Q – The Great Awakening Happening Right Now As Evil Exposed – We All Need To Rise Up!
Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at https://t.me/AMGNEWS2022 and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!
Military Tribunals – Dark To Light – The Great Awakening – Game Over
The Great Awakening is happening right now and yet many are oblivious! I am often concerned that so many people do not seem to comprehend the depth of what is going on around them. This post is my endeavour to share…
It was first brought to my attention by Charlie Ward who, as he had be forewarned, took it upon himself to share far and wide. His intention was to bring understanding, and in turn, to bring peace to the hearts and minds of the people.
As we prepare for Nesara/Gesara, we move into the Great Awakening. Gradually more and more comprehend what’s going on.
But Charlie shared there would be diversions… lots of them…
What were the diversions for? Well to start with, Charlie had been told there were two currency resets in play. They were:
1. The Great Currency Reset – this is where you will own nothing and be happy! (run by the evil Globalists/Black Hats)
2. The Global Financial Currency Reset – & the Quantum Financial System – this is for the benefit of the people (run by the Alliance/White Hats)
Actually, to begin with when Charlie was told, he really didn’t take any notice. Certain country ambassadors he was working with told him on three different occasions what the intention was. He was told it would involve a ‘virus’, 5G, BLM, even an alien invasion! It wasn’t until he started hearing about the Corona virus that he realised that what they had told him was coming to pass. It had started.

Agenda 21
The Globalists were intending to depopulate earth and bring in full control of those who are left. If fact, their plan for the remaining people to become their slaves. Their currency reset, of-course, was all geared towards ‘all for them and nothing for anyone else’. Very frightening!
The Alliance knew of what they were planning, so they planned one that was ‘for the people’ and to bring everyone out of debt slavery into a prosperous life.
This was all part of their Nesara/Gesara plan. Unfortunately, they tried to bring it into fruition back in President John Kennedy’s day. The evil ones assasignated him.
Black versus White (the Awakening opens our eyes)
This is the fight we are fighting right now! We are in the middle of World War 111 while many have no idea. It’s amazing how many people side with the enemy because they don’t know who the enemy is!
The next time they endeavoured to bring in Nesara/Gesara was on the dreadful day of 9/11. In fact, it put the whole plan back by 20 years.
Here we are in 2021, twenty years later, and the plan is to bring it forth once again. Those of us who know this is what they are trying to do need to pray! They have to be so super careful as they don’t want to lose control again.

The Globalists must be eradicated
Meanwhile, as they were working towards this end, they had to also defeat the Globalists. My goodness, so much to learn during our awakening!
There was much to be done. The Alliance were aware of the horrendous underground tunnels and cities containing millions of trafficked and farmed children. These poor children, (and other females and males) were being used in science projects, satanic rituals and all manner of evil things. The Alliance had to free them. Of-course, we didn’t have any idea of all this! The pain we felt as we learnt of this during our awakening! We were totally sickened to our stomachs. We didn’t want to know, but realised we had to know… we had to face it.
OK, so this was not an easy job. I mean, those underground were not just going to give them up… they would fight to the bitter end.
Then started the lock-downs. Why? Was it to prevent people everywhere from contacting the dreaded ‘virus’? No, not at all. These lock-downs were to keep the people safe as the military did what they had to do. During lock-down periods there would always be lots of aerial activity going on above. No-one could understand why, but this was the military in action.
Millions of children were rescued. Many came from a depth of 10 kilometres underground where most of the cities were located. In the endeavour of rescuing them, when bringing them up to the surface, unfortunately many of them died. This was because most of these kids had never seen the light of day. It was heart–breaking! Not that they had any life down there of-course as most were locked in cages.
Normal? What kind of normal?
There was much talk and discussion going on about the dangers of 5G and BLM. Together with this, we started to hear that the only way we could ever ‘go back to normal’ was to be vaccinated.
The more we all learned about the old normal, the less we wanted to go back there. But for others, they longed for the old normal to come back. They were more than willing to take a jab if they could just get on with their lives.
But for those of us who were hearing and seeing the depths of the corruption, we had no desire to go back. We knew we had to fight through and come out on the other side. It was like we were together in a very dark tunnel, but we could see the light at the other end. We just had to get there!

The Great Awakening
There was such a great need to come to the tipping point, that is, where there were more awake than asleep. So we tried to tell everyone…
Gradually we all found how hard it was to open the eyes of those around us. How many times we were accused of being ‘Conspiracy Theorists’? Those who didn’t bother to spend time researching but rather sat in front of the television each night making sure they caught the latest news, generally did not accept what we were trying to tell them.
This has brought great heartache, as what was so clear to us, others couldn’t see it. The reality is, our job is to share the news, but it’s the Lord who opens eyes. It is not up to us to spend time worrying that we are not being believed, but rather to be prepared to speak whenever the opportunity arises. Yes, we pray for those we have shared with, but the rest is up to the Lord.
Still and all, many thousands began to join the Awakening. Little by little. Sometimes they jump in boots and all, while others take much time to consider… and then start to do a little research for themselves. It is not our job to convince people. We can present the facts, but that’s all we can do. We need to simply encourage them to research and find out truths for themselves.
Gradually the D[U]M[B]S were emptied and then blown to smitherines!
How hard was it to learn about these places! To me, it was one of the most incredulous parts of our Awakening. As we followed people connected to the military etc. and had ways of showing us what was going on, we learnt the depth of it all. One of the best in this that we have followed was Gene Decode.
We learnt an amazing amount of information through him. Do I agree with everything he says? Actually no I don’t… but so what… we take what we can accept and leave the rest for the moment. Many times we heard of earthquakes happening. Here in Australia, whenever we heard of a new one we always checked its depth. Guess what… 10 kilometres! We knew the military were hard at work.
Glob/alists indicted everywhere
During our Awakening we gradually began to learn that all governments everywhere, were part of this world-wide elitist club. Slowly but surely we came to the understanding that when we had cast our vote, it counted for nothing.

Those that we had believed in, were a part of the abomination. Governments and even church leaders, we began to understand, were working for the dark side!
Hollywood was completely dark… the music industry, the movie industry, even big parks and old time movies by people like Walt Disney were filled with satanic hand signs and meanings. It was everywhere.
For some of us, we have learnt about this gradually, especially how all these people did whatever the dark side wanted, as they pursued their careers seeking fame and fortune.
My heart cries out for those who potentially will learn it like a ‘smack in the face’. How will they ever manage?
The Election Fraud and horrendous changes in the government
How many have understood that the election fraud and all the massive changes (for the worst) made by the incoming government in the US, were all part of the plan? What an Awakening that was!
Donald Trump knew there were too many people who could not/would not believe him. If he tried to tell the world what state they would be in under the control of such an evil government, they would simply laugh. He had to make a very hard decision on which way to go. He, together with the Alliance, (a world-wide group of 8,000 who stood with him) made the decision to go the way they did.
This meant that although President Donald Trump won the election hands down, he would step aside and allow JB to pretend to run the government.
Firstly, let’s be clear on how they knew Trump won the election. They had the Quantum Voting System set up to run alongside the Dominion Voting System. They sat in a room and watched the fraud take place.
Don’t think for a minute that President Trump was sidelined with the election results. He knew before the elections even took place what was going to happen. How did he know? Because that’s the same way they run elections all over the world! It’s always decided before the elections who would run the country, and always whoever the Globalists said would do it. Always! I think they had a bit of fun just watching it at work.
Once more, this provided plenty to talk about and discuss right there… another massive diversion!
Meanwhile the work went on…
Rescuing the Children
All I’ve mentioned above was a massive diversion to take the attention off the fact that the military were going deep underground and rescuing children from these abominable places. What wasn’t understood was the fact that connecting tunnels travelled worldwide connecting these dreadful cities, one with another. Extremely fast trains moved between the cities carrying children.
Lock-downs had come into play and ripped around the world. While the world’s majority believed the lock-downs were put in place to stop the spread of the ‘virus’, we learnt through research, that the lock-downs were to keep people safely at home, as much as possible, and out of the way of the fire between those involved in the tunnels and the worldwide military going in. Obviously, the satanic worshipping demons were not going to just give up… they fought hard. Everything they had worked toward over countless years was being destroyed and they weren’t going to take that lying down!

Bringing in the Quantum Financial/Voting/Healing/Education Systems
And at the same time, quietly in the background, they were working diligently towards the bringing in of the Quantum systems. Quietly. Gradually. As they needed to work with all the banks around the world, it was a massive job. They worked so much undercover that even the banking personnel didn’t understand about the new Quantum system and how it was taking over the old, illegal system. It was that quiet!
But for those of us who have delved into the depths of what was going on, we heard. Yes, we understood it was coming into reality and simply had to be patient. Our Awakening kept us patient as we understood what was to come.
We All Need To Rise Up!
The fact is that while ever people continue to conform to the restrictions placed upon them, the longer the whole saga continues. As we stand against it we are helping those on the front lines of battle to overcome. All our countries have been under the jurisdiction of the Deep State Globalists, so we are all in exactly the same situation. They made their own laws and couldn’t have cared a less about our Constitution.
Those who love President Trump, love him to bits. But, we have to remember he is the president of the United States. I’m in Australia… he is not our president. We cannot wait for President Trump to come and save us!
I have no doubt whatsoever that he’ll return and start once again to turn the US around. Meanwhile, all other countries can learn from what he does, and from what he has already done. We need to rid ourselves of all the evil out of our own government and look for those who can and will lead us according to Common Law.
Preparing this world for the most wonderful time ahead…
This is the most wonderful part of our entire Awakening. Realising, a wonderful time is ahead for us all! But really, before that can happen people are going to have to comprehend what has been going on in the world they called ‘normal’. It was far from normal. It was like the pits of hell itself, we just couldn’t see it.
We were all brainwashed by the media who were pretty much all on the dark side. But we didn’t know! Belief was strong in the medical profession, the government and even the media. “Why would they lie to us?” is the question most asked as we share the truth.
ALL those who knowingly were involved in crimes against humanity, not only governments, but the media, medical profession, church leaders… whoever… will pay the price of the death penalty if found guilty.
- The satanists/freemasons/secret societies/globalists/elites/Deep State/ Illuminati will all be completely dealt with. Remember, crimes against humanity come with an automatic death sentence.
- Satan, the devil himself, will be locked away for 1,000 years.
- All debt slavery will be gone.
- No more homeless people with homes for everyone.
- No more working for a pittance in a job you despise. Instead, work at what you love to do.
- Healthy eating with no more foods designed to make us sick.
- Wonderful technologies to heal the sick and infirmed.
- Children playing in the great outdoors.
- New government, fair and for the people, will spring forth.
- No war. If a country declares war they will be removed from the Nesara/Gesara code and unable to trade with anyone. So peace will reign.
- The list is very long… this is but a sample.
Once Nesara/Gesara is announced and let loose on our world, life will be completely different.
Imagine this place? Can you imagine it?
1,000 Years of Peace
The Bible calls this period of time the 1,000 years of peace. No more satanic worship – all gone! With no-one left around to feed the unquenchable desire for the sacrifice of children etc. Satan will lose all his power. The Bible tells us he will be locked away for 1,000 years.
1. And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain.
2 He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.
3. He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time.
He will no longer be around to bother us… what an amazing time is up ahead! We need to hang on. When things look like they couldn’t possibly get worse, pray! God is at work. The Jubilee of all Jubilee’s is coming.
But meanwhile, there’s much work to be done. Continue to share. Share this post… everywhere. Be part of getting the word out. People need peace in their hearts, and the only way that will happen is as they experience their own Awakening! You see, those who are peaceful are those who have experienced the Awakening and know the fullness of what is going on.
The Great Awakening: We are Witnessing the Destruction of The Old Guard
If you are homeless, hide, or seek a good, godly, city mission to get help.
In response to “homeless”,. I like to repair & fix houses. I bought up several “fixers,” and the corrupt city council, of this town’s Agenda 21, UN government confiscated, and bull-dozed down 4 of them, for the federal money scheme Obama put in place b4 leaving office. Then laws were passed making it illegal to be homeless. All done to justify taking homeless people to FEMA camps for execution. GOD HELP US !!!
We Americans are so broke a beating down we can’t afford to live. I never thought I’d be homeless but I can’t afford a roof over my head we the people need money and the cost of living to go way down, I just don’t know what to do I’m speechless
The executions are taking place as promised, if you can’t take the word of a Marine that tells you it’s happening, who can you trust?
I’m a journalist that took up this fight when the “milk carton kids” were on the boxes of milk back in the 80’s.
The first “ milk carton” kid was a six year old little boy named Etan Patz. He was standing at the bus stop in Manhattan waiting for his school bus.
A worker from the bodega offered to give him a soft drink if he came inside. Instead he murdered that little boy, and his body wasn’t found for ten years.
That made a deep impression on me, I think of him everyday.
Sadly it happened to others until President Trump and our United States Marines Corp Stood up and Stepped up. The USMC banned together and specific laws against the murder or abuse of children would come with a horrendous penalty.
When our country is threatened or at a place of unrest the Marines step in and are in complete control until the threat is over.
The USMC and Donald Trump were working together before he was even elected. In fact, it was the USMC that came to him and asked for his help to stop the scourge of trafficking, and blood letting by users of adrenochrome.
Trump agreed and shortly before and after he was in office 220,000 subpoenas were served and indictments made.
We’re talking about the elite from around the world. Unbelievable? Get online and look at the front of Buckingham Castle with their logo ripped off she wrought iron gate.
Here’s another there are no longer any royalties around the world, nor royals. That was the first place Trump went to. He told them if they didn’t capitulate and agree to his terms he would reveal their depravity to the public. Next China. That’s another story, I’ll be back!
Many people do not believe that so-called untouchables will be or are punished.
Show at least a few Military Tribunals on TV, as it was promised to us, and all people will wake up.
Because none of this crap is true ya dimwitted Quidiot.
Are you still Blind and is your heart been removed ,if it hasn’t your infore a big show full of facts that might ,just might l say remind you about reality ,,then,just then your eyes may be permitted to observe the In justice to Humanity,sell your soul to Saton if you wish but don’t expect us to follow like morons,.,,be at peace with yourself,for its within the peacefulness of time clarity will show its self ..