Med Beds News: How Does Med Bed Healing Work? A Step-by-Step Guide to the Entire Procedure of Med Beds! (Latest News and Videos)
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Discover the revolutionary world of Med Beds with our comprehensive guide. Explore how these cutting-edge devices promise to heal at a cellular level, restore health, and extend life. Stay updated with the latest news and videos on this transformative quantum technology.
How Does Med Bed Healing Work? A Step-by-Step Guide to the Entire Procedure of Med Beds
The concept of Med Beds is shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Quantum technology is at the heart of these stories, suggesting a leap beyond traditional medical science. The key takeaway here is to approach this topic with an open mind and conduct your own research to form an informed opinion.
Nikola Tesla had great influence creating these beds. Experiments were conducted with the German scientists, then in the 1970’s rebuilding and redesigning started again by a scientific team that included physicists and doctors.
Med Beds, have a rich historical background. Nikola Tesla, a pioneer in electrical and mechanical engineering, played a crucial role in their initial development. The technology underwent several phases of experimentation and redesign, involving prominent scientists and doctors over the decades.
There are many behind the creating of these healing devices and still the technology remain suppressed (deep state). There are about one-hundred different variations of the med bed currently where the three types (holographic, regeneration and regression) can work in one device.
The Healing Process: While you are asleep the med bed does its work….
The healing process with Med Beds is reportedly passive, occurring while the patient is asleep. This non-invasive approach highlights the advanced nature of this technology, promising a pain-free experience.
The Science Behind Med Beds. From conception, through infancy, all throughout our teenage years to current day there have been holographic images made of our body – everyone’s body. Although it is far more scientific, simply think of it as a holographic camera taking pictures of the body. A hologram is a three-dimensional image that uses light and sound.
Med Beds utilize holographic technology to capture three-dimensional images of the body. These images are akin to a detailed, lifelong medical record, providing comprehensive data for diagnosis and treatment.
Diagnostic Scans and Analysis. During a med bed diagnostic session, the body is scanned from head to toe. Anything that is not in balance will be seen immediately. Imbalances could be illness, disease, missing limbs or organs to foreign substances that should not be in the body. Foreign substance includes toxins, bacteria, inflammation, fat and the factors that cause addiction. Blood and DNA analysis helps in detecting any hereditary markers.
A diagnostic session with a Med Bed involves a full-body scan that identifies any imbalances or anomalies. This includes detecting illnesses, diseases, foreign substances, and hereditary markers through blood and DNA analysis.
Healing Through Holographic Projection. For example, if the patient has heart disease, the diagnostic scan will pick it up. With a library of holographic images throughout the patient’s life, the med bed can ‘pull’ the slide where the patient’s heart was at its strongest. Based on that slide, it will project the healthy heart image down to the patient, restoring the heart when it was healthiest, cellular and DNA reconstructs. During the repair session immediately following, there is minimally invasive surgery and has little, if any, discomfort after.
Med Beds use holographic projections to heal. For instance, if a patient has heart disease, the Med Bed retrieves an image of the heart at its healthiest state and uses it to restore the heart’s health. This process involves cellular and DNA reconstruction, with minimal invasiveness and discomfort.
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Returning to Original DNA. These ‘smart beds’ take us back to our original DNA before we began to get poisoned by our foods, air, soil and water. Our body will be healed at a molecular, or cell level. Obesity will also go away.
Med Beds aim to revert our bodies to their original, untainted DNA, healing at a molecular level. This includes addressing issues like obesity by restoring cellular health.
Post-Treatment Recovery. What happens after a diagnostic and repair session? Depending on each individual’s session it can take anywhere from one to six hours to recoup. There will be a greater number of bathroom visits after use as everything flushes from the body. The body’s original height is restored as well. Because the body has a memory to it, the cells become optimal they continue to communicate with other cells rejuvenating the body for another few months.
Post-treatment recovery varies but generally lasts from one to six hours. Patients may experience increased bathroom visits as their bodies flush out toxins. The body’s original height is restored, and optimal cellular communication continues to rejuvenate the body for several months.
Cellular Frequency and Healing. How does this work? Every cell has a frequency and wavelength pattern to it. The weak patterned cell will merge with the strong patterned cells which results in an integral balance.
Healing occurs through the merging of cellular frequencies. Weak cells align with stronger ones, resulting in a balanced and healthier body.
Pre-Treatment Orientation. Before experiencing the med bed expect to have a very detailed orientation where there will be a thorough questionnaire about your health. Any past operations, organ removal, teeth fillings or caps, mental issues, addictions… everything will be discussed.
A detailed pre-treatment orientation ensures that all health aspects are considered. This includes discussing past operations, organ removal, dental work, mental health issues, and addictions.
Psychological Preparation. Most pre-treatment care will be of a psychological nature. This to help prepare people to understand the dramatic curing process they will go through.
Psychological preparation is crucial, helping patients understand and cope with the dramatic healing process they will undergo.
Addressing Addictions. Addictions: Depending on addiction and how serious a habit is, one may have to go to spiritual counseling. This counseling will also be helping with changing to a healthy diet. The medical centers may not book a treatment until the patient makes an effort to change. To understand the importance of this continue reading. Enabling won’t work in our quantum future.
Addressing addictions requires spiritual counseling and lifestyle changes. Patients may need to demonstrate a commitment to change before receiving treatment, emphasizing the importance of holistic health.
Accessibility and Availability. These will be in every major city to start. Military is involved with getting everything started, then the goal is to have 2 beds in every county. The med bed will be free to use. Transportation costs will be patient responsibility.
Med Beds will initially be available in major cities, with the military facilitating the rollout. The goal is to have at least two beds in every county, free of charge, though transportation costs will be the patient’s responsibility.
Current Distribution and Future Availability. Currently they are sparsely located throughout the world. Individuals can make appointment only for themselves, not anyone else. If someone does not want to have a medbed appointment, that is their choice. AI (artificial intelligence) will know this.
Currently, Med Beds are sparsely distributed globally. It is hoped that by mid-2025, they will become more widely available. Appointments are strictly personal, and AI will ensure that individual choices are respected.
Equal Treatment and Respect. Everyone will be treated equally and respected for their personal feelings where judgements will not be made on each patient. Personal issues such as PTSD or other mental challenges, the choice to get vaccinated or not – everyone is equal!
Equality and respect are paramount in Med Bed treatment centers. Patients with PTSD, mental challenges, or differing vaccination statuses will all be treated equally.
Security Measures. There will be security at the med bed center medical facilities. In the beginning it is expected there will be those attempting to ‘jump’ in front of others for themselves or a loved one to be treated first. Security ensures this won’t happen.
Security measures will be in place to ensure fair treatment and prevent individuals from skipping the queue.
Treatment Timeline. Every appointment length is different depending on each individual’s needs or desires. Overall, it will be approximately 3 days for each patient from start to finish. The first day is consultation. The second day is med bed repair. The third day is observation. These will have a minimal downturn for recovery after treatment. No post-operation healing.
The typical treatment timeline spans three days: consultation, repair, and observation. Recovery is minimal, with no post-operative healing required.
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Prioritizing the Vulnerable. After military and children, the elderly, including nursing and all elder care facilities are helped. Depending on the situation, there are those who are in need of medical assistance urgently that may not be in the above categories. Those in critical need will be blended into the above categories.
Priority will be given to military personnel, children, and the elderly. Those with urgent medical needs will also be accommodated as necessary.
The Role of Compassion in Staffing. The doctors and other professionals running the facilities are carefully selected. This is true humanitarian work – there is no profit in this. Their motivation has to be compassion and love. Quantum technology is sensitive and able to pick up an individual’s intentions. The staff will be spiritually trained in consciousness where they are non-judgmental of others, including patients.
Staff selection prioritizes compassion and love. The technology is sensitive to intentions, so staff will undergo spiritual training to ensure they are non-judgmental and supportive.
Employment Qualifications. The qualifier to become employed at these centers is a good heart! A good heart has a higher energy vibration, which means a more open mind. Background doesn’t matter. If an individual is full of ego and used to controlling situations will not be accepted.
The primary qualification for employment is having a good heart. High energy vibration and an open mind are essential, while egoistic individuals will not be accepted.
Impact on the Pharmaceutical Industry. The Med Beds eliminate the pharmaceutical and supplement industry. Med Beds have the potential to revolutionize healthcare by eliminating the need for pharmaceutical and supplement industries.
Healing Centers for All. There will be healing centers for animals and all living things on the planet – even your pet lizard. Home replicators and Frequency Healing devices can also be used until that time.. Healing centers will extend their services to animals and all living beings, ensuring holistic care for the entire planet.
Natural Sleep Induction. There will be no sleeping gas, sedatives or drugs used to prepare someone for the bed. The melatonin in one’s body will be ramped up to a degree that a deep sleep ensues making this natural and organic.
Med Beds induce sleep naturally by enhancing the body’s melatonin production, avoiding the use of drugs or sedatives.
Metal Removal and Bone Regeneration. Metal in the body degenerates and bones come back. If a person has had cataract surgery, the lens will be removed, and eyesight is corrected. Any man-made items in the body will be removed.
Med Beds can degenerate metal in the body, regenerate bones, and correct eyesight by removing cataract lenses. Any man-made items in the body will be eliminated.
Effectiveness of Med Beds. Some are saying 100% correction the first time. There are others who have said maybe a few times depending on the med bed quantum healing system being used. Still others say it will be an ‘as needed’ situation. We will learn more detail about this as technology advances and information becomes available.
The effectiveness of Med Beds varies, with some reporting 100% correction on the first use and others suggesting multiple sessions. More details will emerge as the technology advances.
Safe Integration of AI. This artificial intelligence (AI) works in concert with our human connection in a manner where it is safe. This means that AI will not take over.
The AI in Med Beds is designed to complement human connection safely, ensuring it does not dominate the healing process.
Global Distribution. There are machines throughout the world, distribution is sparse and will eventually be in major cities of every state or country. In the United States it is the military that is rolling out the med beds to ensure integrity of machine and usage. Also, there are med beds then there is a Celestial Chamber.
Global distribution of Med Beds is currently sparse but will expand to major cities. The U.S. military oversees the rollout to maintain integrity.
Longevity and Health. We all will live longer with the med bed. Those of us who are older now, depending on diet and attitude, we can expect to live 100 to 200 years. As we clean up the unhealthy DNA and genetic markers for future generations, they can expect to live 300 to 400 years, possibly more as we learn more.
Med Beds promise extended lifespans, potentially allowing older generations to live 100 to 200 years, while future generations could live even longer as DNA and genetic markers are purified.
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Holographic Nature of DNA. Our bodies are a holograph and so is our DNA. When DNA moves and transfers it moves from one place to another, it leaves 3rd density into another dimension then reappears in another 3rd density place.
Our bodies and DNA are holographic, with the ability to move between dimensions. This concept underpins the transformative power of Med Beds.
Mind and Spiritual Healing. Med Bed’s also will retrain the mind. Consider the physical healing with the med bed to be 5-10% of the purpose. The other 90% of the light beds are to spiritually help us into the quantum life. DNA is an antenna. It draws frequencies and energies from the source of the quantum field. What you think is what you create. How you see yourself is who you become. The med bed will amplify what you believe and think of yourself. You have got to be solid with who you are or as Aristotle said, “Know Thyself”. You must love and respect yourself to draw in like energies. If you don’t love and respect yourself, the same energies will be drawn toward you.
Med Beds are designed to retrain the mind, with physical healing comprising only a small part of their purpose. The primary goal is spiritual transformation, aligning with the quantum field. Self-love and self-respect are crucial for drawing positive energies.
Empowering Younger Generations. We must work with the younger generations. While society was diminishing through the years, younger generations don’t have the understanding of self that older generations will have. We must help the younger generations to feel confident within themselves before using the med bed.
Younger generations need guidance to develop self-awareness and confidence before using Med Beds, ensuring they benefit fully from the technology.
Special Cases. For those with various infusions regarding DNA, such as super soldiers, more information will be made available later regarding med bed healing.
Additional information will be provided for special cases, such as individuals with DNA infusions, to understand how Med Beds can help them.
Future of Med Beds. As our world heals and people begin to learn the power within them to heal through ascension, this technology may not be needed universally. Many will become crystalline beings.
As people harness their inner healing power through ascension, the universal need for Med Beds may diminish, with many evolving into crystalline beings.
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Continuing Medical Protocols. While reading this information continue taking medications or doing any medical protocol a professional may have you or anyone else on. We are in a transitional time and it is important to stress it may take some time for the med beds to arrive.
It’s essential to continue following prescribed medical protocols during this transitional period, as it may take time for Med Beds to become widely available.
Conclusion. Med Beds represent a potential revolution in healing, combining advanced quantum technology with holistic health principles. While their existence and efficacy are still under debate, the promise they hold is undeniable. As we wait for more concrete evidence and wider availability, it’s crucial to maintain an open mind and continue our current health practices. The future of Med Beds could transform not only our physical health but also our spiritual well-being, ushering in a new era of holistic healing.
Med Beds: Make America Great and Healthy Again! High Tech Medical Bed Technology Suppressed by DEEP STATE and Released by NESARA GESARA!
The Quantum Healing Technologies of Med Beds: A Leap of Love and Science
Enveloped in cutting-edge quantum technology, Med Beds extend a beacon of hope for those seeking holistic wellness. Get ready because Trump’s NESARA initiative is unveiling the astounding reality of Med Beds – a technological marvel that promises to cure all diseases within minutes.
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BOMBSHELL!!!! Discover the Supreme Court’s groundbreaking decision that paves the way for Med Bed technology, heralding a new era of energy medicine. Unveil the truth behind FDA regulations and explore the transformative of Med Beds to end human suffering and elevate global health.
What a Time to Be Alive!
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My only frustration with your articles is the constant repetition. Please stop doing this in your articles. I really appreciate all that you do for us to educate us, and to wake us up. Thank you. May God bless you, always.
Hi Medeea Greere, I am wondering If my mom can use the med bed now? She haven’t eat in three days and really need help. Thank you.
Yes, dear.
Linda Medea Greere, I am admiring your person and the purpose of your tireless work, publishing truth, love and freedom. For over a year I have been following all your communications and thanks to your publications I can update myself daily about the world we are living in. Very interested I am in the current futuristic wonders, the Med Beds, which can also be understandable, because within four months I will be completing ninety years of life. I am living in Brazil and I occupy a nearby housing next to a hospital. This hospital is currently starting construction works for a new building, aiming to expand its physical space in order to serve the people or audience better. It is said that the work is planned for a work period of about three or four years. … Thus, I suspect that it is intended to raise the construction in a way to follow the old way to pile brick over brick …. .
It turns out that no person, starting with the highest board, has not even heard of something about the revolutionary Med Beds.
Notice, I’m just an individual of this aforementioned people, but I hate to see a manager crying and would like to have the opportunity to warn who is in front of this expansion, which I consider to be going in the wrong direction, about the news of the medical area, that are as you say, “suppressed and hidden from the public for a long, long time.”
Before looking for someone from the board for my purpose, <>, Before this I would like to find out to which organ or organization or authority the hospital should go to know the necessary requirements to eventually adapt its facilities to the new health care technologies, that I believe which will soon take revenge also in Brazil. Question is, you dear Medea would be able to provide me with a direction in this regard ?? I am only a retired old man and I do not want to create any fame and possibly would immediately leave the circuit when the intended actions are directed and taken. In this sense I want to thank you for your interest and remain sending greetings Claus Jürgen Pusch
Reading is fun…damental! Don’t confuse “country” with “county”. VERY different. I’d trade ALL MY WEALTH (existent & future) for the production of hundreds/thousands of MED BEDS because if you’ve got your HEALTH…. IT IS YOUR WEALTH!
If you would proof read what you wrote, you will notice that just about new subject is repeated, or stated twice. Is this intentional? It’s gets annoying as we read a long article.
Also, you state: “then the goal is to have 2 beds in every county”. Are you kidding me !! Do the math: In the USA there are over 300 Million people, 2 Beds?? It has been reported that there are already thousands of Med Beds out there now ready to go with thousands more coming soon.
Please try to get your facts correct.
hmmm…READING is fundamental! Do NOT confuse “countRy” with “county”. I’d trade ALL MY WEALTH for an overabundance of “med beds” because if you’ve got your HEALTH, you HAVE YOUR WEALTH!
Looking forward to using the medbed tecnology
Why do you post an article to be read and also an ad on top of it the is almost haalf the size of the page? Please check the technology – I would like to rad what you have written! Thankyou !
The “alternative” news people have been promising us med beds for several years but not one shred of concrete proof. I wish they were real but I’m not going to buy into this fantasy.
Ojalá sea real y haya acceso a ellas, espero que lleguen a argentina y poder curar mi cuerpo y sangre.