Project Odin Activated: Global Martial Law Declared via Emergency Broadcast System – Breaking News Alert!
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“We need 100% of people indoors to see what the US military is going to broadcast on everyone’s TV Sets worldwide.”
These words, resonating with urgency and determination, are not merely a request but a mandate. It is a call to action, a rallying cry for all humanity to unite in the face of unprecedented revelation. For too long, we have been divided, fragmented by the machinations of those who seek to control and manipulate us. But now, as the storm gathers on the horizon, it is imperative that we stand together as one, united in purpose and resolve.
A Presidential Proclamation
“Sunday/Monday POTUS will Tweet ‘My Fellow Americans The Storm is Upon us.'” With these words, the leader of the free world will herald the arrival of a momentous event – the initiation of Full Global Martial Law. In a bold and decisive move, the President of the United States will take to the digital airwaves to deliver a message of unparalleled significance. It is a message that will reverberate across the continents, shaking the very foundations of the established order.
A World on Alert:
“He will most likely be on board AF 1 when he sends out the PRESIDENTIAL MSGS to everyone’s phones and TV sets worldwide.”
As the President takes to the skies aboard Air Force One, the world will hold its breath in anticipation. For in his hands lies the power to awaken the masses, to shatter the illusions that have clouded our vision for far too long. From the confines of the presidential jet, he will unleash a torrent of truth upon the world, igniting a firestorm of revelation that will consume the lies and deceit of the past.
The Silence of the Media:
“From there all Global Militaries via US Military will shut down all Media, Internet, Phones and all TV programming.”
In a move reminiscent of a dystopian nightmare, the channels of communication will be severed, and the voices of dissent silenced. The once-boisterous cacophony of media chatter will fall silent, as the iron grip of martial law tightens its hold on the flow of information. But fear not, for in the absence of the mainstream narrative, a new voice will emerge – one that speaks truth to power and shines a light into the darkest corners of corruption.
“So the US military can broadcast 10 days of 3×8 hr sessions of video confessions, military tribunals, lots of evidence.”
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For ten days and nights, the eyes of the world will be transfixed upon their screens, as the truth is laid bare for all to see. Through a series of video confessions and military tribunals, the depths of corruption will be exposed, and justice will be served without mercy. No stone will be left unturned, no secret too dark to be brought into the light.
A Global Awakening:
“While this is happening they will be removing Governments Worldwide and making Global Arrests (500 thousand Indictments).”
As the wheels of justice grind inexorably forward, the old order will crumble, and a new world will rise from the ashes. Governments will fall, and the perpetrators of crimes against humanity will be brought to justice. With over half a million indictments looming on the horizon, the forces of evil will find themselves outnumbered and outmatched, as the tide of righteousness sweeps across the globe.
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“GESARA/NESARA will be activated, which will be a full RE-WIRING of Planet Earth.” With the activation of GESARA/NESARA, a new chapter in human history will begin. It will be a chapter marked by prosperity, peace, and freedom – a chapter where the shackles of oppression are cast aside, and the inherent dignity of every human being is honored and respected. It will be a full rewiring of the very fabric of our society, as we forge a path towards a brighter and more equitable future for all.
Prepare for the revelation of Project ODIN, the audacious mission poised to dismantle the Mossad Media satellite network and usher in a new era of truth and liberation. In this exposé, we delve into the heart of this historic transformation, revealing the hidden truths and promising future it holds. Join us as we uncover the intricacies of Project ODIN and its pivotal role in challenging the Cabal’s grip on global control.
Project ODIN, a cryptic message uttered by the enigmatic Ron Code Monkeyz, transcends mere code names. It symbolizes the beacon of hope amidst the shadows of global manipulation orchestrated by the Mossad Media satellite network. This isn’t just another clandestine operation; it’s a daring endeavor that promises to reshape our world fundamentally.
Dismantling the Mossad Media Satellite Network. Embedded within the core of Project ODIN lies the monumental task of dismantling the Mossad Media satellite network, a nefarious apparatus that has long been the puppeteer of global manipulation. With cutting-edge technology and the protection of secret space programs, Project ODIN represents a quantum leap forward. It’s the dawn of a new era where truth and transparency reign supreme, and the shackles of Cabal-controlled media crumble under the weight of revelation.
The Nexus of Military GESARA and the Long-Awaited EBS. Project ODIN isn’t an isolated venture but rather intricately linked to the grand tapestry of military GESARA and the eagerly anticipated Emergency Broadcast System (EBS). It signifies a historic transformation, where hidden truths are unearthed, and a promising future awaits. As military forces worldwide mobilize, a seismic shift is imminent, heralding the dawn of a new age.
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Quantum Starlink isn’t just a technological marvel; it’s the cornerstone of Project ODIN, promising to liberate humanity from the clutches of the Cabal’s control. As the Cabal faces its reckoning, Quantum Starlink emerges as a beacon of hope, illuminating the path to liberation. With its advanced systems and impenetrable defenses, it heralds a new dawn where truth and justice prevail.
With Project ODIN in motion, the world braces for a radical shift in the global landscape. The identification of the Cabal’s satanic strongholds signals the beginning of the end for their reign of terror. As the truth comes to light, a cascade of events is unleashed, paving the way for a new world order where freedom reigns supreme.
EBS/EAS Integration: The Vanguard of Truth and Liberation. EAS/EBS, the vanguard tasked with overseeing ground operations in tandem with Project ODIN. As the Military Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) takes center stage, all major media outlets worldwide will broadcast documentaries, unveiling the hidden truths suppressed for far too long. It’s a momentous occasion that marks the beginning of a new era, where truth, justice, and liberation prevail.
As the stage is set and the actors poised for their roles, the world stands on the brink of a monumental change. With Project ODIN as the catalyst, we are called to embrace the winds of change and stand united against the forces of oppression. It’s time to reclaim our sovereignty, rewrite our destinies, and forge a future where freedom knows no bounds.

The Anticipated Lockdown: The EBS and the Dawn of Gesara. The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) is poised to take center stage, as the world braces itself for ten tumultuous days of unprecedented change. In this chapter, we delve into the eerie anticipation of this lockdown, dissecting what it means for communication, power, and our very way of life. Strap in for a wild ride through the uncharted territory of Martial Law and the promise of Gesara, as we uncover the truth behind the chaos.
The Eerie Calm Before the Storm. As we stand on the precipice of a global lockdown, there is an unsettling calm in the air. It’s as if the world collectively holds its breath, awaiting the imminent arrival of the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS). The whispers have grown to a crescendo, and the countdown to ten days of uncertainty has begun.
The EBS Unveiled: A Glimpse into the Abyss. The EBS promises to engulf us in a darkness of communication blackout. But will the power remain? It’s a question that lingers in the minds of many. Perhaps the lights will flicker for a couple of hours as they switch to the new system, maybe even rolling blackouts. In this period of uncertainty, how will we watch the eight-hour videos, each playing three times a day?
The answer may lie in the power grid, which might endure, even if communications crumble. The Internet, phones, and every Internet-capable device you own, from tablets to TVs and radios, could be silenced. But rest assured, the EBS messages will break through the silence, piercing the airwaves to deliver critical information.
Attention: Try Nikola Tesla’s Divine Code “369” for 30 Seconds & Watch What Happens Next…
Red Alert: Obey or Face the Consequences. In the midst of this chaos, the military will assume control, imposing Martial Law as a last resort. It’s a law where obedience is paramount, for the consequences of disobedience can be fatal. Soldiers, trained to pull the trigger, won’t discern between friend and foe if you’re on the streets when they’ve ordered you to stay home. It’s a matter of survival, and they will have orders to shoot.
Gesara: A Beacon of Hope Amidst the Chaos. Amidst this looming lockdown, the promise of Gesara shines like a beacon of hope. Once known as Nesara Gesara, it’s now recognized globally as Gesara. At its core, Gesara signifies an end to wars, a vision that might seem too good to be true. But this is the future we’ve been waiting for, a world without the shadow of war hanging over us.
The End of Wars: A Paradigm Shift. You may wonder, how can there be no more wars? It’s a fundamental principle of Gesara. What we’re witnessing on the global stage may appear as war, but it’s governments playing their part in a grand theatrical production. Media portrays it as war, with bad actors taking the stage, but in Ukraine, it’s Russia dismantling sinister bio-labs and purging deep-state elements. Any semblance of war is orchestrated by Ukrainian factions causing harm to their own people.
Preparation is Key: Navigating the Lockdown. While the prospect of a lockdown may seem daunting, preparation is the key to navigating these uncertain times. The warnings have echoed for years, urging us to be ready for such an eventuality. If you’ve heeded these calls and prepared accordingly, you’ll find the path forward less treacherous.
As we emerge on the other side of the Gesara build-up, the world will transform. It might not be an immediate utopia, but it will be a significant step in the right direction. The gears have been set in motion by a higher power, and it’s time to have faith. God Himself leads the charge, driven by His boundless love for humanity.
In the crucible of adversity, Project ODIN emerges as a beacon of hope amidst the darkness, offering humanity a chance at redemption and renewal. As we stand on the threshold of a new era, let us embrace the promise of liberation and usher in a future defined by truth, justice, and freedom. Together, we will chart a course towards a brighter tomorrow, leaving behind the shackles of the past to embrace the boundless possibilities of the future. The time for change is now. Are you ready to join the revolution?
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PROJECT ODIN + Military GESARA = EBS: A Formula that Will Change the Course of History Forever!
URGENT! MILITARY INTEL: Quantum Financial Systems, Project Odin, and the Inevitable Call for the Emergency Broadcast System
Exposing Project Odin: The Quantum Starlink Revolution, EBS, Gesara Military, Secret Tribunals, and the Fall of the Cabal – A Journey Through Q Drops and Military Intrigue!
Starlink, QFS, Project Odin, MOSSAD Satellites and the Biggest Secrets Unfolding in our Cosmos
Starlink, QFS, Project Odin, MOSSAD Satellites and the Biggest Secrets Unfolding in our Cosmos
Remember when the media asked Trump what is the “Storm” He said “you’ll soon find out”! Well, its finally is Here, and so is the man President Donald Trump!
As a people we’re blessed to witness this miracle in our time. What a beautiful story to tell our children and grandchildren!
I too am hopeful for this because they have been dragging us along for a very long time now and people are becoming extremely agitated, rightfully so.
Il serait temps, trop long……
♥️ I absolutely agree with you!! The prophets are rejoicing!!!
The presence of God surrounds the whole world, isn’t that a beautiful fact?
I’ve followed Donald Trump closely for over five decades, I WILL NOT SAY, I TOLD YOU SO!!!!
I sincerely hope everyone is paying attention to the barage of messages (reposted or original) that Medeea is putting through at this time. I think it’s very clear that the alt media outlets are being informed to prepare us for the coming events we have been waiting for. We clearly must be there at the edge of it now.
Some things I’ve learned in the last couple of weeks, and don’t get me wrong, I’m well aware these statements have been made for years, dragging everyone along. Also note, there have been unforseen delays, both from operations developments/improvements as well as the enemy fighting back. But what I have been learning is that the eclipse is a game changer, it’s the start of something. The prophets are getting louder and more repetitive, which also means things are about to happen. Julie Green on Rumble has God take control of her on any given day, in the middle of her podcast. Kim Clement talks about these times/events, and another wonderful one is Amanda Grace. She is the closest thing we have to a living Kim Clement now, not to discount God stepping into Julie of course.
But in the last week, Amanda had a powerful video. The eclipse starts a calender clock of 50 days, which indicates a “pressure release” and a jubilee, which is 1 month after 2nd Pass-over, which is 1 month after the first one, so 5/21. One week later is the Jubilee. Now, associated with Jubilee has been about restoration and that may include financial prosperity. So it seems everything may be finishing up by then…
Now, I have heard a theory about how this may play out, just a theory folks. We do know that we will be under a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) from the time of the Redemption Center visit and possibly as early as the first phone communication. So, for example, the eclipse on the 8th, also has evil kicking off it’s chaos, the EBS may very well go off, start the 10 days of disclosure videos, then after that, we get our notices to go to the redemption center. When we go to the redemption center, we get our new phones and laptops and our new accounts on the quantum financial system (QFS). It was also talking about how we will get enough funds in hand to cover around a months expenses or so, that would put us around that 5/28 for the funds finally to be available for spending.
It all kind of makes sense to me… Any thoughts?
By the way, Amanda’s video can be found by looking for “Pass Over, Triggering Fault Lines & a Pressure Release” on YouTube.