Kat Anonup Update(s): Juan O’Savin on Q Project, Nuclear Stand-off
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29 March, 06:43
Juan O Savin
KID BY THE SIDE OF THE ROAD“When we look at the ‘Q’ project in light of what’s happening in our country right now,
we have to remember that the central focal point of the whole operation is to reverse the effects of a coup that occurred at the killing of President Kennedy..It’s also about removing the sharp teeth of these money monsters; getting their fangs out of us as a country that is being bled dry by vampires as they take the wealth out of America to make themselves stronger, in order to do their globalist mischief around the planet.”
JOS 8-21
The Dept. of Energy has a designation & all people that handle nuclear weapons
transport, various functions, supervision of the nuclear arsenal & beyond that Security designation is “Q-Clearance.”That strata of the Military has to be challenged from the cabal side to hand over the keys, hand over control.
In THAT strata the Commander-in-Chief is supreme.
QTSR: QTeam & Q+

29 March, 06:27
Juan O Savin
THEY’RE GOING TO CREATE A NUCLEAR STANDOFF & TRY TO FORCE the hands of the Military in that upper strata THAT STILL MAINTAIN CONTROL to turn over the keys [of the nuclear arsenal] to this admin.The Dept. of Energy Q-Clearance guys in Cheyenne Mt. are SEPARATE & DISTINCT
from SES/Senior Executive Service.The guys in the Mountain operate on the 1954 Code..
If we’re attacked [we were digitally] if we’re at war [we are] those guys operate on a different set of understanding..
In the ’54 Code if they have reason to believe that the person at the other end [of the nuclear football] IS NOT THE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF & not the LAWFUL representative of the American people they do not have to do whatever that person says.
They have certain operational procedures called Continuity of Government..
The Military unanimously elected President Trump Commander-in-Chief on March 3 – 3.11 ’21 / flip of Nov 3 – 11.3
QTSR: Nuclear standoff → PEACE

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