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Do You Make These Fatal Mistakes In A Crisis?
Do you know why you should never put a tall fence around your house?
Do you know what kind of meat you should never eat in a crisis?
Do you know why you should never hide your stockpile in the basement… and that doing that almost guarantees that you’ll lose your food, your ammo or your gold and silver in times of social chaos?
These are just some of the innocent mistakes that can cost you the life of someone you love… if you rely on a few very common… yet criminally ineffective “home defense” techniques to protect your family in a mass social and economic collapse. But the techniques that actually work are so counter-intuitive… they will shock you as they shocked me… even though I’ve been a US Army officer for almost 22 years.
My name is Steve Walker… and I’ll give you the answers… and a lot more than that… right here in this letter. Just be prepared to let go of everything you thought you knew about protecting your home and your family from looters, thieves and rapists during a crisis.
TRENDING: The US Army’s Forgotten Food Miracle
► ‘Welcome to Hell’! Watch This Video Now Before It’s Too Late
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