QFS: Preparing for the Biggest Financial Shift – Quantum Money vs Cryptocurrency – What Will Happen to Crypto?
Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at https://t.me/AMGNEWS2022 and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!
The world has been using money for thousands of years. It’s the most reliable and efficient way to move and store wealth.
Starting with shells and stones, then moving to metals, cash, the digital age, crypto, and it just keeps progressing. But one thing is for certain: the world financial system is broken.
It’s a complex, slow and expensive mess that doesn’t work for anyone but the insiders.
The gap between the rich and poor keeps growing and the traditional financial system is becoming increasingly irrelevant.
Empires are notorious for their debasing of currency. It means nothing to them, except for the hold they have over you.
Every civilization in history that attempted to protect it’s wealth with sound money has been financially victimized and had their wealth stolen from them by the repeated process of counterfeiting currency.
It’s time for something new.
A new financial system is tearing down the old one and shaping up to be a better one.
That’s where quantum comes in. The quantum financial system is designed to empower the people. It’s based on trust, transparency and security.
The quantum financial system is disrupting the world financial system by offering a new, quantum safe financial model that works for everyone. At least that’s what we are being sold.
In this article, I will explain the basics of the quantum financial system and how it can help to solve some of these problems we still face.

Quantum financial system
The quantum financial system is a positive development that has been years in the making.
The quantum financial system (QFS) is an innovative financial technology that opens up the world of money like never before.
Quantum finance is all about quantum-safe blockchain encryption, quantum computing and quantum cryptography.
According to the IMF: “Quantum computers can revolutionize industries and fields that require significant computing power, including modeling financial markets, designing new effective medicines and vaccines, and empowering artificial intelligence, as well as creating a new and secure way of communication (quantum Internet).”
The quantum financial system uses blockchain technology to democratize wealth creation and quantum cryptography to keep your money safe.
This technology enables banks and businesses to send data over a quantum network, which is impossible to hack.
The quantum financial system is based on two quantum computers, which work together to create a quantum network.
The quantum financial system is much faster and more efficient than the traditional financial system.
It’s also cheaper, because there are no middlemen or transaction fees. If you’re familiar with crypto you’ve heard that before.
Risks and real threats
At a Congressional hearing in May 2022, CEOs from six of the largest banks were asked to name the greatest threat to the financial system, and overwhelmingly they responded ‘cybersecurity’.
The push toward open banking and shared networks creates the potential for cascading financial disruptions on an unprecedented scale.
Furthermore, the rapid advancement of quantum computing threatens to exponentially exacerbate the already critical issues of cybersecurity for financial institutions.
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Quantum money vs cryptocurrency
Quantum money and cryptocurrency are two different concepts with distinct characteristics.
Quantum money refers to a type of digital cash that is completely secure against counterfeiting. It uses the principles of quantum mechanics to ensure that each bill can only be spent once and cannot be copied or counterfeited. Quantum money is considered to be completely secure because any attempt to make a copy of the bill would disturb its quantum state, making it impossible to use again.
Cryptocurrency, on the other hand, is a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security. It is based on decentralized systems and operates independently of central banks or government authorities. The most well-known cryptocurrency is Bitcoin, but there are many others in existence.
While both quantum money and cryptocurrency are forms of digital cash, they differ in their underlying technologies and security mechanisms. Quantum money is theoretically unbreakable, while cryptocurrency can be vulnerable to hacking and other security breaches.
Overall, quantum money and cryptocurrency are both innovative forms of currency that offer unique advantages and challenges. Quantum money offers the potential for unparalleled security, while cryptocurrency offers the benefits of decentralization and transparency. Ultimately, the choice between quantum money and cryptocurrency will depend on the specific needs and preferences of users and businesses.
The fundamental difference between the two is that bitcoin relies on a 0-1 system, whereas quantum money systems make use of ‘quantum bits’ or ‘qubits,’ which are less susceptible to hacking. When quantum computing becomes an integral part of the quantum financial system, quantum money is expected to be much safer than cryptocurrencies like bitcoin.
What will happen to crypto?
Quantum money systems will be quantum safe and quantum computing will lead to quantum Internet which is expected to be much faster than the current internet.
Crypto is staying as it has demonstrated the power of decentralization and community consensus, but it’s unlikely to stand toe-to-toe with quantum technology.
This is a key concern for the crypto businesses. Some of them are working to make their blockchain quantum hack resistant.
Network contagion effects
Research at the Hudson Institute’s Quantum Alliance Initiative indicates that the cost of a quantum computer attack on our financial system would be catastrophic—far more than a successful conventional cyberattack.
A quantum computer attack could impair nearly 60% of total assets in the banking system due to bank runs and endogenous liquidity traps.
Action plan
The Chinese Elders, who comprise the heads of the multi-colored Dragon Societies or families, have accumulated a massive amount of gold bullion that has been secreted away in vaults for safekeeping for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Why have they done this, you ask? Their highly advanced spiritual leaders had knowledge of what was to come in the future through their own word of mouth prophecies and written records. It was passed down through their generations in preparation for this Golden Age of Mankind.
It should be noted that there are certain people of many different faiths that have gained knowledge about things that are Unspeakably Sacred. Much of this history is kept away from the prying eyes of the Satanists and others who would destroy these sacred teachings and writings, and would do so out of pure ignorance of the value they have to mankind. Dragon Societies have this type of rich heritage.
Just as there are degrees of darkness that are hidden from society as a whole, there are hidden degrees of enlightened beings that are very advanced Spiritually. A Chinese Elder named the “Golden Dragon,” is the head of the Dragon Families, is affectionately called “Grandfather. He is over 400 years old and perhaps even as old as 800 years old. He is charged with implementing the Quantum Financial System (QFS) for this Golden Age of Mankind in coordination with the Earth Alliance.

So, we have the accumulated gold that has been set aside and reserved for this new financial system. How does the Alliance take the gold and turn it into a currency for each nation in the world as gold-backed currencies? It is not Magic, there is a plan.
Let’s take a look.
Here are some questions that need to be answered as we explore what is going to happen:
1. How is this QFS to be implemented as the New Earth’s financial system?
2. How does this huge stockpile of gold turn into digital currency within the QFS?
3. How do we go from a stash of gold, a very valuable and desirable commodity, to this commodity backing the new world currencies that will be referred to as the Global Currency Reset?
4. And More importantly, how is it to be distributed amongst the people?
1. The new Quantum Computer. In the New Earth or in the Golden Age of Mankind, we needed to eliminate all possible manipulations of the financial system to maintain the cleanest currency that would support each individual person as part of the Economic System. Greedy persons and those seeking financial power over others have polluted our present Central Bank System and have kept us in bondage for hundreds if not thousands of years.
The QFS had to be created with all the cooperative components to ensure a sustainable, secure system that would eliminate the problems from the past. To do this the Alliance had to tap into the Universal Quantum Operating System that is the future of the Galactic Wide Web for the future of a Galactic Economic System of Star Nations. We will be joining and taking our position as Galactic level Human Beings doing G-Commerce, or Galactic wide Commerce. They want our metals especially gold, not to back currencies but for the use of the commodities as an application for their needs. We may be joining a Galactic Barter System.
The new Quantum Computer is the answer to the requirements that are needed to support the new Financial System here on Earth. This new Quantum Technology had to be able to digitally transfer trillions of transactions at a time without a computer glitch or a shutdown due to overwhelming activity. With each transfer, all the digital gold certificates that represent actual money value must be transferred at the same time, perhaps many billions at the same time for one transaction. Each transaction will account for each increment of money transferred using block-chain type technology but with the enhanced capability to permanently record and store each transaction far into the future and to do so at the speed of electricity.
There is no computer here on the earth that can do what this Quantum Computer can do. Without this computer, we could not have a secure financial system to support the world economy that will change how we live.
2. The QFS uses “gold-backed currencies,” meaning a specifically “Identified” piece of gold, is used to back a specific increment of money. It is transferred for economic purposes by using an Electronic, Digital Gold Certificate that is transferred from one account to another to make a purchase. It can be small, like a dollar or two, or large, like a tanker of oil. Without the need for a transfer system like the antiquated SWIFT system, it is just an account to account transfer within the QFS. The transfer is completed by the parties entering into the transaction without the knowledge or assistance of any third party or authority outside the QFS accounting system.

3. The Global Currency Reset, which will happen when we redeem our Zim and/or exchange our currency, means that each national currency will be on par value with another national currency. The Gold Certificate can be in any currency because they are all on par with each other. So, the QFS can transfer USN to any country in the world and put the funds in that account according to the currency of that nation. So when the QFS completes an account to account transfer, the receiving account will reflect the national currency for that account. There are no exchange fees from one currency to another. It is all on the same par value so it works just fine. This may portend a one worldwide currency, but that is a decision that may be addressed in time when the public is more prepared. Perhaps one step at a time is wise.
4. To implement the fullness of the QFS means the funds created by the Chinese Gold needs to be released into individual accounts within the QFS. So, how do we get the actual funds into the accounts? – it is done by the QFS purchasing a currency and putting the new funds in the new account with an “active status.” The funds are extended out from the value of the Gold and projected into the economy by us selling our currency to the QFS. Initially, this will be done by the Redemption Centers created for this purpose. They will “purchase” or “redeem” the currencies using a financial transaction. All funds received from the “selling” of our currencies to the QFS at the redemption appointment will be deposited in the accounts one sets up at the RV appointment. If a person is part of an RV group, they will get a contract rate for that group. This is true for the revaluation of currencies, but not for the Zim.
There are NO CONTRACT RATES FOR THE ZIM. NO ONE HAS BEEN GIVEN THE AUTHORITY TO CONTRACT FOR WE SOVEREIGNS. All Zim rates are negotiable as Sovereign Rates. The rates you receive for the redemption of Zim is determined at the appointment by the Humanitarian projects you have planned and the individuals ‘capacity to do the humanitarian work they have planned. The Alliance prefers a face to face redemption process for each person owning Zim.
The redemption process is personal between the interviewer and the Zim Holder. It would be wise for each Zim Owner to redeem their own Zim. This will avoid entanglements as you try to do your own projects. Imagine redeeming for your group and then signing an NDA for your entire group, and while trying to honor that NDA you need to distribute the funds to your people, let alone trying to figure out how to pay your Structured Payout each Quarter to your people. For this and many other hidden problems, it is best to redeem your Zim for yourself, you will get the right amount for your humanitarian needs and the NDA will not be hard to comply with personally. Signing for a group NDA could be a nightmare.
This is the process used to activate the QFS gold-backed currencies. It is placed in an account using a “purchase” transaction. This is different from the Central Banking System where they create Fiat currency out of thin air and then “loan” it into existence with interest attached. Nowthen, a loan with interest attached is the old system, vs, a clean purchase to activate the currency in the new system. This contrast is the Key to the New Financial System.
Question: if one does not go through a redemption appointment or a currency exchange how will their Fiat currencies in their present bank account, be credited into their new QFS account?
When the time comes for the public to “Sell” or trade their fiat currency to the QFS, a person will access the QFS with a specific Application to create a personal code or ID number that will identify their new QFS account. The QFS will do a one-for-one transfer from their present bank account to their new account in the QFS where the gold certificates will be permanently assigned to the currency.
The old bank account will reflect a zero balance. This exchange will be completed by the QFS using your information. Once this is in place you can do all the account to account transfers you want. Each account will have major security functions so that when you give your account number out for a transaction, there is no risk of it being used by anyone else. The sentient being that is the Overseer of the QFS will constantly monitor each and every account for possible fraudulent activity.
The QFS will sense the appropriateness of the transfer request and if it is not done by the right person it will be blocked. You may think this is WOO WOO stuff, but this is God’s financial system given to us at this time for the Golden Age of Mankind. Do you think God would create something that is not perfect for this pivotal time in the History of the Earth? Truth is, we are catching up to the technology that has existed for eons of time. Welcome to the Galactic family of Human beings with many other species or entities. I hope we get along with our new friends who are our brothers and sister.
The many different bonds, bank instrument, and fiat currencies that have been stored for periods of time will have to go through a reconciliation phase to determine if the funds or bonds are clean, clear, and non-terroristic in nature, before the QFS will assign them a gold certificate so they can be used in the QFS system.
This may be a problem for those who have funds that are not clean, clear, or are terroristic. There are specific aspects to the reconciliation for sums of money obtained illegally or for immoral purposes obtained against a person’s will. Such a person may not survive this process without being charged for their crimes against humanity. DO NO HARM will be the operational determination. If you have “Done Harm” in obtaining the funds, they will be scrutinized and may be blocked. If one thinks they can trick God’s financial system and get away it, it’s like a snowflake’s chance in hell, they won’t survive.
The implementation of the QFS will be a real game-changer for gurus who have spent their energies and time lying and doing harm on purpose. Will these people redeem Zim or exchange currencies? The Alliance will have the final say.
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