Restored Republic via a GCR as of December 6, 2023
Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!
Compiled Wed. 6 Dec. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities”
Wed. 6 Dec. 2023
Black Swan Events in Play
US Nuclear Forces Remained On High Alert
Military On Call
It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash and essential items on hand for your family and to share with others.
“The Ignorant are Ignorant of their Ignorance.”
“The Lord’s Prayer”
Andrea Bocelli and The Mormon Tabernacle Choir – The Lord’s Prayer – YouTube
Andrea Bocelli, Sarah Brightman – Time To Say Goodbye (HD) – YouTube
Judy Note: The Canadian International Common Law Court of Justice has ordered Deep State Cabal King Charles’ arrest, as Wars continued in Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan and while China and Iran were rumored to be invading South America (although it was likely a White Hat Alliance Chess Move) – all of which increased the Illegal Immigrant Attack on America and a very soon Worldwide Stock Markets collapse that was fueled by China’s mega giant Real Estate Company Evergrande’s Bankruptcy – that affected 80% of the World’s Housing Market and set up activation of the Global Currency Reset, and just as the Supreme Court considered defunding the privately owned Deep State Cabal IRS and the Cabal’s Federal Reserve, which added up to be a Worldwide Banking crash, Media Blackout and Ten Days of Darkness set for Fri. 15 Dec.
- 7,000 Troops on Standby: The deploying troops told their wives that the Grid was going down and to get ready for that. Families were advised to store food, water, cash and essential items. Trump said there were 10,000 Troops on Standby so far. BREAKING! Unprecedented Deployment: COVERT INTEL – 7,000 U.S. Troops on Standby – A Tense Silence Surrounds Moody Air Force Base (Secret Operation) – American Media Group (
- Tues. 5 Dec. Warning: Attack on America Imminent! Michael Yon (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Gigantic ‘hole’ in the sun wider than 60 Earths is spewing superfast Solar Wind right at us:
- Judy Note: NASA announces that at any moment we are going to be hit with Solar Winds, or in other words: While Creating a World War III, the Deep State Cabal intends to take down the Internet and blame it on a Sun Burst.
- China and Iran were invading South America and illegal immigration in America has gone kinetic while the World was distracted with wars in Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan. …Foreman Mike on
- King Charles faced a Court ordered arrest and pressure to abdicate his throne after the International Common Law Court of Justice found him guilty of ordering the murder of Canadian Indigenous Elder William Combes.
- On Mon. 5 Dec. Trump announced that 10,000 Troops were called up for deployment and their families told to be prepped to bunker down in homes:
- The Mon. 4 Dec. 2023 Bankruptcy of the World’s largest real estate company, China’s Evergrande (owned by the Deep State Cabal’s Chinese Communist Party, Vanguard and Blackrock), was expected to not only lead to collapse of 80% of the World’s housing market, but would disseminate the Cabal’s global intelligence network and reshape the World as we know it.
- Moore vs. US Inc. at Supreme Court calls Federal Tax Law into question:
- A leaked video from 2001 shows Israeli PM Netanyahu talking about how Israel intentionally strikes Palestinians “painfully”, how he deceived the US to break the Oslo Accords, and how Americans will always support Israel if it faces backlash.
If you were reading this Update on, or from Operation Disclosure Official, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of the Update on Operation Disclosure Official, or read an un-redacted version on the Rumor Mill Website.
Judy Note: What we think we know as of Wed. 6 Dec. 2023:
- FDA: Cancer Treatments Cause Cancer: FDA Admits Cancer Treatments Actually CAUSE Cancer – The People’s Voice (
- Marijuana has 34 cures for Cancer and is not FDA approved. Chemotherapy is FDA approved and was discovered through poisoning people with Mustard Gas.
- Oil is not a fossil fuel. It is the second most abundant liquid on Earth.
- All wars are banker’s wars, Michael Rivero:
- The End Game, David Icke:
- 2000 pages with pedophiles names who visited Epstein Island have been released.
- Those Chemtrail lines you see sprayed in the sky were proof they were poisoning us, and have been since the 80’s. The Aluminium in Chemtrails have a direct link to environmental damage, Alzhiemer’s and Autism.
- If the United States of America is under Military Occupation then what does that mean for 5 November 2024? If every State capital was apprehended by Military then what does that mean for the Governors? If 45 & 17 are in the lead then what does that mean for #WeThePeople & 46?
- In 1998 Stanley Meyer made a water-powered car, and then died mysteriously.
Rumored Timing of the Restored Republic via a Global Currency Reset:
- At some point in Dec. Project Odin Begins: Starlink EBS Activates, X, New Financial System, 10 Day Movie, New Currency Rates effective.
- Mon. 4 Dec. 4 1:55 am Trending on Twitter X, President Trump 4: “Just remember Patriots, our great men and women (National Guard?) are getting in their positions soon. We have 10,000 so far. Stay alert. Stay safe. Trust yourself, not the ones you don’t know. Things could escalate very quickly, don’t be surprised. Their end is near.”
- Mon. 4 Dec. China’s second largest real estate company Evergrande Bankruptcy was official.
- Tues. 5 Dec. Evening Global Currency Reset Payout to begin.
- Wed. 6 Dec. China to announce gold-backed Yuan, incentivizing countries across the Globe to abandon trading the US Dollar and switch to the Yuan instead. The last USD auction in Iraq was on Dec. 6th.
- Second weekend in December: Trump will be back according to Bruce’s Military Contact.
- Fri. 15 Dec. Worldwide Banking Crash, Media Blackout and Ten Days of Darkness begin.
- Before Christmas Dec. 2023 Med Beds will be Announced.
- On Mon. 1 Jan. all gold/asset-backed currencies across the Globe would be on par 1:1 with each other; in the US Social Security benefits will be much higher and the SS R&R payments would start on a monthly basis.
- Tues. 30 Jan. 2024 deadline for implementation of Protocol 20 by major corporations around the world that have interfaced their networks on the QFS.
- In three to six months the Rodriguez Trust will begin to administer “universal basic income” for citizens of all GESARA-compliant countries. The amount per individual or family will depend on the status, needs, employment level and age of the person/family and will work to encourage people to work if they can.
- The GESARA Blockchain Election takes place in 120 days Mon. 1 April 2024. Everything will be ready by 30 Jan. 2024
Global Currency Reset:
Judy Note: Evidently Global Currency Reset funds were released on Fri. 1 Dec, while several sources say Reno has been funded and groups could see monies in their accounts, though they were not yet liquid. Rumor was that Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) would be notified to set redemption appointments by Wed. 6 Dec, though Texas Snake maintained that the process won’t begin until Thurs. 14 Dec. All indications were that a Worldwide Banking crash, Media Blackout and Ten Days of Darkness appeared to be set for Fri. 15 Dec.
- Tues. 5 Dec. Bruce: “My source from the Redemption Centers said that tonight Tues. 5 Dec. after the first half of the Hannity Show in his interview with Trump, Notifications to the Bond Holders would come out that would give them access to their funds. Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) Notifications to set redemption appointments would start to come out that same Tues. night 5 Dec. and go throughout the night. Tier 4b should be able to exchange as early as lunch time on Wed. 6 Dec. Intermediaries will also be paid out Tues. night.
- Tues. 5 Dec. RayRen TNT: “Good sources say that they are attempting to push it out tonight and into the morning. … A source was saying Mon. through Wed. 6 Dec. On Mon. 4 Dec. the agencies were saying within the next 48 hours. It’s going to happen before the end of the year, because the prime minister of Iraq has said so many times.”
- Mon. 4 Dec. Rod Steel: Last Fri.1 Dec. the Green Light was given, the Dinar was released to the IMF and the banks were pinged in preparation for a rate change. At that time the Dinar was $4.51 and fluctuating. Iraq has to have their new Dinar rate change by Fri. 8 Dec. to go into their Trade Meeting with other countries. Contractors have been paid at a new Dinar Rate. (go to the 22 min. mark) 12-4-23-ppn-at-8pm-cst-9pm-est #PPN #Truth (
- Tues. 5 Dec. Wolverine: “I’ve met Mauricio Castano who is head of the Nesara/Gesara platform which is totally humanitarian. It was a privilege meeting him. I can’t tell you much as everything is confidential but he is ready and at any moment he will be able to release the funds on his platforms. There is more than 30 or more trillion of dollars involved in his platform and will be helping so many people. I’m honored to be his friend.”
- Mon. 4 Dec. Update, Sherri Justice on Telegram: Banks are expecting the RV by Wednesday (Wed. 6 Dec.). We are just waiting. High level of excitement to everybody that I have talked to. We just wait.
- Mon. 4 Dec. Joleikc444 on Telegram: What Wolverine and Mark have said – Reno is funded- I confirmed with my Reno contact, one notch above us. We are at the wire with this RV folks!
- Mon. 4 Dec. Texas Snake: What I am hearing is that what we will begin the process on Thurs. 14 December, but that does not mean we exchange then, it means the beginning of the process which precedes Tier 4b with the areas which must be made whole before we reach our turns: Indian claims, legal claims, CMKX. etc. I bring this forward just to insure everyone that the steps leading to our exchange are in fact being taken.
- Mon. 4 Dec. MarkZ: “I’ve been told many groups have been paid – funds not distributed yet. …Peter Schiff predicts a historic crash for the US dollar. This will be a game changer he said on Nov. 28th. …Bond folks have not received any dollars yet. I’m still hearing great chatter from groups…still hearing they are fully funded and just waiting for the release. Many are expecting accepting of Iraq in the World Trade Organization this week. I hear it may be as late as the 13th-16th of Dec for that. Iraq is being very clear the Dinar will be higher than the dollar and no more dollars after 1 Jan. Americans were hoarding cash, which was interesting as the Deep State Cabal was trying to roll out the Central Bank Digital Currency. 93% of Americans were saying NO to the Great Reset.
- Tues. 5 Dec. Recent events in Saudi Arabia are significant in the context of the end of US Dollar dominance and the coming Global Currency Reset (GCR).
- China, Russia Go Gold by Wed. 6 Dec:
- 150 BRICS nations to repay their loans in gold-backed Chinese Yuan, not fiat USD:
- Tues. 5 Dec. Trump’s big payback, Charlie Ward:
- NESARA/GESARA, Charlie Ward: Charlie Ward: Trump’s Big Payback 2024! (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
Tues. 5 Dec. 2023 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe ( 667-770-1866, pin123456#
- There were Six Regional Call Centers in the US, 7,000 Redemption Centers and 1,400 Redemption Centers in Canada. Wells Fargo was over Redemption Centers in the US. In order to get the higher rates you need to obtain an 800 number, call a Call Center to obtain an appointment and do your exchange at Redemption Center.
- A source from the Redemption Centers said that tonight Tues. 5 Dec. after the first half of the Hannity Show with his interview with Trump, Notifications to the Bond Holders would come out that would give them access to their funds.
- Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) Notifications to set redemption appointments would start to come out that same Tues. night 5 Dec. and go throughout the night.
- Tier 4b should be able to exchange as early as lunch time on Wed. 6 Dec.
- Intermediaries will also be paid out Tues. night.
- On Thurs. 7 Dec. through Wed. 13 Dec. Restitution and Reclamation Allowances lump sum payments will be paid out to those age 62 and on up.
- Today Tues. 5 Dec. the Supreme Court ruled on the illegality of our tax system – meaning there will be no more federal or state income tax.
- Over this coming weekend President Trump should be back,
Global Financial Crisis:
- Barclay’s suddenly decides to close customers bank accounts:
- Qatar — the largest shareholder just sold £510m Barclays’ shares. Qatar slashes stake in Barclays amid turnaround push at the bank.
- TD Bank to cut about 3,000 jobs; profit misses estimate:
- Westpac suffers online banking outage with customers shut out of accounts:
- Asian Financial Markets slide, hit four year low:
- Red Alert: JP Morgan Stock Market Warning, U.S. Economy Is in Dangerous & Inflationary Position:
- The nation’s sixth-biggest bank, PNC, recently confirmed it would be closing 19 branches around the United States. This might not be that worrying if it weren’t for the fact that PNC closed 203 more branches earlier this year. Most of the branches that are being closed are in Pennsylvania, although branches in Texas, New Jersey, Florida, Ohio, Indiana and Alabama will also be closing for good. Although the bank has said that the shift to digital banking is behind the move.
- Bank of America was closing 100 branches this year.
- European Central Bank Warns of Fire Sale of Assets, Massive Losses for Insurance and Real Estate, Creating Shocks to the Global Financial System:
- Tues. 5 Dec. London Stock Exchange suffers new trading outages. The London Stock Exchange suffered two outages (Cyber attacks) on Tuesday morning, hitting trading in hundreds of small-cap stocks and marking the latest glitch at a venue battling falling trading volumes.
- As a result of an ongoing bipartisan Senate Budget Committee investigation, Credit Suisse has agreed to reinstate Independent Ombudsperson Neil Barofsky to oversee the bank’s internal investigation into its historic servicing of previously undisclosed Nazi-linked accounts.
- Mon. 4 Dec. Black Swan – Protocol 19 = Evergrande Collapse! Unveiling the Black Swan: The Evergrande Collapse and the Global Housing Catastrophe – American Media Group (
- 23 US States Move to Recognize Gold and Silver as Legal Tender:
- US National Debt Surpasses $100,000 per person:
- Judy Note: My question is, just who do we owe the National Debt to? No one will answer that one. I suspect it is “owed” to US Inc, which sends our hard earned tax payer dollars to the Crown in London, then on to the Vatican and their Central Banks – all of which makes money off of our monies, only to return it to the US a month or so later so they can charge us interest to use our own monies.
Restored Republic:
The Real News for Tues. 5 Dec. 2023:
- Tues. 5 Dec. Japanese scientists have found a medicine that grows new teeth. They found a protein that limits the growth of teeth. The new drug blocks this protein, which promotes the growth of teeth. The drug has already been successfully tested on mice.
- Israel flooding the Gaza Tunnels: Flooding tunnels hits the headlines now. White Hats hosing down the tunnels..clean up operation:
- In the US DUMB Underground Tunnel System they found food and drink hidden by the Cabal for consumption that could feed the WHOLE WORLD for the next 150 years. 14.2 billion tons of high quality food. They have been analyzed. The samples did not contain toxic substances that are normally released in the general population.
- World Economic Forum founder, Klaus Schwab, openly brags about infiltrating the governments of the world. “What we are very proud of now [is] that we penetrate the cabinets. [More than half of the Canadian cabinet ministers] are actually Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum… It’s true in Argentina, and it’s true in France now, with the president [being] a Young Global Leader.”
- STOP USING ZOOM NOW! They can legally use your recordings for anything they want… Even to make money off of them.
- Tues. 5 Dec. Senate Hearings, Jim Jordan: Six different federal agencies were found guilty of violating the First Amendment liberties of Americans, and the U.S. Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division at the DOJ Kristen Clarke IS NOT AWARE of the case. That shows just how political the DOJ is.
Cache Collusion – A Story of Corruption and Collusion Regarding Satanism in Cache County Utah That Reached to Washington DC, Tom Fairbanks Intelligence Support Activity (ISA)
This is the story of one man’s unintentional and unavoidable collision between a true believing patriot and the adversarial forces, who have become the enemies foreign and domestic. Told through his personal perspective in 14 parts, his story illustrates the deceptions we currently face in the world and the established media’s manipulations, misrepresentations, distortions, and outright lies that were designed with a specific purpose to provide “bogus narratives” to obfuscate the facts and create an atmosphere where Nothing Is As It Appears!
- Part 1 Cache Collusion: Awkward Connections and My Military Involvement in Satanism in Cache County Utah: Cache Collision Part 1: Awkward Connections and My Military Involvement | Crime All-Stars | Before It’s News (
- Part 2 Cache Collusion: Children’s Satanic Ritual Abuses in Utah Finally Reach Washington DC: Cache Collision Part 2: Children’s Satanic Ritual Abuses in Utah Finally Reach Washington DC | Crime All-Stars | Before It’s News (
- Part 3 Cache Collusion: Poison & Satanism in Cache County Utah: Cache Collision Part 3: Poison & Other Nefarious Attempts to Eliminate | Crime All-Stars | Before It’s News
- Part 4 Cache Collusion: Passing of Military Intel Leads to My Hospitalization: Cache Collision Part 4: The Passing of Military Intel Leads to My Hospitalization | Crime All-Stars | Before It’s News (
- Part 5 Cache Collusion: A Matter of National Security: Cache Collision Part 5: A Matter of National Security | Crime All-Stars | Before It’s News (
- Part 6 Cache Collusion: A Mole is Detected – IRS Criminals Caught: Utah:
- Part 7 Cache Collusion: Ray Epps and SCOTUS:
- Part 8 Cache Collusion: Satanism in Cache County Utah:
- Part 9 Cache Collusion: Ambushed:
- Part 10 Cache Collusion: A Need for Military Protection: Cache Collision Part 10: Judicial Crimes – A Need for Military Protection | Crime All-Stars | Before It’s News
Mon. 4 Dec. White Hats Intel:
- We haven’t been talking about aliens for awhile for many reasons. First, a lot of false misinformation and fake hearings were happening. The Military Industrial Complex, Lockheed Martin and the Deep State were controlling the hearings information flow.
- I was waiting as the real Whistleblowers were going to come forward. NOW this has happened. CIA whistleblowers have exposed the PENTAGON for having over nine UFOs, UAPs in their possession. The Pentagon had denied this for years.
- In 2024 major Whistleblowers from the Pentagon, CIA and military sectors were going to come forward and blow the lid off the story and cover-up.
- Congress, the Senate and AG’s, guided by White Hats Military Operations and procedures, were setting up the Pentagon/ CIA/ Deep State Military Industrial Complex System. They were placing some of the most important traps operations ever created to bring down the Cabal through the Rico Act – all of which will eventually connect to Covert Military interventions.
- Laws of War Department of Defense Military protocols were very important plans to expose deep dark operations of the Deep State that has stolen over 100 trillion in the past 75 years from United States citizens and government. These were illegal unsanctioned and unconstitutional programs or deep dark operations that were never approved by Congress, the Senate, nor sitting presidents.
- This was one of the reasons JFK was assassinated. He wanted to expose the CIA regimen, deep dark projects and missing money. JFK also knew that the CIA was behind a massive human trafficking, drug ring. JFK knew Henry Kissinger and the CIA were behind depopulation plans with the Rockefellers and Rothschild’s. This was the biggest reason that the JFK assassination files were still being suppressed. That will change in a very important moment that was upcoming.
- In 2017 when Donald J. Trump was elected and had his inauguration in Washington DC, his wife Melania Trump wore a Sky Blue (Tiffany Blue) suit. This dress color was very important to military Comms. It was the color that was worn by JFK’s wife Jackie Kennedy, and JFK Jr. after his father JFK was assassinated. JFK Jr.’s supposed ashes were carried inside a Sky Blue box.
- Sky Blue Military Operations were connected to Q and dated back to the Biblical Era. Sky Blue also connected to future events, Tesla, Military super advanced Technology and faster than the Speed of Light Technology and civilizations.
- That’s the reason Melania Trump wore the Sky Blue (Tiffany blue) suit to the inauguration, and why she and Donald Trump publicly handed the Sky Blue Box to the Obama’s on national TV.
- These were Military Communications to the Deep State Cabal that the Sky Blue Event Operations, Military covert Operations and Devolution Plan were happening and the end of the Deep State powers would collapse. It was the End of the Cabal.
- This was reason the DEVOLUTION PLAN was activated by military and why TRUMP was installed.
- Trump gave full power to the Military and signed off on top secret classified Military Operations that fully activated Blue Sky Operations. That’s why Cheyenne mountain was closed off
- In future Military Tribunals Trump will testify that the deep dark projects were hidden from him, he didn’t know of the man made Alien projects and the real UFOs and UAPs of the Pentagon or CIA. He will also testify that he didn’t know anything about Edglin Air Force base which houses underground UAPs, or know any of the other 16 major U.S. dark deep operational sites that hosted super advanced World changing technology.
- These highly important operations that exposed CIA Deep State Military and Military contractors such as Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon Company, General Dynamics Corp were connected to super advanced hidden technology that connected to Infinite energy, or Zero-point energy and free energy, levitation and the complete restructuring of societies across the world.
- This was reason the DEVOLUTION PLAN was activated by the Military to install Trump.
- Trump gave full power to the Military and signed top secret classified Military Operations that fully activated the Devolution Plan.
- ATTENTION: THE FINAL COLLAPSE! Survive the Apocalypse
- In 2024 there were 25 Blue Sky Events scheduled to take place.
- Whites Hats in Congress, the Senate and State and US Attorney Generals, along with the help of Military Guidance and Intelligence Agencies, are going to expose deep dark operations of the Deep State and Military Industrial Complex System, CIA, Pentagon, Military and Financial Systems that were stealing trillions of dollars for unsanctioned, unconstitutional, private and open funded operations.
- The RICO Act (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) was only part of the massive plan to bring the illegal criminal organization and Deep State Cabal operations into the Light and onto Congressional records (soft tribunals), U.S. archives and U.S. court Docs.
- CIA Whistleblowers were now coming forward. The CIA and Pentagon has denied having UFOs and UAPs in possession. INFILTRATION instead of invasion
- The White Hats have infiltrated Deep State Operations since the 70s, 80s, 90s and up to now, though the White Hat sleepers are waking up.
Tues. 5 Dec. Fulford Report:
- The Roman/Christian Wars created the first banking Systems and military intelligence and massive human trafficking networks. They stole most of Europe and large parts of middle east gold, silver, arts resources and historical documents and his them under the Vatican vault’s and caves…
- To this day the Vatican Museum and open vaults house over a trillion in arts and sculptures and jewelry and precious metals stones the public can see…. But what you can’t see is the hundreds of trillions of artifacts hidden in the Vatican underground caves, bunker’s and vaults that stretch over 50 miles under ground.
- DRAIN THE SWAP means draining the world of the SATANIC CABAL.
- You are inside a powerful GREAT AWAKENING. The closer we get to the TRUTH the more unreal things will become. But there is no other way.
The Black Swan Approaching, Benjamin Fulford:
- The signs are multiplying that the US and Israel are headed for some sort of mega Black Swan Event. The result will be that both countries cease to exist in their present format. That is because the Federal Reserve Board -the fountain of power for the Satanists- is on the verge of collapse. If it goes, then everything under it, such as the Unite States of America Corporation, the BIS, the World Bank, the IMF, the UN and 90% of the world’s transnational corporations will also collapse and come under new management. End quote.
- The US Treasury Bonds are no longer accepted as collateral in the US Oil Trade. The Fed-Reserve in order to offset the consequences of this can no longer do QE-(Quantities Easing) due to Basel 3/ISO-20022. Why? Because these new policies force all central banks to show their books. And what is on them? Blank Checks they cannot cash.
- They cannot do a reverse repo without draining what is left of the 2.3 trillion in MBS-(Mortgage Backed Securities). Once that happens everything goes to zero. Which will lead to the collapse of the fiat USD, which is probably only a week away or so at this point. This will lead to Iraq reinstating their currency that the BRICS Nations are waiting for. Because this is why it is so difficult to trade because of the artificial value of the fiat USD that keeps emerging markets struggling to get out of 3rd world status.
- Why do you think the last USD auction in Iraq is on December 6th? Why do you think they stated the dollar crisis will be over before 2023 is over? Why do you think Iraq will officially end dealing in USD on January 1st? What’s on the other side of the dollar collapse? The Gold Standard, New Republic, Law & Order, Common Law, Military Tribunals, Humanitarian Projects, Free Energy.
- “There is also financial warfare taking place against the US Corporation. The Chinese have been dumping US Treasuries in an attempt to collapse the FRB and their Washington DC subsidiary. This prompted the KM to retaliate by hacking Chinese bank computer systems. Reuters reported this attack.
- A Ransomware attack on the industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) disrupted trades in the U.S. Treasury market on Thursday, the Treasury Department said.
- The Canadian Intelligence Agency says what really happened was: “The Fed put out a $24 trillion bond for countries to buy to cover the debt- no one bought even a penny. China bought oil futures from IRAN and paid 33 trillion but not in US $ – what does that tell you about the USA in world affairs. They are finished ”. Q
- You all want to know why the Joe Biden & Xi meeting in California prompted them to clean up the city where no one knew where the homeless people went? Joe Biden was trying to offer China the entire state for collateral given that no one is accepting the fiat USD anymore. What a whack job J. Biden is.
- You know what’s funny? Around the same time back in March 2020 when the Federal Reserve was being absorbed by the US Treasury Covid-19 made its debut. Now around the same time that the dollar is positioned to collapse they are trying to introduce another virus in the same month.
- As the weeks, and months go by we will be seeing them leave the spotlight one by one. The stage is already set for their departure. Remember, their position in this game is tethers to the fiat system. Once that crashed there will be no use for them anymore. All of them become dead weight. And a major liability. You already see this playing out in Washington with George Santos. Now that he is expelled everyone is in the crosshair. You are watching a live implosion.
Must Watch Videos:
- Mon. 4 Dec. Situation Update: Situation Update: 2K Troops Called Up at Moody AFB for Deployment! Families Told to Be Prepped & Hunker Down in Homes! 9,000 Total US Troops Called Up Ready to Deploy! | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (
- Tues. 5 Dec. Situation Update: Judy Byington: US Nuclear Forces On High Alert, Media Blackout Imminent,Worldwide Banking Crash Set For Fri. 15 Dec. Special Intel Report Tues. 5 Dec. 2023 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Tues. 5 Dec. Intel Updates, Patel Patriot, Roger Stone:
- Tues. 5 Dec. Hamas Terrorists Get Lifetime Pensions with US Dollars.
- Tues. 5 Dec. Situation Update, Jaco:
[Note: Sensitive content in this report has been redacted. See redacted content in the full report attached below.]
Updates for the Week Prior:
Restored Republic via a GCR as of December 5, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of December 4, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of December 2, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of December 1, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of November 30, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of November 29, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
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