Obama’s Legal Weapons Of Mass Distraction – JFK Jr. How Long Has This Been Going On? Enjoy the Show!
Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at https://t.me/AMGNEWS2022 and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!
It’s official, not only is Obama responsible for “the plandemic” with evidence coming out publicly of them moving their virus facilities to Wuhan and donating 3.7 million dollars, but he is also a Freemason deceiver and imposter that used weapons of mass distraction and made it legal to use propaganda and lies on the public while protecting his globalist buddies in big tech and social media through Section 230!
The fact that Obama got away with Section 230 and HR 4310 and many other crimes should make every single persons head explode on the planet. This is the very reason the world is so divided, many are still programmed and addicted to fake news and trapped in the Matrix designed to enslave their minds.
Let’s review the Deep State’s 16 year plan to destroy America and President Trump has been very busy behind the scenes.
How long has this been going on? Enjoy the show!
Hope you’re not a fan of Obama at this point. Yes my friends, he bamboozled many of us with his charm and bright smile with an uncanny ability to read a teleprompter like a programmed robot. That tall, slim, sharp dressed MK mind controlled Manchurian candidate POS that despises America deserves an academy award for his acting skills.
Once I realized these Freemason creatures have been tried with TREASON I shouted downstairs to my MSM loving hubby with excitement “You know what you get for TREASON right?” He yells back “A T-Shirt?” So I sent him this picture and asked him to put it on a T Shirt for me so I can wear it while we witness their filmed executions.
16 Year Plan to Destroy America
It was a 16 year plan to destroy America, FISA = Start, US Military has it all. Military Intelligence intercepted the deep states 16 year plan to destroy America. (8 years of Obama, then 8 years Hillary)
“The main goal of the Deep State is to take back control. They had a 16-year plan in place which would have ended up with HRC and even though she lost, they are doing everything they can to move ahead with their plan.
The pandemic was ignited to destroy the economy. The Deep State hoped the economy would remain shut down until November. If people were afraid to go out, mail-in votes would have been mandated. We know they are a shoe-in for fraud and can be manipulated either way.
White-Hats needed someone loyal for the role of President during this operation. After approving certain clearances, the Military installed Trump into the RNC. Think about that for a second: Military. Installed. Trump.
The 2016 Election was rigged for Hillary.
The Media was complicit.
Algorithms weren’t strong enough to give her the win.
White Hats controlled the election to give the people a fair vote. There was no way Trump could’ve won without this happening.
That’s why they were SHOCKED when she lost.
That’s why they didn’t cover their tracks.
They never thought she would lose.
Obama used FISA courts to secretly spy on Trump’s campaign during the 2016 election.
It was the worst decision ever.
He literally opened the door to EVERYTHING, by giving Trump the playbook for the next 4 years.
FISA = Start.
US Military has it all.
These two look like they can use their mommies. Go home to mommy!
Look up Vanderbilt pool and Podesta images…
That is why it looks like “nothing happened” for the last 4 years.
It was all in the dark.
It looks like these people will get away with all their crimes.
They will not.
Trump and our military have been dismantling this web of criminals all in the dark.
Top levels of corruption are under control.
We had to let them complete their crimes in order to charge them to the fullest extent under the rule of law at a tribunal.
The election was a trap.
It may look like he is gone from the public eye, but in reality this needed to happen.
Now that he is completely out of the picture, and with the public thinking Biden has full control, the military will soon be able to announce the takeover.
The media was left in the dark.
They are just trying to delay the military from making their next move.
Everything on TV in politics right now is fake, and holds no legal standing.
Define: [Self Destruction]
They have been left in the dark during all this, which is explains all the blatant lies and desperation.
They try to make Trumps administration look like they are weak.
Don’t forget, William Barr is a Patriot working behind the scenes. Anything stating otherwise is completely false.
Durham is a Patriot burning the midnight oil. He will get the job done. Along with hundreds of others working behind the scenes to take down the establishment.
There are more good than bad.
Dan Scavino shared on May 19th, for our 19th President of the Restored Republic of the United States, please take note of the 3 second video of the “cowboy” Dan treats us to at the 5 – 8 second mark.
Section 230 and HR 4310
Section 230 is a piece of Internet legislation in the United States, passed into law as part of the Communications Decency Act of 1996, formally codified as Section 230 of the Communications Act of 1934 at 47 U.S.C. § 230. Section 230 generally provides immunity for website publishers from third-party content. Wikipedia.47 U.S. Code § 230 – Protection for private blocking and screening of offensive material.
Obama HR 4310 – How about this freak show?
Obama ushered in fake news and propaganda lying to the public 24 hours a day. You repeat a lie often enough, people believe it to be true. This is called brainwashing. Look around, do you see people wearing filthy facial diapers, getting injected with DNA altering gene therapy that is experimental, not FDA approved or covered by your insurance if anything goes wrong like death, the manufacturers are also exempt from you suing them and I’ll bet these same people are worried about gas and toilet paper. I rest my case.
They work for globalist and NWO deep state creatures, many brainwashed slaves that are puppets, clones, cgi, doubles, reptilian, many partake in the occult practices and have been connected to convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s island where the FBI found the bones of sacrificed children.
Yes your most trusted news sources, entertainers and Hollyweird losers. Epstein Island is not a bunch of old perverts having sex with teenage girls. Snap out of it. It’s a worldwide gong show of depravity, it’s a big club and we ain’t in it! Thank God.
Obama, the AntiChrist, a gay Muslim from Kenya, married to Big Mike is an imposter and should never have been POTUS. This prick signed into law HR 4310, snuck it in on January 2/2013, while American was nursing their hangovers, made it legal as part of the NDAA to use propaganda on the American people,
So, Obama legalized the use of propaganda on the American public. Does this sound familiar?
If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed. ~Adolf Hitler.
The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one. ~Adolf Hitler
MSM lame stream media are a bunch of CIA robots lying their asses off to us for years. This includes stock market crashes, viruses, false flags, wars, terrorist attacks, weapons of mass destruction and they took the babies from the >>>>>?
They use propaganda and lies to control and convince the public that we have a deadly virus, or systemic racism, require ongoing war murdering millions of innocent civilians, terrorist attacks, global warming, fear fear fear, repeat. Then they sell you garbage products that poison you from pills you don’t need, lotions and potions, creams and toxic foods, big pharma all of it a disgusting lie that does nothing to help humanity.
Why use gas chambers when you can slow kill with poisons all around them and these creatures relish in the ongoing misery, pain and suffering, they cause and feed off this bad energy they call LOOSH.
Be mindful where your thoughts come from. We are in one big massive psyop called weapons of mass distraction. WAKE UP NEO!
Obama Legalized Propaganda On The US Public
A decades-old law shields companies such as Facebook and Twitter from lawsuits over content their users post on their platforms.
Now that legislation is under attack as lawmakers look to hold social media firms accountable. Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill generally agree that changes need to be made to Section 230, a provision in the Communications Decency Act that gives legal protections to social media companies.
Critics of the Bill
Critics of the bill say there are ways to keep America safe without turning the massive information operations apparatus within the federal government against American citizens.
Sidney Powell states in her pinned tweet “Social Media is run by Communists who demand control of speech and thought.” Even Sidney Powell says this is true, so how long has this been going on?
This is why I screen shot.
HOW LONG? = 564 = John John
How long has the Chinese Communist Party CCP been running our governments, media, education, history, false wars , false flags and food supply while spying on the people of the world and who the hell let them get away with it?
John F. Kennnedy Jr. (note misspelling) had an interesting profile on Twitter where he pinned 1:07 of his interview with Don Imus regarding how long has this been going on with China?
His account has been wiped for supporting President Trump like millions of us. You’d think he might have a little extra pull.
GONE: https://twitter.com/John_F_Kennnedy/status/1096550466824003584?s=20
NOTE: JFK Jr. Twitter profile changes his display name from John F. Kennedy Jr. to Patriot1776
We have two tweets by JFK Jr. and one from President Trump regarding “it’s happening” – 1 Year delta May 22/20 – May 11/21!
JFK Jr. twitter cover and display name changed. The profile shares an intimate photo that has many comms. The flag displays 17 visible stars with a gold fringe? How many suns or spirit orbs are there? Who are the 3 visible characters? Hidden in plain sight?
JFK Jr. cover changed = BOOM BOOM BOOM = 3 characters Trump POTUS seal, 17 stars w gold fringe flag. How many suns? How many spirit orbs? Who are the 3 characters?
Headline from People Magazine 2 summers ago JFK Jr. “Alive To the Fullest”, never seen before photos, holding his beautiful blond baby girl, Kayleigh Kennedy.
At a briefing on May 22, 2020, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany played a slideshow containing questions for former President Barack Obama.
We never got any answers from the press, they have zero journalist curiosity or integrity to search for the truth, it’s like they are controlled by the powers that be.
One of our favourite quotes by Kayleigh is “I can explain it to you I can’t understand it for you.”
CABLES; Military Courts possession of Durham Report OBAMA stole over Trillion to fund Wars, Iran nuke programs & funnelled money back to Italy, Switzerland. The money was funding SOROS, Columbia drug trade, Europe drug trade , Antifa and much much more.
Imagine gay marriage being your legacy? No one cares who you love, it’s not an accomplishment or a super power, but this is racist and discriminatory! These psychopaths hijacked the gay community and USED them to divide us. Such a disgrace.
They did the same thing with women and abortion, brainwashed them to believe its normal to murder your own children via in womb dismemberment of your live baby under the guise of health services and a method of birth control. Heads up! It is a sacrifice to Mulock, so is a vaccinated child.
They put the female lung and heart tissue harvested from live babies and inject it into the baby boys and vice a versa with the baby girls. Did you know there is more evidence that nearly every person that has gender and sexual orientation confusion has been vaccinated? I wonder if the vaccine companies have extensive research and studies on that. Oh wait, they have no studies at all that are not backed by their own funding and “scientists.” Contrary to Lady Bla Bla you are not born that way.
Vaccines Produce Homosexuality, Says Italian Scientist Gian Paolo Vanoli: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/vaccines-produce-homosexuality-gay-gian-paolo-vanoli_n_2992953
We are all vaccine injured sadly and everyone is different. We love all humanity, as long as you have a soul, are kind to children, animals and your fellow human beings. The rest of you will not be ascending with us. No debate.
Just weeks before her death, Joan Rivers famously called Obama our first gay president and outed Michelle Obama as Transgender. Rivers “died” a few weeks later mysteriously. This is no secret, plenty of evidence, including the video of Michelle Big Mike dancing in white pants on the Ellen show where she forgot to tape the dragon down. She is a he with a kickstand no debate.
So is Ellen, a Rockefeller named Allen, only had to change the A to an E just like arts and entertainment, they make it so damn obvious. Imagine this thing the face of COVERGIRL um, bet you can’t find one female on the cover of COVERGIRL. ARGH.
These people are all dudes, these people are sick.
GITMO: Where They Go One, They Go All To Tribunal – Arrest and Criminal Prosecution of Barack Obama For War Crimes – Obama The Only Guy With a Nobel Peace Prize And a “Kill List” . . .
Barack Hussein Obama The Only Guy With a Nobel Peace Prize And a Kill List . . .
Barack Hussein Obama should face the International Criminal Court, or a court of justice, whereby he faces trial to defend himself on the charges outlined forthwith, and that he surrender his Nobel Peace Prize, and award he never deserved.
The indiscriminate bombing and the destruction of modern Libya, a war of choice, whereby Libya and the government of Muammar El Gaddafi was not a direct threat to US national security or its interests.
According to a Le Monde article dated May 13, there were between 600,000 and 1,000,000 Libyan refugees in Tunisia, many of which were political opponents of the present forces in power in Libya, and many of which are supporters of the Jamahiriya of Muammar Gaddafi…
Read the full article HERE: https://amg-news.com/arrest-and-criminal-prosecution-of-barack-obama-for-war-crimes-obama-kill-list/