NESARA – GESARA – MED BEDS… Here You Go: Earth Alliance White Hats, Including Presidents Trump, Xi, Putin, Other Earth Alliance Leaders, and All of You Awakened in Humanity – The Great Awakening!
Ready to uncover the truth? Sick of the lies? Join our Telegram Channel now. It’s time for the real story! My gratitude to all my readers!
The Great Awakening with NESARA GESARA! Discover how Earth Alliance White Hats, including leaders like Trump, Xi, and Putin, are uniting with awakened humanity for global change and prosperity.
At 9 a.m. on September 11, 2001, we had 9-11 and the destruction of the Twin Towers and Tower 7. And humanity has discovered that the Deep State is extremely serious about maintaining control over humanity, even to the point of killing or destroying anyone and anything that gets in their way.
At 10 a.m., Alan Greenspan was to publicly announce NESARA, the new law that was the cure for the illegal activities of the banking industry in cahoots with the government. This public announcement would have fulfilled the conditions required to integrate NESARA into positive law, which was to introduce GESARA, on a global level.
Banks and the government illegally seized Midwestern family farms that belonged to the Farmers Union by giving land patents to farms. A land patent provides legal protection against illegal land grabbers. It is illegal to seize any property owned by an allodial title.allodial.
The corporation USA Inc. thought they owned the land when they seized the land from the Federal Republic of the United States. They did not honor property rights.
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A land farm with this type of title can only be transferred by the owner voluntarily; which means it cannot be removed by any other means. The properties in question were pledged to banks by the innocent and unknowing owner as security for a loan. They had no choice, to pawn the land or not take a loan. Forfeiture of the property was written into the loan if it was not repaid on time. This was against the law; the banks knew it and the county clerks of county government knew it too.
Clerks recorded the transfer of ownership to the banks without the voluntary signature of the legal owner. This was pure fraud perpetrated and justified by America’s illegal foreclosure of USA, Inc. NESARA aims to reclaim all of this land and pay the illegal lawsuits and legal fees to these people, as well as return lots of Native American lands and not limit them to reservation lands and sick casinos.
GESARA: What is the strongest fundamental force in the Universe?
NESARA in Attention
As a result, the NESARA Act was put on hold for the next 20 years and a meticulous plan with military precision had to be put in place to right this wrong by the illegal Central Bank system that enslaved America debt.
Has anyone publicly asked a politician who we owe the national debt to? Who loaned the United States the money they created out of thin air and then charged us interest on that money? The culprit is the Federal Reserve Bank, a private organization owned by 13 banking families. This is the greatest government-sponsored travesty ever committed against humanity on the face of the Earth.
All of our income tax goes to paying the debt on Federal Reserve loans. We will never be able to pay off the debt, the Fed doesn’t want the loans repaid, they just want their interest payments and 20% to 30% of US citizens’ income to go directly to these 13 families. Who looks after the interests of the people, certainly not our highly esteemed, but satanic and criminal politicians?
JFK tried and they took him down (although his clone, and the Q Movement Earth Alliance began to form around the world, and he died at the time of writing this).
The Central Bank has tentacles in every facet of the American Republic and equally in every country. There is no way out of these satanic demons. Who can defeat these soulless miscreants? Millions of prayers, over hundreds of years, have been made asking God to help us. Divine timing is everything!
In His mercy, our Source God has implemented a Divine Plan to defeat and remove from power these demons who have a deadly grip on humanity. It has been in play for thousands of years to destroy the evil among us and bring about the permanent golden age of humanity described in all the scriptures and native prophecies, all of which say the exact same thing in words slightly different. The contrast between good and evil takes time to see and make a choice, so the Earth Alliance has been forming and working behind the scenes since then and has become a huge movement today.
The AE is made up of:
1. Ascended Masters, including Jesus-Sananda, Mohammad, Saint-Germain, Lord Buddha, etc., Angels and other Celestial Entities of the Spiritual Realms, including the Higher Self, or Oversoul of all Lightworkers. It is our personal direct connection to the EARTH ALLIANCE and every human has it.
2. Benevolent extraterrestrials from advanced star systems, some of whose inhabitants have consciously incarnated on Earth as bodhisattva humans at this time (over 4.5 billion of us) to help all of humanity succeed and may include some of the Ascended Masters.
3. The awakened White Hats. Humans who take up the Bodhisattva vow, knowing that it will be fulfilled in this last life in all armies and governments throughout the world and in the general public.
Ascended Masters, Angels, and Celestial Entities of the Non-Physical Spiritual Realms
Each of these groups came with their own powers that provide a complete covering of protection for the divine plan to succeed. This was not just to defeat the enemy, but rather to begin a New Earth that serves humanity as it was originally created before the fall of man, the sense of separation and the thirst of power and control over the parts of herself from which she felt separated.
The benefits include a new Earth Alliance of the Holy Spirit’s system of governance within and without, without external government and NESARA and its global version of GESARA law and a newsystem quantum financial institution (QFS)that serves humanity, rather than raping and killing them at a young age.
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The Heavenly Realms have done their best to aid in the demise of those who took away our freedom of choice and to pursue the life, liberty, and bliss fundamental to our United States Declaration of Independence and our natural constitutional rights . The Ascended Masters came with the ability to know all people on Earth; their needs, their talents, their Earthly Alliance of consciousness and also their heart.
They also know where the enemy resides and how to end their despicable hatred of humans and remove them from all of Creation, as they have created much chaos. They came to stop Satanists and save child victims of sex trafficking. They are here to create justice for these precious souls who were sexually abused, tortured and killed in their satanic sacrificial rituals. The human race is no longer here to support their satanic rituals.
This is God’s decree, so it now becomes a thing of the past.
Benevolent aliens, their free energy, and their healing technology
The aliens came with advanced weapons that could be used by humanity with the Universal Rules of Engagement. They cannot engage our enemies for us, but can help us with their technologies. However, they can engage the enemy if asked to do so when things are beyond the capabilities of the white hats to combat the enemy’s superior technology.
The plan called for the employment of warriors on both sides of the veil. The highest technology must be available to find and defeat the entrenched enemy. Evil has technology far beyond the ability of the Earth Alliance military to defeat, so this technology had to be imported from the advanced benevolent aliens of Star Systems< a i=2> which had proven their effectiveness against intruders.
Their technology was not offensive weapons of war, but rather their weapons of defense based on love and self-determination. This avoided any karmic responsibility.
Earth Alliance White Hats, including Presidents Trump, Xi, Putin, other Earth Alliance leaders, and all of you Awakened in Humanity
The White Hats include many militaries around the world carrying the major burden of engaging with and completely eliminating the enemy. It is the egoless awakened humans who put themselves in danger for the greater good of all humanity.
Can you imagine the horror of entering a dark tunnel to find the enemy, going through a firefight to eliminate the cowards who tortured and killed our children, and then seeing the broken, tortured, gruesome bodies of the children as they cling to what semblance of life they have left? Vomit bags are issued with their combat equipment,
Let’s provide these brave men and women with a medical bed to clear their minds so they can come home to their families and have a divine life with all of us. Children and other victims will first be treated via medical beds. They are in the hands of God’s loving AE.
As we support them patiently, consciously, in every way outside this arena, spreading the good news made behind the scenes by the Earth Alliance, let us resolve to dedicate our lives and our funds RV Zim to end the battle against the poverty and tragedies that humanity has endured at the hands of these evil beings.
The Great Awakening: The Power of Your Pineal Gland! How AWAKEN XT Targets the Pineal Gland to Enhance Physical Health and Elevate Spiritual Experiences
Our time has arrived in March 2021 when God activated His Army of over 4.5 billion Lightworkers, over half of Humanity, with the other less than half of Awakening and joining in number exponential every day, including some Satanists, with the heart of bringing Freedom to all His Children and His Creation.
We are that part of the Plan that will reclaim all the lands of the entire world and form thereon all the Shambhala communities of the moneyless food forest of God’s original divine creation before the fall of humanity, which will ultimately replace all cities and money after RV/GCR and GESARA money is released to all. We are therefore directly connected to the Earth Alliance and work alongside them, infinitely grateful to serve God with them!
The Divine Sovereign Humanitarian seeds come from their Hearts. Large amounts of money for their SCs will not change them, because they use it to move beyond money into the Divine Plan of SCs without money. They will co-create the SCs for all humanity so that all Life can thrive in superabundance in Bliss and Divine Love, completing what all the Prophets started, fulfilling all the Prophecies.
NESARA / GESARA in simple terms:
- NESARA / GESARA explains in simple terms the most revolutionary reform that will sweep the world in its entire history!
- NESARA = National Economic Security and Reformation Act (USA)
- GESARA = Global Economic Security and Reform Act (Global)
This is so exciting and definitely the best thing that has happened to all people in the world. We all took the way the New World Order treated us as normal, without realizing that what they were doing was completely illegal in every way.
Please be patient for the list below to be fully realized, such as first the complete elimination of the evil satanic worshiping cabal tyrants that rule our world.
NESARA GESARA… here you go:
- Debt forgiveness (Jubilee). All illegal banking and government activities such as credit cards, mortgages and loans or fees waived
- No more income tax
- Abolition of tax collection agencies
- Food, medicine, sale of old houses or any essential items will be tax free.
- A flat tax rate (could be between 14 and 17%) on new non-essential items purely as revenue for the government.
- Seniors will receive increased benefits
- Law and legal questions returned to constitutional law
- Reinstatement of the original amendment on the title of nobility
- Establishes new presidential and congressional elections within 120 days of NESARA announcement. The caretaker government will cancel all national emergencies and return us to constitutional law.
- No more fraudulent elections thanks to the new quantum system
- Creates a new US Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver,
- Return to old fiat currency (what we are currently used to now) to a gold-backed standard (including the precious metals silver and platinum) on the new quantum system.
- Prohibits the sale of birth certificates and/or baptism certificates as is currently the case.
Launch of a new Treasury banking system compliant with constitutional law
Eliminate the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period, the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side with the Treasury for one year to remove all Federal Reserve Notes from the money supply.
- Restoring financial privacy
- Retraining of all judges and lawyers in constitutional law
- Cessation of all aggressive government military actions worldwide
- Peace established throughout the world
- Huge sums of money released for humanitarian purposes
More than 6,000 canceled technology patents have been issued. Previously hidden from the public by the NWO. These will include free energy devices, anti-gravity machines, and sonic healing machines.
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The Deployment
We don’t know if the rollout of the above will actually carry the names NESARA & GESARA. In fact, whatever they call it, bring it on!
You can say, but it all seems too good to be true! I understand very well where you are coming from!
I’ve been hearing about it for so long now, reading about it online and hearing many people discuss it on Youtube etc., that it no longer affects me that way. So I fully expect it… in fact, I know it’s already being rolled out slowly. Millions of people have already benefited from debt relief.
I guess President Trump and “the team” only put things in motion when it is safe to do so. We are at war after all, so we must be very careful.
NESARA NESARA QFS Global Financial Reset – Everything Changes – Trust the Plan!
The Deep State doesn’t want small businesses in America. Big companies want competition for their new system. The system they are developing is the same system Mussolini developed in Italy, it is called fascism. Inflation is a way to get rid of the old corrupt system and usher in a system of journalists. This is what we are seeing right now.
The quantum financial system is coming, XRP and XLM – digital assets are here to stay, whether you like it or not. The XRPQFS manual is for the new user who knows nothing about NESARA – GESARA, XRP and digital assets.
The game has always been rigged. Most people invest their money/savings in the stock market with financial institutions that offer investment packages to BUY in the market. Most people can’t SELL/Sell the market. So when it goes down and we are in a downtrend, 95% of normal people lose everything because they can’t SELL/Sell the market.
The Quantum Financial System (QFS) Blockchain Watermark Explained
Voter Fraud Sting Election containing QFS Blockchain Watermark is more than meets the eye! Trump’s ‘reset’ plan deployed to expose election fraud.
Quantum Financial System (QFS) is building a virtual private network (VPN) for the Cross-Border Interbank Payment System (CIPS). It is a network based on sovereignty and trade.
The Trump administration was committed to the quantum financial system and unlocking its incredible potential for U.S. economic growth, technological advancement, and national security.
To coordinate a national research effort spanning federal agencies, the academic community, and industry leaders already underway, the White House National Office of Quantum Coordination has released a strategic vision for U.S. quantum financial systems networks.
Quantum Financial System (QFS) ensures impeccable integrity in the movement of funds from central banks to destination accounts.
The QFS will cover the new global network for the transfer of asset-backed funds and can replace the SWIFT system centrally controlled by the United States.
Quantum healing technologies in medical beds (Med Beds)
President Donald Trump told the nation on June 14, 2020:
“In about a year, almost all hospital procedures will be obsolete. »
Each city will have many medical beds and Tesla rooms capable of healing and repairing DNA as well as curing all ailments. Like age regression, up to 30 years old.
No more cancer, autism, Alzheimer’s disease, fibromyalgia (fi·bro·my·al·gi·a) a condition that causes joint pain throughout the body, sleep problems, fatigue and often emotional and mental distress, and many other impairments.
The world is on the verge of a giant quantum leap into the revolutionary “New Age” of healing technology systems that will be an integral part of transforming the way our traditional medical communities heal and heal the masses with plasma energies and healing frequencies.
Can you dare to imagine that at some point in the future of the world, hospitals will play a very different role, they will be enriched with many unique quantum technology devices; lasers and medical beds; Big Pharma will be eradicated; this futuristic technology will promote longevity and humanity will be freed from the masses suffering from strokes, heart diseases and many other diseases that contribute to the ills of ill health.
The third leading cause of death is hospital stays and procedures, and many are unjustified…
BOOOM!!! THE LATEST NEWS About Med Beds! NESARA GESARA and Med Beds Behind The Scenes: Deep State, Globalist Cabal, DUMBS, Human Cloning and Medical Technology Suppression (New Video)
BOOM!!! Uncover the shocking truth about Med Beds: Revolutionary technology capable of miraculous healing and regeneration. Kept secret by global elites, now poised for release under NESARA GESARA!
ALSO: Med Beds News: How Does Med Bed Healing Work? A Step-by-Step Guide to the Entire Procedure of Med Beds! (Latest News and Videos) –
Special Report! The End of Cancer: Med Beds Being Rolled Out! 6000 Cures Unveiling Medical Breakthroughs (New Video)-
BOOOM!!! Med Bed in Japan! YES, The Existence of Med Bed is a Confirmed: High-dimensional Medical Technology, 5th-Dimension, DNA Restoration, US Military Base Facilities and GESARA –
Special Report! The End of Cancer: Med Beds Being Rolled Out! 6000 Cures Unveiling Medical Breakthroughs (New Video)
Special Report! Discover the revolutionary of Med Beds under Executive Order 1221, introducing 6000 suppressed cures to transform healthcare. Learn how these advanced technologies promise to diagnose, treat, and heal a wide range of ailments, making cutting-edge medical treatments accessible to all.
How Med Beds and Executive Order 1221 Are Transforming Healthcare!
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BOOOM!!! Med Bed in Japan! YES, The Existence of Med Bed is a Confirmed: High-dimensional Medical Technology, 5th-Dimension, DNA Restoration, US Military Base Facilities and GESARA –
Med Beds News: 24 Most Important Revolutionary Healing Capacities of Med Beds – The Perpetual Fountain of Youth! –
Med Beds: Free Energy Systems and the Healthcare Revolution with Plasmatic Energies and DNA Rejuvenation | Judy Byington WARNING of POSSIBLE SCAM! –
The Science Behind Med Beds: Trump’s Role in Advancing Med Bed Technology – Benefits for Veterans and Babies – The Best is Yet to Come! –
Med Beds: Make America Great and Healthy Again! High Tech Medical Bed Technology Suppressed by DEEP STATE and Released by NESARA GESARA! –
Just to let you know all that Skye Prince Quantum Med Beds Organization is a Huge FRAUD and a Big SCAM as well on Telegram because you have to pay $500US prior to your Medbed appointment which means that it’s NOT FREE at all and you have no idea if they will really contact you after your payment is done and where the said appointment will be set near where you are living. Please have discernment about this ongoing FRAUD and SCAM on Telegram.
Dear Madeea….will the med beds heal broken teeth? I lost 14 teeth in a car wreck and need about $30k to replace them…but do I need to? If the med beds will replace the teeth, I will wait. I appreciate your answer in advance…and keep up the great work beautiful lady! Larry
That’s nice, dear.
Tuším,že se děje něco zvláštního…po dlouhé době se těším na svou práci a je jedno jakou,na práci která bude obsahem doby,než padnu večer unavenej do své postele s uspokojením,že jsem udělal všechno dobře….už se těším,že poděkuji Pánu Bohu za krásný den s myslí na své přátel z Asie,Afriky…na všechny ty lidičky dobré vůle a pracovité včeličky ,kteří jsou součástí života na Zemi…
The only God is God and his son that i recognize. There is no other.
I thank everyone for their info and input… however I have to ask to please take me off the email list as I don’t personally believe in any God but the Lord Jesus Christ…I do not believe in budda and any other so called little g….. I cannot stay on the channel…I think this is edging on New Age and the Lord God said to stay away from new age…. I don’t believe in worshiping crystals for healing or pineal gland…. the one true God El Elion… Yaway …and the Lord Jesus Christ my savior he is the only way to the father and salvation until God almighty or Jesus tells me diff…so I ask to take me off of the email, but I do thank you for the info on other things. But I am only going to follow the prophets of the lord Jesus Christ that have proven to be on point for the past years and he says September something big will happen and in 3 days from yesterday we will see his hand at work. I love everyone and pray if they don’t know Jesus they will find him…. so if you will take me off of the email list and God Bless you all.. when I saw this Lord Budda and all of this, I am out …. and if the Lord wants to heal my body, I don’t have to do anything with a pineal gland…. he says that is new age and to stay away its deceptive… I’m staying with the word of God and when I feel the Lord Jesus speaking to me….. he’s never steered me wrong…. I pray for each of you… but I don’t believe in any savior but Jesus Christ and the only God there isn’t but one. God bless you all and for the readers they Lord confirms through his prophet that has been right on point ..Nesara is real, but he said nothing about Gesara but we only prophesy in part…he doesn’t tell everything…and he said to put Psalms 91 written on the thresholds of your home and anoint all door and door Jams for the month of August accept him in your life and he will protect his children….. thank you for unscribing me and taking me off the list… I have to stand with My God the Lord Jesus no other Gods
You’re aware that the cabal, the evil that has been controlling us since the beginning are the very ones who wrote the Bible right? The Jewish kahzarian Mafia. Much of the Bible is a manipulation and lies. Their purpose was to maintain control by making us fearful of a judgemental god. To keep up in line. Everything they have done since the beginning of time had the goal of controlling us and keeping us fearful.
What better way than to make us believe that God is to be feared. There is a REASON the Bible says to stay away from new age things. Think about it. If you wanted the ultimate control over humanity but you knew that humans had certain natural abilities that would allow them to discover the truth about who they were and what they could do wouldn’t you do anything to stop them from discovering those truths? The REASON you’re told to stay away from it is because it’s the truth and if you discovered that they could no longer control you.
All the things that you consider new age are the very things the benevolent extra terrestrials who have been observing humanity since the beginning use to heal, connect with source/god. The pineal gland is our built in connection to source so doesn’t it make sense that the fluoride they put in our water calcifies the pineal gland rendering it useless? These are not coincidences. This plot has been in the works since the beginning of humanity.
We are the result of a hybridization experiment. The Annunaki brothers Enlil and Enki ruled on this earth, Gaia, long before humans. Enki was a scientist who experimented with DNA. Our DNA consists of 22 extra terrestrial dnas and one indigenous. The creation was placed inside an Annunaki female and she carried it to term giving birth to the first Adamu. That’s what they called humans.
We’ve been lied to from the beginning. The truth will be the truth. You can choose to worship a rock if you want to but that isn’t going to mean it’s source/god. There is only one true story about where we came from and only one source that is in all of us.
Any time you have translation, writing or words of humans passing along the story of God you are open to manipulation of the facts. The evil cabal has had their hands all over the Bible throughout the years and they have manipulated it to fit their narrative. To do what they needed it to do.
Source is live. It is not judgemental and it does not behave in the ways depicted in the Bible. Have you read the Bible? Why do you think there are so many awful terrifying things done by these people were supposed to worship? Judgement cast on people, terrible punishment, fear. That is not god. That is a human’s version of God twisted to meet their needs. All of this will be disclosed soon. You don’t need to take my word for it. You’re going to be shown so you can see with your own eyes you’ve been lied to. We all have a lot to learn.
You have to realize that the only reason you believe the things you do is because another human told you to. Which means it can not be trusted. The ones who KNOW our story and the truth about God are here to witness our liberation from this evil and they have given the truth to us. I just hope you’re open minded enough to be able to receive it.
That was fantastic and I felt it to my very core. Thank you. I always knew there was something more, not mere written words or teachings.
When ? We have been hearing about this for a while now, All talk and NO ACTION.
Sounds like the boy who cried wolf.
The real Trump was supposed to have died in 1989, Biden in 2018, many of us don’t believe anything we hear because we have been lied too so much, so often. Imagine being told the straight truth for once in our lifetime. We are not holding our breath.
My thoughts exactly. The very side that we identify with has lied to us and stolen our money from day one. Trust no one! And for Gods sake do not send money.
Our timing is not the same as God’s timing. Trust God’s Plan. He is ALL knowing.
When? Well we’re in a war so the timeline will be based on when that is complete and we’re safe. It’s not about getting you what makes you happy faster. It’s about destroying a cabal that has been in control since the beginning of time. So I don’t think your timeline is of much concern to the people saving children. You haven’t had to do a single thing but wait patiently. That’s it. In the entire WAR, WWIII, that has been going on since 2019 and before, you haven’t been asked to do a single thing. For all that is being given to us, all those military that fought in the tunnels for our freedom you’ve had to do NOTHING. Don’t you think you can just do one thing and be patient rather than sound like an ungrateful child?
We wouldn’t even know we had been enslaved if we hadn’t been told so just pretend you don’t know again and go on living like you had been up until you learned of this.
About 8 years ago, I asked the question “Who lends US money to operate on”?
The answer I got from my computer was China.
Dear Martha,
I read all of your comments, and I want to let you know that every single one is on point, directly related to the article, and I truly appreciate your insightful perspective.
Even though I don’t always reply, it’s simply because I don’t have the time. However, please know that I value your contributions, and I sincerely appreciate you, Martha. Thank you!
With respect and friendship,