Nikola Tesla: “PAY ATTENTION To The Numbers You’re Seeing!”
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The shocking truth about numbers and their hidden power over your life!Nikola Tesla’s secrets reveal how 3, 6, and 9 hold the key to the universe. Break free from ignorance, decode the numerical matrix, and take control of your destiny now!
The world we live in isn’t as random as it appears. Beneath the surface lies a numerical framework, a divine matrix that connects all things. If you’ve been noticing patterns in numbers—whether on clocks, receipts, or license plates—it’s not a coincidence. These synchronicities are a wake-up call from the universe itself. Nikola Tesla once said,
“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, you would have a key to the universe.”
What if these numbers—and others—carry profound truths about our existence? What if they’re the language of a higher consciousness calling us to pay attention?
The Numerical Light Matrix: The Code Behind Reality
Numbers are not just symbols on a page; they are the building blocks of reality. Everything around us operates within a numerical light matrix, a kind of digital tapestry where numbers serve as the programming language of the universe. This concept is not new. Ancient civilizations, mystics, and even modern scientists have hinted at this hidden code.
Imagine that every action, every thought, every breath you take has a numerical vibration. These vibrations shape your reality, influencing events, relationships, and outcomes. When you begin to notice recurring numbers—111, 333, or 999—it’s the matrix attempting to communicate with you. It’s no longer random; it’s meaningful. These synchronicities serve as a portal to understanding the universe’s operating system.
The Eleven Dimensions of Reality: A Cosmic Symphony
Modern physics tells us that the universe is composed of at least 11 dimensions, each existing at 90-degree angles to the others. While we live in a 3D world, these extra dimensions remain hidden from our senses. But here’s the kicker: these dimensions aren’t just abstract theories—they hold the secrets to time, space, and consciousness.
Ancient teachings, like those of the Sumerians, spoke of angles of light that connected different realms. Could these angles be portals to higher dimensions? And what if these dimensions aren’t just out there, but within us? By understanding the numerical relationships between these dimensions, we unlock the door to a broader reality, one where our thoughts and intentions can shape outcomes across time and space.
ALSO: S T O P – Forget All About Manifestation And Numerology…
Angels or Angles of Light? The Ancient Connection
The Sumerians were among the first to document the concept of “angles of light,” referring to these as divine messengers. Over time, the term evolved into “angels,” entities seen as intermediaries between humanity and the divine. This isn’t just mythology—it’s mathematical.
Angles of light are essentially frequencies, beams of energy carrying information from one realm to another. What if angels, as we understand them, are not beings with wings but encoded messages, mathematical signatures of light frequencies? When you experience a gut feeling, a sudden insight, or an unexplainable coincidence, you might be receiving a transmission from these angles of light.

The Human Body: A Receiver for Cosmic Frequencies
Think of your body as a finely tuned antenna. Every cell, every strand of DNA, is designed to receive and transmit specific frequencies. What are these frequencies? Numbers.
We’re not just physical beings; we’re bioelectrical systems connected to a universal consciousness. Every heartbeat, every neural pulse operates on a mathematical rhythm. This means that when you start noticing number patterns, your body is resonating with specific cosmic frequencies. It’s as if the universe is broadcasting a signal directly to you, urging you to wake up, to align with your higher purpose.
Numbers and Mathematics: The Blueprint of Existence
From the dimensions of our bodies to the structure of galaxies, mathematics explains everything. Consider this: your body is composed of the golden ratio, a mathematical pattern found in nature, art, and architecture. Your DNA spirals in a pattern based on Fibonacci sequences. Even the orbits of planets follow mathematical principles.
Numbers don’t just describe reality—they are reality. When you begin to understand this, you see that synchronicities in numbers are not trivial. They’re the universe’s way of revealing its blueprint to you. Each number has a frequency, a vibration, and a purpose.
Recognizing Synchronicities: The Universe’s Wake-Up Call
Have you ever glanced at the clock at exactly 11:11 or noticed a pattern like 222 popping up repeatedly? These synchronicities are not mere coincidences—they’re intentional signals.
When you see these patterns, take a moment to reflect. What were you thinking? What’s happening in your life? These moments are breadcrumbs, clues leading you to greater awareness. By recognizing these signs, you align yourself with the flow of the universe, allowing for moments of clarity, insight, and transformation.
The Power of 9: The Ultimate Symbol of Completion
Tesla was obsessed with the number 9, referring to it as a key to understanding the universe. In mathematics, 9 holds unique properties. For example, any number multiplied by 9 and then reduced to a single digit always equals 9. This makes it a symbol of cycles, endings, and new beginnings.
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In numerology, 9 represents spiritual enlightenment, wisdom, and universal love. When you encounter this number, it’s a reminder that you’re at the end of one chapter and on the verge of a new journey. It’s the universe’s way of telling you to let go of the old and embrace the unknown.
Cosmic Forces and DNA: The Galactic Dance of Evolution
Our solar system’s position in the Milky Way isn’t static. As it moves, it interacts with the galaxy’s supermassive black hole, a phenomenon that influences everything from planetary orbits to human DNA. Yes, your DNA is being affected by cosmic forces.
This isn’t science fiction—it’s science. Recent studies suggest that cosmic rays and electromagnetic waves can alter genetic material. The Mayans spoke of this era as a time of great transformation, where humanity would evolve both physically and spiritually. We’re not just witnessing a shift; we’re living it.
The Mayan Prophecy: A New Cycle of Enlightenment
The Mayans predicted that after 2012, humanity would enter a new age of enlightenment. While some dismissed this as apocalyptic fearmongering, others saw it as a profound shift in consciousness. And here we are, experiencing unprecedented levels of awareness, connection, and transformation.
This isn’t just a coincidence. The synchronicities in numbers, the awakening of DNA, and the alignment of our solar system are all part of this new cycle. We’re being called to rise above the mundane, to see the bigger picture, and to align with our higher purpose.
The Takeaway: Are You Paying Attention?
Every moment of your life, the universe is speaking to you in numbers. Tesla understood this, and now it’s time for you to grasp the magnitude of it too. Synchronicities are not random—they’re a call to action. They’re the universe’s way of reminding you that you’re part of a greater plan, a divine matrix that connects all things.
Pay attention. Reflect. Align yourself with the flow of the universe. Because when you start listening to the numbers, you unlock the door to infinite possibilities. The question isn’t whether the universe is speaking to you. The question is: Are you ready to listen?
I enjoy many of the things on AMG. I wanted to say that up front. But I wanted to point out some escaped logic in this piece. IF there is a GOD, there is only 1 way that he can communicate his wishes and desires with us. And that is WORDS. This is why God had people over history write down his SCRIPTURE, and had it canonized and passed through the ages. So you can know Him and his desires for us.
God is very clear about Angels and their purpose. The word ‘Angel’ comes from the word ‘ANGELOS’ meaning MESSENGER. We see that throughout scripture, when these messengers came and declared God’s desires, and prophecies to mankind. They are also MINISTERS. After Jesus was tempted of Satan for 40 days (legally he had to be in order to fulfill the legal means of redeeming us. [i.e. tempted in all ways yet without sin – Hebrews 4:15]) it says the angels came and ministered to him.
Scripture is also very clear that the DEVIL (i.e. the evil one) masquerades as an ‘Angel of Light’ ( 2 Corinthian 11:14) He did it right from the beginning in Genesis where he deceived the woman. He does it every day when his hosts come back and pretend to be your dead grandma etc. (When you really study the earlier texts and manuscripts, you find out that the dead are dead until Christ returns and gets them back up again (1st Corinthians 15 & 1 Thessalonians 4 among many other scriptures.)
So in other words – the GRAVE ERROR that you make is believing these deceiving spirits (demons) who are lying to you, and laughing up their sleeves at you as the do the 1 thing they are always attempting to do which is hinder the purposes of the TRUE GOD. NO– there are no portals, and there are angels that walk among us both good and evil ( Hebrews 13:2). And the only way you can separate TRUTH FROM ERROR is to know the Bible (good source: – God’s will for all men is to know Him, to Love Him, and to spend eternity with him – Here is the key: ROMANS 10: 9 & 10. — I hope you are smart enough to choose Him and know that when Christ does return, he will gather you together with those who have believed on him and died and we will all be caught up together in the clouds! God Bless you!
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