Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 24, 2023
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Compiled Fri. 24 March 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty-two multiple personalities”
The World Has Just Entered a Black Swan Event
Where Banks Were Defaulting Across the Globe
As of Thurs. 23 March the Deep State Cabal’s major Central Bank Credit Suisse, was in default, plus the FDIC has withdrawn their bid to buy Silicon Valley Bank – both of which has created a domino effect that was bound to take out big banks across the world.
The Quantum Financial System Took Over Control of the Global Financial System on the First Day of Spring, Mon. 20 March.
The Truth Will Shock the World
Big Event Sun. 26 March
The Trump Arrest was not happening after, on Wed. 22 March, the New York DA was found to be hiding close to 600 pages of pro-Trump evidence from the Grand Jury.
On that same Wed. 22 March and for a third time, the Supreme Court denied even to take a look at the Brunson case – which alleged that Biden, Harris, Pence and 385 members of Congress committed Treason by not investigating 50 allegations of 2020 Election Fraud done under direction of the Democrats in collusion with the Chinese Communist Party.
“Striving To Be Like Him”
November 06, 2022 – #4860 Music & the Spoken Word (
We are following the Lord whenever we show love and compassion. Whenever we are kind, forgiving and fair-minded, we are helping to bring His Light into our lives and into the World.
Judy Note: BRUNSON vs ADAMS is a case against 385 persons in Congress, plus Biden, Harris and Pence. The people named in the suit voted to certify the 2020 Election. Anybody in Government service swears an oath to protect the Constitution from all enemies Foreign and Domestic. The fact that Congress certified the vote without verifying that the votes were valid meant they didn’t protect the citizens’ Constitutional Right to fair representation. This is a Treasonous act. The remedy is they can no longer hold office. …Juan O Savin
Though the Brunson case was just “declined” by SCOTUS – the Brunson Brothers have NOT given up and were filing another case within the next 30 days.
Patriots can help the Brunsons and Cromars (of the “Ken and Barbie vs. Goliath IRS” case) fight for our Liberty!
For a donation of $25 (with free shipping) Patriots will receive “MIRACLES: In God We Trust” and “A More Perfect Union” DVDs, plus two Pocket Constitution booklets.
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- The Deep State Cabal’s major World Bank Credit Suisse, was about to default on it’s Derivative Contracts, which would then create Credit Default Swaps and trigger a “Black Swan Event” that would set in motion a Domino effect set to take out big banks across the world.
- A new Bombshell Document has destroyed the Manhattan DA’s Case against Trump. On Wed. 22 March Trump was set to be indicted, charged with a felony and set for arrest. Instead, the New York Grand Jury investigating Trump was dismissed after a 2018 letter surfaced from Michael Cohen’s lawyer. The letter was addressed to the FEC and declared that Cohen used his own personal funds to pay Stormy Daniels. The Trump Camp was not a party to the transaction and did not reimburse Cohen for the payment. The document was among close to 600 pages of evidence in favor of Trump that the DA had intentionally withheld from the Grand Jury investigating Trump. It’s OVER.
- The Cabal Deep State’s version of the story: “The grand jury in the Trump hush money case will reconvene on Thurs. at noon after the Manhattan District Attorney told the panel not to show up on Wednesday amid fears of unrest should an indictment be handed down against Trump.” Then later Thurs. morning, it was announced, “The Trump grand jury in Manhattan will not meet about the case for the remainder of the week. The grand jury is expected to reconvene on Monday to consider the Trump case.”
- Speaking of our corrupt legal system, also on Wed. 22 March the BRUNSON vs ADAMS case was again denied a hearing before the US Supreme Court. The suit was against 385 persons in Congress, plus Biden, Harris and Pence – all of whom voted to certify the 2020 Election without investigating 50 cases of alleged Voter Fraud. Much of that alleged fraud involved possible interference in the US 2020 Election by the Democrats in collusion with the Chinese Communist Party. The case charged that Congress didn’t uphold their oath to protect the US Constitution from enemies Foreign and Domestic and thus failed to protect the US citizens’ Constitutional Right to fair representation – an act of Treason that the US Supreme Court has now three times refused to even take a look at.
Judy Note: I apologize for publishing a Wed. 15 March section in my Update titled “How to use the new Quantum Financial System Universal Digital Currencies” – information that was now believed to be bogus, as was the website: Q) The Storm Rider on Telegram gave me the information and was vigorously promoting what now appeared to be a scam that was in no way connected to the Quantum Financial System. Unfortunately, there were nefarious ones who tracked our communication, our Intel exchanges and various updates – including mine. Their number one goal appeared to be exploiting our weaknesses and doing us harm.
If you are reading this Restored Republic via a Global Currency Reset Update as published on Dinar Chronicles/Operation Disclosure, please understand that it has been redacted. For an un-redacted version see a PDF copy at the report’s end.
Global Currency Reset:
- Thurs. 23 March Bruce: On Thurs. 23 March a HSBC vice presidentsaid that within the next two days Tier4B would be receiving their appointments to exchange currency and redeem Zim Bonds. Since last Sat. 18 March the Iraqi people have been exchanging their Dinar in-country at a strong rate – the monies received being spendable. The new Iraqi Dinar Rate came out last Mon. 20 March and began trading up from there on the Forex.
- Thurs. 23 March MarkZ: “There are a lot of expectations starting about 7:00 tonight. So rumors on the bond side and settlement side are that things are going to start this evening. That is what I am hearing this morning guys. We all hope and pray it is accurate. I am not hearing anything negative. Hearing that some of the groups are sending their leaders back to Reno. So there is a lot of chatter that things may be starting over this evening. We shall see. We know we are close.”
- On Mon. 13 March The Kingpin of the Global Currency Reset – the Iraqi Dinar – revalued in-country and began trading on the Forex.
- On Mon. evening 13 March two High Up Contacts reported that the new currency rates of the Global Currency Reset were locked in on Bank Screens; Tier 1 had already gone; Tier 2 was processing and Tier 4 (including Us, the Internet Group) would go very soon.
- On Mon. 20 March a Global Currency Reset of 66 nations happened on this first day of Spring. More nations would follow to eventually add up to 209 nations in the new gold/ asset-backed system.
- By Wed. 22 March, through #ISO20022 and the new StarLink Satellite System, currencies of the world had completed their digital integration of bank accounts from the Global Central Banking System to the Quantum Financial System (GFS).
- “Project Sandman” has also completed, where 100+ nations’ global agreement ended the dominance of the US Dollar and Petrodollar.
- The Federal Reserve was technically bankrupt. In 2023 the Fed will post its first annual operating loss of $80 billion since 1915. It will have a negative capital of $38B. This loss does not count the $1.3 trillion unrealized loss on it’s portfolio.

Thurs. 23 March Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe ( 667-770-1866, pin123456#
- Since last Sat. 18 March the Iraqi people have been exchanging their Dinar in-country at a strong rate that was spendable.
- Iran, Iraq and North Korea official delegations were in New York today.
- Today Thurs. 23 March the HSBC vice president said Tier4B would be getting appointments within the next two days.
- Between 7-9 EST Thurs. 23 March evening, things would get hot and heavy.
- Half a million QFS cards for Bond Holders would be going out.
- The new Iraqi Dinar Rate came out last Mon. 20 March and began trading up from there on the Forex.
- If you are a Zim Holder with a Humanitarian Project, have a 2-3 page summary of it and leave a copy of such at your exchange.
Cabal Central Bank Failures:
- Wed. 22 March UBS To Terminate Deal to Acquire Credit Suisse, Hal Turner: The UBS is reportedly engaged in meetings right now seeking to terminate it’s deal to acquire Credit Suisse. If UBS backs out, then Credit Swiss will fail, enter Bankruptcy, and that will mean a Bulge-Bracket-Bank (a.k.a. “too big to fail”) has gone under. The effects on the Global Financial System are, right now, incalculable. A Credit Suisse Default would trigger Credit Default Swaps, and would put the bank in default on all its Derivative Contracts. This could be a “Black Swan Event” that sets in motion a Domino effect, taking out big banks all over the world.
- Credit Suisse Deal, Chairman Powell:
- FDIC Delays Bid to Buy Silicon Valley Bank:
- JUST IN: Dutch central bank (DNB) suffered a loss of almost half a billion euros last year – the first loss since 1931. Substantial losses are also expected for the coming years. The Central Bank does not expect to be able to make a profit again until 2028.
- The Cabal’s Central Banks were shutting down worldwide. In the US, Congress, White House, IRS and Federal Reserve all have been shut down because the U.S. Corporation has been bankrupted.
- Since Friday 10 March 2023, over 200 US banks and 1,400 banks worldwide have collapsed, plus the Federal Reserve was bankrupt. Feds Announce Emergency Measures To Save US Banks | Conservative Insider
- Since that same Friday 10 March, banking systems have been using the new Unified Payment Interface (UPI) on the Quantum Financial System (QFS) for foreign currency swaps.
- The QFS Destroys the Central Banking System: QFS Destroys Central Banking System – QFS Stops the Deep State in Their Track – Global Currency Reset – Trust The Plan! – American Media Group ( With activation of the Quantum Financial System, the world will be flooded with gold-backed currencies designed to eliminate the old Cabal financial system where Central Banksters were in control over all financial transactions. The Alliance will have completely destroyed the Rothschild Central Banking system that has been designed by Meyer Amschel Rothschild (1744 – 1812) to control the world economy and put the world population into debt slavery.
- Feds Quietly Testing a Possible US Dollar Replacement:
- Feds Proposes Social Control Money Function:
Restored Republic:
- The Alliance has confirmed that their goal of defeating the Deep State has been far more complex, time-consuming and difficult than had been anticipated and planned for. It is becoming increasingly obvious that world-changing information is about to be made public, probably sooner than expected.
- This coming November 2023 Donald Trump was likely to be re-elected as the first President of the new Republic of America. This was planned to be accompanied by the much-anticipated mass arrests. There were literally over one hundred seventy thousand sealed criminal indictments ready to be executed, with some already executed.
- Brunson Brothers Supreme Court Docket #22-380: The US Supreme Court chose not to docket my 3rd petition. In their letter written to me: “This case is considered closed in this Court, and no further consideration by this Court is possible.” I know this news is a disappointment to many of you and may cause you to lose all hope in our court system and government, but I believe that the majority of this nation is holding together a prayer, a common prayer, a prayer that the Constitution will soon be protected by those who swear to do so. I so believe in this prayer. I believe that this prayer coming from so many of us will be answered. In the Lord’s due time. Now we go to Plan D, our brother Loy’s lawsuit. I will give you an update on this in a few days.
- Wed. 22 March Brunson vs. Adams: SCOTUS “declined” the second petition – Case #22-380 is dead, though Brunsons were NOT deterred.”The Supreme Court has declined to docket the second petition for rehearing. The Loy Arlan Brunson case will probably be moving forward to the Supreme Court or the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals within the next 30 days.”
- Anonymous High Up Contact: Remember, everything is “smoke & mirrors”… from the possible Trump arrest to the Big Guy / fake president’s arrest. The war is still happening largely behind the scenes, with major [DS] players, in every profession, being taken out one-by-one! Whenever the military hammer finally does fall, it will primarily be an “ankle brace” round up & the mass incarnation of the remaining “small fries,” many of whom have already been convicted under Military Law. The Alliance is now focused on the evil ones capabilities to “make war” and do massive damage… i.e. the Alliance is focused on the destruction of their monetary supply (Central Banks / Fed). Once this final phase of the mission is complete, all else will manifest rather quickly! I still maintain, in 7 days, 7 weeks, or in 7 months… no one knows, but a select few.

Must Watch Videos:
- Thurs. 23 March Intel Update, Fulford: New Benjamin Fulford March Madness Huge Intel Update 3-2023 | Prophecy | Before It’s News (
- Thurs. 23 March Shocking News, Juan O Savin: Juan O Savin SHOCKING News 3/23/23: Remember The Timing & The Purpose To Reveal The Voter Fraud! – Must Video | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (
- Thurs. 23 March Trump Secrets, Shari Raye: New ShariRaye: Trump Secrets Exposed – Biggest Story of the Century – The Key I Just Found It! | Prophecy | Before It’s News (
- Thurs. 23 March Intel Drop, SGAnon, Scott McKay: SG Anon: Intel Drop with Scott McKay 3/22/23 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Wed. 22 March Situation Report: GCR QFS NESARA Situation Report Mar 22: SCOTUS Tied To Trump Arrest! INCREDIBLE News: QFS Started! JFK Secrets! Trump Clone?! April 1st Marker! Quantum Internet System Up! Wow! | Politics | Before It’s News (
- Wed. 22 March Situation Update: Situation Update – NY DA Alvin Bragg Cancels His Planned Arrest Of President Trump When It Was Revealed He Hid Over 600 Pages Of Exculpatory Evidence From Grand Jury! | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (
[Note: Sensitive content in this report has been redacted. See redacted content in the full report attached below.]
Updates for the Week Prior:
Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 23, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 22, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 21, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 17, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 16, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 15, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
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