Restored Republic via a GCR as of May 10, 2023
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Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 10 May 2023
Compiled Wed. 10 May 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty-two multiple personalities”
“Trust the Plan”
On Wed. 10 May 2023:
Global Currency Reset Starts in Asia
Over a Million Sit at Southern Border to Invade As Title 42 Ends
4800 US Banks Insolvent
The New Zimbabwe Gold Coin Goes International
A Crypto Currency Crash as 12 Wallets Declare Bankruptcy, with Bitcoin already down.
US, Canada, Europe, UK, Israel, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, Japan Are Insolvent; Cannot Continue International Trade Without a Global Currency Reset
Possible Supreme Court Decision on Brunson Case
A World-Wide Call For Fast and Prayer
Pray for a restoration of Freedom for People of the World. Pray for the brave Military Forces making mass arrests of Global and Political Elites who have kept The People enslaved and please do special prayers for the rescue of Ritually Abused Children and Adult Survivors who Satan worshippers have held captive. In a quest for power these survivors are used as fodder for Pedophilia, Child Sacrifice and Cannibalism rites in honor of Satan.
Prepare For Emergency Broadcast System World-wide Activation
The EBS will involve Two to Ten Days of Communication Darkness Worldwide where Phones, Internet, Credit/Debit Cards and ATMs will not work, while three eight-hour documentaries a day will be broadcast on TV and Radio 24/7 across the Globe.
It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash and essential items on hand.
Sissel Kyrkjebø – You’ll Never Walk Alone – YouTube
When you walk through a storm hold your chin up high and don’t be afraid of the dark.
At the end of a storm is a golden sky and the sweet, silver song of a lark.
Walk on through the wind, walk on through the rain, though your dreams be tossed and blown.
Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart and you’ll never walk alone. You’ll never walk alone.
Judy Note: Email from a Private Banker Tues. 9 May 2023 10:37 am EDT: Advised by top platform that all starts tonight from Asia (referring to the Global Currency Reset).
- The Global Currency Reset was already in the works, while the Global Q Forces Military awaited takeover to secure a Devolution of World Governments that protects Liberty of The People.
- Tues. 9 May Fox News Sen. Johnson: “We have the evidence that Hunter Biden paid tens of thousands of dollars for prostitutes that were sex trafficked through an international sex trafficking ring.” He said that Joe Biden was footing the bill.
- The US, Canada, Europe, UK, Israel, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand and Japan were insolvent and unable to continue International Trade without a Global Currency reset.
- Also on Wed. 10 May on the Restored Republic side, was Biden’s end to Title 42 – meaning those over a million immigrants waiting on the Southern Border would be storming into the US – giving cause for a Military takeover to protect US citizens.
Judy Note:
- The Democrats, FBI, CIA and Mass Media have used their powers to promote a Leftist Agenda with a goal to ensure the destruction of America’s heritage and ideals through installing a Marxist Communist movement wishing to crush Free Enterprise, the First and Second Amendments, the Family Unit, Free and Fair Elections and the Rule of Law.
- We no longer have Free and Fair Elections: SCOTUS has refused to take on Election Fraud Cases.
- 4800 US Banks Insolvent:
- Biden and his Crime Family have enriched themselves through bribes from foreign entities – especially the Chinese Communist Party – in exchange for political favors.
- The final stages of the Deep State Plan was getting ready to hit – final Chess moves like more lockdowns, bio-weapon releases, weather weapons and a controlled collapse of the food/gas supply chain.
- Catastrophic Border Crisis with end of Title 42 on Wed. 10 May.
If you were reading this Restored Republic via a Global Currency Reset as published on here, please understand that it has been redacted. For a full and un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at report’s end.
Global Currency Reset:
- Email from a Private Banker Tues. 9 May 2023 10:37 am EDT: Advised by top platform that all starts tonight from Asia (referring to the Global Currency Reset).
- Tues. 9 May Bruce: Announcement of the World’s gold/asset-backed currency was made Mon. 8 May evening by China. Wed. 10 May at 3 pm EST was the back wall for the GCR – and then we should be notified and be able to set up appointments according to 2-3 sources. Also on Wed. 10 May President Trump will make an announcement to be carried on CNN, Newsmax, possibly Fox and all Social Media.
- Mon. 8 May MarkZ: I have been hearing fantastic things throughout the day, especially from the groups who appear to be starting their process. On the paymaster and bond side, they are telling us we are taxi-ing up to the gate. We are on the verge and expecting it at any moment. They are cracking down on any leaks so getting any solid info is difficult right now. I have been told to expect a lot of activity this week. I don’t know if this means we will get our actual 800 numbers or not, but we are certainly seeing a lot of movement of key people changing locations in key cities. Based on the movement they are in the position for them to pull the trigger at any moment. We will just continue in this holding pattern for now. We don’t know if this holding pattern will last an hour, a day, two days, or more.
- “The Emergency Broadcast System will go off, the Markets will shut down, we will have two to ten days of Disclosure, after which Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) will receive Notification to set exchange/redemption appointments.” …David XRP on the Charlie Ward Show (Dr. Ward, who was head of the Global Currency Reset Redemption Committee and under several NDAs, agreed with what David XRP had to say).
- On Mon. 8 May Zimbabwe (described as a gold mine surrounded in diamonds whose vast assets were backing the GCR), came out with a gold-backed currency– that will be international on Wed. 10 May.
- Also on Wed. 10 May Crypto Currency was set to crash as 12 wallets declared bankruptcy, with Bitcoin already down.
- The Upper Tiers appear to have received their monies, but remained in silence with NDAs.
- In mid-April the Iraqi Dinar revalued In-country.
- The following nations are insolvent and cannot continue to do International Trade without the reset: United States, Canada, Europe, UK, Israel, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand and Japan.

Tues. 9 May 2023 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe ( 667-770-1866, pin123456#, 667-770-1865
- Announcement of the World’s gold/asset-backed currency was made Mon. 8 May evening by China.
- All countries were now on the QFS, were integrated and ready to go on the Star Link Satellite System.
- Last week a person at the US Treasury was given an incorrect code to begin the GCR on purpose. He was caught in the act of stealing funds and he and several others were arrested.
- Wed. 10 May at 3 pm EST is the back wall for the GCR – we should be notified and be able to set up appointments according to 2-3 sources.
- On Wed. 10 May President Trump will make an announcement to be carried on CNN, Newsmax and all Social Media.
- On Wed. 9 May something may come out in soft disclosure.
- Today Tues. 9 May the Redemption Staff had two conference calls in reference to the GCR.
- Redemption Centers will be open from 8 am to 11 pm.
Restored Republic:
- Tues. 9 May 6:57 pm, Juan O Savin: “In the next 24-36 hours there will be a confrontation that will determine which way the economy goes, and what happens at the Border. It is related to the issues of the money laundering through the LLC and pay offs into the Biden Crime Family. Somebody is going to be faced with a difficult question. There are different camps all around Biden, and they all want to protect themselves. A decision will be made which camp goes onto the chopping block, and which one gets more time.”
- The Leftist Agenda: Eliminate Free Enterprise, the First and Second Amendments; the Family Unit; Free and Fair Elections and the Rule of Law in order to take complete control over The People.
- Tues. 9 May Brunson Brothers – Our Beloved Constitution is Hanging by a Thread: Loy Brunson gave an update on his case. “We encourage everyone who supports our efforts to go to to easily send a letter to the Supreme Court. You can also find more information about the case at and to order a copy of the petition!”
- The Brunson Case alleged that 385 members of Congress, plus Biden, Harris and Pence, committed Treason by violating their oath of office to protect the Constitution by not investigating 50 formally presented allegations of fraud in the 2020 Election. If SCOTUSruled that Congress did not investigate the 50 allegations of fraud before certifying the 2020 Election (which they did not) and therefore violated their Oath of Office, then the Biden Administration and all of Congress could be automatically suspended. Brunson Brothers Music – Petition The Supreme Court…
- On Tues. 25 April 2023 the Supreme Court docketed the Loy Arlan Brunson Case #22-1028 and it was now up for consideration to be heard before the SCOTUS Justices. The case had bypassed the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals by using Rule 11 (a national emergency). The 388 Defendants (385 members of Congress, plus Joseph Biden, Kamala Harris and Mike Pence = 388 total) response was due by May 24 2023.
- To help the case move forward Patriots were asked to send letters to the Supreme Court Justices. As of May 1 2023 over 10,000 letters have been sent to the Supreme Court: Brunson Brothers Music – Petition The Supreme Court…
- NEED MIRACLES? Raland Brunson of the Brunson Brothers Supreme Court Cases is now shipping out copies of “MIRACLES: In God We Trust” and “A More Perfect Union” manufactured by Raland’s duplications company To support the cause you can order your copies of these important Liberty Education DVDs for a donation of only $25 – which includes FREE shipping and TWO FREE pocket Constitutions. Donate here:
- Super Patriot Liberty Library – perfect for Home School Education, or as a legacy gift to children and grandchildren. Educate to Save America. The package is full of valuable materials including free garden seeds: Only-450
Schedule of Events: The Emergency Broadcast System may activate at any time.
- Wed. 10 May: Over a Million at Southern Border Wait to Invade As Title 42 Ends; Zimbabwe Gold Coin Goes International; With Bitcoin already down, Crypto Currency Crashes as 12 Wallets Declare Bankruptcy; US, Canada, Europe, UK, Israel, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, Japan Insolvent; Cannot Continue International Trade Without a Global Currency Reset; Supreme Court Decision on Brunson Case?
- Sun. May 14 Q’s Timeline: T minus 30 days Mother’s Day Sun. 14 May MOAB Attack the king and queen
- Sun. 21 May 6 pm EST Live stream on CBKNews121: JFK Jr., Elvis, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, Michael Jackson, Lady Diana, Steve Jobs
- Tues. 23 May: JFK Jr. interview with OAN.
- June: Stock Market Crash
- Fri. 16 June 2023: NESARA/GESARA Implementation & Collapse of tax organizations.
- Sun. 18 June 2023: Emergency Broadcast System Implementation
- Sun. 23 July 2023 Inauguration of President Donald J. Trump and his VP, John F. Kennedy Jr.
- Tues. 25 July 2023: Queen Diana Coronation
Get Your FREE “Golden Ticket” and Access The BIGGEST Wealth Building Opportunity in the Last 91 Years:

Border Crisis:
- URGENT!! TRUMP BREAKING NEWS – Fox Breaking News Trump May 9, 2023 – YouTube Officials to raid immigration camp near border.
- Get Ready! 700,000 Migrants in Mexico are waiting to rush the Border on Thurs. as Title 42 ends:
- Over 200,000 Immigrant Caravan headed to U.S. Border.
- The caravan grew with more Mexico immigrants joining.
- The caravan is expected to come into Del Rio and Laredo Texas breaking into two groups.
- Infiltrated Boots in the group confirm that the Haitians are armed.
- U.S. Veterans/retired Police and Militia have headed to the border armed.
- The Texas National Guard was fired upon by the Cartels last week.
- The Cartels have infiltrated the Caravan and armed many of them (paid them).
- Deep State (Biden/Obama ect.) were looking for a Blood Bath, distractions, confusion, Open Border UN Agenda.
- Biden wants to hold Texas accountable for a massacre and blame the Republicans.
- There is Deep State infiltration on both sides of the growing forces.
- Let us pray that everything can be solved without violence.
Tues. 9 May 2023 letter from a mother in Fort Lauderdale, Florida:
Hi Judy,
I want to reach out to you about my 7 yr old son.
My ex, XXX, is a very wealthy international figure living here in Fort Lauderdale, Florida (Broward County). He began sexually abusing our son when he was 2 years old. I tried to fight it in Court with attorneys and a guardian ad Litem, only to learn that the entire system is corrupt and my ex paid people off.
They put me on 50/50 timesharing with supervised visitation where I am watched and controlled. My son used to tell me everything and now he is terrified to speak out about the abuse because he has suffered so much punishment and death threats.
All of the people I have tried to get help with have let us down.
I have a lot of evidence, including:
- photos of genitalia/anal injuries, and other injuries to the face, head, body
- photo of my ex biting my son & supervision reports/transcripts cooaberating the injuries
- transcripts that my ex said a judge made her decision before we came to court
- transcripts and supervision reports of my son talking about abuse
- transcripts and supervision reports of my son talking about his knowledge of Satanic images, symbols, blood, and witchcraft
- He said his father takes Polaroid photos of him and keeps them in a safe.
- supervision reports and recording of my sons talking about knowledge of the “Black Web”
- supervision report and recording where my son said that his father has 4 other men, who wear all black, that come over in the middle of the night to abuse him
- And a lot of other evidence
- My son also told me that his father goes to parties in underground bunkers, etc.
I am done using attorneys and I am trying to prepare my own court documents to file all of my evidence that none of my attorney’s submitted. I don’t know what else to do. I have prayed for deliverance and victory for years.
If you, or anyone you know has any wisdom or guidance to share with me, I will appreciate any help or resources I can get.
Thank you for your time,
Banking Crisis:
- SVB bank donated over $73 million to Blacks Lives Matter and other social justice programs
- Tues. 9 May 2023: Complete List Of BANKS Owned/Controlled By The Rothschild Crime Family – American Media Group (
- “It’s Spooky”: Stanford Professor Warns Thousands Of US Banks Are “Potentially Insolvent”
Mass Arrests:
- Wed. 10 May 2023: United States of GITMO: Indictments, Arrests and Executions – American Media Group (
The Real News for Tues. 9 May 2023:
- CBS says that hotdogs contain 2% human meat. That’s basically two out of every one hundred hotdogs are 100% human meat.
- BQQQQQQQQM — another one bites the dust: US Military sentences Liz Cheney to hang to death at GITMO.
- Wed. 10 May 2023: Exposing The Clinton Body Count | The Larry Nichols Confession: ‘I Was A Hitman For Bill And Hillary Clinton‘ – American Media Group (
- Tues. 9 May 2023: Judgement Time: Exposing The Underbelly Of The Cabal’s Church & Deep State – 4 Steps to Binding and Judgement – American Media Group (
- Tues. 9 May 2023: The Most Important Institutions that Work Hard to Establish the New World Order and Completely Enslave our Species – American Media Group (
- Tues. 9 May 2023: UPDATE: Corruption of the Year – The Public Servants – 200,000 Federal Indictments of the Swamp – The List is Astounding! – American Media Group (
White Hat Intel
- The Deep State’s Plan is much more sinister than you can fathom.
- “You will own nothing and you will be happy.”
- The World Economic Forum (WEF – the same Deep State group that created Event 201 with Bill Gates and World Banks), made this statement about the Great Reset:
- The corrupt organizations of the WEF, WHO, GPMB, CDC, NIH, NIAIH, GAVI, SEPI and Open Society Foundation Soros Davos Group were infiltrated by the Cabal CIA/ Vatican/ NATO/ UN/ Mossad.
- These same corrupt organizations which released the Virus and killer Vaccines control the Mainstream Media, World Bar Association, Social Media, YouTube, Google and Facebook.
- Metaverse is a place where people will live digitally and be obsessed with creating their online Life: Online [fake] house apartment; Online self image (Avatars).
- Every game, radio station and TV will be connected to each other. The show will be in the Metaverse you created, but you cannot have a political opinion that is opposite to the Facebook Metaverse rules.
- Long ago the Deep State planned for you stay in your home and live through computers AI world.
- They control all humans through these networks of Metaverse, a New World Government, a New World Order where they control everything you do and say.
- As billions die in the real world from a bioweapon viruses, death vaccines, poverty and planned wars, billions more will be controlled through the METAVERSE ..a place where you can’t smell, feel, touch, taste: it’s the virtual reality.
- With NFTs Non-Fungible Digital Tokens you buy things in the digital world that doesn’t really exist and things you can never tangibly hold or own. Example: buying online football owned by World champion team or player, but you never touch the football in real life. It’s only digital bragging rights or flaunting the digital assets.
- Humans are addicted to their phones and computers and Social media /gaming networks/buying online/looking for entertainment. Now the next phase they are getting people addicted too is combing all these experience. You can experience these METAVERSE Events through virtual reality (shopping, concerts, meeting friends, meeting strangers, virtual reality travel, virtual reality business. The events and stagings are endless in 3D goggles/glass’s or still through your phone/computer 2D/3d graphics. When the lockdowns happened more and more people went to online games and shopping and social medias. Billions of people are already buying fake apartments, land, fake insurance, fake digital Gucci bags for their AVATARS that cost thousands and thousands of dollars. Even millions$$$$$$. Your child has been conditioned already to live digital games online. Now [they] take the next steps of full mind control: the Metaverse.
- Today the media, Facebook, Google, mainstream media can lie at any point and it’s controlled by the DEEP STATE 6000 year old CABAL who created the CIA and most all Intel agencies and WARS AND CENTRAL BANKS.
- The final stages of the Deep State Plan was getting ready to hit – final Chess moves like more lockdowns, bio-weapon releases such as another Small Pox epidemic, weather weapons and a controlled collapse of the food/gas supply chain.
- There is much happening behind the scenes. The Deep State will destroy themselves. The destruction of a 6,000 Cabal is being taken apart.
- The Chinese Communist Party is near the end. It’s end was planned long ago. The World cannot be saved if communism exists (Wuhan/ Bioweapons/ control over Western Leaders/ Infiltration of governments, media, banks).
- White Hats across the world in every country including China are working hard to bring down their old systems. A Military government will be installed after the crash.
- The Deep State is in the process of shutting down the Internet to cause chaos, stop banking and money transitions between companies and consumer stores, stop the free flow of information between Freedom Fighters and those who don’t take direction from the Mainstream narrative and to kill all the Declass Data hidden in the Net.
- The Three Branches of Government are captured operations: Legislative, Executive; Judicial – all under foreign occupation.
- It takes years to prosecute a rich person, Government high ranking official, ELITEs caught in major corruption. Most aren’t prosecuted and few ever see justice because they are protected by the Deep State controlled Three Branches of Government.
- PUTIN said 95% of all the world terrorist attacks is created by the CIA. TRUMP said he’s coming after the CIA. RFKJR said the CIA KILLED JFK
- When you expose the CIA, then you expose the whole corruption system connected to the Plandemic, creation of virus, planned wars, world money laundering system, fake climate agenda, a Satanic system trafficking 800,000 kids a year through the US, Hollywood, CIA Underground DUMBS and Military corruption that leads to the top.
Black Swan Three Gorges Dam Collapse:
- The Deep State has long planned to collapse Three Gorges for population control.
- This event would kill over 100 million in 6 hours & 400 million within weeks from flooding, destruction of roads, hospitals, essential supplies & medical treatment. Deaths of Elders, children, the weak & innocent lives will be immense with no immediate relief. [DS] Military Cabal & Global Elites project nearly 500 million Chinese citizens would die.
- Crypto currency reset. Destroy ALL evidence that links WUHAN to other Nations. This planned collapse is connected to Freemasons logic “Out of chaos comes order” The Dam collapse would trigger ripple effects across the world connected to businesses who use China exports paper. plastics. supplies, Goods. Foods. Business resources/digital resources. China supplies 50% of aluminum for business. Industrial, Their Cargo Ships and vessels control one of the largest shipping networks across the world.. Connected to subsidiary companies in every country.
- The Dam collapse would trigger the stoppage of All Chinese cargoes and vessels across the world in every Port… The Chinese markets will effect World Markets /crypto exchange/metal prices add create WAR…
- CHINA is ready and has been ready for the attacks they have WARSHIPS in 60 Major ports around the world Armed with NUKES and 7 fleets of NUCLEAR SUBS.
- 20 million Chinese Mil. operators passing as U.S citizens owning restaurants/stores. 2 million students in U.S. loyal to CCP, 3 million Chinese in Big Tech in U.S. companies/ Silicone Valley who can attack infrastructure of U.S digital Systems on command.
- The ramifications of collapsing the 3GD is NUCLEAR. Even it doesn’t go Nuclear, you saw what one ship (Evergreen) did to World Shipping. The effects of that one ship was felt for 3-11 months. Imagine if China stopped all 27,000 fleets at once.
Must Watch Videos:
- Tues. 9 May White Hat Truths: Scott Bennett: White Hat EXPOSES ALL TRUTHS (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Tues. 9 May Situation Update, Scott McKay: Scott McKay: The Situation Update Everyone Needs to Hear!! (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Mon. 8 May Situation Update: Situation Update – 20 Million Global Deaths & 2 Billion Serious Adverse Reactions Directly Attributed To The Jab! Biden Crime Family Payments For Policy! – We The People News | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (
- Mon. 8 May Patriot Underground: New Patriot Underground & Dr. Scott Young: NESARA GESARA – Trump Indictment/Doubles – Who’s Doing The Puppeteering? – Hunter Laptop & Fake Biden | Prophecy | Before It’s News (
- Mon. 8 May SGAnon: SG Anon Live: They Are in Full Panic Mode! (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Mon. 8 May Q’s Timeline: Q’s Timeline Revealed! T-Minus [30] Days! Mother’s Day M.O.A.B. When Do You Attack The King & Queen? | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Scott Bennett: White Hat Exposes All Truths (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
[Note: Sensitive content in this report has been redacted. See redacted content in the full report attached below.]
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