READ THIS! The Striking Parallels: Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy
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A tapestry woven by the threads of time unites two of America’s most admired presidents, Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. Their shared historical narrative, characterized by eerily similar circumstances, has intrigued historians, conspiracy theorists, and ordinary folks for decades.
The intricacies of their lives and legacies seem to stretch beyond the realm of coincidence, as if pulled from the pages of a gripping mystery novel. Their political journeys, personal tragedies, and untimely deaths form an astounding parallel that continues to captivate our imagination.
Nothing is more compelling than the fascinating parallels between two of the most admired presidents of the United States: Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy.
The Story Begins: Our journey starts in the mid-19th century. It was the year 1846, and a humble but tenacious lawyer from Illinois, Abraham Lincoln, stepped into the powerful realm of Congress. A century later, in 1946, another young, passionate man from Massachusetts, John F. Kennedy, followed the same path. Both men, despite the gap of a century, started their political journeys, paving the way to the presidency.
The Race to Presidency: Moving forward in time, both Lincoln and Kennedy were elected as Presidents in 1860 and 1960, respectively. Each election, in its own era, marked a new chapter in American history, filled with promise and aspiration. In both cases, the Presidents-to-be were viewed as harbingers of change, ready to challenge the status quo and work tirelessly for the rights of their fellow citizens.
The Common Cause: One common thread that ran between the two was their deep concern for civil rights. Lincoln famously fought for the abolition of slavery, a stand that led to the American Civil War. On the other hand, Kennedy’s tenure was marked by his vigorous promotion of civil rights and his commitment to end racial segregation. This shared passion for justice and equality underlines the kindred spirits of these two leaders, separated by time yet connected by purpose.

The White House Tragedy: Their personal lives too were marred by strikingly similar tragedies. During their tenures in the White House, both Presidents and their wives suffered the unbearable pain of losing a child. This personal loss under the public eye brought Lincoln and Kennedy even closer in their shared human experience.
The Dark Fridays: Life took a tragic turn for both Presidents on what seemed like ordinary Fridays. Both Lincoln and Kennedy were shot on a Friday, struck by a bullet to the head in a brutal interruption of their respective presidencies.
The Secretaries’ Tale: Here’s where the coincidence becomes eerie. Lincoln’s secretary was named Kennedy, and Kennedy’s secretary was named Lincoln! This uncanny detail sparks an almost poetic resonance in the parallel lives of these two Presidents.
The Southern Assassins and Successors: Both Presidents, beloved by many, were assassinated by Southerners, resulting in their offices being succeeded by Southerners named Johnson. Andrew Johnson, who took over after Lincoln’s death, was born in 1808, while Lyndon Johnson, who stepped into Kennedy’s shoes, was born in 1908.
The Assassins: Adding to the uncanny parallels, John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald, the assassins of Lincoln and Kennedy respectively, were born a century apart in 1839 and 1939. Both men were known by their three names, and both names are composed of fifteen letters. These striking similarities can send a shiver down anyone’s spine.
The Ford Connection: The Ford name plays an interesting role in both assassination events. Lincoln was shot at a theater named “Ford”, and Kennedy was shot in a car called “Lincoln,” manufactured by Ford. This inadvertent connection underlines the surreal convergence of their fates.
The Assassins’ End: Both assassins, Booth and Oswald, met with untimely ends before they could be brought to trial. Their abrupt deaths left many questions unanswered, adding to the mystique surrounding both assassinations.
The Final Week: In the week leading up to their respective assassinations, both Presidents had a Monroe in their lives. Lincoln was in Monroe, Maryland, while Kennedy was reported to be with Marilyn Monroe, the iconic actress of the era.
The Theater and the Warehouse: The ultimate irony lies in the fact that Lincoln was shot in a theater and his assassin ran to a warehouse. Conversely, Kennedy was shot from a warehouse, and his assassin ran to a theater. This eerie symmetry has been the subject of intrigue and speculation for decades.
In Conclusion:
The resonating parallels between the lives of Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy remind us of the cyclic nature of history and the unending rhythm of the universe. Despite living in different centuries, the echoes of their lives continue to captivate, provoke thought, and keep their memories alive in the heart of America.
JFK’S Historic Speech (April 27, 1961) Expose: Obama, Hillary, Bush, Pope Francis, Military Tribunals, Crimes Against Humanity & NWO
Kennedy’s speech (April 27, 1961) was given just a few months after his inauguration, and just a few months before the birth of Barack Obama. The speech has puzzled historians, speechwriters, and politicians for decades. Perhaps Kennedy didn’t mean his speech for the time when he was living, but for a later time, for the final generation.
Kennedy clearly knew something and attempted to convey it to the public in 1961, shortly after his inauguration. His speech wasn’t just about “secret societies,” but about a “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy.”
Read the full article HERE:
WARNING: Watching The Following Video Will Give You Access To Knowledge The Government Does NOT Want You To Know About…
Nobody killed John F. Kennedy. His doppelgänger was killed. The third shot was fired by his trans MTF wife. With M. Monroe Kennedy could not be. He was homosexual.
“Installed humans / indentured servants/slaves/aliens” were not discussions to rule the world, rather, usurping Father Jesus’ Creation to “genocide humanity and destroy Earth” … their declared 6,000-year agenda that concludes in 80 years! The ILLUMINATI plan was/is to “install humanity” on other Fatherlands to disrupt humanity’s “missions” that Father Jesus assigned … one group’s mission “eradicates evil on Earth,” whereas a second group’s mission “nurtures and protects Earth” … NONE of the “installed slaves/aliens” fulfill their missions to Father Jesus on Fatherlands that HE did not place them on! Judgment Day will be cruel among the “installed slaves/aliens” for “invading / infiltrating Fatherlands” where Father Jesus did not place them to fulfill their “mission” to HIM!
Now that Father Jesus is reducing ILLUMINATI to ashes, the worldwide populations of “installed slaves/aliens” shall be “compelled” [forced] to return to their Fatherlands where Father Jesus places them by HIS hand as He promises, SIMULTANEOUSLY!
When the upcoming EXODUS of “installed slaves/aliens” begins, I’ll be on my land sitting in my beach chair under a wide umbrella with a fist-full of confetti and blowing a kazoo praising Father Jesus for keeping HIS promise to compel [force] all installed “slaves/aliens” off my Fatherland where Father Jesus placed me and my ancestors!
GOODBYE DEMONIC ILLUMINATI / DEEP STATE / INSTALLED / SQUATTING / COLONIZING / SLAVES – ALIENS”! Rich or poor, you won’t be on any other Fatherland than the one Father Jesus placed you to conduct your assigned “mission.” My prayers and advice to “installed/aliens” worldwide is to perform your missions on your Fatherlands where HE placed your ancestors with gusto and thanksgiving to HIM. Ultimately, your behaviors determine whether you are among HIS “beloved offspring” humans and worthy to live on a pristine Earth forever with HIM.