Restored Republic via a GCR as of July 26, 2023
Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!
Compiled Wed. 26 July 2023 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities”
Black Swan Events
In Full Force
Global Financial Collapse Has Begun
Chase Bank Closing Branches Nationwide
Russian Navy & Missiles Have Arrived in Cuba
The US Military Has Confirmed A Myocarditis Spike After Covid Vaccinations
The Supreme Court has ruled that agencies formed by Congress aren’t part of the Republic, such as the FBI, CIA, IRS, NIH, CDC, FDA and even local School Boards. This verdict challenges the very existence of such organizations and gives Power Back to The People in their own states. The US Federal Government could now be pruned back to a mere 10% of its current status.
The Storm is Upon Us
The Time Has Come!
Time to Shock the World
The start of Joe Biden’s impeachment was said to have begun on Tues. 25 July.
It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, cash, water and essential items on hand.
“The Dream of a Nation”
All who are blessed by our nation’s legacy have a duty to preserve and defend it. Freedom has endured thus far through “the work and prayers of centuries,” and that’s how it will continue.
That work includes standing up for Freedom and taking our shared civic duty seriously. It includes shunning contention, respecting and valuing others, listening to and learning from those different from us, and simply being neighborly and kind.
If we can do that, then perhaps someday our children and grandchildren will read about us and feel grateful and inspired – grateful for the legacy we’ve passed along, and inspired to preserve it for another generation.
Judy Note: On Tues. 25 July Bruce reported that the new financial system QFS would start implementation at midnight Tues. 25 July and complete at midnight Wed. night 26 July.
Tier 4b (Us, the Internet Group) would receive notification to set exchange appointments and Bond Holders would receive access to their funds on Wed. 26 July or Thurs. 27 July, with a possibility that exchanges and redemptions would begin on Fri. 28 July.
GESARA would be announced on Thurs. 27 July and NESARA would happen on Sun. 30 July or Mon. 31 July. The general public Tier 5 could exchange currency at the new rates at a bank beginning Thurs. 3 Aug.
From the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Call (see below) we learn that currency exchange and Zim Bond redemption appointment notifications will be done through social media and groups (not through emails from Wells Fargo), plus that the RV would happen after Bretton Woods III was made public.
That Bretton Woods III likely referenced the FOMC meeting on Wed. 26 July where a Stock Market correction would very likely take place – that would lead into the next day on Thurs. 27 July when the Banks were required to be Basel 3 compliant (have their assets gold/asset-backed), or they would be shut down – all of which would result in shocks and adjustments in our markets and payment systems as currencies moved into a real value and created a Global Financial Crisis.
Head of the Global Redemption Committee Charlie Ward said the RV would happen after that Global Financial Crisis occurred.
- Black Swan: The European Union – First Domino to Fall Following the Landmark West Virginia vs. EPA Verdict – American Media Group ( Recently, a seismic shift in the balance of power happened as the Supreme Court passed a landmark verdict in the case of West Virginia vs. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). The verdict declared that agencies formed by Congress aren’t part of the Republic. This single judgment opened the door to challenge the very existence of such organizations, and by extension, the convoluted, bureaucratic labyrinth they represent. Think of the FBI, CIA, IRS, NIH, CDC, FDA, even your local school boards. Following the West Virginia vs. EPA verdict, all these agencies’ futures hang in the balance. The verdict has reset the stage, giving power back to the people, and the government might be pruned back to a mere 10% of its current expanse.
- Cuba Accepts Russian Missiles as Russian Navy Arrives 90 Miles From US:
WARNING: There were reports that some were asking you to hand over your foreign currencies and/or Zim Bonds to them saying they would exchange or redeem them for you. DO NOT give in to this scam. Only the purchaser of the currency or bond can legally exchange or redeem that currency or bond at a Redemption Center for the higher rates. Exceptions were that if you had given someone currency or bonds, along with a notarized gift letter saying you did so, or if you gave someone Power of Attorney over your affairs. The bottom line: If someone tried to turn in your currency or bonds without your authorization, they could be arrested.
Judy Note: If you were reading this Update as posted on Operation Disclosure Official, be aware that some information has been redacted. For the complete un-redacted version, see the PDF copy at the end of this Update on Operation Disclosure Official.
Restored Republic via a GCR, Charlie Ward
- US Inc. has been dissolved due to the demise of their fiat Federal Reserve US Dollar and a subsequent Global Financial Collapse that was now in the works.
- A Global Currency Reset based on gold/asset-based currencies of 209 nations would soon complete.
- There would be a restoration of the US government to a New US Republic based on fundamentals of the original Constitution. This New Republic was said to be based in Texas.
- So far there were 27 states which have agreed to join the New Republic. Canada, Mexico, Australia and New Zealand also have asked to join. Hawaii would revert back to it’s original status as a sovereign nation – the Kingdom of Hawaii.
- All 50 State Flags have been removed from the Smithsonian American History Museum in Washington DC. Old Glory and the Museum’s flag remain hung. According to Nancy Drew, before the state flags were taken down they were put at half mast for a while, as Old Glory and the Museum’s flag hung above them. Was this a hint about the changeover to the New US Republic?
URGENT REPORT: Global Economic Crisis Looming!, Benjamin Fulford
- Prepare for an unprecedented upheaval as the world faces a looming crisis of inflation, with the United States at the center stage. Get ready for an impending collision that will have catastrophic consequences, as the complex interplay between Covid-19, Fauci, CDC, NIH, NIAIH, WHO (under the influence of Gates), gain-of-function experiments, and the shadowy forces of Rothschilds and Rockefellers are about to be fully revealed.
- But that’s not all! Brace yourself for mind-boggling revelations as the plot of a stolen election unravels right before your eyes. Unveil the covert operations of the elusive C_a, the manipulative tactics of Facebook, Google, and other tech giants, and the sinister agenda that has ensnared the world in its grip.
- It is time to embrace the truth, my fellow seekers of truth, and spread vital information far and wide. The destiny of our nation, our freedoms, and our future lies in our hands. Patriots, come together in this battle for truth and justice!
- Raise the alarm! Let your voice resound! The time for awakening is NOW!
Restored Republic:
- JFK Jr. Private on Telegram. “I have known Donald J. Trump since I have known myself. Trump has been my friend for a long time. However, I didn’t expect that he would help me as much as he did. Trump warned me about the government and told me the government’s plans. He helped me get away. He helped me stay alive for so many years. Trump saved my life. Everything will be exposed on Fri. 4 Aug.”
- Sometime soon the Supreme Court would announce their decision on the Brunson Case and another 2020 Voter Fraud case before the Court. That decision was likely to reverse the 2020 Election due to massive Election Fraud. Such would then dissolve the Biden Administration and all of Congress and likely be accompanied by activation of the Emergency Broadcast System where the Military would take over for a short period of time until new elections could be held.
- Aug. 2023: Exposure, Arrests of Major Satanic Child Sacrifice and Pedophile Groups.
- Med Bed appointments could be made sometime soon.
- When Trump’s presidency ended, JFK Jr. would come in as President, while Trump would be elevated to Global Financial Ambassador to make the GESARA changes around the Globe according to Bruce.
- Fall 2023 Massive protests and riots were forecasted to shake Canada’s core, ushering in a winter of discontent in the latter part of 2023 and early 2024.
- 2026: U.S. (public) Tribunals slated for 2026 would coincide with Canadian Tribunals and World Tribunals that would connect everything from Deep State Human Trafficking, to World Plandemic Deep State Operations, to creation of the Virus.
- “Even this nation will be on the verge of crumbling to pieces and tumbling to the ground and when the Constitution is on the brink of ruin, this people will be the staff upon which the nation shall lean and they shall bear the Constitution away from the very verge of destruction.” …Joseph Smith, March 10 1844, from Archives of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Global Currency Revaluation: Central Banks were shutting down – bankrupted with the old financial systems in ruins. Congress, White House, IRS, Feds, Federal Reserve – all gone. U.S. Corporation declared bankrupted. But fear not, for from the ashes emerges a new era of financial freedom!
Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Call:
- Some 50,000 + people all received the very same information.
- Emphasis was placed on the importance of dis-info narratives that exist out there causing confusion. “Please check your sources” was stressed multiple times. Grounded personalities will excel in understanding and to strip away the noise and confusing narratives that exist out there.
- Notifications would be done through certain social media and groups.
- Rates will be the same for everyone to ensure fairness and transparency. Rates are not affected by Humanitarian Projects.
- Trusts will be available on Stellar (no need for trust prior to redemptions)
- Humanitarian projects would come later 2024/25. SCO and Stellar lists of projects will be available for one to choose from at your appointment.
- There are currently no set timeframe limits for appointments/redemptions. Everyone will have a chance to get through the process.
- “Bretton Woods III would have to be made public before any RV.”
- Quantum phones: Newer phones already have the hardware capability in them for upgrades. Older phones will require hardware and upgrades. Locations will be provided for this tech service.
- XRP buybacks – there will be an opportunity for this. More information will be forthcoming in the next couple of months.
Exchange and Redemption Appointments:
- Tues. 25 July Bruce:
The new financial system QFS, in conjunction with the USN and Star Link System, would be implemented starting at midnight Tues. 25 July and go through midnight Wed. night 26 July.
Bond Holders will get access to their funds Wed. 26 July or more likely Thurs. 27 July.
A Redemption Center person said Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) would get notification for our appointments on Wed. 26 July or Thurs. 27 July.
A Contact tight with Citibank said Citibank would start exchanges on Friday 28 July.
A Bond Holder Paymaster said the USN would come out Wed. 26 July, GESARA would be announced on Thurs. 27 July and the rollout of NESARA would happen on Sun. 30 July or Mon. 31 July.
The general public Tier 5 would start on Thurs. 3 Aug.
- Tues. 25 July MarkZ: Rumors are all over the place right now…that today is going to be huge and tomorrow will be great…I am hearing a lot about the 27th for a few days now…rumors that people have money …I just have not seen that economic receipt yet. But, I am seeing a lot of people under an NDA or being effectively “hushed” right now. That makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
- Texas Snake Sun. 23 July: Banker advised to have all trained staff in currency exchange process to be on immediate call beginning Mon. 24 July.
- Goldilocks Sun. 23 July: The Stock Market is getting ready to go into correction after FOMC meeting on Wed. 26 July.
- Charlie Ward stated that the RV will happen after a Global Financial crisis.
- At the Wed. 26 July FOMC meeting the Stock Market will go into correction. …Goldilocks
- On Thurs. 27 July Basel 3 Compliance will be implemented in the banks, withbanks closed that cannot prove gold/asset-backed assets. Along with the previous day’s Stock Market correction, bank closures would create shocks and adjustments in our markets and payment systems as they moved into a real value.
- Thurs. 27 July was also slated as the day to activate NESARA/GESARA. This last week of July US citizens expected to receive restoration allowances that paid them back illegal interest given to the Cabal, plus their SS payments would increase. INTEL – July 27th ‘Restart of Planet Earth’ & The GESARA / NESARA Announcement – Schedule of Events (
- On Wed. 23 August the new gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System would be made public.
Tues. 25 July Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe ( 667-770-1866, pin123456#
- Sources were under NDAs
- The Iraqi Dinar and Dong were trading up in value.
- Currency Rates were very high.
- The new financial system QFS in conjunction with the USN and Star Link System were ready to come online and be implemented starting at midnight tonight Tues. 25 July and will go through midnight Wed. night 26 July.
- The USN was gold/asset-backed and coming out
- You can have up to $8,500 in the new USN cash at your appointment.
- Bond Holders will get access to their funds on Wed. 26 July or more likely on Thurs. 27 July.
- A Redemption Center person said we would get notification for our appointments Wed. 26 July or Thurs. 27 July.
- A Contact tight with Citibank said Citibank would start exchanges on Friday 28 July.
- The general public Tier 5 would start on Thurs. 3 Aug.
- A Bond Holder Paymaster said the USN would come out Wed. 26 July, GESARA would be announced on Thurs. 27 July and the rollout of NESARA would happen on Sun. 30 July or Mon. 31 July.
- Med Bed appointments can be made at your exchange appointment.
- We should have four impeachments start this week.
- The start of Joe Biden’s impeachment began today Tues. 25 July.
Global Financial Crisis:
- Mother of All Depressions At End of 2023:
- Banks Are Closing: According to Dallas on PPN right now, CHASE BANKS are closing down nationwide. If you bank with them, you better go get your $$ out now.
- Sloan: Just went to Chase ATM to deposit cash…Can’t accept …went inside. Heard them say system won’t allow new accounts to be set up…my deposit had to be made in a back room as he couldn’t look up my account number at his station. He apologized…I just laughed and said I knew what was going on and good luck. They said it was nationwide.
- Protocol 20 Codes: QFS, BRICS Nations, GESARA & the Power Shift in Global Finance – American Media Group (
- West Virginia: Restricts 5 Banks From Doing Business in the State: Pursuant to West Virginia Code §§12-1C-1, et seq., the West Virginia State Treasurer’s Office has determined, based on publicly available statements published by financial institutions authorized to enter into financial services contracts with the State Treasurer’s Office, that the financial institutions listed below are restricted financial institutions and are hereby placed on the West Virginia State Treasurer’s Restricted Financial Institution List: BlackRock Inc, Goldman Sachs Group Inc, JPMorgan Chase & Co, Morgan Stanley, Wells Fargo & Co.
- Texas: Texas Committee Passes Bill to Create 100% Reserve Gold and Silver-Backed Transactional Currencies. The comptroller would also be required to create a mechanism to use 100% backed gold and silver digital currencies in everyday transactions.
- Banks freezing accounts without warning:
- People Rejecting Fed CBDC:
- New Members Flocking To Join BRICS:
- On Wed. 26 July U.S. lawmakers will convene for a “markup” to discuss two bills concerning digital assets and stablecoins.”
- Imminent Killnet attacks are planned for PayPal, Western-world financial systems. This will create financial havoc throughout the Globe. A “Call to General Mobilization” went around the internet today directed at Killnet operators WW.
- Operation Sandman, Shiela: The House and Senate pass a debt limit of $4 trillion, which could bring the total debt to $36 trillion! Where will the 4 trillion dollars come from? No one will lend U.S. money, not China, Russia or Saudi Arabia. Then the Federal Reserve will print it. De-dollarization is established. Operation Sandman – where $2 trillion US Treasuries will be dumped within 24 hours, with St. Petersburg leading the way. The US dollar can potentially lose 50-90% of its value.
- US Financial Collapse Expected to Occur in July 2023, Shiela: Historically, fiat currencies have a lifespan of 27 years. The USDA Reserve Currency has been in place for over 90 years, 40 of which were in fiat currency. We collapsed the Russian economy in the 1980s and 1990s: the tables have turned. US allies like France and Japan have dumped US Treasuries. In Long Beach, the largest port in the United States, shipping companies rejected US Treasury Bonds.
- Russia Moves Forward with CBDC, Digital Ruble Signed into Law | Dinar Chronicles
- Commercial RE is taking a beating! Blackstone gives back the keys! Big corporations are just walking away!
Quantum Financial System Announcements, Goldilocks
- Protects – from corruption, usury and banking manipulations.
- Ensures – monitoring of banks to ensure the process for the financial transfer of capitol.
- Independence – from existing centralized system(s)
- Asset Backed – QFS is not cryptocurrency, (it is “asset backed” and digitalized)
- Photonic Technology – operating at 3.5 trillion frames/second.
- Artificial Intelligence – (AI) controls the transfers thereby eliminating the IP dynamic routing system.
GCR Recent History:
- On Tues. 18 July monies began flowing out of Zurich; the Iraqi Budget with the new Dinar Rate in it was released to the Iraqi Provinces and funds were positioned for distribution; Paymasters were given liquidity and Whales were beginning to be paid. As of Sat. 22 July some Whales had been paid, some had not, all could see monies in their accounts and all were under NDAs.
- On Wed. 19 July the Iraqi budget with the new Dinar Rate in it was implemented in all Iraqi Institutions. Paymasters were authorized to send emails out to Bond Holders telling them that they had access to their funds (on an unknown date).
- On Thurs. 20 July the Global Quantum Financial System officially launched the ‘FedNow Instant Payment System,’ while therefore Tier 4b(Us, the Internet Group) could expect notification at any time. TNT Tony said that multiple sources reported that disbursements were completed and everything was now done.
Help Save Our Constitution – It’s Hanging By A Thread:
- The Brunson Brothers have filed a number of petitions thatsued members of Congress and the Biden Administration for violating their Oath of Office by not protecting the People’s Right to Fair Elections through certifying the 2020 Election before investigating 50 formally filed allegations of voter fraud.
- Add Your Letter of support of the Brunson Cases to the Supreme Court: Brunson Brothers Music – Petition The Supreme Court… Loy Brunson NEW SCOTUS RULE 11 CASE #22-1028 ~ Your Letter is Mightier Than The Sword ! (
“Barbie & Ken Cromar vs Goliath IRS”
- We, Barbie & Ken Cromar, have never abandoned our home and land despite being hit by a 13-man US Marshal led SWAT on June 25, 2019 making us homeless for ten months, and a quasi-military “75-man” SWAT on September 24, 2020, both without presentment of WARRANTS – lawful or otherwise — and under direction of judges who denied us due process of law. Much about our five year, six month “adventure” through 18 court cases – including two victories over the Commissioner of the lRS Charles Rettig exonerating us with his admission of no claim over us from 1991 thru 2020 – 31 straight years.
- Our LAND PATENT #392 was created by an Act of Congress, which was signed by then President Grover Cleveland’s designee on February 26, 1887, and then filed by us with the Utah County Recorder on April 17 & 22, 2020.
- The full story:
- Affidavit Witness: “Be warned. The cries of the innocent call out unto heaven.”
- Your Donation can help to make MIRACLES happen! See what cool stuff Miracles DONATION can get you here:
The Real News for Tues. 25 July 2023:
- House Speaker Kevin McCarthy released over 40,000 hours of unseen footage from the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
- Population Control & Official Government Policy – Robert W Malone, MD
- General Flynn Denied Access to Mar A Lago:
- Tues. 25 July Abraham Lincoln & John F. Kennedy: READ THIS! The Striking Parallels: Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy – American Media Group (
- RFK JR: “The White House had deployed an army of federal agencies, including the CIA, FBI, DHS, IRS, and many others, to threaten Facebook, Google, and Twitter with withdrawing their Section 230 immunity, which is an existential threat.”
- Los Angeles California: LAPD Union Official Tells Cops To Leave For Greener Pastures | Patriot Wise
- Washington DC, Nancy Drew: Not only did they finally remove the military camera on the west side of the Crapitol, up close to the building, but they also removed the 3rd and final one that sat on the north side of the building, on Constitution Ave! Those cameras were put in place in the beginning of Sept 2021 and have been “watching” the building ever since. Wow, huh? So they were no longer needed? That’s a good sign, to me!
- LGBTQ Centers Defunded After House Hearing:
- Alert! New “Redesigned GMOs” Being Forced on Farmers and Consumers – Now Called ‘NGT’ (
- 19 states have now passed bills that ban child sex changes.
- Elderly Pelosi Appears Confused About Multiple Things During Interview | The Congressional Insider
- Support These Brave People Against WHO – Our Lives Are in Grave Danger:
Biden Crime Family:
- White House Tries To Cover For Biden:
- Biden Appointed Judge After She Bought Hunter’s Art:
Honey can sustain human life, is an antibiotic, can make your brain work better and has no expiration date:
- Did you know that one of the first coins in the world had a bee symbol on them?
- Did you know that there are live enzymes in honey?
- Did you know that in contact with metal spoon these enzymes die? The best way to eat honey is with wooden spoon or plastic.
- Did you know that honey contains a substance that helps your brain work better?
- Did you know that honey is one of the rare foods on earth that alone can sustain human life?
- One spoon of honey is enough to sustain human life for 24h?
- Did you know that propolis that bees produce is one of the most powerful natural ANTIBIOTICS?
- Did you know that honey has no exp date?
- Did you know that the bodies of the great emperors were buried in golden coffins and covered with honey to prevent putrefaction?
- Did you know that a bee lives less than 40 days, visits at least 1000 flowers and produces less than a teaspoon of honey, but for her it is a lifetime.
Must Watch Videos:
- Tues. 25 July Situation Update: Judy Byington: We All Have a Responsibility to Protect Our Children. Special Intel Report For Tues. 25 July 2023 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Tues. 25 July Intel, SGAnon: SG Anon: Shocking Intel – It’s Getting Down to the Wire, Folks! (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Mon. 24 July Tucker Carlsen: Tucker Carlson: We Are F*cked! Tell Your Family to Prepare! (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Max Igan: Tartaria, Mud Floods, Orphan Trains, Foundlings, and More. Surviving the Matrix Classic:
[Note: Sensitive content in this report has been redacted. See redacted content in the full report attached below.]
Updates for the Week Prior:
Restored Republic via a GCR as of July 22, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of July 21, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of July 20, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of July 19, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of July 18, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of July 17, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
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