant destruction on its own.
But together, they form an apocalyptic trio, amplifying each other’s destructive power and pushing our nation to total disaster.
Amid rising poverty and a dwindling police force, expect a spike in crimes such as burglaries, theft, and assaults.
Police budget cuts, leading to diminished law enforcement, will leave communities exposed to increasing looter, trafficker, and gang activities.
The collapse of social security programs will push many, including those dependent on government aid, towards desperation and crime.
This grim scenario, already unfolding in many liberal-run cities, is set to become widespread across the United States.
Riots Escalate Beyond Cities: Small Towns Turned Into Conflict Zones
The sound of children’s laughter will be replaced by cries of fear; homes, once safe havens, will be threatened by break-ins and violence.
Streets once deemed safe will echo with the chaos of sirens, making the walls of your home the last line of defense against external horrors.
Envision waking up to news of a neighbor’s house plundered, their family left in terror, or a friend’s daughter lost in the chaos, her return uncertain.
The destruction will alter familiar landscapes, leaving scars in its wake.
The local grocery store, a place of community, could be looted, its windows shattered, a stark symbol of the crisis.
This scenario is not pulled from fiction but a potential reality threatening the American dream, signaling a slide towards the ultimate catastrophe – a civil war.
I don’t know how this happened that we now find ourselves living in some truly sick, perverted times, when criminals are hailed as national heroes and, on the other hand, honest people who try to defend their community, their family, and their lives are painted as oppressive, fascist, and extremist.
Amidst Chaos, Your Resilience Becomes the Key to Survival
The simple fact that you are listening to this message shows that you are smart, strong, and ready to take charge of your destiny, and you can do that without losing your life or freedom.
Next, I’ll tell you about my own struggle through these troubling times, a story that will relate to the challenges many of you are about to encounter.
It was in the middle of the night when I regained consciousness, bound and gagged on the floor of my own house.

The first sensations I felt were the cold tiles against my face and the throbbing pain in my head. With one eye barely open, I saw an intruder turning the house upside down, moving from room to room, opening drawers, likely searching for hidden valuables.
I managed to turn my head, only to witness a sight that would forever haunt my dreams.
My wife, Amanda, was also bound and gagged a few feet away. Another intruder, who was keeping watch over us, loomed over her. As he moved closer to her, I saw her terrified eyes, wide open and full of tears, locking onto mine as if pleading for me to do something.
A primal fury consumed me. I struggled against my restraints, every muscle flexing and straining, desperate to break free and protect her. Yet, the relentless cords only dug deeper into my skin, leaving burning trails on my wrists.
Amid this terror, the choked sobs and screams of Matthew and Nina, our children, reached my ears from the distant recesses of our home. The basement, intended to be our safe room, had become their prison.

I frantically struggled for a few minutes, attempting to escape, but it was futile. It seemed that the more I struggled, the tighter the bindings became. The realization struck me like a punch in the gut.
We were utterly trapped. Our home’s isolation and the late hour gave no hope that anyone would hear our muffled cries or notice anything amiss.
I was on the verge of bursting into tears of frustration and despair. I realized at that moment that I had failed in my primary role as a man. I had failed to protect my family. I had failed as a father and as a husband.
How Did We End Up Overpowered and Helpless in Our Own Home?
As I said, my name is Frank Greene, and I live in a suburb of Minneapolis with my wife and two beautiful children.
I’ve always prided myself on being prepared for any emergency, and I thought I knew everything there is to know about home defense.
2020 brought chaos to our doorstep with the city in the grips of riots and surging crime.
Our home, a fortress of modern security, was supposed to be our sanctuary.
I had prepared for any threat, or so I thought.
But that fateful Sunday, as intruders bypassed every defense, my world crumbled.
The security system failed, the police were unreachable, and there we were, bound and helpless, our children’s safety hanging by a thread.
The irony of my meticulous preparations turning futile haunted me.
I had prided myself on protecting my family, yet there I was, utterly defeated, my sense of failure as a father and a husband overwhelming.
But Then, Salvation Came From Where We Least Expected:
Richard, our neighbor, a man we barely knew beyond casual greetings, burst in with commanding authority, disarming the intruders and freeing us from our binds.
This man, whom I had pegged as a retired factory worker, turned out to be a seasoned special operations agent with a knack for vigilance and survival.
The aftermath was a revelation. The criminals had targeted us, thinking our well-guarded home contained valuables worth their risk. They exploited the chaos of the riots and a power outage, a perfect storm that rendered our high-tech defenses useless.
Richard’s intervention not only saved us but also sparked a profound friendship. He shared with us the harsh truth: our conspicuous security measures had made us a target.
He taught us the art of blending in
So we fortified our home without drawing attention. His philosophy of ‘defense in depth‘ and staying alert reshaped our approach to safety.
Under his guidance, we learned to protect ourselves in a manner that deterred threats without advertising our readiness.
Our bond with Richard deepened, his mysterious past gradually unveiling over shared dinners and long conversations. He was more than a neighbor; he became a mentor, a guardian angel with a past as complex as the skills he imparted to us.
When a severe storm tested our community, Richard was there again, leading with quiet authority.
He praised my efforts in helping not only my family but also our neighbors using many of the skills I learned from him. Seizing the moment, I finally asked Richard about his mysterious background.
After a moment of reflection, he suggested that it might be time to reveal his secretive past, considering that now he knew that I could be trusted.
Richard disclosed that he had spent much of his career as a special operations agent, undertaking various covert missions globally, from training guerrillas to leading coups and rebellions, often deep in enemy territory with little support. He kept the specifics, like names and locations, confidential.

Although after seeing his skills at work, it wasn’t a complete surprise, his disclosure was nevertheless mind-blowing.
Richard wasn’t just a tough guy; he was a real hero with experiences that could fill books.
However, he also seemed to be thinking deeply about his past and feeling some regret. Some decisions he’d made, people he’d helped, had taken dark turns. His actions haunted him. Though I didn’t judge his past actions, it was clear the unassuming facade hid a remarkable man. Now I was truly fascinated; there was so much more to learn from this unlikely hero.
Intrigued by his calm under pressure, his strength without the typical tough-guy persona, I asked him about his secret. His answer was cryptic, yet eye-opening:
“Appear Weak When You Are Strong, And Strong When You Are Weak”
He explained that this was old wisdom, smart leaders use. It means you shouldn’t let enemies or even most friends know your real strengths or weaknesses.
The power you have often comes from how you appear to others. Showing too much strength might make some people envious and want to harm you. But, it can also scare off those who might try to attack you, in other situations. That’s why it’s important to be careful about how you show yourself to the world.
This principle is widely used in nature too. For instance, birds pretend to be injured to distract predators from their nests, and harmless animals mimic more dangerous ones to avoid being attacked.
In conventional wars, the military uses this tactic quite often, but guerrillas use this tactic all the time.
I spent hours and hours listening and learning from his stories and history lessons. All his advice about how to protect my home made even more sense now.
At that time, I thought we should share Richard’s priceless knowledge, as many good Americans were hurt or lost their possessions in the riots and could have protected themselves better with this information.
I was familiar with all the available literature on home defense, yet none compared to the unparalleled advice Richard provided me, particularly regarding safeguarding my home amidst a civil conflict.
Initially, he was hesitant. He was concerned about the misuse of his knowledge and didn’t want any attention. At that time, he believed the riots were isolated incidents.
However, his view changed recently as he recognized:
The Growing Risk Of Larger Conflicts, Possibly Even a Civil War, In the United States

Moved by the potential harm this unrest could cause, he agreed to share his advice, on the condition that his identity remain concealed. He had secrets from his past that he swore to take with him to the grave, and he prefers to live anonymously.
He entrusted me to share his knowledge responsibly, focusing on helping families protect themselves.
So, we developed a revolutionary program that will teach you how to protect your home and your family during the troubled times that we live in, and in those that expect us ahead.
Richard’s expertise is invaluable because of his unique background. He often operated solo in hostile territories, relying solely on his wit and minimal resources for survival.
He has faced various crises, understanding the dynamics of peaceful protests turning violent, and strategies for survival in extreme situations like civil wars. His expertise covers everything from home security against burglars or rioters to self-defense on the streets.
Currently, we’re witnessing the beginnings of a civil conflict that’s likely to escalate. In such times, self-reliance and support from like-minded individuals become crucial.
Don’t Expect Too Much Help From the Police Or the Military
Even if they swore to protect Americans and America, they must follow orders, and who gives those orders matters a lot.

Our program is designed not just for self-protection but also as a means of building a community of resilience. In these challenging times, no one can stand alone; forming alliances is key.
So far, the unrest and violence have been mostly in major cities, but we anticipate this spreading nationwide in the next few months.
This program is more than about defending your home; it’s a call to awareness.
Just speaking about the disaster, we are facing next is a danger in itself, because when others have done the same thing, they were labeled as extremists, and their credibility was destroyed.
But now the situation has escalated to physical attacks, and it’s only going to get worse.
You may be thinking that there are plenty of home defense programs out there, and why should you need another one?
The reason is simple: most existing programs aren’t tailored to our current situation.
They either rely on outdated, standard tactics that might have been effective in the past, but fall short against current threats, or focus on scenarios that are far-fetched for most people, such as a direct military attack on our soil by a foreign nation, or a complete collapse of all infrastructure where you will need extreme wilderness survival skills. While intriguing, these situations are not what the average person is likely to encounter.
Additionally, some programs recommend intricate and expensive security measures, like sophisticated surveillance and security systems.
However, these are often no more than expensive toys for adults, offering limited real-world value.
That’s why you need a comprehensive guide specifically designed to tackle the challenges of our time.
And you will find this guide in the meticulously crafted program that Richard and I worked so hard to create.
It’s called:
America fought fascism in WWI & WWII. After those wars, our enemy was communism. Hitler met defeat in then communist Russia? The worst epitaph , dead or alive since then is to be labeled a communist. Not a word about fascism being the enemy? Is the following set of characteristics US?
(1) Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.
(2) Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of “need.” The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, and long incarcerations of prisoners.
(3) Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists…
(4) Supremacy of the Military
Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.
(5) Rampant Sexism
The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Opposition to abortion is high, as is homophobia and anti-gay legislation.
(6) Controlled Mass Media
Sometimes the media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation or by sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Government censorship and secrecy, especially in war time, are very common.
(7) Obsession with National Security
Fear of hostile foreign powers is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.
(8) Religion and Government are Intertwined
Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government’s policies or actions.
(9) Protection of Corporate Power
The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.
(10) Suppression of Labor Power
Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed .
(11) Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts is openly attacked, and governments often refuse to fund the arts.
(12) Obsession with Crime and Punishment
Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.
(13) Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.
(14) Fraudulent Elections
Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections.
The usual scares and horror stories from fucked-up transgender people began. There has never been any socialism or communism. These are theatrical productions of transgender cannibals. I’m tired of listing them all over and over again. Money should be in the hands of morally pure and honest people. Now they are in the hands of transgender cannibals from the Khazarian gang. All their property should not only be confiscated and given to honest people. All transgender cannibals should be executed. Their transgender children will be cared for by special schools and psychologists. Third countries in the world with natural resources were also created by the Khazar gang. Now everything will change places. Industrialized countries will no longer exploit third countries of the world and will not receive their resources for next to nothing. The hour of reckoning has come. We should have thought about all this earlier. Deagel’s forecast for 2025 is not a forecast, it is a plan. Everyone will get what they deserve. Human slavery ends.