Med Bed Healing From Powerful 5th-Dimension And Above | Astonishing Age Reversal Med Bed And Little Known Current Technology
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Are you ready to read this interview between Nicholas Veniamin and Maria Benardis on Zoom together? Maria shares wonderful extra information on Med Beds and other suppressed technologies, including dental technology. It is expected they will soon be released.
Maria Benardis is a Gourmand Award winning Author, Intuitive Chef, Food Alchemist, Motivational Speaker, Intuitive Health & Wellness Coach and Founder of Greekalicious.
Taken from Greekalicious:
So, Why Are We Ill?
Maria: Let’s just set the scene about where we are going. I think everyone is familiar with the fact that we have been living in a world where it’s all been about chemicals, all about toxic food, all about fluoride, and this is why a lot of people are ill.
Where we are now moving to, and what all these cures are all about, is about turning us back to God’s medicine, the ancient ways of medicine, such as in ancient Greece that was based on energy, frequency and vibration.
That’s where we’re moving to. It’s all about mind, body and spirit.
Healing with Vibrational Frequency
Now the reason why I wanted to set that scene is because most of these new cures and technologies (a lot haven’t come out but will be coming) are based on energy. They are based on a vibrational frequency.
This is why it’s so important for people to ascend to 5D dimensional energy, or agape unconditional love, because that’s where you’re going to
reap the full rewards of what is already out there, and what is coming.
Such as the Medbeds, and all sorts of other plasma related energy devices. Everything is based on energy and plasma.
Dental Technology
Nicholas: Can you share what there is that we can use for diseases etc. I think you mentioned about dental as well?
Plasma Pen
Maria: So that one is coming. I can mention it now. There is for example, a Plasma Pen that can be used to actually do the fillings. In other words, it helps your tooth regenerate and fill that gap. So it’s really quite extraordinary. We don’t even need all these extractions!

Shen Ultrasonic Tooth Regeneration, and also the Detravich(?) Electro-Orthodontia – Dental Electrolysis
I’ll just read of a couple of other inventions which I’ve written down:
There’s the Shen Ultrasonic Tooth Regeneration and also the Detravich(?) Electro-Orthodontia – Dental Electrolysis. So using an Electrolysis laser to whiten teeth, to heal teeth and to help the teeth regenerate.
Remineralisation Toothpaste
There is also a toothpaste – a remineralisation toothpaste so as you’re brushing, your not getting any toxins, but you are getting all the nutrients into your teeth so that everyday they are regenerating.
I will give the link to the 5,000 plus health patents that will be released so that people can go in there and do further research.
The issue with Mercury
Nicholas: That’s so interesting! Usually when you have a filling, it’s so bad for us because there is mercury inside that filling. Can you also explain to the listeners why mercury is bad for us?
Maria: Mercury is basically a toxin, and this is why everybody keeps telling us to not eat fish such as tuna and so on, because there is mercury in there.
It is actually like fluoride, it kills our cells and destroys our DNA. If we are putting something like that in our mouth, what is happening, is that it is slowly releasing that mercury over time and it’s making us sick because it’s damaging our cells.
Toxic Effects of Fluoride
Even the fluoride… that’s what the fluoride does that’s in our toothpaste and in our water… it destroys the cells.
Not only that, it actually affects the Pineal Gland, so that a lot of people who are drinking a lot of this water, and using this type of toothpaste, they are finding it very difficult to connect to the Creator God, so they need to eliminate those toxins.
That’s what’s making us sick Nicholas… if it’s not the filling, it’s the fluoride, the GMO’s, the artificial colours. Even things that say ‘natural colours’ are actually toxic.
Nicholas: Yes right. Everything we eat and when I speak to JasonQ, he goes into everything. He says no, you can’t eat like this, or you can’t eat like that, because it’s in everything.
There’s poison in everything. In our medication. The dye’s we put in our hair… our light bulbs…
Skin care
Maria: Yes, and moisturisers.
You know skin is the biggest organ in our body, so if we’re going to absorb the most chemicals, they’re going to happen on our skin.
We need to be also not spraying things in the environment which are then going to be absorbed by the skin. People don’t realise that if you spray something around you, the first organ, which is your skin, will absorb it.
Air Purifier
Speaking of the environment, one of the inventions that’s come up, is an air purifier by a company called Aerus which is just undergoing FDA approval. If you have it in your house it will actually detox the whole environment and the air of any bacteria etc.
This is a future thing for us to have in our homes. It’s a modern day purifier that cleanses the nasties that come in from outside.
When will the Med-beds come out, do you think?
Nicholas: Wow, that’s amazing. So when do you think that the Med-beds will come out?
Maria: I’ve been following the intel. Some intel is saying March. I actually think it’s highly likely that it will be the end of March because in March we have the amazing celebrations with our beautiful president. I’m so excited!
Currently being used with the Rescued Children
Maria: So I think that once that announcement is made with him there is nothing stopping these Medbeds coming out. We know they are already being used for the rescued children, and already being used for our service men and women, especially because they are experiencing a lot of trauma. These beds actually deprogram the mind, and heals all that sort of trauma.
Holographic Beds for lost limbs
Maria: For the people that have lost their limbs, there is the other bed (the holographic bed) that actually helps to heal and recreate these limbs.
Age Reversal Med-Beds healing Eyesight, Hearing and much more
Maria: I’m personally looking forward to the one that’s going to reverse age, help with the eyesight and hearing. I currently have to wear glasses for long distance and am looking forward to not having to wear them.
Age Reversal Med-Beds Stopping Hair from Becoming Grey
Nicholas: A friend said to me they are looking forward to something that stops the hair from becoming grey. I said to her that I actually like the grey! Just as long as I don’t lose my hair I’m happy.
Maria: Well, that’s what the Med-bed does. It actually restores your hair back to the original colour. So if you are going back to the age of 20, hypothetically speaking, when I didn’t have any white hair, it takes me back to my natural colour automatically.
Is it real?
Nicholas: You make a very good point about the Med-beds, they are being currently used with children as well. People are saying, when is it going to come out? Is it real? We look forward to them because it will heal every disease out there and save so many lives including our loved ones.

As Effective as your Energy
Maria: But Nick, there is something very important that people need to realise. The Med-beds are only as effective as your energy. They are based on intention. I need to go into the Med-bed with the intention of healing and I need to uplift my energy, and then what this Med-bed does is it joins me and lifts up my energy a little bit more.
So if someone is gong to be really negative and go in there with a 3D vibrational frequency, it’s not going to help them heal. This is why there is such an emphasis as to why we all need to rise up to the 5D level because that’s where the healing will be maximized.
What other technologies are currently available?
Nicholas: It’s all going to be fantastic when there is access to all these cures and what not. So what have you heard that has come out in the last six months that was wow for you, or you’re using now… or recently heard of?
Oxygen Therapy
Maria: So one thing people could be using now is Oxygen Therapy. There has been a lot of research that was done in Israel, and in actual fact, it’s being used in a hospital in Connecticut at the moment, to help cure people with c]ancer, and other illnesses.
A lot of people don’t realise that hospitals now have Oxygen Therapy and you can choose that as an option instead of chemotherapy. I highly recommend that. Of-course, Oxygen Therapy has also been used for age regression. If you Google Oxygen Therapy you can find that but people are not telling you about it. I think that’s a really important one.
Dr Biezunski
Another really important one, and I really love the work of this doctor… his name is Biezunski (?) – a doctor in Texas. He was shut down because he was curing people with C]ancer. So what’s happened in the last few months he’s all of a sudden opened up practice and he’s freely using all his technologies to heal people of C]ancer.
So if anyone has this disease, look up this wonderful doctor and start using his therapy. He’s developed what he calls, Peptide Derivatives that you can ingest and cure C]ancer. There are things happening.
Ultra-Violet Red Light
We’ve also seen the benefits of Ultra-Violet Red Light. I encourage people to start using UV Red Light on their body. It kills viruses. It was used in the 40’s and 50’s to treat blood pressure, to treat pneumonia.
Precision Smart Toilet
There is a toilet that has come out called a Precision Smart Toilet so that when you go to the bathroom it actually does a diagnosis of your body and your health and you can upload it to the cloud.
Taychon Beds
So there is also electro-magnetic field technology. For example, we have a Taychon Beds. They are available in every state, but you might find only one or two.
This is an energy bed that basically helps heal your chakras and heal all around you any sort of negative field. People who are depressed and so on should be researching this and actually going there.
King Smarty – Pure Soul Energy Science
You had a guest on your show, King Smartie… I actually use his products Holotech, Holographic. I have to say that I use that in my life to constantly have my energy elevated.
So I wear one of these. It’s made a tremendous difference in my life. My vibe was already a 5D but now I’m looking to go up higher. It’s another sort of maintenance.
These are just a few examples… there is a lot happening.
Age reversal Med-Beds are so much more than just age reversal. It will be wonderful for that to happen, but even more important will be the healing of degenerative diseases, and some of the debilitating conditions people find they have to live with.
Med-Bed healing From Powerful 5th-Dimension And Above
You need to learn to eat right as well
Also Nicholas, people should not be just relying on this Med-Bed healing technology, they need to be eating right. I know we are going to have replicators that are coming out that will help to replicate healthy herbs and foods, but in the interim, people need to be eating right.
Forget McDonald’s
There’s no point having Oxygen Therapy (for example), and then running home to have toxic foods such as McDonald’s. Something came out the other day which is quite disgusting… they actually found faeces in the products.
Forget Subway
Also Subway was recently in the press, the tuna that they say is in the sandwich is not tuna!
Nicholas: It’s terrible isn’t it. Fast Foods should be closed down. It should be a national emergency!
Many company’s currently being sued
Maria: I don’t know if you have noticed, but all of these companies are being sued at the moment, and they are being sued to be closed down!
I’ll give you another example of other companies that are being sued…
Whole Foods
Whole Foods is having a lot of its products being questioned under the Whole Foods brand. They are questioning, for example, is the vanilla they use, really vanilla? There are all these class actions at the moment. they are doing it to shut down all these lines and brands and as this happens it will put Whole Foods on notice.
Medicinal Garden Kit: Your Secret Arsenal Against Big Pharma and Ailing Health
Trador Joe’s
Trador Joe’s as well. There is a lot happening around us but it’s not in the media! They will either have to ‘shape up or ship out’!
Nicolas: It’s good because eventually all these greedy people with these billionaire companies, they just care about money, they don’t care about our health.
When people begin to see this in the media, they are going to see a big opportunity to get into business to feed our families, and also contribute to communities and do what we are passionate about doing.
Like you say with Whole Foods. I know so many independent restaurants, family run restaurants, who really go the extra mile when it comes to quality, or the member or the customer experience, but you don’t get that with the big companies, they take it for granted. They need to go, you are absolutely right!
I really hope they are being sued as they do need to go.
Maria: They are, they are!
Monsanto’s, Bayer’s, Environmental Protection Authorities
Monsantos as being sued; the Bayers are being sued; the Environmental Protection Authorities are being sued.
But Nicholas, as you know, it’s not in the media. I do a lot of research every week for my weekly show to find this stuff so I can tell people, but it’s hidden.
As JasonQ would know, I spend hours trying to find this stuff, because it’s not in one place. This is why I want to share it because I want to give people hope.
Nicholas: I believe it’s giving the patriots lots of hope. We do know that we are going into… there is light at the end of the tunnel.
We know where we are going but what’s keeping us a bit grounded at the moment is that we don’t know the plan. We know things are happening, but we don’t know everything about the plan.
Like I said to Charlie (Ward) as well, only 10 people, less than 10 people, actually know the plan. It’s going to be a great future.
Back to Godly Basics
Maria: Isn’t it also about taking us back to the basics of the Bible which is trusting in God?
It’s taking us back to the source of trusting Him… in God and Christ… that it is all under control.
If we can trust President Trump, the [Q] team and everybody else, it’s like saying… we trust you God. That’s what we need to get back to Nicholas.
We’ve lost that faith and trust so that everything that’s happening it is so smart the whole plan because what it’s doing is it’s bringing to our attention things we need to heal within us.
So, if we’re not trusting, we don’t have trust in our God and we don’t have faith in ourselves. We need to know they could, says the ancient Greeks, so I think the whole plan is putting us back to spirituality as well.
Nicholas: I can’t wait – it sounds amazing . I listen to you because you’re trying to get out up and beyond 5D as well. Your really into it as well. What you say is credible and I feel it. It’s exciting times to be alive.
The Ancient Greeks were 5D and beyond! Connected to the Creator
Maria: Let’s not forget Nicholas where the ancient Greeks were. They were not just on 5D, they were above 5D.
How do you think they created those buildings without technology?
How do you think people like Hippocrates and people like (???) wrote books on herb and spices, and knew all the healing benefits with no scientific research?
And the list goes on. They had to be connected to the creator and the source, otherwise, how do you get all this information?
Freeing up the suppressed Pineal Gland
Nicholas: So you’re saying, that because we have God within us, they had some of that 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8D superpower to accomplish those things, but now it’s been taken away from us through society, through the closing of the Pineal Gland and we’ve been suppressed… and we haven’t realised.
Maria: You are spot on! That’s what I found in my research, and that’s what helped me to heal.
WARNING: Secret NASA Experiment Confirms 500 B.C. Chakra Teachings!
Ancient Greeks
By studying the ancient Greeks and learning their techniques to untap the Pineal Gland and to ascend to 5D through mind, body, spirit. That’s what we are talking about here today.
All the Med-Bed healing is based on above 5D technology, that was also used in ancient Atlantis but then their ego destroyed them.
We are being called to rise
Really, what we are being called to do is to rise, we have God in us, we have that energy, we are being called to rise to get back to that so we can use our telepathic skills again to communicate, so that it doesn’t matter which part of the world we are, we can communicate to the plasma energy around us to heal… it’s there.
Turning air into water technology
I mean, there is technology that takes the air and turns it into water. Extraordinary… there are videos on this. I’m not making it up, there are videos that show this technology. All of this has been suppressed, so all of this proves to me there is abundance of water!
Nicholas: Oh yes, definitely. I think there is abundance of everything. It’s up to man, and for the people who are sensibly in control, to make sure of that.
Med-Bed healing is just one of many, many technologies that’s being released. Some are moving in that direction already, but won’t it be wonderful when all those 6,000 plus patents are let loose into society?
What if we had healing Internet technologies in our own Homes?
Maria: As I said before, there are over 5,000 almost suppressed health and wellness patents that still haven’t come out. I’ll give you some examples.
It’s very important for people like us who are humanitarians that are going to be blessed by God financially in the near future, that we actually help fund these people, the inventors, so that they can come out quickly. We can actually have some of these in our own homes and not have to visit a Med-Bed, so to speak!
Nicholas: Absolutely! We should have things in our home like furniture that have things that come out, such as frequencies and equipment naturally. Just like we have a fridge, we should have healing technologies!
Maria: Exactly! I see a lot of good things – some of the stuff is mind-blowing. But again it’s all frequency, vibrational, energy based. That’s what people need to remember.
Anti-Aging Devices – New Inventions Previously Suppressed
Another thing is there are a number of anti-aging devices, like inventions, that haven’t been released. We are not just talking about the Med-Beds. This is an anti-aging machine. This is one that is not as sophisticated as the Med-Bed.
We can help to fund them so they come out even quicker
I’m hoping we can put funding (towards it) so that people can have them in their homes. There are a lot of devices on that link I will provide so we need to put money behind them to help these inventors to start making the inventions. This is so people can have them on hand.
For example, the toothpaste that we discussed before, (in Part 1) I think will be an amazing one. Also the pen to regenerate the teeth.
In addition to that, we need to have the food, the herbs and the spices. I don’t want people to think we can just rely on this technology Nick, it’s needs to be a mind, body, spirit approach.
Nicholas: Absoluely! You need to want it energetically and you need to want to feel it and have that feeling of abundance 100%.
The other way is that we are expecting the wealth transfer from the Cabal to the good guys in order for us to inject that back into the humanitarian projects that you’re talking about, so we can help the inventors move forward with it as well.
So let’s hope that that happens fast as well so we can be on track with that.
Maria: Yes, this is one of my pet projects with that. I’ve been analysing a lot of these wonderful therapies and picking out the ones I’d like to put a lot of investment and time in to so they can get out to the people into their homes ASAP.
Energy Hemp Devices
Another one in the food line that has been suppressed is hemp. In the link I’ll provide, there is a whole section there for energy devices for hemp. This helps with the using and the creating of hemp furniture, clothes. I see hemp as the future and not plastic. and… it can also be recycled.
Nicholas: Interesting you say that. You know when we use hairspray or deodorant or air fresheners… the containers we spray it out from are usually made from poisonous metals like aluminium and other things like that, so they poison us with it.
Just like they put poison in everything… what we eat, what we use, material, clothes everything… it should be the reverse. It should not only be not poisonous, but it should be very good for us.
Cut the recycling!
Maria: And then when it goes back to nature it just decomposes. We shouldn’t have to recycle etc… we should be using plant based. It’s funny, but it was used in ancient Greece and used for many of these purposes.
It’s even mentioned in the Bible, and yet, in a lot of countries like Australia, it’s illegal!
I see it being the future, and there is a lot that has been suppressed that people will begin to see about CBD Hemp, and I believe I can see instead of plastic furniture, I see hemp.
I can see hemp instead of plastic plates… also I can see clothes… and not only that, we are lifting our vibrational frequency by actually wearing clothes that are made of hemp instead of fake polyester, and what have you.
So this is the way I see the future and the evidence is there. People can do their own research.
Were they just ‘Fruit Loops’… or were they really onto something?
It’s important to stress it’s all about energy. The ancient Greeks were the first to recognise that energy existed. Back then they used to look at them as fruit loops, like they were crazy… but look at us now!
Nicholas: A friend of mine actually gave me this, and it has healing stones inside. I’m not sure about the pyramid, but it’s got healing stones inside of it. I just keep it here beside me. I don’t know if I feel good always because this is here.
God gave us crystals to use because of their vibrations
Maria: Well I have a lot of crystals as well. They are very important as they lift the vibrational frequency, as do essential oils. Those too are very important in my life in terms of maintenance.
Let’s not forget that in ancient Greece they used crystals to lift the vibrational frequency. They recognised that crystals had energy, as does music and a lot of other things. That doesn’t surprise me, I have a whole crystal collection.
New Healing Internet Technology
With the new Quantum Financial System it’s based on energy. It will be healing us at the same time!
Also, the 5G towers are being converted into Tesla towers so they will all be vibrating on the frequency of 432 hertz which is the energy of agape, unconditional love. So this is another technology… even our Internet technology will be healing us!
Nicholas: Wow, this is what I mean, all the good things that we like should be good for us instead of bad for us.
Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful information with us. Is there anything else you would like to say before leaving us?
Maria: We are nearly there! Keep the faith.
…End transcript…
Med Beds in the USA: Why the Silence? Details Of Med Bed Plans In The USA – Q & A about Med Beds
Med Beds in the USA: Why the Silence?
The USA, the land of opportunity, innovation, and… silence? When it comes to Med Beds, there’s a hush that’s hard to ignore. These beds have the potential to change the healthcare industry, putting powerhouses out of business. Could Big Pharma be pulling the strings, suppressing the very technology that could end its dominion?
Read the full article HERE:
Also: MED BEDS – High Tech Medical Bed Technology Suppressed by DEEP STATE and Released by NESARA GESARA (Must See Video) –
Hi Medea! Where can I find the info on the 500,000 new technology patent information? Please and thank you
Well hopefully things will start dominoing this sept 2023.
Really have to pray their trying to bring back covidLockdowns/climatechangeagendasFailfast… I know some places in usa are already in lockdown ..
.no more bs from msm, thewho, and others allowed… we do not consent to the shannigans….
We blast the whole planet and all beings with 100 million times more Divine Christ 7Dimensional Light and Love 24 / 7 now … May we all feel the love from the 7d light flowing in to us all now…..
Lila , well September started in August and THEY got the jump on the good guys with the Hawaii job and THEY aren’t human , then THEY aimed their proverbial Death Star at Florida and rolled in A CATEGORY 4 hurricane right over top of the state but not before THEY switched out fuels for half the state so cars wouldn’t/ couldn’t leave before the hurricane so September is off and Rockin but one has to wonder seriously, WHOS GOT CONTROL . Dangerous times for certain. ❤️